PLANETARY EXPLORATION NEWSLETTER Volume 18, Number 25 (June 16, 2024) PEN Website: Editor: Alex Morgan Co-Editors: Mark V. Sykes, Matthew R Perry Email: Twitter: @pen2tweets o-------------------------TABLE OF CONTENTS---------------------------o 1. Submit Your Abstract to GSA Connects 2024 2. GSA 2024 Session T141: Active and Anticipated Science from Planetary Science Research, Programs and Future Flight Projects 3. Job Announcement: Department Chair of Physics and Applied Physics 4. [NASA] PDS: Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 58 5. [NASA] PDS: Juno Data Release 26 6. Cross-AG EDIA Working Group Commemorates Juneteenth 7. Amity Mission for Analogue Space Expedition 8. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions 9. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers o---------------------------------------------------------------------o 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 SUBMIT YOUR ABSTRACT TO GSA CONNECTS 2024 The annual Geological Society of America Connects meeting will be held September 22-25 in Anaheim, California. The meeting is a great opportunity to meet with fellow planetary geologists and to develop collaborations with researchers from other geoscience disciplines. Planetary-related sessions include (but are not limited to): - T102. Alkaline Lakes on Earth and Beyond - T131. Petrology and Volcanology of Earth and Other Planets - T134. Best Practices and Exciting Discoveries in Identifying, Mapping, and Analyzing Planetary Landforms and Terrestrial Analogues - T135. Big Science from Small Worlds - T136. Impact Cratering: A Dominant Process in the Solar System - T137. Sulfates on Earth, Mars, and Beyond - T138. The G.K. Gilbert Award Session: Planetary Samples. A Valuable Link Between Apollo and Future Generations of Solar System Explorers - T139. Planetary Exploration and Education - T142. Shake and Bake: Volcanism and Tectonism Across the Solar System - T144. Friends of Hoth, Episode VIII: The Last Moons - T145. Geomorphology and Landscape Evolution of Mars - T162. Innovative Ideas in Tectonics of Earth and Other Planetary Bodies: In Memory of An Yin Submit your abstract by June 18: 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2 GSA 2024 SESSION T141: ACTIVE AND ANTICIPATED SCIENCE FROM PLANETARY SCIENCE RESEARCH, PROGRAMS AND FUTURE FLIGHT PROJECTS There's still time! Much has been happening recently in Planetary Science, including the 2023 launch of the Psyche mission, the expected launch of the Europa Clipper mission in October 2024, continuation of the Perseverance rover/Mars 2020 mission (which continues to collect samples to be brought to Earth), three new Venus missions and NEO Surveyor now in development, the successful confirmation review of the Dragonfly mission to Titan, the surprising discoveries of the Lucy mission on its journey to the Trojan asteroids, and the approaching end-of-mission for NEOWISE. These developments point to exciting planetary science returns in the coming decade(s). We will highlight the science from these and other missions will accomplish, and preparatory science being done in support of them, including field analog studies, lab/experimental work, and theoretical investigations. Our oral session provides an opportunity for a broad range of exciting topics and the inclusion of presentations on some of the latest breaking NASA science mission results. Session Advocates: Mitch Schulte and Mike Kelley, NASA Headquarters, Washington, DC Submit your abstract by June 18: 3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3 JOB ANNOUNCEMENT: DEPARTMENT CHAIR OF PHYSICS AND APPLIED PHYSICS Relevant candidates from all fields of planetary science are encouraged to apply. The University of Massachusetts Lowell invites applications for the position of Chair to lead an established and active Department of Physics and Applied Physics. We seek a visionary chair with a record of academic and research achievement to take the department to a new level, who will supervise and maintain departmental academic activities, while continuing their independent research program in a field that enhances and/or complements our current research strengths. The successful candidate will be a nationally prominent academic leader with an established record of excellence in research, education and mentorship that can promote a culture of innovation, collaboration, respect, and integrity. The University of Massachusetts Lowell is a leading public research university in the greater Boston area and has a national reputation in science, engineering, and technology. The appointee will be offered a competitive start-up package, with access to high-end research equipment and facilities, and the opportunity to collaborate with colleagues across disciplines in various science and engineering departments and research centers. For more information visit: 4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4 [NASA] PDS: LUNAR RECONNAISSANCE ORBITER DATA RELEASE 58 The NASA Planetary Data System announces Release 58 of data from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter mission. This release contains raw, calibrated, and derived data products covering the nominal time period from December 15, 2023, through March 14, 2024. Some instrument teams are delivering more recent data. The data are archived at various PDS nodes. - CRaTER at the PPI Node - Diviner at the Geosciences Node - LAMP at the Cartography and Imaging Sciences Node - LEND at the Geosciences Node - LOLA at the Geosciences Node - LROC at the LROC Data Node - Mini-RF at the Geosciences Node - Radio Science at the Geosciences Node - SPICE at the NAIF Node The data may be accessed from: Or for a dataset-oriented perspective: LRO releases occur every three months. The next release is scheduled for September 13, 2024. 5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5 [NASA] PDS: JUNO DATA RELEASE 26 The Planetary Data System announces the 26th release of data from the Juno mission. The release includes EDR and RDR level data acquired between 2023-04-09 and 2023-11-22, which covers Juno Orbits 54, 55, 56. Data sets from the following experiments are now available: - FGM (magnetometer) - Gravity - JADE (plasma) - JEDI (energetic particle detector) - JIRAM (infrared auroral mapper) - JunoCam (camera) - MWR (microwave radiometer) - SPICE - UVS (ultraviolet imaging spectrometer) - Waves (radio and plasma wave science) To access the above data, please visit the following link: Juno data are archived at the PDS Atmospheres (ATM), Imaging (IMG), NAIF, and Planetary Plasma Interactions (PPI) Nodes. The data can be accessed from these nodes' web sites and from the main PDS home page: 6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6 CROSS-AG EDIA WORKING GROUP COMMEMORATES JUNETEENTH Happy Juneteenth! The Cross-AG Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (EDIA) Working Group (WG) is designed to develop and disseminate resources, findings and other recommendations associated with EDIA matters for the NASA Assessment/Analysis Groups (AGs) and the planetary science community more widely. Visit the WG's website to learn more and to get involved: Juneteenth (June 19) commemorates the emancipation of enslaved people in the United States. Celebrate by reading about Black Americans in Space sciences. Black Astronomers Highlight Achievements and Obstacles: 16 Black Americans in Astronomy and Space: Check out this image of Galveston, the Birthplace of Juneteenth, from the International Space Station: To find out more or discuss the topic, please reach out to the XAG EDIA Working Group at 7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7 AMITY MISSION FOR ANALOGUE SPACE EXPEDITION Amity Centre of Excellence in Astrobiology, Amity University Mumbai would like to welcome you to the upcoming Amity Mission for Analogue Space Expedition (AMASE-2024). AMASE-2024 is an immersive eight-day and seven-night expedition to Ladakh, India, from 31 August 2024 to 7 September 2024. The expedition includes Ladakh and its surrounding locations: Saboo, Tsokar, Puga hotspring and Tsomoriri. This unique program offers scientific exploration, educational outreach, and cultural immersion in Ladakh's stunning landscapes. You will get to participate in interactive sessions (online and offline) with national and international scientists from different facets of Astrobiology. Some of the important deadlines: Cost: 35,000 INR +tax per person (Excluding Flight Charges) Registration is open to all and the deadline is 1 July, 2024 Confirmation of Selection is 7 July 2024 Payment Deadline is 15 July 2024 Please visit our website for more information on AMASE 2024: For any concerns or queries, please contact us at 8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8 PLANETARY MEETING CALENDAR ADDITIONS Note: Many face-to-face meetings going forward will have online components. Check their websites for details. Posted at September 17-18, 2024 JWST Cycle 4 Proposal Planning Workshop Edinburgh, United Kingdom October 28-30, 2024 2024 Annual Meeting of the Lunar Exploration Analysis Group Houston, TX November 12-15, 2024 Symposium of Solar System Materials Kanagawa, Japan November 17-19, 2024 22nd Meeting of the Venus Exploration Analysis Group (VEXAG) Louisville, KY January 28-30, 2025 Itokawa and the Dawn of Asteroidal Sample Return Workshop Houston, TX [Editor Note: If there is a planetary-related meeting, conference or workshop that you think your colleagues should be aware of, please send the date, title, URL and location to] 9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9 PLANETARY SCIENCE JOURNAL - NEW PAPERS Direct Links to Open Access Papers Editor, Faith Vilas Extended Silicic Volcanism in the Gruithuisen Region-Revisiting the Composition and Thermophysical Properties of Gruithuisen Domes on the Moon Nandita Kumari et al. 2024 PSJ 5:132 Dimorphos's Orbit Period Change and Attitude Perturbation due to Its Reshaping after the DART Impact Ryota Nakano et al. 2024 PSJ 5:133 Current Events at Saturn: Ring-Planet Electromagnetic Coupling Omakshi Agiwal et al. 2024 PSJ 5:134 Uranus's Influence on Neptune's Exterior Mean-motion Resonances Severance Graham and Kathryn Volk 2024 PSJ 5:135 An Explainable Deep-learning Model of Proton Auroras on Mars Dattaraj B. Dhuri et al. 2024 PSJ 5:136 The Implications of Thermal Hydrodynamic Atmospheric Escape on the TRAPPIST-1 Planets Megan T. Gialluca et al. 2024 PSJ 5:137 Laboratory Spectral Characterization of Ribbeck Aubrite: Meteorite Sample of Earth-impacting Near-Earth Asteroid 2024 BX1 David C. Cantillo et al. 2024 PSJ 5:138 Discovery and Classification in Astronomy: Scientific and Philosophical Challenges and the Importance of a Comprehensive and Consistent Classification System Steven J. Dick 2024 PSJ 5:139 Interpolation and Synthesis of Sparse Samples in Exoplanet Atmospheric Modeling Jacob Haqq-Misra et al. 2024 PSJ 5:140 2023 DZ2 Planetary Defense Campaign Vishnu Reddy et al. 2024 PSJ 5:141 *********************************************************************** * The Planetary Exploration Newsletter is issued approximately weekly. * Current and back issues are available at * * To subscribe, go to and click on Subscribe. * * An unsubscribe option is available at the end of every PEN email. Or * send an email to * * Please send all replies and submissions to * Announcements and other messages should be brief with links to URLs * for extended information, including detailed descriptions for job * announcements. Title plus text is limited to 200 words. All PEN * submissions will be tweeted @pen2tweets. Please submit a 234 (or * fewer) character tweet. Alternatively, the editorial staff will * create one for you. Go to * for complete submission directions. * * PEN is a service provided by the Planetary Science Institute * ( using no NASA funds. All editorial work is * volunteer. ***********************************************************************