Table of Contents: Volume 19, 2025
Issue 12, March 23, 2025
- Earth Science Women's Network
- [NASA] PDS: Mars Science Laboratory Release 38
- Postdoctoral Position Available in Planetary Geophysics, Tectonics, and Geodynamics at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
- Outer Planets Analysis Group (OPAG) Spring Meeting
- Call for Abstracts: Progress in Understanding the Pluto System 10 Years After Flyby
- Rocky Worlds 4 Conference in Groningen, Netherlands
- International Conference on Geomorphology Call for Abstracts: Planetary Geomorphology
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
- Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets - New Papers
Issue 11, March 16, 2025
- 2025 NASA Planetary Science Summer School Applications Due March 18
- [NASA] SMD: Update to NASA Science Advisory Committees
- [NASA] PDS: Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 61
- Save the Date for CHEOPS Guest Observers 6th Announcement of Opportunity
- Call for Paper Submissions - Exploring Solar Wind Interactions with Inner Solar System Bodies: New Frontiers, Insights, and Future Directions
- 9th Interstellar Symposium, October 12-15, 2025, Austin TX, USA
- VEXAG: Venus Listserv News
- New Horizons Science Spotlight Webinar (Time-zone Correction)
- American Astronomical Society (AAS) Division for Planetary Sciences (DPS) 2025 Advocacy
- Smashing It: How Impacts Forge Formation, Dynamics, and Climates of (Exo)Planets, June 3-5, 2025, University of Leeds
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
- Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets - New Papers
Commercial/Fundraising Announcements:
- Welcome back from LPSC! More Planetary Experiences Await
Issue 10, March 9, 2025
- NASA Infrared Telescope Facility Observing Proposals
- Planetary Photogrammetry Workshop
- PhD in Space Physics - Uppsala
- Research Engineer, Systems and Testing
- Postdoctoral Position in Optical Aurora Research
- [NASA] SMD Research Programs Update
- SETI Institute's 2025 Davie Postdoctoral Fellowship
- Early Career Geoscience Faculty Workshop 2025
- [NASA] PDS: Hayabusa2 LIDAR V2 Release
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- 2025 Planetary Defense Conference (PDC) Coming Up May 5-9, 2025
- Info Requested to Support AGU Participation in Lawsuit in Support of Federal Workers
- [LPSC 2025] Join the Planetary Data System
- [LPSC 2025] Impact Cratering Community Meeting
- [LPSC 2025] Discussion about Establishing a New Planetary Science Professional Society
- [LPSC 2025] Outer Planets Community Interest Meeting
- [LPSC 2025] Learn How to Advocate for Space Science
- New Horizons Science Spotlight Webinar
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
- Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets - New Papers
Issue 9, March 2, 2025
- Learn How to Advocate for Space Science at LPSC
- Join the Planetary Data System at LPSC 2025
- Astromat Workshop at LPSC
- JMARS Workshop at LPSC
- Mercury Science at LPSC
- GSA Planetary Geology Division at LPSC
- Annual GSA Planetary Geology Division Button Contest
- Planetary Research: Open Call for Editors
- PSJ Focus Issue on Mars Resources and Science Targets for Human Exploration
- Last Call for 2025 Schweickart Prize Applications
- Job Opening: 3-year Postdoctoral Position in Mercury's Space Plasma Physics, BepiColombo and Simulations at FMI
- Research Engineer in Space Instrumentation at IRF
- Research Engineer in Systems and Testing at IRF
- Postdoctoral Position in Optical Aurora Research at IRF
- SETI Institute's 2025 Davie Postdoctoral Fellowship
- ESA Archival Research Visitor Programme
- International Workshop on Instrumentation for Planetary Missions
- Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 72
- Aperiodic PDS Data Releases in 2025.02
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
- Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets - New Papers
Commercial/Fundraising Announcements:
- Extreme Illumination Atlas of the Moon by Chuck Wood and Maurice Collins
Issue 8, February 23, 2025
- PEN Requests Reader Input for Using Text-based Social Media Platforms
- Call for Dwornik Judges at LPSC
- Two Postdoc Positions at JPL
- Near-Earth Object (NEO) Surveyor Survey Scientist
- New Horizons Science Spotlight Webinar
- 2nd Hayabusa2 Data Analysis Workshop on 3 April at ISAS/online
- 2025 NASA Exploration Science Forum (NESF2025): Abstract Submission
- SETI Institute's 2025 Davie Postdoctoral Fellowship
- Special Issue: 8th International Conference on Mars Polar Science and Exploration - Deadline Extended
- Two Upcoming Europlanet Webinars
- [AOGS] Session PS-18: Planetary Data in the Big Data Era - Archives, Tools, and International Collaborations
- [ICDSS2025] Special Session: Apophis 2029
- Senior Planetary Sample Scientist
- [NASA] EONS-2024 Appendix 16: MUREP ACEIR Activity Cancellation
- JGR: Planets Meet & Greet at LPSC
- Explore Titan Information Session at LPSC
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
- Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets - New Papers
Issue 7, February 16, 2025
- Editorial: Statement by PSI CEO Mark Sykes in Support of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility
- Tenure-Track Faculty Position at University of Alberta
- [NASA] Lunar, Planetary and Space Sciences Conference RFI Updates
- The 2025 PI Launchpad: From Science Idea to NASA Mission In Person Workshop
- Save the Date: JUICE School at Les Houches, France
- Call for Manuscripts: Research Topic "Machine Learning Applications in the Search for Life Beyond Earth"
- SETI Institute's 2025 Davie Postdoctoral Fellowship
- Planetary Rings Workshop Series Kickoff February 28
- Near-Earth Object (NEO) Surveyor Assistant Survey Scientist
- Supervisors Sought: Astrobiology Section and Asteroids and Rocky Small Bodies Section, JHUAPL Small Bodies and Oceans Worlds Group
- Second Circular Announcement: The 7th Beijing Earth and Planetary Interior Symposium
- Job Opening: 3-year Postdoctoral Position in Mercury's Space Plasma Physics, BepiColombo and Simulations at FMI
- Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Data Release 40
- Student Travel Grant for 8th International Planetary Dunes Workshop
- Discussion at LPSC about Establishing a New Professional Planetary Science Society
- [AOGS] Session PS-24: Surface Science and Exploration of the Moon and Airless Planetary Bodies with an Impetus to Recent Missions
- Upcoming Deadline for Planetary Geomorphology at Regional Conference on Geomorphology in Romania
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
- Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets - New Papers
Commercial/Fundraising Announcements:
- Planetary Analog Geology & Suborbital Spaceflight
Issue 6, February 9, 2025
- Space Science is for Everyone - Community Open Letter Open for Signatures
- EPSP Student Committee Application
- [NASA] Topical Workshops, Symposiums, and Conferences Ammendment 1: Proposal Creation Disabled
- [NASA] Reviewers Needed for Appendix 16: MUREP Aeronautics Community & Environmental Impact Research
- [NASA] ROSES-24 Amendment 112: C.8 Lunar Data Analysis Program Due Dates Delayed
- Post-Doctoral Researcher in Venus Global Climate Modelling
- 2025 Misasa International Student Internship Program, 2025
- SuperCam Mars Data Workshop Tuesday, March 11 at LPSC 2025
- AOGS2025 Session PS01: Planetary Surface Processes, Comparative Geology, and Astrobiology Across the Solar System
- AOGS2025 Session PS26: Astrochemical Processes Leading to the Formation of Planetary Bodies in the Solar System
- BACO-25 Session JMC11: Exploration of the Diversity of Planetary Atmospheres and Surfaces
- Save the Date: JUICE School at Les Houches, France
- OPAG Meeting (February 25-27) Postponed
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
- Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets - New Papers
Issue 5, February 2, 2025
- Pausing All Meetings and Activities of Planetary Science Analysis/Assessment Groups
- PhD Opportunities in Interdisciplinary Space Sciences and Planetary Research
- Survey on Lunar Surface Sustainability
- Progress in Understanding the Pluto System: 10 Years after Flyby
- Schweickart Prize: Now Accepting Applications
- Postdoc Position in Laboratory Spectroscopy of Earth & Planetary Materials
- Postdoctoral Researcher in Small-Body Survey Science
- PSJ Focus Issue on Mars Resources and Science Targets for Human Exploration
- New Horizons Science Spotlight Webinar
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- AOGS2025 Session PS19: Hydration in Airless Bodies of the Solar System
- [NASA] Aperiodic PDS Data Releases in 2025.01
- [NASA] Rescheduling EONS 2024 ACEIR Preproposal Webinar #2
- [NASA] Space Technology Payload Challenge: A NASA STMD TechLeap Prize
- [NASA] F.5 FINESST: SMD's Graduate Student Research Opportunity Updated Text and Charts and Reviewers Sought
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
- Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets - New Papers
Commercial/Fundraising Announcements
- Suborbital Spaceflight and Analog Geology
Issue 4, January 26, 2025
- InSight Open Science Data Workshop
- Self-Nominations for NASA's HWO Community Science and Instrument Team (CSIT)
- Mars Exploration Science Program Newsletter for January 2025
- Feedback Requested on Mercury Science Goals Document
- 2025 NASA Planetary Science Summer School Applications Due March 18
- [NASA] Removing DEIA Requirements from ROSES-2024
- AOGS Session PS18: Planetary Data in the Big Data Era - Archives, Tools, and International Collaborations
- Postdoctoral Fellowship through the Rice Space Institute Center for Planetary Origins to Habitability
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
- Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets - New Papers
Issue 3, January 19, 2025
- JPL / Caltech Disaster Relief Fund
- List of Planetary Science Internship Opportunities: Share With Your Students
- Submit a Planetary Session to the 2025 GSA Connects Annual Meeting
- [NASA] ROSES-24 Amendment 94: F.11 PRISM SALSA Due Dates Delayed
- [NASA] ROSES-24 Amendment 99: F.12 Artemis IV Deployed Instruments Program Step-2 Proposal Due Date Deferred to March 7, 2025
- [NASA] Request for Information (RFI): Development of NASA-DARES 2025
- Restoring and Archiving Voyager 1 Cruise Images of Uranus and Neptune (RAV1CIUN) Data Released to PDS
- Supervisory Physical Scientist (Center Director), US Geological Survey
- Two 3-year Postdoctoral Positions in Planetary Climate Physics and Modeling
- Geospatial Scientist Position With HX5 at NASA-JSC
- Exploration Lab Manager with Mb Solutions at NASA-JSC
- Schweickart Prize: Now Accepting Applications
- Space Science Reviews Welcomes New Editor-in-Chief Olivier Witasse
- New Horizons Science Spotlight Webinar This Week
- Dragonfly Analog Field Trip to the Namib Sand Sea
- EGU 2025 Session PS2.3: Titan Exploration
- Goldschmidt Session: Chemistry of Exoplanets
- OPAG February Hybrid Meeting, Lightning Talks and Poster Session
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
- Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets - New Papers
Commercial/Fundraising Announcements:
- Commercial: Suborbital Spaceflight and Analog Geology
Issue 2, January 12, 2025
- PEN Message About Los Angeles Fires
- NASA Planetary Science Division Leadership Changes
- Join The Planetary Society's Day of Action in Washington, D.C.
- New Horizons Science Spotlight Webinar
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- EGU2025 GM6.3: Aeolian Processes and Landforms
- InSight Open Science Data Workshop
- Uranus Orbiter and Probe Science Questionnaire: Tour Drivers
- MetSoc 2025 and Meteoroids Meetings in Perth, Western Australia
- AOGS 2025 PS06: Call for Abstracts in Planetary Impacts
- PhD Position in Space Physics on Modeling Mercury's Magnetosphere
- SpaceCHI Conference Hosted by the European Space Agency
- Submit a Planetary Session to the 2025 GSA Connects Annual Meeting
- List of Planetary Science Internship Opportunities
- Deadline Approaching: Apply for the Tucson, AZ Culturally Inclusive Planetary Engagement Workshop
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
- Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets - New Papers
Issue 1, January 5, 2025
- Ph.D. Student or Postdoctoral Researcher Position at University of Alaska, Fairbanks
- Postdoctoral Research Associate at Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, University of Arizona
- NASA Postdoctoral Program
- Submit a Planetary Session to the 2025 GSA Connects Annual Meeting
- Ice Giant Systems Seminar Series: January 14, Dr. Patrick Irwin (Oxford University)
- [NASA] PDS: JUNO Data Release 28
- [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic PDS Data Releases in 2024.12
- [NASA] PDS: Odyssey Data Release 90
- EGU2025 PS1.6: Planetary Tectonics, Volcanism and Seismicity
- EGU2025 PS1.7: Atmospheres, Exospheres, and Surfaces of Terrestrial Planets, Satellites, Small Bodies, and Exoplanets
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
- Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets - New Papers
Table of Contents: Volume 18, 2024
Issue 53, December 29, 2024
- Submit a Planetary Session to the 2025 GSA Connects Annual Meeting
- Diverse + Inclusive Naval Oceanographic Summer Internship Program
- EGU Session PS7.2/GI3.3: Open Session on Planetary Instrumentation and Data Techniques
- Research Positions at the Planetary Atmospheres Group, South Korea
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
- Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets - New Papers
Issue 52, December 22, 2024
- PhD Student or Postdoctoral Researcher Position at University of Alaska Fairbanks
- Two PhD Positions in Space Physics with a Focus on the Icy Moons
- Impact Cratering and Associated Research US (ICAARUS) Workshop May 31 - June 1, 2025, Flagstaff, AZ
- Postdoctoral Position in BepiColombo Data Analysis
- [NASA] SMD: ROSES-24 F.5 FINESST - SMD's Graduate Student Research Clarifications and Corrections
- [NASA] SMD: ROSES-24 Amendment 84 - F.6 Science Activation Program Deferred to ROSES-25
- [NASA] SMD: ROSES-24 Amendment 87 - F.16 NASA Innovation Corps No Longer Accepting Proposals via ROSES
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
- Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets - New Papers
Issue 51, December 15, 2024
- 2025 Pierazzo International Student Travel Award Winners
- PhD Position About Effusive Cryovolcanism, Institute of Geophysics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (Prague)
- PhD Position in Space Physics, Umea University, Sweden
- EGU Session PS6.1: Emergence, Chemistry, and Evolution of Organic Matter in the Solar System
- Job Announcement: Postdoctoral Researcher, Hyperspectral Observables of Planetary Habitability (UT, Netherlands)
- [NASA] SMD: Job Announcement for Planetary Defense Officer
- [NASA] SMD: Job Announcement for Planetary Science Division Research and Analysis (RA) Director
- [NASA] SMD: Job Announcement for Mars Exploration Program Program Executive
- Job Opportunities: Research Physical Scientist, USGS Astrogeology
- SuperCam Mars Data User Workshop at LPSC 2025
- [NASA] PDS: Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 60
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
- Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets - New Papers
Commercial/Fundraising Announcements:
- Webinar for Planetary Analog and Human Spaceflight Field Trip
Issue 50, December 8, 2024
- [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic Data Releases in 2024.11
- [NASA] PDS: Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 71
- [NASA] PDS: Mars 2020 Mission Release 11
- [NASA] PDS: Mars Science Laboratory Release 37
- XAG EDIA Working Group Presentation
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Job Announcement: Lecturer, Astronomy and Physics (UCF)
- [NASA] ROSES-24 Amendment 78: D.10 TESS General Investigator Program Final Text and Due Date
- EGU Session PS2.1: Jupiter's Icy Moons - Where We Are and Where Europa Clipper and Juice Can Take Us
- [AGU24] NASA OPAG Townhall: Monday, December 9, 2024
- [AGU24] NASA Decadal Astrobiology Research and Exploration Strategy RFI Hub
- [AGU24] NASA Mars Exploration Program Town Hall
- [AGU24] Planetary Science Budget Briefings at AGU24 by the Planetary Society
- Mars MATISSE Community Workshop
- Submit a Planetary Session to the 2025 GSA Connects Annual Meeting
- SETI Institute's 2025 Frank Drake Postdoctoral Fellowship
- [NASA] Planetary Science Division Planetary Data Ecosystem Website
- [NASA] VEXAG Venus Exploration Strategy Released
- Bystander Intervention Training Opportunity for the Planetary Science Community
- Initiative to Create a Planetary Science Diamond Open Access Journal
- New Horizons Science Spotlight Webinar
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
- Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets - New Papers
Issue 49, December 1, 2024
- Submit a Planetary Session to the 2025 GSA Connects Annual Meeting
- LSST Solar System Predictions and Analysis Software AAS Journals Focus Issues
- Mercury Science and Exploration Annual Meeting 2025
- SETI Institute's 2025 Frank Drank Postdoctoral Fellowship
- Mars Exploration Science Program Newsletter for November 2024
- Mercury Science and Exploration November 2024 Newsletter Released
- Postdoctoral Research Fellowship at NOIRLab
- Joint DiRAC Fellowship and Baum Postdoctoral Fellow for Innovative Astronomy
- Postdoctoral Fellow - School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA
- [EGU2025] PS1.2 Venus: Models, Observations, (Ancient) Earth- and Exoplanet Analogue
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
- Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets - New Papers
Issue 48, November 24, 2024
- [NASA] ROSES-24 Amendment 71: F.11 Stand-Alone Landing Site-Agnostic Payloads and Research Investigations on the Surface of the Moon Final Text and Due Dates Released
- Submit a Planetary Session to the 2025 GSA Connects Annual Meeting
- Macau International Forum on Space and Planetary Science
- EGU Session PS5.1: Exoplanets Atmosphere Studies - Climates, Clouds and Magnetic Coupling
- The 4th Outer Planet Moon Magnetosphere Interaction Workshop
- Workshop on EDIA for Leaders in Planetary Science
- New Horizons Science Spotlight Webinar
- GSA Planetary Geology Division Ballot Now Open: Vote for Your Division Officers
- Ocean Worlds Working Group Seeking New Science Group Co-Lead
- Research Associate in Mega-Constellation Space Physics at Imperial College London, UK
- SETI Institute's 2025 Frank Drake Postdoctoral Fellowship
- Barringer Award Nominations Are Open
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
- Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets - New Papers
Issue 47, November 17, 2024
- Pierazzo International Student Travel Award Applications Now Open
- Extraterrestrial Materials Assessment Group Public Meeting
- Extraterrestrial Materials Assessment Group Membership Open for 2025
- Ocean Worlds Working Group Seeking New Science Group Co-Lead
- 56th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference: Call for Abstracts
- Meteoritical Bulletin Database Survey
- Assistant Professors, Applications of Artificial Intelligence at Northern Arizona University
- NEOWISE 2024 Data Release
- Save the Date: Binary Asteroids VI
- SETI Institute's 2025 Frank Drake Postdoctoral Fellowship
- GSA Planetary Geology Division Ballot Now Open: Vote for your Division Officers
- Submit a Planetary Session to the 2025 GSA Connects Annual Meeting
- [NASA] PDS: Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Data Release 39
- [NASA] SMD: F.10 Payloads and Research Investigations on the Surface of the Moon Deferred to ROSES-25
- [NASA] SMD: F.12 Artemis IV Deployed Instruments Program Final Text and Due Dates
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
- Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets - New Papers
Commercial/Fundraising Announcements:
- Lunar- and Zero-Gravity Public Flight at Kennedy Space Center
Issue 46, November 10, 2024
- [NASA] Request for Information: Conference on Lunar, Planetary and Space Sciences
- [NASA] ROSES-24 Amendment 63: F.5 FINESST - SMD's Graduate Student Research Final Text and Due Date Released
- [NASA] ROSES-24 Amendment 65: D.19 Habitable Worlds Observatory System Technology Demonstrations and Mission Architecture Studies Final Text and Due Date
- SETI Institute's 2025 Frank Drake Postdoctoral Fellowship
- MAPSIT Steering Committee Open Call for New Members
- GSA Planetary Geology Division Ballot Now Open: Vote for Your Division Officers
- OPAG (Hybrid) Spring Meeting: February 25-27, 2025 in Tucson, AZ
- SIMS Workshop at Arizona State University
- Ice Giant Systems Seminar Series: November 12, Dr. Marzia Parisi (JPL/Caltech)
- Planetary Geomorphology at EGU2025
- Planetary Science Advisory Committee Meeting, November 12 - 13, 2024
- GRAM Suite Version 2.1.0 Released
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
- PEN Providing Links to New Open Access Articles in JGR: Planets
- Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets - October Issue OA Papers
Issue 45, November 3, 2024
- Royal Astronomimal Society Best Practice Guide for Inclusion-Related Activities
- Johns Hopkins Postdoctoral Fellowship
- McDonnell Center for the Space Sciences Postdoctoral Fellowship
- Staff Scientist Position at Caltech/IPAC Working on NEO Surveyor
- SETI Institute's 2025 Frank Drake Postdoctoral Fellowship
- Virtual Pre-AGU EPSP Networking Event 2024
- Heliophysics/Planetary Science Civil Servant Position at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center
- [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic PDS Data Releases in 2024.10
- EGU2025 Session PS1.3: Lunar Science, Exploration & Utilization
- 2025 NASA Astrophysics Mission Design School Applications Due November 4, 2024
- AGU Student Travel Award and Caregiver Award
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Commercial/Fundraising Announcements:
- Planetary Popular Science Book Now Available
Issue 44, October 27, 2024
- Amanda Hendrix Selected to Lead Planetary Science Institute
- EPSP Early Career Spotlight Virtual Coffee Hour
- AGU EPSP Sticker Design Contest Voting
- Nominations Open for the Pellas-Ryder Award
- Special Issue: 8th International Conference on Mars Polar Science and Exploration
- Postdoctoral Fellowship Openings at UT Austin
- Exoplanet PhD Positions, Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, University of Groningen
- LPI Seeking Committee Members for its IDEA Independent Advisory Committee
- McCray Postdoctoral Fellowship for Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences
- OpenPlanetary Virtual Lunch Talk on October 30
- Planet Mars - 6th Edition, Les Houches School of Physics, France
- Tenure Track Scientist(s) at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in Applied Ocean Physics and Engineering
- [NASA] SMD: Nominations Invited for South Pole-Aitken Basin Science Definition Team Membership
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 43, October 20, 2024
- Due date extended: Survey on Planetary Science ROSES Proposals
- [NASA] ROSES-24 Amendment 60: New Opportunity - D.21 U.S. Contributions to Ariel Preparatory Science
- [NASA] ROSES-24 Amendment 61: C.23 Analog Activities to Support Artemis Lunar Operations Deferred to ROSES-25
- [NASA] EONS 2024 Appendix 13: NASA MUREP ESSR Opportunity FINAL Office Hour
- Associate or Assistant Professor in Astronomy at University of Maryland
- American Astronomical Society Division for Planetary Sciences Federal Relations Subcommittee Splinter Session at the 2024 DPS Meeting
- South Pole-Aitken Basin Focus Issue in Planetary Science Journal
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 42, October 13, 2024
- Pan Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Position at Rice University
- [NASA] Request for Information: Development of the NASA Decadal Astrobiology Research and Exploration Strategy (NASA-DARES)
- [NASA] ROSES-24 Amendment 58: D.19 Habitable Worlds Observatory System Technology Demonstrations and Mission Architecture Studies Draft Text Released for Community Comment
- Gerald A. Soffen Travel Grant Announcement
- Applications Open for Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (CIFAR) Azrieli Global Scholars Program
- Making Space: A Workshop on Space, Sci-Art, & Society
- Application for AGU Planetary Sciences Student and Early Career Representatives
- Free Virtual Planetary Diversity and Inclusion Conference
- Last Call: Survey on Planetary Science ROSES Proposals
- New Horizons Science Spotlight Webinar
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Commercial/Fundraising Announcements:
- 365 Days of Astronomy Podcast Seeks Podcasters and Sponsors
- Zero Gravity Webinar
Issue 41, October 6, 2024
- [NASA] Request for Information: Apophis 2029 Innovation (A29I) Using the Janus Spacecraft (A29I-Janus) Released
- [NASA] Save the Dates: 2025 SMD PI Launchpad
- [NASA] ROSES-24 Amendment 57: ROSES-24 Changes for 2 CFR 200 Update
- [NASA] EONS 2024 Appendix 13: NASA MUREP ESSR Opportunity Third Office Hour
- [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic PDS Data Releases in 2024.09
- [NASA] PDS: Odyssey Data Release 89
- [NASA] PDS: New Horizon New Arrokoth Shape Model Release
- [NASA] PDS: Beta Release of the New NASA Planetary Data System Website
- [NASA] PDS: Lucy Mission Dinkinesh Encounter Data Release
- 2025 LPI Summer Intern Program in Planetary Science
- PhD Research Position in Planetary Magnetism at the University of Texas at Austin
- Postdoc Opportunity: ARRAKIS PSTAR project
- Carnegie Postdoctoral Fellowships at the Earth and Planets Laboratory
- Deadline Approaching: Krimigis Postdoctoral Scholars Program at APL
- Percival Lowell Postdoctoral Fellowship
- Hayabusa2 Data Analysis Workshop on 11 November at ISAS/online
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Gerald A. Soffen Memorial Fund Fall 2024 Travel Grant
- AGU EPSP Sticker Design Contest Voting
- pyOpenSci Open Science Fall Festival
- Moonrise at Chimney Rock: Live and Online Events on October 21
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 40, September 29, 2024
- [NASA] Town Hall for Planetary Science Research Programs
- Culturally Inclusive Planetary Engagement Workshop in Atlanta
- 2024 Advancing IDEA in Planetary Science Conference
- EPSP Early Career Spotlight Virtual Coffee Hour
- Soliciting Talks for the Upcoming Small Bodies Assessment Group Community Meeting
- PDS Ring-Moon Systems Node Users Group Meeting during DPS
- Women in Planetary Science Discussion Hour at the 56th DPS Meeting
- NASA Advisory Council Meeting
- Science Committee of the NASA Advisory Council Meeting
- [Goldschmidt] Call for Session Proposals: Theme 1 - From Dust to Planets
- Assistant Professor at The University of Texas at San Antonio
- Postdoctoral Research Position in Icy Ocean World Interiors
- Postdoctoral Research Position in Planetary Magnetism
- Lunar and Planetary Institute Senior Staff Scientist
- Open Rank Tenure-Track Faculty Position in Earth and Planetary Materials
- Assistant Professor - High Temperature Experimental Geochemistry, Department of Geosciences, College of Arts and Sciences
- [NASA] ROSES-24 Amendment 51: F.13 Lunar Terrain Vehicle Instruments Program Final Text and Due Dates
- [NASA] PDS: JUNO Data Release 27
- [NASA] PDS: OSIRIS-Rex Spectral Analysis Data Release
- [NASA] SMD: Apophis 2029 Innovation Using the Janus Spacecraft RFI Reposted
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 39, September 22, 2024
- JGR Cross-Journal Special Collection: Aeolian-Fluvial Interactions across the Solar System
- Tenure-track Assistant Professor Faculty Position in Planetary Science at the University of California, Riverside
- [NASA] Grant Notice 24-01 NASA Policy Update
- [NASA] ROSES-24: F.18 MOSAICS 5-Year Collaboration Awards Draft Text Released for Community Comment
- Department Chair Position, Climate and Space Sciences and Engineering, University of Michigan
- Application for AGU Planetary Sciences Student and Early Career Representatives
- PhD and PostDoc Opportunities at the Space Research Institute (Graz, Austria)
- Citizen Science Session at the 56th DPS Meeting
- New Horizons Science Spotlight Webinar - This Week
- The 7th Beijing Earth and Planetary Interior Symposium (BEPIS)
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 38, September 15, 2024
- VIPER Update
- [NASA] ROSES-24 Amendment 47: DRAFT F.12 Artemis IV Deployed Instruments Program Released for Community Comment
- [NASA] PDS: Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 59
- Mastcam Stereo Analysis and Mosaics (MSAM) 2 Data Released to PDS
- Register for the Planetary Banquet at GSA Connects 2024
- JWST and HST Events at the 56th DPS Meeting
- Dependent Care Grant Application for 2024 DPS Meeting
- May UOP Workshop Presentations Now Available
- XAG EDIA WG Presentation by Dr
- JA Grier
- Survey on Planetary Science ROSES Proposals
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 37, September 8, 2024
- Ice Giant Systems Seminar Series: September 10, Dr. Richard Cartwright (JHU/APL)
- International Observe the Moon Night
- HiRISE DTMs available for MDAP Proposals
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- [NASA] 2025A Infrared Telescope Facility Call for Proposals
- [NASA] MSR SRP Science Objectives Workshop - Important Updates
- [NASA] PDS: Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 70
- [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic Data Releases in 2024.08
- Register for the Planetary Banquet at GSA Connects 2024
- New Horizons Science Spotlight Webinar
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Commercial Announcements:
- Private Kennedy Space Center Tour September 19-22
Issue 36, August 25, 2024
- [NASA] Amendment 5: Engagement Opportunities in NASA STEM (EONS-2024)
- [NASA] OSTEM: TEAM II Community Anchor (ANCHR) Awards has Been Extended to Tuesday, September 10, 2024
- [NASA] NASA Space Technology Graduate Research Opportunities (NSTGRO25) Released
- [NASA] Request for Information (RFI): Apophis 2029 Innovation (A29I) Using the Janus Spacecraft (A29I-Janus) Released
- Assistant Professor of Geochemistry & Mineralogy at the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Science & Engineering
- Tenure-track Faculty Position in Planetary Science at the California Institute of Technology
- Post-doc (24 months) in the Frame of the ANR RAD3-NET Project
- NASA Postdoctoral Program
- ESA Archival Research Visitor Programme
- Professional Development for Scientists: Mental Health in Planetary Science
- Upcoming SPICE Training Class on the East Coast of the U.S., Second Announcement
- Dependent Care Grant Application for 2024 DPS: 1st Deadline September 2, 2024
- OPAG Townhall at EPSC
- JGR: Planets Meet & Greet at EPSC
- Mercury Science and Exploration August 2024 Newsletter Released
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 35, August 25, 2024
- Editorial: A Billion Dollars Short: A Progress Report on the Planetary Decadal Survey, Two Years In
- New Date: Planetary Data Management Workshop
- Graduate Student Position in Cometary Science at TU Braunschweig (Germany)
- MS/PhD Positions for Fall 2025
- ESA Research Fellowships in Space Science
- Tenure-Track Faculty Position at the Assistant Professor Level - Focus Planetary Science
- Assistant Professor of Geology and Environmental Science (Hydrology & Water Sustainability)
- Postdoctoral Scholar in Exoplanets and Machine Learning at University of Central Florida
- Lunar and Planetary Institute Senior Staff Scientist
- Krimigis Postdoctoral Scholars Program at APL
- Tenure-track Assistant Professor in Planetary Sciences atUniversity of Washington
- MEPAG Goals Document Revision - Request for Input
- Join the Geophysical Planet Definition Working Group
- 2nd Science Mission Directorate Workshop - Abstract Deadline
- NASEM Human Exploration of Mars Study: Upcoming Events
- Virtual JMARS Training: Wednesday, October 2, 10am-1pm PDT
- Apply for the Los Angeles, CA Culturally Inclusive Planetary Engagement Workshop
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Commercial Announcements:
- Earth and Space Analog Experience
Issue 34, August 18, 2024
- 2025A NASA Keck Call for Proposals
- Workshop on the Termination Shock
- Planetary Data Management Workshop
- CometCIEF - Cometary Coma Image Enhancement Facility
- SpinSat RFI: Contribute Your Ideas to the Development of a New Spaceflight Experimental Platform for Biology
- NASA SMD Intern Position to Analyze Inclusion Plans
- Co-chair Leadership Position for Cross-AG EDIA Working Group
- Science Community Virtual Workshop: MSR Science Objectives
- [NASA] PDS: Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Data Release 38
- Apply for the Los Angeles, CA, Culturally Inclusive Planetary Engagement Workshop
- McKay Fellowship at NASA JSC and LPI
- Circumplanetary Disks and Satellite Formation III
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 33, August 11, 2024
- [NASA] PDS: Mars 2020 Mission Release 10
- [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic PDS Data Releases in 2024.07
- [NASA] PDS: Mars Science Laboratory Release 36
- [NASA] SMD: ROSES-24 Amendment 41 - Draft F.13 Lunar Terrain Vehicle Instruments Program Released for Community Comment
- Which Yields Better Data, Human- or Robot-generated Sampling Plans?
- Job Opening: Postdoc in Geologic Mapping and Radar Studies at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum
- Postdoctoral Researcher in Small-Body Survey Science
- 2025 Planetary Defense Conference Call for Papers Now Available
- Apply for the Los Angeles, CA, Culturally Inclusive Planetary Engagement Workshop
- Ice Giant Systems Seminar Series: August 13, Dr. Jessica Weber (JPL/Caltech)
- New Horizons Science Spotlight Webinar
- South Pole-Aitken Basin Focus Issue in Planetary Science Journal
- Webinar: What is Human Exploration of Titan?
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 32, August 4, 2024
- In Memoriam: Joop W. Hovenier (September 9, 1936 - July 12, 2024)
- Correction: Seeking Native Hawaiian Women or Indigenous American Women for Interview
- Outer Planets Assessment Group (OPAG) Meeting: New Dates
- Astrobiology and the Future of Life Announcement: Abstract Deadline Extended
- Symposium in Honor of Distinguished Professor Emeritus Christopher Russell, UCLA, September 20, 2024
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- South Pole-Aitken Basin Focus Issue in Planetary Science Journal
- Postdoc in Geologic Mapping and Radar Studies at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum
- Research Associate in Mega-Constellation Space Physics
- Research Positions at the Planetary Atmospheres Group, South Korea
- Job Posting for Dragonfly Surface Operations Planner at JHU/APL
- [NASA] SMD: DRAFT F.11 Payloads and Research Investigations on the Surface of the Moon - Stand-Alone Landing Site-Agnostic Released for Community Comment
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 31, July 28, 2024
- VIPER Letter Update
- AGU Session EPO05: Aqueous Processes Across our Solar System - Interpreting How Water Shapes Terrestrial and Planetary Surfaces at Different Spatial Scales
- AGU Session EPO21: Geomorphic Processes Across Planetary Surfaces
- AGU Session P041: Understanding Ocean Worlds in the Era of the Europa Clipper and JUICE Missions
- AGU Session SM024: Three-Dimensional Magnetosphere Structure and Dynamics During Geomagnetic Storms
- International Conference on Meteoroids, Meteor, and Meteorites: Messengers from Space (MetMeSS 2024)
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 30, July 21, 2024
- Open Letter to Congress Opposing VIPER Cancellation
- PSJ Appreciates PEN's Exposure of Journal Articles
- AGU Session MR002: A Journey into Planetary Interiors - How the Properties and Interactions of Planetary Materials Drive Dynamical Processes and Shape Planets and Moons
- AGU Session P009: Enceladus, The Storyteller
- AGU Session P034: Space Environments of Unmagnetized or Weakly Magnetized Solar System Bodies and the Effects of Space Weather on these Systems
- AGU session SM026: Venus as a Heliophysics Laboratory
- AGU Session V018: Origin, Distribution, and Transport of Volatiles in Earth and Terrestrial Planets
- ESA and NASA EnVision Mission Announcement of Opportunity: Interdisciplinary Scientist
- Seeking Native Hawaiian Women or Indigenous American Women for Interview
- [NASA] ROSES-24 Amendment 31: Delay of Proposal Due Date for C.15 Planetary Protection Research
- Accessibility in Field Work Talk by Dr. Jen Piatek
- New Horizons Science Spotlight Webinar
- OpenPlanetary: July Virtual Lunch Talk (Leah Wasser, pyOpenSci)
- Postdoctoral Position Related to PLATO Science at FU Berlin
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 29, July 14, 2024
- 2024 NASA SSERVI Awards
- Two Open Rank Professors of Planetary Sciences at the University of Bern
- XCT Laboratory Manager at the Field Museum of Natural History
- Exploration Lab Manager with Jacobs/CMS at NASA-JSC
- Upcoming SPICE Training Class on the East Coast of the U.S.
- AGU Session DI003: Core-Mantle Interactions - The Dynamic Duo Shaping Our Planet
- AGU Session EP005: Aqueous Processes Across our Solar System - Interpreting How Water Shapes Terrestrial and Planetary Surfaces at Different Spatial Scales
- AGU Session GP011: Planetary Magnetism and Protoplanetary Disk Magnetism
- AGU Session P007: Concepts for Future Planetary Science Missions
- AGU Session P018: Juno's Multi-Instrument View of Io, Europa, and Ganymede
- AGU Session P028: Planetary Science and Astrobiology with the Habitable Worlds Observatory
- AGU Session P029: Probing Mercury - From Origin to Present, From Core to Exosphere
- AGU Session P038: Titan from Atmosphere to Interior
- AGU Session P040: Ultraviolet Observing of Solar System Targets
- AGU Session SM024: Three-Dimensional Magnetosphere Structure and Dynamics during Geomagnetic Storms
- AGU Session U017: Significance of Past and Future Sample Return Missions for the Earth and Space Sciences
- [NASA] SMD: Astrobiology and the Future of Life Meeting October 16-18
- [NASA] SMD: Planetary Protection in Advance of Human Missions
- [NASA] SMD: New Opportunity D.20 Exoplanet Mass Measurement Program
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 28, July 7, 2024
- Second Diversity and Inclusion Survey for Astrobiology
- 2024 DPS Travel Grant Application Form is Open
- [NASA] Office of STEM Engagement TEAM II Data Call for Reviewers
- [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic Data Releases in 2024.06
- [NASA] PDS: Odyssey Data Release 88
- AGU Session B111: Trailblazing the Intramolecular Isotopic Frontier with Ultrahigh Resolution Fourier-Transform Mass Spectrometry (FT-MS)
- AGU Session P008: Dynamic Exospheres of Terrestrial Bodies Through the Solar System
- AGU Session P019: Machine Learning and Data Science Methods in Planetary Science
- AGU Session P023: Oscillations in Internal Fluid Layers of Planets, Moons, and Stars
- AGU Session P031: Radar Investigations of Planetary Surfaces and Subsurfaces
- AGU Session P033: SSSBs - Sample Returns, JWST, Ground-Based Astronomy, and More
- AGU Session P041: Understanding Ocean Worlds in the Era of the Europa Clipper and JUICE Missions
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- [NASA] ROSES-24 Amendment 25: C.27 Lucy in the L4 Trojans Participating Scientist Program
- Professor and Associate Professor Position at the Institute for Planetary Materials, Okayama University, Japan
- Ice Giant Systems Seminar Series: July 9, Dr. Matija Cuk (SETI Institute)
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 27, June 30, 2024
- Remote Sensing Special Issue Invitation
- Post-doctoral Fellow in Planetary Sciences, Experimental Geochemistry, Planetary Materials, Astrobiology
- AGU Session P005: Carbon Across the Solar System
- AGU Session P006: Carbonates on Mars - Records of the Ancient Hydrosphere and Atmosphere
- AGU Session P039: To the Moon - A New Era of Science
- Astromat Workshop at MetSoc 2024
- Astrobiology and the Future of Life Meeting
- Bay Area Planetary Science Conference 2024 Indication of Interest
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 26, June 23, 2024
- New Horizons Science Spotlight Webinar - This Week
- The Mars Atmosphere Data Assimilation (MADA) 2024 Workshop
- PlanetInsitu24 Workshop: Rise of the Drones
- Interdisciplinary Workshop with Travel Support: Exoplanets - Compositions, Mineralogy, Evolution
- AGU Session EP005: Aqueous Processes Across our Solar System - Interpreting How Water Shapes Terrestrial and Planetary Surfaces at Different Spatial Scales
- [NASA] PDS: Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter CTX and MARCI Global Mosaics
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Commercial Announcements:
- Commercial: Final Announcement - Earth and Space Experience Webinar
Issue 25, June 16, 2024
- Submit Your Abstract to GSA Connects 2024
- GSA 2024 Session T141: Active and Anticipated Science from Planetary Science Research, Programs and Future Flight Projects
- Job Announcement: Department Chair of Physics and Applied Physics
- [NASA] PDS: Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 58
- [NASA] PDS: Juno Data Release 26
- Cross-AG EDIA Working Group Commemorates Juneteenth
- Amity Mission for Analogue Space Expedition
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 24, June 9, 2024
- Submit Your Abstract to GSA Connects 2024
- OpenPlanetary Virtual Lunch Talk on the Multi-Mission Geographic Information System (MMGIS)
- New Horizons Science Spotlight Webinar
- 2024 Lunar Surface Science Workshop
- 2024 Texas Area Planetary Science Meeting
- Culturally Inclusive Planetary Engagement Workshop in Boulder
- Black Space Week
- 14th Annual oSTEM Conference
- [NASA] ROSES-24 Amendment 20: F.20 MOSAICS Seed Funding (Formerly SMD Bridge Program) Seed Funding Final Text
- Call for Applications: Search for Life Science Analysis Group (SFL-SAG)
- Solar System Physics Master's Degree Programme at TU Braunschweig
- PhD Position in Space Science at University of Bern
- Postdoctoral Research Associate in Planetary Science at Royal Holloway, University of London
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 23, June 2, 2024
- GSA 2024 Session T141: Active and Anticipated Science from Planetary Science Research, Programs and Future Flight Projects
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- [NASA] PDS: OSIRIS-REx OLA v5.0 Data Release
- [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic PDS Data Releases in 2024.05
- [NASA] PDS: Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 69
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 22, May 26, 2024
- Arizona State University Postdoc Positions Available
- Research Scientist in Space Physics at LASP
- Mercury Lab Workshop - Call for Abstracts
- GSA 2024 Session T145: Geomorphology and Landscape Evolution of Mars
- [NASA] Planetary Advisory Committee Meeting Dates
- Two Postdoctoral Positions in Exoplanet Science for PLATO at DLR Berlin
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 21, May 19, 2024
- [NASA] Near-term Leadership Changes in NASA's Planetary Science Division (PSD)
- [NASA] Submit Requests for No-Cost-Extensions 11-days Prior to End Date
- [NASA] ROSES-24 Amendment 13: Due Date Delay and FAQ Posted for A.58 Increasing Participation of Minority Serving Institutions in Earth Science Surface-Based Measurement Networks
- [NASA] ROSES-24 Amendment 14: F.19 Research Initiation Awards Final Text and Due Date
- [NASA] Town Hall for Planetary Research Programs
- [NASA] FY2024 Teams Engaging Affiliated Museums and Informal Institutions NOFO Announcement
- [NASA] PDS: Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Data Release 37
- Job Opportunity: Senior Scientist for Mars Exploration, Planetary Science Division (NASA HQ)
- Various Positions Available at the Department of Space and Planetary Science, Sun Yat-sen University
- Two Postdoctoral Positions in Global Space Weather Modeling for BepiColombo at FMI, Finland
- Postdoctoral Position in Planetary Sciences at KU Leuven
- PhD in Planetary Sciences at KU Leuven
- 2024 Advancing IDEA in Planetary Science Conference: Save the Date
- Planetary Data Training Workshop at Arizona State University
- Annual GSA Planetary Geology Division Button Contest
- Submit Your Abstract to GSA Connects 2024
- New Horizons Science Spotlight Webinar
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Commercial Announcements:
- Commercial: Visit KSC Like a True Space Nerd
Issue 20, May 12, 2024
- [Correction] Save the Date: OpenPlanetary Virtual Lunch Talk on Hyperspectral Python Tools Via Zoom
- [Correction] Professional Development for Scientists: Effective Mentoring Practices
- EPSC 2024 Session OPS5: Exploration of Titan
- EPSC 2024 Session SB3: Small Body Surfaces - Windows into Geological Space and Time
- EPSC 2024 Session SB8: Advances in Photopolarimetry of Solar System Small Bodies
- EPSC 2024 Session SB11: Exploring the Links Between Comets and Protoplanetary Disks
- Ice Giant Systems Seminar Series: May 14, Dr. Conor Nixon (NASA Goddard)
- Mercury Science and Exploration May 2024 Newsletter Released
- OPUS Tool Now Supports PDS4 Data
- Planetary Cross-AG EDIA Working Group
- [NASA] Town Hall for Planetary Research Programs
- [NASA] SMD: An Updated Planning List for NASA Headquarters Science Mission Directorate Solicitations Dated May 6, 2024 Released
- [NASA] SMD: NASA's OTPS Lunar Non-Interference Questionnaire Invites Responses from Members of the Lunar Community
- [NASA] SMD: C.26 Rapid Mission Design Studies for Mars Sample Return Correction
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Commercial Announcements:
- Commercial: Zero-G Flight from Houston-Ellington Field
Issue 19, May 5, 2024
- EPSC 2024 Session ODAA4: Diversity and Inclusiveness in Planetary Sciences
- EPSC 2024 Session TP1: Atmospheres and Exospheres of Terrestrial Bodies
- EPSC 2024 Session TP11: Unveiling Venus from Atmosphere to Core
- Nominations for Farinella Prize 2024
- AbSciCon Town Hall: Astrobiology and the National Interest
- Assistant Professor in Space Physics - Electrical & Computer Engineering
- [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic Data Releases in 2024.04
- [NASA] PDS: Dawn Ceres Gravity Models from the Extended Mission
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- New Horizons Science Spotlight Webinar
- Save the Date: OpenPlanetary Virtual Lunch Talk on Hyperspectral Python Tools Via Zoom
- Early-Career Travel Support for Mars Interior and Geophysics After InSight Meeting
- Professional Development for Scientists: Effective Mentoring Practices
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 18, April 28, 2024
- [NASA] SMD: Correction and Clarification of C.26 Rapid Mission Design Studies for Mars Sample Return
- LPI is Seeking a New Director
- 3 Year PhD Scholarship at LPG, Nantes, France
- Postdoc Position Within UCF Department of Physics
- NASA Postdoctoral Program Fellowship
- PlanetInsitu24 Workshop: Rise of the Drones
- EPSC Session SB13: Icy Ocean Worlds, Comets and Asteroids in the Laboratory
- EPSC Session TP7: Volcanism and Tectonism Across the Solar System
- IBS Conference on Planetary Science and Space Exploration
- AbSciCon Town Hall - Sample Curation Survey
- 2024 Pellas-Ryder Award
- Open MExAG Steering Committee Positions
- NASA Small Bodies Assessment Group (SBAG) Steering Committee (SC) Solicitation
- Planetary Advisory Committee Nomination Deadline Extended
- Annual GSA Planetary Geology Division Button Contest
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Commercial Announcements:
- Commercial: Earth and Space Experience for Educators
Issue 17, April 21, 2024
- Nominations for the 14th Paolo Farinella Prize
- The Planetary Science Journal Special Issue: Planet Characterization Workshop
- Apply for the San Antonio, TX, Culturally Inclusive Planetary Engagement Workshop
- Accepting Applications for the Modern SEM Techniques Workshop
- Mercury Laboratory Workshop
- PlanetInsitu24 Workshop: Rise of the Drones
- EPSC Session OPS1: Broadening Our Understanding of Jupiter's Icy Moons and Their Environment
- EPSC Session TP10: Exploring Mercury and its Environment
- [NASA] Town Hall for Planetary Research Programs
- Geospatial Scientist Position with Jacobs/CMS at NASA-JSC
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 16, April 14, 2024
- Special Symposium "Planetary Aerosols: From Earth to Exoplanets"
- Annual GSA Planetary Science Division Button Contest
- MEPAG/ExMAG Workshop on Mars Sample Science
- Last Call for The Planetary Society's Day of Action in Washington, D.C. on April 28-29, 2024
- The Trans-Neptunian Solar System 2027 (TNO2027) Host Proposals
- Two Postdoctoral Positions in Moon Environments and Magnetospheric Interaction at DIAS
- [NASA] SMD: April 15 Town Hall - NASA Response to Mars Sample Return Independent Review Board Report
- Two Open Rank Professors of Planetary Sciences at the University of Bern
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 15, April 7, 2024
- Join The Planetary Society's Day of Action in Washington, D.C. on April 28-29, 2024
- Gerald A. Soffen Memorial Fund Spring 2024 Travel Grant
- Annual GSA Planetary Science Division Button Contest
- [NASA] PDS: Mars 2020 Mission Release 9
- [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic PDS Data Releases in 2024.03
- [NASA] PDS: Odyssey Data Release 87
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Drones for Planetary Science: Session and White Paper Invitation
- Two Open Positions at the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, TU Delft, the Netherlands
- Post-Doctoral Position in Lunar Studies
- Apply for the San Antonio, TX Culturally Inclusive Planetary Engagement Workshop
- Ice Giant Systems Seminar Series: April 9, Dr. Henrik Melin (University of Leicester)
- Mercury 2024 Meeting Abstract and Registration Info
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 14, March 31, 2024
- Gerald A. Soffen Memorial Fund Spring 2024 Travel Grant
- UTCT X-Ray Computed Tomography Short Course July 10-12, 2024
- Two Open Positions at The Swedish Institute of Space Physics
- Open Calls for PhD, Postdoc, Academy Scientist, and Instrument Operator Positions in Space Research
- Postdoctoral Position in Lunar Science at Brown University
- Guest Scientist for Research Infrastructure Development at the Swedish Institute of Space Physics
- Annual GSA Planetary Science Division Button Contest
- JUICE Science Webinar Series: JUICE - One Year After Launch - News and Outlook
- Mercury 2024 Meeting
- Planetary Data Training Workshop, 21-24 May 2024, Arizona State University
- NASA Small Bodies Assessment Group Early Career Opportunities
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 13, March 24, 2024
- Open Letter from the Chair to Members of the MEPAG Community
- Become a VIRTEX Mentor
- NEOWISE 2024 Data Release
- Are We a Unique Species on a Unique Planet? - Or are We Just the Ordinary Galactic Standard?
- Postdoctoral Opportunity in Planetary Field Geology as Enabled by Virtual Reality
- Planetary Science and Space Exploration Conference
- New Prize Postdoctoral Fellowship through the Rice Space Institute
- MEPAG/ExMAG Joint Workshop on Connecting Community Scientific Hypotheses to Mars Sample Science
- Instrument Engineer Position at Northern Arizona University in Planetary Science
- AGU Planetary Sciences Award Deadlines
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 12, March 17, 2024
- Planet Characterization Workshop PSJ Special Issue
- NASA Infrared Telescope Facility Observing Proposals
- [NASA] PDS: Mars Science Laboratory Release 35
- [NASA] PDS: Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 57
- [NASA] F.23 SMD Bridge Seed Funding Office Hours March 19, 21, & 25
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 11, March 10, 2024
- Mercury Science and Exploration February 2024 Newsletter Released
- Postdoc Position, University of Central `Florida Department of Physics
- Planetary Tracking Data Analysis Developer/Researcher Vacancy at the Delft University of Technology
- SETI Institute Baruch S. Blumberg Fellowship and the William J. Welch Fellowship
- Announcing the 2nd Annual Impact Community Meeting at LPSC
- A Solution-Focused Approach to Addressing Mental Health in Planetary Science Workshop at LPSC
- MAPSIT Townhall Event at LPSC
- Astromaterials Data System Meet and Greet at LPSC
- Preliminary Results from Astrobiotic Peregrine Mission 1 at LPSC
- Intuitive Machines 1 Mission Overview at LPSC
- NASA Science Explorer Ambassador Program
- Survey: Can You Tell Human- From Robot-Generated Sampling Plans?
- Save the Date: 2nd Texas Area Planetary Science Meeting (TAPS)
- Goldschmidt 2024 Session 1F: Isotopes and Magnetism - Signatures Frozen in Time
- Goldschmidt 2024 Session 2E: Volatile Delivery, Storage, and Transportation Within the Early Earth System
- International Geological Congress Planetary Sciences Section (T5)
- Small Sample Handling Training Opportunity
- Early Career Workshop: Microsatellites and Their Use in Planetary and Astrobiology Research
- NASA Planetary Science Division Status Update on Efforts in Response to the Planetary Data Ecosystem Independent Review Board (PDE IRB) Final Report
- [NASA] ROSES-24 Amendment 3: Final Text and Due Dates for F.7 Support for Open-Source Tools, Frameworks, and Libraries
- [NASA] SMD Seeks Reviewers for Research Proposals
- [NASA] PDS: Mars 2020 Mastcam-Z Ops Release 8.1
- [NASA] PDS: Hayabusa2 MASMAG Release
- [NASA] Science Mission Directorate Budget Town Hall
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 10, March 8, 2024
- SPECIAL EDITION: [NASA] PDS DART Mission Data Releases
Issue 9, March 3, 2024
- JGR Planets Meet & Greet at LPSC
- OPAG Townhall at LPSC
- OPAG Meeting
- Open Letter from the Chair to Members of the MEPAG Community
- NASA Planetary Science Summer School Applications Due March 27, 2024
- PDS Geosciences Node - LPSC 2024 Peripheral Events
- NASA Night, LPSC 2024: Monday March 11, Starting 5:45 PM Central
- ESA Archival Research Visitor Programme
- SETI Institute Baruch S. Blumberg Fellowship and the William J. Welch Fellowship
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Post-Baccalaureate Positions in Astrophysics Science and Solar System Exploration Divisions at NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
- LPI Senior Staff Scientist Position
- LPI is Seeking New Director
- [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic PDS Data Releases 1 in 2024.02
- [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic PDS Data Releases 2 in 2024.02
- [NASA] PDS: Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 68
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 8, February 25, 2024
- Nominate Your Deserving Colleagues for the 2024 Geological Society of America Planetary Geology Division Gilbert Award
- SETI Institute Baruch S. Blumberg Fellowship and the William J. Welch Fellowship
- Misasa International Student Internship Program 2024 (Okayama University Japan)
- PhD Opportunities in Interdisciplinary Space Sciences and Planetary Research
- Upcoming Planetary Advisory Committee Meeting
- Terrestrial Analogues for Solar System Studies Workshop: Milos, Greece
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 7, February 18, 2024
- [Correction] PhD Position: Delft, The Netherlands
- Interdisciplinary Postdoc for Star-Planet Chemical Interplay at Louisiana State University
- Planetary Photogrammetry Workshop
- Announcing the First OWWG Technology Subgroup Meeting
- 2024B NASA Keck Call for Proposals
- SETI Institute Baruch S. Blumberg Fellowship and the William J. Welch Fellowship
- MEPAG/ExMAG Joint Workshop on Connecting Community Scientific Hypotheses to Mars Sample Science
- [NASA] SMD: Science Gaps Worksheet Posted on NSPIRES Page for ROSES-23 D.16 Astrophysics Decadal Survey Precursor Science
- [NASA] SMD: Release of Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Science (ROSES)-2024
- [NASA] SMD: 2024 NASA Fundamental Physics Workshop
- [NASA] PDS: Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Data Release 36
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 6, February 11, 2024
- Ice Giant Systems Seminar Series: February 13, Dr. Tom Nordheim (JHU/APL)
- NEO WARP Community Feedback Opportunity
- Call for Applications: Department Head, Purdue EAPS
- PhD Student in Space Physics for Studies of Space Weather
- Europa Clipper Lecture Series Email Signup
- Ocean Worlds Working Group Subgroup Meetings Announcement
- USGS Astrogeology Support Sprints Newsletter
- Postdoc Position on Pluto Atmospheric Modeling at LESIA, Paris Observatory, France
- Postdoc Position: Delft, The Netherlands
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 5, February 4, 2024
- Upcoming Civil Servant Position at NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
- Lunar Postdoc Position at JPL
- Two Post-doc Positions in Mars-related Research at University of Oslo, Norway
- AGU Earth and Planetary Surface Processes Student Committee Application
- GSA Planetary Geology Division January 2024 Newsletter
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Join the Planetary Society's Day of Action in Washington, D.C
- on April 28-29, 2024
- Citizen Science Peripheral Meeting at LPSC 2024
- Integrating Ocean Drilling and NASA Science: A Workshop to Explore Missions to Planet Earth
- COSPAR-2024-B1.2: Unveiling Planet Formation and How It Connects Small Bodies, Planets, Circumstellar Disks, and Stars
- Announcement of Ocean Worlds Working Group Meetings
- [NASA] MUREP Institutional Research Opportunity (MIRO) - Final Office Hour
- [NASA] Aperiodic PDS Data Releases in 2024.01 (1 of 2)
- [NASA] Aperiodic PDS Data Releases in 2024.01 (2 of 2)
- [NASA] JUNO Data Release 25
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Commercial Announcements:
- Commercial: Analog Field Geology - Final Announcement
Issue 4, Januray 28, 2024
- Planetary Cross-AG EDIA Working Group
- Postdoc in Mars Atmospheric Research at Open University, U.K.
- Assistant Researcher Position at UC Berkeley, Space Sciences Lab
- Call for Nominations to the Executive Committee of the Exoplanet
- Exploration Program Analysis Group
- Science with NEO Surveyor Workshop
- Planetary Data Management Workshop
- The Uranus Flagship: Investigating New Paradigms for Outer Planet Exploration Workshop
- Early Career Travel for Uranus Workshop
- Earth Science Women's Network Webinar on Senior/Junior Workplace Dynamics
- [NASA] SMD: Improving the Usability of the Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Science (ROSES) NASA Research Announcement (NRA) Request for Information
- [NASA] SMD: F.13 Lunar Terrain Vehicle Instruments Program deferred to ROSES-24
- [NASA] SMD: F.11 SALSA PRISM Deferred to ROSES-2024
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 3, January 21, 2024
- Post-Doc Opportunity in Rome, Italy
- Pellas-Ryder Award Nomination Deadline: 31 January 2024
- Mercury 2024 Meeting: Kyoto, Japan
- Call for Community Participation in Habitable Worlds Observatory Mission Concept Maturation
- Free Guide to Science Fiction with Good Astronomy (and Physics)
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 2, January 14, 2024
- [NASA] MSR IRB Response Team (MIRT) Update Town Hall Deferred
- [NASA] Input Solicited for Review of NASA Postdoctoral Program (NPP)
- Abstract Submission for "TNO2024: The Trans-Neptunian Solar System" is Now Open
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Commercial Announcements:
- Planetary Analog Field Trip
Issue 1, January 7, 2024
- Passing of Mikhail Marov (1933-2023)
- Two Positions at University of Oslo
- LPI Staff Scientist Position
- Visiting Position in Planetary Science
- Post-doc Position in Exoplanet Atmosphere Cloud Modelling at the Space Research Institute IWF, Graz (Austria)
- Openings on the OPAG Steering Committee
- NASA Postdoctoral Program
- [NASA] Corrections to ROSES-23 Future Investigators in NASA Earth and Space Science and Technology and Volunteer Reviewers Invited
- [NASA] Reminder - EONS 2024, Appendix 9: MUREP Institutional Research Opportunity 2nd Pre-proposal Webinar
- [NASA] SMD Inclusion Plan Requirements Town Hall
- [NASA] Odyssey Data Release 86
- COSPAR Session B4.2: Venus Science and Exploration
- COSPAR Session PSW.2: Space Weather at Planetary Bodies in the Solar System
- EGU2024 Session PS1.3/GD3.3: Venus: Models, Observations, (Ancient) Earth- and Exoplanet Analogue
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Earth Science Women's Network Webinar
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Table of Contents: Volume 17, 2023
Issue 57, December 31, 2023
- International Conference on Planets, Exoplanets and Habitability, Ahmedabad, India, 5-9 February 2024
- AOGS Session PS05: Small Bodies in the Solar System and Beyond
- AbSciCon 2024 Session: Geophysical Investigations of Habitability in Icy Ocean Worlds
- [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic Data Releases in 2023.12
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 56, December 24, 2023
- 2024 Pierazzo International Student Travel Award Winners
- EGU2024 Session PS5.1 Exploring the Trappist-1 System Through Observation and Modeling
- EGU2024 Session PS6.1: Prebiotic Chemistry in a Geochemical Context
- AbSciCon 2024 Session: Chemical Cycling in Ocean Worlds
- AbSciCon 2024 Session: Planetary Protection, the Limits of Life and the Moon to Mars Program
- AbSciCon 2024 Session: Pushing the Limits of In Situ Instrumentation - Developing Tools for Planetary Exploration and Life-detection Applications on Icy Ocean Worlds
- Assistant Professor or Associate Professor in Planetary Science
- Mars Exploration Science Program Newsletter for December 2023
- [NASA] Science Mission Directorate Quarterly Community Town Hall
- [NASA] MSR IRB Response Team (MIRT) Update Town Hall
- University of Edinburgh, Ph.D.s and Study
- University of Edinburgh School of Engineering, Elisabeth Georgeson Fellow
- Postdoctoral Position in Space Physics at the Swedish Institute of Space Physics
- SETI Institute Baruch S. Blumberg Fellowship and the William J. Welch Fellowship
- [NASA] ROSES-23 Amendment 75: D.10 TESS General Investigator Program Final Text and Due Date
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 55, December 17, 2023
- Visiting Lecturer in Astronomy at Mount Holyoke College
- LPI Accepting Applications for the Ryder Postdoctoral Fellowship
- UTSA-SwRI Space Physics Graduate Program: Fall 2024 Application Deadline - January 1, 2024
- Lecturer/Reader in Robotic Systems, University of Edinburgh, School of Informatics
- Special Issue on Secondary Minerals in Planetary Exploration: Frontiers Astronomy and Space Sciences
- Life Special Issue: Stable Isotope Geochemistry for Future Planetary Exploration and the Search for Life beyond Earth
- Geospatial Scientist Position With Jacobs/CMS at NASA-JSC
- Postdoctoral Opportunity in Atmospheric Escape Science
- [NASA] PDS: Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 56
- [NASA] ROSES-23 Amendment 69: F.21 Artemis Deployed Instruments Program - Second Crewed Landing Deferred to ROSES-24
- [NASA] Call for Peer Reviewers: MUREP Institutional Research Opportunity
- EGU2024 Session PS4.1: Evolving Heliophysics - Unresolved Questions Across the Solar System
- EGU2024 Session PS5.3: The State-of-the-art of Modeling Tidal Interactions in Rocky Planets
- EGU2024 Session PS5.2: Characterizing the Diversity of Sub-Neptunes, Super-Earths, and Rocky Worlds
- AOGS Session PS21: Geology, Geophysics, and Habitability in Our Solar System
- AbSciCon Session: The Whole Package - In Situ Sample Preparation and Instrumentation to Seek Life, its Precursors, and Context on Ocean Worlds
- AbSciCon 2024 Session: Planetary Evolution via Atmospheric Escape - Synergy Between Studies of Solar System and Exoplanets
- Terrestrial Analogues for Solar System Studies Workshop in Milos, Greece
- Last Call: 2023 Planetary Science Mental Health Survey
- Don't Delete, Complete: AGU Planetary Sciences Section Membership Survey reminder
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 54, December 10, 2023
- 2023 Planetary Science Mental Health Survey: 2 Weeks Left Until Survey Closes
- AGU Planetary Sciences Section Membership Survey
- Community Feedback for Draft Venus Exploration Strategy
- Elizabeth Georgeson Fellow (Engineering)
- NASA IPAC/Infrared Science Archive Survey
- EGU2024 Session PS 1.5: Polar Regions on Mars - Understanding Atmospheric, Geological, Geophysical Processes, and Their Interactions
- EGU2024 Session PS 2.5: Icy Moon Exploration - Bridging the Cryosphere and Icy Moon Communities
- 53rd Saas-Fee Advanced Course of the Swiss Society for Astrophysics and Astronomy
- Special Issue on Magnetosheaths in Frontiers Astronomy and Space Sciences
- [NASA] SMD: Innovation Corps Pilot Informational Webinar
- [NASA] SMD: Transform to Open Science - Release of Open Science 101
- [NASA] SMD: Support for Open-Source Tools, Frameworks, and Libraries Deferred to ROSES-24
- [NASA] SMD: ROSES F.9 Citizen Science Seed Funding Program Updates
- Openings on the Outer Planets Assessment Group Steering Committee
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 53, December 03, 2023
- Planet Characterization 2024: Abstract Deadline December 8
- Graduate Degree Programs at the University of Edinburgh
- EGU Session P2.1: Exploring the Mysteries of Jupiter's Icy Moons and their Space Environment
- IGARSS Session CCS.43: Geology and Geophysics across the Solar System
- [NASA] Planetary Science Townhalls at AGU Fall Meeting
- International Lunar Year Proposal from the U.S. State Department: Discussion at AGU23
- New MARSIS PDS Archive is Now a JMARS Layer
- 2024 GMAP Planetary Geologic Mapping Winter School
- LPI Accepting Applications for the McKay Postdoctoral Fellowship
- LPI Accepting Applications for the 2024 Summer Intern Program
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Assistant Professor Geophysics - Louisiana State University
- [NASA] PDS: Mars 2020 Mission Release 8
- [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic PDS Data Releases in 2023.11
- [NASA] PDS: Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 67
- OPAG Townhall at AGU (New Date: December 13)
- Postdoctoral Positions in Reaction Dynamics & Planetary Sciences & Materials Science, University of Hawaii at Manoa
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Commercial Announcements:
- Karman+ Announces Call for Proposals: High Frontier Payloads
- Planetary Analog Field Geology Intro for Managers, Engineers, and Students
Issue 52, November 26, 2023
- Postdoctoral Opportunity in Hyperspectral Imaging or Mars 2020 Science
- PhD Position in Space Research/Mass Spectrometry at University of Bern, Switzerland
- The Swedish Institute of Space Physics is Looking for a PhD Student in Space Physics
- Tenure-track Faculty Position at the University of Maryland
- AbSciCon 2024 Session: Superflares and Eruption Events from Active G, K and M dwarfs and Their Impact on Habitable Environments
- AbSciCon 2024 Session: Building a Cross-Disciplinary Understanding of Ocean Worlds Habitability at the Dawn of the Europa Clipper Mission
- AGU Planetary Science Section Mentorship Program: Looking for More Mentors
- 2023 Planetary Science Mental Health Survey
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 51, November 19, 2023
- 2023 Planetary Science Mental Health Survey
- AGU Planetary Sciences Section Membership Survey
- Final Version of the Origins, Worlds, and Life Decadal Survey Now Available
- Extraterrestrial Materials Analysis Group (ExMAG) Call for Applications for 2024 Membership
- Mercury Exploration Assessment Group (MExAG) Annual Meeting 2024
- Mercury Science and Exploration November 2023 Newsletter Released
- AbSciCon 2024 Session: Biosignature Detection and Preservation in Ice Surface Materials
- AbSciCon 2024 Session: Titan Prebiotic Chemistry - Surface and Subsurface
- JUICE Operations Scientist Position at ESAC
- International Conference on Planets, Exoplanets, and Habitability: February 5-9, 2024, Ahmedabad, India
- Phobos Trek Public Release Announcement
- (Toward) Discovery of Life Beyond Earth and its Impact (IAUS 387)
- GRAM Suite Version 2.0 Released
- [NASA] Engagement Opportunities in NASA STEM 2024 Appendix 9: MUREP Institutional Research Opportunity Notice of Funding Opportunity Released November 15, 2023
- NASA Small Bodies Assessment Group Early Career Opportunities
- [NASA] ROSES-23 Amendment 63: F.20 SMD Bridge Program Deferred
- [NASA] PDS: Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Data Release 35
- Small Bodies Assessment Group Meeting, January 30 - February 1, 2024
- Outer Planets Assessment Group (OPAG) Townhall at AGU
- Report on Edinburgh's Inaugural Forming and Exploring Habitable Worlds Meeting and more
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Commercial Announcements:
C.1. Our Path to the Stars: Introducing Explore Titan!
Issue 50, November 12, 2023
- One Senior Researcher and Two Postdoctoral Researcher Positions in the Planetary Atmospheres Group at the Institute for Basic Science, Daejeon, South Korea
- [NASA] A Science Strategy for the Human Exploration of Mars
- [NASA] F.5 FINNESST: SMD's Graduate Student Research Proposals Due February 6, 2024
- Assistant Professor - High Temperature Experimental Geochemistry, Stony Brook University
- Planet Characterization 2024
- Tenure-Track Faculty Position in Astronomical Sciences
- New Master's Degree Programme at TU Braunschweig (Germany)
- Community Feedback Sought for Draft Venus Exploration Strategy White Paper
- AbSciCon 2024 Session: Prebiotic Organic Chemistry from Primitive Bodies
- 2nd International Workshop on Co-Orbital Motion
- Ice Giant Systems Seminar Series: November 14, Dr. Raluca Rufu (SwRI)
- NASA Small Bodies Assessment Group (SBAG) Steering Committee International Member Solicitation
- Call for Abstracts: 3rd Moon-Magnetosphere Interaction Workshop, 13-17 May 2024, Dublin
- ADS Science Community Outreach Survey
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 49, November 5, 2023
- [NASA] A Science Strategy for the Human Exploration of Mars
- Job Announcement: Cluster Hire in Remote Sensing Applications and Instrument Development at Northern Arizona University
- Postdoctoral Fellowship, UT Austin Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Gerald A. Soffen Memorial Fund Fall 2023 Travel Grant
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Juno Data Release 24
- Aperiodic PDS Data Releases in 2023.10
- Mars Exploration Science Program Newsletter for November 2023
- EGU24 Session PS1.8: Atmospheres, Exospheres, and Surfaces of Terrestrial Planets, Satellites, Small Bodies, and Exoplanets
- EGU24 Session PS3.2: Emergence, Chemistry, and Evolution of Organic Matter in the Solar System
- AbSciCon 2024 Session: How Ejection Affects Erupted Material on Icy Ocean Worlds
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Commercial Announcements:
C.1. Intro to the Moon (a Free Training Event)
Issue 48, October 31, 2023
- SPECIAL EDITION: [NASA] PDS DART Mission Data Releases
Issue 47, October 29, 2023
- Pierazzo International Student Travel Award Applications Now Open
- Outer Planets Assessment Group (OPAG) Meeting: Approaching Deadlines
- Job Announcement: Planetary Astronomer/Computer Scientist at the Southwest Research Institute
- Job Announcement: Cluster Hire in Remote Sensing Applications and Instrument Development at Northern Arizona University
- [NASA] SMD: Improving the Usability of ROSES RFI
- [NASA] SMD: NASA SMD Seeks Volunteer Reviewers for Research Proposals
- AGU Session SCIWS10: Wide Open - Cocreating Inclusive Spaces in Planetary Science
- Upcoming Meeting of NASA's Planetary Advisory Committee
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 46, October 22, 2023
- Earth Science Women's Network Workshop
- NAIF Releases New WebGeoCalc Version 2.7.1
- SAGEEP 2024: Planetary Session
- [NASA] Astrobiology Biosignatures Ideas Lab
- Cluster Hire in Remote Sensing Applications and Instrument Development at Northern Arizona University
- 2023 Planetary Science Mental Health Survey
- Gerald A. Soffen Memorial Fund Fall 2023 Travel Grants
- 2024 ASU SIMS Workshop: Volatile Elements
- [NASA] SBAG: NEO WARP 3 Meeting Announcement
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 45, October 15, 2023
- Postdoctoral Position in Space Plasma Physics at IRF in Sweden
- Tenure-track Assistant Professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences at Rutgers University
- Research Assistant Professors, Institute for Geophysics, University of Texas at Austin
- Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute for Geophysics, University of Texas at Austin
- Postdoctoral Opportunity Supporting Artemis III Geology Team
- Open House: UTSA-SwRI Space Physics Graduate Program
- International Observe the Moon Night: Saturday, October 21
- 2023 Planetary Science Mental Health Survey
- New Horizons Open Science Team Meeting #54: October 26-27 (Hybrid)
- OPAG November 28-29 Hybrid Meeting
- [NASA] Topical Workshops, Symposiums, and Conferences (TWSC-24) in Space and Earth Sciences and Technology Notice of Funding Opportunity Released
- Mars Exploration Program Analysis Group Virtual Meeting #17 Rescheduled to October 20, 2023
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 44, October 8, 2023
- In Memoriam: Ted Bowell (1943-2023)
- Open Letter to MEPAG Community Regarding MSR IRB-2
- Mars Exploration Science Program Newsletter for September 2023
- The 2023 Global Reference Atmospheric Model (GRAM) Virtual Workshop
- Laboratory Astrophysics Workshop (ICE 2024)
- Planet Characterization in the Solar System and the Galaxy Workshop
- Job Announcement: Hiring Tenure-track Observational Astronomy Faculty at Michigan State University
- Job Announcement: Assistant Professor - High Temperature Experimental Geochemistry at Stony Brook University
- Job Announcement: Planetary Astronomer and Archivist at SETI
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Ice Giant Systems Seminar Series: October 10, Dr. Ian Cohen (JHU/APL)
- [NASA] Science Mission Directorate Quarterly Community Town Hall October 19
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 43, October 4, 2023
Issue 42, October 1, 2023
- Apophis T-5 Years: Knowledge Opportunity for the Science of Planetary Defense Workshop
- Two Tenure-Track Faculty Positions in the Stony Brook University Department of Geosciences
- Mars Archive Scientist at ESA
- Postdoctoral Scholar Positions at Northern Arizona University in Planetary Science
- Presidential Postdoctoral Fellowship in Planetary Science
- [NASA] Discovery@30 and New Frontiers@20: A Symposium on the History of NASA's Discovery and New Frontiers Programs
- Tenure-Track Positions in Solar System Planetary Science at Caltech
- [NASA] ROSES-23: F.23 Bridge Program Seed Funding Extension of Submission Date for Winter Review
- Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in Structural Geology University of Tennessee, Knoxville
- The Uranus Flagship: Investigating New Paradigms for Outer Planet Exploration
- [NASA] PDS: InSight Data Release 18
- [NASA] PDS: Odyssey Data Release 85
- [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic Data Releases in 2023.09
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 41, September 24, 2023
- Planetary Geology at 2024 SEPM International Sedimentary Geoscience Conference
- [NASA] ROSES-23: C.23 Analog Activities to Support Artemis Lunar Operations Not Solicited This Year
- [NASA] ROSES-23: F.10 PRISM Not Solicited This Year
- Postdoc Positions in Lunar Dust Mitigation at University of Maryland
- Workshop on EDIA for Leaders in Planetary Science
- What was that? An ESO Workshop on Planning Follow-up For Transients, Variables, and Solar System Objects in the Era of LSST
- Outer Planets Assessment Group (OPAG) Townhall at DPS/EPSC
- [NASA] PDS: Hayabusa2 MASCOT, MASCAM and MARA Release
- Exoplanet Exploration Program Analysis Group (ExoPAG) Meeting
- Tenure-Track Positions in Solar System Planetary Science at Caltech
- Small Bodies Assessment Group (SBAG) Townhall
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 40, September 17, 2023
- [NASA] ROSES-23 Amendment 45: Physical Sciences Informatics Final Text and Due Dates
- Tenure-Track Faculty Position in Planetary Science at Brown University
- Tenure-Track Positions in Solar System Planetary Science at Caltech
- Open-Rank, Tenure-Track Planetary Science Professor at Arizona State University
- Lowell Observatory - Percival Lowell Postdoctoral Fellowship
- Postdoctoral Scholar Positions at Northern Arizona University in Planetary Science
- Carnegie Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Earth and Planets Laboratory
- Requesting Community Input for IDEA Meeting
- Apply for Culturally Inclusive Planetary Engagement Workshop in Puerto Rico
- New Workshop from NASA Astrobiology: Communicating About the Discovery of ET Life
- Moon-to-Mars Tiger Team Report Presentation
- [NASA] PDS: Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 55
- Special Issue of Icarus: 14th International Asteroid, Comets, Meteors Conference
- DPS-EPSC Meeting 2023: Virtual and Hybrid Participation Opportunties
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 39, September 10, 2023
- Planetary Exploration Newsletter Back to Full Operation
- EGU General Assembly 2024: Propose Your Session for the Planetary and Space Sciences Division
- Communicating Science Short Course at GSA Connects 2023
- ArcGIS Workshop at GSA Connects 2023
- [NASA] ROSES-23: C.8 Lunar Data Analysis Program Due Dates Delayed and POC Change
- Ice Giants Seminar Series
- [NASA] HWO START/TAG Announcement
- [NASA] PDS: New MARSIS Archive
- Interest in Calibrating Plasma Measurements Special Issue Journal
- [NASA] Grants Policy and Compliance Releases Training on NASA Grants and Cooperative Agreements
- 2024A NASA Infrared Telescope Facility Call for Observing Proposals
- Faculty Position at Arizona State University
- Postdoc Position - GANGOTRI Englacial Mars Mission Concept Development
- Tenure-Track Positions in Solar System Planetary Science at Caltech
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 38, September 3, 2023
- Planetary Exploration Newsletter Mailer Continues to be Down
- ESA Research Fellowships in Space Science
- MS/PhD Positions for Fall 2024
- Post-Doctoral Position in Space Plasma Physics at IRF
- Ph.D. Position in Exo-(Planetary) Science at University of Central Florida
- [NASA] ROSES-23: C.25 Hera Participating Scientist Program Final Text and Due Dates
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Final Arecibo Observatory Newsletter
- ESA Archival Research Visitor Programme
- NASA Ames Community Analysis Pipeline and Mars Global Climate Model Virtual Tutorial
- [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic Data Releases in 2023.08
- [NASA] PDS: Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 66
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 37, August 27, 2023
- Planetary Exploration Newsletter is Back! Again!
- Impact Workshop During the Total Solar Eclipse in Rochester NY, USA
- Tenure-Track Junior Faculty Position in Earth and Planetary Sciences Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability
- [NASA] New Frontiers 5: Seventh Community Announcement
- Planetary Atmospheric Modeling Positions Available at SwRI-Boulder
- NASA Space Technology Graduate Research Opportunities (NSTGRO24) Released
- Faculty Position in Planetary Science Department of Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences, Rice University
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 36, August 20, 2023
- Planetary Exploration Newsletter is Back!
- Join the Planetary Society for a Day of Action
- [NASA] PDS: Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Data Release 34
- NASA Planetary Data Training Workshop Resources Available
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Commercial Announcements:
Introduction to Planetary Analogs Field Trip
Issue 35, August 13, 2023
- Temporarily Down
- The Cross-AG IDEA Working Group - Looking for a New Co-Chair
- Workshop on EDIA for Leaders in Planetary Science
- Apply to Attend the AAS Peer Review Workshop at DPS-EPSC 2023
- Apply for the Culturally Inclusive Planetary Engagement Workshop
- Geospatial Scientist Position at Jacobs / Critical Mission Solutions
- The New Horizons Uranus/Neptune Observation Campaign and a Request for Ground-based Amateur Observing Support
- Mercury Science and Exploration August 2023 Newsletter Released
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 34, August 6, 2023
- Mars Exploration Science Program Newsletter for August 2023
- Job Announcement: Chair, School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Georgia Institute of Technology
- Mentor Matching Program at DPS-EPSC 2023
- The Trans-Neptunian Solar System 2024 Meeting
- Workshop Announcement: Habitability - The Astrophysical, Atmospheric, and Geophysical Implications
- The 15th International Conference on Substorms (ICS-15): Abstract Submission Deadline Extension
- Reminder: Endurance Science Workshop This Week
- Outer Planets Assessment Group (OPAG) Meeting
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- [NASA] SMD: F.19 Multidomain Reusable Artificial Intelligence Tools Not Solicited This Year
- [NASA] PDS: Mars Science Laboratory Release 33
- [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic PDS Data Releases in 2023.07
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 33, July 30, 2023
- Celebrating the Impact of the Planetary Science Journal
- AGU Session DI002: Exploring the Interiors of Rocky Bodies with Meteoritical, Experimental, Modelling, and Observational Approaches
- AGU Session DI010: Of Cores We Can - Interdisciplinary Studies of Earth and Planetary Cores
- AGU Session DI016: Tracing Chemical and Isotopic Signatures during Rocky Body Evolution - Integrating Experimental and Computational Approaches
- AGU Session P042: Ultraviolet Observing of Solar System Targets
- AGU Session SM009: Fields Across the Solar System - A Comparative Study of Non-Relativistic Planetary Magnetospheric Processes
- AGU Session SM027: Three-Dimensional Magnetosphere Structure and Dynamics during Geomagnetic Storms
- Postdoc Position on Cryovolcanism on Ceres at MPI for Solar System Research, Germany
- EPSP New Graduate Student Mentorship Program
- Venus as a System Conference Abstract Notice
- [NASA] PDS: Mars 2020 Mission Release 7
- Astromaterials Data System Town Hall & Lunch at MetSoc 2023
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 32, July 23, 2023
- 15th International Conference on Substorms (ICS-15)
- Dependent Care Grants for 2023 DPS Meeting
- Open MExAG Steering Committee Position - Geochemistry Discipline
- AGU Session P039: Space Environments of Unmagnetized or Weakly Magnetized Solar System Bodies and the Effects of Space Weather on These Systems
- AGU Session P004: Atmospheres, Climate, and Potential Habitability of Rocky Exoplanets
- Multiple Postdoctoral Positions in Lunar Science at Brown University
- [NASA] SMD: ROSES-23 Amendment 33 - Supplements for Open-Source Science Final Text
- [NASA] SMD: ROSES-23 Amendment 34 - Collision Avoidance / Conjunction Assessment Requirements Added to the ROSES Summary of Solicitation
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 31, July 16, 2023
- Mars Exploration Science Program Newsletter for July 2023
- [NASA] Science Mission Directorate Quarterly Community Town Hall
- PostDoc Position in Exoplanet atmospheres at the Space Research Institute IIWF
- MPEC Watch, A Web-based Digestion of Minor Planet Electronic Circulars
- AGU Session GP016: Planetary Magnetism and Protoplanetary Disk Magnetism
- AGU Session P032: Onward to the Moon - A New Era of Science
- AGU Session EP036: Surface Processes Across the Solar System
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 30, July 9, 2023
- [NASA] PDS: Insight Data Release 17
- [NASA] PDS: Odyssey Data Release 84
- [NASA] PDS: Juno Data Release 23
- [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic PDS Data Releases in 2023.06
- Apply for the Culturally Inclusive Planetary Engagement Workshop
- New Master's Degree Programme at TU Braunschweig, Germany
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- AGU Session P011: Enceladus - From Inner Workings to the Potential for Life
- AGU Session P020: Giant Planet Interiors
- GSA Session T32: Engaging the Public in Science - Promoting a Deeper Understanding of Our World and Beyond
- PhD Student in Space Physics for Studies of Space Weather
- Planetary Photogrammetry Workshop Announcement
- Ice Giant Systems Seminar Series
- 15th International Conference on Substorms (ICS-15)
- [NASA] ROSES-23 D.16: Astrophysics Decadal Survey Precursor Science Final Text and Due Dates
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 29, July 2, 2023
- New Masters in Astrobiology and Planetary Science at the University of Edinburgh
- AGU Session P002: A Return to the Lunar Surface
- AGU Session P008: Concepts for Future Planetary Science Missions and Instruments
- AGU Session P040: The Ice Giants - Exploring the Planetary Systems of Uranus and Neptune
- AGU Session B078: Targeting Microhabitats for Life Detection and Biological Investigations
- Fluvial Aeolian InteRactions on PLAnetarY Surfaces Workshop (FAIRPLAY) Workshop Abstract and Registration Now Open
- DPS-EPSC Abstract Submission Extension to July 12
- OSIRIS-REx TAGCAMS V12.0 Release
- VICAR Mars Programs (VISOR) Released Open Source
- Mastcam Stereo Analysis and Mosaics (MSAM) Data Released to PDS
- Labelocity, a PDS Label Generator
- [NASA] F.23 SMD Bridge Seed Funding: Office Hours This Week
- Mars Exploration Science Program Newsletter for June 2023
- Special Icarus Issue on Lunar Polar Volatiles
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 28, June 25, 2023
- PhD Position at German Aerospace Center in Berlin
- Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in New Zealand
- [NASA] SMD: HQ Program Scientist Job Announcement Closing Soon
- [NASA] SMD: Innovation Corps Pilot Informational Webinar
- [NASA] Webinar on NASA Public Access Plan for Scientific Research
- [NASA] Mars Sample Return: Call for Membership on the Sample Receiving Project Measurement Definition Team
- SIMS Community Facility Workshop Survey: Looking for Feedback!
- Abstract Submission Open for Blue Sky 2023 Workshop on Earth and Planetary Clouds/Aerosols
- Libraries Around the Nation Looking for Eclipse Programs and Help
- GSA Session T102: Geomorphology and Landscape Evolution of Mars
- AGU Session P014: Exploring Archean Earth to Understand Archean-like Exoplanets
- AGU Session P026: Martian Sulfates Studied Using Orbital, Ground, Laboratory, and Earth Data
- AGU Session P027: Mercury in the Solar Wind
- AGU Session P031: Ocean Worlds and Search for Life - Horizons in Icy Satellite Science at the Launch of the Historic Europa Clipper Mission
- AGU Session P041: The New Mars Underground
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 27, June 18, 2023
- PhD position at German Aerospace Center in Berlin
- Abstract Submission Open for FAIRPLAY Workshop
- AGU Session P017: Forward to the Moon - Lunar Exploration Science
- AGU Session P025: Martian Aqueous Processes Inferred from Observations, Analogs, and Experiments
- AGU Session P038: Small Solar System Bodies - Sample Returns, JWST, Ground-based Astronomy and More
- AGU Session P042: Ultraviolet Observing of Solar System Targets
- Summer School on Volcanism, Plate Tectonics, Hydrothermal Vents and Life
- Commercial Space Exploration and Travel - Chances and Risks
- NASA Dawn Mission Global Geologic Maps of Vesta and Ceres Available for Download
- Io GIS Database V1 Available for Download
- [NASA] PDS: Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 54
- DPS Travel Grant Available for Underrepresented Minority Communities to Attend DPS and NSBP
- LEAG Seeking New Executive Committee Members
- [NASA] RFI and July 14 webinar on NASA's Public Access Plan for Scientific Research
- National Academies Study Invitation
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 26, June 11, 2023
- Metaversity Needs Space Science Lecturers
- PhD Opportunities in Interdisciplinary Space Sciences and Planetary Research
- PhD Student in Experimental Asteroid Research
- Search Underway for New JGR Planets Editor-in-Chief
- Special Session at GSA on Hydrothermal Systems Across the Solar System
- [NASA] Town Hall for Planetary Science Research Programs Using Dual-Anonymous Peer Review
- Endurance Science Workshop 2023
- DPS-EPSC Science Themes
- [NASA] Space Weather and Science Agile Platforms Request for Information
- [NASA] ROSES-23: B.7 Space Weather Science Application Research-to- Operations-to-Research Step-2 Proposal Due Date Delay
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 25, June 7, 2023
- Special Edition: Leaders Letter Concerning New Horizons
Issue 24, June 4, 2023
- Open MEPAG Steering and Goals Committee Positions
- Planetary Science Advisory Committee (PAC) Meeting
- Ice Giant Systems Seminar Series: June 13, Dr
- Anonymous FTP Access to the NAIF Server is Terminating
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Texas Area Planetary Science Meeting (TAPS)
- Microsatellites and Their Use in Planetary and Astrobiology Research Workshop
- Life in the Subsurface Conference
- Impacts and their Role in the Evolution of Life Summer School
- Volcanism, Plate Tectonics, Hydrothermal Vents and Life Summer School
- 3 Year Postdoctoral Fellowship Position in Data Science at the Adler Planetarium
- Postdoctoral Fellowship Opportunity in Meteorites Studies at Arizona State University
- [NASA] SMD: Artemis III Deployed Instruments Final Text and Due Dates
- [NASA] SMD: F.23 SMD Bridge Program Seed Funding Clarification
- [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic PDS Data Releases in 2023.05
- [NASA] PDS: Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 65
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 23, May 27, 2023
- Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS) Data Scientist Position, Jacobs/Critical Mission Solutions
- DPS-EPSC Science Themes
- Mercury Science and Exploration May 2023 Newsletter Released
- Origins of Life Conference
- Two Lecturer/Assistant Lecturer Tenure Track Positions in Planetary Atmosphere Modelling and Planetary Sciences
- Mars Exploration Science Program Newsletter for May 2023
- PHD Position at Aix-Marseille University, France
- Postdoc Position in Exoplanet Atmospheres
- [NASA] Upcoming Advisory Committee Meetings: NAC Science and PAC
- [NASA] Seeking Reviewers for SMD Bridge Program Seed Funding Proposals
- NASA TechFlights 2023 Solicitation Is Closing Soon
- Hybrid Science Lecture: Exploring the Lunar South Pole, June 8
- NASA Office of STEM Engagement TEAM II Data Call for Reviewers (Informal Education)
- [NASA] Astrobiology Mission Ideation Factory Application Available
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 22, May 21, 2023
- [NASA] SMD: ROSES-2023 Updates Regarding Open Science and Data Management Plan to Summary of Solicitation and Research Overviews
- [NASA] Announcement of Opportunity Solar Terrestrial Probes Program Dynamical Neutral Atmosphere-Ionosphere Coupling (DYNAMIC) Final Text Released
- [NASA] Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Data Release 33
- Associate Professor in Planetary Exploration at TU Delft
- Faculty Position in Remote Sensing or Geomorphology Available at Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi, UAE
- Apply for the Culturally Inclusive Planetary Engagement Workshop in Mountain View, CA
- Abstract Submissions for the Rescheduled Extraterrestrial Materials Analysis Group Meeting
- Webinar: Moon to Mars Architecture
- Announcement of New Ocean Worlds Working Group Town Hall
- NASA Planetary Data Training Workshop at Arizona State University
- Travel Grants and Registration Open for 2023 Hybrid PlanetInsitu Workshop Within the iCAR Conference
- Small Bodies Assessment Group Steering Committee Position
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 21, May 14, 2023
- NEO WARP 2 Registration Now Open
- Open MExAG Steering Committee Positions
- Lunar SDI Solicits Standards Input
- Planetary Science Lead at Ball Aerospace
- Postdoc Opportunities Working on Lunar Missions at University of Central Florida
- Job Announcement: Life Detection Scientist at NASA Goddard
- NASA Funding Webinar on May 24, 1 PM EDT
- [NASA] Support for Planetary Sample Science Cooperative Agreement
- Notice and Questions and Answers Released
- [NASA] Request for Information: Space Weather and Science Agile Platforms
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 20, May 8, 2023
- Special Edition: Open Letter on Heliophysics Investigations From New Horizons
Issue 19, May 7, 2023
- Metaversity Needs Virtual Reality Space Teachers
- Scientific Data Analyst with the MAVEN Imaging Ultraviolet Spectrograph Team
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Updated GRAM Suite Version 1.5.0 Released
- SOEST Research Fellowship
- Solar Wind 16 Deadlines Approaching
- Ice Giant Systems Seminar Series
- [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic Data Releases in 2023.04
- [NASA] Astrobiology Mission Ideation Factory: Indication of Interest
- [NASA] Advanced Air Vehicles Program (AAVP) Fellowship Opportunities Pre-proposal Webinar
- [NASA] ROSES-22: Topical Workshops, Symposia, and Conferences Proposal Due Date Delayed to July 21, 2023
- [NASA] SpaceTech-REDDI-2023 Appendix F1: TechFlights Now Open
- [NASA] Research Announcement (NRA): Early Stage Innovations Appendix
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 18, April 30, 2023
- Registration Open for 2023 Hybrid PlanetInsitu Workshop, Within the Brines Conference
- [NASA] ROSES-23 Amendment 18: C.25 Hera Participating Scientist Program TBD Placeholder
- [NASA] ROSES-23 Amendment 19: B.5 Living with a Star Science Final Text and Due Dates
- Request for Feedback on Mars Sample Depot Workshop
- SBAG Steering Committee Positions
- Job Announcement: Life Detection Scientist at NASA Goddard
- Job Announcement: Instrument Development Civil Service Position at NASA Goddard
- Postdoctoral Assistant Researchers in the Planetary and Space Sciences at the University of Hawai'i
- NASA Postdoctoral Program
- ALMA Cycle 10 Call for Proposals
- Astrobiology SciComm Guild May 2023 Meeting: Broadening Participation in STEM by Focusing on Identity Development
- Early Career Travel Grants and Abstract Extension for the Uranus Flagship Workshop
- Gerald A. Soffen Memorial Fund Travel Grant Announcement
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 17, April 23, 2023
- In Memory of Len Tyler (October 18, 1940 - March 16, 2023)
- MEPAG Steering Committee and Goals Committee Openings - Applications Due April 30, 2023
- MExAG Steering Committee Positions
- Gerald A. Soffen Memorial Fund Travel Grant Announcement
- Near-Earth Object Workshop to Assess Reconnaissance for Planetary Defense (NEO WARP) 2
- AAE International Conference on Space Exploration
- Cosmic Dust Meeting
- NSLS II Users Workshop Announcement
- 6th Planetary Data Workshop: Last Call for Abstracts
- Registration Open for 2023 Hybrid PlanetInsitu Workshop, within the Brines Conference
- Planetary Geologic Mapping Goes to GSA, Oct 15-18, 2023
- National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine Caregiving Policies and Practices
- Farinella Prize 2023 Announcement
- NAIF Releases New WebGeocalc Version 2.6.1
- PhD Position at the University of Bern
- Postdoctoral Position at the Swedish Institute of Space Physics (IRF)
- [NASA] ROSES-23 Amendment 15: Deployed Instruments (A3DI) for Community Comment
- [NASA] ROSES-23 Amendment 16: F.22 Research Initiation Award
- [NASA] ROSES-23 Amendment 17: F.23 SMD Bridge Program Seed Funding
- [NASA] MUREP Curriculum Awards Office Hour
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 16, April 16, 2023
- Swedish Institute of Space Physics Job Announcements
- Bill Feldman Science Symposium 2.0
- Astrobiology SciComm Guild April 2023 Meeting: Culturally Inclusive Planetary Engagement Workshops
- Instrument Development Position at NASA GSFC
- Habitable Worlds Observatory Science, Technology, Architecture Review Team and Virtual Town Hall
- Life Detection Scientist at NASA Goddard
- Postdoc-to-Faculty Position in Astronomy and Planetary Science
- Small Bodies Assessment Group (SBAG) Steering Committee (SC) Positions
- 29th Meeting of the Small Bodies Assessment Group
- [NASA] PDS: New Horizons KEM1 Release K5
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 15, April 9, 2023
- The Planetary Society, American Geophysical Union, and Prominent Academic Institutions Call on Congress to Save VERITAS Mission to Venus
- [NASA] SMD: Support for Planetary Sample Science (SPSS) DRAFT Cooperative Agreement Notice Released for Comment
- [NASA] ROSES-23 Amendment 13: F.18 Innovation Corps (I-Corps) Pilot Final Text
- Fluvial Aeolian InteRactions on PLAnetarY Surfaces Workshop (FAIRPLAY)
- ExMAG Meeting Rescheduled
- Postdoctoral Position in Asteroid Science at TU Braunschweig (Germany)
- Postdoc Position in Planetary Radio Science and Bistatic Radar
- Life Detection Scientist Sought at NASA Goddard
- Earth Science Women's Network Academic Faculty Interviews Event
- Earth Science Women's Network Navigating a Workplace Hierarchy Event
- Workshop Reminder: Workshop on EDIA for Leaders in Planetary Science
- Subsidized or Free Housing for ACM2023 Attendees
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- OPAG May Meeting - Lightning Talks, Poster Session, Travel Awards
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 14, April 2, 2023
- Call to Action: Petition Congress for 2029 Launch Date for VERITAS
- The 4th Dust, Atmosphere, and Plasma Environment of the Moon and Small Bodies
- OPAG May Hybrid Meeting, Lightning Talks and Poster Session
- Save the Date: First Texas Area Planetary Science Meeting (TAPS) - August 17-18, San Antonio
- Asteroids, Comets, Meteors (ACM) Conference: Expressions of Interest
- Exploring Mars Together: A Plan for a Sustainable Future for Science at Mars
- Call for DPS Prize Nominations (Due April 15, 2023)
- NASA Planetary Data Training Workshop, Tempe, Arizona, May 23-26, 2023
- PhD Position in Space Research/Mass Spectrometry at the University of Bern, Switzerland
- Job Announcement: Life Detection Scientist at NASA Goddard
- Science Community Involvement Opportunity - Mars Sample Receiving Project Measurement Definition Team
- Hybrid Science Lecture with Updates from JWST, April 6, 2023
- NASA Facility for Astromaterials Research
- [NASA] Science Mission Directorate Budget Community Town Hall - April 6 Question and Answer Session
- [NASA] PDS: Insight Data Release 16
- [NASA] PDS: Odyssey Data Release 83
- [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic PDS Data Releases in 2023.03
- [NASA] MUREP Curriculum Awards (MCA) - Preproposal Webinar #2
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 13, March 26, 2023
- Editorial: Congress Needs to Intervene in the Management of NASA Planetary Science
- Call to Action: Petition Congress for 2029 Launch Date for VERITAS
- Titan Through Time Meeting Update
- Job Opportunity: Software Engineer III for Small-Body Ephemeris Development at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory
- Workshop on Impact Processes as a Path to Habitability on Planetary Bodies
- [NASA] ROSES-23: New Opportunity C.24 "Here to Observe" Program for NASA's Planetary Science Division
- [NASA] Sixth Community Announcement: Advance Notice Regarding Forthcoming Release of the New Frontiers 5 (NF5) Announcement of Opportunity (AO)
- NEOWISE 2023 Data Release
- UTCT X-Ray Computed Tomography Short Course June 28-30, 2023
- Culturally Inclusive Planetary Engagement Workshops
- Hybrid Science Lecture with Updates from JWST, April 6
- Job Announcement: Life Detection Scientist at NASA GSFC
- Space Tourism Conference: Bridging the Technical-Leisure Divide
- Opportunity for Science Community Involvement in a Mars Sample Return Measurement Definition Team
- $1000 Minigrants to Support Women and Girls in Astronomy
- Small Bodies Assessment Group (SBAG) Steering Committee (SC) Positions
- Visiting Assistant Professor at Wesleyan University
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 12, March 19, 2023
- In Memory of Jack "Dr. Rock" Farmer (April 18, 1947 - February 22, 2023)
- Astrobiology SciComm Guild March Meeting: Digital Learning Projects for Scientists, Educators, and Students
- [NASA] Request for Information: New Horizons Interstellar Mission
- [NASA] ROSES-23 Amendment 5: F.15 High Priority Open-Source Science Final Text and Due Dates
- [NASA] Panel Reviewers Needed for MUREP Women's Colleges and Universities
- MEPAG 40 Hybrid Meeting
- Job Opening: Remote Sensing Lab Manager at the University of Arizona
- NASA Planetary Science Summer School Applications Due March 27, 2023
- Mars Exploration Science Program Newsletter for March 2023
- [NASA] PDS: Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 53
- [NASA] PDS: Mars Science Laboratory Release 32
- Associate Professor/Professor in Planetary Atmospheres at ISAE-SUPAERO, University of Toulouse
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 11, March 12, 2023
- DPS-EPSC 2023 Hybrid Meeting: Save the Date
- Solar Wind 16: Registration Open
- LPSC 2023: JGR and AGU Publications Community Meeting (Corrected Time)
- LPSC 2023: Venus Strategy Community Town Hall
- NSF CMAP Summer Physics Workshop for Undergrads - University of Rochester
- Two Tenure-Track Positions at the University of Hawai'i
- Technical Consultant in Photogrammetry at Esri
- Postdoctoral Earth and Planetary Sciences Fellowships at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum
- Program Scientist Positions in NASA's Planetary Science Division
- Postbaccalaureate Positions at NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
- Ganymede Trek Public Release Announcement
- The Planetary Data Reader
- Open Call for Submissions to an Icarus Special Issue on Solar System Ices
- Planetary Science Advisory Committee Nominations
- NASA Infrared Telescope Facility Observing Proposals
- [NASA] PDS: JUNO Data Release 22
- [NASA] PDS: OSIRIS-REx Thermal Bundle Release
- [NASA] ROSES-23 Amendment 4: Relevance Requirement Added to B.7 Space Weather Science Application Research-to-Operations-to-Research
- [SMD] NASA SMD Seeking Volunteer Reviewers for Research Proposals
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 10, March 5, 2023
- Planet Characterizationn the Solar System and the Galaxy 2024
- Upcoming SPICE Training Class in Spain
- ESA Archival Research Visitor Programme
- [NASA] RFI: Draft Federal Strategy to Advance an Integrated U.S. Greenhouse Gas Monitoring and Information System (GHGMIS) Released
- Postdoc Position Searching for Asteroid Binaries in Gaia Data at OCA in Nice, France for Review and Public Comment
- International Conference on Aeolian Research (ICAR) Abstract Deadline Extended to March 14
- [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic Data Releases in 2023.02
- [NASA] PDS: Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 64
- Job Opening: Planetary Scientist at NASA Astrophysics Data System
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- OPAG Townhall at LPSC
- AGU Honors Nominations Due April 12
- Mercury Science and Exploration February 2023 Newsletter Released
- Ancient and Future Brines Abstract Deadline Extended to March 10, 2023
- Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter: Sixteen Years Observing a Changing Mars
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 9, February 26, 2023
- ESA Announcement of Opportunity for Membership of MMX Science Strategy Teams
- Abstract Submission Reminder for Apophis T-6 Workshop
- 4th Dust, Atmosphere, and Plasma Environment of the Moon and Small Bodies
- The Ancient and Future Brines Conference
- 12th International Conference of Fluvial Sedimentology
- Goldschmidt Session 1F: Exoplanet atmospheric characterization, interior-surface-atmosphere interactions, and planetary habitability
- 2023B NASA Keck Call for Proposals
- Mars Exploration Science Program Newsletter for February 2023
- LPSC 2023: New Frontiers 5 Town Hall
- LPSC 2023: JGR and AGU Publications Community Meeting at LPSC
- ESA: Opening Head of Science Operations Development
- Post-doc Position at the Department of Science and Mathematics Education at Umea University
- Postdoc Position in Laboratory Planetary Science/Astrophysics at UT San Antonio
- DPS Committee Seeks Secretary for 2023-26 Term
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 8, February 19, 2023
- [NASA] Release of Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Science (ROSES)-2023
- [NASA] ROSES-22 Amendment 89: F.5 FINESST Graduate Student Research Proposal Due Date Delay
- [NASA] ROSES-23 Amendment 1: Final Text and Due Dates for B.7 Space Weather Science Application Research-to-Operations-to-Research
- [NASA] Reviewers Needed for MUREP Space Technology Artemis Research (M-STAR)
- SSERVI Award Nominations Due March 31, 2023
- Call for DPS Prize Nominations
- Become a SUPPR Mentor: Apply by February 27, 2023
- Postdoc in Experimental Icy Moons Geochemistry, Open University, UK
- Postdoctoral Opportunity at CRESS/York University
- Postdoctoral Research Opportunity on Small Bodies
- 2023 NASA Planetary Science Summer School Applications Due March 27
- Join Us For the Upcoming NASA PI Launchpad Pre-application Information Session
- [NASA] PDS: Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Data Release 32
- Lunar Surface Innovation Consortium (LSIC) Spring Meeting
- Lunar Surface Innovation Consortium (LSIC) Funding Workshop
- 2023 NASA Exploration Science Forum (NESF2023) Abstracts Due March 31
- Planetary Science Advisory Committee (PAC) Meeting
- 2023 European Lunar Symposium (ELS) Registration and Abstract Submission Now Open
- Abstract Submission Reminder for Apophis T-6 Workshop
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 7, February 12, 2023
- 4th Dust, Atmosphere, and Plasma Environment of the Moon and Small Bodies Workshop
- PhD in Modeling Tidal Dissipation in Io at Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
- Invitation to Submit Nomination Packages for AGU Planetary Science Awards
- AOGS Session PS13: Surface Processes on Rocky Bodies in the Solar System
- AOGS Session PS14: Venus - Evolution of the Interior, Surface, and Atmosphere
- Chromatography Job Opening at NASA GSFC
- Two PhD Positions in Space Physics in the Department of Physics at Umea University, Sweden
- Postdoc in Mars Geology/Geomorphology at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum
- PhD Position in Numerical Modeling of Meteorite Thermal and Mechanical Properties at DLR, Berlin
- Three positions at IRF in Sweden
- PostDoc Position in Astrochemistry in Protoplanetary Disks at the Space Research Institute, Graz
- Call for Letters of Intent to Host the Asteroids, Comets, Meteors 2026 Conference
- Ice Giant Systems Seminar Series: February 14, Dr. Kathy Mandt (JHU/APL)
- [NASA] MUREP Space Technology Artemis Research (M-STAR) Announcement Released
- [NASA] Preproposal Webinar on MUREP Curriculum Awards
- Lunar Surface Innovation Consortium (LSIC) Spring Meeting
- ICFS 2023 Session: Planetary Fluvial Sedimentology and Stratigraphy
- Abstract Submission Reminder for Apophis T-6 Workshop
- [NASA] PI Launchpad: Developing Your First Flight Mission Proposal
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 6, February 5, 2023
- [NASA] SMD: Roses-22 FINESST Graduate Student Research Proposal Due Date Delay
- [NASA] SMD: Draft NASA Conflict of Interest and Conflict of Commitment Disclosure Policy
- [NASA] OCEO: Pre-Proposal Webinar - Minority University Research and Education Project (MUREP) Women's Colleges and Universities (MUREP WCU)
- [NASA] Engagement Opportunities in MASA STEM 2023 (EONS-2023): Minority University Research and Education Project Curriculum Awards
- [NASA] Aperiodic PDS Data Releases in 2023.01
- Job Opening: Postdoc in Mars Geology/Geomorphology at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum
- Post-doctoral Researcher in Venus Global Climate Modelling
- Two Post-doc Positions in Bennu Sample Analysis at Arizona State University
- Postdoctoral Researcher for Mars Rover Science/Operations and Mars Data Analysis
- PhD Position - Defining the Role of Sublimating Ices in Mass Wasting Across the Solar System
- Two PhD Positions in Space Physics at Umea University in Sweden
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Two NanoSIMS Job Openings at the University of Arizona
- Early Career Opportunity - Final InSight Science Team Meeting
- The International Summer School in Astrobiology: Searching for Life on Ocean Worlds
- Invitation to Join the Science Organizing Committee (SOC) for the 2023 Joint DPS-EPSC Meeting
- Workshop on EDIA for Leaders in Planetary Science
- Spanish Webinar About Planetary Science and Careers
- Uranus Flagship: Investigations and Instruments for Cross-Discipline Science Workshop
- International Conference on Aeolian Research (ICAR XI): Abstracts Being Accepted
- Abstract Deadline Extension for TherMoPS IV
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 5, January 29, 2023
- Goldschmidt 2023 Theme 10G: Geobiology Life in Earth and Planetary Systems Processes - Biosignature Diversity, Preservation, and Detection through Geologic Time
- Abstract Submission Reminder for TherMoPS IV
- JpGU 2023 Session: Outer Solar System Exploration Today and Tomorrow
- Venus Science Panel: Hybrid Public Event
- Freely Available Public Talks: Forming and Exploring Habitable Worlds
- Gordon Research Seminar Origins of Solar Systems Abstract Submission Deadline
- The GeoPlaNet Erasmus Mundus Joint Master in Planetary Geosciences Hosting First Cohort of International Students in September 2023
- Job Opening: Chromatographer at NASA GSFC
- Job Opening: NASA Research Scientist Position at NASA GSFC
- [NASA] ROSES-22 Amendment 87: F.12 Artemis Deployed Instruments Program Deferred to ROSES-2023
- [NASA] ROSES-22 Amendment 86: C.25 Artemis III Geology Team Final Text
- [NASA] Lunar Surface Technology Research (LuSTR) Opportunities Appendix Released
- [NASA] 2023 Heliophysics Space Weather Vigil Focused Mission of Opportunity (Vigil FMO) Draft Announcement of Opportunity Released for Review and Public Comment
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 4, January 22, 2023
- Job Opening: Senior Scientist for Astrobiology at NASA Headquarters, Washington DC
- Job Opening: Postdoc in Mars Mineralogy/Stratigraphy at UT Austin
- Postdoctoral Research Associate in Venus Surface Mineralogy, Wesleyan University
- Postdoctoral Scholar Position in Asteroid and Comet Dynamics and Properties at Caltech
- [NASA] Engagement Opportunities in NASA STEM 2023 Appendix 10: Minority University Research and Education Project Women's Colleges and Universities (MUREP WCU)
- Looking for Scientists to Work with Community College Astronomy Instructors
- Mars Exploration Science Program Newsletter for January 2023
- 2023 International Conference of Deep Space Sciences
- PDS User Experience Testers Needed
- OPAG Online Community Discussion of NF5 Draft AO
- Call for Ocean Worlds Working Group Inaugural Co-Chairs
- Titan Through Time Meeting: First Announcement and Date Poll
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 3, January 15, 2023
- Help Support a Final Extension of the ESA Cluster Mission
- Two Year Postdoctoral Scholarship in Modeling Plasma Interaction with Planetary Bodies
- [NASA] Town Hall on the Updated Scientific Information Policy for the Science Mission Directorate (SPD-41a) on January 17
- Teaching Position at the University of Pittsburgh
- [NASA] Draft Announcement of Opportunity for the New Frontiers Program Released for Public Review and Comment
- GSA Penrose Conference - The Role of Outburst Floods in Earth and Planetary Evolution
- [NASA] Job Opening: Senior Scientist for Astrobiology, at NASA Headquarters, Washington D.C.
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 2, January 8, 2023
- Signatures in Support of Mars Express Extension
- Applications Now Open: Oxygen in Planetary Biospheres
- Abstract Submission: Fourth Workshop on Thermal Models for Planetary Science
- EGU2023 Session PS4.1: Atmospheres and Exospheres of Terrestrial Planets, Satellites, and Exoplanets
- EGU2023 Session PS5.2: Forward to the Moon: The Science of Exploration
- EGU2023 Session PS5.3: Lunar Science, Exploration & Utilization
- EGU2023 Session PS7.1: Evolution and Characterisation of Earth-sized Exoplanets, Super-Earths, and Sub-Neptunes
- Uranus Flagship: Investigations and Instruments for Cross-Discipline Science
- Ice Giant Systems Seminar Series: 10 January, 2023, Dr. Mark Hofstadter (JPL/Caltech)
- Registration Open for Space Science in Context 2023
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Post-doctoral Position in Space Weather
- Assistant/Associate Professor in Planetary Sciences
- Job Opening: Senior Scientist for Astrobiology, at NASA Headquarters, Washington D.C.
- [NASA] Request for Information (RFI): Scientific Data and Computing Architecture to Support Open Science
- [NASA] Science Mission Directorate Quarterly Community Town Hall January 18, 2023
- [NASA] Our Dusty Universe with Dr. Veerle Sterken January 12
- [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic Data Releases in 2022.12
- [NASA] PDS: Insight Data Release 15
- [NASA] PDS: Odyssey Data Release 82
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 1, January 1, 2023
- Planetary Science Research Position at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center
- AOGS Session PS10: Advances in Modeling the Formation, Atmospheric, and Geological Properties of Habitable Planets
- ACM Asteroid Name Nominations
- Professional Development Webinar for Sceintists: Managing Stress Fatigue
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Table of Contents: Volume 16, 2022
Issue 53, December 24, 2022
- AOGS 2023 Session: Astrochemical Processes Leading to the Formation of Planetary Bodies in the Solar System
- Job Opening: Senior Scientist for Astrobiology at NASA Headquarters, Washington, DC
- NASA Postdoctoral Program
- Postdoctoral Position in Cosmic Ice Astrochemistry
- SBAG 28 Third Announcement: January 24-25, 2023
- [NASA] ROSES-22 Amendment 79: TESS General Investigator Program (D.10) Final Text and Due Date Released
- [NASA] ROSES-22 Amendment 81: New Opportunity (D.19) Ultraviolet Transient Astronomy Satellite Participating Scientists Program
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 52, December 18, 2022
- 2023 Pierazzo International Student Travel Award Winners Announced
- EGU 2023: Call for Abstracts for the Planetary and Space Sciences (PS) Division
- EGU 2023 Session PS4.3: Mars Science and Exploration
- EGU 2023 Session SSP3.1: Bedform Morphodynamics in Terrestrial and Planetary Environments
- Biennial European Astrobiology Conference (BEACON), May 8-12, 2023
- AOGS 2023 Session PS09: Geology, Geophysics, and Habitability in our Solar System
- Planetary Data Officer Position at NASA AMES Research Center
- PHD Student in Experimental Asteroid Research
- Postdoctoral Position in Cosmic Ice Astrochemistry
- Postdoctoral Position in Icy Moon Geochemistry, University of Washington, Seattle
- Short Course on Mineralogy of Planetary Surfaces and Biosignatures
- DART Boarder Program for February Investigation Team Meeting
- [NASA] PDS: JUNO Data Release 21
- [NASA] PDS: Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 52
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 51, December 11, 2022
- Special Edition: Planetary Science Decadal Town Hall at the 2022 AGU Fall Meeting
Issue 50, December 11, 2022
- EGU 2023 Session GM10.1/PS1: Planetary Geomorphology
- EGU 2023 Session PS3.1: Advances in Modeling the Formation and Chemical Composition of Terrestrial Planets
- Postdoctoral Position at LMD, Paris, on Uranus and Neptune Atmospheric Modeling
- NASA Seeks Proposals for Artemis III Geology Team
- ACM Asteroid Name Nominations
- Postdoc Opportunity at University of Virginia
- Postdoc in Planetary Science at Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio
- [NASA] Revised Scientific Information Policy for the Science Mission Directorate
- Mars Exploration Science Program Newsletter for December 2022
- Postdoctoral Position in Cosmic Ice Astrochemistry
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 49, December 4, 2022
- Farewell Georgiana Kramer, Hello Matthew R. Perry
- 2023 Pierazzo International Student Travel Award Winners to be Announced Wednesday, December 7
- Registrations Open for Astrobiology Introductory Course 2023
- News For Planetary Students and Early Career Scientists
- NAIF Releases New WebGeocalc Version 2.5.4
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- EGU 2023 Session PS5.3/GI3.6: Lunar Science, Exploration & Utilisation
- Introduction to Planetary Image Analysis with ArcGIS: February 4, 2023, Cornell University
- ICPAE Monthly Webinar
- Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter: Sixteen Years Observing a Changing Mars
- DART Boarder Program Indication of Interest for February Investigation Team Meeting
- Post-doctoral Fellowship, Mcdonnell Center for the Space Sciences, Washington University in St. Louis
- Planetary Data Officer Position at NASA Ames Research Center
- MEPAG VM15 Findings: Request for Community Feedback
- Open positions at The Swedish Institute of Space Physics
- Dusty Visions: May 24-26, 2023 in Berlin
- Tenure-Track Faculty Openings in Origins of Life at Purdue University
- [NASA] SMD: ROSES-22 Amendment 68 - C.25 Artemis III Geology Team Draft Text Released for Community Comment
- [NASA] SMD: ROSES-22 Amendment 70 - F.5 FINESST Graduate Student Research Proposals due February 7, 2023
- [NASA] SMD: ROSES-22 Amendment 72 - F.16 Supplement for Scientific Software Platforms Deferred to ROSES-2023
- [NASA] SMD: ROSES-22 Amendment 73 - F.15 High Priority Open-Source Science Final Text
- [NASA] EONS23 MUREP Precollege Summer Institute Telecon
- [NASA] PDS: Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 63
- [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic PDS Data Releases in 2022.11
- Replacing the USGS ISIS rsync Server
- Postdoctoral Position in Cosmic Ice Astrochemistry
- Workshop: Quantum Sensors for Science Exploration
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 48, November 27, 2022
- [NASA] PDS: Mars 2020 Mission Release 5
- 2023 Next-Generation Suborbital Researchers Conference Opens Registration
- ExMAG Call for Applications for 2023 Membership
- Tenure-track Faculty Position in Planetary Science at University of Colorado Boulder
- EGU23 Session PS4.5: Planetary Seismology
- Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Computational/Theoretical Planet Modeling, Center for Matter at Atomic Pressures (CMAP)
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 47, November 20, 2022
- 2023 Pierazzo International Student Travel Award
- [NASA] Invitation to Apply: Technology Showcase for Planetary Science
- [NASA] Minority University Research and Education Project (MUREP) Precollege Summer Institute (MUREP PSI)
- [NASA] Free Webinar: Designing a Vertical Mentoring Infrastructure to Maximize Funding Opportunities and Sustain University Research in Science and Engineering
- [NASA] PDS: Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Data Release 31
- SBAG Releases the Full Apophis Specific Action Team Report
- Planetary Science Advisory Committee (PAC) Meeting
- ESU23 Session PS5/CR7: Icy Moon Exploration: Bridging the Cryosphere and Icy Moon Communities
- EGU23 Session PS4.4/PS4: Scientific Results From the Emirates Mars Mission Primary Mission
- EGU23 Session PS6.1: Ice Giant System Science and Exploration
- The Cross AG IDEA Working Group - Monthly Meeting Change and Seeking New Members
- Mercury Exploration Assessment Group (MExAG) Annual Meeting 2023
- Mercury Science and Exploration November 2022 Newsletter Released
- Thermal Modeling for Planetary Science Workshop: 18-20 April 2023
- Save the Date: Oxygen in Planetary Biospheres
- Opportunities for PhD Research in Planetary Science at the University of Chicago
- PhD Position in Haze & Cloud interaction at Universite de Reims Champagne Ardenne, France
- UMD Astronomy PDS-SBN Postdoctoral Fellowship
- Postdoctoral Position in Cosmic Ice Astrochemistry
- Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in Earth & Planetary Surface Processes at the University of Washington
- Tenure-Track Faculty Position in Climate Systems Science at Case Western Reserve University
- Tenure-track Faculty Position in Planetary Science at University of Colorado - Boulder
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 46, November 13, 2022
- Tenure-track Faculty Position in Planetary Science at CU-Boulder
- Four Research Positions in the Planetary Atmospheres Group (PAG) at the Institute for Basic Science, Daejeon, South Korea
- [NASA] Final Reminder: NASA Teams Engaging Affiliated Museums and Informal Institutions (Team II) Community Anchor Awards Notice of Funding Opportunity
- Last Call: Planetary Science Mental Health Survey
- 2023 Technology Showcase for Future NASA Planetary Science Missions
- Tenure-Track Job Posting: Assistant Professor in Astronomy & Planetary Science at Northern Arizona University
- OSIRIS-REx Raw Radio Science Release
- Venera-D: Venus Cloud Habitability System Workshop Final Report
- Postdoctoral Position in Cosmic Ice Astrochemistry at NASA/GSFC
- Job Opening: Director of Government Relations at The Planetary Society
- Future Leaders of Ocean Worlds (FLOW) Coffee Hour: Behind the Scenes of the Decadal Survey
- ICPAE Monthly Webinar
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 45, November 6, 2022
- [NASA] PDS: Hayabusa2 ONC Release
- [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic Data Releases in 2022.10
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Ph.D. Position in Exo-(Planetary) Science at University of Central Florida
- EGU23 Session GM10.1/PS1: Planetary Geomorphology
- EGU23 Session PS4.1: Atmospheres and Exospheres of Terrestrial Planets, Satellites, and Exoplanets
- PhD Positions in Exoplanet Sciences at the Kapteyn Astronomical Institute of the University of Groningen, The Netherlands
- Research Faculty Position in Planetary Sciences, University of Washington
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 44, October 30, 2022
- [NASA] F.13 Lunar Terrain Vehicle Instruments Program Deferred to ROSES-2023
- [NASA] F.11 Stand Alone Location Agnostic Payloads and Research Investigations on the Surface of the Moon Deferred to ROSES-2023
- 2023 Pierazzo International Student Travel Award
- Europa Observers Group
- Inclusion Plan Best Practices Workshop
- Galilean Moons Workshop
- 2023 Technology Showcase for Future NASA Planetary Science Missions
- MIT/EAPS Assistant Professor (Tenure Track)- Open Search
- Tenure-track Assistant Professorship at Cornell University
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 43, October 23, 2022
- CENTAURS: A Proposed New AAS-IOP Ebook
- Planetary Geology Tenure Track Position at Auburn University
- [NASA] ROSES Inclusion Plan Best Practices Workshop November 1-2
- [NASA] Due Date Change: 2021 NASA Teams Engaging Affiliated Museums and Informal Institutions Community Anchor Awards Notice of Funding Opportunity
- Tenure-track Faculty Position in Planetary Science at CU-Boulder
- Inaugural Forming and Exploring Habitable Worlds Meeting
- UTSA-SwRI Graduate Program Applications Due January 1
- Tenure-track Faculty Positions at Purdue University
- Issues of Power and its Influence on Naming Conventions for Planetary Features
- SBAG Early Career Opportunities
- Workshop reminder: Workshop on EDIA for Leaders in Planetary Science #EDIALPS
- Life and Space 2022 Conference
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 42, October 16, 2022
- Editorial: Let's go to Triton in New Frontiers 5
- [NASA] OPAG Hybrid Meeting + Lightning Talk Session
- [NASA] SBAG Early Career Opportunities
- Inaugural Forming and Exploring Habitable Worlds Meeting
- Reminder: Planetary Science Mental Health Survey
- Astrophysics Instructor, The Summer Science Program
- Sharing Planetary Science: Adapting Your Talks
- Lunar Surface Innovation Consortium (LSIC) Fall Meeting
- Assistant Professor at Purdur - Igneous Petrology of Earth & Planetary Materials
- [NASA] PDS: Hayabusa2 LIDAR Release
- Trick-or-Treat and Telescopes
- Postdoctoral Position on the Interaction of Dust and Water Ice Clouds in the Martian Atmosphere
- PLANET-ESLAB-2023: Understanding Planets in the Solar System and Beyond
- [NASA] ROSES-22 Amendment 58: F.9 Citizen Science Seed Funding Program Revision
- Postdoctoral Fellow in Magnetospheric Physics at APL
- Staff Scientist in Upper Atmospheric and Ionospheric Physics at APL
- Tenure-Track Position in Remote Sensing at University of Colorado Boulder
- Multiple Ph.D. Positions in Planetary Science at University of Central Florida
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 41, October 9, 2022
- Lunar Surface Innovation Consortium (LSIC) Fall Meeting Registration
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Postdoctoral Contract in Science of Small Solar System Bodies - Comet Interceptor (ESA-JAXA) Mission
- Senior Research Fellow (Permanent) in Astrobiology, Open University, UK
- [NASA] ROSES-22: C.22 Concepts for Ocean Worlds Life Detection Technology Not Solicited This Year
- [NASA] Science Career Path Tool Town Hall Meeting
- [NASA] Innovation Corps Pilot Overview Webinar
- Two Tenure-track Assistant Professor Faculty Positions in Earth and Planetary Systems Science, UTSA
- Mars Exploration Science Program Newsletter for October 2022
- ICPAE Monthly Webinar
- GSA Penrose Conference - The Role of Outburst Floods in Earth and Planetary Evolution
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 40, October 2, 2022
- Postdoctoral Fellowship in Comparative Planetary Evolution at Caltech
- Second Announcement of January 2023 SBAG Meeting
- Volunteering with the AGU Planetary Sciences Section
- Assistant Professor (Tenure-Track) Faculty Position in Geology at UCLA
- Ice Giant Systems Seminar Series: October 11, Dr. Tanguy Bertrand
- Lowell Observatory: Percival Lowell Postdoctoral Fellowship
- [NASA] PDS: Insight Data Release 14
- [NASA] PDS: Odyssey Data Release 81
- [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic PDS Data Releases in 2022.09
- [NASA] MUREP DEAP Amendments Webinar - Q&A; Session
- DPS Splinter Session on the Uranus Flagship Mission
- Second announcement: Conference on Advances in Understanding Alfven Waves in the Sun and the Heliosphere
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 39, September 25, 2022
- Gerald A. Soffen Memorial Travel Grants
- [NASA] ROSES-22: F.10 PRISM Final Text and Due Dates
- PhD Position: Experimental Space Research
- Multiple Job Openings: Graduate Students Sought at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville
- [NASA] SMD Community Town Hall October 6, 2022, at 10:30 AM Eastern Time
- [NASA] I-MIM MDT Final Report Announcement
- Community Workshop on Future Planetary Observations with the New Horizons Spacecraft
- Mars 2020/MSR Sample Depot Science Community Workshop: Final Announcement
- Special Issue of Remote Sensing: Planetary Landscapes Analysis Based on Remote Sensing Images
- RMS Node Users Group During DPS Meeting
- International Observe the Moon Night - October 1, 2022Tenure-track Assistant Professorship at Cornell University
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 38, September 18, 2022
- Pronouns in PEN Announcements
- [NASA] Request for Information: Federal Evidence Agenda on LGBTQI+ Equity
- [NASA] Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute (SSERVI) Cooperative Agreement Notice Final Text and Due Dates
- [NASA] ROSES-22 Amendment 49: C.26 Apollo Next Generation Sample Analysis Program Final Text and Due Dates
- [NASA] ROSES-22 Amendment 50: C.27 Precursor Science Investigations for Europa Final Text and Due Dates
- [NASA] PDS: JUNO Data Release 20
- [NASA] PDS: Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 51
- [NASA] PDS: Updated PDS SBN Coordinate System Guidelines
- Rocky Worlds Discussions
- Europlanet EPSC2022 Multi-Agency Venus panel Announcement
- EGU General Assembly 2023 call-for-sessions for the Planetary and Space Sciences (PS) division
- Invitation to Submit to Special Issue of Life
- Mars Exploration Science Program Newsletter for September 2022
- Invitation to Submit Sessions for Goldschmidt, Theme 1
- Opportunity Mars Exploration Rover Targets Now Available in Mars Target Encyclopedia
- International Observe the Moon Night - October 1, 2022
- AGU Travel Grants for Early Career Scientists
- Two Postdoctoral Positions in Mars Science
- Post-doc Position in Belgium
- Planetary Science Mental Health Survey
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Commercial Announcements:
- Book: The Sky at Night
Issue 37, September 11, 2022
- 2023A NASA Infrared Telescope Facility Observing Proposals
- Post-Doctoral Scholarship (Two Years) in Modeling Plasma Interaction with Planetary Bodies
- [NASA] SMD: Space Technology Graduate Research Opportunities (NSTGRO23) Released
- International Observe the Moon Night: October 1, 2022
- [NASA] SMD: Two 2022 Heliophysics Explorer Final Announcements of Opportunity Released
- Tenure Track Assistant Professor in Astronomy and Astrophysics at Cornell University
- Fall 2022 Gerald A. Soffen Memorial Fund Travel Grant
- Planetary ReaCH Workshop for Planetary Scientists
- Venus Community Input Request
- ICPAE Monthly Webinar
- Announcing AGU Special Collection: Solar System Science From JWST
- Job Opening: Lecturer in Planetary Sciences, University of Leicester
- [NASA] ROSES-22 Amendment 46: F.14 Transform to Open Science Training Final Text and Due Date
- Job Opening at NASA JPL: Research Scientist, Mars Climate Sounder Team
- Workshop on EDIA for Leaders in Planetary Science
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 36, September 4, 2022
- CRPG-Nancy (France): Postdoc Opportunity in Isotope
- ESA Archival Research Visitor Programme
- [NASA] Amendment No. 16 to the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) Entitled "Engagement Opportunities in NASA STEM (EONS-2022)"
- NASA Postdoctoral Program
- The Road to Mission Science: Seminars for Students and Early Career Researchers
- Job Posting: Research Scientists in Space Plasma
- MS/PhD Positions for Fall 2023
- Postdoctoral Position in Space Physics at Swedish Institute of Space Physics
- Executive Summary of the International Mars Ice Mapper (I-MIM) Measurements Definition Team (MDT) Report
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- EPSC 2022 Splinter Workshop on Martian Orbital Data Combinations
- IAVCEI 2023 Session on Volcanotectonic Processes and Landforms Across the Solar System
- Upcoming SPICE Training Class - Second Announcement
- [NASA] Fifth Community Announcement: Advance Notice Regarding Forthcoming Release of the New Frontiers 5 Announcement of Opportunity
- [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic Data Releases in 2022.08
- [NASA] PDS: Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 62
- Ice Giant Systems Seminar Series
- Two Job Opportunities at the University of Houston
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 35, August 28, 2022
- [NASA] Reminder: (Artemis II) E.11 Research Pathfinder for Beyond Low Earth Orbit Space Biology Step-1 Proposals Are Due September 1
- [NASA] SMD Seeks Volunteer Reviewers for Research Proposals
- Mars 2020/MSR Sample Depot Science Community Workshop
- Arecibo Observatory Quarterly Newsletter Now Available
- Planetary Impacts Community Wiki Project
- Lunar Volatiles '22 Meeting Moved to CO & Abstract Deadline Extended
- Call for Papers: The Planetary Science Journal Focus Issue on Centaurs
- 2023A NASA Keck Call for Proposals
- Advance Notice of Joint JWST/Keck Programs
- ESA Research Fellowships in Space Science
- Academy Scientist in Machine Learning
- Postdoc Opportunity at UC Berkeley on MAVEN Mission
- Job Announcement - Tenure Track Faculty Position in Planetary Science at Georgia Institute of Technology
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 34, August 21, 2022
- [NASA] PDS: Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Data Release 30
- [NASA] ROSES-22 Amendment 44: Due Date Delays for A.19 ASIA-AQ, B.21 H-CSI, C.7 NFDAP, and C.11 DDAP
- 2023A NASA Keck Call for Proposals
- Postdoctoral Position in Space Physics at Swedish Institute of Space Physics
- Mercury Science and Exploration August 2022 Newsletter Released
- HiRISE Digital Terrain Models By-Request and at No-Cost for Funded Mars Data Analysis Program Awards
- Invitation to Contribute to PSJ Special Issue: Towards In Situ Observations of Planetary Surface-Atmosphere Interactions
- Postdoc at JPL: Cometary Comae
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 33, August 14, 2022
- Anny-Chantal Levasseur-Regourd (1945-2022)
- [NASA] ROSES-22 Amendment 40: B.17 Eclipse Final Text and Due Dates
- [NASA] ROSES-22 Amendment 41: F.7 Support for Open-Source Tools, Frameworks, and Libraries Deferred to ROSES-2023
- ICPAE Monthly Webinar
- International Conference on Aeolian Research (ICAR)
- Call for Mission Concepts and Technology Needs Abstracts for NASA SMD's Technology Showcase
- Seeking Co-Chairs for Cross-AG Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility Working Group
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 32, August 7, 2022
- [NASA] Final Text for F.2 Topical Workshops, Symposia, and Conferences
- [NASA] NASA Teams Engaging Affiliated Museums and Informal Institutions (TEAM II) Community Anchor Awards (ANCHR) Notice of Funding Opportunity
- [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic PDS Data Releases in 2022.07
- [NASA] PDS: Mars Science Laboratory Release 30
- Outer Planets Assessment Group (OPAG) Town Hall to be Held at the Europlanet Science Congress 2022
- Next Small Bodies Assessment Group (SBAG) Meeting
- Lunar Polar Volatiles 2022 Conference
- Communicating Science Short Course at GSA
- Upcoming SPICE Training Class
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Planetary Society STEP Grants Pre-Proposals Due August 17
- Postdoc Position at Boston University: Radio Occultations of Plasma Environments in the Jupiter System
- Project Manager at NASA JSC
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 31, July 31, 2022
- Community Workshop on Future Planetary Observations with the New Horizons Spacecraft
- Research Scientist at NASA GSFC
- [NASA] ROSES-22 Amendment 35: C.23 Analog Activities to Support Artemis Lunar Operations New Due Date and Major Text Revision
- AGU Session DI004: Exploring Planetary Interiors - Observations, Models, and Experiments
- AGU Session P008: (Exo)Planetary Atmospheres and Evolution
- AGU Session P018: Mercury at the Dawn of Bepi-Colombo's Era - Interdisciplinary Exploration Inside and Out
- AGU Session P035: The New Mars Underground - Nexus Of Decadal Planetary Science Objectives
- Assistant Researcher Position at UCLA
- Ice Giant Systems Seminar Series: August 9, Dr. Naomi Rowe-Gurney
- NASA Planetary Science Division Townhall - Decadal Survey Initial Response
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 30, July 24, 2022
- [NASA] SMD Bridge Program Workshop: Sign Up to Express Interest
- [NASA] Venus Science Coordinating Group Nominations Open
- [NASA] PDS: Mars 2020 Mission Release 4
- AGU Session EP009: Deciphering the Stratigraphic Record of Surface Processes
- AGU Session EP010: Earth and Planetary Surface Processes General Contributions
- AGU session P005: Carbon Across the Solar System
- AGU Session P013: Giant Planet Interiors
- AGU Session P017: Machine Learning and Data Science in Planetary Science
- AGU Session: P023: Planetary Atmospheres, Space Weather, and Magnetic Fields
- AGU session P036: Ultraviolet Observing of Solar System Targets
- AGU Session U016: The Formation and Early Evolution of the Earth and the Moon
- DPS Women in Planetary Science Discussion Hour 2022 - October 4 Hybrid Event
- 2022 Annual MetSoc Meeting - a Fully Hybrid Event
- Mars Exploration Science Program Newsletter for July 2022
- Planetary Society STEP Grants Pre-Proposals due August 17
- Research positions in the Planetary Atmospheres Group (PAG) at the Institute for Basic Science, Daejeon, South Korea
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 29, July 17, 2022
- Research Scientist at NASA GSFC
- NASA SMD Bridge Program Workshop
- AGU Session P009: Extraordinary Enceladus
- AGU Session: NASA's Psyche Mission - Exploration of a Metal World
- Postdoctoral Position at Brown University Studying Martian Surface Processes
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 28, July 10, 2022
- Solar System Geometry Archiving and Operations Engineer at JPL
- Caltech/JPL Postdoc in Stable Isotope Geochemistry
- Postdoctoral Researcher at CU Boulder/LASP
- The Road to Mission Science: Seminars for Students and Early Career Researchers
- LPI Intern Stories 2022
- Sharing Planetary Science: Using Hands-on Activities
- DEIA Scholarships for GSA Short Course 525: Introduction to Planetary Image Analysis With ArcGIS
- Annual Fall GSA Session T93: Friends of Hoth, Episode VI - Return of the Small, Icy, and Ocean Worlds
- Meeting Announcement: AGU Chapman Conference on Advances in Understanding Alfven Waves in the Sun and the Heliosphere
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 27, July 3, 2022
- Call for Papers: Planetary Landscapes, Landforms, and their Analogues, ESurf Special Issue
- GSA Short Course 525: Introduction to Planetary Image Analysis with ArcGIS
- JPL Postdoc Opportunity in Mars Mineralogy
- Request for Survey Participants
- PhD Position: Laboratory Studies for the Icy Surfaces of Planetary Bodies
- [NASA] ROSES-22: C.26 Apollo Next Generation Sample Analysis for Community Comment
- Ernest Rutherford Fellowship in the School of Earth Sciences at the University of Bristol
- Research Scientist at NASA GSFC
- The Exploration of Asteroids Symposium - Call for Abstracts
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- NASA HQ Program Scientist Openings
- [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic Data Releases in 2022.06
- [NASA] PDS: InSight Data Release 13
- [NASA] PDS: Odyssey Data Release 80
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 26, June 26, 2022
- [NASA] NASA Administrator Announces Next NAC Meeting, New Members
- [NASA] New Frontiers 5 Announcement of Opportunity Schedule Update
- [NASA] PDS: Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 50
- [NASA] PDS: JUNO Data Release 19
- Save the Date: 1st Workshop on Ices in the Solar System
- Geologic Mapping Subcommittee (GEMS) Membership Application Open
- PhD Position in Space Research/Mass Spectrometry at University of Bern, Switzerland
- PhD Position: Experimental Space Research
- Scientific Data Analyst with the MAVEN Imaging UltraViolet Spectrograph Team
- Job Announcement: Space Remote Sensing and Data Science Group Leader
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 25, June 19, 2022
- [NASA] SMD: Delay in DYNAMIC AO Release
- NASA JPL Job Opening: Research Scientist, Planetary Geosciences
- BepiColombo Science Operations Scientist Position at ESA
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 24, June 12, 2022
- Postdoc at Stony Brook University
- [NASA] Planetary Science Advisory Committee Meeting, June 21-23, 2022
- GSA Session T94: Geomorphology and Landscape Evolution of Mars
- GSA Session T97: Planetary Exploration and Education
- Apply for Culturally Inclusive Planetary Engagement Workshop
- Two Post-Doc Positions in Planetary Climate and Photochemistry to Study the Past of Mars at LMD in Paris
- Call for Papers: "Driving Towards a More Diverse Space Physics Research Community" in Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Science
- Ice Giant Systems Seminar Series: June 21, Dr. Jason Hofgartner
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 23, June 5, 2022
- [NASA] Space Technology Research Institutes (STRI22) Released
- [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic PDS Data Releases in 2022.05
- [NASA] PDS: Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 61
- Early Career MExAG Steering Committee Position Opening
- ICPAE Monthly Webinar
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Job Announcement: Junior Group Leader (F*M) in Space Instrumentation
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 22, May 29, 2022
- PhD Opportunities in Interdisciplinary Space Sciences and Planetary Research
- CELTA ASI Summer School Series
- [NASA] Pre-Submission Webinar: NASA Office of STEM Engagement's 2023 Opportunity for Minority-serving Institution STEM and/or Education Faculty/Staff
- Mars Atmospheric Scientist Position at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center
- Mercury Science and Exploration May Newsletter Released
- FLOW Summer Coffee Hour: The Art of Networking
- Postdoctoral Opportunity at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory: Astrobiology Studies of Hydrothermal Vents on Earth and Ocean Worlds
- MEPAG Mars Concurrent Exploration Science Analysis Group (MCE-SAG) Membership Application
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Commercial Announcements:
- Book: Vesta and Ceres
- Book: Meteorite Mineralogy
Issue 21, May 22, 2022
- Happy Birthday PEN!
- GSA Session T99: The Interplay of Volcanism, Tectonism, and Impacts Across the Solar System
- [NASA] ROSES-22 Amendment 18: Final Text and Due Dates for Interdisciplinary Consortia for Astrobiology Research
- [NASA] ROSES-22 Amendment 19: Martian Moons eXploration Mission Participating Scientist Program Final Text and Due Dates
- [NASA] ROSES-22 Amendment 20: Space Weather Centers of Excellence Final Text and Due Dates
- [NASA] Due Date for Science Mission Directorate Bridge Program Workshop Organizing Committee Nominations Extended to June 1
- [NASA] PDS: Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Data Release 29
- Research Space Scientist Position at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
- Atmospheric Scientist Position at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
- 2022 Post-Doctoral Fellow - Geophysical Techniques for Off-World Resource Surveys
- [NASA] Small Bodies Assessment Group Meeting #27
- Mars Exploration Science Program Newsletter for May 2022
- University of Chicago Postdoc
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 20, May 15, 2022
- [NASA] Final Text for F.2 Topical Workshops, Symposia, and Conferences
- [NASA] ROSES-22 Amendment 17: F.4 Habitable Worlds Step-2 Due Date Delay
- [NASA] Call for Peer Review Panelists: Space Grant K-12 Inclusiveness and Diversity in STEM (SG KIDS)
- CPAE Monthly Webinar
- DAVINCI In Situ Capability Roundtable
- EPSC Session SB7: Laboratory Measurements of Returned Hayabusa2 Samples, Meteorites and Planetary Analogues
- EPSC Session MITM9: Advances in Mass Spectrometry for Spaceflight Applications
- EPSC Session SB9: Latest Science Results in Planetary Defence
- PhD Position on Cryovolcanism on Ceres at MPI for Solar System Research, Germany
- Job Opening: JPL Planetary Science Section Manager
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 19, May 8, 2022
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Announcement for the XII Farinella Prize
- [NASA] SMD Bridge Program Workshop Organizing Committee Call for Nominees
- Meeting on Planetary Protection for Crewed Mars Missions
- EPSC 2022 Session EXOA6: Exoplanet Observations, Modeling and Experiments - Characterization of Their Atmospheres
- EPSC 2022 Session ODAA2: Diversity and Inclusiveness in Planetary Sciences Session
- EPSC 2022 Session OPS3: Icy Ocean Worlds - Past and Future Explorations
- EPSC Session TP4: Mars Surface and Interior
- Call for Abstracts to Pre 9, Dublin, 26-28 September 2022
- [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic PDS Data Releases in 2022.04
- Two-years Postdoctoral Scholarship at Umea University in Sweden
- Neptune/Triton System Seminar Series: May 10, Dr
- [NASA] Pre-submission Webinar: NASA Office of STEM Engagement's 2023 Opportunity for Minority-Serving Institution STEM and/or Education Faculty/Staff
- SBAG Early Career Opportunities
- Planetary Scientist Position at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
- Software Systems for Astronomy Summer School
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 18, May 1, 2022
- VEXAG Virtual Town Hall
- Small Bodies Assessment Group (SBAG) Steering Committee Positions Open
- EPSC Session OPS5: Outer Planet Moons
- EPSC Session SB5: Tools for Characterizing Planetary and Small Bodies Surfaces, Atmospheres, and Dust Particles (Imagery, Photometry, Spectroscopy, Spectrophotopolarimetry)
- MEPAG 39 Lightning Talk Sign-Ups Extended to April 29, 2022
- NASA Postdoctoral Program
- Junior Group Leader in Space Instrumentation
- OPAG Hybrid Meeting and Lightning Talk Session
- [NASA] ROSES-22: Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope Research and Support Participation Opportunities for Community Comment
- Planetary Data System Customer Satisfaction Survey Extended to May 13, 2022
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 17, April 24, 2022
- [NASA] DRAFT SSERVI CAN-4 Released for Comment
- [NASA] PDS: OSIRIS-REx OTES Bennu Release
- Last Chance: MEPAG 39 Hotel Block, Registration and Lightning Talks
- 27th Meeting of the Small Bodies Assessment Group (SBAG)
- SBAG Early Career Opportunities
- Deadline Extension: Inaugural Forming and Exploring Habitable Worlds Meeting
- EPSC Session OPS2: Exploration of Titan
- Apophis T-7 Years Workshop Program Online
- Arecibo Observatory Quarterly Newsletter Now Available
- Job Announcement - Organic Analyses At NASA JSC
- EnVision VenSAR Project Scientist Position at JPL
- Lecturer or Assistant Teaching Professor in Astronomy, Northern Arizona University
- Canada Excellence Research Chair in Cosmochemical Planetary Exploration at York University
- Spirit Mars Exploration Rover Targets Now Available in Mars Target Encyclopedia
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 16, April 17, 2022
- Report Release and Public Briefing: Planetary Science and Astrobiology Decadal Survey
- AGU Fall Meeting Session Proposal Deadline: April 20
- Meeting Postponement: Chapman Conference on Alfven Waves
- TESS Meeting Session: Driving Towards a More Diverse Space Physics Research Community
- The 6th Beijing Earth and Planetary Interiors Symposium
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for April 2022
- Summer School in Software Systems for Astronomy
- Rossbypalooza 2022: Clouds and Convection in Diverse Climates
- Announcement: New Director for the Minor Planet Center
- Job Announcement - Swedish Institute of Space Physics
- Postdoctoral Position in Lunar Science
- Open Position at NAIF, JPL
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 15, April 10, 2022
- Small Bodies Assessment Group (SBAG) Steering Committee Positions Open
- EPSC Session TP5: Mars Science and Exploration
- PhD Position in Atmosphere/Exosphere Modeling at University of Bern, Switzerland
- [NASA] TOPS Community Panel Nominations
- Lowell Observatory - Tenure Track Position(s)
- Inaugural Forming and Exploring Habitable Worlds Meeting
- ICAR 2022 in Namibia (July 17-23) has been cancelled
- Rocky Worlds II Conference
- FLOW Coffee Hour: How to get Field Work Funded (Special Emphasis on Antarctica)
- [NASA] Request for Information: Interest in Competing for Operation of the Lunar and Planetary Institute
- [NASA] SMD Community Town Hall April 19, 2022
- ICPAE Monthly Seminar
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 14, April 3, 2022
- [NASA] Solicitation for Membership on the Mars Sample Return Campaign Science Group - Phase 1
- [NASA] PDS: Odyssey Data Release 79
- [NASA] PDS: Insight Data Release 12
- [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic PDS Data Releases in 2022.03
- Second Annual NASA Planetary Data System Customer Satisfaction Survey - Closing April 8, 2022
- Planetary Science and Astrobiology Decadal Survey Approved for
- The Lunar Surface Innovation Consortium (LSIC) - Spring Meeting Release
- Science Objectives for Human Exploration of Mars Workshop
- VEXAG Early Career Colloquium
- Annual Meeting of Planetary Geologic Mappers: Save the Date
- Exoplanets in Our Backyard 2: Save the Date
- 2022 Global Reference Atmospheric Model (GRAM) Virtual Workshop
- Neptune/Triton System Seminar Series
- EPSC Session TP1: Mercury Science and Exploration
- AGU PSS Honors/Fellows Committee Looking for Volunteers
- Announcement for the XII Farinella Prize
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- The Gerald A. Soffen Memorial Fund Spring 2022 Travel Grant
- Postdoctoral Research Assistant/Associate in Space Physics at Imperial College London (four posts)
- Post-Doc Position Available in the Space and Planetary Science Center at Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi, UAE
- Postdoctoral Researcher in Atmospheric Planetary Science at York University
- [NASA] Astrobiologist-GSFC Civil Servant Job Announcement
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 13, March 27, 2022
- [NASA] SMD: Space Biosciences Training Course Call for Applicants
- Post-doctoral Research Assistant at the University of Arizona
- Science Objectives for Human Exploration of Mars Workshop
- Open Fellowship at Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica
- [NASA] SMD: Exoplanets Research Program Correction and Clarification
- NEOWISE 2022 Data Release
- NASA JPL Job Opening: Research Scientist, Origin of Life/Prebiotic Chemistry
- Small Bodies Assessment Group (SBAG) Steering Committee Positions Open
- [NASA] SMD: Comment on a New NASA Grant Term and Condition
- [NASA] PDS: Mars 2020 Mission Release 3
- [NASA] PDS: JUNO Data Release 18
- 2 Year Postdoctoral Appointment in Planetary Science at the University of Rochester
- 2022 LEAG Annual Meeting Save the Date
- [NASA] GSFC Civil Servant Job Announcement
- Release of Second Annual NASA Planetary Data System Customer Satisfaction Survey - 2022
- LEAG CLOC-SAT White Paper Deadline Extended to April
- Earth and Space Exploration Program 2022
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 12, March 20, 2022
- Release of the Second Annual NASA Planetary Data System Customer Satisfaction Survey - 2022
- Post-Doctoral Research Assistant at University of Bern
- Science Objectives for Human Exploration of Mars Workshop
- Job Opportunity: Outreach and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Activities Coordinator
- Special Issue of Remote Sensing: Planetary Landscapes Analysis Based on Remote Sensing Images
- Postdoc Position in Laboratory Studies of Radiation-Induced Processes
- MEPAG Mailing List Update and Meeting #39
- [NASA] PDS: Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 49
- [NASA] PDS: Mars Science Laboratory Release 29
- Humans to Mars Summit Only Two Months Away
- [NASA] ROSES-22: Economic, Social, and Policy Analyses of Orbital Debris and Space Sustainability
- [NASA] SMD Seeks Volunteer Reviewers
- Planetary Workshop to Engage Diverse Audiences
- 2022 NASA Planetary Science Summer School Applications Due March 30
- Gerald A. Soffen Memorial Travel Award
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 11, March 13, 2022
- 2022B NASA IRTF Call for Proposals
- Forming and Exploring Habitable Worlds Registration Open
- ICPAE Monthly Webinar
- Exoplanet/Solar System Synergies Tutorial Talk
- Science Objectives for Human Exploration of Mars Workshop
- Low-Cost Science Mission Concepts for Mars Exploration - Agenda & Deadlines
- Space Science and Engineering Travel Grant Opportunity
- Post-Doctoral Position in Orbital Mechanics at IRF
- [NASA] PDS: Release of Second Annual NASA Planetary Data System Customer Satisfaction Survey
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 10, March 6, 2022
- Visiting Lecturer Position at Mount Holyoke College
- [NASA] Exoplanets Research Program Correction Regarding Data Management Plan
- Request for Comment: Changes to the ISIS Long Term Support Model
- New International Master's Program "Planetary Sciences and Space Exploration" in Berlin Starting October 2022
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic PDS Data Releases in 2022.02
- [NASA] PDS: Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 60
- Outer Planets Assessment Group (OPAG) Meeting Postponed until June 14-15
- 2022 NASA Planetary Science Summer School Applications Due March 30
- Deadline Soon: Planetary Geomorphology at the International Conference on Geomorphology
- Three Positions at Purdue to Support Supercam
- Mercury Science and Exploration February 2022 Newsletter Released
- [NASA] ROSES-22: Planetary Science Enabling Facilities Final Text and Due Dates
- Science Objectives for Human Exploration of Mars Workshop
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for March 2022
- Nominations Now Open for Membership on the Planetary Science Advisory Committee
- IPA Positions in the Planetary Science Division (PSD) at NASA Headquarters
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 9, February 27, 2022
- Post-Doctoral Position on the Effect of Volcanism on the Martian Climate
- [NASA] Call for Reviewers for Informal STEM Education Proposals
- [NASA] ROSES-21: OSIRIS-REx Sample Analysis Participating Scientist Program Step-1 Due Date Delay and New Document Posted
- ESA Archival Research Visitor Programme
- Postdoctoral Position at JPL
- The USGS Astrogeology Science Center is Hiring up to Two Geodesists (GS-12/13)
- Goldschmidt Session 01A: ExPet in Planetary Science
- FLOW Coffee Hour: Life Cycle of Missions and How to get Involved
- Second Annual NASA Planetary Data System Customer Satisfaction Survey - 2022
- Workshop on In Situ Exploration of the Giant Planets
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 8, February 20, 2022
- Paul Feldman Fellowship Fund
- [NASA] Release of Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES) 2022
- [NASA] NASA Fundamental Physics Research Solicitation Informational Meeting
- [NASA] PDS: Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Data Release 28
- [NASA] PDS: Coming Soon - Second Annual NASA Planetary Data System Customer Satisfaction Survey
- [NASA] BPS Fundamental Physics Program Scientist Job Announcement
- IAU Focus Meeting 10
- Conference Announcement for ERES VII
- The Lunar Surface Innovation Consortium (LSIC) - Spring Meeting
- Goldschmidt 2022 Session 01a: ExPet in Planetary Science
- MEPAG VM 14 - Meeting Files & Recordings
- Planetary Geologic Mapping Workshop, June 2022
- FLOW Coffee Hour: Life Cycle of Missions and How to Get Involved
- 2022B NASA Keck Call for Proposals
- SUPPR Mentors Needed for NASA-Sponsored Undergraduate Researchers
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 7, February 13, 2022
- Tenure-track Assistant Professor in Space Propulsion at the University Of North Dakota
- Non-tenure-track Assistant Professor in Military Space at the University of North Dakota
- Tenure-track Assistant Professor in Satellite Engineering at the University of North Dakota
- AOGS Session PS11: Lunar Volatiles
- AOGS Session PS13: Meteors, Meteoroids, Meteorites
- Postdoctoral Position in Exoplanet Geophysics at Brown University
- Announcement for the 23rd International Mineralogical Association General Meeting
- Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow in Planetary Sciences at Wesleyan University
- Call for Reviewers for Informal Stem Education Proposals
- Planetary Geoscience at the Nordic Geological Meeting in Iceland
- ICPAE Monthly Webinar Announcement
- VEXAG LPSC Student Grant Announcement
- Invitation to Submit Nomination Packages for AGU Planetary Science Awards
- LPI Webinar: Sharing Planetary Science - De-Jargoning your Talks
- LPI Virtual Seminar: Tips for Optimizing Your LPSC Experience
- LPSC Early-Career Presenters Help Desk
- LPSC Insights: Get Connected, Stay Connected
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 6, February 6, 2022
- In Memoriam: Paul Feldman (1939-2022)
- Call for abstracts: 2022 Hypervelocity Impact Symposium
- NASA Call for Student Participation in the 73rd International Astronautical Congress
- [NASA] PDS: Catalina Sky Survey
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- AGU Chapman Conference on Advances in Understanding Alfven Waves in the Sun and the Heliosphere
- Graduate Student Research: Future Investigators in NASA Earth and Space Science and Technology (FINESST)
- COSPAR Session B1.1: Small Body Exploration Sciences - From the Solar System to Interstellar Objects
- COSPAR Session C3.2: Planetary Upper Atmospheres, Ionospheres and Magnetospheres
- A Reconnaissance Strategy for Landing on Europa, Based on Europa Clipper Data
- Assistant Teaching Professor Position at CU Boulder
- Astrobiology Analytical Laboratory Associate
- Call for Input: Standards of Evidence for Life Detection
- SCoPE Seed Grants Program
- Faculty Position in Isotope Geochemistry at the University of Tennessee
- JPGU Session: Outer Solar System Exploration Today and Tomorrow
- [NASA] Requirement for Recipients of Financial Assistance Awards To Obtain a Quotation from Small and/or Minority Businesses, Women's Business Enterprises and Labor Surplus Area Firms
- [NASA] Space Technology Mission Directorate - Early Career Faculty
- LEAG CLOC-SAT Community Kick-off
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 5, January 30, 2022
- [NASA] ROSES-21: Due Dates for C.30 OSIRIS-REx Sample Analysis Participating Scientist Program
- [NASA] ROSES-21: Appended Planetary Major Equipment and Facilities Proposals are Permitted Through the End of ROSES-2021
- [NASA] PDS: MRO CRISM MTRDR and TER Release 19
- [NASA] Planetary Science Advisory Committee (PAC) Meeting
- COSPAR-22 Session: B5.1 - Ocean Worlds
- MEPAG VM14 - 2nd Information Circular
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for February 2022
- DPS 2022 Meeting Self-Nomination for Scientific Organizing Committee
- Postdoctoral Research Associate in Planetary Science
- Postdoctoral Position in the Space Sciences
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 4, January 23, 2022
- AbSciCon 2022 Session: From Prebiotic Chemistry to Astrobiology - the Rise of Life on and Beyond Earth
- InSightSeers Program Application Open
- Venus at COSPAR 2022
- ICG2022: Planetary Geomorphology Session
- "Planetary Science: The Young Solar System" Conference Announcement
- Neptune/Triton System Seminar Series
- [NASA] Draft Text for Preparatory Science Investigations for Europa Released for Comment
- Planetary Data System - New Training Webpage
- GSA Session and Short Course Proposal Deadline
- First Announcement: IAU Focus Meeting 8: "Planetary Astronomy via Telescopic and Microscopic Approaches"
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 3, January 16, 2022
- AbSciCon 2022 Session: Preparing for In-Situ Life-Detection and Habitability Investigations Through Modelling, Laboratory, and Field Analog Experiments
- AbSciCon 2022 Session: Ocean World Observations in Astrobiology - Remote Studies with Ground and Space Observatories
- AbSciCon 2022 Session: Atmospheric Escape and Evolution at Terrestrial Planets
- Director of Florida Space Institute at UCF
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for January 2022
- 14th Virtual MEPAG Meeting (VM14)
- [NASA] ROSES-21: Citizen Science Seed Funding Program Delay of Proposal Due Date
- COSPAR Session B4.2: Mars Science Results
- COSPAR Session B4.3: Forward Planning for the Exploration of Mars
- COSPAR Session B4.4: Mars Sample Return
- [NASA] SMD Virtual Townhall Meeting on SPD-41 Scientific Information Policy
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 2, January 9, 2022
- [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic PDS Data Releases in 2021.12
- [NASA] PDS: OSIRIS-REx OLA Bennu Release 10
- [NASA] PDS: JUNO Data Release 17
- [NASA] PDS: Insight Data Release 11
- [NASA] PDS: Odyssey Data Release 78
- ExMAG Call for Applications for 2022 Membership
- 26th NASA Small Bodies Assessment Group (SBAG) Meeting
- Outer Planets Assessment Group (OPAG) Steering Committee Positions Open
- COSPAR Session: C3.1 Planetary Atmospheres
- ICPAE Monthly Webinar
- EGU2022 Session: Planet-Biogeo-Climate-Geomorph-Ocean Science
- EGU2022 Session PS4.5: Mars Science and Exploration
- AbSciCon 2022 Session: Origins, Inventories, and Geologic Settings of the Building Blocks of Life
- AbSciCon 2022 Session: Interstellar Small Bodies and Exocomets and the Distribution of Ices and Organics
- AbSciCon 2022 Session: Taphonomic Windows in Planetary Environments
- AbSciCon 2022 Session: Prebiotic/Abiotic Chemistry in Alternative Solvents
- AbSciCon 2022 Session: Chemometric, Chemoinformatic, and Machine Learning Strategies to Characterize Complex Organic and Inorganic Mixtures
- AbSciCon 2022 Session: Origins of Biologic Homochirality
- AbSciCon 2022 Session: Initiatives within and Resources for the Early Career Astrobiology Community
- AbSciCon 2022 Session: Planetary Caves and Voids as Targets for Astrobiology Science
- Assistant Researchers in the Planetary/Space Sciences Related to Astrobiology at the University of Hawai'i
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 1, January 2, 2022
- AbSciCon 2022 Session: Signatures of Astrospheric Space Weather from Planet Hosts and Its Impact on Exoplanets
- Job Announcement for Canada Research Chair (Tier-2) at York University
- #LowCostMars2022 Conference Rescheduled to March 29-31, 2022
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Table of Contents: Volume 15, 2021
Issue 53, December 26, 2021
- NSF: Geoscience Lessons for and from Other Worlds (GLOW)
- SOFIA Cycle 10 Calls for Proposals Open
- Postdoctoral Researcher at CU Boulder/LASP
- AbSciCon 2022 Session: Salty Goodness II - Return of the Brines (In Memoriam of Ronald Oremland)
- AbSciCon 2022 Session: Crossing the Threshold - In Situ Instrumentation to Seek Life, its Precursors, and Geophysical Context on Europa and other Ocean Worlds
- AbSciCon 2022 Session: Chemometric, Chemoinformatic, and Machine Learning Strategies to Characterize Complex Organic and Inorganic Mixtures
- AbSciCon 2022 Session: Prebiotoc/Abiotic Chemistry in Alternative Solvents
- Open Tenure-Track Positions as Assistant Professor, Umea University, Sweden
- Auburn Graduate Programs in Planetary Science and Aerospace Engineering
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 52, December 19, 2021
- [NASA] ROSES-21: Planetary Science Enabling Facilities Program Deferred to 2022
- [NASA] New Opportunity in ROSES: OSIRIS-REx Sample Analysis Participating Scientist Program
- [NASA] Planetary Data Ecosystem Chief Scientist
- [NASA] KSC BPS Senior Scientist Position is Open
- AbSciCon 2022 Session: Atmospheric Escape and Evolution at Terrestrial Planets
- ExMAG Call for Applications for 2022 Membership
- Steve Fossett Postdoctoral Fellowship at Washington University in St. Louis
- Call for a Medium-Size and a Fast Mission Opportunity in ESA's Science Programme
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 51, December 12, 2021
- Congratulations Pierazzo International Student Travel Award Winners
- Job Opening: NEO Surveyor Applied Data Scientist (IPAC/Caltech)
- [NASA] PDS: Mars Science Laboratory Release 28
- Permanent Supervisory Branch Chief Hire in Planetary Studies Research, NASA Ames Research Center
- Low-Cost Science Mission Concept for Mars Exploration Update
- Early Registration Extended - Mercury's Surface Response to the Interplanetary Environment: Identifying Needed Studies in Laboratory Astrophysics
- ESA: Call for Membership in the Expert Committee for the Large Mission Covering the Science Theme "Moons of the Giant Planets"
- NASA SCoPE Connect at AGU
- Changed Date for OPAG Hybrid Town Hall at AGU Meeting 2021
- Making Space: A Workshop on Space, Art, & Society
- [NASA] ROSES-21: Analog Activities to Support Artemis Lunar Operations - Desert RATS 2022 Field Campaign
- AbSciCon 2022 Abstract Deadline: 19 January 2022
- EGU22 Session: From the Environment of the Earth to the Environment of the Solar System
- 44th COSPAR Scientific Assembly: Astrochemistry and Composition as Ariadne's Threads for Planet Formation
- AOGS 2022 Converted to All-Virtual and Change of Date
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for December 2021
- Release of Mars 2020 Analyst's Notebook for Perseverance Rover
- AbSciCon 2022 Session: Earth Geysers and Ocean World Plumes - The Challenges of Characterizing a Unique Environment
- AbSciCon 2022 Session: Titan as a Prebiotic Laboratory
- AbSciCon 2022 Session: Crossing the Threshold - In Situ Instrumentation to Seek Life, Its Precursors, and Geophysical Context on Europa and Other Ocean Worlds
- GSA NE Section Meeting: Latest Science Results and Updates in Planetary Science Research, Programs, and Flight Projects
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 50, December 05, 2021
- Mercury Science and Exploration November 2021 Newsletter Released
- Re-Architected Mars-GRAM and Earth-GRAM Released in GRAM Suite Version 1.4
- Sharing Planetary Science Seminar Common Planetary Misconceptions
- [NASA] ROSES-21: FINESST Graduate Student Research Final Text and Due Date Released
- Future Leaders of Ocean Worlds (FLOW) Early Career Coffee Hour: Academia
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- OPAG Meeting Announcement
- [NASA] Ames Planetary Studies Research Branch Chief Sought
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowship
- [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic Data Releases in 2021.11
- [NASA] PDS: Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 59
- AbSciCon 2022 Session: Deep Dive into the Geophysics of Ocean Worlds
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 49, November 28, 2021
- [NASA] PDS: Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Data Release 27
- [NASA] PDS: Mars 2020 Mission Release 2
- PDS Service Booth at AGU 2021
- AGU Session P24C: Ultraviolet Observing of Solar System Targets
- AGU Session P11A: Carbon Across the Solar System
- The 6th Beijing Earth and Planetary Interiors Symposium (BEPIS)
- Forming and Exploring Habitable Worlds
- EGU22 Call for Abstracts PS9.1: Atmospheres and Exospheres of Terrestrial Planets, Satellites, and Exoplanets
- Commemorating the Collapse of the Arecibo Telescope
- Ph.D. Opportunity in Planetary Mineralogy/Geochemistry at Southern Illinois University
- Postdoctoral Scholar in Sediment Transport at Stanford University
- Postdoctoral Position in Planetary Climate Modeling
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 48, November 21, 2021
- Update Letter from Decadal Co-Chairs
- 2022 Pierazzo International Student Travel Award
- 2022 Planetary Science Informatics and Data Analytics Conference
- [NASA] ROSES-21: Discovery Data Analysis Due Date Delayed
- Permanent Supervisory Branch Chief Hire in Planetary Studies Research, NASA Ames Research Center
- [NASA] ROSES-21: Martian Moons eXploration PSP Deferred to 2022
- MExAG Steering Committee Position Opening
- New Planetary Graduate Degree Program at UCLA
- Workshop on In Situ Exploration of the Giant Planets
- GSA NE Section Meeting: Latest Science Results and Updates in Planetary Science Research, Programs, and Flight Projects
- [NASA] Request for Information: Science Information Policy
- SBAG Early Career Invited Speaker Application Deadline Extended
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 47, November 14, 2021
- 2022 Pierazzo International Student Travel Award
- Tenure Track Assistant Professor Position in Sedimentary Geology
- Mercury's Surface Response to the Interplanetary Environment: Identifying Needed Studies in Laboratory Astrophysics
- GeoPlaNet International Week for VR in Geosciences
- EGU2022 Session GM11.1/PS11: Planetary Geomorphology
- EGU2022 Session PS4.5: Mars Science and Exploration
- EGU2022 Session PS11.1: Planet-Biogeo-Climate-Geomorph-Ocean Science Multi-Program Session
- SBAG Early Career Opportunities
- Senior Scientist for Astrobiology Job Vacancy Announcement - ARC-22-ST-11259044
- OPAG Hybrid Town Hall at AGU Fall Meeting 2021
- Postdoc Position at SwRI with SSERVI Node ESPRESSO
- [NASA] Announcement of selections for the MDT on I-MIM
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 46, November 7, 2021
- [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic PDS Data Releases in 2021.10
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for November 2021
- Postdoc for PDS-ATM Archiving at New Mexico State University
- Low-Cost Science Mission Concepts for Mars Exploration: Location Selected
- White Paper on Biosignature Standards of Evidence
- [NASA] ROSES-21: Planetary Major Equipment and Facilities Changing to Planetary Science Enabling Facilities Program
- DART Boarder Program Indication of Interest due November 16
- 2022 Pierazzo International Student Travel Award
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 45, October 31, 2021
- NASA JPL Job Opening: Deputy Project Scientist, Europa Clipper
- Biosignature Standards of Evidence Whitepaper Now Available for Public Comment and Co-signing
- UC Berkeley Space Sciences Laboratory Recruiting Assistant Specialist
- Frontier Development Lab (FDL): Call for Challenges
- [NASA] SMD Seeks Volunteer Reviewers
- Postdoctoral Scholar in Planetary Science at Texas A&M;
- EGU 2022 Session PS7.2: Ice Giant System Exploration
- Open Search for Department Chair, University of Texas at San Antonio
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 44, October 24, 2021
- Postdoctoral Scholar in Planetary Science and Exoplanets
- Earth and Planetary Data Analytics Advertisement
- [NASA] ROSES: Updates to EnVision VenSAR Science Team
- [NASA] PDS: MRO SHARAD 3D Radar Images
- [NASA] Position Announcement for Planetary Data Ecosystem Chief Scientist
- MEPAG Seeks Standing Committee Members
- Lunar Surface Science Workshop: Inclusive Lunar Exploration
- A Postdoc Position Available in the Space and Planetary Science Center at Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi, UAE
- [NASA] Planetary Advisory Committee Meeting
- Postdoctoral Researcher Opening
- Lunar Exploration Ethics Panel
- [NASA] ROSES-21: Citizen Science Seed Funding Program Revised Text and New Due Dates
- Postdoc in Radiation Chemistry/Analytical Chemistry Related to the Jovian Icy Satellites
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 43, October 17, 2021
- [NASA] NASA Science Quarterly Town Hall Meeting
- [NASA] PDS: Hayabusa2 TIR Release
- Free Sharing Planetary Science Seminar on Engaging Children
- Call for Papers: Planetary Landscapes, Landforms, and Their Analogues, ESurf Special Issue
- New Venus Portal Released
- DART Boarder Program Indication of Interest for January Investigation Team Meeting
- Job Opportunity: Planetary Astronomer
- Multiple Faculty Positions in "Origins of Life" in Purdue University's College of Science
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 42, October 10, 2021
- Early Career Planetary LinkedIn Group
- International Academy of Astronautics Student Research Grants
- Opportunities for Students in AGU Planetary Sciences Section
- Opportunities for AGU Fall Meeting Caregiver Awards
- Jupiter-GRAM and Rearchitected Venus-GRAM Released in GRAM V1.3
- NASA Small Bodies Assessment Group Early Career Opportunities
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for October 2021
- Participate in International Observe the Moon Night on October 16th
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 41, October 3, 2021
- Assistant Research Scientist Position at UC Berkeley, Space Sciences Lab
- [NASA] Scientific Information Policy for the Science Mission Directorate
- ExMAG Meeting Announcement
- [NASA] Planetary Data Ecosystem Chief Scientist Sought
- Pan Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Position at Rice University
- Neptune/Triton System Seminar Series Announcement
- [NASA] New Venus Portal Released
- [NASA] ROSES-21: EnVision VenSAR Science Team
- [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic Data Releases in 2021.09
- [NASA] PDS: Odyssey Data Release 77
- [NASA] PDS: Insight Data Release 10
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- UW-Madison Seeking Applicants for Faculty Positions in Origins of Life, Planetary Astrochemistry, and Exoplanet Observations
- Tenure Track Assistant Professor Position at UTSA - Physics and Astronomy, Exoplanets
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 40, September 26, 2021
- [NASA] Proposed New Language on Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Accessibility for AOs
- LPI Seeking IDEA Advisory Committee Members
- [NASA] PDS: JUNO Data Release 16
- [NASA] PDS: OSIRIS-REx OCAMS and TAGCAMS Bennu Release 10
- [NASA] PDS: MRO CRISM MTRDR and TER Release 18
- NASA Ames Legacy Mars Global Climate Model (GCM) Tutorial
- MEPAG VM13 2nd Information Circular
- November's Annual VEXAG Meeting Will Be Virtual
- 2022 GRS on the Origins of Life: Challenging Paradigms in Prebiotic Chemistry
- ASP2021: The Meeting of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific
- DPS Student Townhall
- DPS Student and Early Career Reception and Grad School Pavilion
- Women in Planetary Science Discussion Hour
- HiRISE Digital Terrain Models for Funded MDAP Awards at No Charge
- Opportunities for Students in AGU Planetary Sciences Section
- Lowell Observatory Prize Postdoctoral Fellowship Program
- Submissions Solicited for New Research Topic in Physics and Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences
- JPL Open Position: Scientist, Lunar Seismologist
- Planetary Geoscience Faculty Position at the University of Iowa
- Tenure Track Faculty Opening at Boston University
- Open Rank Faculty Position in Planetary Geochemistry at UCLA
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 39, September 19, 2021
- Fall 2021 Soffen Student Travel Grant
- Call For Papers: Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences - Applications of Statistical Methods and Machine Learning in the Space Sciences
- Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Study of Solar System Small Bodies
- Planet Formation: From Dust Coagulation to Final Orbit Assembly
- Call for Sessions: International Mineralogical Association Meeting 2022
- [NASA] PDS: Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 47
- Webinar for Early Career Scientists
- Postdoctoral Researcher Position at Stony Brook University
- Tenure-track Assistant Professor at Washington University in St. Louis
- Ph.D. Position in Aeolian Geoscience at UCLA
- ASLO Ocean Sciences Meeting Session: Ocean Science for Ocean Worlds
- Research Associate Position in Space Plasmas at the University of Colorado Boulder
- Abstract Deadline for Venera-D: Venus Cloud Habitability System Workshop
- Open Rank Faculty Position in Space Physics at UCLA
- 13th Virtual MEPAG Meeting (VM13)
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 38, September 12, 2021
- ESA Archival Research Visitor Programme
- ISSOL Virtual Meeting
- Graduate-level position in Cometary Radiative Transfer Modeling
- Interstellar Probe Workshop: Calling All Students
- September 14 VEXAG Colloquium Announcement
- Opportunities for AGU Fall Meeting Caregiver Awards
- Section Manager for Astromaterials Curation Group
- Tenure-track Faculty Position in Exoplanet Science at LPL
- EANA21 Outstanding Paper Award
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 37, September 5, 2021
- This Week's Open Meetings of Decadal Survey Panels
- [NASA] ROSES-21 Amendment 34: Payloads and Research Investigations on the Surface of the Moon (PRISM) Final Text and Due Dates
- [NASA] Space Technology Graduate Research Opportunities (NSTGRO22) Released
- [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic PDS Data Releases in 2021.08
- [NASA] PDS: MESSENGER Derived Gravity Data
- [NASA] PDS: Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 58
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- 2022A NASA IRTF CAll for Proposals
- UK Mars Conference at Geological Society
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for September 2021
- Seeking DPS members to Review Early Career Presentation for Upcoming Meeting
- First Time DPS Attendees and Early Career Presentation Review Sessions
- M.S./Ph.D. Positions for Fall 2022
- Assistant Professor/Research Scientist Position at Amity University Mumbai
- Job Announcement - Tenure Track Faculty Position in Planetary Science at Brown University
- Opportunities for Students in AGU Planetary Sciences Section
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 36, August 29, 2021
- This Week's Open Meetings of Decadal Survey Panels
- DEIA Survey from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine
- Low-Cost Mars 2022: Call for Abstracts
- Associate Professor in the Department of the Geophysical Sciences at the University of Chicago
- Assistant Professor in the Department of the Geophysical Sciences at the University of Chicago
- Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Department of the Geophysical Sciences at the University of Chicago
- Assistant Professor at UC Berkeley in Earth and/or Planetary Surface and Sedimentary Processes
- Mars Sample Return Program Postdoctoral Position
- ESA Research Fellowships in Space Science
- Ph.D. student in Space Physics for Studies of Saturn's moon Titan
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 35, August 22, 2021
- In Memoriam: Carolyn Shoemaker (1929-2021)
- This Week's Open Meetings of Decadal Survey Panels
- IDEA Fellow Postdoc at Stony Brook University
- Head of Planetary Geology Department at DLR's Institute of Planetary Research
- International Mars Ice Mapper (I-MIM) Reminder of Application Deadline
- Opportunities for AGU Fall Meeting Caregiver Awards
- Postdoctoral Position in Mars-Solar Wind Interactions
- Five Post-Doc Positions in the Space and Planetary Science Center at Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi, UAE
- [NASA] PDS: Mars 2020 Mission Release 1
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 34, August 15, 2021
- This Week's Open Meetings of Decadal Survey Panels
- [NASA] Input to NASA's RFI in Support of Advancing Equity and Support for Underserved Communities
- [PDS] OSIRIS-REx OCAMS Bennu Release 9
- [PDS] Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Data Release 26
- Free Seminar on Addressing Controversial Topics
- Opportunities for AGU Fall Meeting Conference Registration Reimbursement
- Mercury Science and Exploration August 2021 Newsletter Released
- Tenure Track Faculty Position in Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences at Rice University
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowship - Application Deadline November 1, 2021
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 33, August 8, 2021
- This Week's Open Meetings of Decadal Survey Panels
- NASA Expands Access to Planet Data to NSF and All Federal Civilian Agencies
- [NASA] PDS: Mars Science Laboratory Release 27
- [NASA] ROSES-21: C.29 Mars Science Laboratory Participating Scientist Program
- [NASA] ROSES-21: Lunar Data Analysis Program Focus on Lunar Science
- [NASA] Job Announcement for Multiple Program Executives in the Mars Sample Return Program Office
- Study on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Competed Space Missions
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 32, August 1, 2021
- This Week's Open Meetings of Decadal Survey Panels
- Opportunities for AGU Fall Meeting Conference Registration Reimbursement
- Arecibo Observatory Quarterly Newsletter Now Available
- [NASA] PDS: InSight First Release of HP3 Data
- [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic Data Releases in 2021.07
- Tenure Track Faculty Position in Planetary Science at Brown University
- Call for Applications to the Measurements Definition Team for International Mars Ice Mapper
- Physical Sciences Lunar Surface Science Workshop Agenda Now Available
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for August 2021
- Mercury's Surface Response to the Interplanetary Environment: Identifying Needed Studies in Laboratory Astrophysics
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 31, July 25, 2021
- This Week's Open Meetings of Decadal Survey Panels
- [NASA] Lunar Surface Technology Research Opportunities Solicitation Released
- Opportunities for AGU Fall Meeting Conference Reimbursement
- AGU Session P006: Clay-Sulfate Transitions as Indicators of Climate Change Across Mars
- AGU Session P003: Atmospheric Dynamics and Astro-/Geo-physical Modeling Studies of Habitable Ocean Worlds, Moons, and Atmospheres Near and Far
- AGU Session A032: Chemical Physics Insights Into Atmospheric and Planetary Chemistry
- AGU Session P008: Enceladus - Beacon of Ocean Worlds
- AGU Session P037: The New Mars Underground - Astrobiology and Space Resources at the Dawn of Mars Sample Return
- AGU Session P024: Paleohydrology and Fluvial Dynamics of Martian Channels
- European Solar System Plasma Community (ESSPC)
- Postdoctoral Scholar Positions at Northern Arizona University in Planetary Science
- Job Announcement: Ph.D. Student to Develop a CHON+PS Chemical Scheme Validated at High Temperatures with Applications in Planetology
- Two Postdoctoral Positions, Planetary Radar Group, Arecibo Observatory
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 30, July 18, 2021
- This Week's Open Meetings of Decadal Survey Panels
- Postdoctoral Position within Data Processing and Visualization of EISCAT3D Data, Umea University, Sweden
- Ph.D. Position in Machine Learning for Planetary In Situ Spectroscopic Data at German Aerospace Center in Berlin
- Postdoctoral Position in Lunar Science at APL
- Mars Pathfinder and Mars Phoenix Lander Targets Now Available in Mars Target Encyclopedia
- Call for Papers: Remote Sensing - Special Issue "Remote Sensing Observations of the Giant Planets"
- [NASA] SMD Town Hall Meeting July 22 1:30 PM Eastern Time
- Mars Sample Return Townhall at the 84th Annual (Hybrid) Meeting of the Meteoritical Society
- DPS Committee Invites DPS Members to Apply for DPS Education and Outreach Grants
- Juno Viewer Now Available at PDS RMS Node
- COSPAR Updates Its Planetary Protection Policy for Missions to the Moon's Surface
- GC-MAC 2021: Final Call for Abstracts Due July 22, 2021
- Attend the DPS Meeting this Year
- [NASA] ob Announcement: SMD Assistant Deputy Associate Administrator for Exploration
- AGU Session DI004: Diving Deep - Investigations of Planetary Interiors through Observations, Modeling, and Experiments
- AGU Session EP008: Earth and Planetary Surface Processes General Contributions
- AGU Session EP036: Surface Processes on Extraterrestrial Rocky Bodies
- AGU Session P014: Hydrothermal Processes in the Evolution of Solar System Bodies
- AGU Session P016: Illuminating the Martian Rock Cycle with Regional Geochemistry
- AGU Session P017: In Situ Geophysical Exploration of Planetary Bodies
- AGU Session P021: Mars Sample Return - Challenges and Advances in Planning for the First Samples from Another Planet
- AGU Session P022: Mercury at the Dawn of the BepiColombo Era - Interdisciplinary Exploration Inside and Out
- AGU Session P032: Space Environments and Weather of Unmagnetized or Weakly Magnetized Solar System Bodies
- AGU Session P033: Surface Processes on Active Icy Worlds
- AGU Session P040: Titan - Atmosphere, Surface and Interior
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 29, July 11, 2021
- This Week's Open Meetings of Decadal Survey Panels
- Upcoming Open Decadal Survey Venus Panel Session on Exploration Strategies for Venus
- Open Position for an Assistant Lecturer at AIUB
- Meteoroids 2022 Conference
- VEXAG Virtual Colloquium Series Announcement
- AGU Session P018: In Situ Science and Instrumentation for the Exploration of Europa and Ocean Worlds
- AGU Session P035: The Future of Planetary Atmospheric, Surface, and Interior Science Using Radio and Laser Links
- AGU Session: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on the Formation and Early Evolution of Terrestrial Worlds
- [NASA] Public Meeting on RFI on Racial Equity
- Uranus-GRAM Released in GRAM Suite Version 1.2
- Call for NASA Keck Key Strategic Mission Support Proposals for 2022A
- Open Rank (Tenure-Track/Tenured) Faculty Position in Space Physics at UCLA
- Planetary Science at GSA
- GSA Session T110: Best Practices and Exciting Discoveries in Identifying, Mapping, and Analyzing Planetary Landforms and Terrestrial Analogues
- GSA Session T112: Exploring the Solar System in the Thermal Infrared - A Memorial Session in Remembrance of Joshua L. Bandfield
- GSA Session T115: Geomorphology and Landscape Evolution of Mars
- [CSA] Lunar Exploration Accelerator Program (LEAP) Science Instrument
- Next Generation Lunar Scientists and Engineers Group Seeks New Members
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 28, July 4, 2021
- This Week's Open Meetings of Decadal Survey Panels
- Committee on Space Research (COSPAR): New Panel on Social Sciences and Humanities
- [PDS] Aperiodic PDS Data Releases in 2021.06
- [PDS] Insight Data Release 9
- [PDS] Odyssey Data Release 76
- MEPAG Virtual Meeting 12 Presentations and Recording Now Available
- Venera-D: Venus Cloud Habitability System Workshop
- GAC-MAC 2021 Hybrid Meeting - Call for Abstracts
- AGU Session SM019: Magnetospheres in the Inner Solar System
- AGU Session SM023: Moon-Plasma Interactions Throughout the Solar System
- GSA Session: Planetary Science Education
- Postdoctoral Scholar Positions at Northern Arizona University in Planetary Science
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 27, June 28, 2021
- This Week's Open Meetings of Decadal Survey Panels
- Upcoming Open Decadal Survey Venus Panel on Venus as an Exoplanet
- Mars: A New Geological Frontier Virtual Conference
- International Journal of Thermophysics Special Issue
- NASA Biological and Physical Sciences Decadal Survey Whitepapers Call
- Arecibo Observatory: US Innovation and Competition Act
- New Samples From Planetary Bodies: Collection at Scientific Reports
- RCOP+ICCRE Session: Planetary Permafrost
- AGU Session P026: Planetary Atmospheres and Evolution
- AGU Session P020: Planetary Science Machine Learning and Data Science
- GSA Session T113: Friends of Hoth: Small, Icy and Ocean Worlds
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 26, June 20, 2021
- This Week's Open Meetings of Decadal Survey Panels
- 7th Mars Atmosphere Modelling and Observations Workshop
- Volunteer Opportunities with the AGU Planetary Science Section
- Call for Papers for Special Collection on Planetary Caves
- [NASA] PDS: Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 46
- Post-Doctoral Position in Isotope Geochemistry
- Post-Doctoral Position in Geophysics/Planetary Physics
- Two Geologist Positions, Smithsonian Institution
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for June 2021
- Lunar and Planetary Lab Conference (LPLC)
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 25, June 13, 2021
- Upcoming open Decadal Survey Venus panel Session on Venus Laboratory Resources
- Venus Exploration Analysis Group (VEXAG) Web Site Update
- USGS Astrogeology Community Survey
- Special issue on "Dune Mirgation on Mars" Deadline Extended
- 12th Virtual MEPAG Meeting (VM12) - 2nd Information Circular
- Astrobiologist Opening at JHU APL's Space Exploration Sector
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 24, June 6, 2021
- In Memoriam: Stuart Ross Taylor (1925-2021)
- This Week's Open Meetings of Decadal Survey Panels
- [NASA] PDS: MRO CRISM MTRDR and TER Release 17
- [NASA] PDS: Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 57
- [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic PDS Data Releases in 2021.05
- [NASA] PDS: OSIRIS-REx Bennu Release 9
- [NASA] PDS: JUNO Data Release 15
- [NASA] Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs) and Non-MSIs Fellowships
- [NASA] Lunar Surface Science Workshop
- Survey on CLT/SPHERE Data
- Post-Doc Announcement at INAF-IAPS, Italy
- A Resource Guide for Dealing with UFO Stories
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Rescheduled Titan Through Time Workshop
- 12th Virtual MEPAG Meeting (VM12) - 1st Information Circular
- DPS June Virtual Professional Development Workshop
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 23, May 30, 2021
- Farewell Elisabeth Adams, Hello Alex Morgan
- This Week's Open Meetingds of Decadal Survey Panels
- Upcoming Open Decadal Survey Venus Panel Session on Technology for Exploring Venus
- Mercury Science and Exploration Newsletter Released May 2021
- NASA Planetary Advisory Committee Meeting
- NASA's New Europa Trek Portal
- Postdoc Position at UC Berkeley Space Sciences Lab
- STEMM Assistant Professor Sought, University of Alabama
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 22, May 25, 2021
- SPECIAL EDITION: Delay of New Frontiers (NF) 5 and ramifications for the Decadal Survey
Issue 22, May 25, 2021
- SPECIAL EDITION: Delay of New Frontiers (NF) 5 and ramifications for the Decadal Survey
Issue 21, May 23, 2021
- This Week's Open Meetings of Decadal Survey Panels
- [NASA] ROSES-21 Amendment 22: Payloads and Research Investigations on the Surface of the Moon (PRISM) DRAFT Text Released for Community Comment
- Registration Reminder for Upcoming Small Bodies Assessment Group (SBAG) Meeting
- EPSC2021 Session MITM2: Small Satellite and Dedicated Instruments: A New Opportunity for Planetary Exploration
- EPSC2021 Session MITM8: Machine Learning in Planetary Sciences
- EPSC2021 Session ODAA6: The Role of Citizen Science in Scientific Research: Across Disciplines and Beyond Scientists
- EPSC2021 Session ODAA2: Diversity and Inclusiveness in Planetary Sciences
- Mass Spectrometer Calibration Engineer
- Postdoctoral Fellow - AEThER program
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Commercial Announcements:
- Planetary Atlas Collection: A Kickstarter Campaign that Promotes Space Exploration for Everyone
Issue 20, May 16, 2021
- This Week's Open Meetings of Decadal Survey Panels
- Upcoming Open Decadal Survey Venus Panel Session on the Habitability of the Venus Atmosphere
- LunGradCon 2021 - Abstract Deadline Extended
- [NASA] ROSES-21: C.11 Discovery Data Analysis Due Dates Delayed
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for May 2021
- Ryder Fellowship Position at the Lunar and Planetary Institute
- EPSC Session OPS1: "Planet" Titan
- EPSC Session OPS2: Icy Worlds - Past and Future Explorations
- EPSC Session OPS6: Environments of Outer Planet Moons - Particles and Fields
- EPSC Session TP18: Fluid Circulation, Fluid-Rock Interactions, and Cryosphere on Mars
- NASA Fellowship Activity 2021
- McKay Fellowship Position at NASA Johnson Space Center
- Postdoctoral Position in Space Physics
- Job Announcement: NanoSIMS Research Scientist
- Astrobiologist Opening at JHU APL's Space Exploration Sector
- [NASA] New Frontiers 5 (NF5) Announcement of Opportunity Release Date Delays
- Science and Technology Funding Opportunity: Pre-Proposals Due May 26
- [NASA] ROSES-21: C.25 Juno Participating Scientist Program Final Text and Due Dates
- [NASA] PDS: Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Data Release 25
- [NASA] MSI Fellowships 2021: Call for Reviewers/Panelists
- Encyclopedia of Lunar Science: Call for Authors
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 19, May 9, 2021
- This Week's Open Meetings of Decadal Survey Panels
- [NASA] ROSES-21: C.27 VIPER Mission Co-Investigator Program
- DART Boarders Program
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Postdoctoral Position in the Space Sciences
- Research Analog Mission Recruitment
- EPSC Session TP7: Cruise and Planetary Flyby Investigations Through Space Missions
- EPSC Session TP10: Ionospheres of Unmagnetized or Weakly Magnetized Bodies
- EPSC Session TP14: Mercury Science and Observations
- NASA Seeks Partners for the Astrobiology Science Conference
- Lunar Surface Science Workshop: Fundamental and Applied Lunar Surface Research in Physical Sciences (Updated)
- [NASA] ROSES-21: Space Weather Science Application Research-to-Operations-to-Research Text Length Increase and Due Date Extension
- Postdoctoral Research Position at Northern Arizona University
- [NASA] ROSES-21: A.17 ARCSIX Change to Field Campaign Schedule and Budget
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 18, May 2, 2021
- This Week's Open Meetings of Decadal Survey Panels
- Upcoming Open Decadal Survey Venus Panel Session on the Venus Atmosphere
- [NASA] Lunar Surface Science Workshop: Fundamental and Applied Lunar Surface Research in Physical Sciences
- [NASA] ROSES-21: DRAFT C.26 EnVision VenSAR Science Team Released for Community Comment
- [NASA] NASA-funded Scientific Payload for the Canadian Space Agency Lunar Exploration Accelerator Program (LEAP) Phase A Lunar Rover to be Delivered by CLPS
- EPSC 2021 Session: Mars Science and Exploration
- [PDS] Aperiodic PDS Data Releases in 2021.04
- [PDS] Hayabusa2 NIRS3 Release
- Summer School in Software Systems for Astronomy
- InSightSeers Program Application Open
- Postdoctoral Associate Position at the University of Maryland
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 17, April 25, 2021
- This Week's Open Meetings of Decadal Survey Panels
- An Open Letter to Planetary Science Conference Organizers
- Europlanet Science Congress 2021
- EPSC 2021 Session: Ice Giant System Science and Exploration
- Dual-Anonymous Peer Review Town Hall for Planetary and Exoplanets Research Programs
- Advisors Needed for High School Research Program
- Abstract Deadline Extended: Influence of a Global Magnetic Field on Ion and Atmospheric Loss and Planetary Habitability
- Small Bodies Assessment Group (SBAG) Steering Committee Positions Open
- Arecibo Observatory Quarterly Newsletter Now Available
- Solicitation for Poster Presentations at Upcoming Pluto System and Arrokoth Workshops
- EANA International Spring School: Hydrothermal Vents
- [NASA] Upcoming Job Announcement: SMD Program Scientists
- Pre-Helio2050 Workshop: Magnetospheres and Atmospheres Beyond Earth
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 16, April 18, 2021
- This Week's Open Meetings of Decadal Survey Panels
- Upcoming Open Decadal Survey Venus Panel Session on Venus Comparative Planetology
- DART Boarders Program
- Sharing Planetary Science: Communicating with Policy Makers
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowship
- [NASA] ROSES 21: Final Text for F.2 Topical Workshops, Symposia, and Conferences
- New Planetary Society Science and Technology Funding Opportunity
- Postdoctoral Research Scientist Position at the Planetary Science Institute
- Ph.D. Position in Exo-Planetary Science at University of Central Florida
- Caroline Herschel 2021 Award
- Rocky Worlds II Conference
- 2021 In Situ Science and Instrumentation Workshop for the Exploration of Europa and Ocean Worlds
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 15, April 11, 2021
- This Week's Open Meetings of Decadal Survey Panels
- [NASA] SMD Community Town Hall Meeting
- LunGradCon 2021 - Call for Abstracts
- Bringing Space Home: The Role of Sample Return in Space Exploration
- NASEM Employment Opportunity - Associate Program Officer, Space Studies Board
- [NASA] GSFC Civil Servant Job Announcement - Position Closes Midnight Monday, April 12
- Job opportunity at the University of Colorado Boulder
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 14, April 4, 2021
- This Week's Open Meetings of Decadal Survey Panels
- Upcoming Open Decadal Survey Venus Panel Session on Venus Petrology and Geochemistry
- Special SSR Issue Announcement: In Situ Exploration of Ice Giants
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Second Call for SBAG Early Career Invited Speakers
- Postdoctoral Opportunity in Planetary Science at Stony Brook University
- [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic PDS Data Releases in 2021.03
- [NASA] PDS: Insight Data Release 8
- [NASA] PDS: Odyssey Data Release 75
- March 2021 Early Career Scientist Spotlights - NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
- Job Opportunity at University of Washington
- Dual-Anonymous Peer Review Town Hall for Planetary and Exoplanets Research Programs
- DAIS (Disabled for Accessibility In Space)
- Call for Abstracts - Mappers Meeting & Analogs Workshop
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for April 2021
- Webinar: Bringing Space Home - The Role of Sample Return in Space Exploration
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 13, March 28, 2021
- Comets Postdoc Position at the University of Edinburgh
- NEOWISE 2021 Data Release
- Nominations Now Open for Membership on the Planetary Science Advisory Committee
- Accepting Applications for Icarus Editor-in-Chief Position
- Spring 2021 Soffen Student Travel Grant
- Planetary Science and Astrobiology Decadal Survey Calendar of Events
- Call for Proposals - NASA Fellowship Activity 2021
- NASA SMD Seeks Volunteer Reviewers for Research Proposals
- Ph.D. Student Position in Space Physics at Umea University, Sweden
- [PDS] MRO SHARAD Delayed Data Release
- Tenure-Track Assostant Professor in Planetary Science, University of Washington, Seattle
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 12, March 21, 2021
- [NASA] ROSES-21: NOI Due Date Delay and POC Change for Exoplanets Research
- [PDS] Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 45
- [PDS] Mars Science Laboratory Release 26
- NASA / SSERVI Analogs Focus Group
- 2021 NASA Planetary Science Summer School Applications Due April 1
- Funding for (Remote) Observations with the Europlanet Telescope Network
- An Interactive Workshop to Explore Novel Ideas for Future Scientific, Educational, and Cultural Activities with the Arecibo Observatory
- Upcoming Open Decadal Survey Venus Panel Session on Venus Geodynamics
- Virtual Conference: Applications of Statistical Methods and Machine Learning in the Space Sciences
- Positions in the Planetary Science Division (PSD) at NASA Headquarters
- Job Posting: Research Software Engineer at Northern Arizona University
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 11, March 14, 2021
- Apply for Open ExMAG Positions
- New Space: Special Issue on Space Resources
- Lectureship in Planetary Science at the Open University, UK
- Software Developer for Auroral Research
- [NASA] PDS - Catalina Sky Survey Data Review
- 2021 NASA Planetary Science Summer School Applications Due April 1
- Ph.D. and Postdoc Position in Cosmic Dust / Heliosphere Science
- [NASA] ROSES-21: What's New Slides/Recording Available
- SBAG Early Career Opportunities
- Date Change: Joint 2021 NESF & ELS Meeting
- SSERVI Award Nominations
- Influence of a Global Magnetic Field on Ion and Atmospheric Loss and Planetary Habitability
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 10, March 7, 2021
- In Memoriam: John Hoffman
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic Data Releases in 2021.02
- [NASA] PDS: Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter PDS Data Release 56
- [NASA] PDS: MRO CRISM MTRDR and TER Release 16
- [NASA] PDS: OSIRIS-REx Bennu Release 8
- [NASA] PDS: Important Notice for Data Users
- [NASA] PDS: R&A; Proposal Support Webpages
- Urey Fellow Position at the Lunar and Planetary Institute
- 2021 International Summer School in Astrobiology: Searching for Life on Mars
- 2021B NASA IRTF Call for Proposals
- 44th Scientific Assembly of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR 2022)
- [NASA] Planetary Protection Officer Sought
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for March 2021
- Laboratory Astrophysics Division (LAD) Virtual Summer Meeting
- Venus Decadal Panel Meeting Sessions
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 9, February 28, 2021
- [NASA] Due Date Extension and FAQ Update for Proposals to Support Planetary Analysis Groups
- Moon Trek User Experience Feedback
- ESA Archival Research Visitor Programme
- Mercury Science and Exploration Newsletter Released February 2021
- Call for DPS 2021 Prize Nominations
- AbGradE: Space Law and Governance Announcement and Abstract Deadline
- Ph.D. Student in Space Physics in Kiruna, Sweden
- Mass Spectrometer Calibration Engineer
- Postdoc Opening at CU Boulder in Planetary Atmospheric Evolution
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 8, February 21, 2021
- [NASA] ROSES Due Dates Delayed Due to Widespread Power Loss
- [NASA] ROSES-21: New Opportunity - Interdisciplinary Science for Eclipse
- [NASA] STEM Engagement Call for Reviewers for Informal STEM Education Proposals
- Rock, Dust and Ice: Interpreting Planetary Data
- Joint NASA Exploration Science Forum/European Lunar Symposium
- AOGS 2021 Session: ST/PS-03 Magnetic Flux Rope Throughout the Solar System
- Goldschmidt Session 1E: Subsurface Oceans of Icy Bodies Beyond Earth - Composition, Evolution, and Exchange Processes
- Independent Review Board (IRB) for the Planetary Data Ecosystem (PDE)
- [NASA] PDS: Dawn GRaND PDS4 Archive Release
- [NASA] PDS: Juno Data Release 14
- [NASA] PDS: Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Data Release 24
- USGS Astrogeology Science Center Terrestrial Analogs Workshop
- Research Opportunities in Cosmic Dust Science, Switzerland
- Early Career Scientist Spotlights - NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
- Astrometry Request for TNO Observers
- Postdoc Position(s) in the Ehlmann Earth & Planetary Remote Sensing Lab at Caltech
- Postdoctoral Research Associate in Planetary Sciences - University of Maryland
- Next SBAG Meeting Will Be Virtual
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 7, February 14, 2021
- In Memoriam: Rafael Navarro-Gonzalez (1959-2021)
- Earth and Space Exploration Program 2021
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for February 2021
- InSightSeers Program
- Postdoctoral Opportunity in M-Class Lab at UMD
- [NASA] Planetary Advisory Committee Meeting
- Short Course on Mineralogy of Planetary Surfaces and Biosignatureg
- [NASA] Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Science (ROSES) 202g
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additiong
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 6, February 7, 2021
- 15th Conference of HelAS
- Summer Undergraduate Program in Planetary Research (SUPPR): Mentors Needed
- Requests for Endorsements for Next Generation Arecibo Telescope White Paper
- Mass Spectrometer Calibration Engineer
- Research Associate in Planetary Atmospheres, University of Leicester
- Job Announcement: Planetary Science Archive Science Lead at ESA
- Job Opportunity: Outreach and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Activities Coordinator
- Postdoc Opportunity on Hayabusa Return Samples
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 5, January 31, 2021
- Research Associate: Analysis of Solar Images Using Machine Learning and Computer Vision
- Research Associate: Scientific Programming
- Call for Papers: Planetary Science Section of Universe
- Agenda Available: Outer Planets Assessment Group (OPAG) Meeting
- [NASA] Minor Clarifications and Corrections to E.5 FINESST
- [NASA] Call for Abstracts for the 72nd International Astronautical Congress (IAC)
- Postdoctoral Research Associate in Planetary Sciences - University of Maryland
- [NASA] PI Launchpad: Developing Your First Flight Mission Proposal
- Announcement of Opportunity for Interdisciplinary Scientists and Guest Investigators
- [NASA] Proposals to Support Recurring Planetary Science Analysis Group Meetings
- Postdoctoral Scholar
- JpGU Session: Outer Solar System Exploration Today, and Tomorrow
- [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic PDS Data Releases in 2021.01
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 4, January 24, 2021
- ISSI Call for Project Proposals
- JWST User Committee: Call for Nominations
- [NASA] CASIS Research Announcement in Technology Advancements to Leverage the ISS
- Astrobiology Postdoctoral Scholar at UC Berkeley
- Rock, Ice and Dust: Interpreting Planetary Data
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 3, January 17, 2021
- OpenPlanetary Lunch Virtual Talks
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for January 2021
- MEPAG 2nd Information Circular
- Open Meeting About the Independent Review Board for the Planetary Data Ecosystem
- Research opportunities in Space Plasmas at LASP, University of Colorado Boulder
- Research Associate in Planetary Sciences
- Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Washington, Seattle
- Postdoctoral Position in Young Stars and Planet Formation at the University of Hawai'i
- Postdoc Position: Coupled Interior Atmosphere Evolution of Venus and Venus-like Exoplanets
- Applications open for the Summer Exploration Internship Program at Western University
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 2, January 10, 2021
- Roger J. Phillips - A Celebration Of Life (January 11, 2021)
- vECU21 Session PS7: Planetary Geomorphology
- vEGU21 Session PS4.3: Planetary Space Weather
- vEGU21 Session PS2.1: Atmospheres and Exospheres of Terrestrial Planets, Satellites, and Exoplanets
- [NASA] PDS: Insight Data Release 7
- [NASA] PDS: Odyssey Data Release 74
- [NASA] PDS: Data Release Calendar 2021
- COSPAR 2020 Awards
- Ph.D. and M.S. Opportunities in Planetary Science at the University of Central Florida
- INAF Postdoc for Dawn and EXOMars
- Upcoming Pluto System and Arrokoth Workshops
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 1, January 3, 2021
- Postdoctoral Associate at Lowell Observatory
- [NASA] Aperiodic PDS Data Releases in 2020.12
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Table of Contents: Volume 14, 2020
Issue 53, December 27, 2020
- Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 44
- AGU EPSP Wonderful Coffee Hour
- MEPAG Virtual Meeting #11
- Second Call for Early Career Lightning Talks at SBAG24
- Postdoctoral Associate at Lowell Observatory
- Reviewers Needed for MUREP Concept Paper Submissions
- GSA Southeastern Meeting 2021
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 52, December 20, 2020
- EGU GA Meeting Sessions
- Postdoctoral Associate at Lowell Observatory
- Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Positions in Comet / Asteroid Science
- [NASA] Graduate Student Research: Future Investigators in NASA Earth and Space Science and Technology (FINESST) Update & Reminders
- Ocean Worlds at LPSC
- 2021 NASA Planetary Science Summer School Applications
- [NASA] Planetary R&A; Virtual Townhall
- MRO SHARAD Delayed RDR Data Release 55
- GAC-MAC 2021 Hybrid Meeting
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 51, December 13, 2020
- In Memoriam: Koichio Tsuruda (1937-2020)
- [NASA] A Rememberance of Koichio Tsuruda by NASA Chief Scientist James Green
- Editor Note: New Procedure for Obtaining Email Addresses and Other Contact Information for NASA Personnel
- Graduate School in Planetary Science at Brown University
- vEGU2021 Session PS3.4: Mars Science and Exploration
- Postdoctoral Associate at Lowell Observatory
- [NASA] ROSES-20: Correction to Definition of "Early Career" in E.10 SMD Call for COVID Augmentations and Funded Extensions
- Poster Walk for EPSP General Contribution Poster Session
- MSR Sample Caching Strategy Workshop
- Planetary Data Ecosystem Independent Review Board
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 50, December 6, 2020
- Correction: NASA Mars Architecture Strategy Working Group Final Report
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for December 2020
- Special issue in Frontiers: Interplanetary Medium Variability as Observed in the New Era of Spacecraft Missions
- Royal Astronomical Society (RAS) Specialist Discussion Meeting "Comparative Equatorial Thermosphere-Ionosphere-Magnetosphere Coupling"
- vEGU 2021 Call for Abstracts: Volcanism in Planetary Bodies
- Life Detection Knowledge Base Workshop
- Outer Planets Assessment Group Town Hall at AGU Fall Meeting 2020
- OPAG Virtual Meeting
- Job Description: Planetary Astronomer
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Postdoctoral Associate at Lowell Observatory
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- [PDS] OSIRIS-REx Bennu Release 7
- Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 55
- Mars Science Laboratory Release 25
- Aperiodic PDS Data Releases in 2020.11
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 49, November 29, 2020
- In Memoriam: H. J. Melosh (1947-2020)
- NASA Mars Architecture Strategy Working Group Final Report
- Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter CRISM MTRDR and TER Release 15
- EGU Session PS3.6: Volcanism and Tectonism Accross the Solar System
- AGU Town Hall
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 48, November 22, 2020
- In Memoriam: Roger Jay Phillips (1940-2020)
- Pierazzo International Student Travel Award Suspended for 2021
- [NASA] Planetary Advisory Committee Meeting November 30
- [NASA] Independent Review Board for PDE Seeks Input
- [NASA] EXOPAG Calling for Nominations to the Executive Committee
- EXOPAG Science Interest Group 3 Organizing Tutorial Talks
- Planetary Geomorphology at EGU
- P/2019 LD2 Observing Campaign Coordination
- FIB-SEM Lab Manager Position at the University of Arizona
- [NASA] Call for VEXAG Steering Committee Members
- Report of the Independent Review Board for Mars Sample Return
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 47, November 15, 2020
- [NASA] Science Mission Directorate Town Hall Meeting November 17, 2020
- [NASA] Seeking Volunteer Reviewers in Earth and Space Science
- [NASA] Payloads and Research Investigations on the Surface of the Moon (PRISM) Step-2 Due Date Delay
- [PDS] Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Data Release 23
- New Tool for Small-Bodies Search
- HiRISE Digital Terrain Models by Request and at No-Cost for Funded Mars Data Analysis Program Awards
- Exoplanet Solar System Synergies Tutorial Talks
- Upcoming Planetary Advisory Committee (PAC) Meeting
- Application Deadline Approaching for SBAG 24 Early Career Invited Speaker
- EGU Session PS5.1: Ice Giant System Exploration
- NASA Job Announcement: MSR Deputy Program Director
- Bridge to Faculty Program at the University of Illinois at Chicago
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 46, November 8, 2020
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for November 2020
- AbSciCon Now in 2022
- Ph.D. and Postdoc Positions on Exoplanets in Oslo, Norway
- [NASA] ROSES-20: FINESST (Soliciting Graduate Student Research)
- First Mercury Science and Exploration Newsletter Released
- [NASA] ROSES-20: Payloads and Research Investigations on the Surface of the Moon (PRISM)
- [NASA] Advance Notice Regarding New Frontiers 5 (NF5) Announcement of Opportunity
- [NASA] Fundamental Physics Program Virtual Townhall
- [NASA] PDS: JUNO Data Release 13
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 45, November 1, 2020
- JPL Research Scientist II, Planetary and Exoplanetary Atmospheres
- IAU Proceedings Volume dedicated to Laboratory Astrophysics
- Request for Feedback on ISIS Release Process and Long Term Support
- Visiting Assistant Professor Sought
- Research Assistant Position Open at the Planetary Science Institute, Colorado Office
- Planetary Data Ecosystem Request for Information
- Research Opportunities in Space Plasmas at LASP, University of Colorado Boulder
- [NASA] ROSES-20 Amendment: COLDTech - Autonomy, Communications, and Radiation-Hard Devices
- Brown University Presidential Diversity Postdoctoral Fellowship
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 44, October 25, 2020
- New Discovery about the Moon Announcement
- [NASA] Release of Final Text of E.7 Open Source Tools, Libraries, and Frameworks
- [NASA] Habitable Worlds Change in Scope
- [NASA] Release of Final Text and Due Dates for C.17 Planetary Major Equipment and Facilities - Stand-Alone Proposals
- [NASA] Coming Soon: PI Launchpad 2021
- [PSD] MRO Derived Gravity Model Data Release
- [PSD] MRO SHARAD Delayed EDR, RDR and Missing RDR Data Release
- Invitation to Suggest Targets for Microscopic Examination of Mars
- Virtual School: Planets, Exoplanets and Their Systems in a Broad and Multidisciplinary Context
- DPS Professional Climate and Culture Subcommittee (PCCS) Seeking New Members
- Late-Breaking AGU Session on Venus
- MS/PhD Positions for Fall 2021
- JPL Open Position: Research Scientist, Outer Planet Magnetospheres and Moon Interactions
- Post-Doctoral Fellow - Mars 3D Icecap Radar Imaging
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 43, October 18, 2020
- ISP Study Exploratory Workshop
- Arecibo Observatory Quarterly Newsletter Now Available
- MEPAG VM10 2nd Information Circular
- Upcoming Job Announcement - NASA MSFC
- We Are Looking for New Book Ideas
- Postdoc with MAVEN's Imaging UltraViolet Spectrograph Team
- DPS Professional Climate and Culture Subcommittee (PCCS) Seeking New Members
- Machine Learning for Science (ML4SCI) Hackathon
- Events of Interest During DPS Week (Oct 26-30)
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 42, October 11, 2020
- MEPAG Steering Committee Opening for EDIA Representative
- Planetary Science Journal Focus Issue: Ocean Worlds - Motivations for a Multi-Decadal Exploration Program
- DPS Professional Climate and Culture Subcommittee (PCCS) Seeking New Members
- Looking for DPS members to Connect Virtually with Classrooms and Other Groups in Conjunction with the DPS Meeting this October
- Openings on Outer Planets Analysis Group (OPAG) Steering Committee
- Weiss Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Position at Rice University
- Graduate Student Research Opportunities in Planetary Science at Tulane University
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 41, October 04, 2020
- [NASA] COVID Salary Flexibility Extension for NASA SMD Grants
- [NASA] Community Announcement: New Frontiers 5 (NF5) Announcement of Opportunity (AO)
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Farinella Prize 2020 Awarded to Jonathan Fortney and Heather Knutson
- GRAM Suite Version 1.1 Released
- New Portals for Bennu and Ryugu
- Mars: HRSC DTM and Orthoimages of the Syrtis Major Quadrangle
- Virtual Proposers' Conference for the Use of the NASA Physical Sciences Informatics System
- Expanded Agreement Provides Planet Data to All NASA-Funded Researchers
- Postdoctoral Research Position at Washington University in St. Louis
- Call for Papers: Advances in Astronomy, Special Issue on "Mars Climate Evolution, Habitability, Astrobiology, and Resources"
- TRsearch Fellowships in Space Sciences & Exploration
- MEPAG Meeting
- MEPAG Steering Committee Opening for an Equity, Diversity, Inclusion & Accessibility (EDIA) Representative
- MEPAG Newsletter
- SBAG Early Career Opportunities
- [PDS] Aperiodic PDS Data Releases in 2020.09
- [PDS] Mars InSight Data Release 6
- [PDS] Odyssey Data Release 73
- DPS Professional Climate and Culture Subcommittee (PCCS) Seeking New Members
- The Lunar Surface Innovation Consortium - Virtual Fall Meeting
- #DPS2020 Career Center: Advertise Your Job Openings!
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 40, September 27, 2020
- JPL Postdoc in Ocean Worlds Ice Shells
- First Meetings of the Decadal Survey Scheduled
- Important Notice for NASA PDS Data Users
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 39, September 20, 2020
- [NASA] PDS: Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 43
- Machine Learning for Planetary Space Physics (ML4PSP) Series
- [NASA] Small Innovative Missions for Planetary Exploration (SIMPLEx) Opportunity Delayed
- The DPS Invites Applications to New Fund for Underrepresented Minority Communities in Planetary Science
- The Lunar Surface Innovation Consortium - Virtual Fall Meeting
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 38, September 13, 2020
- [NASA] Reminder SWIMS RFI Closing Sept 23 and FAQs Added
- [NASA] SMD Seeks Volunteer Reviewers for Research Proposals
- [NASA] ROSES-20 Amendment 52: Release of Final Text of Citizen Science Seed Funding Program
- [NASA] Planetary Webinar: Dual-Anonymous Peer Review for Habitable Worlds under ROSES-2020
- Decadal White Paper on Extended Missions
- Decadal Survey White Paper on R&A; Issues and Solutions
- International Observe the Moon Night Is September 26th
- The Lunar Surface Innovation Consortium - Virtual Fall Meeting
- OpenPlanetary Virtual Lunch Talks
- JPL Open Position: Research Scientist, Outer Planet Magnetospheres and Moon Interaction
- Job Announcement: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Faculty Position in Planetary Science
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 37, September 6, 2020
- Exoplanet-Solar System Synergy Tutorial Talk
- [NASA] Aperiodic PDS Data Releases in 2020.08
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- [NASA] PDS: Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 54
- White Papers on DEIA Topics for the 2013-2022 Planetary Science Decadal Survey
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for September 2020
- Job Announcement: Assistant Professor, Oklahoma State University
- NASA Infrared Telescope Facility Observing Proposals
- HiRISE Digital Terrain Models By-Request and at No-Cost for Funded Mars Data Analysis Program Awards
- Job Announcement: University of Oklahoma, Postdoctoral Researcher
- The Lunar Surface Innovation Consortium - Virtual Fall Meeting
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 36, August 30, 2020
- In Memoriam: Nadine G. Barlow
- [NASA] PDS: OSIRIS-REx Bennu Release 6
- Openings on Outer Planets Analysis Group (OPAG) Steering Committee
- [NASA] Mission Science Team Meeting Opportunities for Early Career Scientists
- [NASA] Planetary Data Ecosystem (PDE) Independent Review Board (IRB) Self-Nomination Closing on or about September 7
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Commercial Announcements:
- Saturn's Moon Titan: Owners' Workshop Manual by Ralph Lorenz
Issue 35, August 23, 2020
- [NASA] RFI: Information on the Planetary Data Ecosystem Released
- [NASA] Artemis Science White Papers Due September 8, 2020
- Announcing the Exoplanet Solar System (ExoSS) Tutorial Talk Series
- LSST Solar System Science Collaboration
- Indication of Interest: Decadal White Paper on the Value of Extended Missions
- GAC-MAC London 2021: Call for Proposals Due September 15
- Postdoctoral Opportunities with the SMA
- Postdoctoral Position in Data Visualization for Planetary and Space Sciences
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 34, August 16, 2020
- [NASA] PDS: OSIRIS-REx Bennu Release 5c
- [NASA] ROSES-20: Revised Text and Delay of Due Date for Planetary Science Early Career Award Program
- Submissions Open for The Art of Planetary Science 2020: A Virtual Odyssey
- [NASA] PDS: Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Data Release 22
- Invitation to Webinar Featuring Lennard Fisk: Voyagers 1 and 2 - Where Are We Now?
- AAS Videos on Teaching On-Line
- [NASA] Due Date Reminder & Final FAQs for SMD's Augmentations and Funded Extensions - Expression of Interest
- [NASA] Planetary Data Ecosystem Volunteer Opportunity: Self Nominations Welcome
- [NASA] PAC Meeting Next Week
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 33, August 9, 2020
- Planetart Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for August 2020
- Decadal Survey White Paper on the Saturn Ring Skimmer Mission Concept
- [NASA] FAQs for SMD's Augmentations and Funded Extensions - Expression of Interest
- Call for Papers to a Focus Issue in the Planetary Science Journal Dedicated to Papers Highlighting Landed Lunar Mission Concepts and High-Priority Landing Sites
- Attend the DPS Meeting This Year
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 32, August 2, 2020
- [NASA] Expression of Interest (EOI): SMD Call for Augmentations and Funded Extensions
- [NASA] PDS: Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter CRISM MTRDR and TER Release 14
- [NASA] PDS: Mars Science Laboratory Release 24
- [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic PDS Data Releases in 2020.07
- Mars 2020 Jezero Crater Landing Site Products
- Planetary Science Education Session at GSA This Fall
- Upcoming OPAG Virtual Meeting
- Invitation to Free Interstellar Probe Webinar
- Venus Science Today - A Mini-Zoom Conference
- Crafting Life Detection Science: NfoLD Webinar Series and Virtual Workshop
- Postdoctoral Research Position at the University of Oslo, Norway
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowship - Application Deadline November 1, 2020
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 31, July 26, 2020
- In Memorium: Mike Mishchenko (1959-2020)
- New Free Resource Guide on "Black Lives in Astronomy"
- Arecibo Observatory Town Hall
- [NASA] ROSES-20: Payloads and Research Investigations on the Surface of the Moon (PRISM)
- [NASA] PDS: Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter New Diviner PCP Product
- [NASA] PDS: JUNO Data Release 12
- [NASA] PDS: OSIRIS-REx Bennu Release 5b
- 2019 Venera-D Workshop Report Released/2020 Venera-D Workshop Update
- Universe is Soliciting White Papers Expanded Into Review Papers
- AGU Session EP016: Extraterrestrial Surface Processes Under Alien Boundary Conditions
- AGU Session P019: In Situ Science and Instrumentation for the Exploration of Europa and Ocean Worlds
- AGU Session P023: Mercury - From MESSENGER to BepiColombo
- AGU Session P029: Planetary Atmospheres and Evolution
- AGU Session P039: Surface Processes on Active Icy Worlds
- AGU Session P044: The Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy
- Present Planetary Research at GSA 2020 Online
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 30, July 19, 2020
- AGU Session P002: Aquaplanetology - Aqueous Environments and Habitability in the Solar System
- AGU Session P008: Comparative Planetology - Large Planetesimals and Dwarf Planets Throughout the Solar System
- AGU Session P012: Enceladus - A Habitable World Beckons
- AGU Session P021: Machine Learning for Planetary Science
- AGU Session P022: Mars Climate and Even More Water - Late Hesperian to Amazonian Surface and Ground Water Features on Mars
- AGU Session P037: Small Bodies - Physical Properties and Regolith Behaviors Under Microgravity
- AGU Session SH011: Interstellar Probe - Pushing the Boundaries of Space Exploration
- AGU Session SM017: Magnetospheres in the Outer Solar System
- 51 Pegasus b Fellowship in Planetary Astronomy
- White Paper on Plasma and Magnetic Instruments in Small Body Missions
- Physical Scientist term position at USGS Astrogeology
- Next SBAG Meeting
- [NASA] Lunar Surface Technology Research Opportunities Solicitation Released
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 29, July 12, 2020
- [NASA] ROSES-20: Planetary Science and Technology Through Analog Research (PSTAR) Not Solicited this Year
- [NASA] ROSES-20: Habitable Worlds not Solicited in ROSES-2021
- AGU Session DI001: Accretion and Differentiation of Rocky Planets - Perspectives From Geophysics, Geochemistry, and Astronomy
- AGU Session EP012: Earth and Planetary Surface Processes General Contributions
- AGU Session P006: Carbon Across the Solar System on the Eve of Returning Asteroid Samples
- AGU Session P018: Ice and Ocean Worlds
- AGU Session P020: Looking Ahead to the Future of Planetary Science
- AGU Session P023: Mercury - From MESSENGER to BepiColombo
- AGU Session P024: Micro to Macro Infrared Spectroscopy - Laboratory, Field, and Remote Observations
- AGU Session P027: Next Generation Planetary Geodesy
- AGU Session P032: Preparing for the Next Venus Missions
- AGU Session P040: The Future of Planetary Atmospheric, Surface, and Interior Science Using Radio and Laser Links
- AGU Session P042: The New Mars Underground (and Beyond) 3.0
- AGU Session P048: Unraveling Mysteries About Bodies in Our Solar System and Beyond Through Laboratory Experiments
- AGU Session SM022: Moon-Plasma Interactions Throughout the Solar System
- DPS 2020: Virtual Meeting
- MEPAG VM9 Materials Now Available and Decadal Survey White Paper Update
- Decadal Survey White Paper on the Case for Landed Mercury Science
- White Paper on Sampling Plume Deposits on Enceladus' Surface
- White Paper on Exogeoscience and the Need for Interdisciplinary Engagement in Exoplanetary Science
- Postdoctoral Researcher in Planetary Magnetospheric Physics
- Ph.D. Position, Exomoons, Leiden Observatory/Delft University of Technology
- New Comics About Seismology
- World View: A High Altitude Stratospheric Ballooning Company
- Arecibo Observatory Quarterly Newsletter Now Available
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 28, July 5, 2020
- AGU Fall Meeting Session: Titan - Past, Present and Future Investigations of Saturn's Giant Moon
- AGU Fall Meeting Session: Concepts for Future Planetary Science Missions and Instruments (e-lightning)
- AGU Fall Meeting Session: Magnetospheres in the Inner Solar System
- Call for Peer Review Panelists: NASA MUREP INCLUDES Planning Grant
- [NASA] ROSES-20: XRISM Guest Scientist Program Deferred to 2021
- [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic PDS Data Releases in 2020.06
- White Paper on Triton as a Compelling Destination for Exploration
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- [NASA] Science Virtual Community Town Hall July 9
- [NASA] ROSES-20: Release of Draft Text of Citizen Science Seed Funding Program for Community Comment
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for July 2020
- [NASA] Assistant Deputy Associate Administrator for Research Job Announcement
- [NASA] Program Scientist Job Announcements in Astrophysics, Heliophysics Divisions and the Exploration Science Strategy and Integration Office
- [NASA] PDS: Mars InSight Data Release 5
- [NASA] PDS: Odyssey Data Release 72
- [NASA] ROSES-20: Final Text Released for D.16 "Astrophysics Pioneers" Soliciting Astrophysics Space and Suborbital Science Investigations
- Postdoctoral Researcher in Planetary Magnetospheric Physics
- Postdoctoral Researcher in Asteroid Ceres Evolution at NISER, India
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 27, June 28, 2020
- Titan Decadal Survey Whitepapers Open for Endorsers
- White Paper on Uranian Moons/Mag/Rings New Frontiers Mission Concept
- DPS Education and Outreach Grants
- Fall AGU Virtual Meeting, Abstract Submissions Open
- Postdoctoral Researcher in Planetary Magnetospheric Physics
- [NASA] Planetary Science Reminder Regarding Letter of Resource Support for Facilities
- [NASA] 2020 Guidebook for Proposers Applies to ROSES After September 25, 2020
- [NASA] ROSES: DART Participating Scientist Program Final Text Released
- [NASA] ROSES: Clarification of E.4 Habitable Worlds
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 26, June 21, 2020
- Editorial: Building a New Generation of Reviewers - A Response
- [NASA] ROSES-20: New Frontiers Data Analysis Delay of Due Dates
- [NASA] PDS: Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 42
- Introducing the Titan Community Mailing List (Titan-L)
- OPAG White Paper Information
- OPAG Virtual Meeting
- Virtual Didymos Observers Workshop
- EPSC Session MITM17: Polarimetry as a Tool for Characterizing Dust Particles - Observations, Modeling, and Laboratory Data
- The GSA Planetary Geology Division is Receiving Nominations for the Ronald Greeley Award
- PDS Data Services and User Study
- Postdoctoral Researcher in Planetary Magnetospheric Physics
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 25, June 14, 2020
- EPSC2020 Session ODAA1: Diversity and Inclusiveness in Planetary Sciences
- EPSC2020 Session SB5: Observing and Modelling Meteors in Planetary Atmospheres
- EPSC2020 Session SB11: Physical Properties of Small Bodies: Observations and Techniques
- EPSC2020 Session OPS3: "Planet" Titan
- EPSC2020 Session SB7: Space Missions to Small Bodies - Planetary Defense
- EPSC2020 Session SB3: Comets, Centaurs, Trans-Neptunian and Interstellar Objects
- GRAM Suite Version 1.0 Released
- ESA Project Scientist Position for Mars Sample Return Mission
- Faculty Positions at National Institute of Science Education and Research (NISER), Bhubaneswar, India
- White Papers Deadline Extended
- Planetary and Astrobiology Blank Papers: White Papers Cancelled or Downscaled Due to Direct Impact of COVID-19 and National-Scale Civil Action
- White Paper regarding RPIFs and the Planetary Data Ecosystem
- Postdoctoral Researcher in Planetary Magnetospheric Physics
- Building a New Generation of Reviewers
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 24, June 7, 2020
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- EPSC2020 Session EXO3: From Protoplanetary Disks to Small Bodies, Planets and their Atmospheres
- EPSC2020 Session EXO4: Exoplanet Observations, Modelling and Experiments, Characterization of their Atmospheres
- EPSC2020 Session OPS5: Environments of Outer-Planet Moons - Particles, Plasma, Fields and Dust
- [NASA] ROSES-20: Delay of Step-2 Proposal Due Dates for Several Programs in Planetary Science
- NASA Network for Ocean Worlds Quarterly Lecture Series
- Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 53
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for June 2020
- Postdoc Position in Planetary Seismology
- Map of Every Mars Landing Attempt, Ever
- Positions Open on the LEAG Executive Committee
- Ice Giant White Paper
- Postdoctoral Researcher in Planetary Magnetospheric Physics
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 23, May 31, 2020
- [NASA] Releases the New Science Plan: Science 2020-2024: A Vision for Scientific Excellence
- MEPAG Community Resources for Sharing Decadal Survey White Papers
- Spatial Data White Paper
- Aperiodic PDS Data Releases in 2020.05
- OSIRIS-REx Bennu Release 5
- EPSC Session TP7: Ionospheres of Unmagnetized or Weakly Magnetized Bodies
- Lunar and Small Bodies Graduate Conference Announcement
- JPL Open Position: Research Scientist, Astrobiology and Ocean Worlds
- JPL Open Position: Research Scientist, Planetary Interiors and Geophysics
- Postdoctoral Researcher in Planetary Magnetospheric Physics
- Postdoc Position in Planetary Seismology
- Ph.D. Student in Planetary Science At CRPG Nancy, France
- GSA Planetary Geology Division Student Advisor Open Position
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 22, May 24, 2020
- NExSS NPMP Opportunity
- [NASA] ROSES: Changes to C.18 Early Career Fellowship Start-Up Program
- 2020 Annual Meeting of Planetary Geologic Mappers
- [NASA] ROSES-2020 Clarification Regarding Acronyms
- JPL Open Position: Research Scientist, Planetary Interiors and Geophysics
- JPL Open Position: Research Scientist, Astrobiology and Ocean Worlds
- Postdoctoral Researcher in Planetary Magnetospheric Physics
- Preventing Harassment in Science Workshop - Rescheduled and Going Virtual
- Laboratory Astrophysics Division Virtual Meeting
- OpenPlanetary Virtual Conference (OPvCon)
- NASA Science Virtual Community Town Hall Meeting
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 21, May 17, 2020
- Small Bodies Assessment Group (SBAG) Community Survey for Decadal Report
- ROSES-20: C.22 Radioisotope Power Systems Not Solicited
- JPL Open Position: Research Scientist, Planetary Interiors and Geophysics
- Postdoctoral Researcher in Planetary Magnetospheric Physics
- USGS Astrogeology Cartographic Technician (Term GS-07/08, FPL GS-09)
- JPL Open Position: Research Scientist, Astrobiology and Ocean Worlds
- Joint LEAG/SSERVI Meeting
- Women in Planetary Science Blog Post
- Ph.D. Student in Space Physics for Studies of Space Plasmas
- Outer Planet Moon-Magnetosphere Interaction Workshop
- Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Data Release 21
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 20, May 10, 2020
- [NASA] PDS: Odyssey Data Release 71
- Update: 2020 In Situ Science and Instrumentation Workshop for the Exploration of Europa and Ocean Worlds
- Planetary Missions Concept Studies Announcement
- New Mercury Exploration Assessment Group (MExAG) - Call for Steering Committee Nominations
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for May 2020
- Small Bodies Assessment Group (SBAG) Community Survey for Decadal Report
- Postdoctoral or Guest Scientist Positions in Space Physics
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 19, May 3, 2020
- The 6th International Planetary Dunes Workshop Goes Virtual
- Instrument Scientist at NASA GSFC
- Update for Astrobiology2020
- Writing White Papers for the Decadal Survey on Planetary Science and Astrobiology: Webinar for Early Career Professionals
- NASA Planetary Data System (PDS) Annual Customer Satisfaction Survey 2020 Extended Due To Pandemic
- Seeking Subject-Matter Experts for Space Apps COVID-19 Challenge
- 4th COSPAR Meeting on Refining Planetary Protection Requirements for Human Missions to Mars
- [NASA] Research Announcement (NRA): Early Stage Innovations Appendix
- Virtual Meeting on Current Results of the InSight Mission
- [NASA] Aperiodic PDS Data Releases in 2020.04
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Python in Planetary Science Survey Results
- Research Scientist II at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (1/2)
- Research Scientist II at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (2/2)
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 18, April 26, 2020
- World View NASA Earth Venture Mission 3 Announcement
- Lecturer of Astronomy at Northern Arizona University
- Small Bodies Assessment Group (SBAG) Steering Committee Positions Open
- Research Scientist II at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (1/2)
- Research Scientist II at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (2/2)
- [ESA] PSA: ExoMars 2016 SPICE Kernels Archive Release
- Large Interferometer For Exoplanets (LIFE) Virtual Mini Workshop
- Exoplanets: The Nexus of Astronomy and Geoscience
- The 2020 Planetary Science Workforce Survey
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 17, April 19, 2020
- [NASA] PDS: MRO SHARAD Backlogged RDR Dataset Release, 47-49
- Planetary Exploration Budget Dataset Release
- Extended Deadline for Session Proposals, Workshops, Town Halls, AGU Fall Meeting
- OpenPlanetary Virtual Conference
- Save the Date - TESS Science Conference II
- SSfA Summer School
- Research Scientist II at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory
- Planetary Slides and Reports Available
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
- Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 16, April 12, 2020
- TOE3 Conference: From Solar System to Exoplanets, Postponed
- Committee Opportunity Available: Mars Sample Return Science Planning Group Phase 2
- [NASA] SMD Seeks Earth and Space Science Volunteer Reviewers
- [NASA] ROSES-20: Interdisciplinary Science for Eclipse Not Solicited
- [NASA] ROSES-20: C.16 Due Dates Delayed for Laboratory Analysis of Returned Samples
- [NASA] ROSES-20: B.5 Living With a Star Science Final Text
- [NASA] PDS: JUNO Data Release 11
- [NASA] RFI: Payloads and Research Investigations on the Surface of the Moon Released
- Postdoctoral Fellow Position at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory
- Research Scientist II at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory
- Join the International Space Weather Action Team
- Call for Papers: Landed Lunar Mission Concepts and High-Priority Landing Sites
- Open Position at NASA Ames: Director of Science
- VEXAG Meeting #18
- Decadal Survey Now Accepting Whitepapers and Nominations
- Important Announcements for the MEPAG 38 Meeting
- 2020 NASA Planetary Science Summer School Applications Closing
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 15, April 5, 2020
- Mercury 2020 Meeting Changed to Mercury 2021 Meeting
- [NASA] ROSES-2019: Delay of Step-2 Proposal Due Date for C.23 Interdisciplinary Consortia for Astrobiology Research (ICAR)
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for April 2020
- ESA Announcement of Opportunity for Mars 2020 Returned Sample Science Participating Scientists
- [NASA] Frequently Asked Questions about Grants and Research During the COVID-19 Epidemic
- Official 2020 MEPAG Goals Document Now Finalized and Available
- Aperiodic PDS Data Releases in 2020.03
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- USGS Astrogeology Community Survey Still Open - We Want to Hear from You
- [NASA] PDS: Mars InSight Data Release 4
- [NASA] PDS: Odyssey Data Release 71
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowship - Application Deadline July 1, 2020
- Arecibo Observatory Quarterly Newsletter Available
- Research Scientist II at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory
- 2020 NASA Planetary Science Summer School (PSSS) Applications Due April 13, 2020
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 14, March 29, 2020
- In Memoriam: William Cassidy
- [NASA] COVID-19 Community Update from Dr. Thomas Zurbuchen
- [NASA] NASA Science Division Updates to the Community
- [NASA] Upcoming NASA SMD Job Announcement: Senior Program Executive for Scientific Data & Computing (AST, Technical Management)
- Canceling the Planetary Science Informatics and Data Analytics Conference (PSIDA)
- Cancellation of NASA Astrobiology Summer School 2020
- Canceling the 2020 SPICE Training Class At ESAC/ESA
- 2020B NASA Infrared Telescope Facility Observing CallL For Proposals
- JWST Cycle 1 Proposal Deadline Delayed
- EPSC Session: Exoplanet Observations, Modeling, and Experiments
- EPSC Session: Interstellar Probe - Pushing the Boundaries of Space Science
- EPSC Session MITM17: Polarimetry as a Tool for Characterizing Dust Particles - Observations, Modeling, and Laboratory Data
- Astrobiology 2020: A Research Meeting of IAU Commission F3
- MUAN Workshop2020: Upper Atmospheres and Ionospheres in the Inner Solar System
- NEOWISE 2020 Data Release Available
- American Physical Society Recruits CEO
- Solar System Exploration Postdoc at Johns Hopkins University
- Postdoctoral Fellow Position at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory
- Post-doctoral Position at the National Research Council in Italy
- Emirates Mars Mission Postdoctoral Research Fellowships
- NASA Planetary Data System (PDS) Annual Customer Satisfaction Survey 2020
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 13, March 23, 2020
- SPECIAL EDITION: Planetary Science Journal
Issue 12, March 22, 2020
- In Memoriam: Adam Showman (1968-2020)
- [NASA] ROSES: Various Due Dates Postponed
- [NASA] ROSES: XRP Step 1 is Now NOI
- Canceling the 2020 Annual Meeting of Planetary Geologic Mappers
- EPSC Session: Ice Giant System Science and Exploration
- EPSC Session: Radio and Optical Science Instrumentation and Techniques for Solar System Studies
- [NASA] PDS: Mars Science Laboratory Release 23
- OpenPlanetary Virtual Lunch Talks
- March 19 Deadline for White Paper Topic Ideas for Advertisement and Discussion at MEPAG Meeting 38
- USGS Astrogeology Community Survey
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for Mid Month - March, 2020
- Postdoctoral Scholar Position at Northern Arizona University
- NASA Planetary Data System (PDS) Annual Customer Satisfaction Survey 2020
- Postdoc Opportunity in Ocean World Seismology at Jet Propulsion Laboratory
- 2020 NASA Planetary Science Summer School Applications Due Date Extended to April 13, 2020
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 11, March 15, 2020
- Asteroids, Comets, Meteors Conference - Cancelled
- Bill Feldman Science Symposium - Postponed
- MEPAG Meeting 38 (April 15-17) to be Fully Virtual
- From Solar System to Exoplanets (TOEIII) - Early Registration + COVID-19
- [NASA] SMD Virtual Town Hall Meeting Re: FY 2021 Budget
- 2020 NASA Planetary Science Summer School Applications Due March 30
- Postdoc Opportunity in Planetary Geosciecne at Jet Propulsion Laboratory
- The Planetary CubeSats/SmallSats Symposium
- FDL 2020 Summer Research Opportunity at NASA in Silicon Valley: Call for Applicants
- Request for Information on the Astrobiology Research Coordination Network - Early Cells to Multicellularity (ECM)
- EPSC 2020 Session: Environments of Outer-Planet Moons - Particles, Plasma, Fields and Dust
- Postdoctoral Scholar Position at Northern Arizona University
- Research Associate in Data Science and Scientific Programming
- Postdoctoral or Guest Researcher Position in Space Weather
- Postdoctoral Researcher in Planetary Magnetospheric Physics
- Postbaccalaureate Positions in Instrument Modeling, Atmospheric Modeling, and Laboratory Studies with the NASA Sellers Exoplanet Environments Collaboration (SEEC)
- SSERVI Virtual Workshop on Lunar Volatiles and Solar System Science, April 21-22, 2020
- [NASA] ROSES-20: Mars Organic Molecule Analyser Participating Scientists Program Not Solicited
- OpenPlanetary Virtual Lunch Talks
- Virtual LPSC/LPSC Presentations/Early Career Job Searchers
- [NASA] PDS: Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 41
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 10, March 8, 2020
- LPSC 51 Cancelled
- LPSC 51: E-Posters and Abstracts
- MEPAG Virtual Meeting #8 Presentations Are Now Online
- Decision About April MEPAG Meeting Plans to Be Made by March 13
- SBAG Early Career Opportunities
- Laboratory Astrophysics Division Meeting Abstract Deadline
- 2020B NASA Infrared Telescope Facility Observing Call for Proposals
- Nominate Your Colleagues for DPS Prizes
- Submitting a Call for Papers for a Focus Issue in PSJ
- Ph.D. Students in Space Physics for Studies of Mars and Comets
- Postdoctoral Scholar Position at Northern Arizona University in Planetary Science
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 9, March 1, 2020
- [NASA] ROSES-20 Amendment 2: Science Activation Program Integration Final Text and Due Dates
- Updated Eligibility Criteria for MEPAG Early Career Travel Grant
- [NASA] R&A; Proposal Writing Workshop at LPSC March 15
- Preventing Harassment in Science: Building a Community of Practice Toward Meaningful Change Workshop
- [NASA] Program Scientists in the Planetary Science Division
- 2020 International Summer School in Astrobiology: Searching for Life on Mars - Techniques and Challenges
- [NASA] PDS: OSIRIS-REx Bennu Release 4
- Job Opening at The Planetary Society
- Outer Planet Moon-Magnetosphere Interaction Workshop
- [NASA] ROSES-20 Amendment 3: C.2 Emerging Worlds and C.3 Solar System Workings Change in Scope Regarding Lunar Materials
- [NASA] Extended Call for Abstracts for the 71st International Astronautical Congress
- Subsurface Needs for Ocean Worlds
- [NASA] PDS: Apollo 15/17 Heat Flow Experiment Concatenated Datasets
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for March, 2020
- PDS Booth at LPSC 2020
- Postdoctoral Position in Space Physics
- [NASA] Dual-Anonymous Peer Review Virtual Town Hall
- Microsymposium 61 Planets Underground: New Date/Schedule
- 2020 NASA Planetary Science Summer School Applications Open
- Postdoctoral Scholar Position at Northern Arizona University
- [NASA] PDS: Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 52
- [NASA] PDS: Restored Apollo 17 SEP Bundle Release
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 8, February 23, 2020
- COSPAR 2020: Call for abstracts in the Planetary Protection Sessions
- COSPAR Session PPP.1: Planetary Protection Policy
- COSPAR Session PPP.2: Planetary Protection Mission Implementation and Status
- COSPAR Session PPP.3: Planetary Protection Research and Development
- Postdoctoral Research Position at the Lunar and Planetary Institute in Planetary Radar
- [NASA] Dual-Anonymous Peer Review Virtual Town Hall - March 3, 2020
- [NASA] PDS: MRO SHARAD RDRs for Releases 36-47
- [NASA] PDS: Mercury MESSENGER Derived Gravity Model
- 2020 Astrobiology Graduate Conference
- Technical Assistant in Photogrammetry for Martian Geomorphology
- Stars and Planets in the Ultraviolet: A Cross-Community Symposium
- MER Data Catalog Survey
- ISIS Request For Comment 5 Posted
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 7, February 16, 2020
- [NASA] Release of Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Science (ROSES) 2020 NRA by the Science Mission Directorate
- [NASA] Dual-Anonymous Peer Review Virtual Town Hall
- [NASA] PDS: GBRA Data Release
- [NASA] PDS: Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Data Release 20
- MER Data Catalog Survey
- Post-Doctoral Position at the CNR in Italy
- Summer School for Software Systems for Astronomy - Package for International Students
- Introduction to Planetary Image Analysis with ArcGIS
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 6, February 9, 2020
- Multi-Scale (Time and Mass) Dynamics of Space Objects
- Community Feedback on Draft MEPAG Goals Document Welcomed Via Telecon
- Ph.D. Position on Modeling and Observation of Rock-Rich Planetary Surfaces
- Second Pre-proposal Teleconference: NASA Fellowship Activity 2020
- [NASA] Announcement for Planetary Science Advisory Committee Nominations
- Titan Through Time V Workshop Registration is Now Open
- MEPAG 8VM - 2nd Information Circular
- [NASA] Release of NASA Space Technology Mission Directorate - Early Career Faculty
- Third Announcement - Towards Other Earth III: From Solar System to Exoplanets
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for February, 2020
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 5, February 2, 2020
- AAS Call for Information: Publication Policy and General Codes of Conduct for Consortia and Mission Teams
- Job Opportunity: Planetary Science Public Engagement at NASA GSFC
- COSPAR Session B0.4: Technologies for Planetary Research
- COSPAR Session B5.3: Ocean Worlds - Europa, Enceladus, Titan, and Beyond
- COSPAR Session B5.4: Ice Giant Systems
- Goldschmidt Session 14g: Weathering - Long-Term Terrestrial Climate Change, Modern Quantification, and Implications for Extraterrestrial Environments
- Goldschmidt Session 1B: From Abiotic to Biotic - Exploring the Possible (Bio)Geochemistry of a Habitable Mars
- Cycle 1 Call for Proposals for the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST)
- Postdoc Position in Planetary Science at Caltech
- [NASA] Draft of SpaceTech-REDDI-2020 Appendix F1: Tech Flights Released
- National Academies' Planetary Science and Astrobiology Decadal Survey: Statement of Task
- Early Career Professionals and the Planetary Science and Astrobiology Decadal Survey
- Planetary Science and Astrobiology Decadal Survey Town Hall
- Planetary Defense Inputs for the Decadal Survey: An Opportunity for the Planetary Defense Community to Help Protect the Future
- 8th Virtual MEPAG Meeting (VM8)
- Public Lectures on New Developments in Astronomy on YouTube
- Nominations Open for ASP Education Awards
- Free Resource Guides for Astronomy Education
- Big Picture Science Radio Show
- Ph.D. or M.S. Opportunity in Climate Resilience
- Postdoctoral Scholar Position at Northern Arizona University in Planetary Science
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Hera Workshop
- [NASA] Open Position at NASA Headquarters: Mars Sample Return Program Director, Science Mission Directorate
- MER Data Catalog Survey
- OPAG: Agenda for the February 2020 Meeting Now Available
- NASA Planetary Data System (PDS) Data Release Calendar 2020 Now Posted
- Workshop: Observatory for the Outer Heliosphere, Heliosheath, and Interstellar Space
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Commercial Announcements:
- Book: Astronomy
Issue 4, January 26, 2020
- [NASA] Seeking Earth and Space Science Volunteer Reviewers
- Icarus News: Reduced Open Access Fees
- Planetary Protection Sessions at the COSPAR 2020 General Assembly: Call for Abstracts
- COSPAR 2020 Session 20-F3.6: Climate and Astrobiological Potential of Icy Deposits on Mars
- AOGS2020 Session PS-09: Planetary Data in the Big Data Era - Archives, Tools, and International Collaborations
- JPGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020 Session P-AE22: Exoplanets
- Microsymposium 61 Planets Underground: The Next Frontier in Planetary Exploration
- Informational Webinar on Mars 2020 / SuperCam
- LEAG Virtual Meeting
- Kaguya GRS Data Release
- MEPAG Service Announcement: Director of the Mars Sample Return Campaign Senior Executive Service Opportunity
- Post-Doc on Asteroid/Comet Observations at the University of Edinburgh
- Research Scientist (Assistant, Associate or Full) Senior Fellow - Space Sciences Laboratory
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 3, January 19, 2020
- COSPAR 2020 Session 20-B1.3: Results from the Exploration of the Kuiper Belt by NASA's New Horizons Mission
- COSPAR 2020 Session B4.4: Venus Science and Exploration
- [NASA] ROSES-19: New Mandatory NOI Date and Documents for Mars 2020 Participating Scientist Program
- [NASA] Call for Abstracts for the 71st International Astronautical Congress
- AOGS 2020 Session PS11: Geology, Geophysics, and Habitability in Our Solar System
- [NASA] Mars Sample Return Program Director Job Announcement
- [NASA] Funded NPP Opportunity at MSFC
- Geological Society of America Session Proposals Due February 1, 2020
- 2020 MEPAG Goals Document Draft is now Available for Community Comments - Feedback Due by February 14
- Register Today for the 2020 Humans to Mars Summit
- [NASA] ROSES-19: Step-1 Due Date Delay for E.5 Applied Information Systems Research
- Seeking NASA-Funded Mentors for Summer Undergraduate Program in Planetary Research (SUPPR)
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Commercial Announcements:
- Book: Remote Compositional Analysis
- Book: Meteoroids
Issue 2, January 12, 2020
- AOGS 2020 Session PS03: To the Moon to Stay - The Artemis Era
- AOGS 2020 Session PS09: Planetary Data in the Big Data Era - Archives, Tools, and International Collaborations
- AOGS 2020 Session PS12: From the Solar System Origin to the Planetary System Bodies
- AOGS 2020 Session PS13: Polarization in the Solar System and Beyond 5. EGU 2020 Session PS4.2: Mars Science and Exploration
- EGU 2020 Session PS4.2: Mars Science and Exploration
- COSPAR 2020 Session 20-B4.1: Mars Science Results
- Lloyd V. Berkner Space Policy Internships 2020
- [NASA] Pre-Proposal Webinar for the Space Grant Artemis Student Challenges Opportunity
- 2020 CIDER Summer Program
- National Academies' Planetary Science and Astrobiology Decadal Survey: Statement of Task
- [NASA] Pre-Proposal Teleconference: NASA Fellowship Activity 2020
- MEPAG Meeting 38: April 15-17, 2020
- [NASA] PDS: Mars InSight Data Release 3 Correction
- AbGradEPEC 2020 Announcement and Abstract Deadline
- Pellas-Ryder Award Nominations for Best Student Paper in Planetary Sciences Due January 31
- [NASA] Announcement for Planetary Science Advisory Committee Nominations
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for January 2020
- Summer Exploration Internship Program
- The Small Bodies Node Users Group (the SmUG)
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 1, January 5, 2020
- [NASA] PDS: Odyssey Data Release 70
- [NASA] PDS: Mars InSight Data Release 3
- NSRC-2020 Suborbital Researchers Meeting Announcement and Abstract Deadline
- Postdoc Fellowship Position in Beijing, China
- Postdoc in Modeling Plasma Environment of Exoplanets
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Table of Contents: Volume 13, 2019
Issue 56, December 29, 2019
- In Memoriam: Tom Slanger (1935-2019)
- [NASA] Call for Proposals - NASA Fellowship Activity 2020
- XVIth Rencontres du Vietnam: Planetary Science, The Young Solar System
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 55, December 22, 2019
- Congratulations Pierazzo International Student Travel Award Winners
- Registration Now Open for 2020 In Situ Science and Instrumentation Workshop for the Exploration of Europa and Ocean Worlds
- EGU 2020 Session GM11.1/PS4: Planetary Geomorphology
- EGU 2020 Session GM2.2: Landform Mapping - Recent Advances in Data Collection and Mapping Approaches
- EGU 2020 Session: Fluids and Melts at Extreme Conditions
- Ph.D. Opportunity
- BAHFest Science-Themed Comedy Event Looking for Submissions
- [NASA] PDS: New Horizons Data Release 2
- [NASA] PDS: JUNO Data Release 10
- Processing of Amino Acids from Ice Radiation Experiments at GSFC/NASA
- OPAG Poster Session
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 54, December 15, 2019
- [NASA] ROSES: Due Date Delay for Gravity/Radio Science Team Co-Investigators for the Europa Clipper Mission
- [NASA] ROSES: New Opportunity - Mars 2020 Participating Scientist Program
- [NASA] PDS: GBRA Data Release
- [NASA] PDS: OSIRIS-REx Release: OLA Bennu 3, OTES Bennu 2 and 3
- [NASA] PDS: Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 40
- [NASA] Open Position at NASA HQ: Research and Analysis Lead, Planetary Science Division
- 2020 Annual Meeting of Planetary Geologic Mappers
- Abstract Submission Open for European Lunar Symposium
- EGU 2020 Session PS3.6/AS4.21/ST3.5: Atmospheres and Exospheres of Terrestrial Planets, Satellites, and Exoplanets
- EGU 2020 Session PS1.4-ST4: Planetary Space Weather
- EGU 2020 Session PS4.2: Mars Science and Exploration
- Lunar Surface Science Workshop: Save the Date
- Humans to Mars Summit
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 53, December 8, 2019
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- [NASA] RFI: Research That Falls in a Gap Between Current SMD Solicitations
- Dwornik Award Fundraiser Matching Opportunity Through the End of 2019
- Announcement of Bill Feldman Science Symposium, April 23-24, 2020
- [NASA] ROSES-19: Autonomous Robotics Research for Ocean Worlds and Due Date for Comments Delayed
- Community Survey Announcement About NASA Proposal Submission Demographics
- Planetary Science Postdoctoral Position in National Institute of Science Education and Research (NISER), Bhubaneswar, India
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for December 2019
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowship Application Deadline March 1, 2020
- AGU Events Involving NASA HQ People
- AGU Fall Meeting Planetary Science Sessions
- PDS/IPDA Booth at AGU: Planetary Data Archival Training and Tool Demos
- AGU Planetary Sciences Awards Nominations
- [NASA] PDS: Mars Science Laboratory Release 22
- Early Career Support for OPAG Meeting
- Chaired Professor in Onboard Space Systems
- Director/Department Head - Lunar & Planetary Laboratory/Planetary Sciences
- 2I/Borisov Observing Campaign Website
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 52, December 1, 2019
- 2020 Pierazzo International Student Travel Award
- MEPAG VM7 Presentations Now Available
- EGU 2020 Session: Extra-Terrestrial Sedimentology, Stratigraphy and Terrestrial Analogues
- Women in Space Conference - Student Travel Grants
- [NASA] ROSES-19: C.23 Interdisciplinary Consortia for Astrobiology Research
- [NASA] PDS: OSIRIS-REx Data Release 6
- Director/Department Head - Lunar and Planetary Laboratory/Planetary Sciences
- Exoplanet Postdoctoral Researcher, The Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory
- Space Scientist, AST, Planetary Studies at the NASA Johnson Space Center
- [NASA] PDS: Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 51
- Postdoc Position: Evolution and Present-Day State of Mars' Subsurface Environment
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 51, November 24, 2019
- 2020 Pierazzo International Student Travel Award
- Titan Through Time Workshop V
- EGU 2020 Session BG5.1 Biology and Geology of Extreme Environments on Earth and Planetary Analogs
- M.S. and Ph.D. Positions Open at the University of Tennessee Knoxville
- Apply for the 2019 Nininger Meteorite Award
- Third Announcement: Ice Giant Systems 2020, London
- NSRC-2020 Meeting: Call for Abstracts
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 50, November 17, 2019
- 2020 Pierazzo International Student Travel Award
- EGU 2020 Session PS3.7 - Mineralogical and Geochemical Studies of Planetary Analogue Samples
- EGU 2020 Session PS4.2: Mars Science and Exploration
- GSA Planetary Geology Division G. K. Gilbert Nominations Due Dec 1
- Dwornik Award Fundraiser Matching Opportunity Through the End of 2019
- Postdoc with MAVEN's Imaging UltraViolet Spectrograph Team
- PSIDA 2020 (Planetary Science Informatics and Data Analytics)
- LPI Decadal White Paper Website Is Live
- Towards Other Earth III: From Solar System to Exoplanets (Registration Now Open)
- Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Data Release 19
- Tenure-Track Faculty Position in Planetary Geology/Geophysics at Western Washington University
- 2020 NASA Fundamental Physics and Quantum Technology Workshop
- Tenure Track Position in Cosmochemistry at the University of Colorado, Boulder
- Ph.D. Opportunity, Mars Surface Studies, University of Hawai'i at Manoa
- Associate Professor/Professor of Space Instrumentation
- Nov 22 Deadline to Send Mars Mission Concepts to Mars Architecture Strategy Working Group
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 49, November 13, 2019
- Exoplanets in Our Backyard: Solar System and Exoplanet Synergies on Planetary Formation, Evolution, and Habitability
Issue 48, November 10, 2019
- Women in Space Conference
- EGU 2020 Session GM11.1/PS4: Planetary Geomorphology
- EGU 2020 Session PS5.3: Outer Planet Moon-Magnetosphere Interaction
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for November 2019
- OPAG Findings Fall 2019
- Software Systems for Astronomy - Registration Open
- [NASA] ROSES-19: C.3 SSW Lunar Change in Scope and Delay of Due Dates
- Agenda Now Available for the Next MEPAG Virtual Meeting, November 13
- [NASA] PDS: OSIRIS-REx Release 5
- Graduate Student Research Opportunities in Planetary Science at Tulane University
- GBO, NRAO, and LBO Seek Planetary Scientists for Proposal Review Panels
- Exoplanets in Our Backyard: Solar System and Exoplanet Synergies on Planetary Formation, Evolution, and Habitability
- Tenure-Track Assistant Professor (Geochemistry), Department of Geosciences, Stony Brook University
- Planetary Data System (PDS) Customer Satisfaction Survey
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 47, November 3, 2019
- [NASA] Stand-Alone Planetary Major Equipment and Facilities Proposals Not Solicited This Year
- [NASA] New ROSES Graduate Student Research Program Element: E.6 Future Investigators in NASA Earth and Space Science and Technology (FINESST)
- Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter CRISM MTRDR and TER Release 13
- EGU 2020 Session PS3.4 - Volcanism and Tectonism Across the Solar System
- Remote Participation for the 17th VEXAG Meeting
- Job Posting: Lockheed Martin Space Seeks a Research Scientist
- Postdoctoral Position in Early Mars Geochemistry
- Post-doc Job Announcement
- Ph.D. Student Opportunity
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 46, October 27, 2019
- COSPAR2020 B0.1: Unifying Planetary System Formation Out of Elementary Building Blocks
- Upcoming Proposal Writing Workshops for R&A; Proposals
- Job Opportunity: GIS Teaching Position
- Postdoctoral Research Scholar in Planetary Geophysics
- [NASA] Amendment to the SALMON-3 AO
- EGU 2020 Session GM2.2: Landform Mapping
- [NASA] Request for Information: Application of Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Tools to NASA Science
- Mars Architecture Strategy Working Group Is Asking for Your Input
- Postdoctoral Position in Early Mars Geochemistry
- Research Associate in Data Science, Machine Learning, and Scientific Programming
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 45, October 20, 2019
- Exoplanet Postdoctoral Researcher, The Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory
- 2020 Exploration Fellowship in Earth and Space Science at Arizona State University
- [NASA} ROSES-19: Akatsuki Participating Scientist Program
- [NASA] ROSES-19: TESS Cycle 3 Final Text and Due Date
- [NASA] ROSES-19: Release of Draft Text for E.5 Applied Information Systems Research - Autonomous Robotics Research for Ocean Worlds
- Postdoctoral Position in Early Mars Geochemistry
- 1st Information Circular for MEPAG Virtual Meeting VM7
- Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory HEDS Center Postdoctoral Fellowship
- EGU 2020 Session: Extra-Terrestrial Sedimentology, Stratigraphy and Terrestrial Analogues
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 44, October 13, 2019
- Assistant Professor in Planetary Science, University of Washington, Seattle
- Call for IAG Grants - 7th International Conference on Mars Polar Science and Exploration
- New Web Address for Map-a-Planet 2 (MAP2) Online Tool for PDS at USGS
- Space Physics Faculty Position at ASU
- Tenure-Stream Position at Michigan State (MSU)
- Rutgers University - Tenure-Track Faculty Member
- Call for VEXAG Steering Committee Members
- Research Space Scientist Position at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
- Postdoctoral Position in Early Mars Geochemistry
- Competitive Opportunity to Join Europa Clipper Science Team
- 2020 In Situ Science and Instrumentation for Exploration of Europa and Ocean Worlds Workshop - Indication of Interest
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Commercial/Donative Announcements:
- Lockheed Martin Releases User's Guide for McCandless Lunar Lander
Issue 43, October 10, 2019
- SPECIAL EDITION: Restructuring NASA's Planetary Research Programs for ROSES 2020
Issue 42, October 6, 2019
- Mars Atmosphere Conference
- [NASA] PI Launchpad Applications Now Due 10/15
- Graduate-student opportunities in Planetary Surface Processes at Stanford
- Post-Doctoral Position in Giant Planet Modelling at LMD / Sorbonne Universite, Paris
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Mars Workshop - Second Announcement
- [NASA] PDS: Odyssey Data Release 69
- [NASA] New Program Element to ROSES-2019: Gravity/Radio Science Team for the Europa Clipper Mission
- New Mexico State University Tenure-Track Faculty Member
- York University Tenure-Track Position
- Register Now for The Planetary Society's 2020 Day of Action in Washington, D.C.
- SBAG Early Career Opportunities
- [NASA] Postdoctoral Program Seeks Volunteer Reviewers
- Tackling the Complexities of Substellar Objects: From Brown Dwarfs to (Exo)Planets
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Commercial/Donative Announcements:
- The Atlas of Mars: Mapping Its Geography and Geology
- Fundamental Planetary Science: Physics, Chemistry and Habitability
Issue 41, October 1, 2019
- SPECIAL EDITION: Survey on Restructuring NASA's Planetary Research and Analysis Programs
Issue 40, September 29, 2019
- Early Career Review for the Upcoming EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting
- A Free Workshop for Early-Career Astronomers Who Want to Do Better Outreach with Students and the Public
- Graduate Student Positions in Planetary Science, Geochemistry, and Geophysics at Michigan State University
- [NASA] PDS: Mars InSight Data Release 2
- [NASA] The PI Launchpad: From Science Idea to NASA Mission
- Spice Training Announcement
- Pan Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Position at Rice University
- [NASA] Physical Sciences Informatics NRA Released
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for October, 2019
- [NASA] Seeking Volunteer Reviewers in STEM Engagement
- Access2Space
- Grad Student Positions in Planetary Surface Processes at UT Austin
- International Observe the Moon Night - October 5, 2019
- VEXAG Approaching Hotel Deadline
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 39, September 22, 2019
- The PI Launchpad: From Science Idea to NASA Mission
- Student and Early Career Travel Grants for Vexag Meeting #17
- International Observe the Moon Night - October 5, 2019
- Postdoc Advertisement
- Open Rank Professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Job Announcement: Photogrammetrist
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 38, September 15, 2019
- [ESA] PSA: ExoMars 2016 Spice Kernels Archive Release
- Ice Giant Notifications
- EPSC/DPS Workshop: Solar System Geometry with SPICE
- Registration is Open for the Voyage 2050 Workshop
- Joint Center for Planetary Astronomy Postdoc Position at Caltech
- Job Announcement: Photogrammetrist
- [NASA] Opportunity to Host Citizen Science Workshop
- Symposium Announcement: Astrochemical Complexity in Planetary Systems
- [NASA] PDS: JUNO Data Release 9
- Getting Ready for LSST: 5+ Million Small Bodies, 1+ Billion Observations - Workshop at EPSC-DPS 2019
- PDS Booth at DPS - Individual Tutorials (and Group Classes) Available
- International Observe the Moon Night - October 5, 2019
- Academic Position in Exoplanet Characterisation at Cardiff University
- Shared Folder and Spreadsheet for Pre-Decadal Mercury White Papers
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 37, September 8, 2019
- Early Career Review for the Upcoming EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting
- University of Chicago T.C. Chamberlin Postdoctoral Fellowship
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Open Rank Professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences
- 2020A NASA IRTF Call for Proposals
- 14th Geant4 Space Users Workshop (G4SUW), 21-23 October 2019
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for August 2019
- 36th International Geological Congress (IGC)
- Friends of Lunar and Inner Solar System Volatiles Focus Group
- University of Iowa Faculty Position in Space Research
- Assistant Staff Scientist Position, Malin Space Science Systems
- [NASA] Space Technology Graduate Research Opportunities
- International Observe the Moon Night - October 5, 2019
- EPSC/DPS Workshop: Carbon in the Solar System
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 36, September 1, 2019
- Outer Planets Assessment Group (OPAG) Town Hall
- OPAG Priority Science Questions: Letter to Dr. Lori Glaze, NASA PSD Director
- OSIRIS-REx Release 4: OVIRS, TAGCAMS, and Mission-Wide Info
- Job Announcement: Photogrammetrist
- 36th International Geological Congress (IGC)
- [NASA] SMD Seeks Volunteer Reviewers
- Presentations From MEPAG (VM6) Now Available and Comments Requested By PPIRB About Mars Planetary Protection
- Job Opening: NAIF Node of the Planetary Data System
- Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 50
- PDS Booth at DPS: Individual Tutorials (and Group Classes) Available
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 35, August 25, 2019
- [NASA] PDS: OSIRIS-REx Release 3 - OCAMS and OVIRS Data at Bennu
- Comets III: A Proposed New Volume in the Space Science Series
- Post-Doctoral Research Assistant at the Florida Space Institute/ University of Central Florida in Small-Body Planetary Sciences
- [NASA] ROSES-19: MDAP Due Dates Delayed
- GBO, NRAO, and LBO Seek Planetary Scientists for Proposal Review Panels
- Postdoctoral Opportunities in Chile
- Assistant Professor Position in Boise State Physics
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 34, August 18, 2019
- AAS Special Sessions: Kuiper Belt and New Horizons Results at 2014 MU69
- Faculty and Postdoctoral Positions in India
- Final Announcement for Icarus Special Issue on Kuiper Belt Science
- DPS Professional Culture and Climate Subcommittee (PCCS) Seeking New Members
- EPSC/DPS Women in Planetary Science Discussion Hour 2019
- Carbon in the Solar System: EPSC/DPS Workshop
- Editor of The Planetary Science Journal (PSJ)
- [NASA] PDS: Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Data Release 18
- 1st Informational Circular for Virtual MEPAG Meeting #6
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 33, August 11, 2019
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for August 2019
- MPostdoctoral Position in Experimental Planetary Science
- MJay Pasachoff Wins the 2019 Klumpke-Roberts Award of the ASP
- MNASA Postdoctoral Fellowship - Application Deadline November 1, 2019
- MJob Announcement: Tenure-Track Position at York University
- MPostdoctoral Research Associate Position: Aeolian Landforms and Processes at the ESA ExoMars Rover Landing Site
- M2019 GSA Annual Meeting Travel Grant Application Deadline Approaching
- MDawn Final Data Release, Part 3
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 32, August 4, 2019
- Tenure Track Astrobiology Position at IPM
- Survey on Major Mercury and Planetary Science Questions for the Upcoming Decadal Survey
- OPAG Meeting Update
- 3rd International Planetary Caves Conference
- Towards Other Earth III: From Solar System to Exoplanets
- Assistant Staff Scientist Position, Malin Space Science Systems
- Getting Ready for LSST Workshop at EPSC-DPS 2019
- [NASA] PDS: Mars Science Laboratory Release 21
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 31, July 28, 2019
- AGU Session P041: Ultraviolet Observing of Solar System Targets
- AGU Session V045: Some Like It Wet! Active and Ancient Hydrothermal Processes on Earth and Beyond
- AGU Session P024: Mercury - The Continuing and Future Exploration of the Innermost Planet
- AGU Session P032: Returning to the Moon - The Science of Exploration
- Postdoctoral Fellowship Opportunities at Cornell University
- Early Career Participant Support Available for OPAG Meeting, August 19-21
- OPAG Subsurface Needs for Ocean Worlds (SNOW) Meeting #1
- [NASA]-Themed STEM Student Challenge
- Celebrating the Women of Apollo
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 30, July 21, 2019
- AGU Session P028: Planetary Atmospheres and Evolution
- AGU Session P022: Machine Learning for Planetary Science
- AGU Session P017: Ice from Grains to Landscapes - Surface Processes on Active Icy Worlds
- AGU Special A117: Sounds of the Solar System - Geophysical and Planetary Acoustics
- AGU Session P019: Infrared Spectroscopy for Surface Compositions Across the Solar System
- AGU Session EP036: Shaping Landscapes of the Solar System - Environmental Flows on Other Planets
- AGU Session P004: Beyond the Catastrophe - The Biological and Astrobiological Significance of Impact Cratering in the Solar System
- AGU Session P029: Planetary Atmospheric, Surface, and Interior Science Using Radio and Laser Links
- AGU Session A031: Atmospheric Radiative Transfer through Clouds and Precipitation - Applications to Remote Sensing and Data Assimilation
- AGU Session P007: Comparative Planetology - Large Planetesimals and Dwarf Planets Throughout the Solar System
- Planetary Sciences Exploration Postdoctoral Position at the University of Central Florida
- Job Opening: University of Nevada, Reno - Full Professor and Department Chair
- Professor Position in Radiation and Remote Sensing of Atmospheres in Berlin
- [NASA] SIMPLEx (PEA-J of SALMON-3) Closed, 2020 Solicitation Anticipated
- MRO SHARAD RDR Data from Releases 27-35
- Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter CRISM MTRDR and TER Release 12
- [ESA] PSA: Rosetta Spice Kernels Increment Release
- Ganymede Book Call for Chapters
- A'Hearn Symposium
- Deadline Approaching for 2019 Annual Meeting Student Travel Grant: August 21
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 29, July 14, 2019
- Horizon 2061 Synthesis Workshop
- AGU Session EP002: Advances in Uncrewed Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Use for Earth and Planetary Observation
- AGU Session SM024: Magnetospheres in the Outer Solar System
- AGU Session P005: Carbon Across the Solar System
- AGU Session P008: Concepts for Future Planetary Science Missions
- AGU Session P016: Ice and Ocean Worlds
- AGU Session P023: Mars Sample Return
- AGU Session P024: Mercury - The Continuing and Future Exploration of the Innermost Planet
- AGU Session P027: Passing Through Purgatory - Architectures, Technologies, and Considerations for Accessing Ocean World Interiors
- AGU Session P033: Sedimentary Volcanism, Diapirism, and Liquefaction in the Solar System
- AGU Session P037: The Kuiper Belt Captain's Tale - NASA's New Horizons Explores the Pluto System, 2014 MU69 ("Ultima Thule"), and Beyond
- AGU Session P035: The Evolution of Venus and Venus-like Exoplanets
- AGU Session P036: The Interiors of Jupiter and Saturn in the Era of Juno and Cassini
- AGU Session P038: The New Mars Underground 2.0
- AGU Session P039: The Uranus and Neptune Systems, and Their Relation to Other Planets
- Planetary Geology/Volcanology Field Trip at GSA
- OPAG Findings Spring 2019 Now Posted and Upcoming OPAG Meeting
- Faculty Position at Institute for Planetary Materials
- [NASA] Three Updates to the ROSES-2019 Summary of Solicitation
- [NASA] ROSES-19: TWSC Updates
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 28, July 7, 2019
- AGU Session DI007: Exploring Mars with InSight, First-Year Results
- AGU Session EP004: Aeolian Research at the Interface of Sedimentary, Atmospheric, and Biological Processes
- AGU Session EP018: Earth 4D - A Deep Dive into the Habitability of the Blue Planet
- AGU Session P003: Atmopsheric Processes, Particles, and Chemistry
- AGU Session P018: Impact of Cosmic Dust in Planetary Atmospheres
- AGU Session P029: Planetary Atmospheric, Surface, and Interior Science Using Radio and Laser Links
- AGU Session P032: Returning to the Moon, the Science of Exploration
- AGU Session P034: Space environments of Unmagnetized or Weakly Magnetized Solar System Bodies and the Effects of Space Weather on These Systems
- AGU Session SM023: Magnetospheres in the Inner Solar System
- AGU Session V053: Volatiles in Magmatic Processes and Planetary Evolution
- Planet Formation: From Dust Coagulation to Final Orbit Assembly
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- [NASA] ROSES-19: C.21 LunaTech Not Solicited
- MEPAG 37 - 2nd Information Circular
- [NASA] PDS: OSIRIS-REx Release 2
- [NASA] PDS: Odyssey Data Release 68
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for July 2019
- [NASA] PDS: Updated OPUS Search Tool Released by the Ring-Moon Systems Node
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 27, June 30, 2019
- AGU Session P013: Finding, Exploring and Characterizing Terrestrial Exoplanets: The Next Frontier
- AGU Session SM027: Moon-Plasma Interactions Throughout the SolarSystem
- AGU Session P005: Carbon Across the Solar System
- ESA Research Fellowships in Space Science
- Postdoctoral Position in Modeling Fate of Volatiles During Accretion of Rocky Planets
- Inclusive Astronomy 2 Conference: Abstract Submission/Pre-Registration
- Rocky Exoplanets in the Era of JWST: Theory and Observation
- Call for Abstracts to the ASCE Earth and Space 2020
- ASCE Session: Ocean Worlds
- Update: New Cometary Insights from the Close Approach of 46P/Wirtanen: A Symposium in Celebration of Mike A'Hearn
- NASA's Exploration Science Forum Program Now Online
- Python in Planetary Science Survey
- Mars InSight Data Release 1B
- NASA Job Opening: Orbital Debris Program Office Modeling Lead, Johnson Space Center
- NASA Job Opening: Astromaterials Acquisition and Curation Office Carbonaceous Asteroid Scientist, Johnson Space Center
- Postdoctoral Position in Planetary Sciences
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 26, June 23, 2019
- Postdoctoral Research Opportunity in Organic and Inorganic Geochemistry at the NASA Johnson Space Center
- Postdoctoral Position in Planetary Sciences
- Lunar and Small Bodies Graduate Conference 2019
- AGU Session: Engagement Opportunities for Everyone Through Science Festivals
- AGU Session P011: Evidence of Water-Rock Interaction Throughout the Solar System
- AGU Session P040: Titan - The Exotic and Enigmatic Moon
- GeoPlaNet Analogue Field School - Fluid-Rock Interactions in the Solar System
- Special Issue "Observations and Measurements of the Martian Atmosphere"
- [NASA] PDS: Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 38
- AIDA International Workshop
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 25, June 16, 2019
- [NASA] PDS: New Horizons KEM Cruise-1 Data Release by the Small Bodies Node
- Lloyd V. Berkner Space Policy Internships Autumn 2019
- CLEVER Planets Post-Doc Opportunity
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for June 2019
- 5th Beijing Earth and Planetary Interiors Symposium
- The First Billion Years: Habitability
- [NASA] New NSPIRES Release
- [NASA] ROSES-19: C.11 DDAP Change in Scope
- Fall AGU Session P010: Deep Dive Enceladus
- Planet Mars V
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 24, June 9, 2019
- [NASA] ROSES-19: C.3 SSW Antarctic Fieldwork
- [NASA] Update to Job Announcements: Planetary Science Associate Director for Flight Programs
- GSA Session T22: Basaltic Volcanism on Earth and Beyond
- Postdoctoral Position in Planetary Science (Hyperspectral Imagery)
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 23, June 2, 2019
- Announcing 2019 Dwornik Winners
- Second Announcement: Icarus Special Issue on the Pluto System, Kuiper Belt & Kuiper Belt Objects
- A Workshop on Small Solar System Bodies
- Product Assurance Engineer (Swedish Institute of Space Physics, IRF)
- Pre-print Version of the Report from the Ice and Climate Evolution Science Analysis Group (ICE-SAG) Now Available
- Canada Research Chair Positions Available at the University of Western Ontario, Canada
- Postdoc Opportunity in Lunar Regolith Processes at Purdue University
- ABSCICON Workshop on Instrumentation for In Situ Exploration of Ocean Worlds
- NASA/SSERVI Analogs Focus Group
- 10th Planetary Crater Consortium Meeting
- Ronald Greeley Distinguished Service Award Nominations Due June 30
- Invitation to Attend National Colloquium by Dr. Thomas H. Zurbuchen
- 5th Virtual MEPAG Meeting (VM5)
- 37th MEPAG Face-to-Face Meeting
- Venus Workshop Deadline Extension
- Impact Cratering Short Course and Field School
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowship - Application Deadline July 1, 2019
- [NASA] PDS: Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 49
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 22, May 26, 2019
- Simon Lock Wins the 2019 Pellas-Ryder Award for Best Student Paper
- Postdoctoral Position in Planetary Sciences
- Vote in the 2019 AAS Laboratory Astrophysics Division Election
- Second Announcement of Mercury 2020 Conference
- [NASA] PDS: Dawn Final Data Release, Part 2
- [NASA] PDS: Mars InSight Data Release 1A
- [NASA] PDS: JUNO Data Release 8
- SBAG Steering Committee Positions
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 21, May 19, 2019
- 2019 AAS Laboratory Astrophysics Division Vote
- [NASA] ROSES-19: C.22 BepiColombo PSP Replaced by ESA/JAXA Solicitation
- [NASA] Dawn Final Data Release, Part 1
- [NASA] MAVEN Data Release 17
- Open Position at NASA Marshall Space Flight Center: MSFC Chief Scientist
- Symposium in Celebration of Mike A'Hearn
- Upcoming Science Program Management (Program Scientist) Positions at NASA HQ
- Software Systems for Astronomy Registration Open
- [NASA] Update on Mission Principal Investigator Development Initiative
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 20, May 12, 2019
- [NASA] Interdisciplinary Consortia for Astrobiology Research (ICAR)
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for May 2019
- [NASA] Resources for Those Who Are New to Proposing to ROSES
- [NASA] PDS: Cassini Rings Data Release 101
- Icarus News: Twitter Feed, Letters, Invited Reviews, Special Issues
- JWST Master Class Call for Applications Now Open
- Space Generation Congress 2019 Applications Open
- Guest Scientist or Postdoctoral Position in Space Physics
- Arecibo Has a Staff Scientist Position Open
- An Update on NASA Participation on Envision Venus Mission Study
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 19, May 5, 2019
- Citizen Science Partnership Offered by CosmoQuest at PSI
- EPSC-DPS Special Session: Interstellar Probe
- EPSC-DPS Session SB6: Imaging, Photometry, Polarimetry, and Spectroscopy of Small Bodies and Dust
- Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Studies of Solar System Minor Planets
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- JPL Job Ad
- Yingst to be Next MEPAC Chair1
- 5th MEPAG Virtual Meeting
- Second Announcement for the Europlanet Workshop: Solar System Atmospheres' Investigation and ExopLanets (S-SAIL)
- Pluto System After New Horizons, Abstract Deadline Extended
- Mars Science and Exploration: The 4th International Conference on Lunar and Deep Space Exploration
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 18, April 28, 2019
- LSST Solar System Readiness Sprint
- Cosmic Dust XII
- Ph.D. Students in Space Physics to Studies of Space Plasmas
- EPSC-DPS Session TP15: Volcanism and Tectonism Across the Solar System
- EPSC-DPS Session OPS15: Planetary, Solar, Heliospheric and Exoplanetary Radio Emissions
- EPSC-DPS Session TP17/OPS8: Atmospheres and Exospheres of Terrestrial Bodies
- EPSC-DPS Session MIT3: Planetary SmallSats - Missions, Instruments and Technologies
- EPSC-DPS Session SB4: Planetesimals: Primitive and Differentiated Small Bodies, Including Vesta and Ceres as Seen After the Dawn Mission
- [NASA] Community Announcement: ROSES Funding for Citizen Science
- Citizen Science Partnership Offered by CosmoQuest at PSI
- Small Bodies Session, the 4th International Conference on Lunar and Deep Space Exploration
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 17, April 21, 2019
- EPSC-DPS Session TP21: Magnetospheric Dynamics at the Terrestrial Planets
- EPSC-DPS Session SB2: Laboratory Measurements and Models for Cometary, Asteroidal, Dwarf Planet and Meteoric Material Studies Including Organic Matter Studies
- EPSC-DPS Session OPS3: Ocean Worlds and Icy Moons
- EPSC-DPS Session ODA3: Diversity and Inclusiveness in Planetary Sciences
- EPSC-DPS Session EXO3: Identification and Characterization of Magma Ocean and Volcanic Worlds
- EPSC-DPS Session EXO10/TP11: Advances in Developing Quantitative and Realistic Models of Terrestrial Planet Formation and Their Chemical Compositions
- Geomuenster 2019: Communicating (Geo-)Science!
- Postdoctoral Position, Yale University
- Second Pre-proposal Teleconference - NASA Fellowship Activity 2019
- Save the Date: LEAG Annual Meeting
- Volcano-Lithosphere Interactions on the Terrestrial Planets Postdoctoral Fellowship, Lunar and Planetary Institute
- Building the NASA Citizen Science Community
- NASA's Discovery 2019 AO: Preproposal Workshop
- Lunar and Small Bodies Graduate Conference 2019 Announcement
- 2019 Future Space Leaders Foundation Grant Announcement
- Postdoctoral Fellow in Ocean World Geology: Combined Teaching and Research Opportunity
- Register Today for the 2019 Humans to Mars Summit
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 16, April 14, 2019
- EPSC-DPS Session MIT4: Planetary Exploration - Horizon 2061
- EPSC-DPS Session OPS2: Saturn System and the Cassini-Huygens Mission
- EPSC-DPS Session SB3: Small Body Missions Including Hayabusa2 and OSIRIS-REx
- EPSC-DPS Session SB10: Computational and Experimental Astrophysics of Small Bodies, Planets, and Granular Systems: Open Questions, Challenges, New Techniques and Models
- EPSC-DPS Session TP6: Moon and Other Airless Rocks
- [NASA] PDS: Odyssey Data Release 67
- [NASA] PDS: Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter CRISM TER and MTRDR Release 11
- SPICE Training Class
- NEOWISE 2019 Data Release
- OPAG Meeting Agenda Announced
- Software Systems for Astronomy - Registration Open
- Rocky Worlds: From the Solar System to Exoplanets
- Postdoctoral Fellowship at Johns Hopkins University: Hypervelocity Impact
- Jobs at SYSU
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 15, April 7, 2019
- EPSC-DPS Session OPS2: Saturn System and the Cassini-Huyens Mission
- EPSC-DPS Session EXO10/TP11: Advances in Developing Quantitative and Realistic Models of Terrestrial Planet Formation and Their Chemical Compositions
- EPSC-DPS Session SB5: Trans-Neptunian Objects and Their Dust Environment, Pluto, 2014 MU69, and Centaurs
- EPSC-DPS Session MIT10: Machine Learning and Deep Learning for Planetary Sciences
- EPSC-DPS Session OPS/TP18: Planetary Aeronomy - Near and Afar
- Dawn Data Release: Ceres Raw Gravity
- Potential Landing Sites and Cloud Layer Habitability on Venus Workshop
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- SBAG Early Career Opportunities
- NASA FDL 2019 Summer Research Sprint: Call for Applicants
- GeoPlaNet Analogue Field School - Fluid-Rock Interactions in the Solar System
- [NASA] Release of the NASA Discovery Program 2019 Announcement of Opportunity
- Mars National is Launched
- Europlanet Workshop: S-SAIL - Solar System Atmospheres Investigation and exopLanets
- Postdoctoral and Guest Researcher Positions in Space Physics in Uppsala, Sweden
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowship - Application Deadline July 1, 2019
- [NASA] Seeking Volunteer Reviewers in Earth and Space Science
- Postdoc Opportunity in Planetary Science at University of Central Florida
- Meeting Abstract Deadline Approaching: The Pluto System After New Horizons
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 14, March 31, 2019
- Abstracts for 2019 Planetary Geologic Mappers Meeting Due Apr 4
- EPSC-DPS Session TP20: Ionospheres of Unmagnetized Bodies in the Solar System and Their Responses to Space Weather Activity - Terrestrial Planets and Comets
- EPSC-DPS Session SB1: Dynamical and Physical Characterisation of Small Bodies with Gaia and the New Generation of Surveys
- EPSC-DPS Session OS1: Ice Giant Systems
- 2019 NASA Planetary Science Summer Seminar Applications Open
- GSA Topical Session: Aeolian Activity Across Our Solar System
- OPAG Registration Page is Now Opened
- A Software Roadmap for Solar System Science with the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope
- Opening for a Faculty Position in Analytical Planetary Sciences at the Open University, UK
- Life Special Issue: Planetary Exploration of Habitable Environments
- NASA FDL 2019 Summer Research Sprint: Call for Applicants
- Deadline Extended - IAS 2019 Session on Planetary Sedimentary Geology: Mars and Titan
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 13, March 24, 2019
- Goldschmidt 2019 Session: Icy Waterworlds - Geochemistry of Subsurface Oceans in the Solar System
- Abstract Submission Open for the 2nd RPI Space Imaging Workshop
- EPSC-DPS Session SB4: Planetesimals - Primitive and Differentiated Small Bodies, Including Vesta and Ceres as Seen After the Dawn Mission
- EPSC-DPS Session SB8: Latest Science Results in Planetary Defense
- Announcing the 2019 NASA Planetary Volcanology Workshop in Hawaii: Analogs to Volcanic Features and Processes in Satellite and Rover Images
- Subaru Telescope 20th Anniversary - Optical and Infrared Astronomy for the Next Decade
- First Announcement: Ice Giant Systems 2020
- Terrestrial Analog Survey Closing Soon
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Commercial/Donative Announcements:
- Dwornik Award GoFundMe Campaign
Issue 12, March 17, 2019
- [NASA] Release of ROSES-2019
- [NASA] ROSES: Changes to C.31 KPLO PSP Text and Due Dates
- [NASA] ROSES: C.30 PMCS Correction and Due Date Delay
- [NASA] Call for Abstracts Deadline Extended for the 70th International Astronautical Congress
- Expression of Interest for the Ahearn Symposium
- Summer School on Natural Space Risks
- SPICE Training Class
- New Web Pages for Accessing Cassini Mission Data
- Announcement from OPAG Steering Committee Regarding Termination of Cassini Final-Year Funding and Europa Clipper ICEMAG
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for March 2019
- Dean, Jackson School of Geosciences, University of Texas at Austin
- Mars Science Laboratory Release 20
- NASA Headquarters Positions Available in SMD
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 11, March 10, 2019
- In Memoriam: Jay T. Bergstralh (1943-2019)
- Deadline Extended for Amazonian Mars: Climate and Processes
- Call for Abstracts: GeoMuenster 2019 Conference
- Planetary Science Engagement Institute
- MEPAG Facilitation of Community Communication About Proposals for the New Pre-Decadal Mission Concept Studies NRA
- Building the NASA Citizen Science Community
- Update to USGS Astrogeology Science Center (ASC) Software Portfolio
- ESA Voyage 2050: Call for White Papers and Membership of Topical Teams
- JMars Showcase at LPSC
- [LPSC] Women in Planetary Science Networking Event 2019
- Titan Workshop Announcement
- Asteroid Science in the Age of Hayabusa2 and OSIRIS-REx Workshop
- 3 Postdoctoral Positions in Mars Science
- OPAG Meeting
- 2019 NASA Planetary Science Summer Seminar Applications Open
- Workshop on Polarization in Protoplanetary Disks and Jets
- Final Announcement for Early Registration: New Horizons in Planetary Systems
- Two New Positions of Assistant Professor at Universidad De Atacama
- [NASA] GSFC Civil Servant Job Announcement
- Europlanet Travel Grants Available for the 8th Interplanetary CubeSat Workshop (iCubeSat 2019)
- Call for Papers: Planetary and Space Science Special Issue on Cosmic Dust
- Terrestrial Analog Survey Reminder
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 10, March 5, 2019
- SPECIAL EDITION: ICEMAG Update on Europa Clipper
Issue 9, March 3, 2019
- In Memoriam: Swedish Space Pioneer Bengt Hultqvist has Passed Away
- Impacts and Their Role in the Evolution of Life
- New European Astrobiology Institute to be Launched
- Comet Interceptor Mission Proposal: Call for Support
- 3 Postdoctoral Positions in Mars Science
- Congressional Gold Medal Nomination for the FLATs
- Postdoc Position in Planetary Science
- NEOCam Community Discussion at LPSC
- Two Senior Scientist Positions at the University of Bayreuth
- Goldschmidt Conference Session 1a: Planetary Chemistry in the Age of Solar System Exploration
- Postdoctoral Position in Space Physics - Work with Data from the Rosetta Ion Composition Analyzer
- [NASA] PDS: Opportunity to Review Nuclear Spectroscopy Data Dictionary
- EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2019
- Ocean Worlds Four - Reopening Abstract Submission
- [NASA] PDS: Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 48
- NASA Infrared Telescope Facility Observing Proposals
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- [NASA] Job Vacancy Announcement
- IGS Symposium on Radioglaciology with Planetary Radar Sounding Focus Area
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Commercial/Donative Announcements:
- Exploring Planetary Climate: A History of Scientific Discovery on Earth, Mars, Venus, and Titan
- Saturn in the 21st Century
- Spectroscopy and Photochemistry of Planetary Atmospheres and Ionospheres: Mars, Venus, Titan, Triton, and Pluto
Issue 8, February 24, 2019
- Postdoctoral Research Scholar in Noble Gas Geochronology and Isotope Geochemistry of Planetary Materials
- Early Registration Deadline for 2019 Planetary Defense Conference
- Introduction to Planetary Image Analysis with ArcGIS at LPSC
- Upcoming Proposal Writing Workshops
- [NASA] ROSES: New Opportunity in C.30 Planetary Mission Concept Studies
- [NASA] ROSES: New Opportunity in C.31 KPLO PSP
- 3rd COSPAR Working Meeting on Refining Planetary Protection Requirements for Human Missions to Mars
- Software Systems for Astronomy - Change of Dates
- Terrestrial Analog Survey
- International Venus Conference Abstract Deadline Extended
- SSERVI Carbon in the Solar System LPSC Workshop
- IUGG/IAMAS Session M24: Clouds and Circulations in Planetary Atmospheres
- ndergraduate Summer Interns Available for SSW-Funded Researchers: PGGURP is Now SUPPR
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 7, February 17, 2019
- EPEC Annual Week 2019 is Open for Applications
- 16th International Planetary Probe Workshop (IPPW-2019)
- GSA Session Proposals Due February 20
- AOGS Session PS13: Understanding Icy Worlds, Ocean Worlds, and Habitability
- AOGS Session PS14: Small Body Explorations by Current and Future Missions
- Three Postdoctoral Positions in Mars Science
- 70th International Astronautical Congress
- 10th Planetary Crater Consortium Meeting
- Last Chance to Pre-Register for Extreme Solar Systems IV (ExSS IV)
- IUGG/IAMAS Session M24: Clouds and Circulations in Planetary Atmospheres
- 4th Virtual MEPAG Meeting (VM4)
- Seminar: Scientific Analogs and the Development of Human and Robotic Mission Architectures for Solar System Exploration
- Cosmic Dust XII
- Terrestrial Analog Survey
- [NASA] PDS: OSIRIS-REx Data Release
- [NASA] PDS: MAVEN Data Release
- [NASA] PDS: Juno Data Release
- Survey Assessing Planetary Data Access and Use
- Goldschmidt Session 01g: Beyond Earth and Earth-Like - The Compositional Diversity and Evolution of Exoplanets
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Commercial Announcements:
- Support #SciComm & Hear Your Name in Soundwaves with a 365 Days of
Astronomy Sponsorship
Issue 6, February 10, 2019
- Editor Karen Stockstill-Cahill Departing PEN
- Director Sought for the Institution of Astronomy and Planetary Science of the Universidad de Atacama
- Origins of Life Conference
- Moon Minute Monday
- AOGS Session PS03: Exploration of Mars - New Results, Current Missions and Future Plans
- AOGS Session PS04-SE: Volcanism and Tectonism Across the Solar System
- AOGS Session PS14: Small Body Explorations by Current and Future Missions
- [NASA] PDS: Dawn Data Resease - VIR Ceres Global Mosaics
- Postdoctoral Scholar, Planetary Science/Impact Processes, UC Davis
- Vote for PGD Button Art
- 70th International Astronautical Congress
- [NASA] Outer Planets Assessment Group Meeting
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for February 2019
- Ph.D. Thesis and Postdoc Positions in Planetary Atmospheres at LATMOS, Paris
- [NASA] ROSES-18: Planetary Protection Research
- Cosmic Lab Workshop
- VEXAG - New Chair, Deputy Chair and 2019 Activities
- Summer School in Software Systems for Astronomy
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Commercial Announcements:
- Mercury: The View after MESSENGER
Issue 5, February 3, 2019
- PEN Available on Twitter
- [NASA] New Due Dates for ROSES Planetary Science Programs
- [NASA] Comment Period for the Draft 2019 AO for the Discovery Program
- SMD Town Hall Save the Date, February 7
- Tenured Geology & Geophysics Departmental Chair at LSU
- Register Today for the 2019 Humans to Mars Summit (H2M)
- Research Professor in Planetary Processes and Global Changes
- 2019 Annual Meeting for Planetary Geologic Mappers
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- AOGS Session ST07: Solar Super Storms: In The Past, Present and Future
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 4, January 27, 2019
- Support Furloughed NASA Post-docs
- [NASA] Delay of Due Date for Solar System Workings
- [NASA] FINESST: Delay of Proposal Due Date
- Lunar ISRU Workshop Delayed
- International Meeting on Paleoclimate: Change and Adaptation
- Swedish Institute of Space Physics is Looking for Three PhD Students
- Cassini Science Symposium, May 20-24
- AOGS Session PS02: Plasma - Surface Interactions with Airless Bodies in the Solar System
- AOGS Session ST08: Magnetic Flux Rope Throughout the Solar System
- Fully-Funded PhD on Surface Wind Modelling on Mars
- Pellas-Ryder Award Nominations for Best Student Paper in Planetary Sciences
- Button Art Competition Submissions Due by February 1
- Call for Abstracts: Pluto System After New Horizons Conference
- Europlanet Cometary Plasma Science Workshop
- European Lunar Symposium
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 3, January 20, 2019
- AbSciCon 2019 Abstract Deadline Extended
- Update on OPAG Meeting Planning
- [NASA] PDS - Groundbased and R&A; Data Release 1
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for January 2019
- Soliciting Abstracts for the Japan Geoscience Union (JPGU) Meeting
- Assistant Professor in Space Plasma Physics at the University of Colorado Boulder
- Microsymposium 60: Forward to the Moon to Stay - Undertaking Transformative Lunar Science with Comm
Issue 2, January 13, 2019
- [NASA] ROSES-18 Amendment 50: Delay of Due Dates
- Discovery Draft AO Comment Period Extended: Message from the AA
- Pellas-Ryder Award Nominations for Best Student Paper in Planetary Sciences due January 31
- AbSciCon 2019 Session: Astrobiogeochemistry - Modelling Biology and Its Co-Evolution with the Environment on Earth and Implications for Exoplanets
- AbSciCon 2019 Session: To Boldly Go - Next-Generation Instrumentation for In Situ Life Detection
- AbSciCon 2019 Session: Origins and Evolution Pathways of Organics in Ocean Worlds
- AbSciCon 2019 Session: From Organic Molecules to Biosignatures
- Centaur Exploration Workshop: The Roots of Activity
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 1, January 6, 2019
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Postdoctoral Research Associate in Planetary Atmospheric Science, University of Leicester
- ABSCICON 2019 Session: Alive or Not?
- ABSCICON 2019 Session: Salty Goodness: Understanding Life, Biosignature Preservation, and Brines in the Solar System
- IAS 2019 Session on Planetary Sedimentary Geology: Mars and Titan
- [NASA] PDS Odyssey Data Release 66
- [NASA] PDS DAWN FC2 Ceres Shape Model
- Last Call EGU 2019: Atmospheres and Exospheres of Terrestrial Planets, Satellites, and Exoplanets
- Request for Community Comments on VEXAG's Venus Exploration Documents: Part II
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Table of Contents: Volume 12, 2018
Issue 55, December 30, 2018
- New Horizons Ultima Thule Flyby on 31 December/1 January - Getting the Word Out to Engage the Public in the First Exploration of a KBO
- ABSCICON 2019 Session: Planetary Protection for Astrobiology - Progress and Challenges in Science and Policy
- ABSCICON 2019 Session: The Impact of Astrospheric Space Weather on Exoplanetary Habitability
- ABSCICON 2019 Session: Origins and Evolution Pathways of Organics in Ocean Worlds
- New Topic Added to LPSC Abstract Drop-Down List: Planetary Spatial Data Infrastructure
- Planetary Geomorphology at EGU2019 Deadline
- Mars Exploration Rovers Data Release 58
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 54, December 23, 2018
- Postdoctoral Researcher Position at JPL
- AbSciCon 2019 Session: Exploring the Planetary System of Alpha Centauri
- AbSciCon 2019 Session: Biosignatures, Sandstones, Mars2020
- AbSciCon 2019 Session: Alive or Not?
- AbSciCon 2019 Session: Have Comet, Will Travel!
- EGU 2019 Session: Planetary Space Weather
- EGU 2019 Session: Earth Analogs for Planetary Exploration
- EGU 2019 Session: Exploring the Primordial Solar System
- Graduate Assistantships in Planetary Science at the University of Maryland
- Gemini 2019 Large and Long Programs Call for Proposals Released
- First Announcement IPPW 2019
- [NASA] PDS Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 36
- [NASA] Next OPAG Meeting
- [NASA] ROSES-18 Amendment 49: Planetary Early Career Program Draft Text
- Minor Planet Center User Group Feedback Form
- Request for Community Comments on VEXAG Venus Exploration Documents
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 53, December 16, 2018
- Position Opening University of Hawaii at Hilo
- Volcanism in the Solar System - Notice of Special Issue in the Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research
- Postdoc: Southwest Research Institute
- OPAG Findings
- JHU/APL Job Opening
- New Horizons Ultima Thule Public Engagement Project: Beam Your Greeting to Ultima Thule on Flyby Day
- Call for Abstracts: Quaternary Mars Session at the International Union for Quaternary Research International Congress
- Training Opportunities for Students at ESAC
- Pre-registration for Exoclimes V Now Open
- Ph.D. and M.S. Opportunities in Planetary Science at the University of Central Florida
- [NASA] Draft AO for Discovery Released
- Research Position in Data Science and Visualization for Earth and Planetary Sciences at Rice University
- OPAG Meeting
- Postdoctoral Researcher or Ph.D. Student Opportunity - Lunar Geochronology and Noble Gas Isotope Geochemistry
- International Venus Conference Announcement
- [NASA] ROSES-18 Amendment 43: New Opportunity in C.29 Astrodynamics in Support of Icy Worlds Missions
- Whole Heliosphere & Planetary Interactions
- JGR Special Collection
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 52, December 9, 2018
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- PDS/IPDA Booth at AGU - Planetary Data Discovery Challenge/Tutorials
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowship - Application Deadline March 1, 2019
- ExoClimes V
- JGR Planets: Science Enabled by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Cornerstone Mission
- Mars Science Laboratory Release 19
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for December 2018
- Register Today for the 2019 Humans to Mars Summit
- Venus Exploration Decadal Survey White Papers
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 51, December 2, 2018
- Postdoctoral Position in Planetary Science at MIT
- EGU 2019 Session on Mars Sample Return
- PDS/IPDA Booth at AGU - Planetary Data Discovery Challenge/Tutorials
- SSERVI-Sponsored 'Carbon in the Solar System' DPS Panel Discussion Now Online
- AOGS 2019 Session Announcement
- LPSC Poster Session: Techniques in Collaboration and Communication in Research
- MAPS Special Issue in Honor of Dr. Christine Floss
- Forum for New Leaders in Space Science 2019
- Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 47
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 50, November 25, 2018
- 2019 Pierazzo International Student Travel Award
- GSA Planetary Geology Division G.K. Gilbert Award Nominations
- Announcement for Planetary Scientist Engagement Institute
- [NASA] Seeking Volunteer Reviewers in Earth and Space Science
- Deadline for Support Approaching EGU2019 Planetary Geomorphology
- Astronomy and Physics Lecturer Sought at UCF
- Women in Space Conference
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 49, November 18, 2018
- 2019 Pierazzo International Student Travel Award
- Ph.D. opportunities in Earth and Planetary Sciences at the University of Rochester
- M.S./Ph.D. positions for Fall 2019
- Mars Target Encyclopedia Integrated into MSL Analyst's Notebook
- Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Data Release 15
- Centaur Exploration Workshop: The Roots of Activity
- Cassini Science Symposium
- Postdoctoral Researcher in Planetary Science
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 48, November 11, 2018
- 2019 Pierazzo International Student Travel Award
- Assistant Professor Position, Department of Astronomy, New Mexico State University
- Planetary Sciences Tenure-Track Faculty Position at Caltech
- Amazonian Mars: Climate and Processes - Notice of Special Issue in Planetary and Space Science
- [NASA] PDS Dawn Ceres SPC Shape Model Release
- [NASA] SMD Research Opportunities for Graduate Students Update
- [NASA] RFI for Rideshare Mission Integration Services
- [NASA] Letter Approving AGU Lodging Per Diem Rate Maximum Posted
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 47, November 4, 2018
- [NASA] Program Scientist - Office of the Deputy Associate Administrator for Exploration
- JUNO Data Release 6
- Graduate Student Research Opportunities in Planetary Science at York University, Toronto
- EGU 2019 PS1.8/AS4.58: Atmospheres and Exospheres of Terrestrial Planets, Satellites, and Exoplanets
- The NASA Roadmap to Ocean Worlds
- European Lunar Symposium, Expression of Interest
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Amazonian Mars: Climate and Processes
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for November 2018
- [NASA] ROSES-18 Amendment 36: D.7 K2 GO Retired from ROSES
- Endorsement of Exoplanet and Astrobiology Strategies
- UTSA Department Chair Job Posting
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 46, October 28, 2018
- Graduate Student Research Opportunities in Planetary Science at Tulane University
- Ph.D. Position in Experimental Planetary Science
- Faculty Position in Isotope Geochemistry at UTK
- EGU Session: Space Environments of Unmagnetized or Weakly Magnetized Solar System Bodies and the Effects of Space Weather on These Systems
- VICAR Open Source v3.0 Available
- Civil Service Job at Goddard (1/2)
- Civil Service Job at Goddard (2/2)
- Open Position in Planetary Geology
- Register Today for the 2019 Humans to Mars Summit
- Request for Information for Inputs to the Science Mission Directorate Strategic Plan for Scientific Data and Computing
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 45, October 21, 2018
- Call for Sessions: 2019 NAM
- Education and Outreach Shareathon at DPS
- Workshop on In Situ Exploration of the Ice Giants
- Centaur Exploration Workshop: The Roots of Activity
- SBAG 20 Early Career Opportunities
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Updated Community White Paper on the Case for Landed Mercury Science
- Ph.D. Graduate Positions at Universidad de Atacama
- Graduate and Postdoctoral Opportunities in Planetary Surface Processes at Stanford University
- Ph.D. Position in Cometary Science
- Open Postdoc Position: UC Berkeley
- Director, University of Texas Institute for Geophysics
- Assistant Teaching Professor in Physics (Multiple Positions)
- [NASA] ROSES-18 Amendment 34: Lunar Surface Instrument and Technology Payloads Final Text Released
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 44, October 14, 2018
- Hera Mission Workshop
- Tenure-Track Faculty Positions at Purdue
- DPS Workshop on Kuiper-Belt/Pluto Future Missions
- GSFC Research Associate in Noble Gas Analysis
- LSST Solar System Hackathon at DPS
- International Observe The Moon Night - October 20, 2018
- Workshop Reminder: Juno and Juno-supporting Jupiter Atmospheric Results
- 4th Mars 2020 Rover Landing Site Workshop
- Open Positions - Space Plasma Group (U. Colorado/LASP)
- 2019 ASU Exploration Postdoctoral Fellowship in Earth and Space Science
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 43, October 7, 2018
- [NASA] PDS Mars Exploration Rovers Data Release 57
- [NASA] PDS Odyssey Data Release 65
- [NASA] PDS Odyssey Data Release 65 for GRS
- [NASA] PDS Small Bodies Data Releases
- [NASA] PDS Dawn Derived Gravity Science Data Release
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for October 2018
- Final Program Available for the 4th Mars 2020 Rover Landing Site Workshop
- [NASA] Response Date Extended for Science Engagement Opportunities for the NASA Mars 2020 Project
- [NASA] ROSES-18 Amendment 30: TESS GI Text and Due Date Changes
- [NASA] ROSES-18 Amendment 31: C.15 Planetary Protection Research Program Not Solicited This Year
- LSST and the Solar System Workshop
- Applications Solicited for Tenure-Track Assistant Professor
- DPS Workshop: Primitive or Processed? Carbon in Today's Solar System vs. the early Solar System and the Interstellar Medium
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 42, September 30, 2018
- In Memoriam: William R. Ward (1944 - 2018)
- Assistant Professor of Physics or Astronomy at Ithaca College
- Bateman Postdoctoral Fellowship, Yale University
- Postdoctoral Position Cometary Atmospheres
- Research Associate in Planetary Science at CU Boulder
- Research Opportunities at the University of Hawaii: Fluid Migration in Titan's Ice Shell
- Grad Student/Postdoc Opportunities in Planetary Surface Processes at UT Austin
- NEOCam Science Community Discussion at DPS
- PubSpace and You: How to Deposit Your Manuscripts as Required by ROSES
- An Astrobiology Science Strategy for the Search for Life in the Universe: Public Briefing and Webcast on 10/10/18
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 41, September 23, 2018
- Tenure-Track Faculty Position in Geochemistry - Earth/Planetary Processes
- Women in Space Conference
- PDS Booth at DPS - Individual Tutorials (and Group Classes) Available
- Input Requested for Solar System Science with Astrophysics Assets, Deadline Extended
- Postdoctoral Position in Cometary Science/Astrochemistry
- [NASA] Request for Information for Inputs to the Science Mission Directorate Strategic Plan for Scientific Data and Computing
- [NASA] Funding Opportunity Cooperative Agreement Notice (CAN) Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute (SSERVI)
- Tenure-Track Faculty Position in Planetary Science at Western Washington University
- PDS Dawn VIR Ceres Data Release
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 40, September 16, 2018
- Preliminary Announcement: Workshop on In-Situ Exploration of the Ice Giants
- The SSHADE Solid Spectroscopy Database for Astrophysics and Planetary Sciences
- New Dates for the Pluto-2019 Conference
- Change in NSF Planetary Astronomy Grants Program
- ROSES-18 Amendment 26: Draft Lunar Surface Instrument and Technology Payloads Call for Community Comment
- Thematic School - Fluid-Rock Interactions in the Solar System
- T.C. Chamberlin Postdoctoral Fellowship
- Postdoc Positions in Planetary Science at Brown University
- Mars Research Assistant
- DPS Panel Discussion: Carbon in the Solar System
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 39, September 12, 2018
- SPECIAL EDITION - Anti-Harassment Message from NASA Associate Administrator for the Science Mission Directorate Thomas H. Zurbuchen
Issue 38, September 9, 2018
- In Memoriam: John Longhi (1946 - 2018)
- In Memoriam: Erik Hauri (1966 - 2018)
- Brad Smith's Memorial Service
- DPS Gathering to Honor Mike Belton
- PDS Booth at DPS - Individual Tutorials and Group Classes Available
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- 4th Symposium of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR): Small Satellites for Sustainable Science and Development
- 43rd Scientific Assembly of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) and Associated Events
- Workshop on Preparing for Interviews and Job Talks
- 1st Circular for Third 2018 MEPAG Virtual Meeting (VM3)
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for September 2018
- A Free Workshop for Early-Career Astronomers Who Want to Do Better Outreach to Students and the Public (Register Soon)
- Two Tenure-Track Faculty Positions, Earth and Planetary Exploration Using Small Satellites, University of Hawai'i
- Wiess and Pan Postdoctoral Fellowships at Rice University
- 2019A NASA IRTF Call for Proposals
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 37, September 2, 2018
- In Memoriam: Paul Spudis (1952-2018)
- Staff Scientist Position: Jet Propulsion Laboratory
- Tenure-Track Faculty Position in Geochemistry
- Exoplanet Science Strategy Public Briefing and Webcast
- Announcement of DPS Workshop on Proposal Writing
- Community White Paper on the Case for Pluto Follow On Missions
- Student Travel Funding Opportunity to Attend GSA Annual Fall Meeting
- Participate in this Year's Early Career Presenters Review at DPS
- Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 46
- Ph.D. Position in Astrochemistry, Star and Planet Formation
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 36, August 29, 2018
- SPECIAL EDITION - Open Positions At NASA Headquarters: Planetary Science Division Director and NASA's Deputy Chief Scientist
Issue 35, August 26, 2018
- Planetary Science Slides and Illustrations
- Community White Paper on the Case for Landed Mercury Science
- Post-Doctoral Positions - Experimental Study of Cometary Activity
- Research Physical Scientist Position at NASA ARC
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 34, August 19, 2018
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for August 2018
- Post-Doctoral Position in Isotope Cosmochemistry and Planetary Science
- Postdoctoral Position Studying Martian Dust Devils
- OPAG Update
- LSST and the Solar System Workshop
- AGU Late-Breaking Session on the Global Dust Storm of 2018
- Science with HabEx: UV to Near-Infrared Space Astronomy in the 2030's
- [NASA] NASA Seeks Public Policy Expert(s)
- [NASA] ROSES-18 Amendment 22: C.14 PSTAR Not Solicited This Year
- [NASA] PDS Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Data Release 14
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 33, August 12, 2018
- Postdoctoral Position in Experimental Planetary Science
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowship
- A Catalog of Music Inspired by Astronomy
- DPS Women in Planetary Science Discussion Hour 2018 - Knoxville, TN
- Early Career Participant Support Available for NASA OPAG Meeting
- [NASA] Announcement For Proposals For a Partnership Agreement Related to Science Engagement Opportunities for the NASA Mars 2020 Project
- GSA Annual Meeting 2018 Session T149. Volcanism and Tectonism on Planetary Bodies
- 2nd Announcement and Additional Information Posted for 4th Landing Site Workshop for the Mars 2020 Rover Mission
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 32, August 5, 2018
- Editorial: On the Insensitive Use of the Term "Planet 9" for Objects Beyond Pluto
- Symposium in Celebration of Mike A'Hearn
- GSA Session T147: Memorial Session in Memory of Lawrence A. Taylor on Planetary Mantles - Using Samples to Explore Earth, the Moon, and Mars
- Mars Science Laboratory Release 18
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- [NASA] Lodging Waiver for the 50th DPS
- The Art of Planetary Science at DPS
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 31, July 29, 2018
- Geosciences Special Issue: Recent Advances in Lunar Studies
- AGU Session DI019: The Archean Earth and its Venusian Analog
- AGU Session P006: Carbon Across the Solar System
- AGU Session P009: Chasing Life with a Sample Size of One - From Understanding the Signs of Life in Earth's Atmosphere Through Time to Detecting Biosignatures on Exoplanets
- AGU Session P016: Enceladus - A World Awaiting
- AGU Session P020: From the Earth to the Moons
- AGU Session P033: Planet Mercury - Present Understanding and Promise for Future Discovery
- AGU Session P040: Saturn's Seasonally Evolving Atmosphere During the Cassini Era and Beyond
- Call for Expressions of Interest to Organise Symposia, Special Sessions, and Lunch Sessions at EWASS 2019
- ROSES-18 Amendment 21: New Opportunity in Mars 2020 Returned Sample Science Participating Scientist Program
- ESA Call for Mission Proposals
- WFIRST Solar System Working Group Findings in Press
- Ice Giants and KBOs White Paper
- MAPSIT Special Action Team Solicits Feedback on ISIS
- On the Insensitive Use of the Term "Planet 9" for Objects Beyond Pluto
- Thematic School - Fluid-Rock Interactions in the Solar System
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 30, July 22, 2018
- Two Positions of Assistant Professor at Universidad de Atacama, Chile
- Europa Deep Dive 2 Workshop
- First Annoucement IAU Symposium 350 on Laboratory Astrophysics
- Historical Abstracts for the 50th DPS Meeting
- Laboratory Research Abstracts for the 50th DPS Meeting
- AGU Session B039: Integrated Habitability Science: Forecasting the Trajectory of Life and Planetary Habitability on Earth and Beyond
- AGU Session P006: Carbon Across the Solar System
- AGU Session P009: Chasing Life with a Sample Size of One - From Signs of Life in Earth's Atmosphere to Exoplanet Biosignatures
- AGU Session P024: Integrating Geophysical Methods for Improved Imaging of Planetary Surfaces and Interiors
- AGU Session P025: Machine Learning in Planetary Science: Introductions and Applications
- GSA Session T51. Planetary Aeolian Geology from Outcrop to Orbit: Nathan Bridges Memorial Session
- GSA Session T143. The Age of Small World Exploration: Major Results from Minor Planets and Other Small Solar System Bodies
- GSA Session T144. Friends of Hoth: Episode III - Bodies of the Outer Solar System
- GSA Session T145. Apollo 17 Forty-Five Years on: Reanalysis of the Geochemistry, Geophysics, and Field Geology in Light of Data from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter and Other Recent Missions
- GSA Session T146. Geomorphology and Landscape Evolution of Mars
- GSA Session T147. Planetary Mantles - Using Samples to Explore Earth, the Moon, and Mars: Memorial Session in Memory of Lawrence A. Taylor
- GSA Session T148. Radar & Microwave Remote Sensing of Desertic and Planetary Environments
- GSA Session T149. Volcanism and Tectonism on Planetary Bodies
- GSA Session T150. Impact Cratering: Geologic, Geochemical, and Geophysical Signatures on the Terrestrial Planets
- GSA Session T151. The G.K. Gilbert Award Session: Planetary Surface Processes from Mars to the Outer Solar System
- GSA Session T152. Grain to Global Perspectives of Mars: Evolving Views of the Martian Sedimentary Rock Record
- GSA Session T153. Voyages to Ocean Worlds throughout the Solar System
- GSA Session T154. Coordinated Microanalysis As a Tool for Increasing the Scientific Yield of Returned Planetary Materials
- GSA Session T155. Big Data in Planetary Geology
- GSA Session T156. Geology and Geophysics of the Eratosthenian and Copernican Moon
- GSA Session T185. Features, Processes, and Emplacement of Melted Rock on the Earth and Planets
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 29, July 15, 2018
- Bradford A. Smith (1931-2018)
- AGU Session P020: From the Earth to the Moons - Unraveling the Geologic, Oceanographic and Chemical Mysteries of Ice and Ocean Worlds
- AGU Session P050: The Origin, Evolution and Fate of Comets - New Results from Rosetta, Other Missions, and Ground-Based Observations
- GSA Session T152: Grain to Global Perspectives of Mars - Evolving Views of the Martian Sedimentary Rock Record
- Cornell University - Research Support Specialist II
- Input Requested for Solar System Science with Astrophysics Assets
- [NASA] SMD Seeks Volunteer Reviewers
- [NASA] ROSES-18: D.7 K2 Phase-1 Due Date Delay
- [NASA] ROSES-18: Delay of Due Date, Late Data Release, and New Opportunity for Cassini Data Analysis.
- Faculty Position in Geophysics and Geochemistry at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
- [NASA] PDS - JUNO Data Release 5
- [NASA] PDS - New Horizons Pluto High-Level Data Release
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 28, July 8, 2018
- AGU Session P023: Impacts of Space Wather from the Sun and Active Stars on Atmospheric Evolution of Terrestrial (Exo)Planets
- AGU Session P026: Mars Global Climate Modeling: From the Surface to the Exobase
- AGU Session P033: Planet Mercury - Present Understanding and Promise for Future Discovery
- AGU Session P038: Results from the Investigation of Jupiter's Atmosphere by Juno and a Supporting Campaign of Earth-Based Observations
- AGU Session P049: The Interiors of Jupiter and Saturn in the Era of Juno and Cassini
- AGU Session P051: The Role of Extreme Atmospheric Escape from Hot Exoplanets
- AGU Session P056: Titan - Looking Backward, Looking Forward
- AGU Session P058: Unanswered Questions in Mars Atmospheric Science - What Future Observations are Best Suited to Addressing Them?
- AGU Session SM011: Moon-Plasma Interactions Throughout the Solar System
- AGU Session SM013: Our Evolving Understanding of Auroral Processes and Magnetosphere Dynamics at Jupiter Through Juno and Earth-Based Observations
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Odyssey Data Release 64
- Cassini Data Release 54
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for July, 2018
- LSST Call for White Papers on Survey Strategy
- Job Announcement: Faculty Position in Space-Based Instrumentation at the University of Iowa
- Job Announcement: Research Support Specialist II at Cornell University
- GSA Annual Meeting 2018 Session T149: Volcanism and Tectonism on Planetary Bodies
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 27, July 1, 2018
- AGU Session GP009: Planetary Magnetism and Core Processes
- AGU Session P005: Being Neighborly - Observing the Moon from Cis-Lunar Space
- AGU Session P008: Ceres and Vesta - Understanding the Protoplanets of the Asteroid Belt
- AGU Session P014: Defense Against Asteroid Impacts
- AGU Session P038: Results from the Investigation of Jupiter's Atmosphere by Juno and a Supporting Campaign of Earth-Based Observations
- AGU Session P044: Super-Earth Detection, Characterization and Modeling - How Habitable are They?
- AGU Session P046: The New Mars Underground - Science and Exploration of a New Deep Frontier
- AGU Session P049: The Interiors of Jupiter and Saturn in the Era of Juno and Cassini
- AGU Session P055: Tidally Locked Systems in the Solar System and Beyond
- AGU Session SH029: The Interstellar Probe Mission - NASA Study Findings and Next Steps
- AGU Session SM03: Our Evolving Understanding of Auroral Processes and Magnetosphere Dynamics at Jupiter Through Juno and Earth-Based Observations
- The 9th Planetary Crater Consortium Meeting
- Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) Awards 2018
- [NASA] PDS - Rosetta OSIRIS Final Data Release by the Small Bodies Node
- ROSES-18 Amendment 17: New Opportunity in C.25 SESAME Technology Development
- Mars Exploration Rovers Data Release 56
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 26, June 24, 2018
- AGU Session EP031: Planets as Experiments - Surface Processes in Extraterrestrial Environments
- AGU Session P004: Balloons in Earth and Planetary Sciences - Research, Applications, and Emerging Concepts
- AGU Session P020: From the Earth to the Moons - Unraveling the Geologic, Oceanographic and Chemical Mysteries of Ice and Ocean Worlds
- AGU Session P028: Observations of Planets Near and Far with Next-Generation Telescopes
- AGU Session P036: Regolith Development on Icy and Rocky Surfaces
- AGU Session P047: The Effects of Impact Cratering in Mafic Rocks and Minerals
- AGU Session P048: The Future of Planetary Atmospheric, Surface, and Interior Science Using Radio and Laser Links
- AGU Session P053: The Uranus and Neptune Systems and Their Relation to Other Planets
- AGU Session SM007: Magnetospheres in the Inner Solar System
Thermal Models for Planetary Science III (TherMoPS III)
- GSA Planetary Geology Division Ronald Greeley Award Deadline
- Post-Doctoral Position in Planetary Atmospheric Science
- Job Announcement: Observatory Scientists at Arecibo Observatory
- New OPAG Chair and Steering Committee Members
- Reminder: Comments on 2018 OPAG Goals Document are due July 2, 2018
- [NASA] PDS: LRO Release 34
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 25, June 17, 2018
- [NASA] Request for Information on the Availability of Potential Lunar Payloads
- [NASA] Draft Cooperative Agreement Notice for New SSERVI Teams Released
- International Workshop on Instrumentation for Planetary Missions
- ESA Research Fellowships in Space Sciences
- Fall AGU Special Session P011 - Comparative Planetology and the Solar System as a Gateway to the Exoplanets
- Fall AGU Special Session P060 - Venus: The Origin and Fate of Earthlike Planets? Big Questions of the World Next Door
- Fall AGU Special Session P012 - Concepts for Future Planetary Science Missions
- Fall AGU Special Session P054 - The Use of Analog Environments in Preparing for the Exploration and Characterization of Planetary Surfaces
- Postdoctoral Researcher, Source Location of Martian Meteorites
- 1st Information Circular for Virtual MEPAG Meeting
- Reminder: Register for Cassini Science Symposium and Hotels
- Seats Still Available for Software Systems for Astronomy 5
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 24, June 13, 2018
- Michael J.S. Belton - Images and Remembrances Request
Issue 23, June 10, 2018
- In Memoriam: Michael J. S. Belton (1934-2018)
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowship Application Deadline July 1, 2018
- Postdoctoral Position in Exoplanet Atmospheres
- TESS Science Conference I, July 29 - August 2, 2019
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 22, June 3, 2018
- [NASA] K2 GO Cycle 7 Final Text Released
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for June 2018
- Venus Landed Platform Working Group
- Meeting of the Laboratory Astrophysics Commission at the XXXth General Assembly of the IAU, Vienna
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 21, May 27, 2018
- Geosciences Special Issue Recent Advances in Lunar Studies
- Reminder Call for VEXAG Steering Committee Members Due June 1, 2018
- Spice Training Second Announcement
- Thematic School - Fluid-Rock Interactions in the Solar System
- Applications for GSA Planetary Geology Division Junior Student Advisory Member Due June 1
- Postdoctoral Research Scholarship in Asteroid Engineering
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 20, May 20, 2018
- 34th American Society for Gravitational and Space Research Conference
- [NASA] ROSES-18 Amendment 12: New Opportunity in C.24 Apollo Next Generation Sample Analysis
- Field Training and Research Program at Meteor Crater
- Applications for GSA Planetary Geology Division Junior Student Advisory Member Due June 1
- [NASA] ROSES-18 Amendment 13: C.23 ICEE 2 Final Text
- Job Announcement - NASA MSFC
- Molecular Geobiology EMBO Practical Course with a Field Trip
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 19, May 13, 2018
- EPSC Session: Ocean Worlds and Icy Moons
- EPSC Session: Planetary Aeronomy
- EPSC Session: Differentiated Small Bodies - A New Perspective
- SSERVI 2018 ESF Awards
- Addition of Lucy Flight Opportunity to SIMPLEx PEA-J of SALMON-3
- Project Research Fellow in RISE/NAOJ
- ASP Conference on Astro Education/Outreach
- Eight New Resource Guides on Astronomical Topics
- Free Open Source Astro 101 Textbook
- Director of Education Position Open at SETI Institute
- Silicon Valley Astronomy Lectures
- Venus Exploration Analysis Group (VEXAG) Call for Steering Committee Members
- 13. Hubble Space Telescope Cycle 26 Call for Proposals
- Post-doc in Machine Learning/Data Mining for Earth and Planetary Science
- Student and Early Career Travel Grants for CCTP3 Meeting
- Lunar and Small Bodies Graduate Conference 2018
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 18, May 6, 2018
- EPSC Session: The Gaia Mission - First Data Exploitation for Asteroid Science
- EPSC Session: Atmospheres of Terrestrial Planets
- EPSC Session: Mars Interior and Surface
- EPSC Session: Observations and Modelling of Exoplanet Atmospheres, Interiors and Orbits
- NASA-ESA Statement of Intent for Mars Sample Return
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Early Mars Research
- Postdoctoral Research Scientist in Experimental Planetary Science
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for May 2018
- Planetary Simulant Database
- The Humans to Mars Summit is This Week - Register Today!
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 17, April 29, 2018
- EPSC Session: Post-differentiation Magmatism on the Moon - Current Insights on Lunar Volcanism
- EPSC Session: Lunar Volatiles
- EPSC Session: Machine Learning for Planetary Science in Times of Increasing Data Volume and Complexity
- SBAG 19 Early Career Opportunities
- Final Landing Site Workshop for Mars 2020
- Postdoctoral Research Associate in Venus or Mars Science, Wesleyan University
- Postdoctoral Position in Cometary Plasma Physics at IRF in Uppsala, Sweden
- Small Innovative Missions for Planetary Exploration Released as Amendment 2 To SALMON-3
- Three-year Postdoc position at the University of Idaho
- PhD Position at University of Idaho
- Lecturer Position at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville
- Draft of Instrument Concepts for Europa Exploration 2 (ICEE 2) Posted for Comment
- MEPAG Meeting 36 Presentations, Summary, and Findings are Posted
- SMD Seeks Volunteer Reviewers
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 16, April 22, 2018
- EPSC Session: Volcanism and Tectonism Across the Solar System
- EPSC Session: Mars Express - 15 Years of Hard Work and Discoveries
- EPSC Session: Ionospheres of Unmagnetized Bodies in the Solar System - Terrestrial Planets and Comets
- Experimental Postdoctoral Position
- Nominations for OPAG Steering Committee and OPAG Chair
- Comments on 2018 OPAG Goals Document Due July 2, 2018
- Cosmic Dust XI
- Call for Farinella Prize 2018
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 15, April 15, 2018
- EPSC Session: Astrobiology
- EPSC Session: Planetary Aeronomy
- EPSC Session Multi-Disciplinary Approaches to Investigate the Interior Structure and Evolution of Terrestrial Bodies and Icy Satellites
- EPSC Session: Matter Under Planetary Interior Conditions
- LSST Solar System Science Collaboration
- Summer School/Workshop: Microsatellites in Planetary and Atmospheric Research
- [NASA] ROSES-18 Amendment 6: C.18 LARS Due Dates Delayed and Text Changes
- Reminder: Abstract and VEXAG Travel Grant Deadlines
- [NASA] Odyssey Data Release 63 for GRS
- Geosciences Special Issue Recent Advances in Lunar Studies
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 14, April 8, 2018
- Community Pluto Follow On Missions White Paper Available
- [NASA] PDS: Odyssey Data Release 63
- Abstract Deadline Extension and VEXAG U.S. Student/Early Career Travel Grants For The International Venus Conference
- Abstract Deadline 16 April For Final Cassini Science Symposium
- Final Agenda and Remote Participation for DART Investigation Team Meeting
- [NASA] PDS: Cassini Data Release 53
- 2nd International Mars Sample Return Conference
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowship Application Deadline July 1, 2018
- [NASA] SpaceTech-REDDI-2018 Appendix F1: Tech Flights - NASA Flight Opportunities Now Open
- Program for the Carbon in the Solar System Workshop
- SSfA at UH Hawaii Registration Opens Monday
- Icarus Special Issue on the Trans-Neptunian Solar System
- Fourth Announcement of the Technologies and Infrastructures
- Workshop for Planetary Exploration, Horizon 2061
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 13, April 1, 2018
- iCubeSat 2018 - the 7th Interplanetary CubeSat Workshop
- New Caroline Herschel Prize Lectureship for Early-Career Astro-Scientists
- Early Career Research Associate at Cornell
- SSERVI Director Position is Now Open
- JWST Launch Delay Causes Postponement of Cycle 1 Call for Proposal Deadline
- JUNO Data Release 4
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- EPSC 2018 Session: Organic Matter in Space
- Cryovolcansim in the Solar System Workshop
- Final preparation information for MEPAG Meeting 36
- PSS Special Issue "Asteroid (3200) Phaethon and Meteoroids"
- Lunar and Small Bodies Graduate Conference 2018
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 12, March 25, 2018
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for March 2018
- [NASA] Science Mission Directorate Seeks Volunteer Reviewers
- [NASA] Mars Exploration Rovers Data Release 55
- 2018 NASA Planetary Science Summer Seminar Applications Open
- NASA FDL 2018 Summer Program: Applications Closing Soon
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 11, March 18, 2018
- Research Associate Job Posting for the Cornell Center for Astrophysics and Planetary Science
- [NASA] ROSES Astrophysics Programs Due Dates Delayed
- 9th Planetary Crater Consortium Meeting Announcement
- EarthArXiv Preprint Service Expanding to Include Planetary Science
- MEPAG Meeting 36: Forum Presentation Abstracts Now Posted
- Goldschmidt Conference Session Announcement
- Walk on Mars With Themis at LPSC
- [NASA] ROSES-18 Amendment 5: Final text for C.17 Planetary Major Equipment and Facilities
- [NASA] PDS: Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 33
- Ocean Worlds 3: Abstract Deadline Extended to March 28
- AIDA/DART Spring 2018 Investigation Team Meeting
- Outer Planets Assesment Group Findings and Next Meeting
- Mars Science Laboratory Release 17
- [NASA] Use of RTGs in the Next Discovery AO
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 10, March 11, 2018
- Postdoc in Planetary Geophysics at Brown University
- Planetary Taxonomy: The Geophysical Planet Definition
- LSST: Request for Science Website Content Feedback
- LPSC: Early Career Faculty Lunch on Monday
- Walk on Mars with THEMIS at LPSC
- JWST Cycle 1 Archival Research Proposals Will Consider Some GTO Targets
- SPIE Asia Pacific: Spectroscopic Measurements of Planetary Surfaces
- ROSES-18: Final Text for D.14 SOFIA 4th Gen Instrumentation
- 2018B NASA IRTF Call for Proposals
- Tenth Annual Susan Niebur Women in Planetary Science Event at LPSC 2018
- ELS Registration Open
- SPICE Training Announcement
- Third Announcement of the Technologies and Infrastructures Workshop for Planetary Exploration, Horizon 2061
- H2M 2018
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 9, March 4, 2018
- OPAG Goals Document: Town Hall at LPSC
- NASA Seeks Experienced Public Policy Experts
- JMARS Showcase at LPSC
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Job Announcement: Research Space Scientist, AST, Planetary Studies
- Differentiation Conference: Abstract Deadline Extended to March 6
- PDS - Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 44
- Presentations and Summary from Feb 20 MEPAG Virtual Meeting Posted
- International Venus Conference Abstracts and Registration
- NASA FDL 2018 Summer Program: Call for Applicants
- PDS - New Horizons Data Release by the Small Bodies Node
- PDS - Rosetta Data Release by the Small Bodies Node
- 2018 Goldschmidt Session: From Source to Sink - Geochemical Sulfur Cycles on Earth and Mars
- Magnetospheres of the Outer Planets 2018
- Lunar Science for Landed Missions Draft Report
- Workshop: Carbon in the Solar System
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 8, February 25, 2018
- Rossbypalooza-2018
- Visit the PDS Booth at LPSC
- Annual Meeting of the DDA: April 15-19 in San Jose, CA
- Europlanet Workshop Announcement
- Venus Exploration Events at LPSC
- Second Announcement of the Technologies and Infrastructures Workshop for Planetary Exploration, Horizon 2061
- Differentiation Conference: Abstract Deadline March 1
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 7, February 18, 2018
- Postdoctoral Position in Planetary Atmospheres at MPS, Germany
- [NASA] Release of ROSES-2018 Annual Omnibus NRA
- Ocean Worlds 3
- Large Synoptic Survey Telescope Solar System Science Roadmap
- Postdoctoral Position in Mars and Moon Research
- Planetary ArcGIS Workshop
- Field Trip to Flynn Creek Impact Structure
- SERVI Award Nominations Solicited
- NASA Exploration Science Forum
- Registration Open: Final Cassini Science Symposium
- [NASA] Exobiology Proposals Due May 2018
- Reminder: MEPAG Virtual Meeting on Tuesday, February 20
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for February 2018
- Planetary Sessions at the May GSA Cordilleran-Rocky Mountain Joint Meeting
- [NASA] MRO SHARAD Raw Data from 2015.02.09 to 2017.02.08
- [NASA] Mars Express MARSIS Data Release
- Differentiation Conference: Abstract Deadline March 1
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 6, February 11, 2018
- New Postdoctoral Position at MIT
- [NASA] Seeking Volunteer Reviewers in Earth and Space Science
- Workshop in Geology and Geophysics of the Solar System - 2nd Announcement
- AGU Planetary Sciences Section Leadership Opportunities
- Postdoctoral Position in Asteroid Science at MPS, Germany
- Planning Solar System Observations with JWST in Cycle-1
- Planetary Sessions at the May GSA Cordilleran-Rocky Mountain Joint Meeting
- Volunteers Needed for Updating VEXAG's Venus Exploration Documents in 2018
- Summer School in Software Systems for Astronomy
- MEPAG Meeting 36 Venue and Hotel Block Announced
- MEPAG Meeting Reminder
- New OPAG Goals Document Posted for Community Comments
- Carbon in the Solar System Workshop
- Environments of Terrestrial Planets Under the Young Sun: Seeds of Biomolecules
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 5, February 4, 2018
- Job Opening: Planetary Scientist with Expertise in Exospheres at Goddard Space Flight Center
- Job Opening: Planetary Scientist with Expertise in Magnetometry at Goddard Space Flight Center
- Planetary Data System Project Office Support
- Tenure-Track Planetary Sciences Faculty Position at Caltech
- Curtin University Postdoctoral Researcher
- COSPAR 2018: Near-Term Exploration of the Interstellar Medium
- Job Announcement: Research Associate at LASP Working with the Langmuir Probe and Waves Instrument on MAVEN mission
- Mercury 2018 Meeting: Abstract Deadline - Feb 15
- 2018 NASA Planetary Science Summer Seminar Applications Open
- [NASA] Draft SIMPLEx Released for Community Comment
- Deadline for Division for Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society Prizes: April 1, 2018
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Pellas-Ryder Student Paper Award Nomination Deadline Extended to 9 Feb 2018
- Third Pre-Proposal Teleconference - NASA Fellowship Activity 2018
- LPI Celebration Clarification
- First Announcement of Didymos Observer Workshop 2018
- Differentiation: Building the Internal Architecture of Planets
- Seeking NESSF reviewers
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 4, January 28, 2018
- Abstracts 52nd ESLAB: Comparative Aeronomy and Plasma Environment of Terrestrial Planets
- Amended Closing Date: NASA Job Opening in Laboratory Astrochemistry
- [NASA] Postdoctoral Fellowship: Application Deadline March 1, 2018
- [NASA] Pre-proposal Teleconference: NASA Fellowship Activity 2018
- Abstract Deadline Extended: 2nd International Mars Sample Return Conference
- PhD Opportunities: FAPESP
- Closing Planetary Protection Knowledge Gaps for Future Human Exploration Workshop Delayed
- Mercury 2018 Meeting: Abstract Deadline February 15, 2018
- Job Opening: Exosphere/Planetary Scientist at Goddard Space Flight Center
- Announcement of Rosaly Lopes as the New Editor-in-Chief of Icarus
- Invitation to Submit Abstract to the Japan Geoscience Union (JpGU) Meeting
- Planetary Sessions at the May GSA Cordilleran-Rocky Mountain Joint Meeting
- Upcoming MEPAG Meetings
- Postdoctoral Scholar in Mars Atmospheric Structure, Dynamics, and Aerosols (Caltech)
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 3, January 21, 2018
- ROSES-17 Amendment 61: C.19 NFDAP Moved to 2018
- Geosciences Special Issue Recent Advances in Lunar Studies
- AOGS 2018 Abstract Deadline Extended to January 26
- AOGS Session PS18: Understanding Icy Worlds, Ocean Worlds, and Habitability
- AOGS Session PS20: Missions and Surveys - Drivers of Future Solar System Science
- AOGS Session PS21: Physical and Dynamical Evolution of the Post-Formation Solar System
- AIDA/DART Spring 2018 Investigation Team Meeting
- 1st Annual RPI Workshop on Image-Based Modeling and Navigation for Space Applications
- 2nd International Mars Sample Return Conference
- ELS Abstract Deadline Extended to 31 January 2018
- Call for Proposals - NASA Fellowship Activity 2018
- 2018 Humans to Mars Summit
- Upcoming Short Courses and Field Schools
- SSERVI Special Paper Collection Submission Deadline Postponed to February 28
- Workshop: Carbon in the Solar System
- Celebration of the Explorer-1 Mission and the Discovery of the Earth's Radiation Belts
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 2, January 14, 2018
- Summer Internships at Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab (APL)
- Pluto After New Horizons: Date Change
- Updates for NASA Outer Planets Assessment Group (OPAG)
- Topical Issue of Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate
- AOGS Session PS02: Volcanism and Tectonism Across the Solar System
- AOGS Session PS22: Field and Laboratory Studies in Support of Planetary Infrared Remote Sensing
- ASIME 2018
- Final Cassini Science Symposium Save The Date: Aug. 12-17, 2018
- FAPESP Post-Doc Announcement
- COSPAR 2018: Ocean Worlds: Europa, Enceladus, Titan, and Beyond
- COSPAR 2018: Small Body Hazard
- COSPAR 2018: Observations of Planetary Objects with Non-planetary Spacecraft
- MEPAG Meeting Forecasting Reminder and Tentative Meeting Structure
- [NASA] ROSES-17 Amendment 60: C.2 SSW Proposal Due Date Delay
- TESS-2018 Session: Comparative Physics and Consequences of Celestial Body Atmospheric Loss
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for January 2018
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 1, January 7, 2018
- Date Change: Ninth International Conference on Mars
- Summer Internships at Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab (APL)
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- AOGS Session PS-08: Polarization as a Tool for Exploration of Earth, Solar System and Beyond
- AOGS Session PS-14: Planetary Data in the Big Data Era
- AOGS Session PS-18: Understanding Icy Worlds, Ocean Worlds, and Habitability
- AOGS Session PS-19: Rosetta, Comets, and Other Icy Bodies
- EGU Session: Small Bodies (Dwarf Planets, Asteroids, Comets) to Dust
- EGU Session: Accretion, Differentiation and Volatiles - Constraints on Terrestrial Planets
- [NASA] HQ Planetary Program Scientist - Science Mission Directorate
- [NASA] Job Opening in Laboratory Astrochemistry
- [NASA] PDS: Odyssey Data Release 62
- [NASA] PDS: Cassini Data Release 52
- NASA FDL Workshop Announces Call for Research Ideas
- USRA/LPI Postdoctoral Fellow in Planetary Surface Processes
- Dusty Visions 2018: First Announcement
- COSPAR 2018 Session: Pluto and Charon: The New Horizons Mission Results
- COSPAR 2018: Ice Giant Systems
- COSPAR 2018: Mars Science Results
- Department Head, Purdue EAPS
- Magnetometry Scientist Position
- 9th Workshop on Catastrophic Disruption in the Solar System (CD9)
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Table of Contents: Volume 11, 2017
Issue 54, December 31, 2017
- Tenured Full Professor Position in Astrobiology
- Outreach Coordinator Positions Open
- IAU General Assembly Mini-Conference - Recent Advances in Planetary Astronomy
- 2018 AOGS Session PS10 - On the Dwarf Planet Ceres After Dawn
- PDS Data Release 45 From Mars Exploration Rover
- Magnetospheres of the Outer Planets 2018
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 53, December 24, 2017
- Life on Earth and Beyond Conference March 2018
- 2018 APL NASA Intern Program
- NASA IRTF Future Directions Workshop
- 2018 AOGS Meeting Session on Field and Laboratory Studies
- Lunar Science for Landed Missions Workshop Program and Registration
- [NASA] ROSES-17 Amendment 57: Juno PSP Final Text
- Call for White Papers on a Future NASA Open-Source Policy
- [NASA] Mars Now a Cycle 1 Target for Webb
- [NASA] NASA Job Opening in Laboratory Astrochemistry
- Information about the MEPAG Face-to-face Meeting
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 52, December 17, 2017
- Update - Assessing NASA Compliance with the Planetary Decadal Recommendation for Research and Analysis Program Funding
- [NASA] Discovery Program Long-range Planning Information
- LPSC Session: The Taurus-Littrow Valley 45 years After Apollo 17
- Position of Director of Research at University of Reims
- Program Scientist at NASA Headquarters
- Mars 2020 Postdoctoral Opportunity at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory
- EGU General Assembly Session: Planetary Analogs
- AAS Splinter Meeting: Professional Development with WorldWide Telescope
- [NASA] 69th International Astronautical Congress in Bremen, Germany
- [NASA] ROSES-17 Amendment: InSight PSP Changes to Text and Due Dates
- [NASA] PDS: JUNO Data Release 3
- [NASA] PDS: Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 32
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 51, December 10, 2017
- NASA Planetary Science Division Town Hall at the AGU
- Meteorites - Understanding the Origin of Planetodiversity
- PhD Opportunities in Planetary Science at Curtin University
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- ELS Call for Abstracts
- UTIG Postdoctoral Fellows Program
- [NASA] PDS - Mars Science Laboratiry Release 16
- NASA GSFC Job Announcement
- LPSC Special Session: Celebrating Cassini
- [NASA] PDS - Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Data Release 11
- Geologic Mapping Postdoctoral Opportunity
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for December 2017
- Outreach Coordinator Positions Open
- [NASA] New Policy for SMD Class-D Missions
- Register today for the 2018 Humans to Mars Summit
- [NASA] HQ Vacancy Announcement - Science Mission Directorate
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 50, December 3, 2017
- NASA Job Opening in Laboratory Astrochemistry
- PERC International Symposium on Dust & Parent Bodies (IDP2018)
- [NASA] Call for Applications for NASA's Ceres Science Definition Team
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- EGU 2018 Session on Extraterrestrial Seismology
- PDS - Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 43
- Geosciences Special Issue "Recent Advances in Lunar Studies"
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 49, November 26, 2017
- Mini-Workshop to Apply Recent Models for Asteroid Airbursts to the Tunguska Event
- EGU 2018 Session on Planetary Space Weather
- [NASA] The InSight Participating Scientist Program
- Tenure-Track Position, Analytical Cosmochemistry
- Scientific Workshop on the Transneptunian Solar System
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for November
- NAU Astronomy and Planetary Science PhD Student Opportunities
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 48, November 19, 2017
- 2018 Pierazzo International Student Travel Award
- AGU Panel Discussion: Planetary Bodies in the Ultraviolet
- CTX DTMs for Mars2020 Landing Site Characterization Available from the USGS
- NAU Planetary Science and Astronomy Ph.D. Student Opportunities
- Astrobiology Science Strategy for the Search for Life in the Universe: Call for White Papers
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 47, November 12, 2017
- WEB-EX and Program for VEXAG Annual Meeting #15, November 14-16
- Science Enabled by a Deep Space Gateway
- 2018 Call for Nominations to the Executive Committee of the ExoPAG
- SBAG Early-Career Travel Support
- Planetary-Themed Sessions and Fieldtrip at 2018 GSA Southeastern Sectional Meeting
- ELS Letter of Intent to Participate
- New Mini-TES Data in Analyst's Notebook
- Postdoctoral Position in Exoplanet Atmospheres
- G. K. Gilbert Award Nominations Due Soon
- AGU Panel Discussion: Planetary Bodies in the Ultraviolet
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 46, November 5, 2017
- 2nd Cospar Workshop on Refining the Planetary Protection Requirements for Human Missions
- ELS Letter of Intent to Participate
- Geophysical Planet Definition (GPD) Users Page
- [NASA] NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship (NESSF) Program
- Workshop in Geology and Geophysics of the Solar System
- Research Associate in Planetary Atmospheric Science, University of Leicester
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Reminder: Lunar Science For Landed Missions Workshop
- Astrobiology Graduate Conference (AbGradCon) 2018
- Final Announcement: Water During Planet Formation and Evolution
- [NASA] ROSES-17 Amendment 44: ECF Not Solicited This Year
- [NASA] ROSES-17 Amendment 45: SOFIA Next Generation Instrument Draft Text for Community Comment
- Research Planetary Scientist at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
- One PhD and Two Postdoc Positions with the ExoMars TGO mission
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 45, October 29, 2017
- 2018 Pierazzo International Student Travel Award
- iCubeSat 2018 - The 7th Interplanetary CubeSat Workshop
- Planetary Laser Altimetry Position
- Global Exploration Roadmap V3.0 Workshop
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 44, October 22, 2017
- International Observe the Moon Night - October 28, 2017
- 5th International Planetary Dune Workshop JGR Special Issue: Submission Open
- [NASA] Science Mission Directorate Seeking Volunteer Reviewers
- 42nd Scientific Assembly of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR)
- Requesting Indications of Interest for MEPAG Committee Membership
- Job Announcement: Solicitation Specialist at Global Science & Technology, Inc.
- Job Announcement: Planetary Laser Altimetry Position at NASA-GSFC
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for October 2017
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 43, October 15, 2017
- In Memoriam: Von R. Eshleman (1924-2017)
- 42nd Scientific Assembly of the Committee On Space Research (COSPAR)
- THEMIS Geodetically Controlled Mosaics Available from the USGS
- CTX DTMs for InSight Landing Site Characterization Available from the USGS
- MOLA-HRSC Merged DTM Mosaic Available from the USGS
- Planetary Defense Coordination Office Near Earth Objects
- Observations Partnerships Request for Information
- Astrobiology 2017 Final Announcement
- NEOWISE 2017 Data Release
- IRSA: New Time Series Tool and Coming IRTF Archive
- Environments of Terrestrial Planets Under the Young Sun: Seeds of Biomolecules
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 42, October 8, 2017
- Environments of Terrestrial Planets Under the Young Sun: Seeds of Biomolecules
- [NASA] PDS - Odyssey Data Release 61
- [NASA] PDS - Cassini Data Release 51
- EUCOP 2018 Session: The Furthest Frontier - Planetary Permafrost
- PhD Position in Geology/Planetary Science at UCLA
- DPS Event: LSST and the Solar System Workshop
- DPS Event: Future Pluto and Kuiper Belt Missions Workshop
- DPS Event: The Next Steps in Ice Giant Exploration
- DPS Event: Carbonaceous Asteroids - Connections Between Surfaces and Interiors
- Postdoc Positions in Cometary Science at MPS, Germany
- SSERVI AGU Special Paper Collection
- Potential Concepts for the Next Discovery AO
- MEPAG Meeting 35 Summary and Presentations now available
- Assistant Professor, Exoplanetary Atmospheric Theorist, UCF
- Assistant or Associate Professor, Planetary Science Instrumentalist, UCF
- PhD Position in Space Physics, Uppsala, Sweden
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 41, October 1, 2017
- [NASA] Mars Exploration Rovers Data Release 53
- Science of Primitive Asteroid Sample Return Missions
- [NASA] MER Spirit Mini-Tes Corrected Spectra Data
- ROSES-17 Amendment 35: Delay of C.5 Exobiology Step-2 Due Date
- Women in Planetary Science and Exploration Conference
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Student and Early Career Travel Grants for Vexag Meeting #15
- Postdoctoral Position
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 40, September 24, 2017
- Assessing NASA Compliance with the Planetary Decadal Recommendation for Research and Analysis Program Funding
- DPS Banquet at Sundance
- 2018 ASU Exploration Postdoctoral Fellowship in Earth and Space Science
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for September 2017
- PhD Position at DLR in Berlin
- 2nd Informational Circular for MEPAG Meeting 35
- [NASA] Tech Flights - Flight Opportunities Now Open
- Lunar Science for Landed Missions Workshop
- Women in Planetary Science Discussion Hour at DPS Provo
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 39, September 17, 2017
- Geosciences Laboratory Manager, University of Nevada, Reno
- Assistant Professor, Geology, University of Nevada, Reno
- Postdoctoral Opportunity in Planetary Science at Stony Brook University
- Postdoctoral Position at SWRI (OSIRIS-REx)
- Job Advert for PhD Student
- [NASA] Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter CRISM TER and MTRDR Release 7
- [NASA] ROSES-17 Amendment 28: Juno PSP Draft Text for Community Comment
- DPS Professional Culture and Climate Subcommittee (PCCS)
- Science of Primitive Asteroid Sample Return Missions
- [NASA] ROSES-17 Amendment 29: Hurricane Irma Delay of Due Dates for PPR, PSTAR, and PICASSO
- [NASA] PDS: Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) data
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 38, September 10, 2017
- Postdoctoral Fellowship in Earth and Planetary Science at The University Of Chicago
- Postdoc Position in Planetary Science (Toulouse, France)
- Accepting Applications for Icarus Editor-In-Chief Position
- Planetary Science Slides and Illustrations
- 2018A NASA IRTF Call for Proposals
- MRO SHARAD Raw Data from Releases 23,24,33,34
- International Venus Conference 2018
- 35th MEPAG Meeting: 1st Information Circular
- Request for Mission Supporting Observations of Patroclus-Menoetius Mutual Events
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 37, September 3, 2017
- Assistant Professor of Astronomy, Cornell University
- PDS: JUNO Data Release 2
- PDS: Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Data Release 10
- PDS: Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 42
- [NASA] ROSES-17: Hurricane Harvey Causes Delay of ROSES Due Dates
- Two Postdoctoral Positions in Mars Science
- Science of Primitive Asteroid Sample Return Missions
- Six Postdoc Positions in Origins of Life Research
- [NASA] Outer Planets Assessment Group Meeting
- Planetary Geomorphology 'Image of the Month'
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Commercial Announcements:
- HE Space Rockets to 200 Employees
Issue 36, August 27, 2017
- LSST and the Solar System Workshop
- Assistant Professor of Astronomy, Cornell University
- Water During Planet Formation and Evolution
- Two Postdoctoral Positions in Mars Science
- Junior Science Writer
- Arizona-JAXA Workshop
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 35, August 20, 2017
- [NASA] Lunar Data Analysis Program Delayed
- [NASA] ROSES-17 Amendment 24: K2GO6 Final Text
- Global Reference Atmospheric Model (GRAM) Virtual Workshop
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for August 2017
- JWST Proposal Workshops: Registration Now Open
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 34, August 13, 2017
- Postdoc in Planetary Geophysics at the University of Arizona LPL
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- NASA OPAG Registration Now Open
- Early Career Participant Support for NASA OPAG Meeting
- Application Open for the EON/ELSI Winter School 2018
- 51st ESLAB Symposium: Extreme Habitable Worlds
- Pluto After New Horizons Conference
- IMPRS PhD Positions in Solar System Science
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 33, August 6, 2017
- Planetary Geomorphology 'Image of the Month'
- [NASA] Mars Science Laboratory Release 15
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 32, July 30, 2017
- Future Kuiper Belt Missions Community Group Sign-up
- AGU Session 22722: Linking Sediment Transport and Geophysical Flows to Planetary Surface Evolution (EP027)
- [NASA] PDS Rosetta Data Release by the Small Bodies Node
- Astrobiology 2017
- VEXAG Meeting #15 Call for Presentations and Registration
- Venus Exploration Analysis Group (VEXAG) Call for Steering Committee Members
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for July 2017
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 31, July 23, 2017
- [NASA] HQ Vacancy Announcement - Planetary Protection Officer
- 49th Meeting of the AAS Division for Planetary Sciences
- Remember Bonus Education DPS Abstracts
- AGU Session 22335: Polarimetry as an invaluable tool to study the Solar System and beyond (P033)
- AGU Session 23844: Present-Day Landscape Evolution on Mars (P034)
- AGU Session 25433: Connecting Cryospheres on Earth and Beyond - Geological & Chemical Processes on Icy Surfaces (P008)
- AGU Session 26453: Future Lunar Exploration Enabled by Recent Mission Data and Science (P015)
- AGU Session 26566: Probing Planetary Interiors Beyond Earth - Evolution Through Time and Space (DI014)
- Solar System Exploration Postdoctoral Fellow at Johns Hopkins University
- Astrobiology 2017: Deadline Extended for Applications
- Post-Doctoral Teaching Associate in Geophysics, University of Tennessee
- [NASA] Planetary Geophysist/Geodesist Position
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 30, July 16, 2017
- AGU Session 22335: Polarimetry as an Invaluable Tool to Study the Solar System and Beyond (P033)
- AGU Session 23083: Radar Investigations of Planetary Surfaces and Subsurfaces (P36)
- AGU Session 23453: The Future of Planetary Atmospheric, Surface, and Interior Science Using Radio and Laser Links (P042)
- AGU Session 24220: Cryospheres of Terrestrial Planets (P009)
- AGU Session 24396: The Origin, Evolution and Fate of Comets - New Information from Rosetta (P044)
- AGU Session 24909: Titan at the End of Cassini-Huygens (P046)
- AGU Session 25446: Enabling Breakthrough Science with High-Bandwidth Satellite Communications (SH017)
- AGU Session 26201: Using Topography to Investigate the Evolution of Solar System Bodies (P049)
- AGU Special Session (26632): Planetary Spatial Data Infrastructure (P047)
- AGU Session 26885: Sympathy for the Data - Novel Approaches and Advances in the Art of Data Visualization (P042)
- AGU Session 26997: Ionospheric Outflow From Earth and Other Terrestrial Planets (P021)
- AGU Session 27083: Planetary Data System - New Developments in Data Archiving Section/Focus Group - Earth and Space Science Informatics (IN048)
- The Art of Planetary Science at DPS
- GSA Session 43095: Impact Cratering - From Fire to Ice-Cratering across the Solar System (T205)
- GSA Session T206: Geomorphology and Landscape Evolution of Mars (The G.K.tion of Habitable Exoplanets - Progress and Future (P010)
- AGU Session 23711: Geology and Geophysics of Small Solar System Bodies (P017)
- AGU Session 24025: Ionospheres of Unmagnetized Bodies in the Solar System (P020)
- AGU Session 24786: Pluto and Charon in the Rear View, MU69 Dead Ahead off the Starboard Bow (P032)
- AGU Session 25643: Giant Radial Dike Swarms (V015)
- AGU Session 26319: Nature and Evolution of Climate and Water on Early Mars (P026)
- AGU Session 26786: Judging an Ocean World by Its Cover - The Evolution of Ocean World Surfaces by Exogenous Processes (P022)
- AGU Session 26952: Mars Underground (P024)
- Meteoritical Society Meeting 2017 Registration Deadline Approaching
- Job Announcement: Space Plasma Postdoctoral Position
- Job Announcement: Senior Support Scientist in NASA's SMD Astrophysics Division
- Job Announcement: Scientific Programmer, University of Maryland
- [NASA] PDS: Odyssey Release 60
- [NASA] PDS: Cassini Data Release 50
- [NASA] ROSES-17 Amendment 14: C.24 IGHAPs Will Not Be Solicited
- [NASA] Release of Planetary Data System Roadmap
- Sample Handling Training Opportunity: Application Submission Open
- MEPAG Meeting 34: Community Review and Comment Invited
- Venera-D Venus Modelling Workshop
- 8th Moscow Solar System Symposium
- SoCIA 2018: Social and Conceptual Issues in Astrobiology
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Commercial Announcements:
- Planetary Climate Before the Space Age
Issue 28, July 2, 2017
- AGU Session 21994: Mercury - New Discoveries, Future Opportunities
- AGU Session 22664: Magnetospheres in the Inner Solar System
- AGU Session 22722: Linking Sediment Transport and Geophysical Flows to Planetary Surface Evolution
- AGU Session 23187: Climatic Evolution of Venus and Venus-Like Exoplanets
- AGU Session 23303: Ceres and Vesta - Understanding the "Planets" of the Asteroid Belt
- AGU Session 23867: The Uranus and Neptune Systems, and Their Relation to Other Planets
- AGU Session 24418: Exploring the Surface Properties of the Moon, Asteroids, and Other Airless Bodies
- AGU Session 24739: If You See Something, Say Something - Exploring the Weird and Wonderful Features of the Solar System
- AGU Session 25891: Planetary Thermophysics
- GSA Session T201: Comparative Analyses of Small Body Geology - Dwarf Planets, Protoplanets, Asteroids and Comets
- GSA Session T203: Exploring Ceres and Vesta - Continuing Discoveries of the Dawn Mission
- GSA Session T204: Friends of Hoth, Episode II - Bodies of the Outer Solar System
- GSA Session T207: Volcanism and Tectonism across the Solar System
- 34th MEPAG Meeting
- 2017 NASA Exploration Science Forum
- [NASA] TESS GI Final Text
- [NASA] PDS: JUNO Data Release 1
- [NASA] PDS: SHARAD Interim Releases of Raw and Derived Data
- [NASA] Planetary Geophysicist/Geodesist Position
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Commercial Announcements:
- Exploring the Planets - A Memoir
Issue 27, June 25, 2017
- ESA Research Fellowships in Space Science
- SPICE Training Class
- AGU Session: Present-Day Landscape Evolution on Mars
- AGU Session: Nature, Distribution and Evolution of Organic Matter in the Solar System
- AGU Session: From the Earth to the Moons: Ice-ocean Systems on Earth and Ocean Worlds
- AGU Special Session: Planetary Spatial Data Infrastructure
- Scientific Programmer, University of Maryland
- PDS Release 52 of MER data
- Swedish Institute of Space Physics Postdoc in Space Physics
- Tenure-Track Faculty Position in Astronomy/Astrophysics
- Non-Tenure-Track Faculty Observatory Support Scientist/Engineer
- LSST Solar System Science Collaboration
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Commercial Announcements:
- Mars: The Pristine Beauty of the Red Planet
Issue 26, June 18, 2017
- Scientific Programmer, University of Maryland
- Planetary and Space Sciences (PSS) Special Issue Invitation: Dust, Atmosphere, and Plasma Environment of the Moon and Small Bodies
- GSA 2017 Session T.199: Basalt Weathering on Earth and Mars
- [NASA] PDS: Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 30
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for June 2017
- Ice Giant Mission Study Released
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 25, June 11, 2017
- Public Libraries Distributing Two Million Eclipse-Viewing Glasses
- Building Bridges from Earth to Life: From Chemical Mechanism to Ancient Biology
- SSERVI Announces 2017 Award Winners
- NOI Deadline Reminder: Mapping of Water Deposits to Support Mars Exploration Program Studies
- GSA 2017 session T.207 Volcanism and Tectonism across the Solar System
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 24, June 4, 2017
- Michael F. A'Hearn (1940-2017)
- Notice of Future Call for NASA Keck Key Strategic Mission Support Programs
- JWST Exposure Time Calculator (ETC) Webinar for Solar System Science
- Space Settlement Symposium Call for Abstracts
- Request for Proposals: Mapping of Water Deposits to Support Mars Exploration Program Studies
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- [NASA] PDS - Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 41
- [NASA] Second Community Announcement Regarding Europa Lander Instrument Investigation Program Element Appendix
- GSA Topical Session T202: Experimental Planetary Geology
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Commercial Announcments
- Asteroids: Astronomical and Geological Bodies
- Planetesimals: Early Differentiation and Consequences for Planets
Issue 23, May 30, 2017
- SPECIAL EDITION: Michael F. A'Hearn Visitation and Funeral Notice
Issue 22, May 28, 2017
- JWST Exposure Time Calculator (ETC) Webinar for Solar System Science
- ROSES C.22 OREx PSP Text Modified
- 51st ESLAB Symposium: 'Extreme Habitable Worlds' - 2nd Announcement
- Notice of Future Call for NASA Keck Key Strategic Mission Support Programs
- PhD Position at DLR in Berlin
- Abstract Deadline Approaching for Accretion Conference
- Lunar and Planetary Institute Now Accepting Applications for Staff Scientist
- Europa Lander Instrument PEA
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Commercial Announcements:
- Book: Atmospheric Evolution on Inhabited and Lifeless Worlds
Issue 21, May 21, 2017
- Planetary Exploration Newsletter Celebrates Its 10th Anniversary
- Call for Small Microgravity Experiments
- ROSES-17 Amendment: K2 GO6 TBD Pending Revision
- Community Announcement Regarding Europa Lander Instrument Investigation Program Element Appendix
- Call for External Reviewers, NASA Postdoctoral Program
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- NASA Research Announcement: Early Stage Innovations Appendix
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for May 2017
- Mapping and Planetary Spatial Infrastructure Team (MAPSIT) Community Meeting
- Third Announcement: Astrobiology 2017
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Commercial Announcements:
- Cassini-Huygens Owner's Workshop Manual
- The Ringed Planet - Cassini's Voyage of Discovery at Saturn
Issue 20, May 14, 2017
- In Memoriam: Planetary Scientist Nathan Bridges
- JWST Exposure Time Calculator (ETC) Webinar for Solar System Science
- Shock Metamorphism Workshop Deadline Extended
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Call for External Reviewers NASA Postdoctoral Program
- Software Systems for Astronomy Meeting
- MESSENGER Data Release 16
- 7th Paolo Farinella Prize Deadline Extended
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Commercial Announcements:
- New Book: "Worlds Fantastic Worlds Familiar: A Guided Tour of the Solar System"
- New Book: "The Pristine Beauty of the Red Planet"
Issue 19, May 7, 2017
- [NASA] Science Mission Directorate Seeks Proposal Reviewers
- White Paper on the Value of NASA Participating Scientist Programs
- SOFIA Cycle 6 Call for Proposals
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Commercial Announcements:
- Autobiography of Prof. Asoka Mendis
- "They Promised Her the Moon" Performance in NYC
Issue 18, April 30, 2017
- Lloyd V. Berkner Space Policy Internships Autumn 2017
- Small Bodies Planetary Astronomy Python Package
- National Academies: Space Policy Permanent Job
- Planetary Geomorphology 'Image of the Month'
- Building New Worlds - Now Accepting Registration Applications
- Lunar and Planetary Institute Now Accepting Applications for Staff Scientist
- Amendment to SALMON-3 (PEA I MMX)
- Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter CRISM MTRDR and TER Release 6
- Proposal of New Book on Martian Volcanism
- EPSC 2017 Session OPS4/TP8.2: Planetary Aerosols and Clouds Session
- EPSC 2017 Session TP5/OPS5/SB14: Planetary Geomorphology Session
- EPSC 2017 Session TP4: Mars Interior and Surface Session
- One Week until H2M 2017
- NASA FDL 2017 Call for Applicants
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 17, April 23, 2017
- Europa Lander Town Hall at AbSciCon
- Roadmaps to Ocean Worlds (ROW) Townhall at AbSciCon
- Lunar and Small Bodies Graduate Conference 2017
- Ph.D. Opportunity in Martian Geochemistry
- Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Diviner GCPs
- NASA Frontier Development Lab Call for Applicants
- Postdoctoral Position in Planet Formation at SwRI Boulder
- [NASA] New Internet Addresses for PDS Discipline Nodes
- Summer School in Software Systems for Astronomy
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 16, April 16, 2017
- Fundamentals of Life in the Universe Symposium
- 3rd Planetary Data Workshop
- PDS4 Data Archiving Training Session at the 3rd Planetary Data Workshop
- Three PhD Student Positions in Space Plasma Physics
- Exploration Science Forum Abstract Deadline Extended
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for April 2017
- Europa Lander Town Hall at LPSC and AbSciCon
- European Lunar Symposium Program Available
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 15, April 9, 2017
- NASA Frontier Development Lab (FDL) Applications Open
- Odyssey Data Release 59
- Two Postdoctoral Positions at Northern Arizona University
- ROSES-17 Amendment 5: C.22 OREx-PSP Final Text
- AIDA Third International Workshop
- Cassini Data Release 49
- SALMON-3 MMX NGRS Pre-Proposal Conference
- Formation of Complex Molecules in Space and on Planets, from Interstellar Clouds to Life
- The Early History of Planetary Systems and Habitable Planets
- Impacts and their Role in the Evolution of Life
- Geosciences for Understanding Habitability in the Universe
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 14, April 2, 2017
- Postdoctoral Researcher at Arizona State University
- XVIIIth International Conference on the Origin of Life
- Take the Planetary Map Survey (MAPSIT)
- Volunteer as a Total Solar Eclipse Subject Matter Expert
- VEXAG Meeting #15
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- 51st ESLAB Symposium: Extreme Habitable Worlds
- Two Postdoctoral Positions at Northern Arizona University
- [NASA] PDS - New Horizons Data Release
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 13, March 26, 2017
- [NASA] Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 29
- [NASA] Mars Exploration Rovers Data Release 51
- [NASA] Release of SALMON-3 and MMX Program Element Appendix
- HST Observations to Detect Plumes/Outgassing from Europa
- iCubeSat 2017 - 6th Interplanetary CubeSat Workshop
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 12, March 19, 2017
- Editor Susan Benecchi Departing PEN
- LPSC: NextGen Panel on Career Paths in Planetary Science
- LPSC: Ice Giant Town Hall
- LPSC: MAPSIT Town Hall Meeting
- LPSC: Planetary Aeolian Laboratory User's Workshop
- NOI Request for Venus Small Mission Studies
- 1st Announcement of SELENE Symposium 2017
- NASA's Exploration Science Forum
- SSERVI Award Nominations
- 8th Planetary Crater Consortium Meeting Announcement
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for March 2017
- Call for Papers on Occator Crater on Ceres
- Findings from OPAG Posted
- NSPIRES Users Encouraged to Complete Demographic Information
- Mars Science Laboratory Release 14
- Final Reminder: IAVCEI session I.1 Planetary Volcanology
- 017 Annual Meeting of the American Astronomical Society's Division of Dynamical Astronomy
- Venera-D Venus Modelling Workshop
- Barringer Grant Applications for 2017 Now Being Accepted
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 11, March 12, 2017
- In Memoriam: Tobias C. Owen (1936-2017)
- Europlanet Grants for Field Work in Danakil (Ethiopia) and at Ibn
- Battuta Centre (Morocco)
- Call for Dwornik Judges at LPSC
- 2017 NASA Fundamental Physics Workshop
- Postdoc in Giant Planet Atmospheres, University of Leicester
- Europa Lander Town Hall at LPSC and ABSCICON
- Young Scientists for Planetary Exploration at LPSC
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 10, March 5, 2017
- Third COSPAR Symposium Abstract Deadline
- NASA Astrobiology Institute CAN 8 Released
- PSS Special Issue Invitation
- Planetary Science Advisory Committee Nominations
- Planetary Geomorphology 'Image of the Month'
- First IUGG Symposium on Planetary Science
- ICPAE Symposium on Comparative Planetary Atmospheres Within and Beyond the Solar System
- 12th Low-Cost Planetary Missions Conference
- 2017B NASA IRTF Call for Proposals
- Venus Town Hall Meeting and Early Career Scholars Mixer at LPSC
- JMARS Showcase at LPSC
- Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 40
- Release of OSIRIS-REx Participating Scientist Program Element Draft Text for Community Comment
- Mars Student Travel Grants Available for 5th Planetary Dunes Workshop
- Humans to Mars Summit
- Summer School "Impacts and their Role in the Evolution of Life"
- EPSC 2017 Session TP8.1: Mars’ Upper Atmosphere Interaction with Comet C/2013 A1 (Siding-Spring)
- Reminder: IAVCEI Session I.1 Planetary Volcanology
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 9, February 26, 2017
- Information Session at LPSC on Post-Doc Opportunities at NASA Goddard
- New MEPAG Goals Committee Chair
- Far Infrared Next Generation Instrumentation Community Workshop
- Planetary GIS Data Specialist Sought
- Venus Modeling Workshop - Abstract Deadline Extension
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships External Reviewers Needed
- Nominations for NASA Federal Advisory Committees
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 8, February 19, 2017
- [NASA] Release of ROSES-2017
- [NASA] Space Technology Mission Directorate - Early Career Faculty
- [NASA] Science/Technology Platform Satellite Request For Information
- Summer Internships at Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab (APL)
- Outer Planets Assessment Group Updates
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships (NPP)
- Call for External Reviewers NASA Postdoctoral Program (NPP)
- 2017B NASA Keck Call for proposals
- Brown University: Tenure-Track Faculty Position in Planetary Geological Processes
- Roadmaps to Ocean Worlds (ROW) Townhall at LPSC
- Election for Secretary for the IAVCEI/IACS Joint Commission on
Volcano-Ice Interactions
- Planetary Meeting Additions
Issue 7, February 12, 2017
- Summer Internships at Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab (APL)
- Magnetospheres of the Outer Planets
- Titan Through Time 4
- 2017 NASA Planetary Science Summer Seminar Applications Open
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter
- Call for Abstracts for the IAPSO-IAMAS-IAGA Conference, Session A02
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Call for External Reviewers NASA Postdoctoral Program
- Student and Early Career Travel Grants for International Dune Workshop
- Europa Lander SDT Report Released
- AOGS 2017 Abstract Deadline
- Student and Early Career Travel Grants Available for 5th Planetary Dunes Workshop
- Reminder: European Lunar Symposium Abstracts Deadline
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 6, February 5, 2017
- 2017 AGU Fellows Nominations Open
- Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter CRISM MTRDR and TER Release 5
- Planetary Geomorphology 'Image of the Month'
- AMA for the New ESA Planetary Science Archive Interface
- Final Announcement for the Shock Metamorphism Workshop
- Extension for Submission Deadline for Icarus Special Issue for Mars Polar Science Conference
- JpGU-AGU 2017 Session P-PS02: Small Bodies - Exploration of the Asteroid Belt and the Solar System at Large
- Summer Internships at Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab (APL)
- IAVCEI Session I.1: Planetary Volcanology
- MPC User Committee
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 5, January 29, 2017
- [NASA] SMD Seeking Volunteer Reviewers
- Post-Doctoral Research Associate, Lowell Observatory
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Washington
- Lunar Goldschmidt Session
- JWST Early Release Science Program: Pre-proposal Webinar
- 3rd Landing Site Workshop For The Mars 2020 Rover
- Annual Europlanet/VESPA Call for Planetary Science VO Data Services
- ESA M5 CASTAway Mission and Cubesats at Asteroids Workshop
- Update on International Conference on Mars Aeronomy
- AOGS2017 SESSION PS-11: Exploring the Solar System Primitive Bodies
- GSA Annual Meeting Session Proposals Due Feb 1
- HST Europa Advisory Committee
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 4, January 22, 2017
- Post-Doctoral Research Associate, Lowell Observatory
- Early Career Participant Support Available for NASA Outer Planets Assessment Group Meeting in Atlanta
- EPRVIII Dates Updated
- Venus Modeling Workshop Announcement
- Call for Abstracts for Symposium M13 - at the IAPSO-IAMAS-IAGA Conference
- Early Registration Ends on January 31st for the 2017 Humans to Mars Summit
- Pellas-Ryder Award for Best Student Paper in Planetary Sciences
- Metsoc 2017 and Workshop/Field Trip to Santa Fe Impact Structure
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 3, January 15, 2017
- Senior Research Scientist in Magnetospheric Physics, Tenure Track
- Postdoctoral Scholar, German Geophysical Center (GFZ)
- Astrobiology Science Conference Session: Modern and Ancient Biosignatures and the Search for Life on Mars
- Astrobiology Science Conference Session: Biosignature Detection on Mars - Where, What, When, Why and How?
- Titan Through Time 4
- Research Support Specialist III, SPIF Data Manager/GIS Specialist
- Business Development Manager, Planetary Sciences, at Ball
- Call for Papers (Third and Final Announcmenet) - Sixth Mars Polar Conference
- EuroPlanet VESPA workshop 2nd announcement: Planetary Mapping and Virtual Observatory
- Fully-Funded 3 Year PhD Studentship on Surface Wind Modelling on Mars
- Town Halls to Discuss Europa Lander SDT Report
- [NASA] ROSES-16 IGHAPS Moving to ROSES-2017
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 2, January 8, 2017
- TEPS Graduate Fellowships in Planetary/Exo-Planetary Science
- [NASA] PDS - New Horizons, BOPPS, And Rosetta Data Releases by the Small Bodies Node
- [NASA] PDS - Odyssey Data Release 58
- 2017 Exoplanet Summer Program
- Astrobiology Science Conference Session: Assessing Ceres' Past and Present Habitability and Relevance to Ocean Worlds
- Astrobiology Science Conference Session: Biosignature Detection on Mars - Where, What, When, Why and How?
- AOGS 2017, Session PS15: Volcanism and Tectonism Across the Solar System
- Early Career Participant Support Available for NASA Outer Planets Assessment Group Meeting in Atlanta
- EGU 2017, Session PS8.2: Hyperspectral Data Measurements and Analysis to Support Planetary Exploration
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for January 2017
- NextProf Science - Future Faculty Workshop
- NASA Pre-Proposal Conference for the New Frontiers 4 AO
- Next-Generation Suborbital Researchers Conference
- Rock-Hosted Life Webinar Information
- [NASA] PDS - Cassini Data Release 48
- European Geosciences Union (EGU) Conference
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 1, January 1, 2017
- Astrobiology Science Conference Session on the Modern Mars Habitability
- EGU2017 Session Announcement: Magma Ocean Processes and Development
- Planetary Geomorphology 'Image of the Month'
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Table of Contents: Volume 10, 2016
Issue 53, December 25, 2016
- LPSC Special Session on LIPs
- LPSC Special Session on Mars Volatile Surface-Atmospheric Interactions: Past and Present
- [NASA] PDS - Mars Exploration Rovers Data Release 50
- Planetary Geomorphology at EGU 2017
- Research Support Specialist III - SPIF/GIS Manager Cornell University
- [NASA] RFI for Life Detection Challenge
- Mars 2020 Rover Landing Site Engineering Telecon
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 52, December 18, 2016
- Assistant Professor of Geology, University of Georgia
- Register Today for the 2017 Humans to Mars Summit (H2M)
- EGU 2017 Session on Planetary Plasma Physics and Interactions in the Solar System
- [NASA] Pre-proposal Teleconference
- [NASA] ROSES-16: The Astrophysics Research and Analysis Program
- Working Group on Finding Signs of Past Rock-Hosted Life
- Research Scientist at University of Maryland to Work with Minor Planet Center
- [NASA] PDS: Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 28
- Small Bodies Assessment Group (SBAG) meeting, Jan. 11-13
- Faculty Position in Planetary Science Florida Institute of Technology
- JSPS Planet2 Symposium 2017: Registration is Open
- 2016 Lunar Exploration Analysis Group Meeting: Findings Now Posted
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 51, December 11, 2016
- Postdoctoral Positions in Planetary Physics, Johns Hopkins University
- Seeking Graduate Students, Northern Arizona University
- Call for Presentations for the 3rd 2020 Mars Rover Mission Landing Site Workshop
- Mars Science Laboratory Release 13
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for December 2016
- Second Announcement of Mars Polar Icarus Special Issue
- Post-doctoral Scientist in Planetary Space Physics at the Swedish Institute of Space Physics in Uppsala
- European Lunar Symposium Call for Abstracts
- Dust, Atmosphere and Plasma Environment of the Moon and Small Bodies Workshop
- TH23K: NASA Planetary Sciences Division Town Hall
- NASA New Frontiers Program AO Released
- Working Group on Finding Signs of Past Rock-Hosted Life
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 50, December 4, 2016
- OPAG Findings Posted
- Seeking Members for the WFIRST Solar System Working Group
- NAIF Job Opening
- Planetary Geomorphology 'Image of the Month'
- [NASA] Ames Seeks Space Science Division Director
- Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 39
- Venus Exploration Analysis Group (VEXAG) Call for Executive Committee Members
- Research Space Scientist, GS-1330-13/14
- MEPAG Face-to-Face Forecasting Deadline December 4th
- Working Group on Finding Signs of Past Rock-Hosted Life
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 49, November 27, 2016
- Winter School: Diversity of Planetary Circulation Regimes, in our Solar System and Beyond
- Planetary Sessions at GSA Cordilleran Section May 2017: T16 & T17
- Planetary sessions at GSA Cordilleran Section May 2017: T18 & T19
- The SETI Institute Calls for White Papers for the Advancement of SETI Research
- Postdoctoral Position at Swedish Institute of Space Physics
- Tenured Scientist Position at Swedish Institute of Space Physics
- Web-Ex Access For VEXAG Meeting #14
- EGU2017, PS8.2: Hyperspectral Data Measurements and Analysis to Support Planetary Exploration
- [NASA] 2017 NASA Education Research Announcement (NRA): Aeronautics Scholarship and Advanced STEM Training and Research (2017 AS&ASTAR;) Fellowship Activity
- 1st Information Circular 33rd MEPAG Meeting Letter of Invitation
- LEAG Meeting Notes
- Director for Astrophysics Position at the International Space Science Institute, Bern, Switzerland
- 4*P Coma Morphology Campaign
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 48, November 20, 2016
- 2016 Pierazzo International Student Travel Award
- Petition for Science Programming on Major Networks
- Post-Doctoral Position in MIDAS Calibration and Archiving at the Space Research Institute in Graz, Austria
- Call for Abstracts for Polarimetry Session PS1.4 at EGU 2017
- Ice in the Solar System Workshop Abstract Deadline Extended
- Planetary Geomorphology at EGU 2017 - Financial Support Deadline 1st December 2016
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 47, November 13, 2016
- 2016 Pierazzo International Student Travel Award
- Post-Doctoral Research Associate Position in Comet Observations at the Open University, UK
- New Cosmic Dust Data Set: Wind Spacecraft Dust Impact Database
- Planning your Solar System Observations with JWST
- Small Bodies Assessment Group Early-Career Travel Support
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for November 2016
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 46, November 6, 2016
- 2016 Pierazzo International Student Travel Award
- Student Travel Grant Available for 3rd 2020 Mars Rover Landing Site Workshop
- AGU Science Policy Alert: Application Open for Congressional Science Fellowship
- [NASA] NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship (NESSF) Program
- University of Tennessee, Knoxville - Faculty Position in Planetary
- Mineralogy/Petrology/Geochemistry
- Assistant Professor of Planetary Science - CU Boulder
- Electromagnetic and Light Scattering Conference, ELS-XVI
- Planetary Sciences Exploration Postdoctoral Position at the University of Central Florida
- Postdoctoral Research Scholar in Impact Crater Studies on Small Solar System Bodies
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 45, October 30, 2016
- 2017 American Astronomical Society Division of Dynamical Astronomy Meeting (AAS-DDA)
- [NASA] Planetary Science Vision 2050 Workshop
- Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) in Planetary Science
- [NASA] PDS - Rosetta and New Horizons Data Releases by the Small Bodies Node
- Juno-Supporting Postdoctoral Position, JPL/CalTech Postdoctoral Program
- Assistant Professor of Astronomy, University of Maryland
- Meeting Information, Registration, and Hotel Reservations for VEXAG Meeting #14
- Planetary Geomorphology 'Image of the Month'
- [NASA] Science Mission Directorate is Seeking Volunteer Reviewers for PICASSO and LDAP
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 44, October 23, 2016
- Ewen Whitaker (1922-2016)
- Lecturer in Theoretical Plasma Physics and/or Space Science at Imperial College London
- ICubeSat 2017 - The 6th Interplanetary CubeSat Workshop
- Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) in Planetary Science
- Call for External Reviewers for NASA Postdoctoral Program
- Assistant Professor of Astronomy, University of Maryland
- Small Satellites for Space Research (COSPAR 2017)
- 42nd Scientific Assembly of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR 2018)
- Call for Papers - Sixth Mars Polar Conference
- Announcing OpenPlanetary
- [NASA] Science Mission Directorate is Seeking Volunteer Reviewers for Planetary Science Deep Space SmallSat Studies
- Faculty Position at Rowan University
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 43, October 16, 2016
- Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) in Planetary Science
- University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Faculty Position in Planetary Mineralogy/Geochemistry
- MEPAG Meeting 32 Presentations Posted
- Plenary at DPS: Addressing Unconscious Bias
- Assistant Professor of Astronomy, University of Maryland
- Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Core-To-Core
- Program Planet2 Symposium 2017
- Call for Papers: ICARUS Special Issue on Asteroids
- [NASA] ROSES-16 Final Text Released for the New Frontiers Data Analysis Program
- [NASA] Martian Moons eXploration (MMX) Mission SALMON-2 Second Community Announcement
- [NASA] PDS: Dawn Vesta and Ceres Data Release
- Planetary Space Science Special Issue on Space Weather at the Terrestrial Planets
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 42, October 9, 2016
- Assistant Professor of Geology, University of Georgia
- University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Faculty Position in Planetary Mineralogy/Geochemistry
- Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) in Planetary Science
- [NASA] PDS: Odyssey Data Release 57
- [NASA] ROSES-16: SIMPLEx deferred to ROSES-2017
- MEPAG Meeting #32 Agenda Update
- Post-doctoral Position at the University of St. Andrews (UK)
- International Workshop: Impact of Exoplanetary Space Weather on Climate and Habitability
- Assistant Professor of Astronomy, University of Maryland
- Planetary and Space Science, Special Issue on Cosmic Dust IX
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for October 2016
- Juno-Supporting Post-doctoral Position, JPL/Caltech
- Comet Wirtanen - Observers' Workshop at DPS
- [NASA] PDS: Cassini Data Release 47
- [NASA] Advance Notice of IGHAPS Program
- AAS Oral History Project at the Upcoming DPS Meeting in Pasadena
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 41, October 2, 2016
- Comets Symposium and Rosetta SWT 2016: Registration
- Tenure-Track Assistant Professor, Cornell University
- HiRISE Spacecraft Operations Engineer Positions
- Mars Mission Scientist at JSC
- [NASA] Final Text Released for Interdisciplinary Science for Eclipse 2017
- Post-doc Position at INAF-IAPS
- Assistant Professor of Astronomy, University of Maryland
- JMARS Webinar
- Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in Astronomy or Planetary Science at Northern Arizona University
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellows
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- [NASA] SMD Seeks Volunteer Reviewers, Especially for COLD Tech
- A National Science Teachers Association Virtual Conference: The August 2017 "All-American" Eclipse of the Sun
- Call for Support: CASTAWAY, Comet and Asteroid Space Telescope
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 40, September 25, 2016
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Research Position at the Swedish Institute of Space Physics
- Assistant or Associate Professor - Experimental Space Physics at
- the University of Iowa
- Assistant Professor of Astronomy, University of Maryland
- [NASA] PDS: Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 27
- [NASA] PDS: Mars Exploration Rovers Data Release 49
- Ices in the Solar System Workshop
- Astrometry and Astrophysics in the Gaia Sky
- VEXAG Meeting #14 - Call for Presentations and Registration
- Important Updates to NSF Grant Programs
- 2017 Exploration Postdoctoral Fellowship in Earth and Space Science
- DPS 48/EPSC 11 Early Career Presenter's Review
- CosmoQuest Research Grants and Surveys
- CosmoQuest User Surveys
- Arizona-JAXA workshop
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 39, September 18, 2016
- Tenure Track Assistant Professor at MIT
- [NASA] JSC Curator Position (Reposting)
- [NASA] Intent to Release a CAN for the NASA Astrobiology Institute
- [NASA] Planetary Protection Research Deferred to 2017
- Tenure Track W2/W3 Professorship in Experimental Planetology, University of Bayreuth
- [NASA] Science Mission Directorate Is Seeking Volunteer Reviewers
- [NASA] Science Instruments to Sponsor on Korean Space Agency Lunar Orbiter
- [NASA] Physical Sciences Informatics System Research
- [NASA] Rosetta Data Analysis Program
- George Mason University Assistant/Associate Professor, Extrasolar Planets
- Mission Concept Briefing on the Far-IR Surveyor at DPS/EPSC Meeting
- Upcoming JWST events
- Dust, Atmosphere, and Plasma Environment of the Moon and Small Bodies (DAP-2017) Workshop Call for Abstracts
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 38, September 11, 2016
- DAP-2017 Call for Abstracts
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for September 2016
- Co-Investigator Needed for NEO Follow-up Project
- Space Settlement Symposium
- DPS/EPSC Women in Planetary Science Discussion Hour 2016
- [NASA] Seeks Partner Payloads, Investigation Team Members for Asteroid Redirect Mission
- STScI Job Announcement
- A Workshop for Early-Career Astronomers Who Want to do Better Outreach
- 2017A NASA IRTF Call for Proposals
- Post-doctoral Researcher at APL
- IMPRS PhD Positions in Solar System Science
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 37, September 4, 2016
- Planetary and Space Science Special Issue Reminder
- Announcement of a Special Issue of Advances in Space Research on Small Body Science and Exploration
- Tenure Track Assistant Professor at MIT
- Big Data Challenges, Research, and Technologies in the Earth and Planetary Sciences
- ELSI 5th International Symposium & Young Researchers Day
- 32nd MEPAG Meeting 2nd Information Circular
- Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 38
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- IEEE Aerospace Conference Balloon Session
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 36, August 28, 2016
- Call for Abstracts to PRE 8
- [NASA] Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute Cycle 2 CAN Released
- Venus Exploration Goals, Objectives, and Investigations Document Update
- [NASA] ROSES-16 Amendment 25: C.24 HOTTech Released
- Planetary Science Slides and Illustrations
- Post-doctoral Position for the Analysis of VIRTIS/Rosetta Data
- Registration Open for SSB Search for Life Workshop
- Abstract Deadline Extended for Mini-Symposium on Asteroids
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 35, August 21, 2016
- New Horizons Kuiper Belt Extended Mission Science Planning Opportunity
- [NASA] Announcement of Upcoming Asteroid Redirect Mission Opportunities
- LEAG Annual Meeting 2016 Abstract Deadline is 25 August 2016
- Mars Plasma Physicist Sought
- Geologic Mapping Subcommittee Seeking Student Member
- [NASA] New Program: Planetary Science Deep Space SmallSat Studies
- PDS - Dawn VIR Vesta and Ceres Data Release
- First Announcement of Astrobiology 2017
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 34, August 13, 2016
- Postdoctoral Scientist: Planetary Atmospheric Chemistry Modeling
- [NASA] Draft New Frontiers Program AO Released
- [NASA] New FOP Solicitation Due 9 September
- National Academy of Sciences Space Studies Board Review of NASA's
- Planetary Science Division's Restructured Research and Analysis Program
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 33, August 7, 2016
- Planetary Geomorphology 'Image of the Month'
- Mars Science Laboratory Release 12
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for August 2016
- [NASA] ROSES-16 Amendment 20: LDAP Proposal Due Dates Delayed
- Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter CRISM MTRDR and TER Release 3
- [NASA] New Education 'Science WOW!' Weekly Email Newsletter
- OPAG Meeting WebEx and telephone information
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 32, July 31, 2016
- AGU 2016 Session P004: Cometary Processes in the Light of Rosetta
- AGU 2016 Session P005: Cracking Up - Ice-Ocean Dynamics on Earth and Ocean Worlds
- AGU 2016 Session P030: The Early Mars Envoronment - Warm and Wet, Cold and Wet, or Cold and Icy?
- AGU 2016 Session P032: The Science of Exploration as Enabled by the Moon, Near Earth Asteroids and the Moons of Mars
- AGU 2016 Session 12855: Radar Investigations of Planetary Surfaces and Subsurfaces
- AGU 2016 SESSION EP024: Linking Sediment Transport and Geophysical Flows to Planetary Surface Evolution
- [NASA] Change to ROSES C.1 Planetary Science Overview
- Postdoctoral Positions: Reaction Dynamics & Planetary Sciences
- PhD Position: European Training Network EuroPAH
- First Information Circular for MEPAG Meeting 32
- Latest Discovery/New Frontiers Newsletter Now Online
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 31, July 24, 2016
- Postdoctoral Fellowship
- STScI Job Announcement
- Version 2 of VICAR Image Processing System Released
- AGU 2016 Session ED007. Citizen Science with Big Data: Intersection of Outreach, Crowd-Sourced Data and Scientific Research
- AGU 2016 Session P007. Enceladus: Getting Very Near the End
- AGU 2016 Session P009. Experimental Planetary Geochemistry: Simulating Planetary Processes on the Moon, Mars and other Rocky Bodies in the Solar System
- AGU 2016 Session P015. Juno's Exploration of Jupiter and the Earth-Based Collaborative Campaign
- AGU 2016 Session P022. Polarimetry as an Invaluable Tool to Study the Solar System and Beyond
- AGU 2016 Session P030. The Early Mars Environment: Warm and Wet, Cold and Wet, or Cold and Icy?
- AGU 2016 Session SA014. Ionizing Radiation Environments Throughout the Solar System
- AGU 2016 Session SM016. Magnetospheres in the Inner Solar System
- Computational Advances in Solar System Studies
- [NASA] Draft AO for Astrophysics Explorers Missions of Opportunity Released for Community Comment
- COSPAR Meeting Cancelled
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 30, July 17, 2016
- 2nd Advanced School on Exoplanetary Science: Astrophysics of Exoplanetary Atmospheres>
- AGU 2016 Session P004: Cometary Processes in the Light of Rosetta
- AGU 2016 Session P006: Detection and Direct Imaging of Habitable Exoplanets - Progress and Future
- AGU 2016 Session P014: In the Name of Jove - Giant Planet Interiors, Atmospheres, Aurorae, and Ionospheres
- AGU 2016 Session P017: Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter - Seven Years at the Moon
- AGU 2016 Session P026: Solar System Small Bodies - Relics of Formation and New Worlds to Explore
- AGU 2016 Session P030: The Early Mars Environment - Warm and Wet, Cold and Wet, or Cold and Icy?
- AGU 2016 Session EP024: Linking Sediment Transport and Geophysical Flows to Planetary Surface Evolution
- AGU 2016 Session PP038: Regulation of CO2 and Climate on Earth and Other Planets
- Nexus for Exoplanet System Science (NExSS) Exoplanet Biosignatures Workshop Without Walls
- [NASA] PDS - Rosetta and New Horizons Data Releases by the Small Bodies Node
- [NASA] Draft AO for Astrophysics Explorers Program 2016 Medium Explorer (MIDEX) Missions Released for Community Comment
- Summer School in Software Systems for Astronomy
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 29, July 10, 2016
- [NASA] PDS - Cassini Data Release 46
- [NASA] PDS - Dawn Ceres Framing Camera Data Release
- Biosignatures of Extant Life on Ocean Worlds Workshop
- AGU 2016 Session: Planetary Analogs
- AGU 2016 Session: Data Visualization in Earth and Planetary Sciences
- AGU 2016 Session P005: Cracking Up - Ice-Ocean Dynamics on Earth and Ocean Worlds
- AGU 2016 Session P008: Evolutions, Interactions and Origins of Outer Planet Satellites
- AGU 2016 Session P030: The Early Mars Environment: Warm and Wet, Cold and Wet, or Cold and Icy?
- Comets: A New Vision After Rosetta/Philae and Rosetta SWT 2016
- ESA Research Fellowships in Space Science
- Planetary Science Short Course
- Silicon Valley Astronomy Lecture Series Passes One Million Views on YouTube
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for July 2016
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 28, July 3, 2016
- In Memoriam: Edgard G. Yanovitskij (1937 - 2016)
- In Memoriam: Gerald J. Wasserburg (1927-2016)
- JWST Solar System Workshop
- Open positions in the Uni Bern's Planetary Imaging Group
- Dust, Atmospheres, and Plasmas (DAP) 2017
- AGU 2016 Session P030: The Early Mars Environment - Warm and Wet, Cold and Wet, or Cold and Icy?
- AGU 2016 Session P033: Titan - Constraining an Ocean World
- AGU 2016 Session SH009: ICME and Energetic Particle Interactions in the Heliosphere and at Solar System Bodies
- Faculty Position at West Virginia Wesleyan
- Lunar Workshops 2016 Call for Abstracts
- Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) Awards 2016
- MAPS Special Issue: "Issues in Crater Studies"
- Job Announcement: Research Geologist
- Odyssey Data Release 56
- Planetary Geomorphology 'Image of the Month'
- OPAG 2016 Summer Meeting - Information Circular
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 27, June 26, 2016
- DDAP Data Products Archiving Clarified
- International Conference on Mars Aeronomy - First Announcement
- GSA 2016 Session T160: Satellites of the Outer Solar System
- GSA 2016 Session T161: Planetary Aeolian Processes
- GSA 2016 Session T164: Geology of the Pluto System
- GSA 2016 Session T165: Impact Cratering on Earth and Throughout the Solar System
- GSA 2016 SESSION T167: Mineral Spectroscopy-Harnessing Energy to Probe Solid Bodies in the Solar System (G.K. Gilbert Award Session)
- Small Bodies Assessment Group 15th Meeting: Remote Participation Information
- Workshop on Shock Metamorphism in Terrestrial and Extra-terrestrial Rocks - First Announcement
- Comets: A New Vision after Rosetta/Philae and Rosetta SWT 2016
- [NASA] COSPAR Travel
- AGU 2016 Session P002: Advances in Planetary Thermophysics
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 26, June 19, 2016
- In Memoriam: Andre Brahic (1942-2016)
- Second Announcement for SPICE Training in Madrid
- [NASA] PDS: NEOWISE Diameters and Alebos Data Release
- White Paper on the Value of Participating Science Programs on NASA Planetary Missions
- [NASA] PDS: Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 26
- Postdoctoral Position in Mars Science
- ASGSR 2016 Call for Abstracts Due Date Extension and ASGSR Art Competition
- [NASA] PDS: Mars Exploration Rovers Data Release 48
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 25, June 12, 2016
- SBAG: Meeting Registration and Open Steering Committee Positions
- New Horizons Kuiper Belt Extended Mission Science Planning Opportunity
- 6th Paolo Farinella Prize, 2016
- Asteroid Science Intersections with In-Space Mine Engineering (ASIME) 2016
- Second Announcement of the 2016 Edition of the IAC Winter School
- Call for Participation - SOCET SET Training Opportunity
- GSA Annual Meeting 2016 Session T172. Tectonic, Volcanic, and
- Volcanotectonic Processes on Rocky Planetary Bodies
- Make An Impact: Serve As A GSA Officer/Councilor or on a GSA Committee
- Postdoctoral Position in Mars Science
- Planetary Science Short Course in Remote Sensing
- Postdoctoral Fellowship Opportunity with NASA's Nexus for Exoplanet System Science (NExSS)
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 24, June 5, 2016
- Visiting Assistant Professor Position, Department of Geology and Planetary Science at the University of Pittsburgh
- NExSS Exoplanet Biosignatures Workshop Without Walls and Pre-Workshop Online Activities
- Frontiers in Theoretical and Applied Physics - UAE 2017 (FTAPS 2017)
- Planetary Geomorphology 'Image of the Month'
- Martian Gullies Workshop Poster Abstract Deadline Monday June 6
- Small Bodies Assessment Group 15th Meeting: Registration and Logistics
- Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 37
- Postdoctoral Position in Mars Science
- Postdoc in Ionospheric Radio Occultations
- Comets: A new vision after Rosetta/Philae and Rosetta SWT 2016
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for June 2016
- White Paper on the Value of Participating Science programs to NASA Planetary Missions
- Evolution of Chemical Complexity: From Simple Interstellar Molecules to Terrestrial Biopolymers
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 23, May 29, 2016
- [NASA] Approval to Exceed Per Diem Lodging for DPS 48/EPSC 11
- Early Career Participant Support Available for NASA Outer Planets Assessment Group Meeting
- 8th International Workshop on Planetary, Solar and Heliospheric Radio Emissions (PRE VIII)
- Research Scientist in Planetary Radar (427-1100)
- Lunar and Small Bodies Graduate Conference 2016
- Research Scientist Positions at Earth Life Science Institute (ELSI)
- GSA Session T168: Past and Present Biosignature Recognition on Earth, Mars, and Beyond
- Call for Participation - SOCET SET Training Opportunity
- [NASA] Planetary Protection Research Program Element Temporarily TBD
- Notice of Intent to Initiate Environmental Review for Arecibo Observatory
- Student and Early Career Travel Grants for VEXAG Meeting #14 in Washington, DC
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 22, May 22, 2016
- Special Announcement: NASA Shared Services Center Grant Report Notice System Out Of Order
- [NASA] Education Aeronautics Scholarship and Advanced STEM Training and Research (AS&ASTAR;) Fellowship
- Postdoctoral Position in Mars Science
- Postdoctoral Research Scientists
- USRA: SOFIA Head of Communications and Public Outreach
- Job Posting: Geomicrobiologist at NASA Johnson Space Center
- ICES in the Solar System - First Announcement
- Save the Date - VEXAG Meeting #14
- [NASA] PDS - Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter CRISM MTRDR and TER Release 2
- [NASA] PDS - GRAIL Release 7
- Summer School in Software Systems for Astronomy
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 21, May 15, 2016
- [NASA] ASTRO-H Guest Observer - Cycle 1 Cancellation
- [NASA] Concepts for Ocean worlds Life Detection Technology (COLDTech)
- 28th Edition of the IAC Winter School: Solar System Exploration
- MAVEN Science Team Meeting
- 88th GSI Congress Abstract Deadline Postponed
- Call for Participation - SOCET SET Training Opportunity
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 20, May 8, 2016
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter
- 3rd International Workshop on Instrumentation for Planetary Missions
- Planetary Interior Structure and Dynamics Scientist
- New Horizons Kuiper Belt Extended Mission Science Planning Opportunity
- Postdoctoral Position in Mars Science
- Summer School in Software Systems for Astronomy
- [NASA] PDS - MESSENGER Data Release 15
- Postdoctoral Research Assistant, Planetary Aeolian Science
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 19, May 1, 2016
- Planetary Scientist Civil Service Position
- Mars Exploration Zone Map Design Competition
- Lunar and Small Bodies Graduate Conference 2016
- [NASA] Second Community Announcement - New Frontiers AO
- [NASA] New Frontiers Program June Technology Workshop
- [NASA] Advance Notice of New Program Element: Concepts for Ocean Worlds Life Detection Technology
- USRA Postdoctoral Scientist Position at Aricebo Observatory
- Restructured PSD R&A; Programs, Mars: Feedback Requested by May 9
- Asteroids, Comets, Meteors 2017 - 1st Circular
- [NASA] PDS - New Rosetta Data Releases by the Small Bodies Node
- Call for Participation - Training Opportunity
- The DPS and EPSC are Headed to Pasadena in October
- Planetary Geomorphology 'Image of the Month'
- 7th Planetary Crater Consortium Meeting
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 18, April 24, 2016
- Postdoctoral Position at the Swedish Institute of Space Physics [1]
- Postdoctoral Position at the Swedish Institute of Space Physics [2]
- Abstract Deadlines for Comet Meetings
- Postdoctoral Position at the University of Chicago
- 2016 Planetary Mapper's Meeting
- [NASA] Citizen Science for Earth Systems Program
- Abstract Deadline Extended for 3rd International Conference on the Exploration of Phobos/Deimos
- THEMIS Geodetically Controlled Mosaics Available from the USGS
- 9th Cosmic Dust Meeting - Second Circular
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 17, April 17, 2016
- Project Scientist Position at NASA MSFC
- [NASA] ROSES-16 Amendment 6: Step-2 Due Date Delayed for C.9 the Mars Data Analysis Program
- GSI Session P8: Tectonics and Igneous Activity
- [NASA] Call for Letters of Application for Membership on NASA's Science Instrument Definition Team for GHAPS
- Summer School in Software Systems for Astronomy
- Registration Extension for the 4th European Lunar Symposium
- OPAG Meeting - New Steering Committee Members Sought
- [NASA] Martian Moons eXploration (MMX) Mission SALMON-2 Community Announcement
- [NASA] Water World Additions to PICASSO, MatISSE, and PSTAR and Delay of MatISSE Due Dates
- SPICE Training Announcement
- Dusty Visions Workshop 2016
- PDS LOLA Data Release
- Key Deadlines Approaching for Next Generation Suborbital Researchers Conference (NSRC) 2016
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 16, April 10, 2016
- Mavericks Lab: Grad Student and Post Doc opportunity
- Small Bodies Assessment Group 15th Meeting: Early Career Travel Support
- [NASA] PDS - Cassini Data Release 45
- [NASA] Science Mission Directorate Seeks Public Policy Expert
- [NASA] ROSES-16: Step-1 Due Date Delayed for Laboratory Analysi of Returned Samples
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter: April 2016
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 15, April 3, 2016
- 4th European Lunar Symposium
- Linking Exoplanet and Disk Compositions
- [NASA] SMD Seeking Volunteer Reviewers for Proposals to Astrophysics and Planetary Science
- 2016 NASA Planetary Science Summer School Applications Open
- MAVEN Public Datasets Released in March 2016
- Third International Conference on the Exploration of Phobos and Deimos
- [NASA] PDS - New Rosetta Data Releases
- Postdoctoral Researcher in Experimental Lunar PSR Simulation at York University
- [NASA] PDS - Odyssey Data Release 55
- Announcement for the Joint DPS/EPSC Meeting
- AGU Honors - There's Still Time to Nominate a Deserving Colleague!
- Planetary Geomorphology 'Image of the Month'
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 14, March 27, 2016
- [NASA] ROSES-16: Separately Uploaded Total Budget Files for Proposals
- Publishing Editor for Astronomy, Astrophysics and Space Sciences, at Springer Nature
- AGU Planetary Science Section Starts New Congressional Program
- Space Mining and Planetary Surface Construction Course
- Exoplanet Biosignatures Workshop Without Walls
- NEOWISE 2016 Data Release
- Europlanet Call for Access to Planetary Analogue Sites: Ibn Battuta Centre and Others
- Signatures and Support Sought for Open Letter to Senior Community Members to Battle Harassment
- US Planetary Scientists: Is Your Laboratory Adequately Supported?
- iCubeSat 2016 Abstracts Due this Friday, 1st April 2016
- NASA Advisory Council Meeting this Week
- Planetary Meetings Calendar Additions
Issue 13, March 20, 2016
- Special LPSC Event Notice: The 2017 NASA Budget-The Planetary Community Response and Your Q&A;
- Small Bodies Assessment Group 15th Meeting
- [NASA] PDS - Mars Science Laboratory Release 11
- [NASA] PDS - Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 25
- [NASA] PDS - Mars Exploration Rovers Data Release 47
- Mapping and Planetary Spatial Infrastructure Team Town Hall
- Call for Abstracts for the Horizon 2020 Euro-Cares WP3 Meeting
- LPSC Community Dialogue: Usage of Multi-Mission Radioisotope
- Thermoelectric Generators (MMRTGs) for Future Potential Missions
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 12, March 13, 2016
- Editor Melissa Lane Departing PEN
- Community Meeting Announcement for an Asteroid Main Belt Explorer Mission as an ESA M5 Mission Proposal
- Brave New Worlds: Understanding the Planets of Other Stars
- Venus Town Hall Meeting and Early Career Scholars Mixer at LPSC
- 2016B NASA IRTF Call for Proposals
- Outer Planets Assessment Group (OPAG) Town Hall at LPSC
- [NASA] PDS - Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter CRISM, MTRDR, and TER Data Release
- Early Career Presenters' Review LPSC 2016
- Eighth Annual Susan Niebur Women in Planetary Science Event at LPSC
- Nomination Deadline for AGU Planetary Science Section Awards: April 15, 2016
- Reminder: Last Call for DPS 2016 Prize Nominations
- Observation Campaign of KBO Targets for Proposed New Horizons Extended Mission
- [NASA] ROSES-16: Kepler/K2 Solar System Observations Added to DDAP
- Data Management Plan Writing Workshop at LPSC 2016
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 11, March 6, 2016
- Workshop: Dust, Atmosphere and Plasma Environment of the Moon and
- Small Bodies (DAP-2017)
- Open Planetary Astronomy Position
- Linking Exoplanet and Disk Compositions
- [NASA] PDS - GRAIL Release 6
- Planetary Geomorphology 'Image of the Month'
- LPSC - RPS Peripheral Session
- Travel Grant Announcement
- [NASA] PDS - Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 36
- Observation Campaign of KBO Target for Proposed New Horizons Flyby
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter: March 2016
- [NASA] ROSES-2016 Planetary Science Program Overview Clarified
- Comets 2016 - First Announcement
- LPSC: MarsSI User Workshop
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 10, February 28, 2016
- AOGS 2016 Session PS-03: Polarization of the Solar System and Beyond
- AOGS 2016 Session PS-08: Solar System Primitive Body Exploration
- AOGS 2016 Session PS-09: Planetary Science Data Archiving
- AOGS 2016 Session PS-13: Communicating the Excitement of Space
Exploration to Audiences in Young Space-faring Nations
- AOGS 2016 Session PS-15: Role of Small Bodies in the Formation
of the Solar System: From Interplanetary Dust to Planetary Moons
- AOGS 2016 Session PS-16: Moon And Mercury - A Comparative View
- Laboratory Measurement Needs for Exoplanetary Atmospheres
- Exoplanet and Habitability Workshop, March 2, at Lowell Observatory
- Register Today for the 2016 Humans to Mars Summit (H2M)
- 2016 NASA Planetary Science Summer School Applications Open
- Second Announcement: Cometary Science After Rosetta Meetings
- [NASA] Call for Letters of Application for Membership on NASA’s
Science Definition Team for Europa Lander Pre-Phase A Study
- 2016 NASA Planetary Science Summer School Applications Open
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 9, February 21, 2016
- PEN Reaches a Milestone!
- Venus Targets Workshop Report Posted on VEXAG Website
- [NASA] NSPIRES New Requirement: Collection of Demographics and Service Data
- Barringer Grant Applications for 2016 Now Being Accepted
- [NASA] ROSES-2016 Released
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 8, February 14, 2016
- COSPAR 2016 Event B0.5 "Planetary Formation: From Dust to Giant Exoplanets" - Deadline Approaching
- Research Scientist Position at FSI
- Goldschmidt Conference 2016 Session: Chemistry of the Outer Solar System
- NASA Ames Applied Research Accelerator: Mavericks Lab
- Debris Civil Servant Opening
- Dusty Visions Workshop
- AOGS2016 Session PS-08: Solar System Primitive Body Exploration Missions
- AOGS2016 Session PS-09: Planetary Science Data Archiving
- Astronomy Education Project Information Request
- OPAG Assessments Update
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 7, February 7, 2016
- Visiting Faculty Position in Astronomy
- Planetary Geomorphology 'Image of the Month'
- Ballooning Company Offering Proposal Assistance
- Free Booklet About the 2017 Eclipse of the Sun
- 2016 Mars Exploration Program Analysis Group (MEPAG) Meeting
- [NASA] Request for Information - Use of the Planetary Science
Division Facilities
- February 2016 MEPAG Newsletter Available
- SBAG Announcements and Future Meetings
- International Conference - Search for Life: From Early Earth to
- Microsymposium 57 - Polar Volatiles on the Moon and Mercury:
Nature, Evolution and Future Exploration
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 6, January 31, 2016
- Post-Doctoral Position in Planetary Mass Spectrometry
- Mars Science Special Session at Goldschmidt 2016 Conference
- [NASA] Earth and Space Science Fellowship (NESSF) Program 2016-2017 Academic Year Proposal Submission Deadline is Extended
- OPAG Meeting - Connecting by WebEx
- 4th International Highly Siderophile Element Geochemistry Workshop
- [NASA] Planetary Science Division Facilities RFI
- [NASA] Hisaki Science Team Proposals
- Europa Initiative Workshops in Toulouse and Madrid
- GSA Rocky Mountain Section Meeting
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 5, January 24, 2016
- Cometary Science After Rosetta: Future Directions
- AOGS Session PS04: Comparative Aeronomy of Solar System Bodies
- 31st IUGG Conference on Mathematical Geophysics, Paris
- OPAG Meeting: Presenting R&A; Nuggets
- [NASA] PDS - Odyssey Data Release 54, Part 2
- 2016 Microscopy and Microanalysis Conference
- Small Bodies Assessment Group 14th Meeting: Remote Participation Information
- ISSI/ISSI-BJ Joint Call for Proposals 2016 for International Teams in Space and Earth Sciences
- COSPAR 2016 Event B0.5: Planetary Formation - From Dust to Giant Exoplanets
- Icarus Special Issue on the Pluto System in the New Horizons Era
- PhD Position on Venus Clouds & Climate
- Deadline Extended - Aeolian Research Special Issue for the Fourth International Planetary Dunes Workshop
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 4, January 17, 2016
- Research Scientist Position at FSI
- Director - Lunar and Planetary Institute
- Opportunities with the Desert Fireball Network
- UA/NASA 2016-17 Space Grant Graduate Fellowships
- International Venus Conference Reminder
- [NASA] Hubble Space Telescope Cycle 24 Call for Proposals
- Call for Abstracts - Second International Workshop on Martian
- [NASA] Draft SSERVI CAN 2 Released
- [NASA] New Volunteer Reviewer Forms Posted
- Updated Application Information: Tenure Track Faculty Positions,
University of Arizona
- JPGU Meeting 2016 Session: Outer Solar System Exploration Today
and Tomorrow
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 3, January 13, 2016
- SPECIAL EDITION: NASA's Astrophysics Investments Website for the Planetary Science Community
Issue 2, January 10, 2016
- PhD Opportunities with the Desert Fireball Network
- EGU 2016 Session: Subglacial Landforms and ESPL Special Issue
- 41st Scientific Assembly of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) and Associated Events
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter: January 2016
- OPAG 2016 Winter Meeting - Information Circular
- 26th Goldschmidt Conference Moon Session
- [NASA] PDS - Odyssey Data Release 54
- [NASA] PDS - Cassini Data Release 44
- ExoClimes 2016 Workshop - Now Accepting Applications
- NAIF SPICE Training Class
- Titan Aeronomy and Climate Workshop
- [NASA] Draft Announcement of Opportunity (AO) for New Frontiers Program to be Released
- Deadline Approaching for Planetary Geomorphology at EGU 2016
- COSPAR/ISECG Workshop on Science Enabled by Human Exploration
- AOGS 2016 Session PS22 - Call for Abstracts
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 1, January 3, 2016
- EGU 2016 Session PS5.1/ST2.2: Call for Abstracts
- Biosignature Preservation and Detection in Mars Analog Environments
- 31st MEPAG Meeting - 1st Information Circular
- Ph.D Scholarship: Mars
- From Star and Planet Formation to Early Life
- Volcanism, Plate Tectonics, Hydrothermal Vents and Life
- Biosignatures and the Search for Life on Mars
- Planetary Geomorphology 'Image of the Month'
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Table of Contents: Volume 9, 2015
Issue 52, December 27, 2015
- AOGS2016 Session PS-09: Planetary Science Data Archiving
- International Symposium on Lunar and Planetary Science 2016
- [NASA] PDS - Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 24
- [NASA] PDS - Mars Exploration Rovers Data Release 46
- [NASA] Cancellation of the Participating Scientist Program for the
InSight Mission
- [NASA] HEOMD Has Released a Request For Information
- Call for a Special Issue in Planetary and Space Science
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 51, December 20, 2015
- New PhD Program in Astronomy and Planetary Science at Northern Arizona University
- Register Today for the 2016 Humans to Mars (H2M) Summit
- EGU 2016 Session PS1.5: Science and Technology for the Asteroid Impact & Deflection Assessment (AIDA) Mission
- Venus 2016 Conference: Reminder of Abstract Call
- [NASA] Due Date for Comments on the SMD Standard AO Extended to January 15, 2016
- [NASA] JWST Early Release Science Program Request
- New Rosetta Data Releases
- MAVEN Science-Team Meeting, 2-5 Feb 2016
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 50, December 13, 2015
- PS9.2/GM11.3 - From Granular Physics to Planetary Dunes
- Tenure Track Position in Tectonics
- Position Title: Experimental Planetary Sciences (EPS)
- Save-the-date and Call for Abstracts for the Second International Workshop on Martian Gullies
- RADARSAT-2 Graduate Student Opportunity, The University of Western Ontario
- AOGS2016 Session PS-08: Solar System Primitive Body Exploration Missions
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 49, December 6, 2015
- [NASA] NASA Seeks Reviewers for 2015 Undergraduate Student
Instrument Proposals
- [NASA] Interior Exploration Using Seismic Investigations Geodesy
and Heat Transport (InSight) Participating Scientist Program
- Scientific Ballooning Technologies Workshop Announcement
- December 2015 MEPAG Newsletter Available
- Planetary Geomorphology 'Image of the Month'
- [NASA] Suggestions for the Standard Announcement of Opportunity
- [NASA] ROSES-15 Release of K2 Guest Observer Cycle 4
- [NASA] PDS RFI Response Date Extended to January 25, 2016
- Reminder: Approaching Deadline for VEXAG Student Travel Grants for
International Venus Science Conference 2016
- [NASA] PDS - Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) Data Release 35
- [NASA] PDS - Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) Data Release 10
- Summer School “Volcanism, Plate Tectonics, Hydrothermal Vents and
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 48, November 29, 2015
- Lloyd V. Berkner Space Policy Internships - Summer 2016
- Outer Planets Assessment Group Meeting Coming Up
- Assistant Professor Position in Tectonics/Structural Geology at the University of Maryland
- Tenure-Track Faculty Position in Planetary Science, University of Arizona
- Tenure-Track Faculty Position in Solar and Heliospheric Physics, University of Arizona
- Asteroid Postdoctoral Opportunity, Caltech
- [NASA] HEOMD Draft Report from the NASA Asteroid Redirect Mission Formulation Assessment and Support Team (ARM FAST) Released for Comment
- [NASA] Vacancy Announcement, Supervisory AST, Chemical and Biological Evolution, GS-1301-15
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 47, November 22, 2015
- [NASA] ROSES-15 Revised Text for the Planetary Early Career Fellowship Program
- COSPAR 2016 Session C2.2: Wave Coupling Processes and Consequences in the Whole Atmosphere
- Planetary Geomorphology EGU 2016 - December 1st Student Travel Support Deadline
- Resources for Those Who Teach or Explain Astronomy
- Assistant Professor of Physics and Astronomy
- [NASA] Invitation to Register Yourself (or Nominate Another) to Review NASA Education Proposals
- Save the Date: VEXAG Meeting #14
- Upstairs Downstairs: Consequences of Internal Planet Evolution for the Habitability and Detectability of Life on Extrasolar Planets
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 46, November 15, 2015
- Planetary Maps Designed for Children
- The 4th Workshop on Binaries in the Solar System
- PhD Opportunity in Australia
- W. O. Crosby Postdoctoral Fellowship, MIT
- EGU Session Announcement
- Humans to Mars (H2M) Summit
- EGU 2016 Deadline for Support Application - Mars Session
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 45, November 8, 2015
- 2016 Pierazzo International Student Travel Award - Deadline Friday
- The 4th BEPIS Meeting in Beijing, China
- [NASA] Earth and Space Science Fellowship (NESSF) Program, 2016-2017 Academic Year
- [NASA] Annual Invitation for Public Nominations by U.S. Citizens for Service on the NASA Advisory Council's Science Committee Subcommittees
- Assistant Professor (Tenure-Track), Loiusiana State University
- A Few Recent Resources for Those Who Teach or Explain Astronomy
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- [NASA] Request for Information: Preparation for the Development of a Community-Based Roadmap for Planetary Data Services
- International Conference on Permafrost 2016 Session: Planetary Permafrost and Earth Analogues
- Jovian Magnetic Field and Magnetosphere Postdoctoral Researcher
- Venus 2016 Conference - Call for Papers
- VEXAG Student Travel Grants for International Venus Science Conference
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 44, November 1, 2015
- 2016 Pierazzo International Student Travel Award
- DPS Meeting Workshop: Characterizing New Horizons KBO Targets from Earth
- Lowell Observatory: Tenure-Track or Tenured Astronomer
- Planetary Sciences Exploration Faculty Position at the University of Central Florida
- Lunar & Planetary Science Laboratory/Macau University of Science and Technology (LPSL/MUST): Postdoctoral Positions
- AIDA Workshop at the DPS 2015 Meeting
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter: November 2015
- NSF Dear Colleague Letter Regarding Arecibo Observatory
- Faculty Position in Earth and Planetary Materials, UC Davis
- Faculty Position in Astrophysics, UC Davis
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Planetary Geomorphology 'Image of the Month'
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 43, October 25, 2015
- 2016 Pierazzo International Student Travel Award
- The 4th ELSI Symposium in Tokyo, Japan
- Postdoctoral Fellowship in Exoplanetary Science at UC Santa Cruz
- Next OPAG Meeting
- Call for Special Issue in Planetary and Space Science (2016)
- Ice Giants Workshop at the DPS meeting in National Harbor, Maryland
- WebEx Access for VEXAG Meeting #13, October 27-29, 2015
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Director, Center for Space Nuclear Research
- [NASA] PDS - Stardust and Stardust NExT Final Data Release
- Lowell Observatory: Tenure-Track or Tenured Astronomer
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 42, October 18, 2015
- Lowell Observatory: Tenure-Track or Tenured Astronomer
- [NASA] PDS - Odyssey Data Release 53, Part 2
- [NASA] SBAG 14 Meeting Announcements
- [NASA] Three-Day Training Course on Planetary Protection
- Open Source Release of the VICAR Image Processing System
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Planetary Science Nuggets Website
- NAIF Job Opening
- Two Assistant Professors in Astronomy, University of Connecticut
- [NASA] PDS - Dawn Ceres Initial Data Release
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 41, October 11, 2015
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- [NASA] PDS - Cassini Data Release 43
- LEAG Annual Meeting 20-22 October 2015
- 2016 Pierazzo International Student Travel Award
- One-year Postdoc at IAPS-INAF Rome
- Lowell Observatory: Tenure-Track or Tenured Astronomer
- Post-doctoral Positions in Brazil
- IMPRS PhD Positions in Solar System Science
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- DPS E/PO Workshop on Sunday Morning
- DPS E/PO Workshop on Sunday Afternoon
- [NASA] Approval to Exceed Per Diem Lodging for DPS 2015
- [NASA] PDS - MESSENGER Data Release 14
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 40, October 4, 2015
- Lowell Observatory: Tenure-Track or Tenured Astronomer
- SBAG 14 Early Career Travel Support
- Job Opening: Post-doc Opportunity on Planetary Plasmas Physics at IRAP
- Enabling Transiting Exoplanet Science with JWST Workshop
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Announcement: NASA GSFC tours for DPS Meeting Participants
- New Block Of Hotel Rooms For VEXAG Meeting #13
- 5th International Workshop on LunarCubes
- Two Tenure-Track Assistant Professor Positions at the Department of Astrophysical & Planetary Sciences University of Colorado
- Tenure-Track Position at the University of California, Santa Cruz
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter
- [NASA] PDS - Odyssey Data Release 53
- New Venus Science and Technology Research Interviews
- Registration Deadline Extended for the First Landing Site/Exploration Zone Workshop for Human Missions to the Surface of Mars
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 39, September 27, 2015
- Lowell Observatory: Tenure-Track or Tenured Astronomer
- ASTRO-1 Requirements Team (ART)
- [NASA] Undergraduate Student Instrument Project NOI Due Date Delayed
- University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Faculty Position in Planetary Petrology/Mineralogy/Geochemistry
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowhips
- George Mason University, Assistant Professor, Extrasolar Planets
- LASP Postdoctoral Research Associate
- Remote Sensing Comparative Planetology Position at University of Arizona
- Moving Object Detection and Characterization at University of Arizona
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 38, September 20, 2015
- In Memoriam: Giovanni Picardi, 1936-2015
- Job Openings at Space Telescope Science Institute
- Lowell Observatory: Tenure-Track or Tenured Astronomer
- A Workshop for Early-Career Astronomers Who Want to do Better Outreach
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Phobos and Deimos Lecture Series - Revised
- [NASA] PDS - Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 23
- [NASA] PDS - Mars Exploration Rovers Data Release 45
- DPS Women in Planetary Science Discussion Hour 2015
- EPSC Public Workshop - AIDA: Asteroid Deflection and Assessment Study Mission Under Study at ESA and NASA
- 2nd Asteroid Impact Deflection Assessment (AIDA) International Workshop 2016
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 37, September 13, 2015
- EPSC: MarsSI User Workshop
- Lowell Observatory: Tenure-Track or Tenured Astronomer
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- [NASA] Competitive Program for Science Museums, Planetariums and
NASA Visitor Centers Plus Other Opportunities
- [NASA] Community Announcement for the Heliophysics Explorer Program
- [NASA] Revised Text and New Due Date for NuSTAR Cycle 2
- Call for Proposals for the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility
- Job Openings at Space Telescope Science Institute
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Commercial Announcement:
- 5th International Workshop on LunarCubes
Issue 36, September 6, 2015
- Lowell Observatory: Tenure-Track or Tenured Astronomer
- THEMIS Geodetically Controlled Mosaics Available from the USGS
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter: September 2015
- Fall 2015 Soffen Fund Travel Grant Opportunity
- [NASA] PDS - Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 34
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Mars Critical Data Products Program, Round X - RFP for Mars 2020 Landing Site Characterization
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Reminder - Abstract Deadline for Human Landing Sites/Exploration Zones Workshop
- 2016 Exploration Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Registration and Hotel Reservations for VEXAG Meeting #13
- Comparative Climates Conference to be Streamed Live
- Job Openings at Space Telescope Science Institute
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 35, August 30, 2015
- Job Openings at Space Telescope Science Institute
- Lowell Observatory: Tenure-Track or Tenured Astronomer
- Mars Landing Site/Exploration Zone - Abstract Deadline Extended
- The Lunar Initiatives
- Planetary Evolution: Phobos and Deimos Lecture Series
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- 32nd IAS Meeting of Sedimentology
- Comparative Climates Conference to be Streamed Live
- MAVEN Public Datasets Released
- Two Tenure-Track Assistant Professors in Astronomy & Planetary Science
- Request for Proposal Posted for Mars 2020 Landing Site Characterization
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 34, August 23, 2015
- PhD Position in Planetary Science – VU University Amsterdam
- Lowell Observatory: Tenure-Track or Tenured Astronomer
- PhD Position on UV Effects on Carbon in Meteorites
- Mars Critical Data Products Request for Proposal
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- 41st Scientific Assembly of the Committee on Space Research
(COSPAR) and Associated Events
- [NASA] PDS – Release of Cassini/Radio and Plasma Wave Science Data
- NASA OPAG Meeting
- [NASA] New volunteer Reviewer Forms Posted
- [NASA] Undergraduate Student Instrument Solicitation Released
- Aeolian Research Special Issue for The Fourth International
Planetary Dunes Workshop
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 33, August 16, 2015
- Memoriam: Ernst K. Zinner, 1937-2015
- Re-Calibrated Elemental Composition Data from Curiosity/ChemCam
- OPAG Meeting Coming Up
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- International Observe the Moon Night 2015
- Lowell Observatory: Tenure-Track or Tenured Astronomer
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 32, August 9, 2015
- Planetary Geomorphology 'Image of the Month'
- iCubeSat 2016 - The 5th Interplanetary CubeSat Workshop
- August 2015 MEPAG Newsletter Available
- [NASA] PDS - More Rosetta Prelanding Data Released
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Lunar Initiatives August Reminder
- VEXAG Meeting #13
- Postdoctoral Position in Mars Orbital Data Analysis
- July 2015 Issue of the Discovery and New Frontiers News Available
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 31, August 2, 2015
- AGU 2015 Session 7445: Volcanism and Tectonism Across the Solar
System (P038)
- AGU 2015 Session 7539: The Science of Exploration as Enabled by the
Moon, Near Earth Asteroids and the Moons of Mars (P033)
- AGU 2015 Session 8234: Mercury After MESSENGER
- AGU 2015 Session 8728: Vesta and Ceres as Seen by Dawn and Earth-based
Instruments (P037)
- AGU 2015 Session 9160: Using Current Chemistry and Mineralogy Data to
Guide Future Discoveries from Mars 2020 (P035)
- Planetary Science Short Course
- Research Associate at LASP to Analyze Data from the Langmuir Probe
and Waves Instrument on MAVEN
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- [NASA] PDS - Release of Rosetta Data
- [NASA] PDS - Mars Science Laboratory Data Release 9
- GSA 2015 Session T173: Impact Cratering on Earth and in the Solar
- GSA 2015 Session T176: Past and Present Biosignature Recognition
on Earth and Mars
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 30, July 26, 2015
- AGU 2015 Session 7784: Magnetospheres in the Inner Solar System
- AGU 2015 Session 7905: A Decade's Obervance of a Habitable World
- AGU 2015 Session 7990: Radar Investigations of Planetary Surfaces and Subsurfaces
- AGU 2015 Session 8936: Magma Channelization Across the Solar System
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- [NASA] Release of the NASA Asteroid Redirect Mission Formulation Assessment and Support Team (FAST) Charter
- NRC CubeSats Symposium
- VEXAG Meeting #13
- OPAG Announcement
- PhD Student at the University of Helsinki
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Commercial Announcement
- Spaceflight Mechanics I
Issue 29, July 15, 2015
- 2nd Announcement for the First Landing Site/Exploration Zone Workshop for Human Missions to the Surface of Mars
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Postdoctoral Fellow, Hopkins Extreme Materials Institute
- [NASA] ROSES-15 WFIRST Science Investigation Teams and Adjutant Scientists
- GSA 2015 Session T132. Mineralogy of Diagenesis on Earth and Mars: In Honor of Nicolas J. Tosca, 2015 MSA Awardee
- AGU 2015 Session 8104. Evolutions, Interactions and Origins of Out Planet Satellites
- AGU 2015 Session 8234. Mercury After MESSENGER
- AGU 2015 Session 8371. Era of Citizen Science and Big Data: Intersection of Outreach, Crowd-Sourced Data and Scientific Research
- AGU 2015 Session 8664. Polarimetry as a Tool to Study the Earth, Solar System and Beyond
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 28, July 12, 2015
- [NASA] Gravity and Radiation Working Groups for the Europa Science
- [NASA] Step-2 for the Hayabusa2 Participating Scientist Program
- [NASA] SOFIA Third Generation Science Instrument Program Element
- [NASA] Membership Call for the Asteroid Redirect Mission (ARM)
Formulation Assessment and Support Team (FAST)
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- July 2015 MEPAG Newsletter Available
- Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute (SSERVI) Lecture
- Aeolian Research Special Issue for The Fourth International
Planetary Dunes Workshop
- Student Travel Grants for VEXAG Meeting in Washington, DC
- Interactive Website Featuring Pluto and Ceres
- AGU Session 7177 - Judging a Book by its Cover: From Surface
Observations to Planetary Interiors
- AGU Session 7445 - Volcanism and Tectonism Across the Solar System
- AGU Session 8599 - Science from Current and Future Planetary
- AGU Session 8728 - Vesta and Ceres as seen by Dawn and Earth-based
- AGU Session P003 - Direct Imaging of Habitable Exoplanets: Progress
and Future
- AGU Session P029 - Solar System Small Bodies: Relics of Formation
and New Worlds to Explore
- GSA 2015 Session T171 - Exploring the Sedimentary Rock Record of
- GSA 2015 Session T175 - Oceans, Fire, and Ice in the Outer Solar
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 27, July 5, 2015
- Fall AGU Special Session: Carbon on Mars
- Fall AGU Special Session P035: Using Current Chemistry and Mineralogy Data to Guide Future Discoveries from Mars 2020
- NAI Director Application Deadline Extended to July 10, 2015
- [NASA] PDS - Odyssey Data Release 52
- [NASA] PDS - Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Data Release 1B
- [NASA] PDS - Cassini Data Release 42
- Planetary Geomorphology 'Image of the Month'
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Commercial Announcement
- Summer School in Software Systems for Astronomy
Issue 26, June 28, 2015
- Post-doc Position on Modelling and Observations of CO2 Ice Clouds on Mars at LATMOS (France)
- Director, NASA Astrobiology Institute (NAI)
- [NASA] Notification of an Invitation to Membership on the Formulation Assessment and Support Team (FAST) for the Asteroid Redirect Mission
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- AGU Session P013 - Jove You Inside Out: Giant Planet Interiors, Atmospheres, Aurorae, and Ionospheres
- NASA Mars Landing Site/Exploration Zone Workshop
- G. K. Gilbert Award Session at GSA 2015
- Small Bodies Assessment Group 13th Meeting: Remote Participation Information
- Student Travel Grants for VEXAG Meeting #13 - Washington, DC
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Commercial Announcement
- Summer School in Software Systems for Astronomy
Issue 25, June 21, 2015
- [NASA] New Volunteer Opportunity: CDAP Reviewer Form Posted
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Second Landing Site Workshop for the 2020 Mars Rover Mission
- Associate Research Scientist (Lab Manager) - Arizona State
- Final Version of MEPAG Document
- Post-doc on Modelling and Observations of CO2 Ice Clouds on Mars at
LATMOS (Guyancourt, France)
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 24, June 14, 2015
- From Interstellar Ices to Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons: A Symposium to Honor Lou Allamandola's Contributions to the Molecular Universe
- Application Deadline for NAI Director Extended to July 10, 2015
- K2 Science Conference (K2SCICON)
- ESA Research Fellowship in Space Science
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- [NASA] PDS - Mars Exploration Rovers Data Release 44
- Fall AGU Session: Magma Channelization Across the Solar System
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Commercial Announcement
- Summer School in Software Systems for Astronomy
Issue 23, June 7, 2015
- SBAG Steering Committee Open Positions
- [NASA] PDS - Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 33
- [NASA] PDS - Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Data Release 1
- MAVEN Data Available
- Science Communication Workshop
- K2 Science Conference (K2SCICON)
- New Leaders in Space Science: Deadline Extended
- Nuclear Power Assessment Study Final Report Available
- Planetary Geomorphology 'Image of the Month'
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter: June 2015
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Lunar and Small Bodies Graduate Conference 2015 - Announcement and Abstract Submission Deadline
- Suggesting Reviewers for NASA Roses Proposals
- [NASA] ROSES-15 WFIRST Science Investigation Teams for Community Comment
- DPS Member William J. Borucki Wins 2015 Shaw Prize in Astronomy
- GSA Session T177 - When Water Meets Rock: Aqueous Alteration in the Solar System
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 22, May 31, 2015
- In Memoriam: Stanton J. Peale (1937-2015)
- Small Bodies Assessment Group 13th Meeting: Registration and
- Training Opportunity Introduction to GIS for Planetary Mappers
- [NASA] PDS - Dawn FC2 Vesta Global Mosaics Data Release
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Post-doctoral Position for Mars Color/Photometry
- Director, NASA Astrobiology Institute (NAI) Application Deadline
- International Meeting: Missions to Habitable Worlds
- Multiple Postdoc Fellowships at the Centre for Earth Evolution and
Dynamics (CEED)
- [NASA] Call for Applications for Returned Sample Science Board for
Mars 2020
- Planetary Radar Research Scientists
- Assistant Professor Position: Solar System Exploration Science
- Postdoctoral Research Position: Planetary Geochronology/Instrument
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Commercial Announcements
- Microgravity Journal Now Available
- Summer School in Software Systems for Astronomy
Issue 21, May 17, 2015
- Student Travel Grants for IAU in Honolulu, HI
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Small Bodies Assessment Group 13th Meeting: Registration and Logistics
- Postdoc Position Available: Asteroid Observations in the Gaia Era
- [NASA] ROSES-2015 Reviewers Needed
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 20, May 17, 2015
- Assistant Professor Position: Solar-System Exploration Science
- Position Available: Imaging Processing at Caltech
- FameLab
- [NASA] 2015 MUREP Virtual MSI Symposium & Collaboration Videoconference
- [NASA] Changes to the ROSES-15 Summary of Solicitation
- [NASA] Pre-proposal WebEx/Teleconference: Minority University Research and Education Project (MUREP) American Indian and Alaskan Native STEM Partnership (MAIANSP)
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Postdoctoral Research Position: Planetary Geochronology/Instrument Development
- Postdoctoral Research in Core/Ocean Geomagnetism
- Position Available: Planetary Radar Research Scientist at the Arecibo Observatory
- Lunar and Small Bodies Graduate Conference 2015 - Announcement and Abstract Submission Deadline
- Director, NASA Astrobiology Institute (NAI) Application Deadline Extended
- Training Opportunity Photogrammetric Processing of Planetary Stereo Imagery using ISIS and SOCET SET
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Commercial Announcements
- Geological Society of London Special Publication 401
Issue 19, May 10, 2015
- Summer School: Formation and Evolution of Planetary Systems and
Habitable Planets
- Workshop Prior to MetSoc Meeting
- Venus Exploration Analysis Group (VEXAG) Call for Executive
Committee Members
- [NASA] ROSES-15 Amendment 13: Release of a New Program Element –
Citizen Science Asteroid Data, Education, and Tools (CADET)
- [NASA] ROSES-15 Amendment 14: New Homesteader Program
- May 2015 MEPAG Newsletter Available
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Postdoctoral Research in Core/Ocean Geomagnetism
- Application Extension - Director, NASA Astrobiology Institute
- [NASA] MUREP Aerospace Academy Pre-proposal Teleconference/WebEx
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 18, May 3, 2015
- Postdoctoral Research in Core/Ocean Geomagnetism
- OPAG Website
- Small Bodies Assessment Group 13th Meeting: Announcements
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- EPSC 2015: Volcanism and Tectonism Across the Solar System
- Comparative Climates of Terrestrial Planets II Conference Abstract Deadline Extension to May 15th
- WebEx for Comparative Tectonics and Geodynamics of Venus, Earth and Rocky Exoplanets Workshop
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 17, April 26, 2015
- 2nd Landing Site Workshop for Mars 2020 Rover - Venue and Hotel Reservation Information
- JAXA International Top Young Fellowship
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- [NASA] ROSES-15 Major Changes to the Final Year of the Cassini Participating Scientist Program
- Summer Internship: Mercury Geological Mapping
- PostDoc in Stereophotoclinometry at PSI
- Call for Abstracts: Commercial Missions Beyond Earth Orbit
- EPSC 2015: Volcanism and Tectonmism Across the Solar System
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 16, April 19, 2015
- Small Bodies Assessment Group 13th Meeting: Early Career Travel
Support and Agenda
- Nominations Requested for the 5th Farinella Prize
- Director, NASA Astrobiology Institute (NAI)
- Impending Deadlines - Comparative Climates of Terrestrial Planets
II Conference
- [NASA] Delay of Step-2 Due Date for Hayabusa2 Participating
Scientist Program
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- [NASA] MUREP Community College Curriculum Improvement (MC3I) Updated
Pre-Proposal Teleconference Date and Time
- [NASA] New Date for EONS Pre-Proposal Teleconference
- Postdoctoral Research in Core/Ocean Geomagnetism
- The European Planetary Science Congress (EPSC) Dates
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 15, April 12, 2015
- Editorial: Reform ROSES15 Solar System Workings
- Only One Month to the Humans to Mars Summit
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- EPSC 2015: Mars Geomorphology
- The Forum for New Leaders in Space Science
- Small Bodies Assessment Group 13th Meeting: Early Career Travel Support and Agenda
- Job Requisition - Associate Director I: Arecibo Observatory Planetary Radar Program
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 14, April 5, 2015
- USGS Lunar & Planetary Maps Available to Planetary Science Community at no Cost
- Charles A. Barth Memorial Symposium
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- [NASA] Seeking Reviewers for ROSES Research Proposals
- [NASA] PDS - Odyssey Data Release 51
- 2015 NASA Planetary Science Summer School Applications Open
- [NASA] Change of Due Date - K2 Guest Observer Cycle 3
- HST 25th Anniversary Slide Set
- Director, NASA Astrobiology Institute (NAI)
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter: April 2015
- [NASA] PDS - Cassini Data Release 41
- Archive Your Small Bodies Data in PDS Small Bodies Node
- NASA Vesta Portal Release
- Remote Connection into the Venus Instrument & Lab Measurement Workshop
- NASA Advisory Council Science Committee Meeting
- NASA Advisory Council Meeting
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 13, March 29, 2015
- [NASA] New EONS Program Element: MUREP MEI
- [NASA] Pre-proposal Teleconference: STEM ASTAR Fellowships
- [NASA] Reopening the Hayabusa2 Participating Scientist Call
- [NASA] Various Updates to the Text of PDART Program
- [NASA] PDS - Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 21
- Planetary Scientist Position - NASA Johnson Space Center
- New Refereed Journal of Astronomy and Earth Sciences Education
Invites Manuscripts
- Pluto Naming Opportunity
- New Astronomy Lecture Videos
- EPSC Call for Abstracts
- 49th ESLAB Symposium: Exploring the Universe with JWST
- Fact Sheet - Connecting Physics Students to Career Opportunities
- Job Opening - Director, Cernan Earth and Space Center
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Reminder: VEXAG Meeting #12
- Director, NASA Astrobiology Institute (NAI)
- DPS has Partnered with MentorNet
- Graduate Student Opportunity: Hampton University
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 12, March 15, 2015
- MAVEN Data Users' Workshop and Project Science Group Meeting
- Travel Grant Announcement
- [NASA] PDS - Mars Science Laboratory Release 8
- Early E-ELT Science: Spectroscopy with HARMONI
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Registration for Venus Instrument and Lab Measurement Workshop
- Undergraduate and Graduate Student Travel Awards for Comparative Climatli of Terrestrial Planets Conference #2 (CCTP2)
- [NASA] Delay of Due Date and 2018 Launch Readiness Date SIMPLEx
- Director, NASA Astrobiology Institute (NAI)
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 11, March 15, 2015
- Postdoctoral Researcher: Mineralogy & Petrology of Planetary Materials
- Informal Position Announcement
- Comparative Climates of Terrestrial Planets II: Understanding How Climate Systems Work Conference (CCTP2)
- 6th Planetary Crater Consortium Meeting
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- 2015 NASA Planetary Science Summer School Applications Open
- Announcing the Annual Susan Niebur Women in Planetary Science Networking Event at LPSC
- The Future of Planetary Radio Astronomy with Single-Dish Telescopes
- Reminder - 2nd Planetary Data Users Workshop
- Astrobiology Early Career Opportunities: Upcoming Deadlines
- [NASA] PDS: Mars Exploration Rovers Data Release 43
- The 2016 NASA Budget: The Planetary Community's Response & Next Steps
- [NASA] Additional Requirement & Information for Geological Mapping in ROSES-15
- [NASA] PDS: Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter DATA
- Director, NASA Astrobiology Institute (NAI)
- 5th International Workshop on Lunar Surface Applications: Dates
- [NASA] ROSES-15 ISRO Synthetic Aperture Radar (NISAR) Mission Science Definition Team
- [NASA] ROSES-14 Small Innovative Missions for Planetary Exploration (SIMPLEx)
- [NASA] ROSES-15 Additional Requirement and Information for Planetary Science Research Program Overview
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 10, March 8, 2015
- Education and Outreach “Help Desk” for Scientists Interested in
Increasing Their Impact
- Director, NASA Astrobiology Institute (NAI)
- 2015B NASA IRTF Call for Proposals
- March 2015 MEPAG Newsletter Available
- Tenure-track Assistant Professor in Igneous Petrology/Geochemistry
- Planetary Geomorphology 'Image of the Month'
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- 11th Low Cost Planetary Mission (LCPM-11) - Deadline for Abstract
Submission Extended
- Postdoctoral Researcher: Mineralogy and Petrology of Planetary
- 2nd Symposium of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR): Water
and Life in the Universe
- Reminder – LRO Data Users Workshop at LPSC
- [NASA] PDS - Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 32
- [NASA] PDS - MESSENGER Data Release 13
- Reminder - Venus Town Hall Meeting and Early Career Scholars
Mixer at LPSC
- LPSC Peripheral Meeting
- [NASA] Delay of Due Date for Science Education Cooperative
Agreement Notice
- [NASA] Release of Text for Mars Science Laboratory Participating
Scientist Program
- [NASA] Planetary Data System Discipline Nodes Cooperative
Agreement Notice
- [NASA] Solicitation of Proposals from Minority Serving Community
- [NASA] Minority University Research and Education Project (MUREP)
Aerospace Academy
- [NASA] Emerging Worlds Program Element Clarification
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 9, March 1, 2015
- Postdoctoral Researcher: Mineralogy and Petrology of Planetary Materials
- LPSC: MESSENGER MDIS Data Users Workshop
- LPSC: Higher Education Faculty Workshop
- LPSC: Scientist and Science Educator Professional Workshop Development Workshop - Communicating with Your Audience
- LPSC: User Workshop for Mars CHEMCAM/LIBS Data
- First Annual Emerging Researchers in Exoplanet Science (ERES) Symposium
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Invitation for PDS Reviewers for the Dawn Vesta Framing Camera Mosaics
- Abstract Deadline Approaching for the AbSciCon 2015
- AbSciCon 2015 Session: Titan's Organic Chemistry and Insights Into Habitability
- AbSciCon 2015 Session: Martian Habitability as Informed by Past and Ongoing Orbital, Lander, and Rover Missions
- Electromagnetic and Light Scattering XV: Celebrating 150 Years of Maxwell's Electromagnetics
- International Meeting: Radiation Mechanisms of Astrophysical Objects - Classics Today
- The Lunar Workshops Newsletter
- Announcing a Newsletter Dedicated to Comet Science
- OPAG Announcement
- Student Travel Grants for Upcoming Mars-Relevant Workshops
- Post-Doctoral Teaching Associate in Mineralogy - University of Tennessee
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 8, February 22, 2015
- [NASA] PDS CAN Announcement and Schedule
- Cratering Statistics Workshop Abstract Deadline Reminder
- Invitation to RAS Meeting on the Moon, Mercury and Asteroids
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Postdoctoral Researcher: Mineralogy and Petrology of Planetary Materials
- Geomagnetics Postdoctoral Researcher
- VEXAG Meeting #12
- [NASA] EONS-14: Advanced Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Training and Research (ASTAR) Fellowships
- PhD Position in Planetary Science - Muenster University
- Post-doctoral Teaching Associate in Mineralogy - University of Tennessee
- LRO Data Users Workshop at LPSC
- Job Announcement - NASA Astrobiology Institute Director
- Barringer Grant Applications for 2015 Now Being Accepted
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 7, February 15, 2015
- IAU-GA Focus Meeting FM9: “Highlights in the Exploration on Small
- IAU-GA Focus Meeting FM15: "Search for Water and Life's Building
Blocks in the Universe"
- IAU Symposium 318 - “Asteroids: New Observations, New Models”
- SpaceKazan-IAPS-2015
- MESSENGER MDIS Data Users’ Workshop at LPSC
- Postdoctoral Researcher: Mineralogy and Petrology of Planetary
- [NASA] NASA Astrobiology Institute Director
- AOGS2015 Session AS-24: Hydroxyl Layer on Earth and Other Planets
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- AbSciCon 2015 Session - Habitability from Afar: Challenges and
Triumphs of Exploring Icy Worlds from Orbital and Flyby Missions
- AbSciCon 2015 Session on Dwarf Planets
- Register Today for the 2015 Humans to Mars Summit (H2M)
- Icarus Special Issue: MicroMars to MegaMars
- Geomagnetics Postdoctoral Researcher
- Student Summer Internships at APL
- Postdoctoral Researcher in Planetary Science at York University
- Tenure-track Position at York University
- 2nd Annual Workshop on Potential Mars Returned Sample Science
- [NASA] Science Mission Directorate Announces Release of ROSES 2015
- [NASA] Answers to Questions about Travel
- AOGS2015 Session PS-03: Polarimetry of Planetary Systems -
Observations, Theory and Models
- AOGS2015 Session PS-04: Comets, Asteroids and Other Small Bodies
of the Solar System: From 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko to Chariklo
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 6, February 8, 2015
- In Memoriam: B. Ray Hawke (1946-2015)
- Postdoctoral Scientist: Planetary Climate Modeling
- [NASA] SMD Seeking Volunteer Reviewers
- [NASA] Physical Science Informatics Now Open
- Post-Doctoral Researcher Position at the NHM Vienna
- Call for Abstracts for the 11th IAA Low-Cost Planetary Missions Conference
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter: February 2015
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- [NASA] Release of Final Text of the NASA Science Mission Directorate Science Education Cooperative Agreement Notice NNH15ZDA004C
- Postdoc Opportunity at the University of Oslo
- MEPAG Goals Document Update - Feedback Requested
- Venus Town Hall Meeting and Early Career Scholars Mixer at LPSC
- New Postdoctoral Research Opportunity: Lunar and Asteroid Volcanic Studies Based on Terrestrial Fieldwork, Laboratory Analysis, and Numerical Modeling
- ABSCICON 2015: Habitable Worlds in Our Solar System
- MESSENGER MDIS Data Users' Workshop at LPSC
- LPSC Lodging Rates Approved by NASA
- New Horizons Community Slides
- Advanced Deadline for Student Travel to Comparative Tectonics and Geodynamics of Venus, Earth, and Exoplanets Conference at Caltech
- Postdoctoral Researcher: Mineralogy and Petrology of Planetary Materials
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 5, February 1, 2015
- [NASA] New Volunteer Reviewer Forms Posted
- [NASA] Approval for LPSC Conference Hotels Exceeding GSA
- Postdoctoral Researcher: Mineralogy and Petrology of Planetary Materials
- Connection Information for 'Potential for Finding Life in A Europa Plume' Workshop Live Broadcast
- Professional Development Opportunity for Undergraduate Faculty
- The Future & Science of Gemini Observatory
- AbSciCon 2015: Finding Habitable Worlds and Life Beyond the Solar System
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Astrogeology - ISIS Support
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 4, January 25, 2015
- 2nd Symposium of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR): Water
and Life in the Universe
- 41st Scientific Assembly of the Committee on Space Research
(COSPAR) and Associated Events
- Student Summer Internships at APL
- AbSciCon Session I
- AbSciCon Session II
- IUGG Session: VS26 Volcanic Landscape Across the Solar System
- Workshop on the Potential for Finding Life in a Europa Plume
- Geomagnetics Postdoctoral Researcher
- Mars Exploration Program Analysis Group (MEPAG) Meeting
- Workshop on “Venus Science Priorities for Laboratory Measurements
and Instrument Definition”
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Postdoctoral Researcher: Mineralogy and Petrology of Planetary
- Lloyd V. Berkner Space Policy Internships 2015
- [NASA] Pre-proposal WEBEX/Teleconference: NASA STEM (EONS) and
MUREP STEM Engagement
- Job Opportunity: STScI Research and Instrument Analysts
- Call for Abstracts
- 5th International Workshop on Lunar Surface Applications
- 2014 Nininger Meteorite Award
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Commercial Announcements
- Geological Society of London Special Publication 401
Issue 3, January 18, 2015
- Student Summer Internships at APL
- Call for White Papers: Hubble Space Telescope Scientific Legacy Initiatives
- [NASA] OPAG Meeting
- Jovian Magnetic Field and Magnetosphere Postdoctoral Researcher
- Invitation to Present at Japanese Geoscience Union (JpGU)
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- [NASA] Minority University Research Education Project (MUREP) Scholarship Program
- Geomagnetics Postdoctoral Researcher
- [NASA] PDS - Cassini Data Release 40
- [NASA] Discovery 2014 AO Amendment 1
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 2, January 11, 2015
- Postdoctoral Associate at Stony Brook University
- Planetary Science Slides and Illustrations
- Planetary Surface Processes Field School
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter: January 2015
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Jovian Magnetic Field and Magnetosphere Postdoctoral Researcher (NASA-GSFC/CRESST/University of Maryland)
- [NASA] PDS - Odyssey Data Release 50
- CSWA Survey on Workplace Climate
- Postdoctoral Fellowship in Lunar & Asteroid Exploration Science - Petrology and Geochemistry
- NASA's Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute's Exploration Science Forum: First Announcement
- Solicitation for SSERVI Award Nominees
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 1, January 4, 2015
- Postdoctoral Fellowship in Lunar & Asteroid Exploration Science -
Petrology and Geochemistry
- Postdoctoral Associate Position at Stony Brook University I
- Postdoctoral Associate Position at Stony Brook University II
- User Workshop for Mars ChemCam/LIBS Data at the LPSC
- Jovian Magnetic Field and Magnetosphere Postdoctoral Researcher
(NASA-GSFC/CRESST/University of Maryland)
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- SBAG 12 Meeting - January 6-7 - Remote Participation Information
- Call for Support for Castalia: A Mission to a Main Belt Comet
- Midwest Astrochemistry Meeting
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Table of Contents: Volume 8, 2014
Issue 59, December 28, 2014
- Bloomberg Distinguished Professorship, Johns Hopkins University
- Jovian Magnetic Field and Magnetosphere Postdoctoral Researcher
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 58, December 21, 2014
- Planetary Geomorphology at EGU Abstract Deadline Approaching Fast
- EGU 2015 Session PS2.3: Mars Science and Exploration
- EGU 2015 Session PS3.2: Huygens Probe 10th Anniversary Session
- 26TH International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) General Assembly
- IUGG 2015 Session VS26: Volcanic Landscape Across the Solar System - From Field to Remote Sensing Analyses
- [NASA] K2 Guest Observer - Cycle 2 Update
- [NASA] PDS - Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 20
- Jovian Magnetic Field and Magnetosphere Postdoctoral Researcher (NASA-GSFC/CRESST/University of Maryland)
- Job Opportunity: STScI Research and Instrument Analysts
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Save the Date - Venus Conference 4-8 April 2016, Oxford UK
- Workshop on the Potential for Finding Life in a Europa Plume
- December 2014 Discovery and New Frontiers News
- Faculty Opportunity at Brown University
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Commercial Announcements
- Atlas of Meteorites
Issue 57, December 14, 2014
- EGU 2015 Call for Abstracts: Session PS2.5
- [NASA] Release of ROSES-14 Hayabusa2 Participating Scientist Program
- Midwest Astrochemistry Meeting
- Postdoctoral Fellowship in Lunar & Asteroid Exploration Science -
Petrology and Geochemistry
- Pre-proposal Teleconference to Discuss NASA Education Opportunities
in NASA STEM (EONS) 2014 MUREP Institutional Research Opportunity
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Jovian Magnetic Field and Magnetosphere Postdoctoral Researcher
(NASA-GSFC/CRESST/University of Maryland)
- ROSES-14 Call: Small, Innovative Missions for Planetary Exploration
- Humans to Mars Summit
- [NASA] PDS - Mars Exploration Rovers Data Release 42
- Job Opportunity: STScI Research and Instrument Analysts
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 56, December 7, 2014
- EGU 2015 Call for Abstracts: Session PS5.1
- Postdoctoral Fellowship in Lunar & Asteroid Exploration Science - Petrology and Geochemistry
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- [NASA] PDS - Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 31
- iCubeSat 2015 Call for Papers and Registration
- ISSI Call for Proposals 2015 for Johannes Geiss Fellowship
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter: December 2014
- Planetary GIS Workshop
- Job Opening: Research Associate in Space Physics, Imperial College London, UK
- Jovian Magnetic Field and Magnetosphere Postdoctoral Researcher
- [NASA] New Lunar Volunteer Reviewer Form Posted
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Community Input on Spitzer Observations Prior to JWST
- [NASA] SBAG 12 Meeting - Upcoming Hotel Deadline
- [NASA] PDS - Mars Science Laboratory Release 7
- Job Opportunity: STScI Research and Instrument Analysts
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 55, November 30, 2014
- 2015 Pierazzo International Student Travel Award
- Postdoctoral Associate Position at Stony Brook University
- Past Life? Present Life? The Future of Solar System Exploration
- Jovian Magnetic Field and Magnetosphere Postdoctoral Researcher
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Faculty Position at the University of Minnesota
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 54, November 23, 2014
- Summer Course “Life on Earth and Beyond - The History and
Philosophy of the Origin of Life”
- 20-20-20 Airships NASA Centennial Challenge RFI
- Postdoctoral Fellowship in Lunar & Asteroid Exploration Science -
Petrology and Geochemistry
- Second Landing Site Workshop for the Mars 2020 Rover
- Planetary Geomorphology EGU 2015 – Student Travel Support Deadline
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- ESO/ESA/ALMA/NRAO-NAASC Workshop Abstract Deadline Approaching
- Postdoctoral Researcher (Elemental/Isotopic Analysis) ID#14629
- Postdoctoral Researcher (Chemical/Isotopic Analysis) ID#14630
- [NASA] 2014 NASA EONS Solicitation for Proposals
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Commercial Announcements
- Paper Submission Opportunity I
- Paper Submission Opportunity II
Issue 53, November 16, 2014
- 2015 Pierazzo International Student Travel Award Deadline Extended
- 4th International Planetary Dunes Workshop
- Job Announcement - Editor Positions on the Journal "Planetary Science"
- Postdoctoral Fellowship in Lunar & Asteroid Exploration Science - Petrology and Geochemistry
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- 2015 MEPAG Face-to-face Meeting Announcement
- Discovery 2014 AO Pre-Proposal Conference
- Job Posting - Education and Public Outreach Manager
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 52, November 9, 2014
- In Memoriam - Charles A. Barth (1930-2014)
- Call for Abstracts: "Nano-Satellites Deployed from Carrier Spacecraft - A Paradigm Shift in Planetary Sciences?"
- NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship (NESSF) Program
- CAPS Meeting Dates 2015-2020
- Abstract Deadline Approaching: November 18 for "Workshop on Early Solar System Bombardment III"
- Postdoctoral Fellowship in Lunar & Asteroid Exploration Science - Petrology and Geochemistry
- Solar System Observations with the K2 Mission
- Women Count
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- [NASA] Release of Discovery 2014 Announcement of Opportunity
- [NASA] Release of Draft Science Education CAN
- 12th Meeting of the NASA Small Bodies Assessment Group (SBAG)
- PDS Volunteer Reviewers
- DPS Workshop
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 51, November 2, 2014
- 2nd Symposium of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR): Water
and Life in the Universe
- 41st Scientific Assembly of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR)
and Associated Events
- DPS Workshop: Solar System Observations with the K2 Mission
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- November 2014 MEPAG Newsletter Available
- [NASA] ROSES-14 Cancelation of E.4: Opportunities in Education and
Public Outreach for Earth and Space Sciences
- Resources and an Award for Astronomy and Space Science Educators
- Planetary Geomorphology 'Image of the Month'
- Job Posting – Education and Public Outreach Manager
- Postdoc Position at Lowell Observatory
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 50, October 26, 2014
- Gerhard Neukum (1944-2014)
- Gerry Neugebaur (1932-2014)
- Earth-Life Science Institute (ELSI) 3rd International Symposium
- Postdoc Position at Lowell Observatory
- [NASA] PDS - Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter SHARAD Radargram Release 3
- 2nd Announcement: JWST Workshop at DPS Meeting
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Proposal Writing Workshop at DPS
- The HRSC Orbit Location Extractor (HOLE)
- [NASA] SBAG 12 Meeting: Draft Agenda and Early Career Travel Support
- Reminder of "Solar System Challenges: Citizen Science" Workshop at DPS
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 49, October 19, 2014
- [NASA] Three-Day Training Course on Planetary Protection
- First Announcement: 11th IAA Low-Cost Planetary Mission Conference (LCPM-11)
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Tenure Track Faculty Position in Chemistry of Planetary Atmospheres, University of Leeds
- [NASA] PDS - Odyssey Data Release 49 - GRS
- 2nd Announcement: Workshop on Ground & Space Observatories: A Joint Venture to Planetary Science
- [NASA] ROSES-14 Release of a new call: K2 Guest Observer - Cycle 2
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 48, October 12, 2014
- [NASA] Anticipated Major Changes Between the Draft and Final
Discovery 2014 Announcements of Opportunity
- [NASA] Draft Cooperative Agreement Notice (CAN) for SMD Science
Education to be Released
- [NASA] Two New Planetary Science Volunteer Reviewer Forms Posted
- Postdoctoral Associate – Stony Brook University
- CPS Postdoctoral Fellowships in Planetary/Exoplanet Science
- Fully Funded PhD Position in Lunar Science – VU University
- Invitation for PDS Reviewers for the OSIRIS-REx Mission
- "WISE at 5" Conference
- October 2014 MEPAG Newsletter Available
- Planetary Geomorphology 'Image of the Month'
- [NASA] PDS - Cassini Data Release 39
- Large Martian Landforms Website
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- [NASA] EPOESS Cancelled
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 47, October 5, 2014
- Gerry Neugebauer, 1932-2014
- Faculty Position in Planetary Science, Department of Physics and Space Sciences - Florida Institute of Technology
- Postdoctoral Position in Lunar Research
- [NASA] PDS - LRO Mini-RF Data Release
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- [NASA] Education Opportunities in NASA STEM (EONS) Updates to Section H.3.1.4 Principal Investigator
- [NASA] PDS - Odyssey Data Release 49
- NRAO Community Event at the 46th DPS Meeting
- DPS Federal Relationship Subcommittee Meeting at DPS
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 46, September 28, 2014
- [NASA] Planetary Science Division Peer Review Opportunities
- Lunar Workshops Summer Newsletter
- Women in Planetary Science Lunch at DPS
- [NASA] PDS - LRO Release 19
- [NASA] PDS - NMS, UVS and LADEE Data Release
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Workshop: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Herschel Science Archive
- Faculty Opening - Washington University in St. Louis
- Special Regions SAG Final Report Available on MEPAG Website
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 45, September 21, 2014
- [NASA] 2014 Self Nomination to Serve on NASA Science Advisory
- [NASA] PDART Point-of-Contact has Changed
- [NASA] Delay of Step-2 Due Date for Dawn at Ceres Guest
Investigator Program
- [NASA] Explorer Solicitations are Released
- [NASA] PDS - LADEE LDEX Extended Mission Data Release
- 12th International Planetary Probe Workshop (IPPW-12)
- Jovian Magnetic Field and Magnetosphere Post-doc Researcher
- Early Bird Registration Extended for the 4th International Workshop
on LunarCubes
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 44, September 14, 2014
- Noel Hinners, 1935-2014
- The 4th International Workshop on LunarCubes
- Early Mars Postdoc at University of Chicago
- NASA Postdoctoral Program
- Key 8th Mars Conference Presentations Now Available
- PDF of Classic NASA Report Now available as PDF
- [NASA] PDS: Mars Exploration Rovers Data Release 41
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 43, September 7, 2014
- Planetary Exploration Newsletter Invitation
- "Ambassadors" Outreach Workshop: Deadline Extended; Some Travel Support Available
- Planetary Geomorphology 'Image of the Month'
- [NASA] PDS - Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 30
- Planetary Science Slides and Illustrations
- Asteroid Impact Deflection Assessment (AIDA) Workshop, Registration is Now Open, New Abstract Deadline
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Impact Geology Research Opportunity of a Master of Science Degree
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter: September 2014
- 2015 Exploration Postdoctoral Fellowship
- Jovian Magnetic Field and Magnetosphere Post-Doc Researcher (NASA-GSFC/CRESST/University of Maryland)
- [NASA] PDS - MESSENGER Data Release 12
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 42, August 31, 2014
- [NASA] 2014 NASA EONS Solicitation New Appendix
- [NASA] 2014 NASA EONS Pre-proposal Teleconference for MUREP
Institutional Research Opportunity (MIRO)
- [NASA] Release of a New Call Under D.11 NuSTAR Guest Observer -
Cycle 1
- JWST Workshop on Potential Science Investigations
- Jovian Magnetic Field and Magnetosphere Post-doc Researcher (NASA-
GSFC/CRESST/University of Maryland)
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- NASA Advisory Council Planetary Science Subcommittee (PSS) Meeting
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 41, August 24, 2014
- Asteroid Impact Deflection Assessment (AIDA) Workshop Abstract Deadline
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- MAVEN Postdoctoral Researcher in Mars Magnetic Fields
- Farinella Prize 2014: Announcement of the Winner
- 4th International Workshop on LunarCubes
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 40, August 17, 2014
- Ph.D. Program Application at International Research School of Planetary Sciences (IRSPS), Pescara, Italy - Correction
- [NASA] ROSES-14: Delay of Step-1 Proposal Due Date for Dawn at Ceres Guest Investigator Program
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- MAVEN Postdoctoral Researcher in Mars Magnetic Fields
- Postdoc Opportunity: LRO Diviner
- [NASA] PDS - Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter SHARAD Radargram Release 2
- ESA Postdoctoral Fellowships in Space Science
- Student Travel Grants for Upcoming Volatiles in the Martian Interior Workshop
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 39, August 10, 2014
- [NASA] Correction for Due Date - Solar Irradiance Science
- [NASA] Clarification of C.20 Dawn at Ceres Guest Investigator
- [NASA] PDS - Lunar Reconnaissance Orbither Mini-RF Bistatic Radar
Data Release 2
- "Astronomy Ambassadors" Outreach Workshop at the Tucson DPS Meeting
- The Astrobiology Science Conference 2015
- Student Travel Grants for Upcoming "Volatiles in the Martian
Interior" Workshop
- Ph.D. Program Opportunity at the International Research School of
Planetary Sciences (IRSPS), Pescara, Italy
- Baruch S. Blumberg NASA/Library of Congress Chair in Astrobiology
- MAVEN Postdoctoral Researcher in Mars Magnetic Fields
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Laboratory Manager Position – MSFC Noble Gas Research Laboratory
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 38, August 3, 2014
- Editorial: The Future of ARM (R. Binzel, MIT)
- AGU Session - The Rite of Spring: The Changing Seasons on Titan
- AGU Session U018 - Upstairs Downstairs: Consequences of Internal Evolution for the Habitability of Planetary Surfaces
- AGU Session V007 - Accretionary and Planetary Differentiation Processes as Recorded in Early Earth and Planetary Materials
- AGU Education and Public Outreach Session
- Planetary Analogues Town Hall Meeting at EPSC 2014, Cascais, Portugal
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Spitzer Space Telescope Cycle-11 Call for Proposals
- MAVEN Postdoctoral Researcher in Mars Magnetic Fields
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Doctoral Program Applications Invited by University of Heidelberg
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter: August 2014
- [NASA] PDS - Mars Science Laboratory Release 6
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 37, July 29, 2014
- [NASA] Europa Pre-Proposal Conference
Issue 36, July 26, 2014
- SBAG 11 Meeting - July 29-31
- GSA Session T229 - The Holey Solar System
- GSA Session T231 - Ice Throughout the Solar System
- AGU Session B3387 - Looking for Life: Formation, Preservation and
Detection of Biosignatures in Terrestrial Analogue Environments
- AGU Session P1671 - The Science of Exploration as Enabled by the
Moon, Near Earth Asteroids and the Moons of Mars
- AGU Session P2116 - Mercury: Results from MESSENGER's Low-Altitude
- AGU Session P2314 - Planetary Magnetic Fields, Interior Dynamics,
and Measurement Techniques
- AGU Session P3235 - Titan's Enigmatic Atmosphere and Ionosphere
- AGU Session P3480 - Surface Boundary Exospheres: Comparing the Moon,
Mercury, and Much More
- AGU Session P3609 - Alteration and Secondary Phases on Mars:
Indicators of Habitable Environments
- Asteroid Impact Deflection Assessment (AIDA) Workshop
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- [NASA] Heliophysics Technology and Instrument Development for
- Request for Proposals: Europa CubeSat Concept Study
- MAVEN Postdoctoral Researcher in Mars Magnetic Fields
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Commercial Announcements
- Solar System Astrophysics Book
Issue 35, July 22, 2014
- OPAG Meeting to be Held on July 23-24, 2014
Issue 34, July 20, 2014
- [NASA] Draft AOs for Small Astrophysics Explorer Missions and Astrophysics Explorer Missions of Opportunity
- [NASA] PDS - Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter SHARAD Radargram Release 1
- [NASA] Final Text for Europa Instrument Investigation Released
- AGU SESSION PS1850 - Dynamics of the Io-Jupiter System (P & SPA Co-Sponsored)
- AGU Session PS2526 - Evolutions, Interactions and Origins of Outer Planet Satellites
- AGU Session PS2819 - In and Out of Jove: Giant Planet Interiors, Atmospheres, Aurorae, and Ionospheres
- AGU Session PS3107 - The Martian Crust: Synergism of Meteorites and Missions
- GSA Session - Tectonics and Volcanism in the Solar System
- GSA Session T225 - MicroMars to MegaMars: Integration of Surface and Orbital Investigations
- Nominations Sought for the Lawrence Smith Medal of the NAS
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Call for Papers: Special Issue of Planetary and Space Science (Cosmic Dust VII)
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 33, July 13, 2014
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- [NASA] ROSES-14: Dawn at Ceres GIP
- GSA Session Announcement - When Water Meets Rock: Aqueous `Alteration in the Solar System
- Geological Society of America G.K. Gilbert Award: Geophysics Across the Outer Solar System
- AGU Session PS2603: From Observations to the Global Igneous Evolution of Mars
- AGU Session PS2692: Rapid Environmental Change and the Fate of Planetary Habitability
- AGU Session PS2919: In and Out of Jove - Giant Planet Interiors, Atmospheres, Aurorae, and Ionospheres
- AGU Session PS3439: Reconstructing Habitable Environments on Ancient Mars
- AGU Session PS3594: The Solar System Collapsing Disc - Evidence from Comets, Meteorites and Giant Planet Atmospheres
- AGU Session PS3960: Solar System Small Bodies - Relics of Formation & New Worlds to Explore
- Request for Proposals - Mars One Lander 2019
- Moscow International Solar System Symposium (5M-S3)
- Near-Earth Object Observer
- Near-Earth Object Postdoctoral Research Fellow
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Job Opportunity
- LPI Cooperative Agreement Notice Released
- The Planetary Society Presents: The Lure of Europa
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 32, July 6, 2014
- AGU Session PS1871 - Recent Solar System Discoveries Using the Deep
Space Network
- AGU Session PS2464 - Icy World Eruptions and Their Analogues
- 2014 COSPAR Awards to be Bestowed at Forthcoming Scientific
Assembly in Moscow
- Impact Geology Research Opportunity of a Master of Science Degree
- [NASA] Schedule for Hayabusa 2 Participating Scientist Program
- [NASA] PDS - Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL) Data
Release 5
- [NASA] PDS - Odyssey Data Release 48
- [NASA] PDS - LADEE LDEX Data Release 1
- [NASA] PDS - Cassini Data Release 38
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Latest Venus Exploration Documents Now Posted on VEXAG Website
- [NASA] Draft Discovery 2014 Announcement of Opportunity
- ESO Workshop - Ground and Space Observatories: A Joint Venture to
Planetary Science
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 31, June 29, 2014
- Deadline Extension for PSS "Solar Wind Interaction with the Terrestrial Planets"
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- [NASA] Final Text and a New Name: K2 Guest Observer - Cycle 1
- Next Generation Lunar Scientists and Engineers Event at NASA Exploration Science Forum
- Early Career Participant Support Available for NASA Outer Planets Assessment Group Meeting
- AGU Session Announcement: Mercury - Results from MESSENGER's Low-Altitude Mapping Campaign
- GSA Session Announcement: Dynamic Planetary Geology Revealed by Long-Term Observations
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter - July 2014
- [NASA] SBAG 11 Meeting - Hotel Deadline of June 30
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 30, June 22, 2014
- OPAG: Hotel Deadline Tomorrow
- Meeting Reminder and Abstract Submission for IPM-2014
- [NASA] ROSES-14: PDART Includes New Reference Information
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- PDS/SBN is Now Active on Twitter and Facebook
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 29, June 15, 2014
- [NASA] PDS - Mars Exploration Rovers Data Release 40
- Eighth International Conference on Mars - Program Now Available
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Observing Campaign to Study Comet 2013 A1 (Siding Spring)
- Input Requested for AGU Scientific Trends Survey
- Enceladus: A Habitable World - Special Session at Fall 2014 AGU
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 28, June 12, 2014
- NASA HQ Vacancy Announcement - Planetary Protection Officer
Issue 27, June 8, 2014
- July 1 Deadline for PSS "Solar Wind Interaction with the Terrestrial Planets"
- [NASA] PDS Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 29
- Dennis Schatz of Pacific Science Center Wins Astronomy Outreach Award
- Uwingu Awards Graduate Student Travel Grants to Research Conferences
- THEMIS Geodetically Controlled Mosaics Available from the USGS
- Postdoc Position at University of Colorado LASP
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter - June 2014
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- NASA Invites Universities to Submit Innovative Early-Stage Technology Proposals
- [NASA] Planetary Science Division Seeking Volunteer Reviewers
- New Approaches to Lunar Ice Detection and Mapping
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 26, June 1, 2014
- EPOXI Data Release (Correction)
- Release of SOFIA Cycle 3 Call for Proposals
- AIDA Workshop: Hold the Date!
- Lunar and Small Bodies Graduate Conference 2014 - Second Announcement and Abstract Submission Deadline
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Student Opportunity: Lloyd V. Berkner Space Policy Internships
- Jovian Magnetic Field and Magnetosphere Post-doc Researcher
- SBAG 11 Meeting
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- SPICE Training Class
- Venus Tech Workshop Steering Committee
- Staff Scientist – Lunar and Planetary Institute (LPI)
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 25, May 28, 2014
- [NASA] Emerging Worlds Due Date Delayed to June 4, 2014
- Reviewers for Planetary Proposals Can Now be Recommended
Issue 24, May 25, 2014
- [NASA] PDS - Rosetta Mission Data Release: Asteroid Lutetia Fly-By
and More
- Boston AAS Evening Splinter Meeting: Science with the ASTRO-1 Space
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Jovian Magnetic Field and Magnetosphere Post-doc Researcher
- Space Policy Internships at the NRC's Space Studies Board
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 23, May 20, 2014
- SPECIAL EDITON: Dawn Related ROSES Solicitation Announcement
Issue 22, May 18, 2014
- Postdoctoral Researcher in Martian Atmospheric/Planetary Science at York University
- Planetary Rings Workshop
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Mars Magnetic Fields and Upper Atmosphere Postdoctoral Researchers
- Jovian Magnetic Field and Magnetosphere Post-doc Researcher
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 21, May 11, 2014
- "Geospace Revisited" Third Announcement and Call for Papers
- Binghamton Geomorphology Symposium (BGS)
- Two New Resource Guides for Those Who Teach or Explain Astronomy
- Rosetta/MIDAS Postdoc Position
- Mars Magnetic Fields and Upper Atmosphere Postdoctoral Researchers (NASA-GSFC/CRESST/University of Maryland)
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Special Regions SAG Report: Presentation at MEPAG Meeting Next Week
- First Announcement for Hayabusa 2014: Second Symposium of Solar System Materials
- [NASA] ROSES-14: Removing Planetary Major Equipment from PDART
- MEPAG Meeting via Adobe Connect
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 20, May 5, 2014
- In Memoriam: Barney Conrath
- Budget Advocacy Letter to Professional Planetary Science Colleagues
- Upcoming Planetary Science Short Courses
- Request for Information: Europa Mission Concepts Costing Less Than
$1 Billion
- Post-doctoral Position in Geophysics, University of Tennessee
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- European Planetary Sciences Conference 2014
- NASA SBAG-OPAG Joint Statement on the Scientific Priority of
Identifying a KBO for the New Horizons Mission
- [NASA] Clarifications of NASA Discovery Program Draft Announcement
of Opportunity
- Mars 2020 Landing Site Workshop
- May 2014 MEPAG Newsletter Available
- 48th ESLAB Symposium: New Insights into Volcanism Across the
Solar System
- Icarus Special Issue on Lunar Volatiles: Deadline Extended to
June 1, 2014
- Mars Magnetic Fields and Upper Atmosphere Postdoctoral Researchers
(NASA-GSFC/CRESST/University of Maryland)
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 19, April 27, 2014
- [NASA] Planetary Science Division Seeking Volunteer Reviewers
- Linda Shore Chosen as New Executive Director of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific
- [NASA] ROSES-14: Final Text for PDART
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Workshop on the Study of Ice Giant Planets
- JPL Request for Proposal to Model Europa Plumes
- EPSC 2014 Call for Abstracts - Session on Citizen Science
- Small Bodies Dynamics 2014 (SBD14)
- Mars Magnetic Fields and Upper Atmosphere Postdoctoral Researchers
- Solar Wind Interaction with Pluto Workshop
- Final Abstract Call for the NASA Exploration Science Forum
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 18, April 20, 2014
- Mars Magnetic Fields and Upper Atmosphere Postdoctoral Researchers (NASA-GSFC/CRESST/University of Maryland)
- NEO Postdoc Position at Lowell Observatory
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 17, April 13, 2014
- 8th International Conference on Aeolian Research (ICAR VIII)
- Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Planetary Geomorphology
- Uwingu PhD Student Travel Grants
- Student Travel Funding Available for 8th International Conference
on Mars: April 11 Deadline
- 8th International Conference on Mars: Abstract Deadline Approaching
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- First Announcement - LunGradCon 2014
- Planetary GIS Data Specialist
- April 2014 MEPAG Newsletter Available
- AGU Planetary Section Deadlines Looming
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 16, April 6, 2014
- 6th Alfven Conference: Plasma Interactions with Solar System Objects Anticipating the Rosetta, Maven and Mars Orbiter Missions
- First Landing Site Workshop for the 2020 Rover Mission to Mars
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- [NASA] PDS - GRAIL Release 4
- [NASA] Europa Mission Community Announcement
- [NASA] Lunar Data Analysis Program
- [NASA] Discovery AO Technology Workshop
- [NASA] Job Opportunity: Chief Exploration Scientist at NASA HQ
- [NASA] PDS - Odyssey Data Release 47
- EPSC Session MT13: Planetary Science with the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST)
- JWST SSWG White Paper: Solar System Observations with JWST
- [NASA] PDS - Cassini Data Release 37
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Larry Soderblom's 70th Birthday
- [NASA] ROSES Volunteer Reviewer Page Established
- Graduate Student Research Assistant Positions at Hampton University
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 15, March 30, 2014
- Updated Resource Guide to Science Fiction with Good Astronomy on the ASP Website
- Student Opportunity: Deadline for Applications for Barringer Family Fund for Meteorite Impact Research
- Post-doctoral and Post-graduate Opportunities in Switzerland
- Planetary Habitability at the University of Chicago
- [NASA] Due Date Clarification for Exobiology and MatISSE
- 2014 NASA Planetary Science Summer School Applications Open
- Postdoctoral Fellow at Naval Research Laboratory
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Hotel Info for MEPAG Meeting and Mars 2020 Landing Site Workshop
- [NASA] Pre-Proposal Workshop for EONS Educator Professional Development
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 14, March 23, 2014
- [NASA] PDS - Mars Science Laboratory Data Release 4
- [NASA] ROSES-14 Change in Due Dates for Planetary Protection
Research (PPR)
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Postgraduate Opportunities in Planetary Geomorphology
- First Announcement: NASA Technology Workshop for the Discovery
2014 AO
- Education Opportunities in NASA STEM (EONS)
- Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) – Asteroid Redirect Mission
- Call for Abstracts: "Commercial Exploration of Asteroids &
Comets: a Paradigm Shift in Small Body Science"
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 13, March 16, 2014
- Editorial - Mark V. Sykes, Planetary Science Institute
- LPSC: Update on Venus Town-Hall Meeting and Early Career Scholars Mixer
- LPSC: Budget 2015 - Planetary Community Town Hall
- [NASA] PDS - Mars Exploration Rovers Data Release 39
- [NASA] PDS - Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 17
- [NASA] PDS - Venus Express Radio Science Data Release
- [NASA] ROSES-14 Final Text for Habitable Worlds
- [NASA] Update on Asteroid Initiative Opportunity Forum
- Planetary GIS/Data Specialist
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter
- Call for Abstracts: ASCE Earth and Space 2014 Conference
- Death Valley MarsFest-14: Linking Extremes of Earth and Space
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Call for Proposals for the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF)
- Student Travel Grants for Upcoming Mars Conferences
- Change in HST SNAP Policy for Objects Interior to Jupiter
- JAXA International Top Young Fellowship 2014
- [NASA] Technology Workshop for the Discovery 2014 AO First Announcement
- Solar Wind Interaction with Pluto Workshop
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 12, March 9, 2014
- Call for Special Issue in Planetary and Space Science on "Solar Wind Interaction with the Terrestrial Planets"
- [NASA] PDS - Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 28
- [NASA] ROSES-14 Eligible TRLs Changed for PICASSO
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- NASA's Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute's Exploration Science Forum (Formerly the Lunar Science Forum): Second Announcement
- New Dates for Venus Express VIRTIS and VMC Data Workshop
- MSL Research Assistantships at York University
- LPSC: MESSENGER Visible and Infrared Spectrograph (VIRS) Data Users' Workshop 2014
- GSA Special Papers on Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution V
- [NASA] ROSES-14 NOIs Not a Two-Step Process for PPR
- MAVEN Mars Upper-Atmosphere and Solar-Wind Interactions Post-doc
- PSS Spring Teleconference
- [NASA] PDS - MESSENGER Data Release 11
- Panel Discussion for Young Scientists at LPSC
- Tenure-Track Position in Planetary Geoscience
- 48th ESLAB Symposium: New Insights into Volcanism Across the Solar System
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 11, March 2, 2014
- Thomas Pierson, 1950-2014
- [NASA] ROSES-14: Planetary Science and Technology Through
Analog Research
- [NASA] ROSES-14: Discovery Data Analysis Program
- [NASA] ROSES-14: Origins of Solar Systems Now Exoplanets Research
- [NASA] ROSES-14: Non-Discovery Data Analysis Proposals
- [NASA] ROSES-14: Numerous Changes
- ISC Session 38: Extraterrestrial Sedimentology
- Workshop on the Study of the Ice Giant Planets
- Mars Exploration Program Analysis Group (MEPAG) Face-to-Face Meeting
- 2014 YSS Undergraduate Research Conference Meeting Mentors
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Student Travel Grants Available for Upcoming Mars Meetings
- Archived Presentations Available: Workshop on the Habitability of
Icy Worlds
- Extended Submission Deadline: Venus Science and Exploration
Special Issue of Planetary and Space Sciences
- Mars Critical Data Products Program (Round IX)
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- LPSC: Planetary Science Undergraduate Faculty Workshop
- LPSC: Education and Public Outreach Help Desk
- LPSC Town Hall: Observations in the Solar System with HST and JWST
- LPSC: User Workshop for Mars ChemCam/LIBS Data
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 10, February 23, 2014
- 6th Alfven Conference: Plasma Interaction with Solar System Objects
- Icarus Special Issue: 2013 Saturn Auroral Campaign
- Postdoctoral Research Assistant
- Tenured/Tenure-Track Professor
- Visiting Faculty Position
- [NASA] Release of ROSES 2014 Call for Proposals from NASA's Science Mission Directorate
- [NASA] Final Text for Solar System Workings AO
- [NASA] Planned Schedule for Discovery Draft AO
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Venus Town-Hall Meeting and Early Career Scholars Mixer at LPSC
- Reminder and Student Travel Support for Venus Exploration Targets Workshop
- First Landing Site Workshop for the 2020 Mars Rover Mission
- Clay Minerals Society Meeting Special Session: Martian Clays
- Interplanetary Small Satellite Conference
- Mars Critical Data Products Program (Round IX)
- The 2014 Humans to Mars Summit (H2M) is Only Two Months Away
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 9, February 16, 2014
- USGS Astrogeology Science Center Job Opportunities
- Saturn in the 21st Century
- Proposal Writing Workshop at LPSC
- [NASA] SMD Seeks Volunteer Reviewers for Graduate Student Fellowship Proposals
- Mars Exploration Program Opportunity 1
- Mars Exploration Program Opportunity 2
- 2014 DDA Annual Meeting in Philadelphia
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- First ExoMars 2018 Landing Site Selection Workshop
- Mars Critical Data Products Program (Round IX) - Initial Landing Site Characterization for the Mars 2020 Rover Mission
- Planetary Sciences Exploration Faculty Position at the University of Central Florida
- 4th "Paolo Farinella" Prize, 2014
- Job Opportunity: Planetary Science Postdoctoral Researcher at Birkbeck, University of London
- 1st Announcement, Mars 2020 1st Landing Site Workshop
- Planetary Rings Workshop 2014
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 8, February 9, 2014
- COSPAR Session B0.1: Lunar Science and Exploration
- COSPAR Session C5.2: Dusty Plasmas in Space
- USGS Astrogeology Science Center Job Opportunities
- PDS Release of Near Earth Asteroid Tracking (NEAT) Data
- Call for papers - Icarus Special Issue: Lunar Volatiles
- PhD and PostDoc Positions in Planetary Sciences at University of
Oslo, Norway
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Postdoc Position at the University of Cologne, Germany
- Second Annual Meeting of the AAS Laboratory Astrophysics Division:
LAD 2014
- NASA Seminar Series on Near-Earth Asteroids
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Session to Improve the Quality of Your NASA Proposals
- Mars Critical Data Products Program (Round IX) - Mars 2020
- Interview with, Frank Drake, the Founder of SETI, Now on YouTube
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 7, February 5, 2014
- [NASA] New Draft Versions of ROSES-2014 Sections
Issue 6, February 2, 2014
- [NASA] Request for Information (RFI) for MaterialsLAB Workshop: New Workshop Dates
- [NASA] Mars Critical Data Products Program (Round IX) - Initial Landing Site Characterization for the Mars 2020 Rover Mission
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- [NASA] Cancellation of the Lunar Advanced Science and Exploration Call
- AOGS Special Session PS04: C/ISON and Other Comets of 2013
- AOGS Special Session PS05: Polarimetry of Solar System, Exoplanets, Brown Dwarfs and Disks
- NASA Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute's Exploration Science Forum
- Call for Abstracts for the International Workshop on Instrumentation for Planetary Missions
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter: February 2014
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 5, January 26, 2014
- Cosmochemistry Theme at Goldschmidt 2014 Meeting
- Planetary Chemistry Theme at Goldschmidt 2014 Meeting
- Call for Chapter Contributions to "Venus and Mercury: Prospective Energy and Material Resources"
- [NASA] Job Opportunity: Director, Mars Exploration Program
- Workshop on the Habitability of Icy Worlds
- GSA Special Paper on Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution V
- Call for Abstracts for the SELENE Symposium 2014 Held in Japan March 4 and 5
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS2014) Meeting
- Call for Papers: AOGS PS02 - Icy Satellites and Rings
- Call for Papers: AOGS PS03 - Outer Solar System Satellites with an Atmosphere
- Call for Papers: AOGS PS08 - Outer Planets and Their Analogs in Exoplanets
- JWST Solar System Focus Groups
- Call for Papers WHISPERS 2014 Special Session "Planetary Exploration"
- Job Opportunity: STScI Research and Instrument Analysts
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 4, January 21, 2014
- Planetary Science Subcommittee Meeting, Wednesday January 22, 2014
Issue 3, January 19, 2014
- [NASA] Draft ROSES 2014 Calls Available for Public Comment
- Student Summer Internships at Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
- The 65th International Astronautical Congress in Toronto, Canada
- [NASA] Hubble Space Telescope Cycle 22 Call for Proposals
- Session on "Planetary Surface Processes" at Next RST Meeting
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Asteroids, Comets, Meteors 2014 (ACM'2014)
- SHARAD/MARSIS Data Users' Workshop - 45th LPSC
- Mars Critical Data Products Program (Round IX) - Mars 2020
- Call for Papers: Venus Science and Exploration
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Commercial Announcements
- Build a New Horizons Spacecraft of Your Own (Vote for the LEGO Model)!
Issue 2, January 12, 2014
- Editorial: First, Do No Harm
- Student Summer Internships at Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
- Complex Planetary Systems
- AOGS Session PS06: Advances in Radio and Plasma Wave Studies of Magnetized Planets
- Ph.D. Funding Available for Mars Aeolian Project
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter: January 2014
- Call for Abstracts, 48th ESLAB Symposium: New Insights Into Volcanism Across the Solar System
- EGU2014 Planetary Geomorphology Abstract Deadline January 16
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Job Opportunity: STScI Research and Instrument Analysts
- [NASA] OPAG Meeting January 13-14
- [NASA] SMD Seeks Public Policy Expert
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 1, January 5, 2014
- Titan Through Time Workshop 3
- iCubeSat 2014
- MSL/CHEMCAM/LIBS Recalibrated Data in PDS MSL Release 4; User Workshop
- Announcement of Availability of Dawn Data Over the Web
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- 2014 NASA Planetary Science Summer School Applications Open
- Session on Planetary Chemistry at Goldschmidt 2014
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Student Summer Internships at Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
- SBAG Meeting: January 8-9
- [NASA] PDS - Cassini Data Release 36
- [NASA] PDS - Odyssey Data Release 46
- Latest Discovery and New Frontiers Newsletter Now Online
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Table of Contents: Volume 7, 2013
Issue 63, December 29, 2013
- Apollo 8 Earthrise Video
- EGU 2014 Session: PS2.4 Mars Science and Exploration
- [NASA] ROSES-13 Amendment 41: The Living with a Star (LWS) Program Draft
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- ESA Mars Express: Closest-Ever Flyby of Phobos
- Steve Fossett Postdoctoral Fellowship
- Volunteer Still Needed for LPSC Program Committee: Aeolian
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 62, December 22, 2013
- [NASA] PDS - Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 16
- EGU Session PS5.1/ST4.4: Planetary Plasma Physics and Interactions in the Solar System
- Call for ExoMars 2018 Landing Site Proposals by ESA and IKI/Roscosmos
- [NASA] Call for Joint NASA Roscosmos/IKI Venera-D Science Definition Team
- [NASA] EPOESS Will not be Solicited in ROSES-13
- CAS-NAS Forum for New Leaders in Space Science
- Reminder: Applications Now Being Accepted for 2014 LPI Summer Intern Program in Planetary Science
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Enduring Quests, Daring Visions - NASA Astrophysics in the Next Three Decades
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 61, December 18, 2013
- Planetary Science Positions, Florida Space Institute, University of Central Florida
- AAS Special Session: Spitzer Space Telescope, The Next Ten Years
- A New Warm Spitzer IRAC Image Features and Caveats Web Page
- Register Today for the 2014 Humans to Mars Summit
Issue 60, December 15, 2013
- Space Weather Journal iPad App Now Available, Along with Radio Science and JGR Space Physics and Planets
- Debuting the Updated MEPAG Webpage
- Announcing the Cometary Coma Image Enhancement Facility
- Life Journal Special Issue - Planetary Exploration: Habitats and Terrestrial Analogs
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- [NASA] The Astrophysics Research and Analysis Program
- [NASA] Three-Day Training Course on Planetary Protection
- Input Requested: Planetary Science and the Hubble Space Telescope
- [NASA] Mars Science Laboratory Release 4
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 59, December 8, 2013
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- MEPAG Community Responses Regarding R&A; Reorganization
- Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 27
- December 2013 MEPAG Newsletter Available
- Habitable Worlds Across Space and Time
- [NASA] NASA Astrobiology Institute (NAI) Step-2 Proposal Date
- Two Faculty Positions at the Florida Institute of Technology
- Staff Scientist Position, Carnegie Institution, Washington, DC
- Visiting Assistant Professor Position at the University of
- Special Issue of Advances in Space Research on ISRU Field
- [NASA] Mars 2020 AO Amendment 3
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Research Scientist Position – Mars Science
- Lloyd V. Berkner Space Policy Internships, Summer 2014
- 6th Alfven Conference on Plasma Interaction
- Updated Venus Town Hall Agenda, Fall AGU
- [NASA] PDS - Mars Exploration Rovers Data Release 38
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 58, December 1, 2013
- Reminder: NASA Planetary Science Division R&A; Program Restructuring Virtual Town Hall
- AGU Special Session P018 - Mercury after Two Years of MESSENGER Orbital Observations
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 57, November 26, 2013
- SPECIAL EDITON: NASA Planetary Science Division Research & Analysis Program Restructuring Virtual Town Hall
Issue 56, November 24, 2013
- Job Announcement USRA
- EGU2014 Session GM2.1 - Digital Landscapes: Insights into Geomorphological Processes
- Planetary Geomorphology EGU 2014 - Student Travel Support Deadline: 29 November
- Post-Doctoral Positions at the University of Arizona
- VEXAG Executive Committee Members Solicited
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Photogrammetric Processing of Planetary Stereo Imagery Using ISIS and SOCET SET
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 55, November 17, 2013
- [NASA] Important Changes in the NASA Planetary Science Division's
(PSD) Radioisotope Program
- [NASA] Astrophysics Explorer AO Announcement
- Postdoc Advertisement
- Graduate and Postdoctoral Fellowships in Exploration
- International Space Station (ISS) Research and Development
- Message Regarding ESA's ExoMars Landing Site Selection Working
- Position at the University of Pittsburgh
- Request for Instrument Posters, VEXAG Technology Forum
- New Abstract Deadline - Workshop on the Habitability of Icy Worlds
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 54, November 10, 2013
- Editorial: NASA Planetary R&A; Reorganization
- Request for Questions Regarding Planetary Science R&A; Restructuring
- 2014 Pierazzo International Student Travel Award Proposal Deadline Approaching
- Icarus Special Issue - The Pluto System
- Biosignatures Across Space and Time
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Call for Letters of Application for Membership in the ExoMars 2018 Landing Site Selection Working Group
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships - Next Application Deadline Extended to Friday, November 15, 2013
- Planetary Mission Research Scientist at NASA JSC: Applicants Must Reapply
- FameLab: Exploring Earth and Beyond
- Free Smartphone App for Tracking Fireballs
- Assistant Professor Position, UA Theoretical Astrophysics Program
- Register Today for the 2014 Humans to Mars Summit (H2M)
- ALMA Cycle 2 Call for Proposals
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 53, November 3, 2013
- [NASA] Kepler GO 6 Cancelation
- International Cometary Workshop Rescheduled for April 1-3, 2014
- Annual Call for Nominations for NASA Science Advisory Subcommittees
- Job Opportunity: Postdoctoral Scholar at Caltech/JPL
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Book - Asteroids IV: Final List of Chapters
- 2014 LPI Summer Intern Program in Planetary Science
- Update for "Dynamic Mars from Long-term Observations" Icarus Special Issue
- Mars Express HRSC Camera Video
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter - November 2013
- [NASA] Earth and Space Science Fellowship (NESSF) Program
- International Conference "Cosmic Dust VII"
- Calling All Early Career Scientists!
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 52, October 27, 2013
- [NASA] Mars 2020 Due Dates Amended
- [NASA] Mars 2020 AO Preproposal Conference 10/28 11:30 a.m. EDT
- [NASA] New Due Dates for NASA Science Mission Directorate Calls
for Proposals
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Tenure-track Assistant Professor Faculty Position (Geochemistry)
- There's No Shutting Down the Astrobiology Strategy Process!
- VEXAG Meeting #11 Update - Preliminary Agenda is Available at the
VEXAG Web-Site
- Workshop on the Habitability of Icy Worlds
- Comet ISON Observing Campaign
- New Dates for the Asteroid Initiative Idea Synthesis Workshop
- 10th Meeting of the NASA Small Bodies Assessment Group (SBAG)
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 51, October 20, 2013
- In Memoriam: Feodor Velichko
- 2014 Pierazzo International Student Travel Award Deadline Approaching
- ESA Space Image of the Week: Flying over Valles Marineris, Mars, Based on Mars Express HRSC images
- Science with the Hubble Space Telescope IV - Abstract Submission Deadline Extended to November 1
- Postdoctoral Position with the MAVEN IUVS Team at U. Colorado
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package (ALSEP) Documents Available Online
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 50, October 18, 2013
- SPECIAL EDITON: New Proposal Due Dates for MDAP, PMDAP, OPR, NAI, Mars 2020
Issue 49, October 13, 2013
- [NASA] Expected Amendments to SMD CAN and AO Due Date
- [NASA] Documents Available on NSPIRES
- Venus Technology Forum at VEXAG Meeting #11 - Tuesday, November 19th
- Call for Imaging of Candidate Landing Sites for the 2020 Mars Rover Mission
- [NASA] PDS - GRAIL Release 3
- New Version of the AIDA Deconvolution Algorithm
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Arizona State University - SESE Exploration Post-Doctoral Fellowships Available
- Research Scientist Position(s) at LPL
- ESA Mars Express HRSC Image Release of this Month: Hebes Chasma
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 48, October 9, 2013
- SPECIAL EDITON: NASA Correction - PMDAP Due Date Not Defined
Issue 47, October 8, 2013
- SPECIAL EDITON: Proposal Due Date Delayed for Planetary Mission Data Analysis Program
Issue 46, October 6, 2013
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- [NASA] PDS Odyssey Data Release 45
- Uranus/Neptune Workshop at DPS
- Lunar and Planetary Science Positions
- [NASA] PDS Cassini Data Release 35
- Mars 2020 Pre-proposal Conference Delayed
- Job Announcement - SSI Executive Director
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 45, October 3, 2013
- SPECIAL EDITON: MDAP Due Date Delayed, Now TBD
Issue 44, October 1, 2013
- SPECIAL EDITION: Impact of US Government Shutdown on DPS Conference
Issue 43, September 30, 2013
- SPECIAL EDITION: [NASA] SARA's Special Message About Shutdown and the SMD Research Program
Issue 42, September 29, 2013
- In Memoriam: Gary Bruce Hansen (1953-2013)
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- [NASA] Proposal Writing Practicum at DPS
- [NASA] Astrobiology Institute - Cycle 7 Cooperative Agreement Notice Released
- [NASA] Mars 2020 Announcement of Opportunity
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- [NASA] VEXAG Meeting #11 Impending Deadlines
- [NASA] VEXAG Meeting #11 Preview - Request for Community Comments on Updated Venus Exploration Goals, Objectives, Investigations
- 45th Meeting of the Division for Planetary Sciences
- Agency Night at DPS
- Panel Discussions on EPO at DPS
- Pro-Am Workshop at DPS
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 41, September 22, 2013
- [NASA] MDAP Proposal Due Date Delayed
- AGU SESSION P030 - Thermal Modeling of Terrestrial and Planetary Bodies
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Ames Research Center Job Opening
- Planetary Mission Research Scientist Job Opening
- PDS4 Workshop at Denver DPS
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 40, September 15, 2013
- [NASA] Astrobiology Strategic Plan - Important Milestone
- [NASA] Planetary Science Subcommittee Meeting
- [NASA] PDS - Dawn GRaND Data Release
- [NASA] PDS - MESSENGER Data Release 10
- [NASA] PDS - Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Department of Geology at the University at Buffalo - Two
Tenure-track Faculty Positions
- DPS 2013: Student/Post-doc Reception
- DPS 2013: Pro-Am Workshop
- Caltech Job Announcement
- CPS Postdoctoral Fellowships in Planetary/Exoplanet Science
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 39, September 8, 2013
- In Memoriam: Bushun N. Khare (1933-2013)
- In Memoriam: Bruce Murray (1931-2013)
- [NASA] PDS Announces Dawn's Framing Camera Data for Vesta Now Accessible on the Small Bodies Image Browser
- [NASA] PDS - Dawn VIR Data Release
- [NASA] PDS - Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 26
- Future In-Space Operations (FISO) Working Group Seminars
- Io Workshop 2013: Coordination for the EXCEED Mission
- Special Issue of Icarus: MSL 1st Year Results
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- [NASA] Reviewers Sought for MMAMA and PICASSO
- [NASA] Planetary Protection Removed from ROSES 2013
- Mars Express OMEGA Global Map Data Set
- Research Associate in Planetary Ring Studies
- NRAO Community Day at the 45th DPS Meeting: Enhancing Your Solar System Science with the Best Radio/Mm/Submm Facilities
- Announcing the 2013 DPS Women in Planetary Science Lunch
- Exoclimes III: The Diversity of Planetary Atmospheres
- [NASA] Ames Research Center Job Announcement AR13B0014, Research Space Scientist, AST, Planetary Studies, GS-1330-12/13
- Planetary Science: Progress with Suborbital Reusable Launch
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Commercial Announcements
- "Fundamental Planetary Science" by Jack J. Lissauer and Imke de Pater
- New Book on Planetary Geology
Issue 38, September 1, 2013
- Memorial for Dr. Michael J. Wargo, October 17, 11:00-12:00
- Ames Research Center Job Announcement AR13B0014, Research Space Scientist, AST, Planetary Studies, GS-1330-12/13
- Auroral Planetary Imaging and Spectroscopy (APIS) Service
- The Lunar Workshops
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter - September 2013
- EPSC Workshop: Earth-Based Observations in Support of the New Horizons Pluto Encounter
- VEXAG Meeting #11 Updates - Registration, Logistics, and Student Travel Grants
- Postdoctoral Fellow, Geophysical Institute, University Of Alaska Fairbanks
- NASA Infrared Telescope Facility Observing Proposals
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- JWST Townhall at the DPS 2013 Meeting: Observations in the Solar System
- James Webb Space Telescope Postdoctoral Fellowships at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center
- 48th ESLAB Symposium: New insights into Volcanism Across the Solar System
- University of California, Santa Cruz Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Mars Critical Data Products Program (Round VIII) - Comet Siding Spring Modeling
- [NASA] PDS - Mars Science Laboratory Release 3
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Commercial Announcements
- New Book on Planetary Geology
Issue 37, August 25, 2013
- Postdoctoral Fellow, Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- [NASA] Tutorial for Proposal Submission to the NSPIRES System
- Call for Observations: Earth-based Observing Campaign in Support of
the New Horizons Mission to Pluto
- Ames Research Center Job Announcement AR13B0014, Research Space
Scientist, AST, Planetary Studies, GS-1330-12/13
- Register for International Scientific Workshop at LPI on Golden
Spike Human Lunar Expeditions
- [NASA] Request for Information Regarding Extreme Environments
- Mars Critical Data Products Program (Round VIII) - Comet Siding
Spring Modeling
- Application for the GSA Planetary Science Division's Eugene M.
Shoemaker Impact Cratering Award
- [NASA] PDS - Mars Exploration Rovers Data Release 37
- Comet ISON Global Coma Morphology Campaign
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Commercial Announcements
- Pocket Spacecraft: Mission to the Moon Kickstarter
Issue 36, August 18, 2013
- Michael J. Wargo (1951-2013)
- Mars Critical Data Products Program (Round VIII) - Comet Siding Spring Modeling [NASA] HEOMD Announcement of Flight Opportunities (AFO) #7 Now Open
- [NASA] Astrobiology Strategic Plan Update
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- [NASA] Lessons Learned from Recent Planetary Science Division Announcements of Opportunity
- [NASA] Registration Opens for NASA Sample Return Robot Challenge
- Call for Observations: Earth-Based Observing Campaign in Support of the New Horizons Mission to Pluto
- [NASA] PDS - Dawn Framing Camera Data Release
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Commercial Announcements
- New Product: Globes of the Galilean Satellites
Issue 35, August 11, 2013
- AGU Session P010 - First Results of C/2012 S1 (ISON): Comet of the Century?
- New Interplanetary Dust Mission
- Mars Critical Data Products Program (Round VIII) - Comet Siding Spring Modeling
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- [NASA] Notice of Mars 2020 Solicitation to Appear in September
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 34, August 4, 2013
- GSA Session T192: Volcanic/Tectonic Processes and Their
Interactions on Rocky Planets and Moons
- AGU Session P005 - Destination: Europa
- AGU Session P011 - Gale Crater, Mars: Comparing Geochemistry and
Geomorphology from Remote Sensing, in situ Measurements, Laboratory
Data, and Terrestrial Analogs
- AGU Session P016 - Impact Cratering: Terrestrial Observations and
Planetary Applications
- AGU Session P030 - Thermal Modeling of Terrestrial and Planetary
- Io Workshop 2013: Coordination for the EXCEED Mission
- Planetary Science Slides and Illustrations
- Venus Express VIRTIS and VMC Data Workshop
- Postdoctoral Researcher in Planetary Mapping and Impact Studies:
Lunar and Planetary Institute
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Target NEO 2 Workshop Presentations and Executive Summary
- NASA Small Bodies Assessment Group Findings Available
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 33, July 28, 2013
- Jeffrey K. Wagner (Mar 11, 1952 - July 8, 2013)
- Presentations from the NASA Planetary Science Subcommittee Telecon, July 19, 2013
- AGU Session P018 - Mercury after Two Years of MESSENGER Orbital Observations
- AGU Session P025 - Saturn's Northern Spring, From Storms to Polar Vortices
- AGU Session P029 - The Science of Exploration as Enabled by the Moon, NEAs and the Moons of Mars
- AGU Session P030 - Thermal Modeling of Terrestrial and Planetary Bodies
- AGU Session V032 - Pattern to Process
- AGU Sessions P010 Comet ISON Early Results and Session P023 Rosetta, Comets and Origins of the Solar System
- GSA 2013 Outer Solar System Satellites Companion Sessions
- International Cometary Workshop Rescheduled for April 1-3, 2014
- Save the Date: Asteroid Redirect Mission and Grand Challenge Workshop
- Date Correction: Lunar Exploration Analysis Group Abstract Deadline Approaching
- Job Announcement - University of Muenster
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 32, July 21, 2013
- ESA Space Image of the Week: Flying Over Valles Marineris, Mars, Based on Mars Express HRSC images
- Announcement of Yosemite Chapman Conference on Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling in the Solar System
- DPS Dependent Care Grants
- GSA Session on Impact Craters
- AGU Session P031 - Titan's Enigmatic Atmosphere and Ionosphere
- AGU Session P033 - Tracking Down Life: Star Biosignatures, Biomarker Systems or the Ensemble Cast?
- Other Astrobiology-Related Sessions at the 2013 AGU Fall Meeting
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Postdoctoral Researcher in Planetary Mapping and Impact Studies: Lunar and Planetary Institute
- William K. Hartmann Receives 2013 Shoemaker Distinguished Lunar Scientist Award
- Hayabusa 2013: Symposium of Solar System Materials
- Guide to Resources for Teaching about Exoplanets
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issure 31, July 14, 2013
- OPAG Meeting July 15-16
- AGU Session GP015 - Planetary Magnetism and Paleomagnetism
- AGU Session MR019 - Volatiles at High Pressure: Exploring
the Interior of Giant Planets and Exoplanets
- AGU Session NH023 - The Chelyabinsk Meteor Event
- AGU Session P006 - Dynamic Mars from Long-Term Observations,
- AGU Session P009 - Evolutions, Interactions, and Origins of Outer
Planet Satellites
- AGU Session P022 - Rapid Environmental Change and the Fate of
Planetary Habitability
- AGU Session P030 - Thermal Modeling of Terrestrial and Planetary
- AGU Session P034 - Using Topography to Investigate the
Evolution of Solar System Bodies
- GSA Session T4 - Geologic Mapping of Planetary Bodies Across the
Solar System
- GSA Session T10 - The Surprising Innermost Planet
- GSA Session T192 - Volcanic/Tectonic Processes and Their
Interactions on Rocky Planets and Moons
- Two Postdoctoral Fellowships in Planetary Sciences
- 4-year PhD Position in Earth Sciences
- Io Workshop 2013: Coordination for the EXCEED Mission
- Information for MEPAG #28 Web Meeting
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter - July 2013
- Resource - Map Projection on the Web
- Abstract Deadline for International Scientific Workshop on Golden
Spike Human Lunar Expeditions: 25 July 2013
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- New Website and Listserv: Planetary Atmospheres
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 30, July 7, 2013
- Bob Lin Memorial Symposium
- Final Announcement - Target NEO 2 Workshop
- Final Announcement - 9th Meeting of the NASA Small Bodies Assessment Group (SBAG9)
- AGU Session P004 - Characterizing Small Solar System Bodies
- AGU Session P005 - Destination: Europa
- AGU Session P006 - Dynamic Mars from Long-Term Observations
- AGU Session P010 - First Results of C/2012 S1 (ISON): Comet of the Century?
- AGU Session P019 - Planetary Atmospheres and Evolution
- AGU Session P021 - Polarimetry as an Invaluable Tool to Study the Solar System and Beyond
- AGU Session ED018 - Era of Citizen Science: Intersection of Outreach, Scientific Research and Big Data
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- ESA Postdoctoral Fellowships in Space Science
- Research Associate in Planetary Science
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Half-Day Workshop: Defining Heat Shield Capability Needs for Extreme Entry Environment Missions
- [NASA] Astrobiology Institute - Draft Cycle 7 Cooperative Agreement Notice
- [NASA] PDS Odyssey Data Release 44
- [NASA] PDS Cassini Data Release 34
- [NASA] Planetary Mission Data Analysis Program
- The Virtual NASA Lunar Science Forum 2013 (LSF2013): Third Announcement
- Call for Papers: 45th Annual Meeting of the AAS/DPS, Jointly With the AAS Historical Astronomy Division
- Latest ESA Mars Express HRSC Image Release: At the Foot of Olympus Mons
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 29, June 30, 2013
- High Priority Investigations for Venus Exploration Special Session at Fall AGU Meeting
- Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution V
- Training Opportunity - Photogrammetric Processing of Planetary Imagery Using ISIS and SOCET SET
- [NASA] Astrobiology Science and Technology for Exploring Planets Will Not be Solicited in ROSES-13
- Solid Earth: The EGU-Open Access Journal Welcomes Planetary Submissions
- Impact Geology - M.S. Thesis Research Opportunity
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Discovery and New Frontiers News
- New Horizons Encounter Hazard Update
- Final Announcement - Target NEO 2 Workshop
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 28, June 23, 2013
- Sudbury Impact Structure Short Course and Field School
- Postdoctoral Researcher in Planetary Mapping and Impact Studies:
Lunar and Planetary Institute
- 48th ESLAB Symposium: New insights into Volcanism across the Solar
- [NASA] PDS Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 14
- High Priority Investigations for Venus Exploration Special Session
at Fall AGU Meeting
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Virtual Workshop on Proposal Writing
- Draft NASA Reauthorization Bill Cancels ARM, Restores Education,
Calls for Increased Planetary Funding
- AGU Fall Meeting 2013 Special Session P018: Mercury after Two
Years of MESSENGER Orbital Observations
- Inaugural COSPAR Symposium, Bangkok, Thailand
- ESA Science Mission Extension Notification
- Call for Papers: NETSPACE Workshop
- Postdoctoral Researcher, Planetary Science
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 27, June 16, 2013
- Postdoctoral Researcher in Planetary Mapping and Impact Studies: Lunar and Planetary Institute
- Uranus Beyond Voyager 2: From Recent Advances to Future Missions
- Registration Open for SBAG 9
- Registration Opens For NASA Night Rover Energy Challenge
- New Horizons Encounter Hazard Update
- [NASA] PDS Mars Science Laboratory Release 2
- Optical Characterization of Atmospheric Aerosols Workshop
- Icarus Special Issue: Dynamic Mars From Long-Term Observations
- [NASA] Clarification On Research Supported by MFRP
- Announcement of Opportunity to Submit Input to Study on Human Spaceflight
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- CPSX Planetary Scinece Short Course
- International Scientific Workshop on Golden Spike Human Lunar Expeditions - Call for Abstracts
- [NASA] PDS GRAIL Release 2
- Comet ISON Observer's Workshop, Aug 1-2, 2013
- Student Opportunity - Sudbury Field Camp
- [NASA] Outer Planet Working Group (OPAG) Meeting Site Now Open
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 26, June 9, 2013
- Update - Target NEO 2 Workshop
- Job Announcement: NASA Goddard
- Job Announcement: JAXA
- Postdoctoral Researcher in Planetary Mapping and Impact Studies: Lunar and Planetary Institute
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter - June 2013
- Announcement of Opportunity to Submit Input to Study on Human Spaceflight
- [NASA] Draft Earth Venture Instrument
- Comparative Climatology Symposium (May 7) and Venus Game-Changing Technology Forum (May 8) Presentations Posted
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Lungradcon 2013 Virtual Workshop - Registration Deadline Approaching
- Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 25
- Mars Express Mission Special Products Release
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 25, June 2, 2013
- International Meteor Conference 2012 August 22-25, Poznań, Poland
- Postdoctoral Researcher in Planetary Mapping and Impact Studies:
Lunar and Planetary Institute
- Postdoc Available for Researching Pluto's Extended Atmosphere
- Analog Sites for Mars Missions II: Past, Present and Future
Missions to Mars
- Outer Planets Assessment Group (OPAG) Meeting in July
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- GSA 2013 Outer Solar System Satellites Companion Sessions
- One-year Physics Instructor Position, Northern Arizona University
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Housse Science Committee Hearing on STEM Education:
The Administration's Proposed Reorganization
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 24, May 26, 2013
- Happy Birthday PEN!
- Target NEO 2 Workshop
- Changed Location & Dates - 9th Meeting of the NASA Small Bodies Assessment Group (SBAG 9)
- Sample Letters on NASA Operating Plan Posted
- AAS Issues Statement on Proposed Elimination of NASA Science Education & Public Outreach Programs
- NASA Advisory Council and NASA Planetary Science Subcommittee
- Postdoctoral Researcher in Planetary Mapping and Impact Studies: Lunar and Planetary Institute
- 11th Meeting of the NASA Venus Exploration Analysis Group (VEXAG 11)
- [NASA] GSFC Permanent Position, Research Scientist
- Update - LunGradCon 2013 - Virtual Workshop
- Availability of Cosmic Dust Particles Collected "Dry"
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Inaugural COSPAR Symposium - Planetary Systems of our Sun and other Stars, and the Future of Space Astronomy
- Assistant Research Physicist Position in Planetary Space Physics at UC Berkeley Space Sciences Laboratory
- Postdoctoral Position in Planetary Space Physics at UC Berkeley Space Sciences Laboratory
- 10th Low Cost Planetary Missions Program Finalized, Early Registration Deadline June 3
- Postdoctoral Researcher, Planetary Science
- [NASA] Three New Volunteer Review Opportunities
- [NASA] PDS - Mars Exploration Rovers Data Release 36
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Commercial Announcements
- "Earth: Evolution of a Habitable World" by Jonathan I. Lunine
Issue 23, May 19, 2013
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Postdoctoral Researcher, Planetary Science
- Lloyd V. Berkner Space Policy Internships Autumn 2013
- Abstract Deadline May 23rd - Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution V
- [NASA] NASA Accepting Proposals for Tribal College and University Experiential Learning Opportunities (TCU ELO)
- Crossing the Boundaries in Planetary Atmospheres: From Earth to Exoplanets
- Postdoctoral Researcher in Planetary Mapping and Impact Studies: Lunar and Planetary Institute
- Planetary Meeting Calendar
Issue 22, May 15, 2013
- NASA Operating Plan for FY2013 to Target Planetary Overall, Cuts Research and Competed Missions
Issue 21, May 12, 2013
- JPL Issues RFP for InSight Surface and Atmosphere Characterization
- Second Announcement: Planet Mars 4
- Origins of Life Postdoctoral Fellowship
- IPEWG 2013: Registration Deadline Postponed
- Pierazzo International Student Travel Award
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 20, May 5, 2013
- [NASA] 2013 EONS Solicitation
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Release of SOFIA Cycle 2 Call for Proposals
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter - May 2013
- EPSC 2013 Session TP9: Volcanism and Tectonism Across the Solar System
- Mars Express Marsis Active Ionospheric Sounding Cookbook
- Mars Express view of Sulci Gordii
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 19, April 28, 2013
- Cancelled: 2013 Sagan Exoplanet Summer Workshop
- [NASA] Volunteer for Review Panels
- [NASA] Fewer New Awards Expected for ROSES Origins of Solar Systems
- European Planetary Science Congress 2013 - Submit Your Abstracts!
- EPSC 2013: MTI7
- EPSC 2013: Small Bodies Session 10 "Comets on the Eve of Rosetta: Observations, Laboratory Simulations and Modelling"
- Two Research Associate Positions in Space Physics at Imperial College London
- American Mineralogist Special Issue on Martian Sulfates, Phosphates, and Perchlorates
- Geospatial Data & Web Applications Engineer
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Lunar Science Forum 2013 Important Changes
- [NASA] Education and Public Outreach for Earth and Space Science (EPOESS) on Hold
- Astrobiology Roadmap
- NSBRI Space Research Postdoctoral Fellowship Program Applications
- InSight Surface and Atmosphere Characterization RFP
- Faculty Position in Planetary Geoscience
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 18, April 21, 2013
- Jupiter Environment Tool (JET) Available for Magnetic Field
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- [NASA] Planetary Protection Subcommittee Meeting
- Planetary Atmospheres Researcher (GSFC/CRESST/University of
- [NASA] Release of ROSES-13 Amendment 10: Instrument Technology
Development in Support of the Europa Clipper Mission Concept
- EWASS 2013 Special Session Sp11. Rocks in our Solar System -
Bridging the Gap Between Meteor, Meteorite and Asteroid Studies
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 17, April 14, 2013
- EDITORIAL - Who is Minding Planetary Research?
- NASA Lunar Science Forum 2013 (LSF2013): Second Announcement
- [NASA] PDS Releases 3 New Data Sets: Deep Impact at Comet Hartley 2
- [NASA] Biosignatures Investigator
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Abstract Deadline Approaching for NLSI Workshop Without Walls: Lunar Volatiles
- [NASA] Intent to Release Solicitation on Instrument Technology Development in Support of the Europa Clipper Mission Concept
- [NASA] Planetary Instrument Concepts for the Advancement of Solar System Observations
- Planetary Atmospheres Researcher (GSFC/CRESST/University of Maryland)
- Dynamic Mars from Long-Term Observations
- The Pluto System on the Eve of Exploration by New Horizons: Perspectives and Predictions - Abstracts Due Monday
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 16, April 09, 2013
- Instrument Technology Development in Support of the Europa Clipper Mission Concept
Issue 15, April 7, 2013
- [NASA] PDS Odyssey Data Release 43
- MRP Graduate Research Award
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter - April 2013
- First Laboratory Astrophysics Division
- Third Announcement of the First Laboratory Astrophysics Division (LAD) Meeting
- Cosmochemistry and Planet Formation Theme at Goldschmidt 2013 Meeting
- [NASA] PDS Cassini Data Release 33
- Icarus Special Issue - Dark and Bright Materials on Vesta
- Planetary Atmospheres Researcher (GSFC/CRESST/University of Maryland)
- Student Opportunity: Soffen Travel Grants
- Research & Instrument Analyst
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Postdoc Available Researching Pluto's Extended Atmosphere
- First Scientific Session on the Chelyabinsk Bolide
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 14, March 31, 2013
- Postponement of the 8th International Mars Conference to 2014
- Cosmochemistry and Planet Formation Theme at Goldschmidt 2013
- Research Positions at University of Oslo, Norway
- Postdoc Available Researching Pluto's Extended Atmosphere
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- 10th International Planetary Probe Workshop
- Director, NASA Astrobiology Institute
- Planetary Atmospheres Researcher (GSFC/CRESST/University of
- Goldschmidt Session: Martian Evolution - Ancient Messengers and
Modern Measurements
- Staff Scientist Position Petrology/Meteorites
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 13, March 24, 2013
- EDITORIAL - A Budget
- NASA Planetary Science Subcommittee Meeting, April 4-5, 2013
- Origin of the Moon
- John Bahcall Public Policy Fellowship
- [NASA] PDS Releases Additional LRO Data
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- International Conference "Cosmic Dust VI"
- Max Planck Research Group Leader in Cometary Science
- [NASA] Planetary Science Division Technology Infusion Request for Information (RFI)
- [NASA] EPO Point of Contact Change
- [NASA] PDS MSL Data Release
- Characterizing Luna Incognita
- Cosmochemistry and Planet Formation Theme at Goldschmidt 2013 Meeting
- [NASA] Travel Restrictions Update
- Planetary Atmospheres Researcher (GSFC/CRESST/University of Maryland)
- International Scientific Workshop on Golden Spike Human Lunar Expeditions, 3-4 October 2013
- IPEWG 2013: Second Announcement
- Reminder: Call for Chapters for Asteroids IV, Deadline March 31st, 2013
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 12, March 17, 2013
- SPECIAL EDITION - LPSC Travel confusion under the Sequester
Issue 11, March 17, 2013
- Invitation to Golden Spike Lunch Seminar at LPSC: Monday, March 18
- Planetary Atmospheres Researcher (GSFC/CRESST/University of Maryland)
- Destination: Europa
- 10th IAA Low-Cost Planetary Missions Conference (LCPM-10)
- Job Opportunity: Image Processing Engineer
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Faculty Position in Planetary Geoscience
- Training Opportunity: Stereo Processing of Planetary Imagery using SOCET SET
- Postdoc at Boston University - Venus and Mars Ionospheres
- Exomars Mission: Formal Agreement Signed by ESA and ROSCOSMOS
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 10, March 10, 2013
- [NASA] Impact of Sequestration Letter
- Workshop on the Evolution and Constitution of Mercury's Interior
- First Announcement - LUNGRADCON 2013
- [PDS] MSL Analyst's Notebook Release 1
- Postdoc at Boston University - Venus and Mars Ionospheres
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- NASA Planetary Science Summer School Applications
- Updating Venus Exploration Goals, Objectives, and Investigations
- LPSC 2013 Town Hall: Planetary Mapping and Cartography, What,
When, How?
- Reminder: Call for Chapters for Asteroids IV
- Humans to Mars Summit (H2M)
- [PDS] MESSENGER Data Release 9
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 9, March 3, 2013
- [NASA] FameLab: Exploring Earth and Beyond
- [NASA] Statement of Intent to Release a Draft Cooperative Agreement Notice for the NASA Astrobiology Institute
- [NASA] ROSES Amendments
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Upcoming Deadline for Hayabusa Sample Request Proposals
- [NASA] PDS MSL Data Release
- 10th IAA Low-Cost Planetary Missions Conference (LCPM-10)
- March Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter Available
- SFO - Solar System Formation and Observation - Conference
- [NASA] Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 24
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Commercial Announcements
- Uwingu Invites the Public to Nominate Names for Planets Around Far Away Stars
Issue 8, February 24, 2013
- Workshop on the Evolution and Constitution of Mercury's Interior
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Faculty Position in Space Physics: University of California, Los Angeles
- Venus Lunch-Time Town-Hall Meeting and Early Career Scholars Mixer at LPSC, Wednesday - March 20, 2013
- MESSENGER MDIS Data Users' Workshop
- Call for Proposals for the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF)
- 10th IAA Low-Cost Planetary Missions Conference (LCPM-10)
- Third Circular for MEPAG #27 Web Meeting
- [NASA] ROSES-13 The Origins of Solar Systems Program
- LRO Diviner Data Users Forum at LPSC on Sunday, March 17
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 7, February 17, 2013
- MESSENGER MDIS Data Users' Workshop
- Next-Generation Suborbital Researchers Conference (NSRC) 2013:
Abstract Deadline Approaching
- Ph.D. Projects in Earth and Planetary Geomorphology, Trinity
College, Ireland
- Irish Research Council Postdoctoral Fellowship
- JGR-Planets Editor Search
- NASA Proposal Writing Workshop at LPSC
- NASA AO Town Hall Meeting at LPSC
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- [NASA] Call for Volunteer Reviewers for NESSF Program
- [NASA] ROSES NRA is Now Available
- [NASA] Delayed Due Date for ICESat and CryoSat-2 (ROSES 2012)
- Venus-Related Postdoctoral Fellowship at NASA Glenn Research
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 6, February 10, 2013
- Workshop for Early Career Faculty at LPSC
- AIDA Call for Experiment Ideas
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter - February 2013
- First COSPAR Symposium - Bangkok, Thailand, 11-15 Nov 2013
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- LPSC Workshop for Planning Your Solar System Observations with JWST
- Venus Game Changing Technology Forum at LPSC - Monday, March 18th
- Call for Chapters for the Book Asteroids IV: A New Volume in the Space Science Series
- MESSENGER MDIS Data Users' Workshop
- Mars Express Global Coverage With the HRSC Camera
- Mars Express Data Release: ASPERA Data
- Four Important Announcements Regarding SSERVI CAN
- AbGradCon 2013, Abstract Submission Now Open
- NASA Lunar Science Forum (LSF2013): First Announcement
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Commercial Announcements
- "Introduction to Planetary Geomorphology" by Ronald Greeley
Issue 5, February 3, 2013
- Postdoc Opening: University of Bern, Switzerland
- AGU Chapman Conference on Crossing the Boundaries in Planetary Atmospheres: From Earth to Exoplanets
- Planetary Geology & Geophysics Undergraduate Research Program (PGGURP)
- Second Information Circular for MEPAG #27 Web Meeting
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Planet Mars 4, Les Houches, 20-25 October 2013: First Announcement
- AOGS 2013
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 4, January 27, 2013
- Stephen Eugene Dwornik (1926-2012)
- Solar Wind Interaction with Planetary Environments Session (PS-01)
at AOGS, Brisbane, Australia
- Postdoctoral Researcher in Planetary Science
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- New Planetary Sciences Editor at Geophysical Research Letters
- [NASA] Education Project Proposals Solicited
- Science Verification of SAM: Call for Proposals
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 3, January 20, 2013
- Habitable Worlds Across Space and Time
- AOGS 2013, Session PS07: Spectropolarimetric Exploration of Planetary Systems and Their Habitability
- First COSPAR Symposium
- Second Announcement - The Pluto System on the Eve of Exploration by New Horizons: Perspectives and Predictions
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Reull Vallis, Mars, Imaged in 3D and Color by Mars Express HRSC
- 5th Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing (WHISPERS)
- Planetary Astronomers - Note New Categories in Hubble Proposal Call
- NASA Planetary Science Summer School Applications
- Stardust Interstellar Dust Now Available
- Announcement of 2nd International Opportunity for JAXA HAYABUSA Samples
- The 2012 Draconid Storm Potentially Sampled by NASA ER-2 Aircraft
- Heliophysics of Solar Systems: Summer School
- Faculty Job in Planetary Physics and Astrophysics in Toronto
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 2, January 13, 2013
- SPICE Training Class
- International Primitive Body Exploration Working Group (IPEWG) Meeting
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Internship Opportunities at Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
- Postdoc - Boston University - Curiosity and Mars Atmosphere
- [NASA] Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute Cooperative Agreement Notice
- MEPAG #27 Cancellation Notice
- Magnetospheres of the Outer Planets - MOP 2013
- PhD Researcher in the Field of Geomicrobiology
- 8th Meeting of the NASA Small Bodies Assessment Group
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 1, January 6, 2013
- Bertram Donn (1919-2012)
- [NASA] Retirement Letter from Doug McCuiston
- [NASA] Three-day Training Course on Planetary Protection
- [PDS] Odyssey Data Release 42
- [PDS] Cassini Data Release 32
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- January MEPAG Newsletter Available Plus Correction
- Community Urged to Hear NASA's Jim Green Presentation Next Week
- Call for Abstracts - 64th International Astronautical Congress
- Call for Students and Young Professionals - 64th International
Astronautical Congress
- Planetary Science Slides and Illustrations
- Space Place Prime - Free NASA App Now Available for iPhone
- Neil Armstrong Didn't Lie About his "One Small Step" Quote
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Table of Contents: Volume 6, 2012
Issue 58, December 30, 2012
- [NASA] Changes in the Management of the Mars Exploration Program
- [NASA] Lori Glaze New VEXAG Chair
- Would You Like to See a Volcanology Session at LPSC 2013?
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 57, December 24, 2012
- SPECIAL EDITION: Planetary Division Management Responds to Community Concerns
Issue 56, December 23, 2012
- [NASA] OPAG Update
- [NASA/PDS] Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 12
- [NASA/PDS] Grail Release 1
- Postdoctoral Positions: Smithsonian Institution, National Air and Space Museum
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- [NASA] 2020 Mars Science Rover Science Definition Team
- Job Announcement: Research Associate at LASP
- Microsymposium 54, Lunar Farside and Poles: New Destinations for Exploration
- Would you Like to See a Volcanology Session at LPSC 2013?
- ATLAS software and postdoc positions
- [NASA] Undergraduate Student Instrument Project
- [NASA] LADEE Guest Investigator Program
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 55, December 21, 2012
- EDITORIAL: US Planetary Program Poised to Lose a Generation of Scientists
Issue 54, December 16, 2012
- EDITORIAL: NASA Planetary R&A; Program Selection Rates Plummet
- MEPAG Meeting Scheduled for February 26-27, 2013 in Arlington, VA
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Comets as Tracers of Solar System Formation and Evolution
- Venus Upper Atmosphere Science and Technology Interchange Meeting
- Bird's-eye View of Valles Marineris by ESA Mars Express
- Planetary Responses to SALSO RFU Needed!
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 53, December 9, 2012
- EDITORIAL: NASA Planetary Science Division Research and Analysis Programs - An Assessment
- [PDS] Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 23
- EGU 2013, Mars Science and Exploration Session
- EGU 2013, Planetary Plasma Physics Session
- EGU 2013, Digital Landscapes Session
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter - December 2012
- 14th International Conference on Electromagnetic and Light Scattering, ELS-XIV
- Planetary Sessions, Short Course, and Field Trip in Canada, May 2013
- [NASA] Proposal Due Date Extension for Payloads Maturing Crosscutting Technologies that Advance Multiple Future Space Missions to Flight Readiness Status
- HST Cycle 21 Call for Proposals
- [NASA] Amendment to Request for Information - Concepts for Applications of Large Space Optics
- Planetary Graduate Program Clearinghouse
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Commercial Announcements
- New Book - Impact Cratering: Processes and Products
Issue 52, December 2, 2012
- Call for Papers EGU
- An Article on Astronomically Inspired Music
- Podcast, "Finding the Next Earth: Results from the Kepler Mission"
- PhD Opportunity in Physical Volcanology (Lava Erosion Modeling) at Arizona State University
- Habitable Worlds Across Space and Time
- [NASA] Requesting Concepts for Applications of Large Space Optics (SALSO)
- [NASA] Kepler Participating Scientist Program
- [NASA] Three-Day Training Course on Planetary Protection
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Postdoctoral Opportunity in Planetary Science at University of Minnesota Duluth
- The 3rd IAA Planetary Defense Conference
- Humans to Mars Summit (H2M) Announcement
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Commercial Announcements
- Resources for Astronomy Education and Outreach
Issue 51, November 25, 2012
- New "Discoveries in Planetary Science" Classroom Powerpoints
Available in English, Spanish, and Farsi
- EGU 2013 Planetary Geodynamics Session
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Extraterrestrial Volcanism and Tectonics Session at EGU 2013
- Postdoctoral Opportunity in Planetary Science - University of
Minnesota Duluth
- [PDS] Mars Exploration Rovers Data Release 34
- International Symposium on Planetary Sciences (IAPS2013)
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 50, November 18, 2012
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Planetary Geomorphology at EGU 2013
- Faculty Positions: Boston University
- [PDS] Dawn Framing Camera Data Release
- Atmospheres and Ices in Planetary Systems Symposium during the Davos Atmosphere and Cryosphere Assembly (DACA-13)
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 49, November 11, 2012
- Tenure-track Position, Case Western Reserve University
- [NASA] Earth and Space Science Fellowship (NESSF) Program
- [NASA] New Opportunity in ROSES-12: MAVEN Participating Scientist Program NASA Europa Website
- Tenure-Track Position, Boston University
- Final Announcement for MAVEN Mars-community workshop at AGU, 2 December
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 48, November 4, 2012
- [NASA] Planetary Science Division Seeks Volunteer Reviewers
- Postdoctoral Fellowship at ASU-SESE
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Lunar Volatiles Focus Group
- November MEPAG Newsletter Available
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 47, October 30, 2012
- NASA Due Dates Delayed Due to Storm
Issue 46, October 28, 2012
- [NASA] Request for Input: Naming of the NEW NASA Science and Exploration Institute
- 40th Scientific Assembly of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) and Associated Events
- Tenure-track Position, Case Western Reserve University
- AGU Chapman Conference - Crossing the Boundaries in Planetary Atmospheres: From Earth to Exoplanets
- 2013 LPI Summer Intern Program in Planetary Science
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Tenure Track Faculty Position in Theoretical Astrophysics at U. Maryland
- Faculty Position in Planetary Science at Johns Hopkins University
- Faculty Position at the University of Arizona
- Survey: Planetary UV-Optical Observations
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 45, October 21, 2012
- [NASA] Seeking Nominations for Service on NASA Science Advisory
- [NASA] Announcement of Flight Opportunities for Payloads
- Faculty Position at the University of Arizona
- Lloyd V. Berkner Space Policy Internships - Summer and Autumn 2013
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Call for Papers for Special Section of JGR - Planets
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 44, October 14, 2012
- Professorship in Planetary Remote Sensing and Resource Geoscience
- Faculty Position in Planetary and Space Science
- [NASA] Solar System Exploration at 50 (SSE@50) Special Event Notice and Symposium
- Special Issue of Icarus for the Third International Planetary Dunes Workshop
- Space Policy Internships Available in 2013
- Job Opening: Permanent Faculty Positions in Planetary Sciences
- Venus Exploration Analysis Group (VEXAG) Solicits Your Input
- Faculty Opening: Physics Department of Washington University in St. Louis
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Investing in America's Technology Future: NASA Seeks Space Technology Research Fellowship Applicants
- [NASA] Euclid and JUICE Missions Not Eligible for APEX USPI
- Postdoctoral Opportunity in Planetary Science at Stony Brook University
- Famelab Astrobiology
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 43, October 7, 2012
- Tenure Track Faculty Position in Theoretical Astrophysics at U. Maryland
- Permanent Faculty Positions in Planetary Sciences at Florida Institute of Technology
- Tenure-Track Faculty Position at Case Western Reserve University
- Assistant Professor Position at Boston University
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- [NASA] PDS - Odyssey Data Release 41
- [NASA] PDS - Cassini Data Release 31
- [NASA] Latest Discovery and New Frontiers News Now Online
- [NASA] Civil Service Research Scientist Position - Johnson Space Center
- [NASA] The Kepler Guest Observer Program
- The Present-Day Habitability of Mars
- October 2012 Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter Available
- New PDS Search Capability for Cassini Planet and Satellite Data
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 42, September 30, 2012
- Tenure Track Faculty Position in Theoretical Astrophysics at U. Maryland
- Gerald A. Soffen Memorial Fund Travel Grants for 2012
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Updates to the MEPAG Goals Document for Community Review
- VEXAG Meeting #10 Hotel Accommodations - Deadline: 5 October 2012
- [NASA] Planetary Science Subcommittee Meeting, Oct 2-3, 2012
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 41, September 23, 2012
- [NASA] Cooperative Agreement Notice Draft and Request for Comments
- MAVEN Mars Science Community Workshop
- Outer Planets Colloquium Series
- Assistant Professor Position – University of California, Santa Cruz
- [NASA] PDS: Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 11
- Multiple Postdoctoral Fellowships at Carnegie Institution
- Faculty Position at the University of Michigan
- Papers Invited for Special Issue of Advances in Space Research on
Lunar Science
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- MEPAG Meeting Scheduled for October 4, 2012 in Monrovia, CA
- Geomorphology at Auburn University
- Registration is Open for the 10th VEXAG
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 40, September 16, 2012
- Women in Astronomy Discussion Hour at DPS
- NASA Proposal Writing Workshop at DPS
- PhD & Post-doctoral Positions Available
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- New Free NASA iPad Magazine Now Available in the Apple App Store
- Faculty Opening - Physics Department of Washington University in St. Louis
- Volcano-Lithosphere Interactions on the Terrestrial Planets Postdoctoral Fellowship: Lunar and Planetary Institute
- Request for Coordinator for Planetary Astronomy Concepts with a Future 2.4-m Space Telescope
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 39, September 9, 2012
- Editorial: September 12, 1962
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- DPS Workshop on Planetary Science on Commercial Suborbital Platforms
- Volcano-Lithosphere Interactions on the Terrestrial Planets Postdoctoral Fellowship: Lunar and Planetary Institute
- [NASA] PDS: Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 22
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- 8th IAG International Conference on Geomorphology - August 2013
- Call for Proposals for the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF)
- [NASA] Final Text for Salmon-2 AO: Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer Instrument
- Announcing LunarCubes Science Briefing at DPS Reno, NV
- Magnetospheres of the Outer Planets 2013
- VEXAG Newsletter
- DAWN Grand L1A Data Release
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Commercial Announcements
- Galactic Analytics Helps to Find Recent Meteorites
Issue 38, September 2, 2012
- Planetary-Related Commercial Announcements to be Allowed on a Trial
Basis in PEN
- Workshop on the Evolution and Constitution of Mercury's Interior
- Postdoctoral Position in Exoplanet Atmospheres at the University
of Arizona
- New "Cassini Archive Page" Available to Access Cassini Data
- Astronomer Position at Lowell Observatory
- [NASA] PDS: Mars Exploration Rovers Data Release 33
- Faculty Position in Planetary and Space Science
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Workshop on "Waves and Instabilities in Geophysical and
Astrophysical Flows"
- MEPAG Meeting Scheduled for October 4, 2012 in Monrovia, CA
- September MEPAG Newsletter Available
- GSA Invites Applications for Two Student Awards
- PhD Student Position in The Netherlands
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Commercial Announcements
- Uwingu
- Cosmos in the Classroom
- Globes of Galilean Satellites?
Issue 37, August 26, 2012
- Workshop on the Evolution and Constitution of Mercury's Interior
- Job Announcement: Director, Florida Space Institute, University of Central Florida
- Resources for Addressing Student and Public Fears About Astronomical Causes for the End of the World in 2012
- Faculty Opening: Physics Department of Washington University in St. Louis
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Volcano-Lithosphere Interactions on the Terrestrial Planets Postdoctoral Fellowship: Lunar and Planetary Institute
- 2012 Canadian Space Summit - September 14 Abstract Deadline
- Job Description: Postdoctoral Researcher in Infrared Spectroscopy (Reference WC-R-7412-12-08-S)
- Postdoctoral Position in Planetary Atmosphere Modeling at SwRI in Boulder, CO
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 36, August 19, 2012
- Volcano-Lithosphere Interactions on the Terrestrial Planets Postdoctoral Fellowship: Lunar and Planetary Institute
- [NASA] PDS: Dawn GRaND Data Release
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Workshop on the Evolution and Constitution of Mercury's Interior
- DAP-2012
- 10th Meeting of the Venus Exploration and Analysis Group (VEXAG)
- [NASA] Announcement of Flight Opportunities #5 Now Open
- [NASA] American Society for Gravitational and Space Research (ASGSR) Extended Call for Abstracts
- Lessons Learned in Decadal Planning in Space Science: An NRC Workshop
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 35, August 12, 2012
- [NASA] Proposals Solicited for Use of Keck Telescopes
- NASA Contractor Seeks Scientist for ROSES Program Management/
Technical Support
- Planetary Geophysics Postdoctoral Fellowship
- Volcano-Lithosphere Interactions on the Terrestrial Planets
Postdoctoral Fellowship: Lunar and Planetary Institute
- GSA Topical Sessions
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- [NASA] Due Date Delayed for Outer Planets Research (OPR) Program
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 34, August 5, 2012
- [NASA] Maturation of Instruments for Solar System Exploration (MatISSE) Program
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Permanent Faculty Position in Astronomy/Astrophysics
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- AGU Fall 2012 Special Session P003. Airless Body Petrology Through Samples and Remote Sensing: Diverse Approaches to Common Problems
- AGU Fall 2012 Special Session P011. Labotarory Investigations Supporting Analysis of Datasets from Mars, the Moon, and Other Planetary Bodies
- AGU Fall 2012 Special Session P034. What Lurks in the Martian Rocks and Soil? Investigations of Sulfates, Phosphates, and Perchlorates
- GSA Topical Session T158. Impact Cratering in the Solar System: Processes and Products
- GSA Topical Sessions
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter - August 2012
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 33, July 29, 2012
- [NASA] Mars Curiosity Rover Landing
Issue 32, July 29, 2012
- AGU Fall 2012 Special Session P006. Cratering Processes Throughout the Solar System
- AGU Fall 2012 Special Session P011. Laboratory Investigations Supporting Analysis of Datasets from Mars, the Moon, and Other Planetary Bodies
- AGU Fall 2012 Special Session P012. Lunar Science in the Wake of Human Exploration: Four Decades of Samples and Surface Data
- AGU Fall 2012 Special Session P025. Recent Advances in Lunar Science: Of, On and From the Moon
- AGU Fall 2012 Session P032. Using Numerical Models to Understand the Venus Atmosphere and Surface
- AGU Fall 2012 Session P034. What Lurks in the Martian Rocks and Soil? Investigations of Sulfates, Phosphates, and Perchlorates
- Volcano-Lithosphere Interactions on the Terrestrial Planets Postdoctoral Fellowship: Lunar and Planetary Institute
- Planetary Geophysics Postdoctoral Fellowship
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Explore Mars Announces the Humans to Mars Summit (H2M)
- Faculty Opening - Physics Department of Washington University in St. Louis
- OSIRIS-REx Mission Team Image Processing Scientist
- Update: NASA Juice Pre-Proposal Conference Details
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 31, July 22, 2012
- AGU Fall 2012 Special Session P03. Airless Body Petrology Through
Samples and Remote Sensing: Diverse Approaches to Common Problems
- AGU Fall 2012 Special Session P04. Atmosphere of Mars: New
Findings from Modeling and Observations
- AGU Fall 2012 Special Session P11. Laboratory Investigations
Supporting Analysis of Datasets from Mars, the Moon, and Other
Planetary Bodies
- AGU Fall 2012 Special Session P21. Planetary Surfaces in Motion
- AGU Fall 2012 Special Session P33. Using Topography to Investigate
the Evolution of Solar System Bodies
- AGU Fall 2012 Special Session P34. What Lurks in the Martian Rocks
and Soil? Investigations of Sulfates, Phosphates, and Perchlorates
- Updates for the 3rd Conference on Terrestrial Mars Analogues
- Planetary Geophysics Postdoctoral Fellowship
- Volcano-Lithosphere Interactions on the Terrestrial Planets
Postdoctoral Fellowship: Lunar and Planetary Institute
- Civil Service Research Scientist Position - NASA Johnson Space
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Mauna Loa Hawaii Analog Site Available for Instrument Testing
- [NASA] Note from SARA: New Volunteer Reviewer Form
- NASA Advisory Council Science Committee Meeting
- [NASA] AO for ESA JUICE Mission - Pre-Proposal Conference
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 30, July 15, 2012
- AGU Fall 2012 Special Session P21. Planetary Surfaces in Motion
- AGU Fall 2012 Special Session P22. Polarimetry as an Invaluable Tool to Study the Solar System and Beyond
- AGU Fall 2012 Special Session P26. Recent Advances in Planetary Aeolian Studies
- AGU Fall 2012 Special Session P28. Small Bodies and Moons and Their Interaction with the Space Environment
- AGU Fall 2012 Special Session P31. Titan's Enigmatic Upper Atmosphere and Ionosphere
- AGU Fall 2012 Special Session P34. What Lurks in the Martian Rocks and Soil? Investigations of Sulfates, Phosphates, and Perchlorates
- AGU Fall 2012 Special Session SA12. Solar System Aeronomy: Ionospheres, Thermospheres, Auroras, and Airglow
- Volcano-Lithosphere Interactions on the Terrestrial Planets Postdoctoral Fellowship: Lunar and Planetary Institute
- Planetary Geophysics Postdoctoral Fellowship
- [NASA] Updates on the NASA AO for ESA JUICE Mission
- DPS Workshop for Planning Your Solar System Observations with JWST
- [NASA] Letter from SARA: China FAQ and New Volunteer Reviewer Form
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 29, July 8, 2012
- AGU Fall 2012 Special Session P007. Eyes On Enceladus
- AGU Fall 2012 Special Session P011. Laboratory Investigations Supporting Analysis of Datasets from Mars, the Moon, and Other Planetary Bodies
- AGU Fall 2012 Special Session P016. Planetary Atmospheres and Evolution
- AGU Fall 2012 Special Session P24. Rapid Environmental Change and the Fate of Planetary Habitability
- AGU Fall 2012 Special Session P34. What Lurks in the Martian Rocks and Soil? Investigations of Sulfates, Phosphates, and Perchlorates
- AGU Fall 2012 Special Session SH017. Sun-Grazing Comets as Solar Probes: What Goes on Behind the Occulter Disk?
- AGU Fall 2012 Special Session. Internal Structure & Composition of Small Solar System Bodies
- Volcano-Lithosphere Interactions on the Terrestrial Planets Postdoctoral Fellowship: Lunar and Planetary Institute
- Planetary Geophysics Postdoctoral Fellowship
- [NASA] PDS: Odyssey Data Release 40
- [NASA] PDS: Cassini Data Release 30
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- First Announcement. The Pluto System on the Eve of Exploration by New Horizons: Perspectives and Predictions
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter - July 2012
- Special Issue of Earth, Planets and Space (EPS): Cosmic Dust V
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- NASA Lunar Science Forum 2012: Final Announcement
- [NASA] Release of JUpiter ICy moons Explorer (JUICE) Instrument
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 28, July 1, 2012
- Volcano-Lithosphere Interactions on the Terrestrial Planets
Postdoctoral Fellowship: Lunar and Planetary Institute
- Planetary Geophysics Postdoctoral Fellowship
- ESA Postdoctoral Fellowships in Space Science
- COSPAR Awards and Medals to be Presented
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- [NASA] Science Mission Directorate (SMD) Announcements
- 2012 GSA Annual Meeting Sessions
- AGU Fall 2012 Session: P34. What Lurks in the Martian Rocks and
Soil? Investigations of Sulfates, Phosphates, and Perchlorates
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 27, June 17, 2012
- DPS Meeting 2012: Abstract Submission Open, Deadline July 19th
- Volcano-Lithosphere Interactions on the Terrestrial Planets Postdoctoral Fellowship: Lunar and Planetary Institute
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- [NASA] JUpiter ICy moons Explorer (JUICE) SALMON-2 Community Announcement
- [NASA] Small Bodies Assessment Group Meeting, July 10-11
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 26, June 10, 2012
- [NASA] PDS Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 21
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 25, June 3, 2012
- John "Jack" McCauley, 1932-2012
- [NASA] Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer Participation Opportunities
- [NASA] PDS - Mars Exploration Rovers Data Release 32
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter - June 2012
- IAG Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- [NASA] Research Position at GSFC
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 24, May 28, 2012
- Special Edition: From James L. Green, Director, Planetary Science Division, NASA HQ - Last Chance to View Venus Transit Our Sun!
Issue 23, May 27, 2012
- Passing of John Guest (1938-2012)
- GSA Session - New Moon Rising: The Latest Geologic Results from the Lunar Surface
- GSA Session - Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Petrology of Mars
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Final Announcement, Planetary Data: A Workshop for Users & Software Developers
- Final Reminder - LunGradCon 2012
- [NASA] In-Space Propulsion Technology Program: Astrodynamics Research Grants
- [NASA] Science Objectives and Requirements for the Next NASA UV/Visible Mission Concepts Request For Information NNH12ZDA008L
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 22, May 20, 2012
- Postdoctoral Researcher: Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) Microprobe Analysis
- GSA Session on Gullies in the Landscape: Abstracts Invited
- Nominate Your Colleagues for AGU Awards: July 15
- 1st International Workshop on LunarCubes
- ESA's ESLAB Symposium on "Formation and Evolution of Moons" - 3rd Announcement
- MARS2013 Northern Sahara Mars Analog Field Simulation
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Update: National Planetary Exploration Car Wash & Bake Sale
- EPSC2012 Session on the 2011 Draconoids Meteor Shower
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 21, May 13, 2012
- NASA] PGG Proposal Due Date Changed to July 2, 2012
- GSA Session on Gullies in the Landscape: Abstracts Invited
- EPSC Session GP4: Moon-Magnetosphere Interactions at Jupiter and Saturn
- DAP-2012 Meeting
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 20, May 6, 2012
- Postdoctoral Researcher: Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) Microprobe Analysis
- [NASA] Coordination with ESA's 2012 Call for a Small Mission of Opportunity in ESA's Science Program for a Launch in 2017
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter - May 2012
- Call for Imaging Requests for Candidate Landing Sites for Future Mars Missions
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- [NASA] PDS Releases Rosetta Mission Data: Asteroid Lutetia Flyby and More
- Correction: 2012 Next Generation Lunar Scientists and Engineers Workshop
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 19, April 29, 2012
- Exoplanets in Multi-Body Systems in the Kepler Era
- Postdoctoral Researcher: Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS)
Microprobe Analysis
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- NASA Lunar Science Forum: Third Announcement
- Third Annual LunGradCon 2012
- 2012 Next Generation Lunar Scientists & Engineers Workshop
- Community Input Requested on the Concepts for Planetary Science from
a Balloon-Based Observatory
- Planetary Landscapes Facebook Page
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 18, April 22, 2012
- Short Course and Field School at the Sudbury Impact Structure
- Last Call for Abstracts - Conference on Comparative Climatology of Terrestrial Planets
- Postdoctoral Researcher: Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) Microprobe Analysis
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 17, April 15, 2012
- Call to Action! Contact Congress to Restore the NASA Planetary Budget!
- [NASA] Planning Group Takes Key Steps for Future Mars Exploration
- National Planetary Exploration Car Wash & Bake Sale
- Last Call for Abstracts - Planetary Data: A Workshop for Users and Software Developers
- Postdoctoral Researcher: Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) Microprobe Analysis
- Postdoctoral Position in Planetary Science
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Mars Exploration Program Proposals
- Astronomer Job at STScI
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 16, April 13, 2012
- SPECIAL ALERT - NASA Hosts Teleconference on Status of New Mars Program
Issue 15, April 8, 2012
- [NASA] Planetary Science Subcommittee Vacancy
- Second Announcement and Call for Papers: "1970 - 2010: The Golden Age of Solar System Exploration"
- Postdoctoral Position with MRO's HiRISE
- Postdoctoral Position in Planetary Science
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- GSA Annual Meeting Topical Session - The Heart of an Explorer: A Tribute to Ronald Greeley
- Third International Planetary Dunes Workshop
- [NASA] PDS Odyssey Data Release 39
- [NASA] PDS Cassini Data Release 29
- April MEPAG Newsletter Available
- MAVEN Science Community Workshop, 2 December 2012, San Francisco
- [NASA] March 2012 Discovery and New Frontiers Newsletter Released
- Release of Four Stardust Interstellar Foil Crater Samples for General Allocation
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Postdoctoral Researcher: Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) Microprobe Analysis
- Galileo Goes to Mars Workshop
- Gerald A. Soffen Memorial Fund 2012 Travel Grant Opportunities
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 14, April 1, 2012
- Special: Impact of Delays in Selection and Funding of Research and Data Analysis Program Awards
- NASA Planetary Science Summer School - Application Deadline Extended to April 3, 2012
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- NASA NEO Human Space Flight Accessible Targets Study (NHATS) Website Tool
- ISS and Mars Conference in Strasbourg, France
- Concepts Sought for Planetary Science from a Balloon-Based Observatory
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 13, March 25, 2012
- Special: Input Requested on Impact of Delays in Selection and Funding of Research and Data Analysis Program Awards
- NASA Presentations at LPSC Posted
- Survey of Planetary Workforce
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- NLSI Dust, Atmosphere, and Plasma: Moon and Small Bodies Workshop
- Elsevier Award on Radiative Transfer
- New Topography for Venus Now Available
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 12, March 18, 2012
- EDITORIAL: Concerns about Planetary R&A;
- NASA Headquarters Research and Analysis (R&A;) Town Hall Meeting
- NASA Budget: Discussion and Letter-writing Session at LPSC
- Time Change - Lunar Swirls Lunchtime Meeting at LPSC
- [NASA] OPAG Meeting 29-30 March, St. Louis
- Third Conference on Terrestrial Mars Analogues
- Ultraviolet Astronomy: HST and Beyond
- New Abstract Deadline - AOGS-AGU (WPGM), Session PS20: Polarimetry of Planetary Systems
- National Meeting on Science Education and Communication
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Moving FORWARD in Space Workshop
- [NASA] PDS: Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 9
- ESA's ESLAB Symposium on "Formation and Evolution of Moons"
- Venus Exploration Analysis Group (VEXAG) Newsletter Available
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 11, March 11, 2012
- NRC's Committee on Astrobiology and Planetary Science
- [NASA] Change to CDAPS Proposal Submission Process
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- [NASA] PDS Releases Stardust-NExT Mission Data
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter Available
- [NASA] Planetary Science Summer School Applications
- Women in Planetary Science Symposium at Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2012
- Venus Lunch-Time Town-Hall Meeting at LPSC
- Job Opportunity: Postdoctoral Research Associate at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
- [NASA] Due Dates Changed for the Planetary Protection Research Program
- [NASA] Interested in Serving on a Review Panel?
- First Announcement - LunGradCon 2012
- Call for Proposals for the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF)
- Ultraviolet Astronomy: HST and Beyond
- [NASA] OPAG Meeting 29-30 March, St. Louis
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 10, March 4, 2012
- Congressional Hearing on NASA Budget This Week
- Large Binocular Telescope Interferometer Exozodi Key Science Team Proposal Call
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Job Opportunity: Postdoctoral Position at UCLA
- Job Opportunity: Postdoc Position at SwRI
- Planetary Geophysics Postdoctoral Fellowship
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Exploration Telerobotics Symposium
- [NASA] Call for Abstract Deadline: March 4, 2012
- [NASA] PDS: Mars Exploration Rovers Data Release 31
- [NASA] PDS: Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 20
- OPAG Meeting, March 29-30, 2012 in St. Louis
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 9, February 26, 2012
- [NASA] ROSES-2012 and Supplemental Information Available
- WebEx Directions for the MEPAG Conference and the Future Landing
Site Workshop, Washington, DC
- Fifth Cosmic Dust Meeting
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- 2012 MRO/CRISM Data Users' Workshop
- A Vision of Discovery! Workshop for K-12 Educators
- Research Scientists: Mars Petrology and Organic Geochemistry
- OPAG Meeting, March 29-30, 2012, St. Louis
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 8, February 19, 2012
- Susan Niebur, 1978-2012
- Lunar Swirls Lunchtime Meeting at LPSC
- CRISM Data User Workshop
- 1st Interplanetary CubeSat Workshop
- [NASA] Supplemental Education and Public Outreach Programs Cancelled
- Radar in Planetary Exploration - Final Reminder
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- 9th International Planetary Probe Workshop
- ISS and Mars Conference
- Planetary Geophysics Postdoctoral Fellowship
- MEPAG Agenda for Upcoming Meeting Posted
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 7, February 12, 2012
- New Horizons Stamp Petition
- Planetary Data: A Workshop for Users and Software Developers
- Workshop Announcement: Moving FORWARD in Space
- NASA Lunar Science Forum: First Announcement
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- European Lunar Symposium
- First Landing Site Workshop for Future Mars Missions
- Planetary Geophysics Postdoctoral Fellowship
- Dawn Data Release: Level 1a Data from Approach and Survey
- AAS Opposes the Grant Act of 2011 (H.R. 3433)
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 6, February 5, 2012
- [NASA] Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Planning your JWST Solar System Observations (A DPS Workshop)
- Titan Through Time II Workshop - Abstract Deadline Extended
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Information Available for the Second International MEPAG Meeting
- February MEPAG Newsletter Available
- Planetary Origins and Frontiers of Exploration
- STScI Workshop Second Announcement
- Call for Papers: On Comparative Climatology of Terrestrial Planets
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 5, January 29, 2012
- MEX Lunar List Solicitation for Payloads
- DAP-2012
- IAG/AIG International Conference on Geomorphology
- Pellas-Ryder Best Student Paper Award Nominations Due
- Availability of Hayabusa Mission Samples / New Cosmic Dust Catalog
- Volcano-Ice Interactions on Earth and Other Planets Conference III
- NASA Lunar Science Forum Director's Seminar
- [NASA] ROSES-2012 to be Released February 14
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 4, January 22, 2012
- Call for Abstracts: Planetary and Exo-Planetary Atmospheres, Surface Interactions and Astrobiology
- [NASA] SMD Graduate Student Fellowships
- 2012 NASA Planetary Science Summer School
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Upcoming MEPAG Meeting / Mars Future Landing Site Workshop
- [NASA] 1st Annual International Space Station Research and Development Conference
- Microsymposium 53 - Early History of the Terrestrial Planets: New Insights from the Moon and Mercury
- AOGS-AGU (WPGM), Session PS20: Polarimetry of Planetary Systems
- ESLAB Symposium on Formation and Evolution of Moons, ESTEC
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 3, January 15, 2012
- [NASA] Solar System Exploration at 50!
- International Workshop on Instrumentation for Planetary Missions
- Post-Doctoral Position in Planetary Science at The University of
- Call for Abstracts, EGU Session: Planetary Geodynamics
- Information Available for the Second International MEPAG Meeting
- [NASA] Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Exploration Session at the 39th COSPAR Scientific Assembly
- Canada Research Chair Faculty Position in Exoplanets
- AbSciCon Cave Session Under Session for Extreme Environments Topic
- Post-Doctoral Research Associate - Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Barringer Grant Applications for 2012 Now Being Accepted
- SPICE Users: New Leap Second for SPICE
- MPIA Summer Conference First Announcement
- Postdoctoral Position with MRO's HiRISE
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 2, January 8, 2012
- [NASA] Small Bodies Assessment Group Meeting #6
- Tenure-track Position in Planetary Physics
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Call for Abstracts, EGU Session: Aurora and Airglow in Planetary Atmospheres
- Call for Abstracts, EGU Session: Polarimetry as an Invaluable Tool to Study the Solar System and Beyond
- GSA 2012 Annual Meeting Session Proposals Due January 10
- January MEPAG Newsletter Available
- [NASA] Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Last Call for Abstracts: Planetary Geomorphology at EGU 2012, Vienna
- [NASA] PDS Cassini Data Release 28
- [NASA] PDS Odyssey Data Release 38
- Undergraduate, Graduate, and Postdoctoral Fellowships in Exploration
- Postdoctoral Position Available - Washington University
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 1, January 1, 2012
- Research Experience for Undergraduates in Astrobiology & Planetary Science
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- IAU 293: Formation, Detection, and Characterization of Habitable Extrasolar Planets
- Venus Exploration Analysis Group (VEXAG)
- Postdoctoral Position in Planetary Science
- USGS Astrogeology Announcement to Hire a New Science Center Director
- Special LPSC Session -- A Season in the Saturn System: New Discoveries and Seasonal Changes
- International Workshop Planning -- Mars and the Moon: Changing Perspectives and New Questions
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Table of Contents: Volume 5, 2011
Issue 58, December 25, 2011
- [NASA] Physicist and Former Astronaut John Grunsfeld to Head NASA
Science Directorate
- CPS 9th International School of Planetary Sciences
- The 9th European Geosciences Union General Assembly
- RADAR Session at 34th International Geological Congress
- [NASA] Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Annotated Listing of Astronomy Apps for Phones and Tablets
Published in Astronomy Education Review
- Postdoctoral Position Available - Washington University
- [NASA] Strategic Astrophysics Technology Revised Text
- [NASA] Due Date Delayed for Lunar Advanced Science and Exploration
Research (LASER) Program
- [NASA] Small Bodies Assessment Group Meeting Reminder, Jan 17-18
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 57, December 18, 2011
- Pre-A/O Notice: 1st International Announcement of Opportunity for Hayabusa Sample Investigation
- Space Policy Internships at the NRC's Space Studies Board
- [NASA] Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Registration Open for "Exploring the Planetary Science Achievable from a Balloon-Based Observatory" Workshop
- USGS Astrogeology Announcement to Hire a New Science Center Director
- [NASA] PDS - Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 8
- Deadline Approaching for the Lunar Exploration Summer Intern Program
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 56, December 11, 2011
- [NASA] PDS: Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 19
- Canadian Astrobiology Training Program
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter - December 2011
- Graduate and Postdoctoral Fellowships in Exploration
- Hubble Space Telescope Cycle 20 Call for Proposals
- Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in Geophysics, NAU
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- [NASA] Astrobiology Institute Cycle 6 CAN Amendment
- [NASA] 1st Annual International Space Station (ISS) R&D; Conference
- The Pluto System on the Eve of Exploration by New Horizons: Perspectives and Predictions
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 55, December 4, 2011
- Lynn Margulis, 1938-2011
- Charles Kowal, 1940-2011
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Nordic-NASA Summer School
- 3rd Planetary Crater Consortium to Meet in Flagstaff, AZ
- Communicating Science: A National Conference on Education and
Public Outreach
- [NASA] PDS: Mars Exploration Rovers Data Release 30
- Graduate Student Opportunities at Stony Brook University
- AbSciCon 2012 Call for Abstracts
- EGU 2012, Vienna, Call for Abstracts
- Famelab Astrobiology
- NSF Review and Arecibo
- [NASA] Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Postdoctoral Position - University of Michigan
- Postdoctoral Fellowship - University of Hong Kong
- Postdoctoral Positions - IPAG in Grenoble, France
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 54, November 27, 2011
- Postdoctoral Position Available - Washington University
- Titan Through Time II Workshop 2nd Announcement
- GSA Planetary Geology Division's 2012 Dwornik Awards for Students
- [NASA] Postdoctoral Fellowships
- SOFIA Cycle 1 Call for Proposals
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 53, November 20, 2011
- Postdoctoral Position Available - Washington University
- "Cosmos in the Classroom 2010" Proceedings Being Published in CD Format
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Mars Recent Climate Change Workshop Rescheduled
- 3rd Conference on Terrestrial Mars Analogues
- [NASA] Letter from SARA: RFIs on Access to Results of Federally Funded Research
- Planetary Geomorphology at EGU 2012, Vienna
- [NASA] Living With a Star Targeted Research and Technology NASA/NSF Partnership For Collaborative Space Weather Modeling
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 52, November 13, 2011
- House Subcommittee Hearing on Planetary Science, Tuesday November 15
- [NASA] Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Exploring the Planetary Science Achievable from a Balloon-Based
- Post-doc Opportunity - Auburn University
- Research Scientist Position I - CalTech
- Research Scientist Position II - CalTech
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 51, November 6, 2011
- Exploring the Planetary Science Achievable from a Balloon-Based Observatory
- Postdoctoral Fellowships at ASU-SESE
- [NASA] Earth and Space Science Fellowship (NESSF) Program
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- November 2011 Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter Available
- [NASA] Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Gilbert Award Nominations Sought
- RFI Released on Public Access to Federally Funded Research
- News from VEXAG
- Student Opportunity: Nininger Meteorite Award
- Proposal Writing Workshop
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 50, October 30, 2011
- Ronald Greeley, 1939-2011
- 1970-2010: The Golden Age of Solar System Exploration
- 2012 LPI Summer Intern Program in Planetary Science
- Postdoctoral Position in Planetary Petrology
- [NASA] PDS: Chandrayaan-1 Moon Mineralogy Mapper Release 3
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 49, October 29, 2011
- [NASA] Planetary Science Subcommittee Meeting for November 2-3, 2011 is Cancelled
Issue 48, October 23, 2011
- Andrew Dantzler, 1962-2011
- "Descubrimientos en Ciencias Planetarias": Classroom Powerpoints
Available in Spanish
- [NASA] Kepler Guest Observer Program: Revised Text and New Due Dates
- Presentations to NASA PSS Posted on LPI Site
- Deadline Approaching for NASA Postdoctoral Fellowship
- Lunar Exploration Summer Intern Program
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 47, October 16, 2011
- William H. Smyth, 1941-2011
- [NASA] Astrobiology Institute Proposal Opportunity
- [NASA] PSS Assessment of the Planetary Science Division's Mission-Enabling Activities Now Available
- Registration and Abstract Submittal for the 2012 Next-Generation Suborbital Researchers Conference (NSRC-2012) is now Open
- Postdoctoral Researchers in Lunar Science
- Caltech-JPL Postdoctoral Scholar Positions in Mars Atmospheric Structure, Composition and Dynamics
- [NASA] Outer Planets Assessment Group Meeting, 19-20 Oct 2011
- Astronomy Education Review Celebrates 10th Anniversary
- Deadline Approaching for NASA Postdoctoral Fellowship
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 46, October 12, 2011
- EDITOR NOTE: New URL for NASA Planetary Science Subcommittee Telecon
Issue 45, October 9, 2011
- Charles P. "Chuck" Sonett, 1924-2011
- [NASA] Planetary Science Subcommitee to Discuss Impacts to FY12
Planetary Budget
- [NASA] Concepts for the Next NASA X-ray Astronomy Mission:
- [NASA] Request for Applications for X-Ray Community Science Team
- [NASA PDS] Cassini Data Release 27: ISS and VIMS
- [NASA PDS] Odyssey Data Release 37
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- COSPAR and Women in Aerospace Europe Sign a Cooperation Agreement
- AbSciCon 2012 Proposal Requests
- Postdoctoral Researchers in Lunar Science
- Announcement: Europa Lander Open Forum
- The NASA Postdoctoral Program
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 44, October 2, 2011
- New Resources for Those who Teach Astronomy
- The NASA Postdoctoral Program
- Postdoctoral Researcher in Petrology of Planetary Materials
- Postdoctoral Researchers in Lunar Science
- Gerald A. Soffen Memorial Fund Travel Grant Opportunity
- Outer Planets Assessment Group Meeting, 19-20 October 2011
- Women and Mars Conference - VIP Invitation to MSL Launch
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 43, September 25, 2011
- Michael J. Drake, 1946-2011
- Postdoctoral Researchers in Lunar Science
- Postdoctoral Researcher: Petrology of Planetary Materials
- Nominations Invited for 2012 ASP Awards
- The NASA Postdoctoral Program
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 42, September 18, 2011
- ExoClimes 2012: The Diversity of Planetary Atmospheres
- Outer Planets Assessment Group (OPAG) Uranus Working Group
- [NASA] PDS Releases EPOXI(DIXI) Mission Data
- [NASA] PDS Releases Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 7
- [NASA] PDS Releases More Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data
- [NASA] Concepts for the Next NASA X-ray Astronomy Mission
- Postdoctoral Researcher in Petrology of Planetary Materials
- Postdoctoral Researchers in Lunar Science
- The NASA Postdoctoral Program
- Student Travel Grants for GSA Meeting
- Call for Proposals for the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF)
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 41, September 11, 2011
- Nicholas M. Short (July 18, 1927-June 12, 2011)
- Angioletta Coradini (1946-2011)
- Postdoctoral Researcher: Petrology of Planetary Materials
- Postdoctoral Researchers in Lunar Science
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Science Cafe Speakers Needed for PBS Program "Finding Life Beyond
- Petrology Postdoctoral Researcher
- Postdoctoral Position in Planetary Morphology (France)
- Outer Planets Assessment Group Meeting (19-20 Oct. 2011)
- Announcement: Europa Lander Open Forum
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 40, September 8, 2011
- Editorial: JWST Threatens Planetary Science
Issue 39, September 4, 2011
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- The NASA Postdoctoral Program Welcomes Applications for the November Cycle
- [NASA] Two Week Delay of Proposal Due Dates
- Postdoctoral Researchers in Lunar Science
- Postdoctoral Researcher: Petrology of Planetary Materials
- Application Deadline for Eugene M. Shoemaker Impact Cratering Award
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter - September 2011
- [NASA] PDS: Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 18
- Post-Doctoral Position in Cometary Science
- Titan Through Time II Workshop, April 3-5, 2012
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 38, August 28, 2011
- Cassini Radar Science
- Mars Recent Climate Change Workshop Rescheduled
- [NASA] August 2011 Discovery and New Frontiers Newsletter Released
- Plan to Attend the IAU Party at the EPSC-DPS Meeting In Nantes
- The NASA Postdoctoral Program Welcomes Applications for the November Cycle
- Hands-On ISIS Workshop
- [NASA] PDS: Mars Exploration Rovers Data Release 29
- Postdoctoral Researcher: Petrology of Planetary Materials
- Postdoctoral Researchers in Lunar Science
- Job: Tenure-Track Assistant Prof. in Space Physics or Planetary
- Sciences at University of Washington, Seattle
- [NASA] Public Invitation for Potential Members to Serve on NASA Federal Advisory Committees
- [NASA] SALMON-2 AO Released for Community Comment
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 37, August 21, 2011
- First Kepler Science Conference: Call for Abstracts Registration
- 30 Lectures by Distinguished Astronomers Describe the Latest
Research in Everyday Language
- Career Panel at EPSC/PDS 2011
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Postdoctoral Researcher: Petrology of Planetary Materials
- Postdoctoral Researchers in Lunar Science
- Women and Mars Conference in Washington, D.C.
- NASA Lunar Science Institute: Lunar Swirls Virtual Workshop
- Icarus Special Issue Announcement: Terrestrial Analog Studies in
Preparation for the Mars Science Laboratory Mission and Beyond
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 36, August 14, 2011
- Postdoctoral Researchers in Lunar Science
- Postdoctoral Researcher: Petrology of Planetary Materials
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- [NASA] Upcoming Proposal Writing Workshop
- [NASA] Job Announcement
- Shoemaker Distinguished Lunar Scientist Award
- AICAC II Second Announcement
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 35, August 7, 2011
- [NASA] SBAG 5 Agenda and Hotel Block Extension
- ASCE Earth and Space 2012 Conference
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter
- Planetary Science Slides and Illustrations
- VEXAG Meeting #9 and Venus Science Conference
- Postdoctoral Researcher: Petrology of Planetary Materials
- Postdoctoral Researchers in Lunar Science
- NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Childcare Grants for EPSC-DPS 2011
- [NASA] Official Response to Planetary Science Decadal Survey
- Candidate Nominations for Review Board
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 34, July 31, 2011
- AGU Fall 2011 Session: NG18. Turbulence in Geophysical and
Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics
- AGU Fall 2011 Session: P22. Phyllosilicate Formation on Mars -
Connecting Experimental and Theoretical Studies with Planetary
- AGU Fall 2011 Session: P30. Preparing for the Science of Mars
Sample Return
- AGU Fall 2011 Session: P31. Saturn - New Discoveries from the
Cassini Orbiter and Earth-Based Observatories
- AGU Fall 2011 Session: P32. Science Enabled by the NASA Lunar
Science Institute (NLSI) - Progress and Future Directions
- AGU Fall AGU Session: P34. Using the Earth as a Guide to
Extraterrestrial Planetary Surfaces
- NASA] Astrobiology Institute Proposal Notice
- Postdoctoral Researchers in Lunar Science (LPI)
- Postdoctoral Researcher: Petrology of Planetary Materials (LPI)
- NASA Postdoctoral Program Fellowships
- Exploring Mars Habitability Conference: Abstract Book and
Presentations Now Available
- [NASA] Due Date Delayed For Astrobiology: Exobiology and
Evolutionary Biology (EXOB) Program
- [NASA] Small Bodies Assessment Group Fifth Meeting Registration
Now Open
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 33, July 24, 2011
- Conway Leovy (July 16, 1934 - July 9, 2011)
- AGU Fall 2011 Session: P07. Experimental Research Supporting the Exploration of Small Bodies
- AGU Fall 2011 Session: P14. Integrated and Valid In Situ Exploration of Planets (Including Earth)
- AGU Fall 2011 Session: P18. Mars System Science: Integrating Martian Planetary Processes from the Subsurface to the Surface
- AGU Fall 2011 Session: P38. Geophysical & Atmospheric Science of Exoplanets
- [NASA] GRAIL Guest Scientist Program (GSP)
- [NASA] Postdoctoral Program Fellowships
- VEXAG Meeting
- High Resolution Topographic Data for your Research
- Postdoctoral Researcher: Petrology of Planetary Materials
- Postdoctoral Researchers in Lunar Science
- Soliciting Abstracts for Planetary Geology Division-Sponsored Sessions
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 32, July 17, 2011
- Passing of Tom Gehrels (1925-2011)
- AGU Fall 2011 Session: NG05. Extreme Space Weather
- AGU Fall 2011 Session: P02. Accretion and Differentiation of Terrestrial Planets - Experiments and Modeling
- AGU Fall 2011 Session: P03. Active Mars Surface Processes and the Role of Volatiles
- AGU Fall 2011 Session: P12. Hydrothermal Mars - Analogs and Observations
- AGU Fall 2011 Session: P19. Mercury - The View from Orbit
- AGU Fall 2011 Session: P35. Using Topography to Investigate the Evolution of Solar System Bodies
- AGU Fall 2011 Session: SA06. Ionospheres of Unmagnetized Planets - Venus, Mars, and Titan
- AGU Fall 2011 Session: V11. Inferring Processes from Volcanic Deposits in the Solar System
- GSA Session: T212. Impact Cratering on the Earth, Moon, and Planets - Remote, Field, and Lab Studies
- Postdoctoral Researcher: Petrology of Planetary Materials
- ESA Postdoctoral Fellowships in Space Science
- The NASA Postdoctoral Program Fellowships
- Postdoctoral Position in Planetary Geophysics
- PhD Position on Martian Alluvial Fans at Utrecht University, the Netherlands
- Planetary Protection Research Program Submission
- SPICE Training Announcement
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 31, July 10, 2011
- The White House is Soliciting Comments for Revisions to the OMB
Circular A-21
- GSA Annual Meeting 2011 Session T214: Exploring Mercury by
Spacecraft - First MESSENGER Results from Orbit
- AGU Fall 2011 Session: P28. Plasma Interactions with Airless
- AGU Fall 2011 Session: P29. Polarimetry as an Invaluable Tool to
Study the Solar System and Beyond
- AGU Fall 2011 Session: P30. Preparing for the Science of Mars
Sample Return
- AGU Fall 2011 Session: P32. Science Enabled by the NASA Lunar
Science Institute (NLSI) - Progress and Future Directions
- AGU Fall 2011 Session: P33. Titan - An Earth-Like World
- AGU Fall 2011 Session: P36. Volcanism Associated with Impact
Basins in the Solar System
- AGU Fall 2011 Session: C11. Earth and Planetary Catastrophic
Ice-Fluid Interactions
- Job Announcement: Canada Research Chair (CRC) Tier II in Planetary
Materials at the University of Western Ontario
- [NASA] Planetary Data System (PDS) Odyssey Data Release #36
- Second Meeting of the International Primitive Body Exploration
Working Group (IPEWG 2011)
- The NASA Postdoctoral Program Welcomes Applications for the
November Cycle
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter Available
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 30, July 3, 2011
- Soliciting Abstracts for GSA Planetary Geology Division-Sponsored Sessions
- GSA-PGD G.K. Gilbert Session Honoring Dr. Steve Squyres
- AGU Fall 2011 Session: P15. Laboratory Analysis of Extraterrestrial Dust Returned to Earth
- AGU Fall 2011 Session: P23. Planetary Atmospheres and Their Evolution
- AGU Fall 2011 Session: U02. Dawn Explores Vesta
- Online Workshop on Lunar Swirls
- Job Announcement: Planetary Scientist at Smithsonian Institution
- Seeking Nominees for COSPAR Awards and Medals
- The NASA Postdoctoral Program is now Accepting Applications for the November Cycle
- [NASA] PDS Releases Cassini Data
- [NASA] PDS and [ESA] PSA Release Rosetta Mission Data
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- [NASA] Small Bodies Assessment Group Meeting, August 25-26
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 29, June 26, 2011
- AGU Fall 2011 Session: P06. Evolution and Exploration of Asteroids
- AGU Fall 2011 Session: P22. Phyllosilicate Formation on Mars - Connecting Experimental and Theoretical Studies with Planetary Observations
- AGU Fall 2011 Session: P20. Nanocrystalline Materials on Earth and Mars
- Geological Society of America: T215. Terrestrial Analogs in Solar System Studies
- [NASA] Solar Electric Propulsion Demonstration Mission Concept Studies
- [NASA] PDS Releases More Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data
- [NASA] Release of a Solicitation for SOFIA Second Generation Instrument Investigations
- Application Deadline for the NASA Postdoctoral Program
- In the Footsteps of Galileo: A Hands-on Workshop on Astronomy for Teachers in Grades 3-12 (and Those Who Work with Them)
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 28, June 19, 2011
- Application Deadline for the NASA Postdoctoral Program
- [NASA] Comment Period for Draft of Solicitation (Astrophysics
Technology Fellowships for Early Career Researchers)
- [NASA] PDS Release 6 of Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data
- Planetary Science Workforce Survey
- 9th Meeting of the Venus Exploration and Analysis Group (VEXAG)
and Venus Science Conference
- Mars Express Movie: Phobos Slips Past Jupiter
- Job Announcement in ESA's Directorate of Science and Robotic
- Fall AGU Session P34: Using the Earth as a Guide to
Extraterrestrial Planetary Surfaces
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 27, June 12, 2011
- PEN Unsubscribe Attack
- [NASA] Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 17
- [NASA] Lunar Science Forum - Final Announcement
- Second Annual LunaGradCon 2011
- 2011 Next Generation Lunar Scientists & Engineers Workshop
- Application Deadline for the NASA Postdoctoral Program
- [NASA] NOIs for PIDD and ASTID are due 7/1/2011
- Fall AGU Session P05: Coordinated Mineralogy and Morphology Studies of Martian Aqueous Deposits
- Comet Elenin Will Not Mean the End of the World in September (Students Will Have to Go Back to School in the Fall!)
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 26, June 5, 2011
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter - June 2011
- SPICE Observation Geometry Training Class
- [NASA] PDS Releases More Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter HiRISE Data
- [NASA] PDS Releases More Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 25, May 30, 2011
- Update from the Planetary Science Division - James Green, Director
- Editor Note: OSIRIS-REx Selected for New Frontiers 3
Issue 24, May 29, 2011
- Abstracts Soon Due: EPSC-DPS Meeting
- DPS Childcare Survey
- [NASA] PDS Release 28 of Mars Exploration Rover Data
- Final Announcement for Abstract Submission: MOP2011 SOC and LOC
- [NASA] NSPIRES Release of Process Enhancement for Preparation,
Submittal and Review of Proposals
- GSA Planetary Geology Division Logo Design Contest
- The "Universe at Your Fingertips 2.0" DVD is Available
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 23, May 22, 2011
- Elisabetta (Betty) Pierazzo, 1963-2011
- Soliciting Abstracts for GSA Planetary Geology Division-Sponsored Sessions
- GSA-PGD G.K. Gilbert Session Honoring Dr. Steve Squyres
- EPSC-DPS Session: SB11. Solar System Science from WISE
- EPSC-DPS Session: GP8-MG9. Moon-Magnetosphere Interactions at Jupiter and Saturn
- [NASA] New Proposal Opportunities for Earth and Space Science Experiments Using Short Duration Orbital Platforms Including CubeSats
- Journalist Requests Input from Latest Discovery Proposers
- Upcoming Deadline - LunGradCon 2011
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 22, May 15, 2011
- EPSC-DPS EPO Sessions
- EPSC-DPS Session: GP1. Giant Planet Atmospheres and Interiors
- EPSC-DPS Session: GP3. Titan's Interior, Surface, and Atmosphereand (Ex)Changes Therein
- EPSC-DPS Session: GP4/AB6. Titan as a Prebiotic Chemical System
- Magnetospheres of the Outer Planets - Abstracts Now Open
- USGS Shoemaker Fellowship Announcement
- "Connecting People to Science" Conference
- [NASA] AIST Potential Bidders Conference
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 21, May 8, 2011
- [NASA] Delayed Proposal Due Dates for GNSS Remote Sensing Science
Team, Science Definition Team for the DESDynI Mission, and ESS EPO
- [NASA] Proposal Due Dates Delayed for Astrophysics Data Analysis
and Cosmochemistry Programs
- [NASA] Lunar Science Forum: Final Announcement
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- First Announcement: Next Generation Lunar Scientists and Engineers
Workshop - Monday, July 18 - Ames Research Center
- Final Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) Landing Site Workshop
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter - May 2011
- Full-time Permanent Interdisciplinary Research Position (USGS)
- Workshop on the Early Evolution of the Atmospheres of Terrestrial
- Astrobiology-Planetary Science Image Collection Now Available
- Second Annual LunGradCon 2011
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 20, May 1, 2011
- IPEWG-2011 Call for Abstracts
- EPSC-DPS Special Session - Active Surface Processes on Mars
- EPSC-DPS Special Session - Plasma at Venus and Mars
- New Venus Colloquium Series
- [NASA] Planetary Instrument Definition and Development (PIDDP) and Astrobiology Science and Technology for Instrument Development (ASTID)
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 19, April 24, 2011
- Attendance Survey: First Kepler Science Conference
- NEO Workshop Report for Comment
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 18, April 17, 2011
- [NASA] Planetary Data System (PDS) Cassini Data Release #25
- [NASA] Planetary Data System (PDS) Odyssey Data Release #35
- [NASA] Planetary Science Subcommittee to Discuss Decadal Survey and
Recent Budget Developments
- [NASA] Two Positions Available in Planetary Science at NASA Head-
- [NASA] NSPIRES Due Date Modified for Summer 2011 Minority Student
Education Forum
- Postdoctoral Researcher in Planetary Mapping: Lunar and Planetary
- JSPS-DST Asia Academic Seminar and CPS 8th International School of
Planetary Sciences Joint Assembly
- New "Discoveries in Planetary Science" Classroom Powerpoints
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 17, April 10, 2011
- Current Satus of ACM 2011
- Job Posting for Postdoctoral Researcher in Planetary Mapping: Lunar and Planetary Institute
- Post-Doctoral Position in Space Physics/Mars Aeronomy
- Tenure-Track Positions at Brown in Early Planetary Processes and Climate Modeling
- Tenure-Track Faculty Appointment at Brown: Planetary Remote Compositional Analysis
- EPSC-DPS Conference Session - Asteroids and NEOs
- EPSC-DPS Small Bodies Session 2: Small Bodies as Granular Systems
- Professional Development Social Networking
- A New Online Job and Conference Register Geared Towards Space Physics Graduate Students - SPOReS
- [NASA] Final Text for the Mars Fundamental Research Program AO
- [NASA] Astrobiology Science and Technology for Instrument Development (ASTID)
- [NASA] Change of Scope, Name and Due Dates for Cassini Data Analysis and Participating Scientists (CDAPS) Program
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 16, April 3, 2011
- EPSC-DPS 2011: A Joint Meeting of the European Planetary Science Congress and the American Astronomical Society Division for Planetary Sciences
- EPSC-DPS Conference Session -- Comets: Latest Research, Observations and Models
- [NASA] Seeking Peer Reviewers for NASA Office of Education
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Mars Exploration Science Month Newsletter - April 2011
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 15, March 27, 2011
- [NASA] Planetary Science Summer School Applications
- Postdoctoral Researcher in Planetary Mapping: Lunar and Planetary
- DPS-EPSC Conference Session: The Exploration of the Martian Moons
- Planetary Decadal Town Hall Meeting in Arizona
- Editorial: Protect the Future of US Solar System Exploration
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 14, March 20, 2011
- AOGS 2011 New Announcement - 25 March, 2011 is the Extended Deadline for Abstract Submission & Registration Fee Waiver Application
- [NASA] PDS - Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 5
- SETI Institute Seminar Series is Turning 130
- [NASA] Due Dates Delayed for Astrobiology Science and Technology for Exploring Planets (ASTEP)
- Deadline for Barringer Grant Applications Approaching
- 2011 Gerald A. Soffen Memorial Fund Travel Grant Application Opportunity
- Second Meeting of the International Primitive Body Exploration Working Group (IPEWG 2011)
- Workshop on Formation of the First Solids in the Solar System
- [NASA] Planetary Decadal Roll Out Town Hall Meetings
- Planetary Science Decadal Survey Newsletter Available
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 13, March 13, 2011
- Status At Sendai (Tohoku University) Japan
- NASA Center for Lunar Dust and Atmospheric Studies (NLSI/CCLDAS)
- Magnetosphere for Outer Planets Conference 2011 (2nd announcement)
- [NASA] Unique and Innovative Space Technology Broad Agency Announcement
- [NASA] Innovative Advanced Concepts Research Announcement
- [NASA] Technology Demonstration Missions Program Broad Agency Announcement
- Job Announcement: Senior Director, Google Lunar X PRIZE (Playa Vista, CA)
- Request for Input on USGS/Isis Software Support for Additional Planetary Imaging Instruments
- A National Conference on Science Education and Public Outreach
- Deadline Alert for AOGS Session: Outer Planets & Icy Worlds (PS.06)
- Deadline Alert for AOGS Session: Astrobiology - Life in the Universe (PS 14)
- First Announcement for the Enceladus Focus Group Meeting
- ESA training workshops: Venus Express and Mars Express
- OPAG Meeting 17-18 March, 2011, Alexandria, VA
- Planetary Calendar Meeting Additions
Issue 12, March 6, 2011
- Passing of James L. Elliot (1943-2011)
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter - March 2011
- [NASA] PDS Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 16
- [NASA] Exploration of Near-Earth Objects: Open Community NEO
Outbrief and NASA NEO Users Team (NUT) Summary
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- First Announcement - LunGradCon 2011
- [NASA] Infrared Telescope Facility Observing Proposals
- [NASA] February 2011 Discovery and New Frontiers Newsletter
- [NASA] Planetary Decadal Survey Release
- Venus Town-Hall Meeting at LPSC
- Nitrogen in Planetary Systems: The Early Evolution
of the Atmospheres of Terrestrial Planets (COST CM-0805)
- Invitation to Luncheon Meeting between Industry and Science
Communities on NEOs at LPSC
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 11, February 27, 2011
- Postdoctoral Position in JPL's Planetary Ices Group
- Cosmic Dust at AOGS 2011: Call for Abstract Submission
- [NASA] PDS Mars Exploration Rovers Data Release 27
- Joint Assembly: CPS 8th International School of Planetary Sciences
- Planetary Science Decadal Survey Update
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 10, February 20, 2011
- [NASA] 2nd Education Opportunities in NASA STEM (EONS) Workshop
- The European Space Agency (ESTEC, The Netherlands) recruits a scientist
- Application Deadline Extended for International Conference: Exploring Mars Habitability
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 9, February 13, 2011
- [NASA] Notice of ROSES-2011 Release
- PGGURP Seeks Researchers to Host Undergraduate Summer Interns
- Lunar Swirls Lunch-time Meeting at LPSC, Monday, March 7, 2011
- International Conference on Exploring Mars Habitability Deadline
- Information Available for the First International MEPAG Meeting
- NASA Planetary Science Summer School Applications
- Cold Temperature Technology Applications for Exploring the Lunar
Surface and Searching for Volatiles
- OPAG Meeting 17-18 March, 2011, Alexandria, VA
- International Astronomical Congress "Astrokazan-2011"
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 8, February 6, 2011
- The Moon: The First Billion Years of Crustal Evolution
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter - February 2011
- Call for Symposium Papers: Chemistry as a Tool for Space Exploration and Discovery at Mars
- [NASA] Earth and Space Science Fellowship (NESSF) Program 2011/2012 Academic Year Proposal Submission Deadline is Extended to February 8
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Venus Lunch-Time Town-Hall Meeting at LPSC, Thursday, March 10, 2011
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 7, January 30, 2011
- AOGS Session: Outer Planets and Icy Worlds (PS.06)
- AOGS Session: Astrobiology - Life in the Universe (PS.14)
- [NASA] Availability for Summer of Innovation (SOI) Competitive Grants Peer Review
- Dawn Science Team - Education and Public Outreach Liaison Call for Applications
- Mars Express OMEGA data release
- Resources for Skeptical Examination of Astrology from the Astronomical Society of the Pacific
- 41st Saas-Fee Advanced Course "From Planets to Life">
- Japan Geoscience Union International Symposium 2011: Session on future exploration of the Jupiter and Saturn systems
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 6, January 23, 2011
- Workshop: Cold Temperature Technology Applications for Exploring the Lunar Surface and Searching for Volatiles
- AbGradCon 2011 - Abstract Submissions Are Now Open!
- Second Announcement: Conference on Mars Habitability
- Training workshops on Venus Express and Mars Express science data
- Announcement for a Planetary Special Session at IUGG
- Mars Express Images of Phobos
- Fourth Meeting of the NASA Small Bodies Assessment Group - Webex Instructions
- Outer Planets Colloquium Series
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 5, January 17, 2011
- [NASA SPECIAL] Status of Planetary's Research and Analysis (R&A;) Program
Issue 4, January 16, 2011
- [NASA] Education Opportunities in NASA STEM (EONS) Workshop
- Cold Temperature Technology Applications for Exploring the Lunar Surface and Searching for Volatiles
- PDS Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3) Data Release #2
- TARGET NEO: Providing a Resilient NEO Accessibility Program for Human Exploration Beyond LEO
- 9th IAA Low Cost Planetary Missions conference
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions>
Issue 3, January 10, 2011
- [NASA SPECIAL] Mars Program Update: From 'Follow the Water' to 'Seeking Signs of Life'
Issue 2, January 9, 2011
- [NASA] PDS Releases New Cassini Data
- [NASA] Due Date delayed for Lunar Advanced Science and Exploration Research (LASER) Program
- [NASA] announces the Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR)
- Job Opening - Lunar Sample Curator
- A Decade of Exploration with the Magellan Telescopes
- [NASA] PDS Releases Mars Odyssey Data
- [NASA] Final Report from the Joint Jupiter Science Definition Team
- [NASA] Job Announcements at NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
- Small Bodies Roadmap Draft and Discussion
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 1, January 2, 2011
- Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 4
- [NASA] Strategic Astrophysics Technology
- Workshop on Identifying NEO Targets for Human Exploration
- Upcoming Meeting to Focus on Roadmap for Small Bodies Exploration and Technology Needs
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Table of Contents: Volume 4, 2010
Issue 56, December 26, 2010
- Stony Brook Geosciences Faculty Search 2010-11
- USGS Astrogeology Science Center Director
- Postdoctoral Fellowship in Lunar Science and Exploration: Petrology and Geochemistry
- DAWN mission support: Request for ground-based vestoid photometry
- [NASA] Proposals Sought for Technology Flight Demonstrations and Information About Suborbital Flight Services
- Low Cost Planetary Missions Conference
- [NASA] Mars Science Laboratory Participating Scientist Program
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 55, December 19, 2010
- Passing of Donald M. Hunten (1925-2010)
- NRC's Committee on Planetary Protection Standards for Icy Bodies in the Outer Solar System
- Committee on the Origins and Evolution of Life (COEL)
- [NASA] Southern hemisphere launch opportunity for sounding rocket flights
- [NASA] Draft AO for SOFIA Second Generation Instruments Released for Community Comment
- PhD Student position(s) in Germany (Earth System Sciences Research School - Jacobs University Bremen)
- Asteroids, Comets, Meteors 2011
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 54, December 12, 2010
- Call for Abstracts, EGU 2011, Session: Volcanism, Tectonics and Faulting in the Solar System
- Mars Exploration Science Request for Feedback
- Astrogeology Science Center Director
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 53, December 5, 2010
- Passing of Tom Ahrens
- Job Opening - Lunar Sample Curator
- Mars Exploration Science Request for Feedback
- Astronomers Explain Recent Discoveries in Podcasts from the Astronomical Society of the Pacific (ASP)
- [NASA] Open Recruitment for members of SMD's Advisory Subcommittees
- 9th IAA Low Cost Planetary Missions conference
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- [NASA ] PDS Releases More Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter - December 2010
- Post-Doctoral Research position at Lunar and Planetary Lab
- Fourth Meeting of the NASA Small Bodies Assessment Group
- [NASA] Explorer 2011 Amendments Posted
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 52, November 28, 2010
- Magnetosphere for Outer Planets Conference 2011
- Call for Abstracts, EGU 2011, Session: Aurora, Airglow and Transient Luminous Events in Planetary Atmospheres
- Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3) Data Tutorial at 2010 AGU
- [NASA] PDS Releases More MER Data
- Planetary Geomorphology Session, EGU
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 51, November 21, 2010
- Passing of Brian Marsden (1937-2010)
- [NASA] Request for Proposals for Mars Exploration Program Critical
Data Products Program
- [NASA] New Proposal Opportunity in the Kepler Participating
Scientists Program
- Planetary Scientist Staff Position
- Professional Development Event Survey
- 8th International Planetary Probe Workshop
- 39th Scientific Assembly of the Committee on Space Research and
Associated Events (COSPAR 2012)
- Fourth Meeting of the NASA Small Bodies Assessment Group
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 50, November 18, 2010
- [SPECIAL EDITION] Brian Marsden (1937-2010)
Issue 49, November 14, 2010
- Planetary Science Technology Review (PSTR)
- Graduate Students Eligible for the LPI Career Development Award!
- New-Horizons Workshop on Icy Surface Processes
- Microsymposium 52: The Moon: The First Billion Years of Crustal Evolution
- 2011 Next-Generation Suborbital Researchers Conference (NSRC-2011)
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 48, November 7, 2010
- [NASA] New Mars Civil Service Position at Headquarters
- [NASA] Earth and Space Science Fellowship (NESSF) Program
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- New-Horizons Workshop on Icy Surface Processes
- Nominations Invited for 2011 ASP Educational Awards
- [NASA] Planetary Protection Policies and Practices
- Planetary Decadal Report Draft Completed
- Planetary Decadal Survey's Panels Dissolved
- Planetary Decadal Survey Mission and Technology Study Reports Now Available
- Deadline Extended to November 30, 2010 for Submitting Papers to the Icarus Special Issue "Advances in Venus Science"
- [NASA] Planetary Data System: Participation Opportunity
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 47, October 31, 2010
- [NASA] Participation Opportunity for ESA ExoMars
- Lunar Exploration Summer Intern Program
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter Available
- Planetary Data System - Cassini ISS Data Volume coiss_3007
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 46, October 24, 2010
- [NASA] WFIRST Science Definition Team
- Planetary Protection Policies and Practices
- Announcing Icarus Special Issue, "Advances in Venus Science"
- Mount Holyoke College Postdoctoral Fellowship
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 45, October 17, 2010
- Registration for the 2011 Next-Generation Suborbital Researchers Conference (NSRC-2011) is Now Open!
- The NASA Postdoctoral Program at the Goddard Space Flight Center
- Faculty Position in Extrasolar Planet Studies
- Announcement: 39th Scientific Assembly of the Committee on Space Research and Associated Events (COSPAR 2012)
- Postdoc Fellowships at ASU - SESE
- GNIRS System Verification
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 44, October 10, 2010
- Passing of Frank J. Stadermann
- Passing of Audouin Charles Dollfus
- [NASA] Reminder: NASA Poll on Planetary Research and Analysis Programs
Closes October 11
- [NASA] Request For Information (RFI)
- [NASA PDS] Cassini ISS and VIMS Data Release 23
- International Space Station: The Next Decade Conference
- [NASA] Announcement for Membership on the WFIRST Mission Science
Definition Team
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter Available
- Call for Proposals from the European Space Agency
- [NASA] Solicitation for NASA Science Team members for ESA's Euclid
- Mars As Art 2: Images Needed
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 43, October 3, 2010
- Editorial: Courage and Conviction
- 51 Women in Planetary Science
- SOFIA Workshop during the 2010 DPS meeting
- Student Opportunity: Nininger Meteorite Award
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 42, September 30, 2010
- [NASA Special] Heads Up on a Fabulous Upcoming Event Celebrating 50 Years of Exo/Astrobiology: Seeking Signs of Life!
Issue 41, September 26, 2010
- 51 Women in Planetary Science
- SOFIA Workshop During the 2010 DPS Meeting
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 40, September 19, 2010
- Reminder: NASA Poll on Planetary Research and Analysis
- Announcement from Astronomy Education Review
- [NASA] Mars at Art 2
- [NASA] MEPAG Meeting Announcement
- [NASA] Decadal Survey Request: Solar and Space Physics
- Assistant Professor of Astronomy - Cornell University
- NASA [PDS]: Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 3
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 39, September 14, 2010
- [NASA Special] Community Input on Plantary Research and Analysis Programs Requested
Issue 38, September 12, 2010
- MESSENGER Postdoctoral Researcher
- 4th International Workshop on the Mars Atmosphere: Modelling and Observations
- [NASA] Cancellation of the GALEX Guest Investigator Program
- Upcoming OPAG Meeting Video Feed
- Cassini/RPWS/HFR Radio Data Browse Tool
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 37, September 5, 2010
- [NASA] Infrared Telescope Facility Observing Proposals
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- [NASA PDS] Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 14
- [NASA] Postdoctoral Fellow at NASA Johnson Space Center
- [NASA] August 2010 Discovery and New Frontiers Newsletter Released
- Cosmochemistry Illustrated: Slides for the Classroom
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter Available
- Postdoctoral Research Position - UI Urbana Champaign
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 36, August 29, 2010
- Fall AGU Session P22: On the Nature, Origin, and Evolution of
Water on Airless Bodies
- DPS Early Career Scientist Workshop
- MSL Landing Site Workshop Program Available Online
- [NASA] PDS Makes Available Cassini Mimas Map
- [NASA] Due Date Delayed For Astrobiology: Exobiology and
Evolutionary Biology Program
- Student Travel Grants for GSA Meeting
- [NASA] PDS Releases Mars Exploration Rovers Data
- [NASA] Keck Telescopes Call for 2011A Proposals
- [NASA] MEPAG Meeting Announcement
- Postdoc Position in Impact Research/Cosmochemistry
- Faculty Position in Astronomy - Cornell University
- SOFIA Tour During DPS
- SOFIA Workshop During DPS
- [NASA] Notices of Intent for Kepler Guest Observer Program
- [NASA] Outer Planets Assessment Group Meeting
- Planetary Calendar Additions
Issue 35, August 22, 2010
- [NASA SPECIAL] From: James L. Green, Director, Planetary Science Division, NASA Headquarters
- Fall AGU Session DI12: Interior Structure and Evolution of the Terrestrial Planets
- Fall AGU Session GP09: Planetary and Meteorite Paleomagnetism and Rock Magnetism
- Planetary Geomorphology at the International Association of Geomorphologists
- Job Opening: Research Associate in Planetary Physics, Imperial College London, UK
- Workshop Geobiology in Space Exploration and Field Trip Geomicrobiology and Geology From Precambrian to Quaternary
- Planetary Science Powerpoints and PDFs
- Postdoctoral Position in Meteoritics
- Job Announcement: Marshall Space Flight Center Civil Service Position in Planetary Science
- Planetary Calendar Additions
Issue 34, August 15, 2010
- AGU Session: Mineralogical Studies of Impact Craters
- AGU Session: Fluvial Morphology and Past Climate on Planet Mars
- AGU Session: South Pole-Aitken Basin, New Insights
- AGU Session: Eyes on Enceladus
- [NASA] PDS Releases Phoenix Robotic Arm Delivered Data
- Vacancy for PhD Candidate
- Stardust Sample Catalog
- Expedited Stardust Sample TEM Sample Allocation Policy
- [NASA] Discovery 2010 AO New Data Requirement and Delay of Due Date
- Amelua Earhart Fellowship
- Job Opportunity
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 33, August 8, 2010
- [NASA] Change in NSPIRES Treatment of NASA CS Salaries
- Fall AGU Session: P03. Evolution of Planetary Atmospheres
- Fall AGU Session: P17. Icy Ocean Worlds
- Fall AGU Session on Planetary Science From Multiple-Spacecraft
- Outer Planets Colloquium Series
- MEPAG Meeting Announcement
- [NASA] Announcement of Opportunity (AO) Discovery 2010 Amendment 2
- USGS Research Position Announcement
- [NASA] PDS Releases LCROSS Data
- [NASA] PDS Small Bodies Node and ESA Planetary Science Archive
Announce Release of Rosetta Orbiter Data
- OPAG September Meeting -- Europa Jupiter System Mission
- Planetary Calendar Meeting Additions
Issue 32, August 1, 2010
- Brown University: Assistant Professor, Geological Sciences Planetary Geological Processes
- ESA Postdoctoral Fellowships in Space Science
- [NASA] Due Date delayed for C.16 Planetary Instrument Definition and Development (PIDD) Program
- Editor Journal Geophysical Research - Planets
- [NASA] NASA Opens Online Voting For Next Desert RATS Exploration Site
- 42nd LPSC Updates
- SOFIA workshop
- SOFIA tour
- [NASA PDS] LRO LOLA Interim Release Announcement
- Soliciting Abstracts for Impact Cratering Session, GSA Annual Meeting
- Fall AGU Session on Outer Satellite Topography
- Planetary Geology Sessions at the 2010 GSA Annual Meeting
- Exploration of Near Earth Objects (NEO) Objectives Workshop [Explore NOW]
- Student Travel Grants for GSA Meeting
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 31, July 25, 2010
- 3rd Small Bodies Assessment Group Meeting - Remote Participation
- Director, Department of Terrestrial Magnetism, Carnegie Instition for Science
- [NASA] Planetary Protection Research Deadline Reminder
- Access for Remote Participation in the EJSM Instrument Workshop
- Student Travel Awards for the 4th MSL Landing Site Workshop
- 1st Information Circular - Logistics for MEPAG #23
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 30, July 18, 2010
- CPS 7th International School of Planetary Sciences
- [NASA] Discovery 2010: Clarification of Two AO Requirements
- PhD Position on Martian Channel Formation: Ulrecht University,
The Netherlands
- MESSENGER Postdoctoral Researcher
- [NASA] CAN Released for NASA Astrobiology Institute Minority
Institution Research Support Program
- Update: 3rd Small Bodies Assessment Group Meeting
- EJSM Workshop Reminder
- VEXAG Venus Workshop Abstract Submission Deadline Extended
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 29, July 11, 2010
- [NASA] Due date change for Kepler Guest Observer Program
- [NASA] Planetary Data System Odyssey Data, release 32
- Special Issue of Planetary and Space Science - "Titan Through Time"
Reminder of Deadlines
- Planetary Data System - Cassini ISS and VIMS Release 22 Archive
Data Volumes Available
- July Decadal Survey Steering Group Meeting
- [NASA] ROSES-10 Amendment 11: Earth and Space Science Experiments
using Commercial Reusable Suborbital Research Vehicles and
the International Space Station
- 2010 GSA Annual Meeting Session
- Abstract deadline for 'Venus Our Closest Earth-Like Planet
- Roadmap for Small Bodies Exploration in the Solar System
- 3rd Small Bodies Assessment Group Meeting - Registration Now Open
- Two Program Scientist Positions in Planetary Science Division,
NASA HQ will Close July 12th
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 28, July 4, 2010
- U.S. National Space Policy Released
- 3rd NASA Small Bodies Assessment Group Meeting - Update
- LEAG Abstract Deadline Extended to July 7
- MEPAG Newsletter Available
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Mars Express Publication Available Online
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 27, June 27, 2010
- Fourth MSL Landing Site Workshop- Call for Presentations
- [NASA] Draft AOs for Explorer Missions and Explorer Missions of
Opportunity Released for Community Comment
- [NASA] NSPIRES Contract Change and Interruptions in Service
- [NASA] Final Announcement for EJSM Instrument Workshop
- Remiders for the 3rd Annual Lunar Science Forum
- LEAG Abstracts Due June 30
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 26, June 20, 2010
- Mars Global Reference Atmospheric Model (MARS-GRAM)
- [NASA] Discovery and New Frontiers Program "Space School Musical"
- [NASA PDS] Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) Release 2
- Postdoctoral Position in Cosmochemistry at Washington University
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 25, June 15, 2010
- [NASA SPECIAL] Two Program Scientist Positions in Planetary Science Division, NASA HQ
Issue 24, June 13, 2010
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 23, June 6, 2010
- Planetary Data System Enceladus Cartographic Volume Update
- Planetary Scientist Position - Max Plank Institute
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Postdoctoral or Scientist Position in Small Bodies Research at
University of Maryland
- [NASA PDS] Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 13
- Special Issue of Planetary and Space Science - "Titan Through Time"
- Second announcement: Next Generation Lunar Scientists and
Engineers (NGLSE) Workshop
- Basic Science Observations with SOFIA
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 22, May 30, 2010
- [NASA] Discovery 2010 Announcement of Opportunity (NNH10ZDA007O)
- AGU Upcoming Meeting Deadlines
- Mars Science Monthly Newsletter
- Planetary Science Technology Review (PSTR) Panel
- Job Announcement: Faulty Position, University of Maryland,
- Job Announcement: Postdoctoral Position, University of Arizona
- Job Announcement: Postdoctoral Position, University of Virginia
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 21, May 23, 2010
- Thanks to Old and Welcome to New PEN Editors
- Job Announcement: Research Position at Mount Holyoke College
- Field Training and Research Program at Meteor Crater
- Lloyd V. Berkner Space Policy Internships
- EPSC, Rome 2010: Outer Planet Satellites session
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Addition
Issue 20, May 16, 2010
- [NASA SPECIAL] New R&A; Lead Position in PSD Closes Tomorrow
- EPSC 2010 Lunar Sessions: Call for abstracts
- Call for Papers: Special Issue of EPS (Cosmic Dust)
- [NASA] 4th Europa Jupiter System Mission Instrument Workshop
- [NASA] Approved Parts & Materials List (APML) available for EJSM AO
- Next Generation Lunar Scientists and Engineers (NGLSE) Workshop
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 19, May 9, 2010
- Editorial: Uninformed Congressional Action Agains NASA Uncosted
Carryover and NASA's Response are not Good for Research Programs
- Suborbital Applications Researchers Group
- Job Announcement: Astrogeology Interdisciplinary Position at USGS
- [NASA] The Venus Climate Orbiter Participating Scientist Program
- Dusty Visions 2010
- EPSC 2010 - abstract deadline postponed
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 18, May 2, 2010
- [NASA] April 2010 Discovery and New Frontiers Newsletter Released
- 2010 Annual Meeting of the Lunar Exploration Analysis Group
- NATO Advanced Study Institute on Remote Sensing
- Workshop Planet Mars III Presentations Available
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter
- May 'Image of the Month'
- Venus Atmosphere and Surface Interaction Workshop
- Small Bodies Session at EPSC 2010
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 17, April 25, 2010
- Second Announcement - LunGradCon 2010
- New "Discoveries in Planetary Science" Classroom Powerpoints Available
- 238Pu: Write to Your Representatives and Senators
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 16, April 18, 2010
- [NASA SPECIAL] New R&A; Lead Position at PSD Now Open
- [NASA] Planetary Science Summer School
- Presentations from 8-9 April 2010 Planetary Science Subcommittee
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 15, April 11, 2010
- [NASA] PDS Cassini Release 21 Data Available
- Lunar Science Forum: Abstract Deadline Approaching
- [NASA] Discovery Program Community Announcement (NNH10ZDA006J)
- Lunar and Planetary Laboratory Homecoming: 50th Anniversary Banquet
and Symposium
- [NASA] Meeting Update for the Small Bodies Assessment Group (SBAG)
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter Available
- [NASA] Due Date Delayed for ASTEP Program
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 14, April 4, 2010
- Dusty Visions 2010: Second Announcement
- Fourth MSL Landing Site Community Workshop: First Announcement
- Io Workshop 2010: Second Announcement
- Invitation to Contribute to a Special Issue of Planetary and Space
Science Devoted to "Mercury after Three MESSENGER Flybys"
- Planetary Data System (PDS) Odyssey Data Release 31
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- [NASA] Small Bodies Assessment Group Meetings Scheduled
- [NASA] Outer Planets Assessment Group (OPAG) Meeting Scheduled
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 13, March 28, 2010
- [NASA] SALMON AO Amendment 5: Procedure for Submission of Proposals
by Non-U.S. Organizations in Response to Appendix H6: ExoMars Trace
Gas Orbiter Instruments
- Session on "Exploring the Martian Moons" at the EPSC Conference
- EJSM Open Science Workshop
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 12, March 21, 2010
- Venus-GRAM Now Available as Public Domain Software
- [NASA] Civil Service Position at NASA Johnson Space Center: Small bodies and near-Earth objects
- [NASA] Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Release 1
- MEPAG WebEx and Teleconference information
- Information Session on ESA's Lunar Lander: A Precursor to Human Exploration
- International Venus Conference, Aussois, France, 20-26 June 2010
- Abstracts & Registration Being Accepted for August 2010 ASP Meeting
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 11, March 14, 2010
- EDITORIAL: Congressional Language Threatens to Undermine NASA Research Programs
- 42nd Annual DPS Conference
- [NASA] Planetary Science Summer School
- LPSC NASA Night Briefings Posted
- Message From MEPAG
- Cosmic Magnetism
- Attention Grad Students and Early Postdocs: LunGradCon 2010
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 10, March 7, 2010
- Meeting Deadline: IAC 2010
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter - March 2010
- Announcing SETIcon
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 9, February 28, 2010
- AbGradCon 2010 - Europe Awaits
- [NASA] Letter from SARA (ROSES 2010)
- [NASA] Mars Exploration Rovers Data Release 23
- First Announcement: Dusty Visions 2010
- Outer Planets Colloquium Series
- [NASA] PDS Releases EPOXI (EPOCh) Mission Data
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 8, February 21, 2010
- Water on Mars Summerschool at Utrecht University, the Netherlands
- Planetary Decadal Survey Meeting, 22-24 February
- AOGS Session: Science and Exploration of Mars and Venus (PS.05)
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 7, February 14, 2010
- Mars Geochemistry Session at 2010 Goldschmidt Conference Final
Call for Abstracts
- NASA Lunar Science Forum: First Announcement
- MEPAG #22 Reminder
- EJSM Open Science Workshop
- Methane on Mars Workshop 2009, ESRIN (Italy)
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 6, February 7, 2010
- URGENT! Outer Planets Assessment Group (OPAG) Meeting DELAYED
Due to Snow
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Planetary Radio Announcement
- Mars Exploration Program Analysis Group - Newsletter Available
- Mars Express Ionospheric Data Are Available
- NSLI Director's Seminar Series
- Tenure-Track Research Position - Lowell Observatory
- Commissioning Scientist for the Discovery Channel Telescope -
Lowell Observatory
- [NASA] Planetary Science Subcommittee Telecon PowerPoint Slides
Available (From Feb. 3 Meeting)
- Venus Lunch-Time Town-Hall Meeting at LPSC, Monday, March 1st
- Cassini Scientists Pick the Top Highlights of 2009
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 5, January 31, 2010
- IMA2010 Session: Planetary Mineralogy - Meteorites, Shock Metamorphism, and More (PL121)
- Make Your Own Suggestions for HiRISE
- Workshop: Titan Through Time - Extension of Abstract Deadline
- Two Podcast Series from the Astronomical Society of the Pacific
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 4, January 24, 2010
- [NASA] Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES)
- 2016 ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter AO has been Released
- Call for Abstracts
- Call for AOGS 2010 Abstracts - Planetary Science (PS) Sessions
- NASA'S Planetary Geology and Geophysics Undergraduate Research
- Decadal Survey Updates: Membership and Meeting Date Change
- [NASA] PSS Telecon Meeting
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 3, January 17, 2010
- Call for AOGS 2010 Abstracts: Cosmic Dust: Its Formation and
- Call for AOGS 2010 Abstracts: Science and Exploration of Mars and
- [NASA] Mars Exploration Program Requests for Proposal for the
Critical Data Products Program
- [NASA] Solar Probe Plus AO Amendment 1: Revisions
- Outer Planets Assessment Group (OPAG) Meeting: Room Deadline TODAY
- [NASA] ROSES-09 Amendment 32: Due Date Change for Kepler Guest
Observer Program Element
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 2, January 10, 2010
- SETI Institute Seminar Series
- NSRC Pre-Registration Deadline: 15 January
- Call for AOGS 2010 Abstracts: Icy Satellites, Rings, and Icy Dwarf Planets
- Call for AOGS 2010 Abstracts: Ices and Astrobiology
- Call for AOGS 2010 Abstracts: Origin and Evolution of Plansts and Small Bodies
- [NASA] PDS Releases More Cassini ISS and VIMS Data
- Planetary Science Slides and Illustrations
- Second Announcement of a Workshop - Nix and Hydra: Five Years After Discovery
- Job Announcement: Astrogeology Project Management Analysts at USGS
- Call for Abstracts: Planetary Geomorphology (GM1.3) at European Geophysical Union General Assembly
- [NASA] Proposal Writing Workshop at LPSC
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 1, January 3, 2010
- [NASA] SALMON AO ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter Instruments Investigations
- Exploration Fellowship Program
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Table of Contents: Volume 3, 2009
Issue 62, December 27, 2009
- Workshop Announcement: Mars III, Les Houches, France
- Second International Planetary Dunes Workshop: Planetary Analogs
- Digitized Lunar Orbiter Data Available Online in the Planetary
Data System
- Call for Abstracts: Laboratory Planetary Sciences at AOGS 2010
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 61, December 20, 2009
- Antarctic Search for Meteorites (ANSMET) Commencing Blog
- Cosmic Dust Lab Announcement
- Titan Through Time: Formation, Evolution and Fate
- Exploration Fellowship Program
- [NASA] MGS Mars Thermal Inertia Maps data release
- [NASA] Kepler Guest Observer - Cycle 2
- [NASA] Information Notice: Change in Comment Period for Discovery 2010 Draft Announcement of Opportunity (NNH10ZDA003J)
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 60, December 13, 2009
- [NASA] Draft Discovery 2010 Announcement of Opportunity
- [NASA] Community Announcement on a NASA Solicitation for ExoMars
Trace Gas Orbiter Instruments
- Job Announcement: Faculty Position in Planetary Sciences
- Cassini-Huygens Project: Huygens Legacy and Future Titan
- LRO Diviner Symposium at LPSC
- 3rd Europa Jupiter System Mission Instrument Workshop
- [NASA PDS] Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 11
- [NASA] Latest Letter from SARA
- Job Announcement: Faculty Position in Planetary Atmospheres
- Job Announcement: Faculty Position in Extrasolar Planet Studies
- Job Announcement: Faculty Position in Planetary Surface Processes
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 59, December 6, 2009
- Planetary Geomorphology "Image of the Month"
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter Available
- New "Discoveries in Planetary Science" Classroom Powerpoints
- The View from 5 AU: Measuring the Diffuse Sky Brightness from the
Outer Solar System
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 58, November 29, 2009
- [NASA] Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research
- [NASA] Mars Exploration Rovers Data Release 22
- Job Announcement: Faculty Position in Geosciences
- Job Announcement: Faculty Position in Extrasolar Planet Studies
- Job Announcement: Faculty Position in Planetary Atmospheres
- Job Announcement: Faculty Position in Planetary Surface Processes
- [NASA] November 2009 Discovery and New Frontiers Programs Newsletter Released
- Announcing the Canadian Astrobiology Training Program
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 57, November 22, 2009
- AbSciCon Call for Abstracts: Where to Search for Life on Mars
- Job Announcement: Faculty Position in Planetary Atmospheres
- Job Announcement: Faculty Position in Extrasolar Planet Studies
- Job Announcement: Faculty Position in Planetary Surface Processes
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 56, November 15, 2009
- Job Announcement: Faculty Position in Planetary Atmospheres
- Job Announcement: Faculty Position in Planetary Surface Processes
- Job Announcement: Faculty Position in Extrasolar Planet Studies
- Job Announcement: Post-doctoral Researcher, Lunar Samples, Univ.
of Notre Dame
- Job Announcement: Post-doctoral Researcher, Planetary Sciences
- [NASA] Meeting of the Planetary Science Subcommittee of the NASA
Advisory Council
- TNO 2010 Meeting: Dynamical and Physical Properties of Trans-
Neptunian Objects
- [NASA] Second NASA Small Bodies Assessment Group Meeting - Call in
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 55, November 8, 2009
- 2nd NASA Small Bodies Assessment Group Meeting - Update
- [NASA] Earth and Space Science Fellowship (NESSF) Program
- Call for Candidate Future Mars Landing Sites
- Job Announcement: Aerospace Scholars Program Manager
- Job Announcement: Postdoctoral Researcher in Planetary Mapping
- Job Announcement: Planetary Geophysics Postdoctoral Fellowship
- Job Announcement: Postdoctoral Researcher in Planetary Petrology
- Job Announcement: Postdoctoral Fellow in Lunar Surface Geology
- [NASA] One Stop Shopping Initiative for Internship/Fellowship Opportunities
- [NASA] Planetary Science Subcommittee Meeting
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 54, November 1, 2009
- SBAG Community Poll Results: Primitive Bodies Decadal Priorities
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Postdoctoral Researcher in Planetary Mapping
- Postdoctoral Researcher in Planetary Petrology
- Planetary Geophysics Postdoctoral Fellowship
- Postdoctoral Fellow in Lunar Surface Geology
- Faculty Position in Planetary Atmospheres
- Faculty Position in Extrasolar Planet Studies
- Faculty Position in Planetary Surface Processes
- 2nd NASA Small Bodies Assessment Group Meeting - Update
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 53, October 26, 2009
- Decadal Priorities Poll for Primitive Bodies to Close in Less than 24 Hours
Issue 52, October 25, 2009
- [NASA] Lunar Advanced Science and Exploration Research (LASER)
Program - Proposal Due Date Change
- SPICE Class Announcement
- Postdoctoral Position at the University of Vienna
- PhD Positions - NEO asteroids and Impact Crater Studies (Doctoral
School at the University of Vienna, Austria)
- LDAPWorkshop Abstract Due Date Reminder
- [NASA] Small Bodies Assessment Group Meeting
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 51, October 22, 2009
- Decadal Priorities Poll Now Open - Primitive Bodies
Issue 50, October 18, 2009
- [NASA] Cassini Release 19 Data Available from the Planetary Data System
- Lunar Exploration Analysis Group Annual Meeting Announcement
- Registration Open for Next-Gen Suborbital Researchers Conference
- Postdoctoral Position in Experimental Astrophysics
- Post-Doctoral Planetary Scientist
- Planetary Geophysics Postdoctoral Fellowship
- Reminder - VEXAG Meeting #7 - October 27,28, 2009 - Irvine, CA
- Third Announcement: UCF Winter Workshop
- Soliciting Session Proposals for the Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 49, October 11, 2009
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- LunarGeo 2010 Second Announcement
- October 2009 Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter
- Postdoctoral Researcher in Planetary Mapping
- Planetary Geophysics Postdoctoral Fellowship
- Postdoctoral Researcher in Planetary Petrology
- Nominations Invited for 2010 ASP Educational Awards
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 48, October 6, 2009
- SBAG Decadal Workshop at DPS - Wednesday, 10/7, 12:30 PM Eastern
Issue 47, October 4, 2009
- Small Bodies Online Decadal Forum Now Open for Discussions
- SBAG Decadal Workshop at DPS - Telecon/Webcon Instructions
- NRC Planetary Decadal Survey Meeting Dates in 2010
- Student Rapporteurs Needed at NRC Planetary Decadal Survey Meetings
Issue 46, October 4, 2009
- [NASA] Planetary Division Budgets FY2003-FY2009 Posted
- [NASA] ROSES Selection Times Posted
- [NASA] ROSES Solicitation and Guidebook Revisions
- [NASA] SALMON AO Amendment 3: New Proposal Due Date
- [NASA] PDS Announces the Availability of Updated ISS Cartographic
- Venus Pressure Test Chamber - A Potential Resource
- Assistant or Associate Astronomer, NASA Infrared Telescope
Facility, Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii
- Education and Public Outreach Manager, Laboratory for Atmospheric
and Space Physics, University of Colorado at Boulder
- Postdoctoral Researcher in Planetary Petrology Position
- RAS National Astronomy Meeting 2010 -- Call for Parallel Session
- First Announcement: Mars Workshop, Les Houches, France
- Planetary Protection Policies and Practices Course - 2 Openings
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 45, September 27, 2009
- [NASA] Planetary Science and Data Management Position
- Challenging the Paradigm: The Legacy of Galileo
- Decadal Survey - Inner Planets Panel: Community Workshop at DPS
- LPL Tenure-Track Faculty Positions Available
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 44, September 20, 2009
- Small Missions to the Moon - First Joint USA/UK/Canada Workshop on Lunar Science and Engineering
- [NASA] Stand Alone Missions of Opportunity Notice (SALMON) - Proposal Due Date Change
- Northern Arizona University Department of Physics and Astronomy Postdoctoral Opportunity
- Workshop on Observations of Vesta and Ceres Enhancing Scientific Return from NASA's Dawn Mission
- Workshop at DPS - Women in Astronomy: Professional Development
- Venus Exploration and Analysis Group (VEXAG) Meeting -
Update at DPS
- Venus Exploration and Analysis Group (VEXAG) Meeting #7
- UCF Winter School 2010: Exoplanets for Planetary Scientists
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 43, September 15, 2009
- Planetary Decadal White Papers Are Due Today (Tuesday, Sept. 15)
- Small Bodies Decadal Workshop at DPS - Time Change Again!
- Decadal Survey - Giant Planets Panel: Community Workshop at DPS
Issue 42, September 13, 2009
- Mars Exploration Program Analysis Group - Newsletter Available
- Student Travel Award Opportunity - Methane on Mars Workshop
- [NASA] High-end Computing for SMD-sponsored Research
- [NASA] SBAG Decadal Workshop at DPS - Time Change
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 41, September 6, 2009
- Lunar Dust, Plasma and Atmosphere: The Next Steps
- Outer Planets Colloquium Series
- Next-Generation Suborbital Researchers Conference
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- [NASA] Outer Planets Research Program - New Proposal/Start Dates
- Venus White Papers for NRC's Planetary Sciences Decadal Survey
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 40, August 30, 2009
- Faraday Discussion 147: Chemistry of the Planets
- Research Opportunities at the Institute for Rock Magnetism (U. of
- AGU Session: Planetary Cores and Subsurface Oceans Dynamics
- AGU Session: Volcano-tectonics on Earth and other Planets
- AGU Session: Mineralogy of the Lunar Crust
- [NASA] Small Bodies Assessment Group DPS Workshop on Decadal
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 39, August 23, 2009
- Planetary Science Decadal Survey Satellites Panel Meeting
- Planetary Science Decadal Survey Giant Planets Panel Meeting
- Planetary Science Decadal Survey Inner Planets Panel Meeting
- Planetary Science Decadal Survey Mars Panel Meeting
- Planetary Science Decadal Survey Primitive Bodies Panel Meeting
- Primitive Bodies Communty White Papers Deadline Approaching
- Fall AGU Special Session: Volcano-Tectonics: New Insights from Earth and Other Planets
- FALL AGU Special Session: Deep Planetary Transition Layer Processes
- New Horizons KBO Search - DPS Meeting Workshop
- Job Announcement - School Postdoctoral Fellowship
- Planetary Science Slides and Illustrations
- [NASA PDS] Mars Exploration Rovers Data Release 21
- The CPS 6th International School of Planetary Sciences - First Circular
- 14. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 38, August 16, 2009
- Mars Decadal Survey White Papers
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 37, August 9, 2009
- Eugene Shoemaker Impact Cratering Award
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- GSA Special Session: Fault and Fracture Studies in the Solar System
- Fall AGU Special Session: Return to the Moon - Latest Science Results
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 36, August 2, 2009
- [NASA] Proposal Submission Requires Team Member Organizational
- [NASA] Office of Education Accepting Proposals for K-12 Cooperative
Agreements Notice
- [NASA PDS] Cassini ISS And VIMS Data Release 22
- [NASA] Letter from SARA: Team Members on NSPIRES
- Fall AGU Special Session: Potential Biomarkers on Mars
- Fall AGU Session: NH26 Planetary Defense Against Hazardous
Asteroids: Science, Technology and Policy to Mitigate the Threats
- Fall AGU Session: P13 Organics in Meteorites and Dust Particles:
Composition, Distribution, Formation and Isotopic Anomalies
- Fall AGU Special Session: Young Valley Features on Mars and the
Martian Fluvial Record
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 35, July 26, 2009
- Solo Impact on Jupiter
- NRC Decadal Survey Discipline Panel Membership Named
- Community White Papers on Small Bodies for the Planetary Decadal Survey
- White-Paper Proposal Site for Planetary Science Decadal Survey
- Second Planetary Decadal Survey Newsletter Available
- Fall AGU Special Session: Decadal Survey - Call for Abstracts
- Fall AGU Special Session: The Galilean Satellites' 400th Anniversary
- Fall AGU Special Session: Enceladus - The Plot Thickens
- Fall AGU Special Session: Physics of Anelasticity and Dissipation in Earth and Planetary Bodies
- [NASA PDS] Mars Odyssey Data Release 28
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 34, July 19, 2009
- [NASA] Opening of Competitive Program for Science Museums and
Planetariums Solicitation
- [NASA] Administrative Change to New Frontiers 2009 AO
- Exoplanet Exploration Program Analysis Group (EXOPAG)
- UCF Winter School 6-8 January 2010: Exoplanets for Planetary
- Venus Science and Technology Definition Team Final Report
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter - July 2009
- AGU Special Session
- 21st MEPAG Meeting, July 29-30, 2009
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 33, July 14, 2009
- Invitation to Participate in *Community* White Papers on Small Bodies
Issue 32, July 12, 2009
- [NASA] New Civil Service Position at Headquarters
- RSVP for MEPAG #21
- Second announcement and call for papers for the joint ESA-ASI workshop on Methane on Mars: Current Observations, Interpretation and Future Plans
- Initial Announcement of a Workshop - Nix and Hydra: Five Years After Discovery
- Organizational Meeting of the Lunar Crater Consortium
- ESA Postdoctoral Fellowships in Space Science
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 31, July 11, 2009
- Primitive Bodies White Papers Sought for Decadal Survey
- Venus Exploration Analysis Group (VEXAG) Solicitation of Venus White Papers and Mission Concepts for next Decadal Study
- Availability of Decadal Survey Presentations and Archived Webcasts
- How to Submit a White Paper to the Planetary Science Decadal Survey
Issue 30, July 5, 2009
- [NASA] Three-Day Training Course on Planetary Protection
- [NASA] Due Date for Planetary Protection Research Proposals
- Next Planetary Science Subcommittee Meeting
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- 12th Mars Crater Consortium Meeting
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 29, June 28, 2009
- Editorial: NASA Planetary Mission Data Analysis Program
- 50th Vernadsky/Brown Microsymposium on Comparative Planetology
- Seeking Nominations for COSPAR Awards and Medals
- July Decadal Survey Meeting Webcasting
- Simple Effective Education and Dissemination (SEED) Grants For Astronomy Researchers Available for 2009 from the Astronomical Society of the Pacific
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 28, June 21, 2009
- [NASA] Learning Technologies Project Office Releases FY 2009 Cooperative Agreement Notice
- Soliciting Abstracts for Impact Cratering Session, GSA Annual Meeting
- Radio Isotope Power Systems: An Imperative for Maintaining U.S. Leadership in Space Exploration
- Job Announcement
- Graduate Student Opportunity to Participate in Planetary Science Decadal Survey
- Preliminary Agenda for 6-8 July Planetary Science Decadal Survey Meeting
- June 2009 Discovery and New Frontiers Newsletter is Now Online
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 27, June 14, 2009
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- [NASA] PDS MRO Data Release 9
- Postdoctoral Research Assistant within Atmospheric, Oceanic and Planetary Physics, Oxford University, UK
- [NASA] RFI - Feasibility of using Constellation Architecture for Servicing Existing and Future Observatory-Class Scientific Spacecraft
- ESTEC Position Available: Head of Solar Systems Mission Division
- Soliciting Abstracts for Planetary Volcanism Session, GSA Annual Meeting, Portland, Oregon, 18-21 October 2009 (Abstracts Due: August 11)
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 26, June 7, 2009
- [NASA] Technology Development for Exoplanet Missions
- Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter - June 2009
- Submit Session for MRP at AGU Fall Meeting
- Planetary Decadal Survey Meeting Dates
- Astronomy Education Review
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 25, May 31, 2009
- [NASA] Europa Jupter System Mission (EJSM) Instrument Workshop
- [NASA] Latest Letter from the SMD Senior Advisor for Research and Analysis (SARA)
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 24, May 24, 2009
- [NASA PDS] Mars Exploration Rovers Data Release 20
- [NASA PDS] Odyssey Radio Science Data Release 83
- OPAG Titan Working Group
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 23, May 17, 2009
- LPL Faculty Positions Available
- [NASA] Draft Discovery Program Draft AO to be Released
- [NASA] Planetary Science Advisory Committee to Meet
- Fault and Fracture Studies in the Solar System
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 22, May 10, 2009
- Planetary Photogrammetry Guest Facility at the USGS in Flagstaff
- PDS Imaging Node - CASSINI ISS Calibration Update
- Planetary Science Decadal Survey Steering Group Appointed
- Accessing Level-4 Archival HRSC Images-DTMs Via HRSCView Website
- New Website for Mars Express SRC Mosaics
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 21, May 3, 2009
- EPSC Session on Exploring the Martian Moons
- "Discoveries in Planetary Science" Classroom Powerpoints
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- OSEWG 2009 Workshop on Robots Supporting Human Science and Exploration
- [NASA] PDS Final Release of Phoenix Data
- [NASA] Group 5 University Research Centers (URC) Announcement
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 20, April 26, 2009
- [SPECIAL NASA MESSAGE] James Green, Planetary Science Division,
ROSE 2009 Season is Upon Us
- [NASA] Request for Information - Radiation Capabilities for the
Europa Jupiter System Mission
- [NASA] Expanding eligibility to propose for Supplemental Outreach
Awards and Supplemental Education Awards
- Summer Internship at NASA Ames Research Center
- Meeting on Science Education and Outreach
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 19, April 19, 2009
- Planetary Decadal Survey Update
- Steve Ostro Memorial Symposium
- Venus Exploration Analysis Group (VEXAG) Seeks Input
- [NASA] Call For Proposals: Field Science Analog Testing
- [NASA] Letter from the Senior Advisor for Research and Analysis (SARA)
- [NASA] Invitation to be a Proposal Reviewer for the Planetary Division
- Job Openings at the CSIRO Australia Telescope National Facility
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 18, April 17, 2009
- SPECIAL EDITION: NASA Planetary Protection Officer is Sought
Issue 17, April 12, 2009
- [NASA] Correction to Release of New Frontiers AO
- Planetary Decadal Survey: First Meeting
- European Planetary Science Congress
- Instrument Workshop
- Job Opportunity at ESA/ESTEC (Noordwijk, The Netherlands): Two
Scientists in the Directorate of Science and Robotic Exploration
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 16, April 5, 2009
- Post-doctoral Research Associate on the Cassini-Huygens Mission
- Community Letter for Outer Planet Flagship Mission
- [NASA] Announcement of Opportunity for New Frontiers 2009
- [NASA] PDS Releases Tables of Mean Motion Resonances of Saturn's Main Rings
- Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 15, March 29, 2009
- Planetary Sciences Decadal Survey Chair Appointed
- Mars Dust Cycle Workshop
- Solicitation of Manuscripts for GSA Special Paper
- Planetary Science Journal Club
- Postdoctoral Scholar Northern Arizona University
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 14, March 22, 2009
- Announcing the 2nd Annual NLSI Lunar Science Forum
- Architecture Issues Associated with Sampling Final Report Available
- [NASA] 21st Annual Planetary Science Summer School
- 12th Workshop on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas (WPDP)
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 13, March 15, 2009
- [NASA] Planetary Science Summer School Applications
- [NASA PDS] Release 8 of Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) Data
- Invitation to Contribute to a Special Issue of Icarus Devoted to
the Planet Mercury
- Call for Abstracts
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 12, March 8, 2009
- Mario Acuna, Friend and Colleague
- Help Design a Lunar Lander
- Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Planetary Geophysics Postdoctoral Fellowship
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 11, March 1, 2009
- Decadal Survey for the Planetary Sciences
- Joint ESA-ASI workshop on Methane on Mars: Current Observations, Interpretation and Future Plans.
- 3rd Lunar Regolith Simulant Workshop
- Polar Processes on Earth and Mars: Comparative Studies
- Reminder - The Lunar Exploration Roadmap
- [NASA] PDS Releases Data from the Phoenix Lander Mission
- [NASA] Proposal Writing Workshop at LPSC
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 10, February 22, 2009
- Cassini Oriented Sessions at Spring AGU
- Job Opening: Manager, Astromaterials Research Office
- COSPAR Capacity Building Workshop on Lunar and Planetary Surface
- February 2009 Discovery and New Frontiers Newsletter Released
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 9, February 18, 2009
- SPECIAL EDITION: The Next Outer Planets Flagship is the Europa-Jupiter
System Mission, from James L. Green, Director, Planetary Science
Division NASA Headquarters
Issue 8, February 15, 2009
- Invitation to the Mars Exploration Analysis Group (MEPAG) Meeting
- 17th IAA Humans in Spce Symposium, Abstract Deadline Reminder
- Magnetospheres of the Outer Planets Conference, MOP 2009
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 7, February 8, 2009
- Latest SARA Letter Out Now
- Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Google Map - Now with Mars
- International Symposium on Marco Polo and Other Small Body Sample
Return Missions
- NRC study on The Role and Scope of Mission-Enabling Activities in
NASA's Space and Earth Science Missions
- Report on a Flagship Class Mission to Venus
- Planetary Atmospheres: Dynamics, Chemistry, Climate, and Couplings
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 6, February 1, 2009
- Polar Processes on Earth and Mars: Comparative Studies
- Lunar Secular Evolution
- Next Meeting of the Venus Exploration Analysis Group
- Venus Geochemistry: Progress, Prospects, and New Missions
- International Conference on Comparative Planetology: Venus - Earth - Mars
- February Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter Now Available
- [NASA] PDS Publishes New Guidelines for Cartographic Data Products
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 5, January 27, 2009
- SPECIAL EDITION: NASA Planetary Research at the Keck Observatory
Issue 4, January 25, 2009
- Outer Planets Flagship Mission Joint Summary Reports
- 6th Annual General Meeting of the Asia Oceania Geosciences Society
- Call for Abstracts: Comparative Studies of Planetary Magnetospheres
- 7th International Conference on Geomorphology
- IEEE GRSS Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing
- Call for Abstracts: Astrobiology at AOGS 2009
- Planetary Magnetism Session at AGU in Toronto
- Toronto Spring Meeting Session on "The Tagish Lake Meteorite and
Early Solar System Evolution"
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 1, January 4, 2009
- [NASA] Planetary Science Subcommittee Meeting January 9 to Discuss Cost Impacts of MSL Launch Slip
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- [NASA PDS] Mars Phoenix Lander Data Release
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Table of Contents: Volume 2, 2008
Issue 62, December 28, 2008
- Programs to Detect, Characterize, or Mitigate the Hazards of NEOs
- New Planetary PhD Program and Web Site Launch at UCF in Orlando
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 61, December 21, 2008
- [NASA] Planetary and Space Exploration Student Opportunities Links
- [NASA] Additional Proposal Opportunity for ROSES Education and Public Outreach Supplemental Awards
- [NASA] Proposal Opportunity: Science Education and Public Outreach Forums
- The Lunar Exploration Roadmap Needs You!
- Solar-Extrasolar NASA Ames Meeting Website Now Live
- Job Opportunity: Tenure-Track Faculty in Remote Sensing at the University of Alaska Fairbanks
- ANSMET 2008/2009 Dispatches from the Field
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 60, December 14, 2008
- [NASA] Final Text for Moon and Mars Analog Mission Activities
- 7th International Planetary Probe Workshop
- Next Meeting of the Venus Exploration Analysis Group
- Decadal Survey for the Planetary Sciences
- December 2008 Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter
- Geological Society of America Planetary Division
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 59, December 7, 2008
- Venus Science and Technology Definition Team Open House Meeting at Fall AGU
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month Now Available
- Job Opportunity: Earth & Space Science Instructor, Florida Gulf Coast University
- Next MEPAG Meeting March 3-4, 2009
- Job Opportunities: Two Assistant or Associate Professors in Solid Earth Geophysics and Planetary Sciences, Harvard University
- Lunar Geochemistry and Chronology: a Sample and Remote Sensing Data Perspective at Goldschmidt Conference 2009, Davos, Switzerland
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 58, December 3, 2008
- SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: New Frontiers 3 Community Workshop, December 5, 2008
Issue 57, November 30, 2008
- [NASA] Delay of Due Date for Small Complete Missions in Astrobiology and Fundamental Space Biology
- [NASA PDS] New Main Web Site Now Available
- Human-Tended Suborbital Science Workshop
- Workshop on Venus Geochemistry: Progress, Prospects, and New Missions
- The International Conference on Comparative Planetology: Venus-Earth-Mars
- Job Opportunity: School Postdoctoral Fellowship, Australian National University
- Small Bodies Assessment Group Meeting in January
- 8th Scientific Assembly of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) and Associated Events
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 56, November 23, 2008
- [NASA] Request for Information (RFI): Instruments for the International Lunar Network (ILN)
- [NASA] New ROSES Due Date for Astrobiology Science and Technology Instrument Development (ASTID)
- Job Opportunity: Kuiper Belt Studies at Northern Arizona University
- Supplemental Call for Proposals for HST Cycle 16 Observations
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 55, November 16, 2008
- [NASA] Draft New Frontiers Announcement of Opportunity
(NNH09ZDA003J) Released for Community Comment
- [NASA PDS] Planetary Image Atlas Release
- Hold That Date!
- Special Issue: Exploring Other Worlds by Exploring our Own: The
Role of Terrestrial Analogue Studies in Planetary Exploration
- Origins Research Associate Positions and PhD Studentships at
University College London
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 54, November 9, 2008
- [NASA] Earth and Space Science Fellowship (NESSF) Program
- Job Opportunity: Assistant or Associate Professor in Solid Earth Geophysics and Planetary Sciences, Harvard University, Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences
- Optimizing Science and Exploration Working Group (OSEWG) Website
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 53, November 2, 2008
- Naming Planetary Features
- Announcement: Saturn, its Magnetosphere, and Titan After
Cassini-Huygens Special Issue of Planetary and Space Science
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 52, October 26, 2008
- [NASA] October 2008 Discovery and New Frontiers Newsletter Released
- Solicting Papers: Proposed GSA Book on Lunar Stratigraphy
- Stardust and Cosmic Dust Announcements
- 7th International Planetary Probe Workshop, 15-19 June 2009 and Short Course on Planetary Protection, 13-14 June 2009
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 51, October 19, 2008
- [NASA] Evaluation and Selection of Small Complete Missions in
Astrobiology and Fundamental Space Biology
- [NASA] Asteroid Data Sets Now Available Through the PDS
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 50, October 12, 2008
- [NASA] Update to NRA for Competitive Program for Science Museums and Planetariums (CP4SMP): Solicitation NNH08ZNE006N
- Workshop on Observing with Sofia
- Presentations to NASA PSS Posted on LPI Unofficial Site
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 49, October 6, 2008
- SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: Bolide Impact Predicted Tonight!
Issue 48, October 5, 2008
- [NASA] Postdoctoral Program (NPP)
- [NASA] New proposal opportunities for Education and Public Outreach
- [NASA PDS] Nasaview 3.2.0 Release
- Request for Proposals: Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing
Satellite (LCROSS) Observation Campaign
- Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Workshop on Observing with SOFIA
- Post-Doctoral Research Associate in Planetary Science
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 47, September 28, 2008
- Postdoctoral Opportunities in Planetary Science at GSFC
- Student Opportunities in Planetary Science at GSFC and/or JPL
- Fellowship programs reminder
- Planetary Geomorphology Sessions at 7th IAG Conference
- Workshop on Observing with SOFIA
- [NASA] Revised objectives and new due date for LASER
- [NASA] Request for Information for the Scientist Participant Suborbital Research Program
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 46, September 21, 2008
- [NASA] Deadline Extended for Space Biology
- Workshop on Observing with SOFIA
- 13th Issue of Journal Focusing on Astronomy Education Now Available
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 45, September 15, 2008
- SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: Inaugural SBAG Meeting In Houston Postponed Due to Hurricane Ike
Issue 44, September 14, 2008
- [NASA] Several ROSES Due Dates Extended
- [NASA] Change in Proposal Due Date for NNH08ZTT003N NRA: Research Opportunities for Fundamental Space Biology Investigations in Microbial, Plant and Cell Biology
- Venus Geochemistry: Progress, Prospects and New Missions
- Job Opportunity: Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in Planetary Sciences at University of California, Santa Cruz
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 43, September 07, 2008
- Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Fall AGU Session on Prospects for Habitability on Noachian Mars
- Fall AGU Cassini Oriented Sessions
- NASA Proposal Writing Workshop at DPS
- [NASA] Mars Odyssey Radio Science Data Release 74
- [NASA] Stand Alone Mission of Opportunity Notice (SALMON)
- Announcement of Opportunity (AO)
- [NASA] New Proposal Opportunities for U.S. Participating
- Investigators in Earth Science and in Lunar and Planetary Science
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 42, August 31, 2008
- Icarus: New Manuscript Submission Procedure
- New Resource Guide on Women in Astronomy at the Astronomical Society of the Pacific Website
- Fall AGU Union Session on Comparative Climate Studies of Earth, Venus and Mars
- Fall AGU Session P16: Comparison of Basaltic Volcanism on Mars and the Earth
- "Europa Lander: Science Goals and Experiments" First Announcement: International Workshop
- Reminder: HiRISE Special Issue of Icarus
- Job Opportunity: Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in Planetary Sciences at University of California, Santa Cruz
- Drilling Systems for Extraterrestrial Subsurface Exploration
- Inaugural Small Bodies Assessment Group (SBAG) Meeting
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 41, August 24, 2008
- [NASA] Due Date for Planetary Protection Research Proposals
- [NASA] Three-Day Training Course on Planetary Protection
- [NASA] Beta Test of New Planetary Data System Main Web Site
- Fall AGU Session: Evolution of Planetary Atmospheres
- Hubble Outreach Coordinator, European Southern Observatory
- Position at Marshall Space Flight Center in Lunar and Planetary
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 40, August 17, 2008
- [NASA] PDS Releases Rosetta IES (RPC) Data
- ESA Postdoctoral Fellowships in Space Science - Deadline 1st October 2008
- MEPAG Invitation
- Fall AGU Session: New Developments in the Study of Fluvial Systems on Mars
- Assistant Research Physicist: Mars Space Physics and Geophysics
- Outer Planets Colloquium Series
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 39, August 11, 2008
- ALTAIR Survey
- First circular for the 1st CPS International School of Planetary Sciences
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 38, August 10, 2008
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 37, August 03, 2008
- [NASA] New ROSES Due Dates for Program Elements Impacted by the Unplanned Unavailability of NSPIRES
- [NASA] New Proposal Opportunity: MOST U.S. Guest Observer Program - Cycle 1
- The Great Planet Debate: Science as Process
- Great Planet Debate Webcast Test Invitation
- IAG Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Podcasts of Nontechnical Astronomy Talks Available Without Charge
- 2008 AGU Fall Meeting Session: The Dynamic Lunar Environment
- Job Opportunity: Assistant Research Physicist: Mars Space Physics and Geophysics
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 36, July 27, 2008
- [NASA] NSPIRES Unavailable
- Fall AGU Session: Recent Advances in Planetary Volcanology
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 35, July 20, 2008
- PEN Submission Requirements Reminder
- [NASA] FY 2008 NRA Competitive Program for Science Museums and Planetariums Released
- [NASA] New Proposal Opportunity for Kepler Guest Observer Cycle 1
- [NASA] FY 2008 NRA K-12 Competitive Grants Opportunity
- [NASA] PDS Releases Messenger Data
- [NASA] SARA (Senior Advisor for Research and Analysis) Update
- New Deadline for Submission to HiRISE Special Issue of Icarus
- Job Opportunities: 2 Postdoc Positions in Planetary Astronomy and Astrophysics at the Laboratory of Atomic and Surface Physics at the University of Virginia
- Announcement: Mars Climate Modeling Center Workshop
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 34, July 13, 2008
- [NASA] DRAFT Standard PI-led Mission Announcement of Opportunity
- [NASA] PDS Odyssey Data, Release 24
- Cospar 2008 Awards
- Cosmic Cataclysms and Life
- IAG Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
- Astronomical Journal Seeks An Associate Scientific Editor
- Post-Doctoral Research Position in the Netherlands
- Assistant Research Physicist Position at University of
California, Berkeley
- Postdoctoral or Research Scientist Position at University of
Nevada, Reno
- Postdoctoral Position at JPL
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 33, July 06, 2008
- [NASA] Lunar Dust Detector Instrument Opportunity Added to Salmon AO
- Job Opportunity: Interdisciplinary (Physical Scientist, Geophysicist, Cartographer or Geodesist) Position, U.S. Geological Survey Astrogeology Team, Flagstaff, AZ
- Job Opportunity: Research Associate, Planetary Surface Processes, Origin, Evolution and Palaeohydrology of the Outflow Channels on Mars Using HRSC 3-D Imaging
- Job Opportunities: Multiple Postdoctoral Positions in Planetary Science at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville
- 40th DPS Meeting, Ithaca, NY, October 10-15, 2008
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 32, June 29, 2008
- [NASA] PDS Odyssey Radio Science Data Release 72
- Early Solar System Impact Bombardment Workshop
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 31, June 22, 2008
- Reminder: Great planet Debate Abstract Deadline Approaching
- ESA Mars Express Data Available through the PDS
- Postdoctoral Research Fellow Position Available at the Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Kiruna, Sweden
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 30, June 15, 2008
- [NASA] June 2008 Discovery and New Frontiers Newsletter Released
- Solar-Extrasolar Planet Formation Meeting at Ames
- Call for Papers "Cosmic Dust: Its Formation and Evolution"
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 29, June 8, 2008
- Final Budgets for NASA Planetary-Related Research and Data Analysis Programs Obtained
- [NASA] Advisory Council Planetary Science Subcommittee Meeting Coming Up
- [NASA] New Due Date for Planetary Mission Data Analysis
- [NASA] Small Bodies Assessment Group Created
- EPSC 2008: Deadline for Abstract Submission Extended to June 13, 2008
- 2nd Announcement: Cosmic Cataclysms and Life, ESRIN (Frascati, Italy), 10-14 November 2008
- Summer Internship - Living on the Moon
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 28, June 1, 2008
- [NASA] Lunar Science Institute: Proposal Opportunity
- HiRISE Special Issue of Icarus
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 27, May 25, 2008
- Phoenix to Land on Mars Today, May 25
- PEN Celebrates First Anniverary
- [NASA] Final Text for Applied Information Systems Research
- [NASA] Odyssey Radio Science Data Release 71
- EPSC 2008 SB6: "Comets, Asteroids, and TNOs" Call-for-Abstracts
- GSA Technical Session T105: Preparations for the New Era of Lunar Science - Call for Abstracts
- Papers Solicited for Impact Cratering Session at GSA
- Conference on Electromagnetic and Light Scattering, Extended Abstracts Deadline: June 1
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 26, May 18, 2008
- [NASA] New Frontiers Program Community Announcement
- [NASA] SPICE Training Class
- The Great Planet Debate: A Scientific Conference and Educator's
- First Announcement - Spitzer 2008 Conference "New Light on Young
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 25, May 11, 2008
- [NASA] Cancellation of Space Policy Research Program
- Lunar Exploration Roadmap - Input Needed
- Outer Planets Flagship Mission Instrument Workshop
- Second Announcement: Cosmic Cataclysms and Life
- Planetary Pummelling: Cataclysmic Bombardment of the Solar System as
Catastrophe, Catalyst, Cauldron and Crucible (GSA Technical Session
- Titan Geology: A New Frontier (GSA Technical Session T109)
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 24, May 4, 2008
- Autumn 2008 Lloyd V. Berkner Space Policy Internship at the
National Research Council's Space Studies Board
- 15th International Conference on the Origin of Life
- GSA Abstract Deadline: Tuesday, June 3, 2008
- GSA Session on Analog Sites and Field Exercises for Training
Planetary Field Geologists
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 23, April 27, 2008
- [NASA] New Proposal Opportunity: ICESat-II Science Definition Team
- [NASA] SARA (Senior Advisor for Research and Analysis) Update and New SMD Website
- Mars Express Radio and Radar Data Workshop - Preliminary Agenda
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 22, April 20, 2008
- [NASA] Allowing 3-year Proposals for JDAP and CDAP
- [NASA] New Cooperative Agreement Opportunity, NASA Office of
- ELS-XI (Electromagnetic and Light Scattering Conference - 11)
- Venus Exploration and Analysis Group
- Join the NASA Team at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 21, April 13, 2008
- [NASA] Final text and due dates for Opportunities in SMD Education and Public Outreach
- Outer Planets Flagship Mission (OPAG) Instrument Workshop
- Venus Exploration Analysis Group (VEXAG) Update
- Request for Information (RFI): Payload Flight Opportunity for Odyssey Moon Limited M-1 Lunar Lander Mission - Deadline Extended
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 20, April 6, 2008
- [NASA] PDS Releases ROSETTA Alice Data
- Mars High-Resolution Digital Terrain Model Data Set Release
- NASA Planetary Science Subcommittee Presentations, Report and
- Special Issue on the Tharsis Province, Mars
- VEXAG Meeting #5, May 7-8, 2008, University of Maryland
- Reminder - Mars Express OMEGA-HRSC Data Workshop
- 11th Mars Crater Consortium Meeting
- GIS for Planetary Mappers Workshop, October 1-2, 2008
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 19, April 3, 2008
- SPECIAL: A farewell message from Alan Stern, Associate Administrator
for NASA's Science Mission Directorate, NASA Headquarters
Issue 18, March 30, 2008
- Letter to the Community from Yvonne Pendleton (NASA Senior Advisor for Research and Analysis) Regarding the Sudden Departure of Associate Administrator Alan Stern
- Women in Planetary Science
- Request for Information (RFI): Payload Flight Opportunity for Odyssey Moon Limited M-1 Lunar Lander Mission
- NASA's 20th Annual Planetary Science Summer School
- Cosmic Cataclysms and Life, ESRIN (Frascati, Italy), 10-14 November 2008
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 17, March 26, 2008
- SPECIAL: From James Green, Director Planetary Science Division - Changes at NASA Headquarters
Issue 16, March 23, 2008
- [NASA] Request for Information - Instruments for LADEE Lunar Mission
- [NASA] Request for Proposals to Administer Teaching from Space (TFS)
- [NASA] Moving Sample Analysis Proposals from PMDAP to SRLIDAP
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 15, March 16, 2008
- Europa - Jupiter International Workshop, Frascati, Italy, April 21-22, 2008
- National Research Council Request for Information (RFI): Opportunities Enabled by NASA's Constellation System
- [NASA] Request for Information (RFI): New Science Investigations Using Existing NASA Spacecraft
- [NASA] Draft Stand Alone Missions of Opportunity Notice (SALMON) Announcement of Opportunity
- [NASA] Town Hall Meeting: Heliophysics Missions 2009-2034
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 14, March 9, 2008
- [CORRECTION] NASA Request for Information on Scientist Paricipant
Suborbital Science Pilot Program - Flight Research
- [NASA] List of Planned Solicitations
- [NASA] Planetary Science Summer School
- [NASA] Due Date for High End Computing Proposals
- Lunar Science Institute (NLSI) Officially Open
- Asteroids, Comets, and Meteors (ACM) Meeting
- American Astronomical Society Dynamical Astronomy Meeting
- Saturn After Cassini-Huygens
- Titan After Cassini-Huygens
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 13, March 2, 2008
- [SPECIAL NASA MESSAGE] James Green, Planetary Science Division - Revised Pre-Screening of New Frontiers PIs
- [NASA] Addition of New Scope to Origins of Solar Systems
- [NASA] Request for Information on Scientist Participant Suborbital Science Pilot Program - Flight Research
- Outer Planets Session at AGU Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, Cairns, Australia, 29 July-1 August.
- Post-Doctoral Associate in Mars Science, University of Colorado
- "The Great Planet Debate", Science Conference and Educator Workshop, 14-16 August 2008, John Hopkins University, Laurel, MD
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 12, February 24, 2008
- [NASA] Advisory Council, Planetary Science Subcommittee Meeting,
March 3-4
- 3rd meeting of the Enceladus Focus Group
- Post-Doc Opportunity at CU-Boulder
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 11, February 17, 2008
- [NASA] February 2008 Discovery and New Frontiers Newsletter Released
- [NASA] Senior Advisor for Research and Analysis (SARA) Updates
- 2008 Asteroids, Comets, Meteors Conference: Second Announcement
- Input Requested for SOFIA
- Mars Express OMEGA-HRSC Data Workshop
- Annual Meeting of Planetary Geologic Mappers, June 19-20 2008
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 10, February 10, 2008
- Dr. Gordon McKay (1945-2008)
- [EDITORIAL] The Future of our Mars Exploration Program - Robert D.
Braun, Georgia Institute of Technology
- [NASA] Program Scientist Change at HQ
- Additional NASA Headquarters Events at LPSC
- First Report from Polar Gateways Arctic Circle Sunrise 2008
- Preparing for the International Year of Astronomy (2009)
- PhD Opportunities Related to Glaciers on Earth and Mars
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 9, February 5, 2008
- SPECIAL: A Budget Message from Alan Stern, Associate Administrator for NASA's Science Mission Directorate (SMD), NASA Headquarters
Issue 8, February 3, 2008
- [NASA] Senior Advisor for Research and Analysis (SARA) Updates
- [NASA] PDS Releases New Horizons Data
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 7, January 27, 2008
- [NASA] Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES)
- [NASA] Offers Pre-Screening of Principal Investigator Requirements
for New Frontiers Opportunity
- [NSF/NASA] Proposal Opportunity for Management of the Virtual
Astronomical Observatory
- New Spectroscopy Archive at the University of Winnipeg
- International Planetary Probe Workshop Second Announcement
- Research Associate Position at Imperial College London, UK
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 6, January 20, 2008
- [NASA] HQ Events at LPSC 2008
- Lunar Geochemistry and Chronology Session at Goldschmidt Conference 2008, Vancouver, Canada
- VEXAG Announcement
- European Planetary Science Congress 2008 EPSC First Announcement and Call for Feedback
- Job Opportunities for Two Research Associates: Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera (LROC) and High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE)
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 5, January 19, 2008
- [SPECIAL NASA MESSAGE] From James Green, Director, Planetary Science Division, NASA HQ - PI Qualifications for New Frontier's Missions
- [NASA] Message from the Senior Advisor for Research & Analysis (SARA), Yvonne Pendleton
Issue 4, January 13, 2008
- [NASA] Offers Mission PI Training Course
- [NASA] Astrobiology Institute Proposal Notice
- [NASA] PDS Announces First Messenger Data Release
- 2nd Annual Small Spacecraft Summer Study Program (S4P)
- Application Deadline Extented for 2008 Lloyd V. Berkner Space
Policy Internship Program
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 3, January 6, 2008
- [NASA] Message from the Senior Advisor for Research & Analysis (Sara), Yvonne Pendleton
- [NASA] PDS Announces New Deliver of Mars Odyssey Radio Science Data
- Early Planetary Science Opportunities on SOFIA - Monday, January 7, AAS
- National Academy Assessment Reports on NASA's Solar System Exploration Program and the NASA Astrobiology Institute Now Available
- 2008 LPI Summer Intern Program Announcement
- Environments and Consequences of Impacts of Asteroids and Comets
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 2, January 5, 2008
Special: The Real Scoop on the Planetary R&A; Science Budget - James Green, NASA SMD Planetary Science Division Director
Issue 1, January 4, 2008
Special: A New Year's Message from Alan Stern, Associate Administrator for NASA's Science Mission Directorate (SMD)
Table of Contents: Volume 1, 2007
Issue 37, December 30, 2007
- Special Report: NASA Planetary Science Budget Passed
Issue 36, December 23, 2007
- [Special NASA Message] From James Green: Phase-2 of the Outer
Planets Studies
- [NASA] LCROSS Astronomer Workshop: Travel Grants Available
- [NASA] Announces New Proposal Opportunity Entitled "Moon and
Mars Analog Mission Activities" (MMAMA)
- 39th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference - Second Announcement
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 35, December 16, 2007
- [Special NASA Message] From James Green: Discovery and Scout
Mission Capabilities Expansion Program
- [NASA] to Release Cooperative Agreement Notice for Membership in
the NASA Astrobiology Institute
- [NASA] Final Text and Due Dates for Astrobiology Science and
Technology for Exploring Planets
- [NASA] Propose to Become a Member of the Venus Science and
Technology Definition Team
- The Science of Solar System Ices (ScSSI): A Cross-Disciplinary
- Podcasts of Talks by Noted Astronomers Available on ASP Site
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 34, December 9, 2007
- [NASA] Informational Briefing in Support of ISS Payloads for the SMEX AO
- [NASA] Hubble Space Telescope Cycle 17 Call for Proposals
- AAAS Policy Alert
- Possible One-Day Extension of the IPEWG Meeting Schedule
- Second Workshop on Mars Valley Networks
- 11th Conference on Electromagnetic and Light Scattering
- International Geomorphology Conference and Planetary Geomorphology Working Group Field Trip, Melbourne, Australia, July 2009
- Planetary Dunes Workshop, New Mexico, April 29th-May 2nd 2008
- AGU Webcast: The Importance of a Program of Mars Exploration
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 33, December 2, 2007
- [NASA] Science and Technology Definition Teams for Venus Mission
- [NASA] Investigations on the International Space Station
- SOFIA Workshop at Upcoming AAS - Date Change to January 7
- Travel Funds Available for 2008 Astrobiology Science Conference
- Preparing for the International Year of Astronomy:
A Hands-on Symposium
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 32, November 25, 2007
- [NASA] New Proposal Opportunity for Astrobiology Science and Technology Instrument Development, Including Concept Studies for Small Payloads and Satellites (ASTID)
- [NASA] Deferral of Proposals for New Horizons at Jupiter Data Analysis
- [NASA] Suspension of Supplemental E/PO Proposal Opportunities
- [NASA] Education and Public Outreach Division Support Groups Cooperative Agreement Notice Postponed
- [NASA] PDS Releases New Mars Soil Analog Laboratory Data Set
- [NASA] PDS Mars Odyssey Radio Science Data Release 66
- AbSciCon 2008 Abstract Deadline Extended
- Touchdown on Titan Webcast Lecture
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 31, November 18, 2007
- [NASA] HQ Seeks Visiting Astrophysicists (including exo-planet
- 39th LPSC First Announcement Online Now
- Special Session on Comparative Planetology
- Professorship in Experimental and Analytical Planetology
- Job Announcement, University of Texas
- Faculty Position in Remote Sensing (including planetary/Earth
remote missions)
- Become an Intern at the Lunar and Planetary Institute!
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 30, November 11, 2007
- [SPECIAL NASA MESSAGE] From Alan Stern and James Green:
Mars Science Laboratory Mission Update
- [NASA] October 2007 Discovery and New Frontiers Newsletter Released
- Administrator Griffin to Speak at Upcoming 39th LPSC
- Planetary Community Input on SOFIA Science Goals Requested
- Workshop on Martian Gullies - Call for Abstracts
- 155th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Paris 2008: First Announcement
- Planetary Geomorphology Session at EGU 2008: Call for Papers
- Community Meetings on Student Collaborations: AGU and AAS
- USGS Job Announcements
- Faculty Position Available at the University of Washington
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 29, November 4, 2007
- [SPECIAL NASA MESSAGE] From James Green and Denis Bogan: Broadened
Jupiter Data Analysis Program
- EGU 2008 Pre-Registration Open
- AGU 2008 Joint Assembly Deadline for Session Proposals
- New Faculty Openings at UCLA
- Planetary Science Faculty Position at The University of Tennessee
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 28, October 28, 2007
- [EDITORIAL] Support the Arecibo Planetary Radar Program - Steven J. Ostro, JPL
- [NASA] New Due Dates for Earth Surface and Interior and for EarthScope Proposals
- [NASA] New Due Date for Outer Planets Research Proposals
- [NASA] Briefing in Support of Discovery and Scout Mission Capabilities Expansion Program
- [NASA] PDS Releases Updated Deep Impact Data
- [NASA] PDS Releases Meteoroid Orbit and Asteroid Occultation Data
- EGU 2008: Call for Papers
- Physics and Astrophysics of Planetary Systems Winter School and Workshop
- State Department Fellowship Program Application Deadline Approaching
- Tenure/Tenure-Track Lunar Science Position at Hampton University
Issue 27, October 22, 2007
- [EDITOR NOTE] PEN Down then Bounces Back
- [NASA] Applied Information Systems Research Proposal Due Date Delayed a Few Months
- Planetary Science Subcommittee Notes From October 7, 2007
- NOAO Seeks Input on the Future Development of Small and Mid-Size Telescope Capabilities
- Final Announcement - Astrophysics 2020: Large Space Missions Beyond the Next Decade
- AGU Upcoming Deadlines
- Lloyd V. Berkner Space Policy Internships 2008
- Postdoc in Lunar Geology and Geochemistry at Marshall Space Flight Center
- MRO HiRISE Post-Doctoral Position
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 26, October 14, 2007
- [NASA] New Odyssey THEMIS Data Released by PDS
- Lunar Observations with HST
- Proposals Encouraged for AAS Summer Meeting Topical Sessions
- Reminder of Spitzer Cycle-5 Proposal Deadline
- PhD Position to Study Martian Deltas
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 25, October 7, 2007
- New Lunar and Planetary Institute Website for the Lunar Science
and Exploration Community
- VEXAG News - VEXAG Meeting #4 and The Venus Exploration Goals,
Objectives, Investigations, and Priorities Document
- Final Announcement: Second Landing Site Workshop for the 2009 Mars
Science Laboratory
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 24, September 30, 2007
- [NASA] NSPIRES Proposal Submission Process Being Enhanced
- NASA Dawn Mission Successfully Launched
- SOFIA Early Science Opportunities Workshop
- Comet Surface Sample Return Outreach Session at DPS Conference
- US Science Agency Budgets Under Continuing Resolution
- Embracing Exoplanets within DPS
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 23, September 23, 2007
- [SPECIAL] From James Green, NASA Planetary Science Division
Director - Discovery and Scout Mission Capabilities Expansion
- [NASA] SMD Requests Information on Space Station Utilization
(Deadline: October 12)
- [NASA] PDS Releases Additional Odyssey Radio Science Data
- NASA 'Shoemaker Fellow' Research Position Available
- Deadline Extended - AbSciCon 2008 Call for Abstracts
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 22, September 16, 2007
- [NASA] SARA Service Problem
- [NASA] Small Explorers (SMEX) and Missions of Opportunity
- [NASA] Cancellation of Living With a Star Space Environment Testbeds Program
- [NASA] PDS Announces Second MRO Data Release (September 10, 2007)
- Dawn Mission Requests Observations of Spacecraft
- Japan Launches its First Lunar Orbiter
- MARS Journal Open for Submissions
- New Mars Community Conference Reports
- Planet Definition 2 Conference and Book Being Organized, May 8-10, 2008
- IAU Symposium 251: Organic Matter in Space, Hong Kong, China, February 18-22, 2008
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 21 (Correction), September 9, 2007
CORRECTION: Planetary Atmospheres workshop abstract deadline TUESDAY *SEPTEMBER 11th* 8 AM CDT
Issue 21, September 9, 2007
- [NASA] NSPIRES: FUSE Legacy Science Program cancelled
- [NASA] NSPIRES: Proposal due date reminder for Research and
Technology Development to Support Crew Health and Performance in
Space Exploration
- [NASA] PDS releases Lunar Radar data set
- Planetary Atmospheres workshop abstract deadline *SEPTEMBER 11th*
- Status of FY 2008 Appropriations bills
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 20, September 4, 2007
SPECIAL: From James Green, Planetary Science Division Direcor, NASA HQ
Issue 19, September 2, 2007
- We want to increase PEN readership!
- [NASA] NSPIRES: Proposal opportunity: Education and Public Outreach
(E/PO) Division Support Groups
- AbSciCon (Astrobiology Science Conference) 2008 Call for Abstracts
- Earth & Space 2008: International Conference on Engineering,
Science, Construction, and Operations in Challenging Environments
- AGU: Celebrating 40 Years In San Francisco!
- AGU abstract call: Follow the oxidants? Chemical energy for
planetary environments and life (P-13)
- AGU abstract call: Laboratory Investigations Into the Compositions
of Solid Surfaces From the Asteroid Belt to the Oort Cloud
- AGU abstract call: ENAs From Solar Wind Interaction with the
Atmospheres, Exospheres, and Regoliths of Earth, Mars, Venus, the
Moon and Other Solar System Bodies.
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 18, August 31, 2007
SPECIAL: NASA Science Mission Directorate Announces the Opening of a New Website Dedicated to Science Research and Analysis Programs
Issue 17, August 26, 2007
- [NASA] Astrophysics Strategic Mission Concept Studies
- White House sets FY09 Research and Development Budget Priorities
- Terrestrial Impact Cratering: New Insights into the Cratering
Process from Geophysics and Geochemistry
- The Plasma Environment of Saturn, its Satellites and Rings
- European Mars Science and Exporation Conference: Mars Express &
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 16, August 21, 2007
SPECIAL: NASA Science Mission Directorate Update - Alan Stern, Associate
Issue 15, August 19, 2007
- [NASA] New Planetary R&A; Opportunity
- [NASA] Call for NASA Keck Time Proposals
- [NASA] 2008 Spitzer Fellowship Guidelines
- [NASA PDS] Odyssey Radio Science Data Release 63
- [NASA PDS] Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Release 1 of SHARAD Data
- Submillimeter Array Call for Proposals
- Gas Hydrates: Global and Planetary Reservoirs for Water and Carbon
- Saucer-Shaped Sills, Injected Sands and Related Structures: Formation Mechanisms, Examples, and Extra-Terrestrial Analogues
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 14, August 12, 2007
- [NASA] Administrator Announces Senior Leadership Appointments
- [NASA] Office of Education Undergraduate Student Research Program
- 11th Biennial International Conference on Engineering, Science,
Construction, and Operations in Challenging Environments
- Second Magellan Science Symposium (2nd Announcement)
- Laboratory Investigations Related to Analysis of Mars Data
- A New Spin on Saturn? Recent Results of the Atmosphere and Interior
from Cassini and Eearth-Based Observations
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 13, August 05, 2007
- [NASA] ROSES-07: New Due Dates for Terrestrial Ecology Program
- AAPG 2008 Call for Papers: Astrogeology - A Far-Sighted Look at Unconventional Resources
- AAPG 2008 Call for Papers: Return to the Moon: Research, Rewards, and Research
- Planetary Science Sesstions at the Fall AGU Meeting
- Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 12, July 29, 2007
- SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: The Planetary Meeting Calendar
- [NASA] NSPIRES: New due date for Planetary Protection Research
- FY2008 House and Senate NASA Appropriation Bills
Issue 11, July 22, 2007
- [NASA] ROSES-07: New Due Dates for Planetary Instrument Definition and Development (PIDD)
- [NASA] Mars Odyssey Radio Science Subsystem Data Released
- NAI Icy Worlds Focus Group - Meeting Questionaire
- Planetary Science Subcommittee Report and Recommendations to the NASA Advisory Council (Unofficial LPI Posting)
- DPS Astract Deadline Extended to August 2nd
- Titan: Atmosphere and Space Environment Meeting Announcment
- IAA Low-Cost Planetary Missions Conference: Final Call for Abstracts
Issue 10, July 15, 2007
- [NASA] Mission to Asteroid Belt Rescheduled for September Launch (July 7, 2007)
- [NASA] Two Successful Spacecraft Given New Assignments (July 3, 2007)
- DPS Florida Meeting Call for Papers
- NICOP Planetary Permafrost and Astrobiology Call for Papaers
- NASA AMES Planet-Satellite Formation Meeting
- First International Conference on the Exploration of Phobos and Deimos
Issue 9, July 9, 2007
- [NASA] Discovery and New Frontiers Newsletter
- [NASA] New Mars Odyssey Data Available from PDS
- [NASA] NSPIRES: NASA Offers Pre-Screening of Principal Investigator Requirements for Small Explorer (SMEX) Opportunity
- REMINDER: ABSCICON 2008 Call for Session Topic Proposals
Issue 8, July 1, 2007
- [NASA] NSPIRES: New Due Dates for Two Living With a Star Targeted Research
- [NASA] ROSES: New Dates for Lunar Advanced Science and Exploration Research (LASER)
- AbSciCon 2008 Call for Session Topic Proposals
Issue 7, June 26, 2007
- AAS Action Alert (25 Jun 2007): Senate Amendment to Increase NASA Funding
Issue 6, June 24, 2007
- AGU Fellows Nominations Deadline Extended to August 15
- Planetary Meeting Proposal: Please Consider Voting
Issue 5, June 17, 2007
- [NASA] NSPIRES: NSBRI Postdoctoral Fellowship Program Soliciting Applications
- NASA PSS Overheads Posted on Unofficial LPI Site
- AGU Fellow and Whipple Nominations - Due July 15!
Issue 4, June 12, 2007
- [NASA] NSPIRES: New Proposal Opportunity for LRO Participating Scientists
- First Workshop on Binaries in the Solar System (August 20-23, 2007),
Steamboat Springs, Colorado
- First Release of Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data by PDS
- Dawn Science Symposium, June 28-30, Cocoa Beach, Florida
- Seeking Nominations for COSPAR Awards and Medals
Issue 3, June 6, 2007
- [NASA] ROSES-07 Amendment 8: Final Text for Lunar Advanced Science and
Exploration Research
- [NASA] NSPIRES: Draft Small Explorer (SMEX) AO Issued for Comment
- Request for Jovian System Observations
- 10th Mars Crater Consortium, October 18-19, 2007
- Director, Hawaii Institute of Geophysics and Planetology (HIGP)
Issue 2, May 30, 2007
- [NASA] Planetary Science Subcommittee Agenda (June 7-8, 2007)
- [NASA] Discovery Mission Program: Its Past and its Future
- [NASA] Job Opening: Discovery Program Scientist at NASA HQ
- [NASA] Satellites of the Outer Solar System Workshop: 1ST PEN Announcement
- Europa: A Proposed New Volume in the University of Arizona Press
Space Science Series
- Call for Papers: 7th IAA Conference on Low-Cost Planetary Missions
- Meteoroids 2007 (Barcelona, Spain, June 11-15, 2007): An International
Meeting on Solar System Minor Bodies
Issue 1, May 24, 2007
- Announcing the Planetary Exploration Newsletter
- [NASA] (April 27, 2007) - New policy for NASA Science Mission Directorate
- [NASA] (May 3, 2007) - Meet SARA (
- Clementine NIR Full-Resolution Lunar Mosaic (Version 0.1) Available
- Dawn Launch Symposium, June 28-30, 2007