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Table of Contents: Volume 18, 2024

Issue 43, October 20, 2024
  1. Due date extended: Survey on Planetary Science ROSES Proposals
  2. [NASA] ROSES-24 Amendment 60: New Opportunity - D.21 U.S. Contributions to Ariel Preparatory Science
  3. [NASA] ROSES-24 Amendment 61: C.23 Analog Activities to Support Artemis Lunar Operations Deferred to ROSES-25
  4. [NASA] EONS 2024 Appendix 13: NASA MUREP ESSR Opportunity FINAL Office Hour
  5. Associate or Assistant Professor in Astronomy at University of Maryland
  6. American Astronomical Society Division for Planetary Sciences Federal Relations Subcommittee Splinter Session at the 2024 DPS Meeting
  7. South Pole-Aitken Basin Focus Issue in Planetary Science Journal
  8. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  9. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 42, October 13, 2024
  1. Pan Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Position at Rice University
  2. [NASA] Request for Information: Development of the NASA Decadal Astrobiology Research and Exploration Strategy (NASA-DARES)
  3. [NASA] ROSES-24 Amendment 58: D.19 Habitable Worlds Observatory System Technology Demonstrations and Mission Architecture Studies Draft Text Released for Community Comment
  4. Gerald A. Soffen Travel Grant Announcement
  5. Applications Open for Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (CIFAR) Azrieli Global Scholars Program
  6. Making Space: A Workshop on Space, Sci-Art, & Society
  7. Application for AGU Planetary Sciences Student and Early Career Representatives
  8. Free Virtual Planetary Diversity and Inclusion Conference
  9. Last Call: Survey on Planetary Science ROSES Proposals
  10. New Horizons Science Spotlight Webinar
  11. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  12. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
    Commercial/Fundraising Announcements:
  13. 365 Days of Astronomy Podcast Seeks Podcasters and Sponsors
  14. Zero Gravity Webinar

Issue 41, October 6, 2024
  1. [NASA] Request for Information: Apophis 2029 Innovation (A29I) Using the Janus Spacecraft (A29I-Janus) Released
  2. [NASA] Save the Dates: 2025 SMD PI Launchpad
  3. [NASA] ROSES-24 Amendment 57: ROSES-24 Changes for 2 CFR 200 Update
  4. [NASA] EONS 2024 Appendix 13: NASA MUREP ESSR Opportunity Third Office Hour
  5. [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic PDS Data Releases in 2024.09
  6. [NASA] PDS: Odyssey Data Release 89
  7. [NASA] PDS: New Horizon New Arrokoth Shape Model Release
  8. [NASA] PDS: Beta Release of the New NASA Planetary Data System Website
  9. [NASA] PDS: Lucy Mission Dinkinesh Encounter Data Release
  10. 2025 LPI Summer Intern Program in Planetary Science
  11. PhD Research Position in Planetary Magnetism at the University of Texas at Austin
  12. Postdoc Opportunity: ARRAKIS PSTAR project
  13. Carnegie Postdoctoral Fellowships at the Earth and Planets Laboratory
  14. Deadline Approaching: Krimigis Postdoctoral Scholars Program at APL
  15. Percival Lowell Postdoctoral Fellowship
  16. Hayabusa2 Data Analysis Workshop on 11 November at ISAS/online
  17. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  18. Gerald A. Soffen Memorial Fund Fall 2024 Travel Grant
  19. AGU EPSP Sticker Design Contest Voting
  20. pyOpenSci Open Science Fall Festival
  21. Moonrise at Chimney Rock: Live and Online Events on October 21
  22. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  23. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 40, September 29, 2024
  1. [NASA] Town Hall for Planetary Science Research Programs
  2. Culturally Inclusive Planetary Engagement Workshop in Atlanta
  3. 2024 Advancing IDEA in Planetary Science Conference
  4. EPSP Early Career Spotlight Virtual Coffee Hour
  5. Soliciting Talks for the Upcoming Small Bodies Assessment Group Community Meeting
  6. PDS Ring-Moon Systems Node Users Group Meeting during DPS
  7. Women in Planetary Science Discussion Hour at the 56th DPS Meeting
  8. NASA Advisory Council Meeting
  9. Science Committee of the NASA Advisory Council Meeting
  10. [Goldschmidt] Call for Session Proposals: Theme 1 - From Dust to Planets
  11. Assistant Professor at The University of Texas at San Antonio
  12. Postdoctoral Research Position in Icy Ocean World Interiors
  13. Postdoctoral Research Position in Planetary Magnetism
  14. Lunar and Planetary Institute Senior Staff Scientist
  15. Open Rank Tenure-Track Faculty Position in Earth and Planetary Materials
  16. Assistant Professor - High Temperature Experimental Geochemistry, Department of Geosciences, College of Arts and Sciences
  17. [NASA] ROSES-24 Amendment 51: F.13 Lunar Terrain Vehicle Instruments Program Final Text and Due Dates
  18. [NASA] PDS: JUNO Data Release 27
  19. [NASA] PDS: OSIRIS-Rex Spectral Analysis Data Release
  20. [NASA] SMD: Apophis 2029 Innovation Using the Janus Spacecraft RFI Reposted
  21. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  22. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 39, September 22, 2024
  1. JGR Cross-Journal Special Collection: Aeolian-Fluvial Interactions across the Solar System
  2. Tenure-track Assistant Professor Faculty Position in Planetary Science at the University of California, Riverside
  3. [NASA] Grant Notice 24-01 NASA Policy Update
  4. [NASA] ROSES-24: F.18 MOSAICS 5-Year Collaboration Awards Draft Text Released for Community Comment
  5. Department Chair Position, Climate and Space Sciences and Engineering, University of Michigan
  6. Application for AGU Planetary Sciences Student and Early Career Representatives
  7. PhD and PostDoc Opportunities at the Space Research Institute (Graz, Austria)
  8. Citizen Science Session at the 56th DPS Meeting
  9. New Horizons Science Spotlight Webinar - This Week
  10. The 7th Beijing Earth and Planetary Interior Symposium (BEPIS)
  11. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  12. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 38, September 15, 2024
  1. VIPER Update
  2. [NASA] ROSES-24 Amendment 47: DRAFT F.12 Artemis IV Deployed Instruments Program Released for Community Comment
  3. [NASA] PDS: Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 59
  4. Mastcam Stereo Analysis and Mosaics (MSAM) 2 Data Released to PDS
  5. Register for the Planetary Banquet at GSA Connects 2024
  6. JWST and HST Events at the 56th DPS Meeting
  7. Dependent Care Grant Application for 2024 DPS Meeting
  8. May UOP Workshop Presentations Now Available
  9. XAG EDIA WG Presentation by Dr
  10. JA Grier
  11. Survey on Planetary Science ROSES Proposals
  12. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  13. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 37, September 8, 2024
  1. Ice Giant Systems Seminar Series: September 10, Dr. Richard Cartwright (JHU/APL)
  2. International Observe the Moon Night
  3. HiRISE DTMs available for MDAP Proposals
  4. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  5. [NASA] 2025A Infrared Telescope Facility Call for Proposals
  6. [NASA] MSR SRP Science Objectives Workshop - Important Updates
  7. [NASA] PDS: Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 70
  8. [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic Data Releases in 2024.08
  9. Register for the Planetary Banquet at GSA Connects 2024
  10. New Horizons Science Spotlight Webinar
  11. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  12. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Commercial Announcements:

  1. Private Kennedy Space Center Tour September 19-22

Issue 36, August 25, 2024
  1. [NASA] Amendment 5: Engagement Opportunities in NASA STEM (EONS-2024)
  2. [NASA] OSTEM: TEAM II Community Anchor (ANCHR) Awards has Been Extended to Tuesday, September 10, 2024
  3. [NASA] NASA Space Technology Graduate Research Opportunities (NSTGRO25) Released
  4. [NASA] Request for Information (RFI): Apophis 2029 Innovation (A29I) Using the Janus Spacecraft (A29I-Janus) Released
  5. Assistant Professor of Geochemistry & Mineralogy at the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Science & Engineering
  6. Tenure-track Faculty Position in Planetary Science at the California Institute of Technology
  7. Post-doc (24 months) in the Frame of the ANR RAD3-NET Project
  8. NASA Postdoctoral Program
  9. ESA Archival Research Visitor Programme
  10. Professional Development for Scientists: Mental Health in Planetary Science
  11. Upcoming SPICE Training Class on the East Coast of the U.S., Second Announcement
  12. Dependent Care Grant Application for 2024 DPS: 1st Deadline September 2, 2024
  13. OPAG Townhall at EPSC
  14. JGR: Planets Meet & Greet at EPSC
  15. Mercury Science and Exploration August 2024 Newsletter Released
  16. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  17. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 35, August 25, 2024
  1. Editorial: A Billion Dollars Short: A Progress Report on the Planetary Decadal Survey, Two Years In
  2. New Date: Planetary Data Management Workshop
  3. Graduate Student Position in Cometary Science at TU Braunschweig (Germany)
  4. MS/PhD Positions for Fall 2025
  5. ESA Research Fellowships in Space Science
  6. Tenure-Track Faculty Position at the Assistant Professor Level - Focus Planetary Science
  7. Assistant Professor of Geology and Environmental Science (Hydrology & Water Sustainability)
  8. Postdoctoral Scholar in Exoplanets and Machine Learning at University of Central Florida
  9. Lunar and Planetary Institute Senior Staff Scientist
  10. Krimigis Postdoctoral Scholars Program at APL
  11. Tenure-track Assistant Professor in Planetary Sciences atUniversity of Washington
  12. MEPAG Goals Document Revision - Request for Input
  13. Join the Geophysical Planet Definition Working Group
  14. 2nd Science Mission Directorate Workshop - Abstract Deadline
  15. NASEM Human Exploration of Mars Study: Upcoming Events
  16. Virtual JMARS Training: Wednesday, October 2, 10am-1pm PDT
  17. Apply for the Los Angeles, CA Culturally Inclusive Planetary Engagement Workshop
  18. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  19. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Commercial Announcements:

  1. Earth and Space Analog Experience

Issue 34, August 18, 2024
  1. 2025A NASA Keck Call for Proposals
  2. Workshop on the Termination Shock
  3. Planetary Data Management Workshop
  4. CometCIEF - Cometary Coma Image Enhancement Facility
  5. SpinSat RFI: Contribute Your Ideas to the Development of a New Spaceflight Experimental Platform for Biology
  6. NASA SMD Intern Position to Analyze Inclusion Plans
  7. Co-chair Leadership Position for Cross-AG EDIA Working Group
  8. Science Community Virtual Workshop: MSR Science Objectives
  9. [NASA] PDS: Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Data Release 38
  10. Apply for the Los Angeles, CA, Culturally Inclusive Planetary Engagement Workshop
  11. McKay Fellowship at NASA JSC and LPI
  12. Circumplanetary Disks and Satellite Formation III
  13. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  14. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 33, August 11, 2024
  1. [NASA] PDS: Mars 2020 Mission Release 10
  2. [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic PDS Data Releases in 2024.07
  3. [NASA] PDS: Mars Science Laboratory Release 36
  4. [NASA] SMD: ROSES-24 Amendment 41 - Draft F.13 Lunar Terrain Vehicle Instruments Program Released for Community Comment
  5. Which Yields Better Data, Human- or Robot-generated Sampling Plans?
  6. Job Opening: Postdoc in Geologic Mapping and Radar Studies at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum
  7. Postdoctoral Researcher in Small-Body Survey Science
  8. 2025 Planetary Defense Conference Call for Papers Now Available
  9. Apply for the Los Angeles, CA, Culturally Inclusive Planetary Engagement Workshop
  10. Ice Giant Systems Seminar Series: August 13, Dr. Jessica Weber (JPL/Caltech)
  11. New Horizons Science Spotlight Webinar
  12. South Pole-Aitken Basin Focus Issue in Planetary Science Journal
  13. Webinar: What is Human Exploration of Titan?
  14. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  15. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 32, August 4, 2024
  1. In Memoriam: Joop W. Hovenier (September 9, 1936 - July 12, 2024)
  2. Correction: Seeking Native Hawaiian Women or Indigenous American Women for Interview
  3. Outer Planets Assessment Group (OPAG) Meeting: New Dates
  4. Astrobiology and the Future of Life Announcement: Abstract Deadline Extended
  5. Symposium in Honor of Distinguished Professor Emeritus Christopher Russell, UCLA, September 20, 2024
  6. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  7. South Pole-Aitken Basin Focus Issue in Planetary Science Journal
  8. Postdoc in Geologic Mapping and Radar Studies at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum
  9. Research Associate in Mega-Constellation Space Physics
  10. Research Positions at the Planetary Atmospheres Group, South Korea
  11. Job Posting for Dragonfly Surface Operations Planner at JHU/APL
  12. [NASA] SMD: DRAFT F.11 Payloads and Research Investigations on the Surface of the Moon - Stand-Alone Landing Site-Agnostic Released for Community Comment
  13. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  14. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 31, July 28, 2024
  1. VIPER Letter Update
  2. AGU Session EPO05: Aqueous Processes Across our Solar System - Interpreting How Water Shapes Terrestrial and Planetary Surfaces at Different Spatial Scales
  3. AGU Session EPO21: Geomorphic Processes Across Planetary Surfaces
  4. AGU Session P041: Understanding Ocean Worlds in the Era of the Europa Clipper and JUICE Missions
  5. AGU Session SM024: Three-Dimensional Magnetosphere Structure and Dynamics During Geomagnetic Storms
  6. International Conference on Meteoroids, Meteor, and Meteorites: Messengers from Space (MetMeSS 2024)
  7. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  8. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 30, July 21, 2024
  1. Open Letter to Congress Opposing VIPER Cancellation
  2. PSJ Appreciates PEN's Exposure of Journal Articles
  3. AGU Session MR002: A Journey into Planetary Interiors - How the Properties and Interactions of Planetary Materials Drive Dynamical Processes and Shape Planets and Moons
  4. AGU Session P009: Enceladus, The Storyteller
  5. AGU Session P034: Space Environments of Unmagnetized or Weakly Magnetized Solar System Bodies and the Effects of Space Weather on these Systems
  6. AGU session SM026: Venus as a Heliophysics Laboratory
  7. AGU Session V018: Origin, Distribution, and Transport of Volatiles in Earth and Terrestrial Planets
  8. ESA and NASA EnVision Mission Announcement of Opportunity: Interdisciplinary Scientist
  9. Seeking Native Hawaiian Women or Indigenous American Women for Interview
  10. [NASA] ROSES-24 Amendment 31: Delay of Proposal Due Date for C.15 Planetary Protection Research
  11. Accessibility in Field Work Talk by Dr. Jen Piatek
  12. New Horizons Science Spotlight Webinar
  13. OpenPlanetary: July Virtual Lunch Talk (Leah Wasser, pyOpenSci)
  14. Postdoctoral Position Related to PLATO Science at FU Berlin
  15. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  16. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 29, July 14, 2024
  1. 2024 NASA SSERVI Awards
  2. Two Open Rank Professors of Planetary Sciences at the University of Bern
  3. XCT Laboratory Manager at the Field Museum of Natural History
  4. Exploration Lab Manager with Jacobs/CMS at NASA-JSC
  5. Upcoming SPICE Training Class on the East Coast of the U.S.
  6. AGU Session DI003: Core-Mantle Interactions - The Dynamic Duo Shaping Our Planet
  7. AGU Session EP005: Aqueous Processes Across our Solar System - Interpreting How Water Shapes Terrestrial and Planetary Surfaces at Different Spatial Scales
  8. AGU Session GP011: Planetary Magnetism and Protoplanetary Disk Magnetism
  9. AGU Session P007: Concepts for Future Planetary Science Missions
  10. AGU Session P018: Juno's Multi-Instrument View of Io, Europa, and Ganymede
  11. AGU Session P028: Planetary Science and Astrobiology with the Habitable Worlds Observatory
  12. AGU Session P029: Probing Mercury - From Origin to Present, From Core to Exosphere
  13. AGU Session P038: Titan from Atmosphere to Interior
  14. AGU Session P040: Ultraviolet Observing of Solar System Targets
  15. AGU Session SM024: Three-Dimensional Magnetosphere Structure and Dynamics during Geomagnetic Storms
  16. AGU Session U017: Significance of Past and Future Sample Return Missions for the Earth and Space Sciences
  17. [NASA] SMD: Astrobiology and the Future of Life Meeting October 16-18
  18. [NASA] SMD: Planetary Protection in Advance of Human Missions
  19. [NASA] SMD: New Opportunity D.20 Exoplanet Mass Measurement Program
  20. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  21. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 28, July 7, 2024
  1. Second Diversity and Inclusion Survey for Astrobiology
  2. 2024 DPS Travel Grant Application Form is Open
  3. [NASA] Office of STEM Engagement TEAM II Data Call for Reviewers
  4. [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic Data Releases in 2024.06
  5. [NASA] PDS: Odyssey Data Release 88
  6. AGU Session B111: Trailblazing the Intramolecular Isotopic Frontier with Ultrahigh Resolution Fourier-Transform Mass Spectrometry (FT-MS)
  7. AGU Session P008: Dynamic Exospheres of Terrestrial Bodies Through the Solar System
  8. AGU Session P019: Machine Learning and Data Science Methods in Planetary Science
  9. AGU Session P023: Oscillations in Internal Fluid Layers of Planets, Moons, and Stars
  10. AGU Session P031: Radar Investigations of Planetary Surfaces and Subsurfaces
  11. AGU Session P033: SSSBs - Sample Returns, JWST, Ground-Based Astronomy, and More
  12. AGU Session P041: Understanding Ocean Worlds in the Era of the Europa Clipper and JUICE Missions
  13. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  14. [NASA] ROSES-24 Amendment 25: C.27 Lucy in the L4 Trojans Participating Scientist Program
  15. Professor and Associate Professor Position at the Institute for Planetary Materials, Okayama University, Japan
  16. Ice Giant Systems Seminar Series: July 9, Dr. Matija Cuk (SETI Institute)
  17. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  18. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 27, June 30, 2024
  1. Remote Sensing Special Issue Invitation
  2. Post-doctoral Fellow in Planetary Sciences, Experimental Geochemistry, Planetary Materials, Astrobiology
  3. AGU Session P005: Carbon Across the Solar System
  4. AGU Session P006: Carbonates on Mars - Records of the Ancient Hydrosphere and Atmosphere
  5. AGU Session P039: To the Moon - A New Era of Science
  6. Astromat Workshop at MetSoc 2024
  7. Astrobiology and the Future of Life Meeting
  8. Bay Area Planetary Science Conference 2024 Indication of Interest
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  10. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 26, June 23, 2024
  1. New Horizons Science Spotlight Webinar - This Week
  2. The Mars Atmosphere Data Assimilation (MADA) 2024 Workshop
  3. PlanetInsitu24 Workshop: Rise of the Drones
  4. Interdisciplinary Workshop with Travel Support: Exoplanets - Compositions, Mineralogy, Evolution
  5. AGU Session EP005: Aqueous Processes Across our Solar System - Interpreting How Water Shapes Terrestrial and Planetary Surfaces at Different Spatial Scales
  6. [NASA] PDS: Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter CTX and MARCI Global Mosaics
  7. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  8. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Commercial Announcements:

  1. Commercial: Final Announcement - Earth and Space Experience Webinar

Issue 25, June 16, 2024
  1. Submit Your Abstract to GSA Connects 2024
  2. GSA 2024 Session T141: Active and Anticipated Science from Planetary Science Research, Programs and Future Flight Projects
  3. Job Announcement: Department Chair of Physics and Applied Physics
  4. [NASA] PDS: Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 58
  5. [NASA] PDS: Juno Data Release 26
  6. Cross-AG EDIA Working Group Commemorates Juneteenth
  7. Amity Mission for Analogue Space Expedition
  8. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  9. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 24, June 9, 2024
  1. Submit Your Abstract to GSA Connects 2024
  2. OpenPlanetary Virtual Lunch Talk on the Multi-Mission Geographic Information System (MMGIS)
  3. New Horizons Science Spotlight Webinar
  4. 2024 Lunar Surface Science Workshop
  5. 2024 Texas Area Planetary Science Meeting
  6. Culturally Inclusive Planetary Engagement Workshop in Boulder
  7. Black Space Week
  8. 14th Annual oSTEM Conference
  9. [NASA] ROSES-24 Amendment 20: F.20 MOSAICS Seed Funding (Formerly SMD Bridge Program) Seed Funding Final Text
  10. Call for Applications: Search for Life Science Analysis Group (SFL-SAG)
  11. Solar System Physics Master's Degree Programme at TU Braunschweig
  12. PhD Position in Space Science at University of Bern
  13. Postdoctoral Research Associate in Planetary Science at Royal Holloway, University of London
  14. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  15. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 23, June 2, 2024
  1. GSA 2024 Session T141: Active and Anticipated Science from Planetary Science Research, Programs and Future Flight Projects
  2. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  3. [NASA] PDS: OSIRIS-REx OLA v5.0 Data Release
  4. [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic PDS Data Releases in 2024.05
  5. [NASA] PDS: Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 69
  6. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  7. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 22, May 26, 2024
  1. Arizona State University Postdoc Positions Available
  2. Research Scientist in Space Physics at LASP
  3. Mercury Lab Workshop - Call for Abstracts
  4. GSA 2024 Session T145: Geomorphology and Landscape Evolution of Mars
  5. [NASA] Planetary Advisory Committee Meeting Dates
  6. Two Postdoctoral Positions in Exoplanet Science for PLATO at DLR Berlin
  7. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  8. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 21, May 19, 2024
  1. [NASA] Near-term Leadership Changes in NASA's Planetary Science Division (PSD)
  2. [NASA] Submit Requests for No-Cost-Extensions 11-days Prior to End Date
  3. [NASA] ROSES-24 Amendment 13: Due Date Delay and FAQ Posted for A.58 Increasing Participation of Minority Serving Institutions in Earth Science Surface-Based Measurement Networks
  4. [NASA] ROSES-24 Amendment 14: F.19 Research Initiation Awards Final Text and Due Date
  5. [NASA] Town Hall for Planetary Research Programs
  6. [NASA] FY2024 Teams Engaging Affiliated Museums and Informal Institutions NOFO Announcement
  7. [NASA] PDS: Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Data Release 37
  8. Job Opportunity: Senior Scientist for Mars Exploration, Planetary Science Division (NASA HQ)
  9. Various Positions Available at the Department of Space and Planetary Science, Sun Yat-sen University
  10. Two Postdoctoral Positions in Global Space Weather Modeling for BepiColombo at FMI, Finland
  11. Postdoctoral Position in Planetary Sciences at KU Leuven
  12. PhD in Planetary Sciences at KU Leuven
  13. 2024 Advancing IDEA in Planetary Science Conference: Save the Date
  14. Planetary Data Training Workshop at Arizona State University
  15. Annual GSA Planetary Geology Division Button Contest
  16. Submit Your Abstract to GSA Connects 2024
  17. New Horizons Science Spotlight Webinar
  18. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  19. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Commercial Announcements:
  1. Commercial: Visit KSC Like a True Space Nerd

Issue 20, May 12, 2024
  1. [Correction] Save the Date: OpenPlanetary Virtual Lunch Talk on Hyperspectral Python Tools Via Zoom
  2. [Correction] Professional Development for Scientists: Effective Mentoring Practices
  3. EPSC 2024 Session OPS5: Exploration of Titan
  4. EPSC 2024 Session SB3: Small Body Surfaces - Windows into Geological Space and Time
  5. EPSC 2024 Session SB8: Advances in Photopolarimetry of Solar System Small Bodies
  6. EPSC 2024 Session SB11: Exploring the Links Between Comets and Protoplanetary Disks
  7. Ice Giant Systems Seminar Series: May 14, Dr. Conor Nixon (NASA Goddard)
  8. Mercury Science and Exploration May 2024 Newsletter Released
  9. OPUS Tool Now Supports PDS4 Data
  10. Planetary Cross-AG EDIA Working Group
  11. [NASA] Town Hall for Planetary Research Programs
  12. [NASA] SMD: An Updated Planning List for NASA Headquarters Science Mission Directorate Solicitations Dated May 6, 2024 Released
  13. [NASA] SMD: NASA's OTPS Lunar Non-Interference Questionnaire Invites Responses from Members of the Lunar Community
  14. [NASA] SMD: C.26 Rapid Mission Design Studies for Mars Sample Return Correction
  15. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  16. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Commercial Announcements:
  1. Commercial: Zero-G Flight from Houston-Ellington Field

Issue 19, May 5, 2024
  1. EPSC 2024 Session ODAA4: Diversity and Inclusiveness in Planetary Sciences
  2. EPSC 2024 Session TP1: Atmospheres and Exospheres of Terrestrial Bodies
  3. EPSC 2024 Session TP11: Unveiling Venus from Atmosphere to Core
  4. Nominations for Farinella Prize 2024
  5. AbSciCon Town Hall: Astrobiology and the National Interest
  6. Assistant Professor in Space Physics - Electrical & Computer Engineering
  7. [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic Data Releases in 2024.04
  8. [NASA] PDS: Dawn Ceres Gravity Models from the Extended Mission
  9. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  10. New Horizons Science Spotlight Webinar
  11. Save the Date: OpenPlanetary Virtual Lunch Talk on Hyperspectral Python Tools Via Zoom
  12. Early-Career Travel Support for Mars Interior and Geophysics After InSight Meeting
  13. Professional Development for Scientists: Effective Mentoring Practices
  14. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  15. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 18, April 28, 2024
  1. [NASA] SMD: Correction and Clarification of C.26 Rapid Mission Design Studies for Mars Sample Return
  2. LPI is Seeking a New Director
  3. 3 Year PhD Scholarship at LPG, Nantes, France
  4. Postdoc Position Within UCF Department of Physics
  5. NASA Postdoctoral Program Fellowship
  6. PlanetInsitu24 Workshop: Rise of the Drones
  7. EPSC Session SB13: Icy Ocean Worlds, Comets and Asteroids in the Laboratory
  8. EPSC Session TP7: Volcanism and Tectonism Across the Solar System
  9. IBS Conference on Planetary Science and Space Exploration
  10. AbSciCon Town Hall - Sample Curation Survey
  11. 2024 Pellas-Ryder Award
  12. Open MExAG Steering Committee Positions
  13. NASA Small Bodies Assessment Group (SBAG) Steering Committee (SC) Solicitation
  14. Planetary Advisory Committee Nomination Deadline Extended
  15. Annual GSA Planetary Geology Division Button Contest
  16. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  17. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Commercial Announcements:
  1. Commercial: Earth and Space Experience for Educators

Issue 17, April 21, 2024
  1. Nominations for the 14th Paolo Farinella Prize
  2. The Planetary Science Journal Special Issue: Planet Characterization Workshop
  3. Apply for the San Antonio, TX, Culturally Inclusive Planetary Engagement Workshop
  4. Accepting Applications for the Modern SEM Techniques Workshop
  5. Mercury Laboratory Workshop
  6. PlanetInsitu24 Workshop: Rise of the Drones
  7. EPSC Session OPS1: Broadening Our Understanding of Jupiter's Icy Moons and Their Environment
  8. EPSC Session TP10: Exploring Mercury and its Environment
  9. [NASA] Town Hall for Planetary Research Programs
  10. Geospatial Scientist Position with Jacobs/CMS at NASA-JSC
  11. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  12. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 16, April 14, 2024
  1. Special Symposium "Planetary Aerosols: From Earth to Exoplanets"
  2. Annual GSA Planetary Science Division Button Contest
  3. MEPAG/ExMAG Workshop on Mars Sample Science
  4. Last Call for The Planetary Society's Day of Action in Washington, D.C. on April 28-29, 2024
  5. The Trans-Neptunian Solar System 2027 (TNO2027) Host Proposals
  6. Two Postdoctoral Positions in Moon Environments and Magnetospheric Interaction at DIAS
  7. [NASA] SMD: April 15 Town Hall - NASA Response to Mars Sample Return Independent Review Board Report
  8. Two Open Rank Professors of Planetary Sciences at the University of Bern
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  10. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 15, April 7, 2024
  1. Join The Planetary Society's Day of Action in Washington, D.C. on April 28-29, 2024
  2. Gerald A. Soffen Memorial Fund Spring 2024 Travel Grant
  3. Annual GSA Planetary Science Division Button Contest
  4. [NASA] PDS: Mars 2020 Mission Release 9
  5. [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic PDS Data Releases in 2024.03
  6. [NASA] PDS: Odyssey Data Release 87
  7. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  8. Drones for Planetary Science: Session and White Paper Invitation
  9. Two Open Positions at the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, TU Delft, the Netherlands
  10. Post-Doctoral Position in Lunar Studies
  11. Apply for the San Antonio, TX Culturally Inclusive Planetary Engagement Workshop
  12. Ice Giant Systems Seminar Series: April 9, Dr. Henrik Melin (University of Leicester)
  13. Mercury 2024 Meeting Abstract and Registration Info
  14. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  15. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 14, March 31, 2024
  1. Gerald A. Soffen Memorial Fund Spring 2024 Travel Grant
  2. UTCT X-Ray Computed Tomography Short Course July 10-12, 2024
  3. Two Open Positions at The Swedish Institute of Space Physics
  4. Open Calls for PhD, Postdoc, Academy Scientist, and Instrument Operator Positions in Space Research
  5. Postdoctoral Position in Lunar Science at Brown University
  6. Guest Scientist for Research Infrastructure Development at the Swedish Institute of Space Physics
  7. Annual GSA Planetary Science Division Button Contest
  8. JUICE Science Webinar Series: JUICE - One Year After Launch - News and Outlook
  9. Mercury 2024 Meeting
  10. Planetary Data Training Workshop, 21-24 May 2024, Arizona State University
  11. NASA Small Bodies Assessment Group Early Career Opportunities
  12. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  13. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 13, March 24, 2024
  1. Open Letter from the Chair to Members of the MEPAG Community
  2. Become a VIRTEX Mentor
  3. NEOWISE 2024 Data Release
  4. Are We a Unique Species on a Unique Planet? - Or are We Just the Ordinary Galactic Standard?
  5. Postdoctoral Opportunity in Planetary Field Geology as Enabled by Virtual Reality
  6. Planetary Science and Space Exploration Conference
  7. New Prize Postdoctoral Fellowship through the Rice Space Institute
  8. MEPAG/ExMAG Joint Workshop on Connecting Community Scientific Hypotheses to Mars Sample Science
  9. Instrument Engineer Position at Northern Arizona University in Planetary Science
  10. AGU Planetary Sciences Award Deadlines
  11. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  12. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 12, March 17, 2024
  1. Planet Characterization Workshop PSJ Special Issue
  2. NASA Infrared Telescope Facility Observing Proposals
  3. [NASA] PDS: Mars Science Laboratory Release 35
  4. [NASA] PDS: Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 57
  5. [NASA] F.23 SMD Bridge Seed Funding Office Hours March 19, 21, & 25
  6. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  7. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 11, March 10, 2024
  1. Mercury Science and Exploration February 2024 Newsletter Released
  2. Postdoc Position, University of Central `Florida Department of Physics
  3. Planetary Tracking Data Analysis Developer/Researcher Vacancy at the Delft University of Technology
  4. SETI Institute Baruch S. Blumberg Fellowship and the William J. Welch Fellowship
  5. Announcing the 2nd Annual Impact Community Meeting at LPSC
  6. A Solution-Focused Approach to Addressing Mental Health in Planetary Science Workshop at LPSC
  7. MAPSIT Townhall Event at LPSC
  8. Astromaterials Data System Meet and Greet at LPSC
  9. Preliminary Results from Astrobiotic Peregrine Mission 1 at LPSC
  10. Intuitive Machines 1 Mission Overview at LPSC
  11. NASA Science Explorer Ambassador Program
  12. Survey: Can You Tell Human- From Robot-Generated Sampling Plans?
  13. Save the Date: 2nd Texas Area Planetary Science Meeting (TAPS)
  14. Goldschmidt 2024 Session 1F: Isotopes and Magnetism - Signatures Frozen in Time
  15. Goldschmidt 2024 Session 2E: Volatile Delivery, Storage, and Transportation Within the Early Earth System
  16. International Geological Congress Planetary Sciences Section (T5)
  17. Small Sample Handling Training Opportunity
  18. Early Career Workshop: Microsatellites and Their Use in Planetary and Astrobiology Research
  19. NASA Planetary Science Division Status Update on Efforts in Response to the Planetary Data Ecosystem Independent Review Board (PDE IRB) Final Report
  20. [NASA] ROSES-24 Amendment 3: Final Text and Due Dates for F.7 Support for Open-Source Tools, Frameworks, and Libraries
  21. [NASA] SMD Seeks Reviewers for Research Proposals
  22. [NASA] PDS: Mars 2020 Mastcam-Z Ops Release 8.1
  23. [NASA] PDS: Hayabusa2 MASMAG Release
  24. [NASA] Science Mission Directorate Budget Town Hall
  25. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  26. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 10, March 8, 2024
  1. SPECIAL EDITION: [NASA] PDS DART Mission Data Releases

Issue 9, March 3, 2024
  1. JGR Planets Meet & Greet at LPSC
  2. OPAG Townhall at LPSC
  3. OPAG Meeting
  4. Open Letter from the Chair to Members of the MEPAG Community
  5. NASA Planetary Science Summer School Applications Due March 27, 2024
  6. PDS Geosciences Node - LPSC 2024 Peripheral Events
  7. NASA Night, LPSC 2024: Monday March 11, Starting 5:45 PM Central
  8. ESA Archival Research Visitor Programme
  9. SETI Institute Baruch S. Blumberg Fellowship and the William J. Welch Fellowship
  10. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  11. Post-Baccalaureate Positions in Astrophysics Science and Solar System Exploration Divisions at NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
  12. LPI Senior Staff Scientist Position
  13. LPI is Seeking New Director
  14. [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic PDS Data Releases 1 in 2024.02
  15. [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic PDS Data Releases 2 in 2024.02
  16. [NASA] PDS: Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 68
  17. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  18. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 8, February 25, 2024
  1. Nominate Your Deserving Colleagues for the 2024 Geological Society of America Planetary Geology Division Gilbert Award
  2. SETI Institute Baruch S. Blumberg Fellowship and the William J. Welch Fellowship
  3. Misasa International Student Internship Program 2024 (Okayama University Japan)
  4. PhD Opportunities in Interdisciplinary Space Sciences and Planetary Research
  5. Upcoming Planetary Advisory Committee Meeting
  6. Terrestrial Analogues for Solar System Studies Workshop: Milos, Greece
  7. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  8. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 7, February 18, 2024
  1. [Correction] PhD Position: Delft, The Netherlands
  2. Interdisciplinary Postdoc for Star-Planet Chemical Interplay at Louisiana State University
  3. Planetary Photogrammetry Workshop
  4. Announcing the First OWWG Technology Subgroup Meeting
  5. 2024B NASA Keck Call for Proposals
  6. SETI Institute Baruch S. Blumberg Fellowship and the William J. Welch Fellowship
  7. MEPAG/ExMAG Joint Workshop on Connecting Community Scientific Hypotheses to Mars Sample Science
  8. [NASA] SMD: Science Gaps Worksheet Posted on NSPIRES Page for ROSES-23 D.16 Astrophysics Decadal Survey Precursor Science
  9. [NASA] SMD: Release of Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Science (ROSES)-2024
  10. [NASA] SMD: 2024 NASA Fundamental Physics Workshop
  11. [NASA] PDS: Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Data Release 36
  12. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  13. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 6, February 11, 2024
  1. Ice Giant Systems Seminar Series: February 13, Dr. Tom Nordheim (JHU/APL)
  2. NEO WARP Community Feedback Opportunity
  3. Call for Applications: Department Head, Purdue EAPS
  4. PhD Student in Space Physics for Studies of Space Weather
  5. Europa Clipper Lecture Series Email Signup
  6. Ocean Worlds Working Group Subgroup Meetings Announcement
  7. USGS Astrogeology Support Sprints Newsletter
  8. Postdoc Position on Pluto Atmospheric Modeling at LESIA, Paris Observatory, France
  9. Postdoc Position: Delft, The Netherlands
  10. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  11. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 5, February 4, 2024
  1. Upcoming Civil Servant Position at NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
  2. Lunar Postdoc Position at JPL
  3. Two Post-doc Positions in Mars-related Research at University of Oslo, Norway
  4. AGU Earth and Planetary Surface Processes Student Committee Application
  5. GSA Planetary Geology Division January 2024 Newsletter
  6. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  7. Join the Planetary Society's Day of Action in Washington, D.C
  8. on April 28-29, 2024
  9. Citizen Science Peripheral Meeting at LPSC 2024
  10. Integrating Ocean Drilling and NASA Science: A Workshop to Explore Missions to Planet Earth
  11. COSPAR-2024-B1.2: Unveiling Planet Formation and How It Connects Small Bodies, Planets, Circumstellar Disks, and Stars
  12. Announcement of Ocean Worlds Working Group Meetings
  13. [NASA] MUREP Institutional Research Opportunity (MIRO) - Final Office Hour
  14. [NASA] Aperiodic PDS Data Releases in 2024.01 (1 of 2)
  15. [NASA] Aperiodic PDS Data Releases in 2024.01 (2 of 2)
  16. [NASA] JUNO Data Release 25
  17. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  18. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Commercial Announcements:
  1. Commercial: Analog Field Geology - Final Announcement
Issue 4, Januray 28, 2024
  1. Planetary Cross-AG EDIA Working Group
  2. Postdoc in Mars Atmospheric Research at Open University, U.K.
  3. Assistant Researcher Position at UC Berkeley, Space Sciences Lab
  4. Call for Nominations to the Executive Committee of the Exoplanet
  5. Exploration Program Analysis Group
  6. Science with NEO Surveyor Workshop
  7. Planetary Data Management Workshop
  8. The Uranus Flagship: Investigating New Paradigms for Outer Planet Exploration Workshop
  9. Early Career Travel for Uranus Workshop
  10. Earth Science Women's Network Webinar on Senior/Junior Workplace Dynamics
  11. [NASA] SMD: Improving the Usability of the Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Science (ROSES) NASA Research Announcement (NRA) Request for Information
  12. [NASA] SMD: F.13 Lunar Terrain Vehicle Instruments Program deferred to ROSES-24
  13. [NASA] SMD: F.11 SALSA PRISM Deferred to ROSES-2024
  14. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  15. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 3, January 21, 2024
  1. Post-Doc Opportunity in Rome, Italy
  2. Pellas-Ryder Award Nomination Deadline: 31 January 2024
  3. Mercury 2024 Meeting: Kyoto, Japan
  4. Call for Community Participation in Habitable Worlds Observatory Mission Concept Maturation
  5. Free Guide to Science Fiction with Good Astronomy (and Physics)
  6. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  7. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 2, January 14, 2024
  1. [NASA] MSR IRB Response Team (MIRT) Update Town Hall Deferred
  2. [NASA] Input Solicited for Review of NASA Postdoctoral Program (NPP)
  3. Abstract Submission for "TNO2024: The Trans-Neptunian Solar System" is Now Open
  4. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  5. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Commercial Announcements:
  1. Planetary Analog Field Trip

Issue 1, January 7, 2024
  1. Passing of Mikhail Marov (1933-2023)
  2. Two Positions at University of Oslo
  3. LPI Staff Scientist Position
  4. Visiting Position in Planetary Science
  5. Post-doc Position in Exoplanet Atmosphere Cloud Modelling at the Space Research Institute IWF, Graz (Austria)
  6. Openings on the OPAG Steering Committee
  7. NASA Postdoctoral Program
  8. [NASA] Corrections to ROSES-23 Future Investigators in NASA Earth and Space Science and Technology and Volunteer Reviewers Invited
  9. [NASA] Reminder - EONS 2024, Appendix 9: MUREP Institutional Research Opportunity 2nd Pre-proposal Webinar
  10. [NASA] SMD Inclusion Plan Requirements Town Hall
  11. [NASA] Odyssey Data Release 86
  12. COSPAR Session B4.2: Venus Science and Exploration
  13. COSPAR Session PSW.2: Space Weather at Planetary Bodies in the Solar System
  14. EGU2024 Session PS1.3/GD3.3: Venus: Models, Observations, (Ancient) Earth- and Exoplanet Analogue
  15. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  16. Earth Science Women's Network Webinar
  17. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  18. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Table of Contents: Volume 17, 2023

Issue 57, December 31, 2023
  1. International Conference on Planets, Exoplanets and Habitability, Ahmedabad, India, 5-9 February 2024
  2. AOGS Session PS05: Small Bodies in the Solar System and Beyond
  3. AbSciCon 2024 Session: Geophysical Investigations of Habitability in Icy Ocean Worlds
  4. [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic Data Releases in 2023.12
  5. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  6. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 56, December 24, 2023
  1. 2024 Pierazzo International Student Travel Award Winners
  2. EGU2024 Session PS5.1 Exploring the Trappist-1 System Through Observation and Modeling
  3. EGU2024 Session PS6.1: Prebiotic Chemistry in a Geochemical Context
  4. AbSciCon 2024 Session: Chemical Cycling in Ocean Worlds
  5. AbSciCon 2024 Session: Planetary Protection, the Limits of Life and the Moon to Mars Program
  6. AbSciCon 2024 Session: Pushing the Limits of In Situ Instrumentation - Developing Tools for Planetary Exploration and Life-detection Applications on Icy Ocean Worlds
  7. Assistant Professor or Associate Professor in Planetary Science
  8. Mars Exploration Science Program Newsletter for December 2023
  9. [NASA] Science Mission Directorate Quarterly Community Town Hall
  10. [NASA] MSR IRB Response Team (MIRT) Update Town Hall
  11. University of Edinburgh, Ph.D.s and Study
  12. University of Edinburgh School of Engineering, Elisabeth Georgeson Fellow
  13. Postdoctoral Position in Space Physics at the Swedish Institute of Space Physics
  14. SETI Institute Baruch S. Blumberg Fellowship and the William J. Welch Fellowship
  15. [NASA] ROSES-23 Amendment 75: D.10 TESS General Investigator Program Final Text and Due Date
  16. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  17. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 55, December 17, 2023
  1. Visiting Lecturer in Astronomy at Mount Holyoke College
  2. LPI Accepting Applications for the Ryder Postdoctoral Fellowship
  3. UTSA-SwRI Space Physics Graduate Program: Fall 2024 Application Deadline - January 1, 2024
  4. Lecturer/Reader in Robotic Systems, University of Edinburgh, School of Informatics
  5. Special Issue on Secondary Minerals in Planetary Exploration: Frontiers Astronomy and Space Sciences
  6. Life Special Issue: Stable Isotope Geochemistry for Future Planetary Exploration and the Search for Life beyond Earth
  7. Geospatial Scientist Position With Jacobs/CMS at NASA-JSC
  8. Postdoctoral Opportunity in Atmospheric Escape Science
  9. [NASA] PDS: Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 56
  10. [NASA] ROSES-23 Amendment 69: F.21 Artemis Deployed Instruments Program - Second Crewed Landing Deferred to ROSES-24
  11. [NASA] Call for Peer Reviewers: MUREP Institutional Research Opportunity
  12. EGU2024 Session PS4.1: Evolving Heliophysics - Unresolved Questions Across the Solar System
  13. EGU2024 Session PS5.3: The State-of-the-art of Modeling Tidal Interactions in Rocky Planets
  14. EGU2024 Session PS5.2: Characterizing the Diversity of Sub-Neptunes, Super-Earths, and Rocky Worlds
  15. AOGS Session PS21: Geology, Geophysics, and Habitability in Our Solar System
  16. AbSciCon Session: The Whole Package - In Situ Sample Preparation and Instrumentation to Seek Life, its Precursors, and Context on Ocean Worlds
  17. AbSciCon 2024 Session: Planetary Evolution via Atmospheric Escape - Synergy Between Studies of Solar System and Exoplanets
  18. Terrestrial Analogues for Solar System Studies Workshop in Milos, Greece
  19. Last Call: 2023 Planetary Science Mental Health Survey
  20. Don't Delete, Complete: AGU Planetary Sciences Section Membership Survey reminder
  21. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  22. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 54, December 10, 2023
  1. 2023 Planetary Science Mental Health Survey: 2 Weeks Left Until Survey Closes
  2. AGU Planetary Sciences Section Membership Survey
  3. Community Feedback for Draft Venus Exploration Strategy
  4. Elizabeth Georgeson Fellow (Engineering)
  5. NASA IPAC/Infrared Science Archive Survey
  6. EGU2024 Session PS 1.5: Polar Regions on Mars - Understanding Atmospheric, Geological, Geophysical Processes, and Their Interactions
  7. EGU2024 Session PS 2.5: Icy Moon Exploration - Bridging the Cryosphere and Icy Moon Communities
  8. 53rd Saas-Fee Advanced Course of the Swiss Society for Astrophysics and Astronomy
  9. Special Issue on Magnetosheaths in Frontiers Astronomy and Space Sciences
  10. [NASA] SMD: Innovation Corps Pilot Informational Webinar
  11. [NASA] SMD: Transform to Open Science - Release of Open Science 101
  12. [NASA] SMD: Support for Open-Source Tools, Frameworks, and Libraries Deferred to ROSES-24
  13. [NASA] SMD: ROSES F.9 Citizen Science Seed Funding Program Updates
  14. Openings on the Outer Planets Assessment Group Steering Committee
  15. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  16. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 53, December 03, 2023
  1. Planet Characterization 2024: Abstract Deadline December 8
  2. Graduate Degree Programs at the University of Edinburgh
  3. EGU Session P2.1: Exploring the Mysteries of Jupiter's Icy Moons and their Space Environment
  4. IGARSS Session CCS.43: Geology and Geophysics across the Solar System
  5. [NASA] Planetary Science Townhalls at AGU Fall Meeting
  6. International Lunar Year Proposal from the U.S. State Department: Discussion at AGU23
  7. New MARSIS PDS Archive is Now a JMARS Layer
  8. 2024 GMAP Planetary Geologic Mapping Winter School
  9. LPI Accepting Applications for the McKay Postdoctoral Fellowship
  10. LPI Accepting Applications for the 2024 Summer Intern Program
  11. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  12. Assistant Professor Geophysics - Louisiana State University
  13. [NASA] PDS: Mars 2020 Mission Release 8
  14. [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic PDS Data Releases in 2023.11
  15. [NASA] PDS: Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 67
  16. OPAG Townhall at AGU (New Date: December 13)
  17. Postdoctoral Positions in Reaction Dynamics & Planetary Sciences & Materials Science, University of Hawaii at Manoa
  18. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  19. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Commercial Announcements:
  1. Karman+ Announces Call for Proposals: High Frontier Payloads
  2. Planetary Analog Field Geology Intro for Managers, Engineers, and Students

Issue 52, November 26, 2023
  1. Postdoctoral Opportunity in Hyperspectral Imaging or Mars 2020 Science
  2. PhD Position in Space Research/Mass Spectrometry at University of Bern, Switzerland
  3. The Swedish Institute of Space Physics is Looking for a PhD Student in Space Physics
  4. Tenure-track Faculty Position at the University of Maryland
  5. AbSciCon 2024 Session: Superflares and Eruption Events from Active G, K and M dwarfs and Their Impact on Habitable Environments
  6. AbSciCon 2024 Session: Building a Cross-Disciplinary Understanding of Ocean Worlds Habitability at the Dawn of the Europa Clipper Mission
  7. AGU Planetary Science Section Mentorship Program: Looking for More Mentors
  8. 2023 Planetary Science Mental Health Survey
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  10. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 51, November 19, 2023
  1. 2023 Planetary Science Mental Health Survey
  2. AGU Planetary Sciences Section Membership Survey
  3. Final Version of the Origins, Worlds, and Life Decadal Survey Now Available
  4. Extraterrestrial Materials Analysis Group (ExMAG) Call for Applications for 2024 Membership
  5. Mercury Exploration Assessment Group (MExAG) Annual Meeting 2024
  6. Mercury Science and Exploration November 2023 Newsletter Released
  7. AbSciCon 2024 Session: Biosignature Detection and Preservation in Ice Surface Materials
  8. AbSciCon 2024 Session: Titan Prebiotic Chemistry - Surface and Subsurface
  9. JUICE Operations Scientist Position at ESAC
  10. International Conference on Planets, Exoplanets, and Habitability: February 5-9, 2024, Ahmedabad, India
  11. Phobos Trek Public Release Announcement
  12. (Toward) Discovery of Life Beyond Earth and its Impact (IAUS 387)
  13. GRAM Suite Version 2.0 Released
  14. [NASA] Engagement Opportunities in NASA STEM 2024 Appendix 9: MUREP Institutional Research Opportunity Notice of Funding Opportunity Released November 15, 2023
  15. NASA Small Bodies Assessment Group Early Career Opportunities
  16. [NASA] ROSES-23 Amendment 63: F.20 SMD Bridge Program Deferred
  17. [NASA] PDS: Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Data Release 35
  18. Small Bodies Assessment Group Meeting, January 30 - February 1, 2024
  19. Outer Planets Assessment Group (OPAG) Townhall at AGU
  20. Report on Edinburgh's Inaugural Forming and Exploring Habitable Worlds Meeting and more
  21. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  22. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Commercial Announcements:

C.1. Our Path to the Stars: Introducing Explore Titan!

Issue 50, November 12, 2023
  1. One Senior Researcher and Two Postdoctoral Researcher Positions in the Planetary Atmospheres Group at the Institute for Basic Science, Daejeon, South Korea
  2. [NASA] A Science Strategy for the Human Exploration of Mars
  3. [NASA] F.5 FINNESST: SMD's Graduate Student Research Proposals Due February 6, 2024
  4. Assistant Professor - High Temperature Experimental Geochemistry, Stony Brook University
  5. Planet Characterization 2024
  6. Tenure-Track Faculty Position in Astronomical Sciences
  7. New Master's Degree Programme at TU Braunschweig (Germany)
  8. Community Feedback Sought for Draft Venus Exploration Strategy White Paper
  9. AbSciCon 2024 Session: Prebiotic Organic Chemistry from Primitive Bodies
  10. 2nd International Workshop on Co-Orbital Motion
  11. Ice Giant Systems Seminar Series: November 14, Dr. Raluca Rufu (SwRI)
  12. NASA Small Bodies Assessment Group (SBAG) Steering Committee International Member Solicitation
  13. Call for Abstracts: 3rd Moon-Magnetosphere Interaction Workshop, 13-17 May 2024, Dublin
  14. ADS Science Community Outreach Survey
  15. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  16. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 49, November 5, 2023
  1. [NASA] A Science Strategy for the Human Exploration of Mars
  2. Job Announcement: Cluster Hire in Remote Sensing Applications and Instrument Development at Northern Arizona University
  3. Postdoctoral Fellowship, UT Austin Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
  4. Gerald A. Soffen Memorial Fund Fall 2023 Travel Grant
  5. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  6. Juno Data Release 24
  7. Aperiodic PDS Data Releases in 2023.10
  8. Mars Exploration Science Program Newsletter for November 2023
  9. EGU24 Session PS1.8: Atmospheres, Exospheres, and Surfaces of Terrestrial Planets, Satellites, Small Bodies, and Exoplanets
  10. EGU24 Session PS3.2: Emergence, Chemistry, and Evolution of Organic Matter in the Solar System
  11. AbSciCon 2024 Session: How Ejection Affects Erupted Material on Icy Ocean Worlds
  12. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  13. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

    Commercial Announcements:
    C.1. Intro to the Moon (a Free Training Event)

Issue 48, October 31, 2023
  1. SPECIAL EDITION: [NASA] PDS DART Mission Data Releases

Issue 47, October 29, 2023
  1. Pierazzo International Student Travel Award Applications Now Open
  2. Outer Planets Assessment Group (OPAG) Meeting: Approaching Deadlines
  3. Job Announcement: Planetary Astronomer/Computer Scientist at the Southwest Research Institute
  4. Job Announcement: Cluster Hire in Remote Sensing Applications and Instrument Development at Northern Arizona University
  5. [NASA] SMD: Improving the Usability of ROSES RFI
  6. [NASA] SMD: NASA SMD Seeks Volunteer Reviewers for Research Proposals
  7. AGU Session SCIWS10: Wide Open - Cocreating Inclusive Spaces in Planetary Science
  8. Upcoming Meeting of NASA's Planetary Advisory Committee
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  10. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 46, October 22, 2023
  1. Earth Science Women's Network Workshop
  2. NAIF Releases New WebGeoCalc Version 2.7.1
  3. SAGEEP 2024: Planetary Session
  4. [NASA] Astrobiology Biosignatures Ideas Lab
  5. Cluster Hire in Remote Sensing Applications and Instrument Development at Northern Arizona University
  6. 2023 Planetary Science Mental Health Survey
  7. Gerald A. Soffen Memorial Fund Fall 2023 Travel Grants
  8. 2024 ASU SIMS Workshop: Volatile Elements
  9. [NASA] SBAG: NEO WARP 3 Meeting Announcement
  10. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  11. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 45, October 15, 2023
  1. Postdoctoral Position in Space Plasma Physics at IRF in Sweden
  2. Tenure-track Assistant Professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences at Rutgers University
  3. Research Assistant Professors, Institute for Geophysics, University of Texas at Austin
  4. Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute for Geophysics, University of Texas at Austin
  5. Postdoctoral Opportunity Supporting Artemis III Geology Team
  6. Open House: UTSA-SwRI Space Physics Graduate Program
  7. International Observe the Moon Night: Saturday, October 21
  8. 2023 Planetary Science Mental Health Survey
  9. New Horizons Open Science Team Meeting #54: October 26-27 (Hybrid)
  10. OPAG November 28-29 Hybrid Meeting
  11. [NASA] Topical Workshops, Symposiums, and Conferences (TWSC-24) in Space and Earth Sciences and Technology Notice of Funding Opportunity Released
  12. Mars Exploration Program Analysis Group Virtual Meeting #17 Rescheduled to October 20, 2023
  13. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  14. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 44, October 8, 2023
  1. In Memoriam: Ted Bowell (1943-2023)
  2. Open Letter to MEPAG Community Regarding MSR IRB-2
  3. Mars Exploration Science Program Newsletter for September 2023
  4. The 2023 Global Reference Atmospheric Model (GRAM) Virtual Workshop
  5. Laboratory Astrophysics Workshop (ICE 2024)
  6. Planet Characterization in the Solar System and the Galaxy Workshop
  7. Job Announcement: Hiring Tenure-track Observational Astronomy Faculty at Michigan State University
  8. Job Announcement: Assistant Professor - High Temperature Experimental Geochemistry at Stony Brook University
  9. Job Announcement: Planetary Astronomer and Archivist at SETI
  10. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  11. Ice Giant Systems Seminar Series: October 10, Dr. Ian Cohen (JHU/APL)
  12. [NASA] Science Mission Directorate Quarterly Community Town Hall October 19
  13. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  14. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 43, October 4, 2023

Issue 42, October 1, 2023
  1. Apophis T-5 Years: Knowledge Opportunity for the Science of Planetary Defense Workshop 1008
  2. Two Tenure-Track Faculty Positions in the Stony Brook University Department of Geosciences
  3. Mars Archive Scientist at ESA
  4. Postdoctoral Scholar Positions at Northern Arizona University in Planetary Science
  5. Presidential Postdoctoral Fellowship in Planetary Science
  6. [NASA] Discovery@30 and New Frontiers@20: A Symposium on the History of NASA's Discovery and New Frontiers Programs
  7. Tenure-Track Positions in Solar System Planetary Science at Caltech
  8. [NASA] ROSES-23: F.23 Bridge Program Seed Funding Extension of Submission Date for Winter Review
  9. Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in Structural Geology University of Tennessee, Knoxville
  10. The Uranus Flagship: Investigating New Paradigms for Outer Planet Exploration
  11. [NASA] PDS: InSight Data Release 18
  12. [NASA] PDS: Odyssey Data Release 85
  13. [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic Data Releases in 2023.09
  14. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  15. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 41, September 24, 2023
  1. Planetary Geology at 2024 SEPM International Sedimentary Geoscience Conference
  2. [NASA] ROSES-23: C.23 Analog Activities to Support Artemis Lunar Operations Not Solicited This Year
  3. [NASA] ROSES-23: F.10 PRISM Not Solicited This Year
  4. Postdoc Positions in Lunar Dust Mitigation at University of Maryland
  5. Workshop on EDIA for Leaders in Planetary Science
  6. What was that? An ESO Workshop on Planning Follow-up For Transients, Variables, and Solar System Objects in the Era of LSST
  7. Outer Planets Assessment Group (OPAG) Townhall at DPS/EPSC
  8. [NASA] PDS: Hayabusa2 MASCOT, MASCAM and MARA Release
  9. Exoplanet Exploration Program Analysis Group (ExoPAG) Meeting
  10. Tenure-Track Positions in Solar System Planetary Science at Caltech
  11. Small Bodies Assessment Group (SBAG) Townhall
  12. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  13. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 40, September 17, 2023
  1. [NASA] ROSES-23 Amendment 45: Physical Sciences Informatics Final Text and Due Dates
  2. Tenure-Track Faculty Position in Planetary Science at Brown University
  3. Tenure-Track Positions in Solar System Planetary Science at Caltech
  4. Open-Rank, Tenure-Track Planetary Science Professor at Arizona State University
  5. Lowell Observatory - Percival Lowell Postdoctoral Fellowship
  6. Postdoctoral Scholar Positions at Northern Arizona University in Planetary Science
  7. Carnegie Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Earth and Planets Laboratory
  8. Requesting Community Input for IDEA Meeting
  9. Apply for Culturally Inclusive Planetary Engagement Workshop in Puerto Rico
  10. New Workshop from NASA Astrobiology: Communicating About the Discovery of ET Life
  11. Moon-to-Mars Tiger Team Report Presentation
  12. [NASA] PDS: Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 55
  13. Special Issue of Icarus: 14th International Asteroid, Comets, Meteors Conference
  14. DPS-EPSC Meeting 2023: Virtual and Hybrid Participation Opportunties
  15. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  16. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 39, September 10, 2023
  1. Planetary Exploration Newsletter Back to Full Operation
  2. EGU General Assembly 2024: Propose Your Session for the Planetary and Space Sciences Division
  3. Communicating Science Short Course at GSA Connects 2023
  4. ArcGIS Workshop at GSA Connects 2023
  5. [NASA] ROSES-23: C.8 Lunar Data Analysis Program Due Dates Delayed and POC Change
  6. Ice Giants Seminar Series
  7. [NASA] HWO START/TAG Announcement
  8. [NASA] PDS: New MARSIS Archive
  9. Interest in Calibrating Plasma Measurements Special Issue Journal
  10. [NASA] Grants Policy and Compliance Releases Training on NASA Grants and Cooperative Agreements
  11. 2024A NASA Infrared Telescope Facility Call for Observing Proposals
  12. Faculty Position at Arizona State University
  13. Postdoc Position - GANGOTRI Englacial Mars Mission Concept Development
  14. Tenure-Track Positions in Solar System Planetary Science at Caltech
  15. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  16. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 38, September 3, 2023
  1. Planetary Exploration Newsletter Mailer Continues to be Down
  2. ESA Research Fellowships in Space Science
  3. MS/PhD Positions for Fall 2024
  4. Post-Doctoral Position in Space Plasma Physics at IRF
  5. Ph.D. Position in Exo-(Planetary) Science at University of Central Florida
  6. [NASA] ROSES-23: C.25 Hera Participating Scientist Program Final Text and Due Dates
  7. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  8. Final Arecibo Observatory Newsletter
  9. ESA Archival Research Visitor Programme
  10. NASA Ames Community Analysis Pipeline and Mars Global Climate Model Virtual Tutorial
  11. [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic Data Releases in 2023.08
  12. [NASA] PDS: Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 66
  13. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  14. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 37, August 27, 2023
  1. Planetary Exploration Newsletter is Back! Again!
  2. Impact Workshop During the Total Solar Eclipse in Rochester NY, USA
  3. Tenure-Track Junior Faculty Position in Earth and Planetary Sciences Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability
  4. [NASA] New Frontiers 5: Seventh Community Announcement
  5. Planetary Atmospheric Modeling Positions Available at SwRI-Boulder
  6. NASA Space Technology Graduate Research Opportunities (NSTGRO24) Released
  7. Faculty Position in Planetary Science Department of Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences, Rice University
  8. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  9. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 36, August 20, 2023
  1. Planetary Exploration Newsletter is Back!
  2. Join the Planetary Society for a Day of Action
  3. [NASA] PDS: Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Data Release 34
  4. NASA Planetary Data Training Workshop Resources Available
  5. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  6. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
    Commercial Announcements:
    Introduction to Planetary Analogs Field Trip

Issue 35, August 13, 2023
  1. Planetarynews.org Temporarily Down
  2. The Cross-AG IDEA Working Group - Looking for a New Co-Chair
  3. Workshop on EDIA for Leaders in Planetary Science
  4. Apply to Attend the AAS Peer Review Workshop at DPS-EPSC 2023
  5. Apply for the Culturally Inclusive Planetary Engagement Workshop
  6. Geospatial Scientist Position at Jacobs / Critical Mission Solutions
  7. The New Horizons Uranus/Neptune Observation Campaign and a Request for Ground-based Amateur Observing Support
  8. Mercury Science and Exploration August 2023 Newsletter Released
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  10. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 34, August 6, 2023
  1. Mars Exploration Science Program Newsletter for August 2023
  2. Job Announcement: Chair, School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Georgia Institute of Technology
  3. Mentor Matching Program at DPS-EPSC 2023
  4. The Trans-Neptunian Solar System 2024 Meeting
  5. Workshop Announcement: Habitability - The Astrophysical, Atmospheric, and Geophysical Implications
  6. The 15th International Conference on Substorms (ICS-15): Abstract Submission Deadline Extension
  7. Reminder: Endurance Science Workshop This Week
  8. Outer Planets Assessment Group (OPAG) Meeting
  9. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  10. [NASA] SMD: F.19 Multidomain Reusable Artificial Intelligence Tools Not Solicited This Year
  11. [NASA] PDS: Mars Science Laboratory Release 33
  12. [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic PDS Data Releases in 2023.07
  13. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  14. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 33, July 30, 2023
  1. Celebrating the Impact of the Planetary Science Journal
  2. AGU Session DI002: Exploring the Interiors of Rocky Bodies with Meteoritical, Experimental, Modelling, and Observational Approaches
  3. AGU Session DI010: Of Cores We Can - Interdisciplinary Studies of Earth and Planetary Cores
  4. AGU Session DI016: Tracing Chemical and Isotopic Signatures during Rocky Body Evolution - Integrating Experimental and Computational Approaches
  5. AGU Session P042: Ultraviolet Observing of Solar System Targets
  6. AGU Session SM009: Fields Across the Solar System - A Comparative Study of Non-Relativistic Planetary Magnetospheric Processes
  7. AGU Session SM027: Three-Dimensional Magnetosphere Structure and Dynamics during Geomagnetic Storms
  8. Postdoc Position on Cryovolcanism on Ceres at MPI for Solar System Research, Germany
  9. EPSP New Graduate Student Mentorship Program
  10. Venus as a System Conference Abstract Notice
  11. [NASA] PDS: Mars 2020 Mission Release 7
  12. Astromaterials Data System Town Hall & Lunch at MetSoc 2023
  13. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  14. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 32, July 23, 2023
  1. 15th International Conference on Substorms (ICS-15)
  2. Dependent Care Grants for 2023 DPS Meeting
  3. Open MExAG Steering Committee Position - Geochemistry Discipline
  4. AGU Session P039: Space Environments of Unmagnetized or Weakly Magnetized Solar System Bodies and the Effects of Space Weather on These Systems
  5. AGU Session P004: Atmospheres, Climate, and Potential Habitability of Rocky Exoplanets
  6. Multiple Postdoctoral Positions in Lunar Science at Brown University
  7. [NASA] SMD: ROSES-23 Amendment 33 - Supplements for Open-Source Science Final Text
  8. [NASA] SMD: ROSES-23 Amendment 34 - Collision Avoidance / Conjunction Assessment Requirements Added to the ROSES Summary of Solicitation
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  10. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 31, July 16, 2023
  1. Mars Exploration Science Program Newsletter for July 2023
  2. [NASA] Science Mission Directorate Quarterly Community Town Hall
  3. PostDoc Position in Exoplanet atmospheres at the Space Research Institute IIWF
  4. MPEC Watch, A Web-based Digestion of Minor Planet Electronic Circulars
  5. AGU Session GP016: Planetary Magnetism and Protoplanetary Disk Magnetism
  6. AGU Session P032: Onward to the Moon - A New Era of Science
  7. AGU Session EP036: Surface Processes Across the Solar System
  8. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  9. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 30, July 9, 2023
  1. [NASA] PDS: Insight Data Release 17
  2. [NASA] PDS: Odyssey Data Release 84
  3. [NASA] PDS: Juno Data Release 23
  4. [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic PDS Data Releases in 2023.06
  5. Apply for the Culturally Inclusive Planetary Engagement Workshop
  6. New Master's Degree Programme at TU Braunschweig, Germany
  7. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  8. AGU Session P011: Enceladus - From Inner Workings to the Potential for Life
  9. AGU Session P020: Giant Planet Interiors
  10. GSA Session T32: Engaging the Public in Science - Promoting a Deeper Understanding of Our World and Beyond
  11. PhD Student in Space Physics for Studies of Space Weather
  12. Planetary Photogrammetry Workshop Announcement
  13. Ice Giant Systems Seminar Series
  14. 15th International Conference on Substorms (ICS-15)
  15. [NASA] ROSES-23 D.16: Astrophysics Decadal Survey Precursor Science Final Text and Due Dates
  16. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  17. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 29, July 2, 2023
  1. New Masters in Astrobiology and Planetary Science at the University of Edinburgh
  2. AGU Session P002: A Return to the Lunar Surface
  3. AGU Session P008: Concepts for Future Planetary Science Missions and Instruments
  4. AGU Session P040: The Ice Giants - Exploring the Planetary Systems of Uranus and Neptune
  5. AGU Session B078: Targeting Microhabitats for Life Detection and Biological Investigations
  6. Fluvial Aeolian InteRactions on PLAnetarY Surfaces Workshop (FAIRPLAY) Workshop Abstract and Registration Now Open
  7. DPS-EPSC Abstract Submission Extension to July 12
  8. OSIRIS-REx TAGCAMS V12.0 Release
  9. VICAR Mars Programs (VISOR) Released Open Source
  10. Mastcam Stereo Analysis and Mosaics (MSAM) Data Released to PDS
  11. Labelocity, a PDS Label Generator
  12. [NASA] F.23 SMD Bridge Seed Funding: Office Hours This Week
  13. Mars Exploration Science Program Newsletter for June 2023
  14. Special Icarus Issue on Lunar Polar Volatiles
  15. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  16. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 28, June 25, 2023
  1. PhD Position at German Aerospace Center in Berlin
  2. Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in New Zealand
  3. [NASA] SMD: HQ Program Scientist Job Announcement Closing Soon
  4. [NASA] SMD: Innovation Corps Pilot Informational Webinar
  5. [NASA] Webinar on NASA Public Access Plan for Scientific Research
  6. [NASA] Mars Sample Return: Call for Membership on the Sample Receiving Project Measurement Definition Team
  7. SIMS Community Facility Workshop Survey: Looking for Feedback!
  8. Abstract Submission Open for Blue Sky 2023 Workshop on Earth and Planetary Clouds/Aerosols
  9. Libraries Around the Nation Looking for Eclipse Programs and Help
  10. GSA Session T102: Geomorphology and Landscape Evolution of Mars
  11. AGU Session P014: Exploring Archean Earth to Understand Archean-like Exoplanets
  12. AGU Session P026: Martian Sulfates Studied Using Orbital, Ground, Laboratory, and Earth Data
  13. AGU Session P027: Mercury in the Solar Wind
  14. AGU Session P031: Ocean Worlds and Search for Life - Horizons in Icy Satellite Science at the Launch of the Historic Europa Clipper Mission
  15. AGU Session P041: The New Mars Underground
  16. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  17. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 27, June 18, 2023
  1. PhD position at German Aerospace Center in Berlin
  2. Abstract Submission Open for FAIRPLAY Workshop
  3. AGU Session P017: Forward to the Moon - Lunar Exploration Science
  4. AGU Session P025: Martian Aqueous Processes Inferred from Observations, Analogs, and Experiments
  5. AGU Session P038: Small Solar System Bodies - Sample Returns, JWST, Ground-based Astronomy and More
  6. AGU Session P042: Ultraviolet Observing of Solar System Targets
  7. Summer School on Volcanism, Plate Tectonics, Hydrothermal Vents and Life
  8. Commercial Space Exploration and Travel - Chances and Risks
  9. NASA Dawn Mission Global Geologic Maps of Vesta and Ceres Available for Download
  10. Io GIS Database V1 Available for Download
  11. [NASA] PDS: Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 54
  12. DPS Travel Grant Available for Underrepresented Minority Communities to Attend DPS and NSBP
  13. LEAG Seeking New Executive Committee Members
  14. [NASA] RFI and July 14 webinar on NASA's Public Access Plan for Scientific Research
  15. National Academies Study Invitation
  16. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  17. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 26, June 11, 2023
  1. Metaversity Needs Space Science Lecturers
  2. PhD Opportunities in Interdisciplinary Space Sciences and Planetary Research
  3. PhD Student in Experimental Asteroid Research
  4. Search Underway for New JGR Planets Editor-in-Chief
  5. Special Session at GSA on Hydrothermal Systems Across the Solar System
  6. [NASA] Town Hall for Planetary Science Research Programs Using Dual-Anonymous Peer Review
  7. Endurance Science Workshop 2023
  8. DPS-EPSC Science Themes
  9. [NASA] Space Weather and Science Agile Platforms Request for Information
  10. [NASA] ROSES-23: B.7 Space Weather Science Application Research-to- Operations-to-Research Step-2 Proposal Due Date Delay
  11. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  12. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 25, June 7, 2023
  1. Special Edition: Leaders Letter Concerning New Horizons

Issue 24, June 4, 2023
  1. Open MEPAG Steering and Goals Committee Positions
  2. Planetary Science Advisory Committee (PAC) Meeting
  3. Ice Giant Systems Seminar Series: June 13, Dr
  4. Anonymous FTP Access to the NAIF Server is Terminating
  5. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  6. Texas Area Planetary Science Meeting (TAPS)
  7. Microsatellites and Their Use in Planetary and Astrobiology Research Workshop
  8. Life in the Subsurface Conference
  9. Impacts and their Role in the Evolution of Life Summer School
  10. Volcanism, Plate Tectonics, Hydrothermal Vents and Life Summer School
  11. 3 Year Postdoctoral Fellowship Position in Data Science at the Adler Planetarium
  12. Postdoctoral Fellowship Opportunity in Meteorites Studies at Arizona State University
  13. [NASA] SMD: Artemis III Deployed Instruments Final Text and Due Dates
  14. [NASA] SMD: F.23 SMD Bridge Program Seed Funding Clarification
  15. [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic PDS Data Releases in 2023.05
  16. [NASA] PDS: Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 65
  17. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  18. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 23, May 27, 2023
  1. Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS) Data Scientist Position, Jacobs/Critical Mission Solutions
  2. DPS-EPSC Science Themes
  3. Mercury Science and Exploration May 2023 Newsletter Released
  4. Origins of Life Conference
  5. Two Lecturer/Assistant Lecturer Tenure Track Positions in Planetary Atmosphere Modelling and Planetary Sciences
  6. Mars Exploration Science Program Newsletter for May 2023
  7. PHD Position at Aix-Marseille University, France
  8. Postdoc Position in Exoplanet Atmospheres
  9. [NASA] Upcoming Advisory Committee Meetings: NAC Science and PAC
  10. [NASA] Seeking Reviewers for SMD Bridge Program Seed Funding Proposals
  11. NASA TechFlights 2023 Solicitation Is Closing Soon
  12. Hybrid Science Lecture: Exploring the Lunar South Pole, June 8
  13. NASA Office of STEM Engagement TEAM II Data Call for Reviewers (Informal Education)
  14. [NASA] Astrobiology Mission Ideation Factory Application Available
  15. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  16. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 22, May 21, 2023
  1. [NASA] SMD: ROSES-2023 Updates Regarding Open Science and Data Management Plan to Summary of Solicitation and Research Overviews
  2. [NASA] Announcement of Opportunity Solar Terrestrial Probes Program Dynamical Neutral Atmosphere-Ionosphere Coupling (DYNAMIC) Final Text Released
  3. [NASA] Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Data Release 33
  4. Associate Professor in Planetary Exploration at TU Delft
  5. Faculty Position in Remote Sensing or Geomorphology Available at Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi, UAE
  6. Apply for the Culturally Inclusive Planetary Engagement Workshop in Mountain View, CA
  7. Abstract Submissions for the Rescheduled Extraterrestrial Materials Analysis Group Meeting
  8. Webinar: Moon to Mars Architecture
  9. Announcement of New Ocean Worlds Working Group Town Hall
  10. NASA Planetary Data Training Workshop at Arizona State University
  11. Travel Grants and Registration Open for 2023 Hybrid PlanetInsitu Workshop Within the iCAR Conference
  12. Small Bodies Assessment Group Steering Committee Position
  13. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  14. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 21, May 14, 2023
  1. NEO WARP 2 Registration Now Open
  2. Open MExAG Steering Committee Positions
  3. Lunar SDI Solicits Standards Input
  4. Planetary Science Lead at Ball Aerospace
  5. Postdoc Opportunities Working on Lunar Missions at University of Central Florida
  6. Job Announcement: Life Detection Scientist at NASA Goddard
  7. NASA Funding Webinar on May 24, 1 PM EDT
  8. [NASA] Support for Planetary Sample Science Cooperative Agreement
  9. Notice and Questions and Answers Released
  10. [NASA] Request for Information: Space Weather and Science Agile Platforms
  11. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  12. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 20, May 8, 2023
  1. Special Edition: Open Letter on Heliophysics Investigations From New Horizons

Issue 19, May 7, 2023
  1. Metaversity Needs Virtual Reality Space Teachers
  2. Scientific Data Analyst with the MAVEN Imaging Ultraviolet Spectrograph Team
  3. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  4. Updated GRAM Suite Version 1.5.0 Released
  5. SOEST Research Fellowship
  6. Solar Wind 16 Deadlines Approaching
  7. Ice Giant Systems Seminar Series
  8. [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic Data Releases in 2023.04
  9. [NASA] Astrobiology Mission Ideation Factory: Indication of Interest
  10. [NASA] Advanced Air Vehicles Program (AAVP) Fellowship Opportunities Pre-proposal Webinar
  11. [NASA] ROSES-22: Topical Workshops, Symposia, and Conferences Proposal Due Date Delayed to July 21, 2023
  12. [NASA] SpaceTech-REDDI-2023 Appendix F1: TechFlights Now Open
  13. [NASA] Research Announcement (NRA): Early Stage Innovations Appendix
  14. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  15. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 18, April 30, 2023
  1. Registration Open for 2023 Hybrid PlanetInsitu Workshop, Within the Brines Conference
  2. [NASA] ROSES-23 Amendment 18: C.25 Hera Participating Scientist Program TBD Placeholder
  3. [NASA] ROSES-23 Amendment 19: B.5 Living with a Star Science Final Text and Due Dates
  4. Request for Feedback on Mars Sample Depot Workshop
  5. SBAG Steering Committee Positions
  6. Job Announcement: Life Detection Scientist at NASA Goddard
  7. Job Announcement: Instrument Development Civil Service Position at NASA Goddard
  8. Postdoctoral Assistant Researchers in the Planetary and Space Sciences at the University of Hawai'i
  9. NASA Postdoctoral Program
  10. ALMA Cycle 10 Call for Proposals
  11. Astrobiology SciComm Guild May 2023 Meeting: Broadening Participation in STEM by Focusing on Identity Development
  12. Early Career Travel Grants and Abstract Extension for the Uranus Flagship Workshop
  13. Gerald A. Soffen Memorial Fund Travel Grant Announcement
  14. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  15. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 17, April 23, 2023
  1. In Memory of Len Tyler (October 18, 1940 - March 16, 2023)
  2. MEPAG Steering Committee and Goals Committee Openings - Applications Due April 30, 2023
  3. MExAG Steering Committee Positions
  4. Gerald A. Soffen Memorial Fund Travel Grant Announcement
  5. Near-Earth Object Workshop to Assess Reconnaissance for Planetary Defense (NEO WARP) 2
  6. AAE International Conference on Space Exploration
  7. Cosmic Dust Meeting
  8. NSLS II Users Workshop Announcement
  9. 6th Planetary Data Workshop: Last Call for Abstracts
  10. Registration Open for 2023 Hybrid PlanetInsitu Workshop, within the Brines Conference
  11. Planetary Geologic Mapping Goes to GSA, Oct 15-18, 2023
  12. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine Caregiving Policies and Practices
  13. Farinella Prize 2023 Announcement
  14. NAIF Releases New WebGeocalc Version 2.6.1
  15. PhD Position at the University of Bern
  16. Postdoctoral Position at the Swedish Institute of Space Physics (IRF)
  17. [NASA] ROSES-23 Amendment 15: Deployed Instruments (A3DI) for Community Comment
  18. [NASA] ROSES-23 Amendment 16: F.22 Research Initiation Award
  19. [NASA] ROSES-23 Amendment 17: F.23 SMD Bridge Program Seed Funding
  20. [NASA] MUREP Curriculum Awards Office Hour
  21. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  22. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 16, April 16, 2023
  1. Swedish Institute of Space Physics Job Announcements
  2. Bill Feldman Science Symposium 2.0
  3. Astrobiology SciComm Guild April 2023 Meeting: Culturally Inclusive Planetary Engagement Workshops
  4. Instrument Development Position at NASA GSFC
  5. Habitable Worlds Observatory Science, Technology, Architecture Review Team and Virtual Town Hall
  6. Life Detection Scientist at NASA Goddard
  7. Postdoc-to-Faculty Position in Astronomy and Planetary Science
  8. Small Bodies Assessment Group (SBAG) Steering Committee (SC) Positions
  9. 29th Meeting of the Small Bodies Assessment Group
  10. [NASA] PDS: New Horizons KEM1 Release K5
  11. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  12. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 15, April 9, 2023
  1. The Planetary Society, American Geophysical Union, and Prominent Academic Institutions Call on Congress to Save VERITAS Mission to Venus
  2. [NASA] SMD: Support for Planetary Sample Science (SPSS) DRAFT Cooperative Agreement Notice Released for Comment
  3. [NASA] ROSES-23 Amendment 13: F.18 Innovation Corps (I-Corps) Pilot Final Text
  4. Fluvial Aeolian InteRactions on PLAnetarY Surfaces Workshop (FAIRPLAY)
  5. ExMAG Meeting Rescheduled
  6. Postdoctoral Position in Asteroid Science at TU Braunschweig (Germany)
  7. Postdoc Position in Planetary Radio Science and Bistatic Radar
  8. Life Detection Scientist Sought at NASA Goddard
  9. Earth Science Women's Network Academic Faculty Interviews Event
  10. Earth Science Women's Network Navigating a Workplace Hierarchy Event
  11. Workshop Reminder: Workshop on EDIA for Leaders in Planetary Science
  12. Subsidized or Free Housing for ACM2023 Attendees
  13. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  14. OPAG May Meeting - Lightning Talks, Poster Session, Travel Awards
  15. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  16. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 14, April 2, 2023
  1. Call to Action: Petition Congress for 2029 Launch Date for VERITAS
  2. The 4th Dust, Atmosphere, and Plasma Environment of the Moon and Small Bodies
  3. OPAG May Hybrid Meeting, Lightning Talks and Poster Session
  4. Save the Date: First Texas Area Planetary Science Meeting (TAPS) - August 17-18, San Antonio
  5. Asteroids, Comets, Meteors (ACM) Conference: Expressions of Interest
  6. Exploring Mars Together: A Plan for a Sustainable Future for Science at Mars
  7. Call for DPS Prize Nominations (Due April 15, 2023)
  8. NASA Planetary Data Training Workshop, Tempe, Arizona, May 23-26, 2023
  9. PhD Position in Space Research/Mass Spectrometry at the University of Bern, Switzerland
  10. Job Announcement: Life Detection Scientist at NASA Goddard
  11. Science Community Involvement Opportunity - Mars Sample Receiving Project Measurement Definition Team
  12. Hybrid Science Lecture with Updates from JWST, April 6, 2023
  13. NASA Facility for Astromaterials Research
  14. [NASA] Science Mission Directorate Budget Community Town Hall - April 6 Question and Answer Session
  15. [NASA] PDS: Insight Data Release 16
  16. [NASA] PDS: Odyssey Data Release 83
  17. [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic PDS Data Releases in 2023.03
  18. [NASA] MUREP Curriculum Awards (MCA) - Preproposal Webinar #2
  19. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  20. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 13, March 26, 2023
  1. Editorial: Congress Needs to Intervene in the Management of NASA Planetary Science
  2. Call to Action: Petition Congress for 2029 Launch Date for VERITAS
  3. Titan Through Time Meeting Update
  4. Job Opportunity: Software Engineer III for Small-Body Ephemeris Development at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory
  5. Workshop on Impact Processes as a Path to Habitability on Planetary Bodies
  6. [NASA] ROSES-23: New Opportunity C.24 "Here to Observe" Program for NASA's Planetary Science Division
  7. [NASA] Sixth Community Announcement: Advance Notice Regarding Forthcoming Release of the New Frontiers 5 (NF5) Announcement of Opportunity (AO)
  8. NEOWISE 2023 Data Release
  9. UTCT X-Ray Computed Tomography Short Course June 28-30, 2023
  10. Culturally Inclusive Planetary Engagement Workshops
  11. Hybrid Science Lecture with Updates from JWST, April 6
  12. Job Announcement: Life Detection Scientist at NASA GSFC
  13. Space Tourism Conference: Bridging the Technical-Leisure Divide
  14. Opportunity for Science Community Involvement in a Mars Sample Return Measurement Definition Team
  15. $1000 Minigrants to Support Women and Girls in Astronomy
  16. Small Bodies Assessment Group (SBAG) Steering Committee (SC) Positions
  17. Visiting Assistant Professor at Wesleyan University
  18. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  19. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 12, March 19, 2023
  1. In Memory of Jack "Dr. Rock" Farmer (April 18, 1947 - February 22, 2023)
  2. Astrobiology SciComm Guild March Meeting: Digital Learning Projects for Scientists, Educators, and Students
  3. [NASA] Request for Information: New Horizons Interstellar Mission
  4. [NASA] ROSES-23 Amendment 5: F.15 High Priority Open-Source Science Final Text and Due Dates
  5. [NASA] Panel Reviewers Needed for MUREP Women's Colleges and Universities
  6. MEPAG 40 Hybrid Meeting
  7. Job Opening: Remote Sensing Lab Manager at the University of Arizona
  8. NASA Planetary Science Summer School Applications Due March 27, 2023
  9. Mars Exploration Science Program Newsletter for March 2023
  10. [NASA] PDS: Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 53
  11. [NASA] PDS: Mars Science Laboratory Release 32
  12. Associate Professor/Professor in Planetary Atmospheres at ISAE-SUPAERO, University of Toulouse
  13. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  14. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 11, March 12, 2023
  1. DPS-EPSC 2023 Hybrid Meeting: Save the Date
  2. Solar Wind 16: Registration Open
  3. LPSC 2023: JGR and AGU Publications Community Meeting (Corrected Time)
  4. LPSC 2023: Venus Strategy Community Town Hall
  5. NSF CMAP Summer Physics Workshop for Undergrads - University of Rochester
  6. Two Tenure-Track Positions at the University of Hawai'i
  7. Technical Consultant in Photogrammetry at Esri
  8. Postdoctoral Earth and Planetary Sciences Fellowships at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum
  9. Program Scientist Positions in NASA's Planetary Science Division
  10. Postbaccalaureate Positions at NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
  11. Ganymede Trek Public Release Announcement
  12. The Planetary Data Reader
  13. Open Call for Submissions to an Icarus Special Issue on Solar System Ices
  14. Planetary Science Advisory Committee Nominations
  15. NASA Infrared Telescope Facility Observing Proposals
  16. [NASA] PDS: JUNO Data Release 22
  17. [NASA] PDS: OSIRIS-REx Thermal Bundle Release
  18. [NASA] ROSES-23 Amendment 4: Relevance Requirement Added to B.7 Space Weather Science Application Research-to-Operations-to-Research
  19. [SMD] NASA SMD Seeking Volunteer Reviewers for Research Proposals
  20. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  21. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 10, March 5, 2023
  1. Planet Characterizationn the Solar System and the Galaxy 2024
  2. Upcoming SPICE Training Class in Spain
  3. ESA Archival Research Visitor Programme
  4. [NASA] RFI: Draft Federal Strategy to Advance an Integrated U.S. Greenhouse Gas Monitoring and Information System (GHGMIS) Released
  5. Postdoc Position Searching for Asteroid Binaries in Gaia Data at OCA in Nice, France for Review and Public Comment
  6. International Conference on Aeolian Research (ICAR) Abstract Deadline Extended to March 14
  7. [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic Data Releases in 2023.02
  8. [NASA] PDS: Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 64
  9. Job Opening: Planetary Scientist at NASA Astrophysics Data System
  10. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  11. OPAG Townhall at LPSC
  12. AGU Honors Nominations Due April 12
  13. Mercury Science and Exploration February 2023 Newsletter Released
  14. LEAG CLOC-SAT Report
  15. Ancient and Future Brines Abstract Deadline Extended to March 10, 2023
  16. Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter: Sixteen Years Observing a Changing Mars
  17. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  18. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 9, February 26, 2023
  1. ESA Announcement of Opportunity for Membership of MMX Science Strategy Teams
  2. Abstract Submission Reminder for Apophis T-6 Workshop
  3. 4th Dust, Atmosphere, and Plasma Environment of the Moon and Small Bodies
  4. The Ancient and Future Brines Conference
  5. 12th International Conference of Fluvial Sedimentology
  6. Goldschmidt Session 1F: Exoplanet atmospheric characterization, interior-surface-atmosphere interactions, and planetary habitability
  7. 2023B NASA Keck Call for Proposals
  8. Mars Exploration Science Program Newsletter for February 2023
  9. LPSC 2023: New Frontiers 5 Town Hall
  10. LPSC 2023: JGR and AGU Publications Community Meeting at LPSC
  11. ESA: Opening Head of Science Operations Development
  12. Post-doc Position at the Department of Science and Mathematics Education at Umea University
  13. Postdoc Position in Laboratory Planetary Science/Astrophysics at UT San Antonio
  14. DPS Committee Seeks Secretary for 2023-26 Term
  15. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  16. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 8, February 19, 2023
  1. [NASA] Release of Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Science (ROSES)-2023
  2. [NASA] ROSES-22 Amendment 89: F.5 FINESST Graduate Student Research Proposal Due Date Delay
  3. [NASA] ROSES-23 Amendment 1: Final Text and Due Dates for B.7 Space Weather Science Application Research-to-Operations-to-Research
  4. [NASA] Reviewers Needed for MUREP Space Technology Artemis Research (M-STAR)
  5. SSERVI Award Nominations Due March 31, 2023
  6. Call for DPS Prize Nominations
  7. Become a SUPPR Mentor: Apply by February 27, 2023
  8. Postdoc in Experimental Icy Moons Geochemistry, Open University, UK
  9. Postdoctoral Opportunity at CRESS/York University
  10. Postdoctoral Research Opportunity on Small Bodies
  11. 2023 NASA Planetary Science Summer School Applications Due March 27
  12. Join Us For the Upcoming NASA PI Launchpad Pre-application Information Session
  13. [NASA] PDS: Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Data Release 32
  14. Lunar Surface Innovation Consortium (LSIC) Spring Meeting
  15. Lunar Surface Innovation Consortium (LSIC) Funding Workshop
  16. 2023 NASA Exploration Science Forum (NESF2023) Abstracts Due March 31
  17. Planetary Science Advisory Committee (PAC) Meeting
  18. 2023 European Lunar Symposium (ELS) Registration and Abstract Submission Now Open
  19. Abstract Submission Reminder for Apophis T-6 Workshop
  20. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  21. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 7, February 12, 2023
  1. 4th Dust, Atmosphere, and Plasma Environment of the Moon and Small Bodies Workshop
  2. PhD in Modeling Tidal Dissipation in Io at Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
  3. Invitation to Submit Nomination Packages for AGU Planetary Science Awards
  4. AOGS Session PS13: Surface Processes on Rocky Bodies in the Solar System
  5. AOGS Session PS14: Venus - Evolution of the Interior, Surface, and Atmosphere
  6. Chromatography Job Opening at NASA GSFC
  7. Two PhD Positions in Space Physics in the Department of Physics at Umea University, Sweden
  8. Postdoc in Mars Geology/Geomorphology at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum
  9. PhD Position in Numerical Modeling of Meteorite Thermal and Mechanical Properties at DLR, Berlin
  10. Three positions at IRF in Sweden
  11. PostDoc Position in Astrochemistry in Protoplanetary Disks at the Space Research Institute, Graz
  12. Call for Letters of Intent to Host the Asteroids, Comets, Meteors 2026 Conference
  13. Ice Giant Systems Seminar Series: February 14, Dr. Kathy Mandt (JHU/APL)
  14. [NASA] MUREP Space Technology Artemis Research (M-STAR) Announcement Released
  15. [NASA] Preproposal Webinar on MUREP Curriculum Awards
  16. Lunar Surface Innovation Consortium (LSIC) Spring Meeting
  17. ICFS 2023 Session: Planetary Fluvial Sedimentology and Stratigraphy
  18. Abstract Submission Reminder for Apophis T-6 Workshop
  19. [NASA] PI Launchpad: Developing Your First Flight Mission Proposal
  20. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  21. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 6, February 5, 2023
  1. [NASA] SMD: Roses-22 FINESST Graduate Student Research Proposal Due Date Delay
  2. [NASA] SMD: Draft NASA Conflict of Interest and Conflict of Commitment Disclosure Policy
  3. [NASA] OCEO: Pre-Proposal Webinar - Minority University Research and Education Project (MUREP) Women's Colleges and Universities (MUREP WCU)
  4. [NASA] Engagement Opportunities in MASA STEM 2023 (EONS-2023): Minority University Research and Education Project Curriculum Awards
  5. [NASA] Aperiodic PDS Data Releases in 2023.01
  6. Job Opening: Postdoc in Mars Geology/Geomorphology at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum
  7. Post-doctoral Researcher in Venus Global Climate Modelling
  8. Two Post-doc Positions in Bennu Sample Analysis at Arizona State University
  9. Postdoctoral Researcher for Mars Rover Science/Operations and Mars Data Analysis
  10. PhD Position - Defining the Role of Sublimating Ices in Mass Wasting Across the Solar System
  11. Two PhD Positions in Space Physics at Umea University in Sweden
  12. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  13. Two NanoSIMS Job Openings at the University of Arizona
  14. Early Career Opportunity - Final InSight Science Team Meeting
  15. The International Summer School in Astrobiology: Searching for Life on Ocean Worlds
  16. Invitation to Join the Science Organizing Committee (SOC) for the 2023 Joint DPS-EPSC Meeting
  17. Workshop on EDIA for Leaders in Planetary Science
  18. Spanish Webinar About Planetary Science and Careers
  19. Uranus Flagship: Investigations and Instruments for Cross-Discipline Science Workshop
  20. International Conference on Aeolian Research (ICAR XI): Abstracts Being Accepted
  21. Abstract Deadline Extension for TherMoPS IV
  22. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  23. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 5, January 29, 2023
  1. Goldschmidt 2023 Theme 10G: Geobiology Life in Earth and Planetary Systems Processes - Biosignature Diversity, Preservation, and Detection through Geologic Time
  2. Abstract Submission Reminder for TherMoPS IV
  3. JpGU 2023 Session: Outer Solar System Exploration Today and Tomorrow
  4. Venus Science Panel: Hybrid Public Event
  5. Freely Available Public Talks: Forming and Exploring Habitable Worlds
  6. Gordon Research Seminar Origins of Solar Systems Abstract Submission Deadline
  7. The GeoPlaNet Erasmus Mundus Joint Master in Planetary Geosciences Hosting First Cohort of International Students in September 2023
  8. Job Opening: Chromatographer at NASA GSFC
  9. Job Opening: NASA Research Scientist Position at NASA GSFC
  10. [NASA] ROSES-22 Amendment 87: F.12 Artemis Deployed Instruments Program Deferred to ROSES-2023
  11. [NASA] ROSES-22 Amendment 86: C.25 Artemis III Geology Team Final Text
  12. [NASA] Lunar Surface Technology Research (LuSTR) Opportunities Appendix Released
  13. [NASA] 2023 Heliophysics Space Weather Vigil Focused Mission of Opportunity (Vigil FMO) Draft Announcement of Opportunity Released for Review and Public Comment
  14. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  15. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 4, January 22, 2023
  1. Job Opening: Senior Scientist for Astrobiology at NASA Headquarters, Washington DC
  2. Job Opening: Postdoc in Mars Mineralogy/Stratigraphy at UT Austin
  3. Postdoctoral Research Associate in Venus Surface Mineralogy, Wesleyan University
  4. Postdoctoral Scholar Position in Asteroid and Comet Dynamics and Properties at Caltech
  5. [NASA] Engagement Opportunities in NASA STEM 2023 Appendix 10: Minority University Research and Education Project Women's Colleges and Universities (MUREP WCU)
  6. Looking for Scientists to Work with Community College Astronomy Instructors
  7. Mars Exploration Science Program Newsletter for January 2023
  8. 2023 International Conference of Deep Space Sciences
  9. PDS User Experience Testers Needed
  10. OPAG Online Community Discussion of NF5 Draft AO
  11. Call for Ocean Worlds Working Group Inaugural Co-Chairs
  12. Titan Through Time Meeting: First Announcement and Date Poll
  13. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  14. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 3, January 15, 2023
  1. Help Support a Final Extension of the ESA Cluster Mission
  2. Two Year Postdoctoral Scholarship in Modeling Plasma Interaction with Planetary Bodies
  3. [NASA] Town Hall on the Updated Scientific Information Policy for the Science Mission Directorate (SPD-41a) on January 17
  4. Teaching Position at the University of Pittsburgh
  5. [NASA] Draft Announcement of Opportunity for the New Frontiers Program Released for Public Review and Comment
  6. GSA Penrose Conference - The Role of Outburst Floods in Earth and Planetary Evolution
  7. [NASA] Job Opening: Senior Scientist for Astrobiology, at NASA Headquarters, Washington D.C.
  8. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  9. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 2, January 8, 2023
  1. Signatures in Support of Mars Express Extension
  2. Applications Now Open: Oxygen in Planetary Biospheres
  3. Abstract Submission: Fourth Workshop on Thermal Models for Planetary Science
  4. EGU2023 Session PS4.1: Atmospheres and Exospheres of Terrestrial Planets, Satellites, and Exoplanets
  5. EGU2023 Session PS5.2: Forward to the Moon: The Science of Exploration
  6. EGU2023 Session PS5.3: Lunar Science, Exploration & Utilization
  7. EGU2023 Session PS7.1: Evolution and Characterisation of Earth-sized Exoplanets, Super-Earths, and Sub-Neptunes
  8. Uranus Flagship: Investigations and Instruments for Cross-Discipline Science
  9. Ice Giant Systems Seminar Series: 10 January, 2023, Dr. Mark Hofstadter (JPL/Caltech)
  10. Registration Open for Space Science in Context 2023
  11. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  12. Post-doctoral Position in Space Weather
  13. Assistant/Associate Professor in Planetary Sciences
  14. Job Opening: Senior Scientist for Astrobiology, at NASA Headquarters, Washington D.C.
  15. [NASA] Request for Information (RFI): Scientific Data and Computing Architecture to Support Open Science
  16. [NASA] Science Mission Directorate Quarterly Community Town Hall January 18, 2023
  17. [NASA] Our Dusty Universe with Dr. Veerle Sterken January 12
  18. [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic Data Releases in 2022.12
  19. [NASA] PDS: Insight Data Release 15
  20. [NASA] PDS: Odyssey Data Release 82
  21. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  22. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 1, January 1, 2023
  1. Planetary Science Research Position at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center
  2. AOGS Session PS10: Advances in Modeling the Formation, Atmospheric, and Geological Properties of Habitable Planets
  3. ACM Asteroid Name Nominations
  4. Professional Development Webinar for Sceintists: Managing Stress Fatigue
  5. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  6. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Table of Contents: Volume 16, 2022

Issue 53, December 24, 2022
  1. AOGS 2023 Session: Astrochemical Processes Leading to the Formation of Planetary Bodies in the Solar System
  2. Job Opening: Senior Scientist for Astrobiology at NASA Headquarters, Washington, DC
  3. NASA Postdoctoral Program
  4. Postdoctoral Position in Cosmic Ice Astrochemistry
  5. SBAG 28 Third Announcement: January 24-25, 2023
  6. [NASA] ROSES-22 Amendment 79: TESS General Investigator Program (D.10) Final Text and Due Date Released
  7. [NASA] ROSES-22 Amendment 81: New Opportunity (D.19) Ultraviolet Transient Astronomy Satellite Participating Scientists Program
  8. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  9. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 52, December 18, 2022
  1. 2023 Pierazzo International Student Travel Award Winners Announced
  2. EGU 2023: Call for Abstracts for the Planetary and Space Sciences (PS) Division
  3. EGU 2023 Session PS4.3: Mars Science and Exploration
  4. EGU 2023 Session SSP3.1: Bedform Morphodynamics in Terrestrial and Planetary Environments
  5. Biennial European Astrobiology Conference (BEACON), May 8-12, 2023
  6. AOGS 2023 Session PS09: Geology, Geophysics, and Habitability in our Solar System
  7. Planetary Data Officer Position at NASA AMES Research Center
  8. PHD Student in Experimental Asteroid Research
  9. Postdoctoral Position in Cosmic Ice Astrochemistry
  10. Postdoctoral Position in Icy Moon Geochemistry, University of Washington, Seattle
  11. Short Course on Mineralogy of Planetary Surfaces and Biosignatures
  12. DART Boarder Program for February Investigation Team Meeting
  13. [NASA] PDS: JUNO Data Release 21
  14. [NASA] PDS: Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 52
  15. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  16. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 51, December 11, 2022
  1. Special Edition: Planetary Science Decadal Town Hall at the 2022 AGU Fall Meeting

Issue 50, December 11, 2022
  1. EGU 2023 Session GM10.1/PS1: Planetary Geomorphology
  2. EGU 2023 Session PS3.1: Advances in Modeling the Formation and Chemical Composition of Terrestrial Planets
  3. Postdoctoral Position at LMD, Paris, on Uranus and Neptune Atmospheric Modeling
  4. NASA Seeks Proposals for Artemis III Geology Team
  5. ACM Asteroid Name Nominations
  6. Postdoc Opportunity at University of Virginia
  7. Postdoc in Planetary Science at Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio
  8. [NASA] Revised Scientific Information Policy for the Science Mission Directorate
  9. Mars Exploration Science Program Newsletter for December 2022
  10. Postdoctoral Position in Cosmic Ice Astrochemistry
  11. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  12. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 49, December 4, 2022
  1. Farewell Georgiana Kramer, Hello Matthew R. Perry
  2. 2023 Pierazzo International Student Travel Award Winners to be Announced Wednesday, December 7
  3. Registrations Open for Astrobiology Introductory Course 2023
  4. News For Planetary Students and Early Career Scientists
  5. NAIF Releases New WebGeocalc Version 2.5.4
  6. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  7. EGU 2023 Session PS5.3/GI3.6: Lunar Science, Exploration & Utilisation
  8. Introduction to Planetary Image Analysis with ArcGIS: February 4, 2023, Cornell University
  9. ICPAE Monthly Webinar
  10. Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter: Sixteen Years Observing a Changing Mars
  11. DART Boarder Program Indication of Interest for February Investigation Team Meeting
  12. Post-doctoral Fellowship, Mcdonnell Center for the Space Sciences, Washington University in St. Louis
  13. Planetary Data Officer Position at NASA Ames Research Center
  14. MEPAG VM15 Findings: Request for Community Feedback
  15. Open positions at The Swedish Institute of Space Physics
  16. Dusty Visions: May 24-26, 2023 in Berlin
  17. Tenure-Track Faculty Openings in Origins of Life at Purdue University
  18. [NASA] SMD: ROSES-22 Amendment 68 - C.25 Artemis III Geology Team Draft Text Released for Community Comment
  19. [NASA] SMD: ROSES-22 Amendment 70 - F.5 FINESST Graduate Student Research Proposals due February 7, 2023
  20. [NASA] SMD: ROSES-22 Amendment 72 - F.16 Supplement for Scientific Software Platforms Deferred to ROSES-2023
  21. [NASA] SMD: ROSES-22 Amendment 73 - F.15 High Priority Open-Source Science Final Text
  22. [NASA] EONS23 MUREP Precollege Summer Institute Telecon
  23. [NASA] PDS: Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 63
  24. [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic PDS Data Releases in 2022.11
  25. Replacing the USGS ISIS rsync Server
  26. Postdoctoral Position in Cosmic Ice Astrochemistry
  27. Workshop: Quantum Sensors for Science Exploration
  28. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  29. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 48, November 27, 2022
  1. [NASA] PDS: Mars 2020 Mission Release 5
  2. 2023 Next-Generation Suborbital Researchers Conference Opens Registration
  3. ExMAG Call for Applications for 2023 Membership
  4. Tenure-track Faculty Position in Planetary Science at University of Colorado Boulder
  5. EGU23 Session PS4.5: Planetary Seismology
  6. Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Computational/Theoretical Planet Modeling, Center for Matter at Atomic Pressures (CMAP)
  7. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  8. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 47, November 20, 2022
  1. 2023 Pierazzo International Student Travel Award
  2. [NASA] Invitation to Apply: Technology Showcase for Planetary Science
  3. [NASA] Minority University Research and Education Project (MUREP) Precollege Summer Institute (MUREP PSI)
  4. [NASA] Free Webinar: Designing a Vertical Mentoring Infrastructure to Maximize Funding Opportunities and Sustain University Research in Science and Engineering
  5. [NASA] PDS: Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Data Release 31
  6. SBAG Releases the Full Apophis Specific Action Team Report
  7. Planetary Science Advisory Committee (PAC) Meeting
  8. ESU23 Session PS5/CR7: Icy Moon Exploration: Bridging the Cryosphere and Icy Moon Communities
  9. EGU23 Session PS4.4/PS4: Scientific Results From the Emirates Mars Mission Primary Mission
  10. EGU23 Session PS6.1: Ice Giant System Science and Exploration
  11. The Cross AG IDEA Working Group - Monthly Meeting Change and Seeking New Members
  12. Mercury Exploration Assessment Group (MExAG) Annual Meeting 2023
  13. Mercury Science and Exploration November 2022 Newsletter Released
  14. Thermal Modeling for Planetary Science Workshop: 18-20 April 2023
  15. Save the Date: Oxygen in Planetary Biospheres
  16. Opportunities for PhD Research in Planetary Science at the University of Chicago
  17. PhD Position in Haze & Cloud interaction at Universite de Reims Champagne Ardenne, France
  18. UMD Astronomy PDS-SBN Postdoctoral Fellowship
  19. Postdoctoral Position in Cosmic Ice Astrochemistry
  20. Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in Earth & Planetary Surface Processes at the University of Washington
  21. Tenure-Track Faculty Position in Climate Systems Science at Case Western Reserve University
  22. Tenure-track Faculty Position in Planetary Science at University of Colorado - Boulder
  23. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  24. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 46, November 13, 2022
  1. Tenure-track Faculty Position in Planetary Science at CU-Boulder
  2. Four Research Positions in the Planetary Atmospheres Group (PAG) at the Institute for Basic Science, Daejeon, South Korea
  3. [NASA] Final Reminder: NASA Teams Engaging Affiliated Museums and Informal Institutions (Team II) Community Anchor Awards Notice of Funding Opportunity
  4. Last Call: Planetary Science Mental Health Survey
  5. 2023 Technology Showcase for Future NASA Planetary Science Missions
  6. Tenure-Track Job Posting: Assistant Professor in Astronomy & Planetary Science at Northern Arizona University
  7. OSIRIS-REx Raw Radio Science Release
  8. Venera-D: Venus Cloud Habitability System Workshop Final Report
  9. Postdoctoral Position in Cosmic Ice Astrochemistry at NASA/GSFC
  10. Job Opening: Director of Government Relations at The Planetary Society
  11. Future Leaders of Ocean Worlds (FLOW) Coffee Hour: Behind the Scenes of the Decadal Survey
  12. ICPAE Monthly Webinar
  13. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  14. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 45, November 6, 2022
  1. [NASA] PDS: Hayabusa2 ONC Release
  2. [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic Data Releases in 2022.10
  3. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  4. Ph.D. Position in Exo-(Planetary) Science at University of Central Florida
  5. EGU23 Session GM10.1/PS1: Planetary Geomorphology
  6. EGU23 Session PS4.1: Atmospheres and Exospheres of Terrestrial Planets, Satellites, and Exoplanets
  7. PhD Positions in Exoplanet Sciences at the Kapteyn Astronomical Institute of the University of Groningen, The Netherlands
  8. Research Faculty Position in Planetary Sciences, University of Washington
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  10. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 44, October 30, 2022
  1. [NASA] F.13 Lunar Terrain Vehicle Instruments Program Deferred to ROSES-2023
  2. [NASA] F.11 Stand Alone Location Agnostic Payloads and Research Investigations on the Surface of the Moon Deferred to ROSES-2023
  3. 2023 Pierazzo International Student Travel Award
  5. Europa Observers Group
  6. Inclusion Plan Best Practices Workshop
  7. Galilean Moons Workshop
  8. 2023 Technology Showcase for Future NASA Planetary Science Missions
  9. MIT/EAPS Assistant Professor (Tenure Track)- Open Search
  10. Tenure-track Assistant Professorship at Cornell University
  11. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  12. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 43, October 23, 2022
  1. CENTAURS: A Proposed New AAS-IOP Ebook
  2. Planetary Geology Tenure Track Position at Auburn University
  3. [NASA] ROSES Inclusion Plan Best Practices Workshop November 1-2
  4. [NASA] Due Date Change: 2021 NASA Teams Engaging Affiliated Museums and Informal Institutions Community Anchor Awards Notice of Funding Opportunity
  5. Tenure-track Faculty Position in Planetary Science at CU-Boulder
  6. Inaugural Forming and Exploring Habitable Worlds Meeting
  7. UTSA-SwRI Graduate Program Applications Due January 1
  8. Tenure-track Faculty Positions at Purdue University
  9. Issues of Power and its Influence on Naming Conventions for Planetary Features
  10. SBAG Early Career Opportunities
  11. Workshop reminder: Workshop on EDIA for Leaders in Planetary Science #EDIALPS
  12. Life and Space 2022 Conference
  13. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  14. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 42, October 16, 2022
  1. Editorial: Let's go to Triton in New Frontiers 5
  2. [NASA] OPAG Hybrid Meeting + Lightning Talk Session
  3. [NASA] SBAG Early Career Opportunities
  4. Inaugural Forming and Exploring Habitable Worlds Meeting
  5. Reminder: Planetary Science Mental Health Survey
  6. Astrophysics Instructor, The Summer Science Program
  7. Sharing Planetary Science: Adapting Your Talks
  8. Lunar Surface Innovation Consortium (LSIC) Fall Meeting
  9. Assistant Professor at Purdur - Igneous Petrology of Earth & Planetary Materials
  10. [NASA] PDS: Hayabusa2 LIDAR Release
  11. Trick-or-Treat and Telescopes
  12. Postdoctoral Position on the Interaction of Dust and Water Ice Clouds in the Martian Atmosphere
  13. PLANET-ESLAB-2023: Understanding Planets in the Solar System and Beyond
  14. [NASA] ROSES-22 Amendment 58: F.9 Citizen Science Seed Funding Program Revision
  15. Postdoctoral Fellow in Magnetospheric Physics at APL
  16. Staff Scientist in Upper Atmospheric and Ionospheric Physics at APL
  17. Tenure-Track Position in Remote Sensing at University of Colorado Boulder
  18. Multiple Ph.D. Positions in Planetary Science at University of Central Florida
  19. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  20. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 41, October 9, 2022
  1. Lunar Surface Innovation Consortium (LSIC) Fall Meeting Registration
  2. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  3. Postdoctoral Contract in Science of Small Solar System Bodies - Comet Interceptor (ESA-JAXA) Mission
  4. Senior Research Fellow (Permanent) in Astrobiology, Open University, UK
  5. [NASA] ROSES-22: C.22 Concepts for Ocean Worlds Life Detection Technology Not Solicited This Year
  6. [NASA] Science Career Path Tool Town Hall Meeting
  7. [NASA] Innovation Corps Pilot Overview Webinar
  8. Two Tenure-track Assistant Professor Faculty Positions in Earth and Planetary Systems Science, UTSA
  9. Mars Exploration Science Program Newsletter for October 2022
  10. ICPAE Monthly Webinar
  11. GSA Penrose Conference - The Role of Outburst Floods in Earth and Planetary Evolution
  12. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  13. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 40, October 2, 2022
  1. Postdoctoral Fellowship in Comparative Planetary Evolution at Caltech
  2. Second Announcement of January 2023 SBAG Meeting
  3. Volunteering with the AGU Planetary Sciences Section
  4. Assistant Professor (Tenure-Track) Faculty Position in Geology at UCLA
  5. Ice Giant Systems Seminar Series: October 11, Dr. Tanguy Bertrand
  6. Lowell Observatory: Percival Lowell Postdoctoral Fellowship
  7. [NASA] PDS: Insight Data Release 14
  8. [NASA] PDS: Odyssey Data Release 81
  9. [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic PDS Data Releases in 2022.09
  10. [NASA] MUREP DEAP Amendments Webinar - Q&A; Session
  11. DPS Splinter Session on the Uranus Flagship Mission
  12. Second announcement: Conference on Advances in Understanding Alfven Waves in the Sun and the Heliosphere
  13. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  14. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 39, September 25, 2022
  1. Gerald A. Soffen Memorial Travel Grants
  2. [NASA] ROSES-22: F.10 PRISM Final Text and Due Dates
  3. PhD Position: Experimental Space Research
  4. Multiple Job Openings: Graduate Students Sought at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville
  5. [NASA] SMD Community Town Hall October 6, 2022, at 10:30 AM Eastern Time
  6. [NASA] I-MIM MDT Final Report Announcement
  7. Community Workshop on Future Planetary Observations with the New Horizons Spacecraft
  8. Mars 2020/MSR Sample Depot Science Community Workshop: Final Announcement
  9. Special Issue of Remote Sensing: Planetary Landscapes Analysis Based on Remote Sensing Images
  10. RMS Node Users Group During DPS Meeting
  11. International Observe the Moon Night - October 1, 2022Tenure-track Assistant Professorship at Cornell University
  12. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  13. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 38, September 18, 2022
  1. Pronouns in PEN Announcements
  2. [NASA] Request for Information: Federal Evidence Agenda on LGBTQI+ Equity
  3. [NASA] Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute (SSERVI) Cooperative Agreement Notice Final Text and Due Dates
  4. [NASA] ROSES-22 Amendment 49: C.26 Apollo Next Generation Sample Analysis Program Final Text and Due Dates
  5. [NASA] ROSES-22 Amendment 50: C.27 Precursor Science Investigations for Europa Final Text and Due Dates
  6. [NASA] PDS: JUNO Data Release 20
  7. [NASA] PDS: Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 51
  8. [NASA] PDS: Updated PDS SBN Coordinate System Guidelines
  9. Rocky Worlds Discussions
  10. Europlanet EPSC2022 Multi-Agency Venus panel Announcement
  11. EGU General Assembly 2023 call-for-sessions for the Planetary and Space Sciences (PS) division
  12. Invitation to Submit to Special Issue of Life
  13. Mars Exploration Science Program Newsletter for September 2022
  14. Invitation to Submit Sessions for Goldschmidt, Theme 1
  15. Opportunity Mars Exploration Rover Targets Now Available in Mars Target Encyclopedia
  16. International Observe the Moon Night - October 1, 2022
  17. AGU Travel Grants for Early Career Scientists
  18. Two Postdoctoral Positions in Mars Science
  19. Post-doc Position in Belgium
  20. Planetary Science Mental Health Survey
  21. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  22. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

    Commercial Announcements:

  23. Book: The Sky at Night

Issue 37, September 11, 2022
  1. 2023A NASA Infrared Telescope Facility Observing Proposals
  2. Post-Doctoral Scholarship (Two Years) in Modeling Plasma Interaction with Planetary Bodies
  3. [NASA] SMD: Space Technology Graduate Research Opportunities (NSTGRO23) Released
  4. International Observe the Moon Night: October 1, 2022
  5. [NASA] SMD: Two 2022 Heliophysics Explorer Final Announcements of Opportunity Released
  6. Tenure Track Assistant Professor in Astronomy and Astrophysics at Cornell University
  7. Fall 2022 Gerald A. Soffen Memorial Fund Travel Grant
  8. Planetary ReaCH Workshop for Planetary Scientists
  9. Venus Community Input Request
  10. ICPAE Monthly Webinar
  11. Announcing AGU Special Collection: Solar System Science From JWST
  12. Job Opening: Lecturer in Planetary Sciences, University of Leicester
  13. [NASA] ROSES-22 Amendment 46: F.14 Transform to Open Science Training Final Text and Due Date
  14. Job Opening at NASA JPL: Research Scientist, Mars Climate Sounder Team
  15. Workshop on EDIA for Leaders in Planetary Science
  16. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  17. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 36, September 4, 2022
  1. CRPG-Nancy (France): Postdoc Opportunity in Isotope
  2. ESA Archival Research Visitor Programme
  3. [NASA] Amendment No. 16 to the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) Entitled "Engagement Opportunities in NASA STEM (EONS-2022)"
  4. NASA Postdoctoral Program
  5. The Road to Mission Science: Seminars for Students and Early Career Researchers
  6. Job Posting: Research Scientists in Space Plasma
  7. MS/PhD Positions for Fall 2023
  8. Postdoctoral Position in Space Physics at Swedish Institute of Space Physics
  9. Executive Summary of the International Mars Ice Mapper (I-MIM) Measurements Definition Team (MDT) Report
  10. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  11. EPSC 2022 Splinter Workshop on Martian Orbital Data Combinations
  12. IAVCEI 2023 Session on Volcanotectonic Processes and Landforms Across the Solar System
  13. Upcoming SPICE Training Class - Second Announcement
  14. [NASA] Fifth Community Announcement: Advance Notice Regarding Forthcoming Release of the New Frontiers 5 Announcement of Opportunity
  15. [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic Data Releases in 2022.08
  16. [NASA] PDS: Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 62
  17. Ice Giant Systems Seminar Series
  18. Two Job Opportunities at the University of Houston
  19. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  20. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 35, August 28, 2022
  1. [NASA] Reminder: (Artemis II) E.11 Research Pathfinder for Beyond Low Earth Orbit Space Biology Step-1 Proposals Are Due September 1
  2. [NASA] SMD Seeks Volunteer Reviewers for Research Proposals
  3. Mars 2020/MSR Sample Depot Science Community Workshop
  4. Arecibo Observatory Quarterly Newsletter Now Available
  5. Planetary Impacts Community Wiki Project
  6. Lunar Volatiles '22 Meeting Moved to CO & Abstract Deadline Extended
  7. Call for Papers: The Planetary Science Journal Focus Issue on Centaurs
  8. 2023A NASA Keck Call for Proposals
  9. Advance Notice of Joint JWST/Keck Programs
  10. ESA Research Fellowships in Space Science
  11. Academy Scientist in Machine Learning
  12. Postdoc Opportunity at UC Berkeley on MAVEN Mission
  13. Job Announcement - Tenure Track Faculty Position in Planetary Science at Georgia Institute of Technology
  14. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  15. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 34, August 21, 2022
  1. [NASA] PDS: Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Data Release 30
  2. [NASA] ROSES-22 Amendment 44: Due Date Delays for A.19 ASIA-AQ, B.21 H-CSI, C.7 NFDAP, and C.11 DDAP
  3. 2023A NASA Keck Call for Proposals
  4. Postdoctoral Position in Space Physics at Swedish Institute of Space Physics
  5. Mercury Science and Exploration August 2022 Newsletter Released
  6. HiRISE Digital Terrain Models By-Request and at No-Cost for Funded Mars Data Analysis Program Awards
  7. Invitation to Contribute to PSJ Special Issue: Towards In Situ Observations of Planetary Surface-Atmosphere Interactions
  8. Postdoc at JPL: Cometary Comae
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  10. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 33, August 14, 2022
  1. Anny-Chantal Levasseur-Regourd (1945-2022)
  2. [NASA] ROSES-22 Amendment 40: B.17 Eclipse Final Text and Due Dates
  3. [NASA] ROSES-22 Amendment 41: F.7 Support for Open-Source Tools, Frameworks, and Libraries Deferred to ROSES-2023
  4. ICPAE Monthly Webinar
  5. International Conference on Aeolian Research (ICAR)
  6. Call for Mission Concepts and Technology Needs Abstracts for NASA SMD's Technology Showcase
  7. Seeking Co-Chairs for Cross-AG Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility Working Group
  8. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  9. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 32, August 7, 2022
  1. [NASA] Final Text for F.2 Topical Workshops, Symposia, and Conferences
  2. [NASA] NASA Teams Engaging Affiliated Museums and Informal Institutions (TEAM II) Community Anchor Awards (ANCHR) Notice of Funding Opportunity
  3. [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic PDS Data Releases in 2022.07
  4. [NASA] PDS: Mars Science Laboratory Release 30
  5. Outer Planets Assessment Group (OPAG) Town Hall to be Held at the Europlanet Science Congress 2022
  6. Next Small Bodies Assessment Group (SBAG) Meeting
  7. Lunar Polar Volatiles 2022 Conference
  8. Communicating Science Short Course at GSA
  9. Upcoming SPICE Training Class
  10. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  11. Planetary Society STEP Grants Pre-Proposals Due August 17
  12. Postdoc Position at Boston University: Radio Occultations of Plasma Environments in the Jupiter System
  13. Project Manager at NASA JSC
  14. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  15. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 31, July 31, 2022
  1. Community Workshop on Future Planetary Observations with the New Horizons Spacecraft
  2. Research Scientist at NASA GSFC
  3. [NASA] ROSES-22 Amendment 35: C.23 Analog Activities to Support Artemis Lunar Operations New Due Date and Major Text Revision
  4. AGU Session DI004: Exploring Planetary Interiors - Observations, Models, and Experiments
  5. AGU Session P008: (Exo)Planetary Atmospheres and Evolution
  6. AGU Session P018: Mercury at the Dawn of Bepi-Colombo's Era - Interdisciplinary Exploration Inside and Out
  7. AGU Session P035: The New Mars Underground - Nexus Of Decadal Planetary Science Objectives
  8. Assistant Researcher Position at UCLA
  9. Ice Giant Systems Seminar Series: August 9, Dr. Naomi Rowe-Gurney
  10. NASA Planetary Science Division Townhall - Decadal Survey Initial Response
  11. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  12. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 30, July 24, 2022
  1. [NASA] SMD Bridge Program Workshop: Sign Up to Express Interest
  2. [NASA] Venus Science Coordinating Group Nominations Open
  3. [NASA] PDS: Mars 2020 Mission Release 4
  4. AGU Session EP009: Deciphering the Stratigraphic Record of Surface Processes
  5. AGU Session EP010: Earth and Planetary Surface Processes General Contributions
  6. AGU session P005: Carbon Across the Solar System
  7. AGU Session P013: Giant Planet Interiors
  8. AGU Session P017: Machine Learning and Data Science in Planetary Science
  9. AGU Session: P023: Planetary Atmospheres, Space Weather, and Magnetic Fields
  10. AGU session P036: Ultraviolet Observing of Solar System Targets
  11. AGU Session U016: The Formation and Early Evolution of the Earth and the Moon
  12. DPS Women in Planetary Science Discussion Hour 2022 - October 4 Hybrid Event
  13. 2022 Annual MetSoc Meeting - a Fully Hybrid Event
  14. Mars Exploration Science Program Newsletter for July 2022
  15. Planetary Society STEP Grants Pre-Proposals due August 17
  16. Research positions in the Planetary Atmospheres Group (PAG) at the Institute for Basic Science, Daejeon, South Korea
  17. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  18. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 29, July 17, 2022
  1. Research Scientist at NASA GSFC
  2. NASA SMD Bridge Program Workshop
  3. AGU Session P009: Extraordinary Enceladus
  4. AGU Session: NASA's Psyche Mission - Exploration of a Metal World
  5. Postdoctoral Position at Brown University Studying Martian Surface Processes
  6. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  7. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 28, July 10, 2022
  1. Solar System Geometry Archiving and Operations Engineer at JPL
  2. Caltech/JPL Postdoc in Stable Isotope Geochemistry
  3. Postdoctoral Researcher at CU Boulder/LASP
  4. The Road to Mission Science: Seminars for Students and Early Career Researchers
  5. LPI Intern Stories 2022
  6. Sharing Planetary Science: Using Hands-on Activities
  7. DEIA Scholarships for GSA Short Course 525: Introduction to Planetary Image Analysis With ArcGIS
  8. Annual Fall GSA Session T93: Friends of Hoth, Episode VI - Return of the Small, Icy, and Ocean Worlds
  9. Meeting Announcement: AGU Chapman Conference on Advances in Understanding Alfven Waves in the Sun and the Heliosphere
  10. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  11. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 27, July 3, 2022
  1. Call for Papers: Planetary Landscapes, Landforms, and their Analogues, ESurf Special Issue
  2. GSA Short Course 525: Introduction to Planetary Image Analysis with ArcGIS
  3. JPL Postdoc Opportunity in Mars Mineralogy
  4. Request for Survey Participants
  5. PhD Position: Laboratory Studies for the Icy Surfaces of Planetary Bodies
  6. [NASA] ROSES-22: C.26 Apollo Next Generation Sample Analysis for Community Comment
  7. Ernest Rutherford Fellowship in the School of Earth Sciences at the University of Bristol
  8. Research Scientist at NASA GSFC
  9. The Exploration of Asteroids Symposium - Call for Abstracts
  10. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  11. NASA HQ Program Scientist Openings
  12. [NASA] PDS: MRO CRISM MRDR Version 4
  13. [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic Data Releases in 2022.06
  14. [NASA] PDS: InSight Data Release 13
  15. [NASA] PDS: Odyssey Data Release 80
  16. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  17. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 26, June 26, 2022
  1. [NASA] NASA Administrator Announces Next NAC Meeting, New Members
  2. [NASA] New Frontiers 5 Announcement of Opportunity Schedule Update
  3. [NASA] PDS: Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 50
  4. [NASA] PDS: JUNO Data Release 19
  5. Save the Date: 1st Workshop on Ices in the Solar System
  6. Geologic Mapping Subcommittee (GEMS) Membership Application Open
  7. PhD Position in Space Research/Mass Spectrometry at University of Bern, Switzerland
  8. PhD Position: Experimental Space Research
  9. Scientific Data Analyst with the MAVEN Imaging UltraViolet Spectrograph Team
  10. Job Announcement: Space Remote Sensing and Data Science Group Leader
  11. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  12. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 25, June 19, 2022
  1. [NASA] SMD: Delay in DYNAMIC AO Release
  2. NASA JPL Job Opening: Research Scientist, Planetary Geosciences
  3. BepiColombo Science Operations Scientist Position at ESA
  4. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  5. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 24, June 12, 2022
  1. Postdoc at Stony Brook University
  2. [NASA] Planetary Science Advisory Committee Meeting, June 21-23, 2022
  3. GSA Session T94: Geomorphology and Landscape Evolution of Mars
  4. GSA Session T97: Planetary Exploration and Education
  5. Apply for Culturally Inclusive Planetary Engagement Workshop
  6. Two Post-Doc Positions in Planetary Climate and Photochemistry to Study the Past of Mars at LMD in Paris
  7. Call for Papers: "Driving Towards a More Diverse Space Physics Research Community" in Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Science
  8. Ice Giant Systems Seminar Series: June 21, Dr. Jason Hofgartner
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  10. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 23, June 5, 2022
  1. [NASA] Space Technology Research Institutes (STRI22) Released
  2. [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic PDS Data Releases in 2022.05
  3. [NASA] PDS: Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 61
  4. Early Career MExAG Steering Committee Position Opening
  5. ICPAE Monthly Webinar
  6. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  7. Job Announcement: Junior Group Leader (F*M) in Space Instrumentation
  8. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  9. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 22, May 29, 2022
  1. PhD Opportunities in Interdisciplinary Space Sciences and Planetary Research
  2. CELTA ASI Summer School Series
  3. [NASA] Pre-Submission Webinar: NASA Office of STEM Engagement's 2023 Opportunity for Minority-serving Institution STEM and/or Education Faculty/Staff
  4. Mars Atmospheric Scientist Position at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center
  5. Mercury Science and Exploration May Newsletter Released
  6. FLOW Summer Coffee Hour: The Art of Networking
  7. Postdoctoral Opportunity at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory: Astrobiology Studies of Hydrothermal Vents on Earth and Ocean Worlds
  8. MEPAG Mars Concurrent Exploration Science Analysis Group (MCE-SAG) Membership Application
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  10. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

    Commercial Announcements:

  11. Book: Vesta and Ceres
  12. Book: Meteorite Mineralogy

Issue 21, May 22, 2022
  1. Happy Birthday PEN!
  2. GSA Session T99: The Interplay of Volcanism, Tectonism, and Impacts Across the Solar System
  3. [NASA] ROSES-22 Amendment 18: Final Text and Due Dates for Interdisciplinary Consortia for Astrobiology Research
  4. [NASA] ROSES-22 Amendment 19: Martian Moons eXploration Mission Participating Scientist Program Final Text and Due Dates
  5. [NASA] ROSES-22 Amendment 20: Space Weather Centers of Excellence Final Text and Due Dates
  6. [NASA] Due Date for Science Mission Directorate Bridge Program Workshop Organizing Committee Nominations Extended to June 1
  7. [NASA] PDS: Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Data Release 29
  8. Research Space Scientist Position at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
  9. Atmospheric Scientist Position at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
  10. 2022 Post-Doctoral Fellow - Geophysical Techniques for Off-World Resource Surveys
  11. [NASA] Small Bodies Assessment Group Meeting #27
  12. Mars Exploration Science Program Newsletter for May 2022
  13. University of Chicago Postdoc
  14. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  15. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 20, May 15, 2022
  1. [NASA] Final Text for F.2 Topical Workshops, Symposia, and Conferences
  2. [NASA] ROSES-22 Amendment 17: F.4 Habitable Worlds Step-2 Due Date Delay
  3. [NASA] Call for Peer Review Panelists: Space Grant K-12 Inclusiveness and Diversity in STEM (SG KIDS)
  4. CPAE Monthly Webinar
  5. DAVINCI In Situ Capability Roundtable
  6. EPSC Session SB7: Laboratory Measurements of Returned Hayabusa2 Samples, Meteorites and Planetary Analogues
  7. EPSC Session MITM9: Advances in Mass Spectrometry for Spaceflight Applications
  8. EPSC Session SB9: Latest Science Results in Planetary Defence
  9. PhD Position on Cryovolcanism on Ceres at MPI for Solar System Research, Germany
  10. Job Opening: JPL Planetary Science Section Manager
  11. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  12. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 19, May 8, 2022
  1. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  2. Announcement for the XII Farinella Prize
  3. [NASA] SMD Bridge Program Workshop Organizing Committee Call for Nominees
  4. Meeting on Planetary Protection for Crewed Mars Missions
  5. EPSC 2022 Session EXOA6: Exoplanet Observations, Modeling and Experiments - Characterization of Their Atmospheres
  6. EPSC 2022 Session ODAA2: Diversity and Inclusiveness in Planetary Sciences Session
  7. EPSC 2022 Session OPS3: Icy Ocean Worlds - Past and Future Explorations
  8. EPSC Session TP4: Mars Surface and Interior
  9. Call for Abstracts to Pre 9, Dublin, 26-28 September 2022
  10. [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic PDS Data Releases in 2022.04
  11. Two-years Postdoctoral Scholarship at Umea University in Sweden
  12. Neptune/Triton System Seminar Series: May 10, Dr
  13. [NASA] Pre-submission Webinar: NASA Office of STEM Engagement's 2023 Opportunity for Minority-Serving Institution STEM and/or Education Faculty/Staff
  14. SBAG Early Career Opportunities
  15. Planetary Scientist Position at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
  16. Software Systems for Astronomy Summer School
  17. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  18. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 18, May 1, 2022
  1. VEXAG Virtual Town Hall
  2. Small Bodies Assessment Group (SBAG) Steering Committee Positions Open
  3. EPSC Session OPS5: Outer Planet Moons
  4. EPSC Session SB5: Tools for Characterizing Planetary and Small Bodies Surfaces, Atmospheres, and Dust Particles (Imagery, Photometry, Spectroscopy, Spectrophotopolarimetry)
  5. MEPAG 39 Lightning Talk Sign-Ups Extended to April 29, 2022
  6. NASA Postdoctoral Program
  7. Junior Group Leader in Space Instrumentation
  8. OPAG Hybrid Meeting and Lightning Talk Session
  9. [NASA] ROSES-22: Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope Research and Support Participation Opportunities for Community Comment
  10. Planetary Data System Customer Satisfaction Survey Extended to May 13, 2022
  11. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  12. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 17, April 24, 2022
  1. [NASA] DRAFT SSERVI CAN-4 Released for Comment
  2. [NASA] PDS: OSIRIS-REx OTES Bennu Release
  3. Last Chance: MEPAG 39 Hotel Block, Registration and Lightning Talks
  4. 27th Meeting of the Small Bodies Assessment Group (SBAG)
  5. SBAG Early Career Opportunities
  6. Deadline Extension: Inaugural Forming and Exploring Habitable Worlds Meeting
  7. EPSC Session OPS2: Exploration of Titan
  8. Apophis T-7 Years Workshop Program Online
  9. Arecibo Observatory Quarterly Newsletter Now Available
  10. Job Announcement - Organic Analyses At NASA JSC
  11. EnVision VenSAR Project Scientist Position at JPL
  12. Lecturer or Assistant Teaching Professor in Astronomy, Northern Arizona University
  13. Canada Excellence Research Chair in Cosmochemical Planetary Exploration at York University
  14. Spirit Mars Exploration Rover Targets Now Available in Mars Target Encyclopedia
  15. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  16. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 16, April 17, 2022
  1. Report Release and Public Briefing: Planetary Science and Astrobiology Decadal Survey
  2. AGU Fall Meeting Session Proposal Deadline: April 20
  3. Meeting Postponement: Chapman Conference on Alfven Waves
  4. TESS Meeting Session: Driving Towards a More Diverse Space Physics Research Community
  5. The 6th Beijing Earth and Planetary Interiors Symposium
  6. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for April 2022
  7. Summer School in Software Systems for Astronomy
  8. Rossbypalooza 2022: Clouds and Convection in Diverse Climates
  9. Announcement: New Director for the Minor Planet Center
  10. Job Announcement - Swedish Institute of Space Physics
  11. Postdoctoral Position in Lunar Science
  12. Open Position at NAIF, JPL
  13. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  14. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 15, April 10, 2022
  1. Small Bodies Assessment Group (SBAG) Steering Committee Positions Open
  2. EPSC Session TP5: Mars Science and Exploration
  3. PhD Position in Atmosphere/Exosphere Modeling at University of Bern, Switzerland
  4. [NASA] TOPS Community Panel Nominations
  5. Lowell Observatory - Tenure Track Position(s)
  6. Inaugural Forming and Exploring Habitable Worlds Meeting
  7. ICAR 2022 in Namibia (July 17-23) has been cancelled
  8. Rocky Worlds II Conference
  9. FLOW Coffee Hour: How to get Field Work Funded (Special Emphasis on Antarctica)
  10. [NASA] Request for Information: Interest in Competing for Operation of the Lunar and Planetary Institute
  11. [NASA] SMD Community Town Hall April 19, 2022
  12. ICPAE Monthly Seminar
  13. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  14. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 14, April 3, 2022
  1. [NASA] Solicitation for Membership on the Mars Sample Return Campaign Science Group - Phase 1
  2. [NASA] PDS: Odyssey Data Release 79
  3. [NASA] PDS: Insight Data Release 12
  4. [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic PDS Data Releases in 2022.03
  5. Second Annual NASA Planetary Data System Customer Satisfaction Survey - Closing April 8, 2022
  6. Planetary Science and Astrobiology Decadal Survey Approved for
  7. The Lunar Surface Innovation Consortium (LSIC) - Spring Meeting Release
  8. Science Objectives for Human Exploration of Mars Workshop
  9. VEXAG Early Career Colloquium
  10. Annual Meeting of Planetary Geologic Mappers: Save the Date
  11. Exoplanets in Our Backyard 2: Save the Date
  12. 2022 Global Reference Atmospheric Model (GRAM) Virtual Workshop
  13. Neptune/Triton System Seminar Series
  14. EPSC Session TP1: Mercury Science and Exploration
  15. AGU PSS Honors/Fellows Committee Looking for Volunteers
  16. Announcement for the XII Farinella Prize
  17. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  18. The Gerald A. Soffen Memorial Fund Spring 2022 Travel Grant
  19. Postdoctoral Research Assistant/Associate in Space Physics at Imperial College London (four posts)
  20. Post-Doc Position Available in the Space and Planetary Science Center at Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi, UAE
  21. Postdoctoral Researcher in Atmospheric Planetary Science at York University
  22. [NASA] Astrobiologist-GSFC Civil Servant Job Announcement
  23. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  24. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 13, March 27, 2022
  1. [NASA] SMD: Space Biosciences Training Course Call for Applicants
  2. Post-doctoral Research Assistant at the University of Arizona
  3. Science Objectives for Human Exploration of Mars Workshop
  4. Open Fellowship at Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica
  5. [NASA] SMD: Exoplanets Research Program Correction and Clarification
  6. NEOWISE 2022 Data Release
  7. NASA JPL Job Opening: Research Scientist, Origin of Life/Prebiotic Chemistry
  8. Small Bodies Assessment Group (SBAG) Steering Committee Positions Open
  9. [NASA] SMD: Comment on a New NASA Grant Term and Condition
  10. [NASA] PDS: Mars 2020 Mission Release 3
  11. [NASA] PDS: JUNO Data Release 18
  12. 2 Year Postdoctoral Appointment in Planetary Science at the University of Rochester
  13. 2022 LEAG Annual Meeting Save the Date
  14. [NASA] GSFC Civil Servant Job Announcement
  15. Release of Second Annual NASA Planetary Data System Customer Satisfaction Survey - 2022
  16. LEAG CLOC-SAT White Paper Deadline Extended to April
  17. Earth and Space Exploration Program 2022
  18. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  19. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 12, March 20, 2022
  1. Release of the Second Annual NASA Planetary Data System Customer Satisfaction Survey - 2022
  2. Post-Doctoral Research Assistant at University of Bern
  3. Science Objectives for Human Exploration of Mars Workshop
  4. Job Opportunity: Outreach and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Activities Coordinator
  5. Special Issue of Remote Sensing: Planetary Landscapes Analysis Based on Remote Sensing Images
  6. Postdoc Position in Laboratory Studies of Radiation-Induced Processes
  7. MEPAG Mailing List Update and Meeting #39
  8. [NASA] PDS: Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 49
  9. [NASA] PDS: Mars Science Laboratory Release 29
  10. Humans to Mars Summit Only Two Months Away
  11. [NASA] ROSES-22: Economic, Social, and Policy Analyses of Orbital Debris and Space Sustainability
  12. [NASA] SMD Seeks Volunteer Reviewers
  13. Planetary Workshop to Engage Diverse Audiences
  14. 2022 NASA Planetary Science Summer School Applications Due March 30
  15. Gerald A. Soffen Memorial Travel Award
  16. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  17. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 11, March 13, 2022
  1. 2022B NASA IRTF Call for Proposals
  2. Forming and Exploring Habitable Worlds Registration Open
  3. ICPAE Monthly Webinar
  4. Exoplanet/Solar System Synergies Tutorial Talk
  5. Science Objectives for Human Exploration of Mars Workshop
  6. Low-Cost Science Mission Concepts for Mars Exploration - Agenda & Deadlines
  7. Space Science and Engineering Travel Grant Opportunity
  8. Post-Doctoral Position in Orbital Mechanics at IRF
  9. [NASA] PDS: Release of Second Annual NASA Planetary Data System Customer Satisfaction Survey
  10. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  11. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 10, March 6, 2022
  1. Visiting Lecturer Position at Mount Holyoke College
  2. [NASA] Exoplanets Research Program Correction Regarding Data Management Plan
  3. Request for Comment: Changes to the ISIS Long Term Support Model
  4. New International Master's Program "Planetary Sciences and Space Exploration" in Berlin Starting October 2022
  5. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  6. [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic PDS Data Releases in 2022.02
  7. [NASA] PDS: Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 60
  8. Outer Planets Assessment Group (OPAG) Meeting Postponed until June 14-15
  9. 2022 NASA Planetary Science Summer School Applications Due March 30
  10. Deadline Soon: Planetary Geomorphology at the International Conference on Geomorphology
  11. Three Positions at Purdue to Support Supercam
  12. Mercury Science and Exploration February 2022 Newsletter Released
  13. [NASA] ROSES-22: Planetary Science Enabling Facilities Final Text and Due Dates
  14. Science Objectives for Human Exploration of Mars Workshop
  15. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for March 2022
  16. Nominations Now Open for Membership on the Planetary Science Advisory Committee
  17. IPA Positions in the Planetary Science Division (PSD) at NASA Headquarters
  18. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  19. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 9, February 27, 2022
  1. Post-Doctoral Position on the Effect of Volcanism on the Martian Climate
  2. [NASA] Call for Reviewers for Informal STEM Education Proposals
  3. [NASA] ROSES-21: OSIRIS-REx Sample Analysis Participating Scientist Program Step-1 Due Date Delay and New Document Posted
  4. ESA Archival Research Visitor Programme
  5. Postdoctoral Position at JPL
  6. The USGS Astrogeology Science Center is Hiring up to Two Geodesists (GS-12/13)
  7. Goldschmidt Session 01A: ExPet in Planetary Science
  8. FLOW Coffee Hour: Life Cycle of Missions and How to get Involved
  9. Second Annual NASA Planetary Data System Customer Satisfaction Survey - 2022
  10. Workshop on In Situ Exploration of the Giant Planets
  11. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  12. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 8, February 20, 2022
  1. Paul Feldman Fellowship Fund
  2. [NASA] Release of Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES) 2022
  3. [NASA] NASA Fundamental Physics Research Solicitation Informational Meeting
  4. [NASA] PDS: Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Data Release 28
  5. [NASA] PDS: Coming Soon - Second Annual NASA Planetary Data System Customer Satisfaction Survey
  6. [NASA] BPS Fundamental Physics Program Scientist Job Announcement
  7. IAU Focus Meeting 10
  8. Conference Announcement for ERES VII
  9. The Lunar Surface Innovation Consortium (LSIC) - Spring Meeting
  10. Goldschmidt 2022 Session 01a: ExPet in Planetary Science
  11. MEPAG VM 14 - Meeting Files & Recordings
  12. Planetary Geologic Mapping Workshop, June 2022
  13. FLOW Coffee Hour: Life Cycle of Missions and How to Get Involved
  14. 2022B NASA Keck Call for Proposals
  15. SUPPR Mentors Needed for NASA-Sponsored Undergraduate Researchers
  16. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  17. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 7, February 13, 2022
  1. Tenure-track Assistant Professor in Space Propulsion at the University Of North Dakota
  2. Non-tenure-track Assistant Professor in Military Space at the University of North Dakota
  3. Tenure-track Assistant Professor in Satellite Engineering at the University of North Dakota
  4. AOGS Session PS11: Lunar Volatiles
  5. AOGS Session PS13: Meteors, Meteoroids, Meteorites
  6. Postdoctoral Position in Exoplanet Geophysics at Brown University
  7. Announcement for the 23rd International Mineralogical Association General Meeting
  8. Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow in Planetary Sciences at Wesleyan University
  9. Call for Reviewers for Informal Stem Education Proposals
  10. Planetary Geoscience at the Nordic Geological Meeting in Iceland
  11. ICPAE Monthly Webinar Announcement
  12. VEXAG LPSC Student Grant Announcement
  13. Invitation to Submit Nomination Packages for AGU Planetary Science Awards
  14. LPI Webinar: Sharing Planetary Science - De-Jargoning your Talks
  15. LPI Virtual Seminar: Tips for Optimizing Your LPSC Experience
  16. LPSC Early-Career Presenters Help Desk
  17. LPSC Insights: Get Connected, Stay Connected
  18. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  19. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 6, February 6, 2022
  1. In Memoriam: Paul Feldman (1939-2022)
  2. Call for abstracts: 2022 Hypervelocity Impact Symposium
  3. NASA Call for Student Participation in the 73rd International Astronautical Congress
  4. [NASA] PDS: Catalina Sky Survey
  5. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  6. AGU Chapman Conference on Advances in Understanding Alfven Waves in the Sun and the Heliosphere
  7. Graduate Student Research: Future Investigators in NASA Earth and Space Science and Technology (FINESST)
  8. COSPAR Session B1.1: Small Body Exploration Sciences - From the Solar System to Interstellar Objects
  9. COSPAR Session C3.2: Planetary Upper Atmospheres, Ionospheres and Magnetospheres
  10. A Reconnaissance Strategy for Landing on Europa, Based on Europa Clipper Data
  11. Assistant Teaching Professor Position at CU Boulder
  12. Astrobiology Analytical Laboratory Associate
  13. Call for Input: Standards of Evidence for Life Detection
  14. SCoPE Seed Grants Program
  15. Faculty Position in Isotope Geochemistry at the University of Tennessee
  16. JPGU Session: Outer Solar System Exploration Today and Tomorrow
  17. [NASA] Requirement for Recipients of Financial Assistance Awards To Obtain a Quotation from Small and/or Minority Businesses, Women's Business Enterprises and Labor Surplus Area Firms
  18. [NASA] Space Technology Mission Directorate - Early Career Faculty
  19. LEAG CLOC-SAT Community Kick-off
  20. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  21. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 5, January 30, 2022
  1. [NASA] ROSES-21: Due Dates for C.30 OSIRIS-REx Sample Analysis Participating Scientist Program
  2. [NASA] ROSES-21: Appended Planetary Major Equipment and Facilities Proposals are Permitted Through the End of ROSES-2021
  3. [NASA] PDS: MRO CRISM MTRDR and TER Release 19
  4. [NASA] Planetary Science Advisory Committee (PAC) Meeting
  5. COSPAR-22 Session: B5.1 - Ocean Worlds
  6. MEPAG VM14 - 2nd Information Circular
  7. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for February 2022
  8. DPS 2022 Meeting Self-Nomination for Scientific Organizing Committee
  9. Postdoctoral Research Associate in Planetary Science
  10. Postdoctoral Position in the Space Sciences
  11. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  12. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 4, January 23, 2022
  1. AbSciCon 2022 Session: From Prebiotic Chemistry to Astrobiology - the Rise of Life on and Beyond Earth
  2. InSightSeers Program Application Open
  3. Venus at COSPAR 2022
  4. ICG2022: Planetary Geomorphology Session
  5. "Planetary Science: The Young Solar System" Conference Announcement
  6. Neptune/Triton System Seminar Series
  7. [NASA] Draft Text for Preparatory Science Investigations for Europa Released for Comment
  8. Planetary Data System - New Training Webpage
  9. GSA Session and Short Course Proposal Deadline
  10. First Announcement: IAU Focus Meeting 8: "Planetary Astronomy via Telescopic and Microscopic Approaches"
  11. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  12. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 3, January 16, 2022
  1. AbSciCon 2022 Session: Preparing for In-Situ Life-Detection and Habitability Investigations Through Modelling, Laboratory, and Field Analog Experiments
  2. AbSciCon 2022 Session: Ocean World Observations in Astrobiology - Remote Studies with Ground and Space Observatories
  3. AbSciCon 2022 Session: Atmospheric Escape and Evolution at Terrestrial Planets
  4. Director of Florida Space Institute at UCF
  5. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for January 2022
  6. 14th Virtual MEPAG Meeting (VM14)
  7. [NASA] ROSES-21: Citizen Science Seed Funding Program Delay of Proposal Due Date
  8. COSPAR Session B4.2: Mars Science Results
  9. COSPAR Session B4.3: Forward Planning for the Exploration of Mars
  10. COSPAR Session B4.4: Mars Sample Return
  11. [NASA] SMD Virtual Townhall Meeting on SPD-41 Scientific Information Policy
  12. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  13. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 2, January 9, 2022
  1. [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic PDS Data Releases in 2021.12
  2. [NASA] PDS: OSIRIS-REx OLA Bennu Release 10
  3. [NASA] PDS: JUNO Data Release 17
  4. [NASA] PDS: Insight Data Release 11
  5. [NASA] PDS: Odyssey Data Release 78
  6. ExMAG Call for Applications for 2022 Membership
  7. 26th NASA Small Bodies Assessment Group (SBAG) Meeting
  8. Outer Planets Assessment Group (OPAG) Steering Committee Positions Open
  9. COSPAR Session: C3.1 Planetary Atmospheres
  10. ICPAE Monthly Webinar
  11. EGU2022 Session: Planet-Biogeo-Climate-Geomorph-Ocean Science
  12. EGU2022 Session PS4.5: Mars Science and Exploration
  13. AbSciCon 2022 Session: Origins, Inventories, and Geologic Settings of the Building Blocks of Life
  14. AbSciCon 2022 Session: Interstellar Small Bodies and Exocomets and the Distribution of Ices and Organics
  15. AbSciCon 2022 Session: Taphonomic Windows in Planetary Environments
  16. AbSciCon 2022 Session: Prebiotic/Abiotic Chemistry in Alternative Solvents
  17. AbSciCon 2022 Session: Chemometric, Chemoinformatic, and Machine Learning Strategies to Characterize Complex Organic and Inorganic Mixtures
  18. AbSciCon 2022 Session: Origins of Biologic Homochirality
  19. AbSciCon 2022 Session: Initiatives within and Resources for the Early Career Astrobiology Community
  20. AbSciCon 2022 Session: Planetary Caves and Voids as Targets for Astrobiology Science
  21. Assistant Researchers in the Planetary/Space Sciences Related to Astrobiology at the University of Hawai'i
  22. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  23. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 1, January 2, 2022
  1. AbSciCon 2022 Session: Signatures of Astrospheric Space Weather from Planet Hosts and Its Impact on Exoplanets
  2. Job Announcement for Canada Research Chair (Tier-2) at York University
  3. #LowCostMars2022 Conference Rescheduled to March 29-31, 2022
  4. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  5. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  6. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Table of Contents: Volume 15, 2021

Issue 53, December 26, 2021
  1. NSF: Geoscience Lessons for and from Other Worlds (GLOW)
  2. SOFIA Cycle 10 Calls for Proposals Open
  3. Postdoctoral Researcher at CU Boulder/LASP
  4. AbSciCon 2022 Session: Salty Goodness II - Return of the Brines (In Memoriam of Ronald Oremland)
  5. AbSciCon 2022 Session: Crossing the Threshold - In Situ Instrumentation to Seek Life, its Precursors, and Geophysical Context on Europa and other Ocean Worlds
  6. AbSciCon 2022 Session: Chemometric, Chemoinformatic, and Machine Learning Strategies to Characterize Complex Organic and Inorganic Mixtures
  7. AbSciCon 2022 Session: Prebiotoc/Abiotic Chemistry in Alternative Solvents
  8. Open Tenure-Track Positions as Assistant Professor, Umea University, Sweden
  9. Auburn Graduate Programs in Planetary Science and Aerospace Engineering
  10. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  11. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 52, December 19, 2021
  1. [NASA] ROSES-21: Planetary Science Enabling Facilities Program Deferred to 2022
  2. [NASA] New Opportunity in ROSES: OSIRIS-REx Sample Analysis Participating Scientist Program
  3. [NASA] Planetary Data Ecosystem Chief Scientist
  4. [NASA] KSC BPS Senior Scientist Position is Open
  5. AbSciCon 2022 Session: Atmospheric Escape and Evolution at Terrestrial Planets
  6. ExMAG Call for Applications for 2022 Membership
  7. Steve Fossett Postdoctoral Fellowship at Washington University in St. Louis
  8. Call for a Medium-Size and a Fast Mission Opportunity in ESA's Science Programme
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  10. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 51, December 12, 2021
  1. Congratulations Pierazzo International Student Travel Award Winners
  2. Job Opening: NEO Surveyor Applied Data Scientist (IPAC/Caltech)
  3. [NASA] PDS: Mars Science Laboratory Release 28
  4. Permanent Supervisory Branch Chief Hire in Planetary Studies Research, NASA Ames Research Center
  5. Low-Cost Science Mission Concept for Mars Exploration Update
  6. Early Registration Extended - Mercury's Surface Response to the Interplanetary Environment: Identifying Needed Studies in Laboratory Astrophysics
  7. ESA: Call for Membership in the Expert Committee for the Large Mission Covering the Science Theme "Moons of the Giant Planets"
  8. NASA SCoPE Connect at AGU
  9. Changed Date for OPAG Hybrid Town Hall at AGU Meeting 2021
  10. Making Space: A Workshop on Space, Art, & Society
  11. [NASA] ROSES-21: Analog Activities to Support Artemis Lunar Operations - Desert RATS 2022 Field Campaign
  12. AbSciCon 2022 Abstract Deadline: 19 January 2022
  13. EGU22 Session: From the Environment of the Earth to the Environment of the Solar System
  14. 44th COSPAR Scientific Assembly: Astrochemistry and Composition as Ariadne's Threads for Planet Formation
  15. AOGS 2022 Converted to All-Virtual and Change of Date
  16. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for December 2021
  17. Release of Mars 2020 Analyst's Notebook for Perseverance Rover
  18. AbSciCon 2022 Session: Earth Geysers and Ocean World Plumes - The Challenges of Characterizing a Unique Environment
  19. AbSciCon 2022 Session: Titan as a Prebiotic Laboratory
  20. AbSciCon 2022 Session: Crossing the Threshold - In Situ Instrumentation to Seek Life, Its Precursors, and Geophysical Context on Europa and Other Ocean Worlds
  21. GSA NE Section Meeting: Latest Science Results and Updates in Planetary Science Research, Programs, and Flight Projects
  22. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  23. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 50, December 05, 2021
  1. Mercury Science and Exploration November 2021 Newsletter Released
  2. Re-Architected Mars-GRAM and Earth-GRAM Released in GRAM Suite Version 1.4
  3. Sharing Planetary Science Seminar Common Planetary Misconceptions
  4. [NASA] ROSES-21: FINESST Graduate Student Research Final Text and Due Date Released
  5. Future Leaders of Ocean Worlds (FLOW) Early Career Coffee Hour: Academia
  6. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  7. OPAG Meeting Announcement
  8. [NASA] Ames Planetary Studies Research Branch Chief Sought
  9. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowship
  10. [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic Data Releases in 2021.11
  11. [NASA] PDS: Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 59
  12. AbSciCon 2022 Session: Deep Dive into the Geophysics of Ocean Worlds
  13. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  14. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 49, November 28, 2021
  1. [NASA] PDS: Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Data Release 27
  2. [NASA] PDS: Mars 2020 Mission Release 2
  3. PDS Service Booth at AGU 2021
  4. AGU Session P24C: Ultraviolet Observing of Solar System Targets
  5. AGU Session P11A: Carbon Across the Solar System
  6. The 6th Beijing Earth and Planetary Interiors Symposium (BEPIS)
  7. Forming and Exploring Habitable Worlds
  8. EGU22 Call for Abstracts PS9.1: Atmospheres and Exospheres of Terrestrial Planets, Satellites, and Exoplanets
  9. Commemorating the Collapse of the Arecibo Telescope
  10. Ph.D. Opportunity in Planetary Mineralogy/Geochemistry at Southern Illinois University
  11. Postdoctoral Scholar in Sediment Transport at Stanford University
  12. Postdoctoral Position in Planetary Climate Modeling
  13. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  14. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 48, November 21, 2021
  1. Update Letter from Decadal Co-Chairs
  2. 2022 Pierazzo International Student Travel Award
  3. 2022 Planetary Science Informatics and Data Analytics Conference
  4. [NASA] ROSES-21: Discovery Data Analysis Due Date Delayed
  5. Permanent Supervisory Branch Chief Hire in Planetary Studies Research, NASA Ames Research Center
  6. [NASA] ROSES-21: Martian Moons eXploration PSP Deferred to 2022
  7. MExAG Steering Committee Position Opening
  8. New Planetary Graduate Degree Program at UCLA
  9. Workshop on In Situ Exploration of the Giant Planets
  10. GSA NE Section Meeting: Latest Science Results and Updates in Planetary Science Research, Programs, and Flight Projects
  11. [NASA] Request for Information: Science Information Policy
  12. SBAG Early Career Invited Speaker Application Deadline Extended
  13. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  14. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 47, November 14, 2021
  1. 2022 Pierazzo International Student Travel Award
  2. Tenure Track Assistant Professor Position in Sedimentary Geology
  3. Mercury's Surface Response to the Interplanetary Environment: Identifying Needed Studies in Laboratory Astrophysics
  4. GeoPlaNet International Week for VR in Geosciences
  5. EGU2022 Session GM11.1/PS11: Planetary Geomorphology
  6. EGU2022 Session PS4.5: Mars Science and Exploration
  7. EGU2022 Session PS11.1: Planet-Biogeo-Climate-Geomorph-Ocean Science Multi-Program Session
  8. SBAG Early Career Opportunities
  9. Senior Scientist for Astrobiology Job Vacancy Announcement - ARC-22-ST-11259044
  10. OPAG Hybrid Town Hall at AGU Fall Meeting 2021
  11. Postdoc Position at SwRI with SSERVI Node ESPRESSO
  12. [NASA] Announcement of selections for the MDT on I-MIM
  13. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  14. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 46, November 7, 2021
  1. [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic PDS Data Releases in 2021.10
  2. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  3. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for November 2021
  4. Postdoc for PDS-ATM Archiving at New Mexico State University
  5. Low-Cost Science Mission Concepts for Mars Exploration: Location Selected
  6. White Paper on Biosignature Standards of Evidence
  7. [NASA] ROSES-21: Planetary Major Equipment and Facilities Changing to Planetary Science Enabling Facilities Program
  8. DART Boarder Program Indication of Interest due November 16
  9. 2022 Pierazzo International Student Travel Award
  10. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  11. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 45, October 31, 2021
  1. NASA JPL Job Opening: Deputy Project Scientist, Europa Clipper
  2. Biosignature Standards of Evidence Whitepaper Now Available for Public Comment and Co-signing
  3. UC Berkeley Space Sciences Laboratory Recruiting Assistant Specialist
  4. Frontier Development Lab (FDL): Call for Challenges
  5. [NASA] SMD Seeks Volunteer Reviewers
  6. Postdoctoral Scholar in Planetary Science at Texas A&M;
  7. EGU 2022 Session PS7.2: Ice Giant System Exploration
  8. Open Search for Department Chair, University of Texas at San Antonio
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  10. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 44, October 24, 2021
  1. Postdoctoral Scholar in Planetary Science and Exoplanets
  2. Earth and Planetary Data Analytics Advertisement
  3. [NASA] ROSES: Updates to EnVision VenSAR Science Team
  4. [NASA] PDS: MRO SHARAD 3D Radar Images
  5. [NASA] Position Announcement for Planetary Data Ecosystem Chief Scientist
  6. MEPAG Seeks Standing Committee Members
  7. Lunar Surface Science Workshop: Inclusive Lunar Exploration
  8. A Postdoc Position Available in the Space and Planetary Science Center at Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi, UAE
  9. [NASA] Planetary Advisory Committee Meeting
  10. Postdoctoral Researcher Opening
  11. Lunar Exploration Ethics Panel
  12. [NASA] ROSES-21: Citizen Science Seed Funding Program Revised Text and New Due Dates
  13. Postdoc in Radiation Chemistry/Analytical Chemistry Related to the Jovian Icy Satellites
  14. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  15. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 43, October 17, 2021
  1. [NASA] NASA Science Quarterly Town Hall Meeting
  2. [NASA] PDS: Hayabusa2 TIR Release
  3. Free Sharing Planetary Science Seminar on Engaging Children
  4. Call for Papers: Planetary Landscapes, Landforms, and Their Analogues, ESurf Special Issue
  5. New Venus Portal Released
  6. DART Boarder Program Indication of Interest for January Investigation Team Meeting
  7. Job Opportunity: Planetary Astronomer
  8. Multiple Faculty Positions in "Origins of Life" in Purdue University's College of Science
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  10. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 42, October 10, 2021
  1. Early Career Planetary LinkedIn Group
  2. International Academy of Astronautics Student Research Grants
  3. Opportunities for Students in AGU Planetary Sciences Section
  4. Opportunities for AGU Fall Meeting Caregiver Awards
  5. Jupiter-GRAM and Rearchitected Venus-GRAM Released in GRAM V1.3
  6. NASA Small Bodies Assessment Group Early Career Opportunities
  7. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for October 2021
  8. Participate in International Observe the Moon Night on October 16th
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  10. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 41, October 3, 2021
  1. Assistant Research Scientist Position at UC Berkeley, Space Sciences Lab
  2. [NASA] Scientific Information Policy for the Science Mission Directorate
  3. ExMAG Meeting Announcement
  4. [NASA] Planetary Data Ecosystem Chief Scientist Sought
  5. Pan Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Position at Rice University
  6. Neptune/Triton System Seminar Series Announcement
  7. [NASA] New Venus Portal Released
  8. [NASA] ROSES-21: EnVision VenSAR Science Team
  9. [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic Data Releases in 2021.09
  10. [NASA] PDS: Odyssey Data Release 77
  11. [NASA] PDS: Insight Data Release 10
  12. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  13. UW-Madison Seeking Applicants for Faculty Positions in Origins of Life, Planetary Astrochemistry, and Exoplanet Observations
  14. Tenure Track Assistant Professor Position at UTSA - Physics and Astronomy, Exoplanets
  15. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  16. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 40, September 26, 2021
  1. [NASA] Proposed New Language on Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Accessibility for AOs
  2. LPI Seeking IDEA Advisory Committee Members
  3. [NASA] PDS: JUNO Data Release 16
  4. [NASA] PDS: OSIRIS-REx OCAMS and TAGCAMS Bennu Release 10
  5. [NASA] PDS: MRO CRISM MTRDR and TER Release 18
  6. NASA Ames Legacy Mars Global Climate Model (GCM) Tutorial
  7. MEPAG VM13 2nd Information Circular
  8. November's Annual VEXAG Meeting Will Be Virtual
  9. 2022 GRS on the Origins of Life: Challenging Paradigms in Prebiotic Chemistry
  10. ASP2021: The Meeting of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific
  11. DPS Student Townhall
  12. DPS Student and Early Career Reception and Grad School Pavilion
  13. Women in Planetary Science Discussion Hour
  14. HiRISE Digital Terrain Models for Funded MDAP Awards at No Charge
  15. Opportunities for Students in AGU Planetary Sciences Section
  16. Lowell Observatory Prize Postdoctoral Fellowship Program
  17. Submissions Solicited for New Research Topic in Physics and Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences
  18. JPL Open Position: Scientist, Lunar Seismologist
  19. Planetary Geoscience Faculty Position at the University of Iowa
  20. Tenure Track Faculty Opening at Boston University
  21. Open Rank Faculty Position in Planetary Geochemistry at UCLA
  22. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  23. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 39, September 19, 2021
  1. Fall 2021 Soffen Student Travel Grant
  2. Call For Papers: Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences - Applications of Statistical Methods and Machine Learning in the Space Sciences
  3. Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Study of Solar System Small Bodies
  4. Planet Formation: From Dust Coagulation to Final Orbit Assembly
  5. Call for Sessions: International Mineralogical Association Meeting 2022
  6. [NASA] PDS: Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 47
  7. Webinar for Early Career Scientists
  8. Postdoctoral Researcher Position at Stony Brook University
  9. Tenure-track Assistant Professor at Washington University in St. Louis
  10. Ph.D. Position in Aeolian Geoscience at UCLA
  11. ASLO Ocean Sciences Meeting Session: Ocean Science for Ocean Worlds
  12. Research Associate Position in Space Plasmas at the University of Colorado Boulder
  13. Abstract Deadline for Venera-D: Venus Cloud Habitability System Workshop
  14. Open Rank Faculty Position in Space Physics at UCLA
  15. 13th Virtual MEPAG Meeting (VM13)
  16. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  17. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 38, September 12, 2021
  1. ESA Archival Research Visitor Programme
  2. ISSOL Virtual Meeting
  3. Graduate-level position in Cometary Radiative Transfer Modeling
  4. Interstellar Probe Workshop: Calling All Students
  5. September 14 VEXAG Colloquium Announcement
  6. Opportunities for AGU Fall Meeting Caregiver Awards
  7. Section Manager for Astromaterials Curation Group
  8. Tenure-track Faculty Position in Exoplanet Science at LPL
  9. EANA21 Outstanding Paper Award
  10. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  11. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 37, September 5, 2021
  1. This Week's Open Meetings of Decadal Survey Panels
  2. [NASA] ROSES-21 Amendment 34: Payloads and Research Investigations on the Surface of the Moon (PRISM) Final Text and Due Dates
  3. [NASA] Space Technology Graduate Research Opportunities (NSTGRO22) Released
  4. [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic PDS Data Releases in 2021.08
  5. [NASA] PDS: MESSENGER Derived Gravity Data
  6. [NASA] PDS: Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 58
  7. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  8. 2022A NASA IRTF CAll for Proposals
  9. UK Mars Conference at Geological Society
  10. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for September 2021
  11. Seeking DPS members to Review Early Career Presentation for Upcoming Meeting
  12. First Time DPS Attendees and Early Career Presentation Review Sessions
  13. M.S./Ph.D. Positions for Fall 2022
  14. Assistant Professor/Research Scientist Position at Amity University Mumbai
  15. Job Announcement - Tenure Track Faculty Position in Planetary Science at Brown University
  16. Opportunities for Students in AGU Planetary Sciences Section
  17. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  18. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 36, August 29, 2021
  1. This Week's Open Meetings of Decadal Survey Panels
  2. DEIA Survey from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine
  3. Low-Cost Mars 2022: Call for Abstracts
  4. Associate Professor in the Department of the Geophysical Sciences at the University of Chicago
  5. Assistant Professor in the Department of the Geophysical Sciences at the University of Chicago
  6. Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Department of the Geophysical Sciences at the University of Chicago
  7. Assistant Professor at UC Berkeley in Earth and/or Planetary Surface and Sedimentary Processes
  8. Mars Sample Return Program Postdoctoral Position
  9. ESA Research Fellowships in Space Science
  10. Ph.D. student in Space Physics for Studies of Saturn's moon Titan
  11. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  12. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 35, August 22, 2021
  1. In Memoriam: Carolyn Shoemaker (1929-2021)
  2. This Week's Open Meetings of Decadal Survey Panels
  3. IDEA Fellow Postdoc at Stony Brook University
  4. Head of Planetary Geology Department at DLR's Institute of Planetary Research
  5. International Mars Ice Mapper (I-MIM) Reminder of Application Deadline
  6. Opportunities for AGU Fall Meeting Caregiver Awards
  7. Postdoctoral Position in Mars-Solar Wind Interactions
  8. Five Post-Doc Positions in the Space and Planetary Science Center at Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi, UAE
  9. [NASA] PDS: Mars 2020 Mission Release 1
  10. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  11. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 34, August 15, 2021
  1. This Week's Open Meetings of Decadal Survey Panels
  2. [NASA] Input to NASA's RFI in Support of Advancing Equity and Support for Underserved Communities
  3. [PDS] OSIRIS-REx OCAMS Bennu Release 9
  4. [PDS] Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Data Release 26
  5. Free Seminar on Addressing Controversial Topics
  6. Opportunities for AGU Fall Meeting Conference Registration Reimbursement
  7. Mercury Science and Exploration August 2021 Newsletter Released
  8. Tenure Track Faculty Position in Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences at Rice University
  9. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowship - Application Deadline November 1, 2021
  10. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  11. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 33, August 8, 2021
  1. This Week's Open Meetings of Decadal Survey Panels
  2. NASA Expands Access to Planet Data to NSF and All Federal Civilian Agencies
  3. [NASA] PDS: Mars Science Laboratory Release 27
  4. [NASA] ROSES-21: C.29 Mars Science Laboratory Participating Scientist Program
  5. [NASA] ROSES-21: Lunar Data Analysis Program Focus on Lunar Science
  6. [NASA] Job Announcement for Multiple Program Executives in the Mars Sample Return Program Office
  7. Study on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Competed Space Missions
  8. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  10. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 32, August 1, 2021
  1. This Week's Open Meetings of Decadal Survey Panels
  2. Opportunities for AGU Fall Meeting Conference Registration Reimbursement
  3. Arecibo Observatory Quarterly Newsletter Now Available
  4. [NASA] PDS: InSight First Release of HP3 Data
  5. [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic Data Releases in 2021.07
  6. Tenure Track Faculty Position in Planetary Science at Brown University
  7. Call for Applications to the Measurements Definition Team for International Mars Ice Mapper
  8. Physical Sciences Lunar Surface Science Workshop Agenda Now Available
  9. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for August 2021
  10. Mercury's Surface Response to the Interplanetary Environment: Identifying Needed Studies in Laboratory Astrophysics
  11. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  12. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 31, July 25, 2021
  1. This Week's Open Meetings of Decadal Survey Panels
  2. [NASA] Lunar Surface Technology Research Opportunities Solicitation Released
  3. Opportunities for AGU Fall Meeting Conference Reimbursement
  4. AGU Session P006: Clay-Sulfate Transitions as Indicators of Climate Change Across Mars
  5. AGU Session P003: Atmospheric Dynamics and Astro-/Geo-physical Modeling Studies of Habitable Ocean Worlds, Moons, and Atmospheres Near and Far
  6. AGU Session A032: Chemical Physics Insights Into Atmospheric and Planetary Chemistry
  7. AGU Session P008: Enceladus - Beacon of Ocean Worlds
  8. AGU Session P037: The New Mars Underground - Astrobiology and Space Resources at the Dawn of Mars Sample Return
  9. AGU Session P024: Paleohydrology and Fluvial Dynamics of Martian Channels
  10. European Solar System Plasma Community (ESSPC)
  11. Postdoctoral Scholar Positions at Northern Arizona University in Planetary Science
  12. Job Announcement: Ph.D. Student to Develop a CHON+PS Chemical Scheme Validated at High Temperatures with Applications in Planetology
  13. Two Postdoctoral Positions, Planetary Radar Group, Arecibo Observatory
  14. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  15. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 30, July 18, 2021
  1. This Week's Open Meetings of Decadal Survey Panels
  2. Postdoctoral Position within Data Processing and Visualization of EISCAT3D Data, Umea University, Sweden
  3. Ph.D. Position in Machine Learning for Planetary In Situ Spectroscopic Data at German Aerospace Center in Berlin
  4. Postdoctoral Position in Lunar Science at APL
  5. Mars Pathfinder and Mars Phoenix Lander Targets Now Available in Mars Target Encyclopedia
  6. Call for Papers: Remote Sensing - Special Issue "Remote Sensing Observations of the Giant Planets"
  7. [NASA] SMD Town Hall Meeting July 22 1:30 PM Eastern Time
  8. Mars Sample Return Townhall at the 84th Annual (Hybrid) Meeting of the Meteoritical Society
  9. DPS Committee Invites DPS Members to Apply for DPS Education and Outreach Grants
  10. Juno Viewer Now Available at PDS RMS Node
  11. COSPAR Updates Its Planetary Protection Policy for Missions to the Moon's Surface
  12. GC-MAC 2021: Final Call for Abstracts Due July 22, 2021
  13. Attend the DPS Meeting this Year
  14. [NASA] ob Announcement: SMD Assistant Deputy Associate Administrator for Exploration
  15. AGU Session DI004: Diving Deep - Investigations of Planetary Interiors through Observations, Modeling, and Experiments
  16. AGU Session EP008: Earth and Planetary Surface Processes General Contributions
  17. AGU Session EP036: Surface Processes on Extraterrestrial Rocky Bodies
  18. AGU Session P014: Hydrothermal Processes in the Evolution of Solar System Bodies
  19. AGU Session P016: Illuminating the Martian Rock Cycle with Regional Geochemistry
  20. AGU Session P017: In Situ Geophysical Exploration of Planetary Bodies
  21. AGU Session P021: Mars Sample Return - Challenges and Advances in Planning for the First Samples from Another Planet
  22. AGU Session P022: Mercury at the Dawn of the BepiColombo Era - Interdisciplinary Exploration Inside and Out
  23. AGU Session P032: Space Environments and Weather of Unmagnetized or Weakly Magnetized Solar System Bodies
  24. AGU Session P033: Surface Processes on Active Icy Worlds
  25. AGU Session P040: Titan - Atmosphere, Surface and Interior
  26. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  27. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 29, July 11, 2021
  1. This Week's Open Meetings of Decadal Survey Panels
  2. Upcoming Open Decadal Survey Venus Panel Session on Exploration Strategies for Venus
  3. Open Position for an Assistant Lecturer at AIUB
  4. Meteoroids 2022 Conference
  5. VEXAG Virtual Colloquium Series Announcement
  6. AGU Session P018: In Situ Science and Instrumentation for the Exploration of Europa and Ocean Worlds
  7. AGU Session P035: The Future of Planetary Atmospheric, Surface, and Interior Science Using Radio and Laser Links
  8. AGU Session: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on the Formation and Early Evolution of Terrestrial Worlds
  9. [NASA] Public Meeting on RFI on Racial Equity
  10. Uranus-GRAM Released in GRAM Suite Version 1.2
  11. Call for NASA Keck Key Strategic Mission Support Proposals for 2022A
  12. Open Rank (Tenure-Track/Tenured) Faculty Position in Space Physics at UCLA
  13. Planetary Science at GSA
  14. GSA Session T110: Best Practices and Exciting Discoveries in Identifying, Mapping, and Analyzing Planetary Landforms and Terrestrial Analogues
  15. GSA Session T112: Exploring the Solar System in the Thermal Infrared - A Memorial Session in Remembrance of Joshua L. Bandfield
  16. GSA Session T115: Geomorphology and Landscape Evolution of Mars
  17. [CSA] Lunar Exploration Accelerator Program (LEAP) Science Instrument
  18. Next Generation Lunar Scientists and Engineers Group Seeks New Members
  19. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  20. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 28, July 4, 2021
  1. This Week's Open Meetings of Decadal Survey Panels
  2. Committee on Space Research (COSPAR): New Panel on Social Sciences and Humanities
  3. [PDS] Aperiodic PDS Data Releases in 2021.06
  4. [PDS] Insight Data Release 9
  5. [PDS] Odyssey Data Release 76
  6. MEPAG Virtual Meeting 12 Presentations and Recording Now Available
  7. Venera-D: Venus Cloud Habitability System Workshop
  8. GAC-MAC 2021 Hybrid Meeting - Call for Abstracts
  9. AGU Session SM019: Magnetospheres in the Inner Solar System
  10. AGU Session SM023: Moon-Plasma Interactions Throughout the Solar System
  11. GSA Session: Planetary Science Education
  12. Postdoctoral Scholar Positions at Northern Arizona University in Planetary Science
  13. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  14. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  15. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 27, June 28, 2021
  1. This Week's Open Meetings of Decadal Survey Panels
  2. Upcoming Open Decadal Survey Venus Panel on Venus as an Exoplanet
  3. Mars: A New Geological Frontier Virtual Conference
  4. International Journal of Thermophysics Special Issue
  5. NASA Biological and Physical Sciences Decadal Survey Whitepapers Call
  6. Arecibo Observatory: US Innovation and Competition Act
  7. New Samples From Planetary Bodies: Collection at Scientific Reports
  8. RCOP+ICCRE Session: Planetary Permafrost
  9. AGU Session P026: Planetary Atmospheres and Evolution
  10. AGU Session P020: Planetary Science Machine Learning and Data Science
  11. GSA Session T113: Friends of Hoth: Small, Icy and Ocean Worlds
  12. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  13. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 26, June 20, 2021
  1. This Week's Open Meetings of Decadal Survey Panels
  2. 7th Mars Atmosphere Modelling and Observations Workshop
  3. Volunteer Opportunities with the AGU Planetary Science Section
  4. Call for Papers for Special Collection on Planetary Caves
  5. [NASA] PDS: Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 46
  6. Post-Doctoral Position in Isotope Geochemistry
  7. Post-Doctoral Position in Geophysics/Planetary Physics
  8. Two Geologist Positions, Smithsonian Institution
  9. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for June 2021
  10. Lunar and Planetary Lab Conference (LPLC)
  11. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  12. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 25, June 13, 2021
  1. Upcoming open Decadal Survey Venus panel Session on Venus Laboratory Resources
  2. Venus Exploration Analysis Group (VEXAG) Web Site Update
  3. USGS Astrogeology Community Survey
  4. Special issue on "Dune Mirgation on Mars" Deadline Extended
  5. 12th Virtual MEPAG Meeting (VM12) - 2nd Information Circular
  6. Astrobiologist Opening at JHU APL's Space Exploration Sector
  7. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  8. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 24, June 6, 2021
  1. In Memoriam: Stuart Ross Taylor (1925-2021)
  2. This Week's Open Meetings of Decadal Survey Panels
  3. [NASA] PDS: MRO CRISM MTRDR and TER Release 17
  4. [NASA] PDS: Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 57
  5. [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic PDS Data Releases in 2021.05
  6. [NASA] PDS: OSIRIS-REx Bennu Release 9
  7. [NASA] PDS: JUNO Data Release 15
  8. [NASA] Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs) and Non-MSIs Fellowships
  9. [NASA] Lunar Surface Science Workshop
  10. Survey on CLT/SPHERE Data
  11. Post-Doc Announcement at INAF-IAPS, Italy
  12. A Resource Guide for Dealing with UFO Stories
  13. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  14. Rescheduled Titan Through Time Workshop
  15. 12th Virtual MEPAG Meeting (VM12) - 1st Information Circular
  16. DPS June Virtual Professional Development Workshop
  17. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  18. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 23, May 30, 2021
  1. Farewell Elisabeth Adams, Hello Alex Morgan
  2. This Week's Open Meetingds of Decadal Survey Panels
  3. Upcoming Open Decadal Survey Venus Panel Session on Technology for Exploring Venus
  4. Mercury Science and Exploration Newsletter Released May 2021
  5. NASA Planetary Advisory Committee Meeting
  6. NASA's New Europa Trek Portal
  7. Postdoc Position at UC Berkeley Space Sciences Lab
  8. STEMM Assistant Professor Sought, University of Alabama
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  10. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 22, May 25, 2021
  1. SPECIAL EDITION: Delay of New Frontiers (NF) 5 and ramifications for the Decadal Survey

Issue 22, May 25, 2021
  1. SPECIAL EDITION: Delay of New Frontiers (NF) 5 and ramifications for the Decadal Survey

Issue 21, May 23, 2021
  1. This Week's Open Meetings of Decadal Survey Panels
  2. [NASA] ROSES-21 Amendment 22: Payloads and Research Investigations on the Surface of the Moon (PRISM) DRAFT Text Released for Community Comment
  3. Registration Reminder for Upcoming Small Bodies Assessment Group (SBAG) Meeting
  4. EPSC2021 Session MITM2: Small Satellite and Dedicated Instruments: A New Opportunity for Planetary Exploration
  5. EPSC2021 Session MITM8: Machine Learning in Planetary Sciences
  6. EPSC2021 Session ODAA6: The Role of Citizen Science in Scientific Research: Across Disciplines and Beyond Scientists
  7. EPSC2021 Session ODAA2: Diversity and Inclusiveness in Planetary Sciences
  8. Mass Spectrometer Calibration Engineer
  9. Postdoctoral Fellow - AEThER program
  10. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  11. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Commercial Announcements:
  1. Planetary Atlas Collection: A Kickstarter Campaign that Promotes Space Exploration for Everyone

Issue 20, May 16, 2021
  1. This Week's Open Meetings of Decadal Survey Panels
  2. Upcoming Open Decadal Survey Venus Panel Session on the Habitability of the Venus Atmosphere
  3. LunGradCon 2021 - Abstract Deadline Extended
  4. [NASA] ROSES-21: C.11 Discovery Data Analysis Due Dates Delayed
  5. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for May 2021
  6. Ryder Fellowship Position at the Lunar and Planetary Institute
  7. EPSC Session OPS1: "Planet" Titan
  8. EPSC Session OPS2: Icy Worlds - Past and Future Explorations
  9. EPSC Session OPS6: Environments of Outer Planet Moons - Particles and Fields
  10. EPSC Session TP18: Fluid Circulation, Fluid-Rock Interactions, and Cryosphere on Mars
  11. NASA Fellowship Activity 2021
  12. McKay Fellowship Position at NASA Johnson Space Center
  13. Postdoctoral Position in Space Physics
  14. Job Announcement: NanoSIMS Research Scientist
  15. Astrobiologist Opening at JHU APL's Space Exploration Sector
  16. [NASA] New Frontiers 5 (NF5) Announcement of Opportunity Release Date Delays
  17. Science and Technology Funding Opportunity: Pre-Proposals Due May 26
  18. [NASA] ROSES-21: C.25 Juno Participating Scientist Program Final Text and Due Dates
  19. [NASA] PDS: Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Data Release 25
  20. [NASA] MSI Fellowships 2021: Call for Reviewers/Panelists
  21. Encyclopedia of Lunar Science: Call for Authors
  22. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  23. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 19, May 9, 2021
  1. This Week's Open Meetings of Decadal Survey Panels
  2. [NASA] ROSES-21: C.27 VIPER Mission Co-Investigator Program
  3. DART Boarders Program
  4. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  5. Postdoctoral Position in the Space Sciences
  6. Research Analog Mission Recruitment
  7. EPSC Session TP7: Cruise and Planetary Flyby Investigations Through Space Missions
  8. EPSC Session TP10: Ionospheres of Unmagnetized or Weakly Magnetized Bodies
  9. EPSC Session TP14: Mercury Science and Observations
  10. NASA Seeks Partners for the Astrobiology Science Conference
  11. Lunar Surface Science Workshop: Fundamental and Applied Lunar Surface Research in Physical Sciences (Updated)
  12. [NASA] ROSES-21: Space Weather Science Application Research-to-Operations-to-Research Text Length Increase and Due Date Extension
  13. Postdoctoral Research Position at Northern Arizona University
  14. [NASA] ROSES-21: A.17 ARCSIX Change to Field Campaign Schedule and Budget
  15. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  16. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 18, May 2, 2021
  1. This Week's Open Meetings of Decadal Survey Panels
  2. Upcoming Open Decadal Survey Venus Panel Session on the Venus Atmosphere
  3. [NASA] Lunar Surface Science Workshop: Fundamental and Applied Lunar Surface Research in Physical Sciences
  4. [NASA] ROSES-21: DRAFT C.26 EnVision VenSAR Science Team Released for Community Comment
  5. [NASA] NASA-funded Scientific Payload for the Canadian Space Agency Lunar Exploration Accelerator Program (LEAP) Phase A Lunar Rover to be Delivered by CLPS
  6. EPSC 2021 Session: Mars Science and Exploration
  7. [PDS] Aperiodic PDS Data Releases in 2021.04
  8. [PDS] Hayabusa2 NIRS3 Release
  9. Summer School in Software Systems for Astronomy
  10. InSightSeers Program Application Open
  11. Postdoctoral Associate Position at the University of Maryland
  12. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  13. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 17, April 25, 2021
  1. This Week's Open Meetings of Decadal Survey Panels
  2. An Open Letter to Planetary Science Conference Organizers
  3. Europlanet Science Congress 2021
  4. EPSC 2021 Session: Ice Giant System Science and Exploration
  5. Dual-Anonymous Peer Review Town Hall for Planetary and Exoplanets Research Programs
  6. Advisors Needed for High School Research Program
  7. Abstract Deadline Extended: Influence of a Global Magnetic Field on Ion and Atmospheric Loss and Planetary Habitability
  8. Small Bodies Assessment Group (SBAG) Steering Committee Positions Open
  9. Arecibo Observatory Quarterly Newsletter Now Available
  10. Solicitation for Poster Presentations at Upcoming Pluto System and Arrokoth Workshops
  11. EANA International Spring School: Hydrothermal Vents
  12. [NASA] Upcoming Job Announcement: SMD Program Scientists
  13. Pre-Helio2050 Workshop: Magnetospheres and Atmospheres Beyond Earth
  14. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  15. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 16, April 18, 2021
  1. This Week's Open Meetings of Decadal Survey Panels
  2. Upcoming Open Decadal Survey Venus Panel Session on Venus Comparative Planetology
  3. DART Boarders Program
  4. Sharing Planetary Science: Communicating with Policy Makers
  5. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowship
  6. [NASA] ROSES 21: Final Text for F.2 Topical Workshops, Symposia, and Conferences
  7. New Planetary Society Science and Technology Funding Opportunity
  8. Postdoctoral Research Scientist Position at the Planetary Science Institute
  9. Ph.D. Position in Exo-Planetary Science at University of Central Florida
  10. Caroline Herschel 2021 Award
  11. Rocky Worlds II Conference
  12. 2021 In Situ Science and Instrumentation Workshop for the Exploration of Europa and Ocean Worlds
  13. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  14. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 15, April 11, 2021
  1. This Week's Open Meetings of Decadal Survey Panels
  2. [NASA] SMD Community Town Hall Meeting
  3. LunGradCon 2021 - Call for Abstracts
  4. Bringing Space Home: The Role of Sample Return in Space Exploration
  5. NASEM Employment Opportunity - Associate Program Officer, Space Studies Board
  6. [NASA] GSFC Civil Servant Job Announcement - Position Closes Midnight Monday, April 12
  7. Job opportunity at the University of Colorado Boulder
  8. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  9. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 14, April 4, 2021
  1. This Week's Open Meetings of Decadal Survey Panels
  2. Upcoming Open Decadal Survey Venus Panel Session on Venus Petrology and Geochemistry
  3. Special SSR Issue Announcement: In Situ Exploration of Ice Giants
  4. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  5. Second Call for SBAG Early Career Invited Speakers
  6. Postdoctoral Opportunity in Planetary Science at Stony Brook University
  7. [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic PDS Data Releases in 2021.03
  8. [NASA] PDS: Insight Data Release 8
  9. [NASA] PDS: Odyssey Data Release 75
  10. March 2021 Early Career Scientist Spotlights - NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
  11. Job Opportunity at University of Washington
  12. Dual-Anonymous Peer Review Town Hall for Planetary and Exoplanets Research Programs
  13. DAIS (Disabled for Accessibility In Space)
  14. Call for Abstracts - Mappers Meeting & Analogs Workshop
  15. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for April 2021
  16. Webinar: Bringing Space Home - The Role of Sample Return in Space Exploration
  17. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  18. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 13, March 28, 2021
  1. Comets Postdoc Position at the University of Edinburgh
  2. NEOWISE 2021 Data Release
  3. Nominations Now Open for Membership on the Planetary Science Advisory Committee
  4. Accepting Applications for Icarus Editor-in-Chief Position
  5. Spring 2021 Soffen Student Travel Grant
  6. Planetary Science and Astrobiology Decadal Survey Calendar of Events
  7. Call for Proposals - NASA Fellowship Activity 2021
  8. NASA SMD Seeks Volunteer Reviewers for Research Proposals
  9. Ph.D. Student Position in Space Physics at Umea University, Sweden
  10. [PDS] MRO SHARAD Delayed Data Release
  11. Tenure-Track Assostant Professor in Planetary Science, University of Washington, Seattle
  12. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  13. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 12, March 21, 2021
  1. [NASA] ROSES-21: NOI Due Date Delay and POC Change for Exoplanets Research
  2. [PDS] Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 45
  3. [PDS] Mars Science Laboratory Release 26
  4. NASA / SSERVI Analogs Focus Group
  5. 2021 NASA Planetary Science Summer School Applications Due April 1
  6. Funding for (Remote) Observations with the Europlanet Telescope Network
  7. An Interactive Workshop to Explore Novel Ideas for Future Scientific, Educational, and Cultural Activities with the Arecibo Observatory
  8. Upcoming Open Decadal Survey Venus Panel Session on Venus Geodynamics
  9. Virtual Conference: Applications of Statistical Methods and Machine Learning in the Space Sciences
  10. Positions in the Planetary Science Division (PSD) at NASA Headquarters
  11. Job Posting: Research Software Engineer at Northern Arizona University
  12. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  13. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 11, March 14, 2021
  1. Apply for Open ExMAG Positions
  2. New Space: Special Issue on Space Resources
  3. Lectureship in Planetary Science at the Open University, UK
  4. Software Developer for Auroral Research
  5. [NASA] PDS - Catalina Sky Survey Data Review
  6. 2021 NASA Planetary Science Summer School Applications Due April 1
  7. Ph.D. and Postdoc Position in Cosmic Dust / Heliosphere Science
  8. [NASA] ROSES-21: What's New Slides/Recording Available
  9. SBAG Early Career Opportunities
  10. Date Change: Joint 2021 NESF & ELS Meeting
  11. SSERVI Award Nominations
  12. Influence of a Global Magnetic Field on Ion and Atmospheric Loss and Planetary Habitability
  13. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  14. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 10, March 7, 2021
  1. In Memoriam: John Hoffman
  2. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  3. [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic Data Releases in 2021.02
  4. [NASA] PDS: Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter PDS Data Release 56
  5. [NASA] PDS: MRO CRISM MTRDR and TER Release 16
  6. [NASA] PDS: OSIRIS-REx Bennu Release 8
  7. [NASA] PDS: Important Notice for Data Users
  8. [NASA] PDS: R&A; Proposal Support Webpages
  9. Urey Fellow Position at the Lunar and Planetary Institute
  10. 2021 International Summer School in Astrobiology: Searching for Life on Mars
  11. 2021B NASA IRTF Call for Proposals
  12. 44th Scientific Assembly of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR 2022)
  13. [NASA] Planetary Protection Officer Sought
  14. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for March 2021
  15. Laboratory Astrophysics Division (LAD) Virtual Summer Meeting
  16. Venus Decadal Panel Meeting Sessions
  17. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  18. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 9, February 28, 2021
  1. [NASA] Due Date Extension and FAQ Update for Proposals to Support Planetary Analysis Groups
  2. Moon Trek User Experience Feedback
  3. ESA Archival Research Visitor Programme
  4. Mercury Science and Exploration Newsletter Released February 2021
  5. Call for DPS 2021 Prize Nominations
  6. AbGradE: Space Law and Governance Announcement and Abstract Deadline
  7. Ph.D. Student in Space Physics in Kiruna, Sweden
  8. Mass Spectrometer Calibration Engineer
  9. Postdoc Opening at CU Boulder in Planetary Atmospheric Evolution
  10. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  11. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 8, February 21, 2021
  1. [NASA] ROSES Due Dates Delayed Due to Widespread Power Loss
  2. [NASA] ROSES-21: New Opportunity - Interdisciplinary Science for Eclipse
  3. [NASA] STEM Engagement Call for Reviewers for Informal STEM Education Proposals
  4. Rock, Dust and Ice: Interpreting Planetary Data
  5. Joint NASA Exploration Science Forum/European Lunar Symposium
  6. AOGS 2021 Session: ST/PS-03 Magnetic Flux Rope Throughout the Solar System
  7. Goldschmidt Session 1E: Subsurface Oceans of Icy Bodies Beyond Earth - Composition, Evolution, and Exchange Processes
  8. Independent Review Board (IRB) for the Planetary Data Ecosystem (PDE)
  9. [NASA] PDS: Dawn GRaND PDS4 Archive Release
  10. [NASA] PDS: Juno Data Release 14
  11. [NASA] PDS: Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Data Release 24
  12. USGS Astrogeology Science Center Terrestrial Analogs Workshop
  13. Research Opportunities in Cosmic Dust Science, Switzerland
  14. Early Career Scientist Spotlights - NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
  15. Astrometry Request for TNO Observers
  16. Postdoc Position(s) in the Ehlmann Earth & Planetary Remote Sensing Lab at Caltech
  17. Postdoctoral Research Associate in Planetary Sciences - University of Maryland
  18. Next SBAG Meeting Will Be Virtual
  19. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  20. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 7, February 14, 2021
  1. In Memoriam: Rafael Navarro-Gonzalez (1959-2021)
  2. Earth and Space Exploration Program 2021
  3. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for February 2021
  4. InSightSeers Program
  5. Postdoctoral Opportunity in M-Class Lab at UMD
  6. [NASA] Planetary Advisory Committee Meeting
  7. Short Course on Mineralogy of Planetary Surfaces and Biosignatureg
  8. [NASA] Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Science (ROSES) 202g
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additiong
  10. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 6, February 7, 2021
  1. 15th Conference of HelAS
  2. Summer Undergraduate Program in Planetary Research (SUPPR): Mentors Needed
  3. Requests for Endorsements for Next Generation Arecibo Telescope White Paper
  4. Mass Spectrometer Calibration Engineer
  5. Research Associate in Planetary Atmospheres, University of Leicester
  6. Job Announcement: Planetary Science Archive Science Lead at ESA
  7. Job Opportunity: Outreach and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Activities Coordinator
  8. Postdoc Opportunity on Hayabusa Return Samples
  9. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  10. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  11. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 5, January 31, 2021
  1. Research Associate: Analysis of Solar Images Using Machine Learning and Computer Vision
  2. Research Associate: Scientific Programming
  3. Call for Papers: Planetary Science Section of Universe
  4. Agenda Available: Outer Planets Assessment Group (OPAG) Meeting
  5. [NASA] Minor Clarifications and Corrections to E.5 FINESST
  6. [NASA] Call for Abstracts for the 72nd International Astronautical Congress (IAC)
  7. Postdoctoral Research Associate in Planetary Sciences - University of Maryland
  8. [NASA] PI Launchpad: Developing Your First Flight Mission Proposal
  9. Announcement of Opportunity for Interdisciplinary Scientists and Guest Investigators
  10. [NASA] Proposals to Support Recurring Planetary Science Analysis Group Meetings
  11. Postdoctoral Scholar
  12. JpGU Session: Outer Solar System Exploration Today, and Tomorrow
  13. [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic PDS Data Releases in 2021.01
  14. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  15. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 4, January 24, 2021
  1. ISSI Call for Project Proposals
  2. JWST User Committee: Call for Nominations
  3. [NASA] CASIS Research Announcement in Technology Advancements to Leverage the ISS
  4. Astrobiology Postdoctoral Scholar at UC Berkeley
  5. Rock, Ice and Dust: Interpreting Planetary Data
  6. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  7. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 3, January 17, 2021
  1. OpenPlanetary Lunch Virtual Talks
  2. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for January 2021
  3. MEPAG 2nd Information Circular
  4. Open Meeting About the Independent Review Board for the Planetary Data Ecosystem
  5. Research opportunities in Space Plasmas at LASP, University of Colorado Boulder
  6. Research Associate in Planetary Sciences
  7. Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Washington, Seattle
  8. Postdoctoral Position in Young Stars and Planet Formation at the University of Hawai'i
  9. Postdoc Position: Coupled Interior Atmosphere Evolution of Venus and Venus-like Exoplanets
  10. Applications open for the Summer Exploration Internship Program at Western University
  11. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  12. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 2, January 10, 2021
  1. Roger J. Phillips - A Celebration Of Life (January 11, 2021)
  2. vECU21 Session PS7: Planetary Geomorphology
  3. vEGU21 Session PS4.3: Planetary Space Weather
  4. vEGU21 Session PS2.1: Atmospheres and Exospheres of Terrestrial Planets, Satellites, and Exoplanets
  5. [NASA] PDS: Insight Data Release 7
  6. [NASA] PDS: Odyssey Data Release 74
  7. [NASA] PDS: Data Release Calendar 2021
  8. COSPAR 2020 Awards
  9. Ph.D. and M.S. Opportunities in Planetary Science at the University of Central Florida
  10. INAF Postdoc for Dawn and EXOMars
  11. Upcoming Pluto System and Arrokoth Workshops
  12. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  13. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 1, January 3, 2021
  1. Postdoctoral Associate at Lowell Observatory
  2. [NASA] Aperiodic PDS Data Releases in 2020.12
  3. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  4. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  5. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Table of Contents: Volume 14, 2020

Issue 53, December 27, 2020
  1. Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 44
  2. AGU EPSP Wonderful Coffee Hour
  3. MEPAG Virtual Meeting #11
  4. Second Call for Early Career Lightning Talks at SBAG24
  5. Postdoctoral Associate at Lowell Observatory
  6. Reviewers Needed for MUREP Concept Paper Submissions
  7. GSA Southeastern Meeting 2021
  8. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  9. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 52, December 20, 2020
  1. EGU GA Meeting Sessions
  2. Postdoctoral Associate at Lowell Observatory
  3. Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Positions in Comet / Asteroid Science
  4. [NASA] Graduate Student Research: Future Investigators in NASA Earth and Space Science and Technology (FINESST) Update & Reminders
  5. Ocean Worlds at LPSC
  6. 2021 NASA Planetary Science Summer School Applications
  7. [NASA] Planetary R&A; Virtual Townhall
  8. MRO SHARAD Delayed RDR Data Release 55
  9. GAC-MAC 2021 Hybrid Meeting
  10. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  11. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 51, December 13, 2020
  1. In Memoriam: Koichio Tsuruda (1937-2020)
  2. [NASA] A Rememberance of Koichio Tsuruda by NASA Chief Scientist James Green
  3. Editor Note: New Procedure for Obtaining Email Addresses and Other Contact Information for NASA Personnel
  4. Graduate School in Planetary Science at Brown University
  5. vEGU2021 Session PS3.4: Mars Science and Exploration
  6. Postdoctoral Associate at Lowell Observatory
  7. [NASA] ROSES-20: Correction to Definition of "Early Career" in E.10 SMD Call for COVID Augmentations and Funded Extensions
  8. Poster Walk for EPSP General Contribution Poster Session
  9. MSR Sample Caching Strategy Workshop
  10. Planetary Data Ecosystem Independent Review Board
  11. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  12. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 50, December 6, 2020
  1. Correction: NASA Mars Architecture Strategy Working Group Final Report
  2. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for December 2020
  3. Special issue in Frontiers: Interplanetary Medium Variability as Observed in the New Era of Spacecraft Missions
  4. Royal Astronomical Society (RAS) Specialist Discussion Meeting "Comparative Equatorial Thermosphere-Ionosphere-Magnetosphere Coupling"
  5. vEGU 2021 Call for Abstracts: Volcanism in Planetary Bodies
  6. Life Detection Knowledge Base Workshop
  7. Outer Planets Assessment Group Town Hall at AGU Fall Meeting 2020
  8. OPAG Virtual Meeting
  9. Job Description: Planetary Astronomer
  10. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  11. Postdoctoral Associate at Lowell Observatory
  12. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  13. [PDS] OSIRIS-REx Bennu Release 7
  14. Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 55
  15. Mars Science Laboratory Release 25
  16. Aperiodic PDS Data Releases in 2020.11
  17. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  18. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 49, November 29, 2020
  1. In Memoriam: H. J. Melosh (1947-2020)
  2. NASA Mars Architecture Strategy Working Group Final Report
  3. Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter CRISM MTRDR and TER Release 15
  4. EGU Session PS3.6: Volcanism and Tectonism Accross the Solar System
  5. AGU Town Hall
  6. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  7. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 48, November 22, 2020
  1. In Memoriam: Roger Jay Phillips (1940-2020)
  2. Pierazzo International Student Travel Award Suspended for 2021
  3. [NASA] Planetary Advisory Committee Meeting November 30
  4. [NASA] Independent Review Board for PDE Seeks Input
  5. [NASA] EXOPAG Calling for Nominations to the Executive Committee
  6. EXOPAG Science Interest Group 3 Organizing Tutorial Talks
  7. Planetary Geomorphology at EGU
  8. P/2019 LD2 Observing Campaign Coordination
  9. FIB-SEM Lab Manager Position at the University of Arizona
  10. [NASA] Call for VEXAG Steering Committee Members
  11. Report of the Independent Review Board for Mars Sample Return
  12. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  13. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 47, November 15, 2020
  1. [NASA] Science Mission Directorate Town Hall Meeting November 17, 2020
  2. [NASA] Seeking Volunteer Reviewers in Earth and Space Science
  3. [NASA] Payloads and Research Investigations on the Surface of the Moon (PRISM) Step-2 Due Date Delay
  4. [PDS] Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Data Release 23
  5. New Tool for Small-Bodies Search
  6. HiRISE Digital Terrain Models by Request and at No-Cost for Funded Mars Data Analysis Program Awards
  7. Exoplanet Solar System Synergies Tutorial Talks
  8. Upcoming Planetary Advisory Committee (PAC) Meeting
  9. Application Deadline Approaching for SBAG 24 Early Career Invited Speaker
  10. EGU Session PS5.1: Ice Giant System Exploration
  11. NASA Job Announcement: MSR Deputy Program Director
  12. Bridge to Faculty Program at the University of Illinois at Chicago
  13. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  14. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 46, November 8, 2020
  1. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  2. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for November 2020
  3. AbSciCon Now in 2022
  4. Ph.D. and Postdoc Positions on Exoplanets in Oslo, Norway
  5. [NASA] ROSES-20: FINESST (Soliciting Graduate Student Research)
  6. First Mercury Science and Exploration Newsletter Released
  7. [NASA] ROSES-20: Payloads and Research Investigations on the Surface of the Moon (PRISM)
  8. [NASA] Advance Notice Regarding New Frontiers 5 (NF5) Announcement of Opportunity
  9. [NASA] Fundamental Physics Program Virtual Townhall
  10. [NASA] PDS: JUNO Data Release 13
  11. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  12. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 45, November 1, 2020
  1. JPL Research Scientist II, Planetary and Exoplanetary Atmospheres
  2. IAU Proceedings Volume dedicated to Laboratory Astrophysics
  3. USGS ISIS News
  4. Request for Feedback on ISIS Release Process and Long Term Support
  5. Visiting Assistant Professor Sought
  6. Research Assistant Position Open at the Planetary Science Institute, Colorado Office
  7. Planetary Data Ecosystem Request for Information
  8. Research Opportunities in Space Plasmas at LASP, University of Colorado Boulder
  9. [NASA] ROSES-20 Amendment: COLDTech - Autonomy, Communications, and Radiation-Hard Devices
  10. Brown University Presidential Diversity Postdoctoral Fellowship
  11. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  12. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 44, October 25, 2020
  1. New Discovery about the Moon Announcement
  2. [NASA] Release of Final Text of E.7 Open Source Tools, Libraries, and Frameworks
  3. [NASA] Habitable Worlds Change in Scope
  4. [NASA] Release of Final Text and Due Dates for C.17 Planetary Major Equipment and Facilities - Stand-Alone Proposals
  5. [NASA] Coming Soon: PI Launchpad 2021
  6. [PSD] MRO Derived Gravity Model Data Release
  7. [PSD] MRO SHARAD Delayed EDR, RDR and Missing RDR Data Release
  8. Invitation to Suggest Targets for Microscopic Examination of Mars
  9. Virtual School: Planets, Exoplanets and Their Systems in a Broad and Multidisciplinary Context
  10. DPS Professional Climate and Culture Subcommittee (PCCS) Seeking New Members
  11. Late-Breaking AGU Session on Venus
  12. MS/PhD Positions for Fall 2021
  13. JPL Open Position: Research Scientist, Outer Planet Magnetospheres and Moon Interactions
  14. Post-Doctoral Fellow - Mars 3D Icecap Radar Imaging
  15. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  16. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 43, October 18, 2020
  1. ISP Study Exploratory Workshop
  2. Arecibo Observatory Quarterly Newsletter Now Available
  3. MEPAG VM10 2nd Information Circular
  4. Upcoming Job Announcement - NASA MSFC
  5. We Are Looking for New Book Ideas
  6. Postdoc with MAVEN's Imaging UltraViolet Spectrograph Team
  7. DPS Professional Climate and Culture Subcommittee (PCCS) Seeking New Members
  8. Machine Learning for Science (ML4SCI) Hackathon
  9. Events of Interest During DPS Week (Oct 26-30)
  10. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  11. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 42, October 11, 2020
  1. MEPAG Steering Committee Opening for EDIA Representative
  2. Planetary Science Journal Focus Issue: Ocean Worlds - Motivations for a Multi-Decadal Exploration Program
  3. DPS Professional Climate and Culture Subcommittee (PCCS) Seeking New Members
  4. Looking for DPS members to Connect Virtually with Classrooms and Other Groups in Conjunction with the DPS Meeting this October
  5. Openings on Outer Planets Analysis Group (OPAG) Steering Committee
  6. Weiss Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Position at Rice University
  7. Graduate Student Research Opportunities in Planetary Science at Tulane University
  8. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  9. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 41, October 04, 2020
  1. [NASA] COVID Salary Flexibility Extension for NASA SMD Grants
  2. [NASA] Community Announcement: New Frontiers 5 (NF5) Announcement of Opportunity (AO)
  3. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  4. Farinella Prize 2020 Awarded to Jonathan Fortney and Heather Knutson
  5. GRAM Suite Version 1.1 Released
  6. New Portals for Bennu and Ryugu
  7. Mars: HRSC DTM and Orthoimages of the Syrtis Major Quadrangle
  8. Virtual Proposers' Conference for the Use of the NASA Physical Sciences Informatics System
  9. Expanded Agreement Provides Planet Data to All NASA-Funded Researchers
  10. Postdoctoral Research Position at Washington University in St. Louis
  11. Call for Papers: Advances in Astronomy, Special Issue on "Mars Climate Evolution, Habitability, Astrobiology, and Resources"
  12. TRsearch Fellowships in Space Sciences & Exploration
  13. MEPAG Meeting
  14. MEPAG Steering Committee Opening for an Equity, Diversity, Inclusion & Accessibility (EDIA) Representative
  15. MEPAG Newsletter
  16. SBAG Early Career Opportunities
  17. [PDS] Aperiodic PDS Data Releases in 2020.09
  18. [PDS] Mars InSight Data Release 6
  19. [PDS] Odyssey Data Release 73
  20. DPS Professional Climate and Culture Subcommittee (PCCS) Seeking New Members
  21. The Lunar Surface Innovation Consortium - Virtual Fall Meeting
  22. #DPS2020 Career Center: Advertise Your Job Openings!
  23. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  24. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 40, September 27, 2020
  1. JPL Postdoc in Ocean Worlds Ice Shells
  2. First Meetings of the Decadal Survey Scheduled
  3. Important Notice for NASA PDS Data Users
  4. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  5. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 39, September 20, 2020
  1. [NASA] PDS: Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 43
  2. Machine Learning for Planetary Space Physics (ML4PSP) Series
  3. [NASA] Small Innovative Missions for Planetary Exploration (SIMPLEx) Opportunity Delayed
  4. The DPS Invites Applications to New Fund for Underrepresented Minority Communities in Planetary Science
  5. The Lunar Surface Innovation Consortium - Virtual Fall Meeting
  6. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  7. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 38, September 13, 2020
  1. [NASA] Reminder SWIMS RFI Closing Sept 23 and FAQs Added
  2. [NASA] SMD Seeks Volunteer Reviewers for Research Proposals
  3. [NASA] ROSES-20 Amendment 52: Release of Final Text of Citizen Science Seed Funding Program
  4. [NASA] Planetary Webinar: Dual-Anonymous Peer Review for Habitable Worlds under ROSES-2020
  5. Decadal White Paper on Extended Missions
  6. Decadal Survey White Paper on R&A; Issues and Solutions
  7. International Observe the Moon Night Is September 26th
  8. The Lunar Surface Innovation Consortium - Virtual Fall Meeting
  9. OpenPlanetary Virtual Lunch Talks
  10. JPL Open Position: Research Scientist, Outer Planet Magnetospheres and Moon Interaction
  11. Job Announcement: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Faculty Position in Planetary Science
  12. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  13. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 37, September 6, 2020
  1. Exoplanet-Solar System Synergy Tutorial Talk
  2. [NASA] Aperiodic PDS Data Releases in 2020.08
  3. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  4. [NASA] PDS: Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 54
  5. White Papers on DEIA Topics for the 2013-2022 Planetary Science Decadal Survey
  6. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for September 2020
  7. Job Announcement: Assistant Professor, Oklahoma State University
  8. NASA Infrared Telescope Facility Observing Proposals
  9. HiRISE Digital Terrain Models By-Request and at No-Cost for Funded Mars Data Analysis Program Awards
  10. Job Announcement: University of Oklahoma, Postdoctoral Researcher
  11. The Lunar Surface Innovation Consortium - Virtual Fall Meeting
  12. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  13. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 36, August 30, 2020
  1. In Memoriam: Nadine G. Barlow
  2. [NASA] PDS: OSIRIS-REx Bennu Release 6
  3. Openings on Outer Planets Analysis Group (OPAG) Steering Committee
  4. [NASA] Mission Science Team Meeting Opportunities for Early Career Scientists
  5. [NASA] Planetary Data Ecosystem (PDE) Independent Review Board (IRB) Self-Nomination Closing on or about September 7
  6. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  7. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Commercial Announcements:
  1. Saturn's Moon Titan: Owners' Workshop Manual by Ralph Lorenz

Issue 35, August 23, 2020
  1. [NASA] RFI: Information on the Planetary Data Ecosystem Released
  2. [NASA] Artemis Science White Papers Due September 8, 2020
  3. Announcing the Exoplanet Solar System (ExoSS) Tutorial Talk Series
  4. LSST Solar System Science Collaboration
  5. Indication of Interest: Decadal White Paper on the Value of Extended Missions
  6. GAC-MAC London 2021: Call for Proposals Due September 15
  7. Postdoctoral Opportunities with the SMA
  8. Postdoctoral Position in Data Visualization for Planetary and Space Sciences
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  10. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 34, August 16, 2020
  1. [NASA] PDS: OSIRIS-REx Bennu Release 5c
  2. [NASA] ROSES-20: Revised Text and Delay of Due Date for Planetary Science Early Career Award Program
  3. Submissions Open for The Art of Planetary Science 2020: A Virtual Odyssey
  4. [NASA] PDS: Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Data Release 22
  5. Invitation to Webinar Featuring Lennard Fisk: Voyagers 1 and 2 - Where Are We Now?
  6. AAS Videos on Teaching On-Line
  7. [NASA] Due Date Reminder & Final FAQs for SMD's Augmentations and Funded Extensions - Expression of Interest
  8. [NASA] Planetary Data Ecosystem Volunteer Opportunity: Self Nominations Welcome
  9. [NASA] PAC Meeting Next Week
  10. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  11. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
Issue 33, August 9, 2020
  1. Planetart Geomorphology Image of the Month
  2. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for August 2020
  3. Decadal Survey White Paper on the Saturn Ring Skimmer Mission Concept
  4. [NASA] FAQs for SMD's Augmentations and Funded Extensions - Expression of Interest
  5. Call for Papers to a Focus Issue in the Planetary Science Journal Dedicated to Papers Highlighting Landed Lunar Mission Concepts and High-Priority Landing Sites
  6. Attend the DPS Meeting This Year
  7. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  8. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 32, August 2, 2020
  1. [NASA] Expression of Interest (EOI): SMD Call for Augmentations and Funded Extensions
  2. [NASA] PDS: Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter CRISM MTRDR and TER Release 14
  3. [NASA] PDS: Mars Science Laboratory Release 24
  4. [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic PDS Data Releases in 2020.07
  5. Mars 2020 Jezero Crater Landing Site Products
  6. Planetary Science Education Session at GSA This Fall
  7. Upcoming OPAG Virtual Meeting
  8. Invitation to Free Interstellar Probe Webinar
  9. Venus Science Today - A Mini-Zoom Conference
  10. Crafting Life Detection Science: NfoLD Webinar Series and Virtual Workshop
  11. Postdoctoral Research Position at the University of Oslo, Norway
  12. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowship - Application Deadline November 1, 2020
  13. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  14. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 31, July 26, 2020
  1. In Memorium: Mike Mishchenko (1959-2020)
  2. New Free Resource Guide on "Black Lives in Astronomy"
  3. Arecibo Observatory Town Hall
  4. [NASA] ROSES-20: Payloads and Research Investigations on the Surface of the Moon (PRISM)
  5. [NASA] PDS: Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter New Diviner PCP Product
  6. [NASA] PDS: JUNO Data Release 12
  7. [NASA] PDS: OSIRIS-REx Bennu Release 5b
  8. 2019 Venera-D Workshop Report Released/2020 Venera-D Workshop Update
  9. Universe is Soliciting White Papers Expanded Into Review Papers
  10. AGU Session EP016: Extraterrestrial Surface Processes Under Alien Boundary Conditions
  11. AGU Session P019: In Situ Science and Instrumentation for the Exploration of Europa and Ocean Worlds
  12. AGU Session P023: Mercury - From MESSENGER to BepiColombo
  13. AGU Session P029: Planetary Atmospheres and Evolution
  14. AGU Session P039: Surface Processes on Active Icy Worlds
  15. AGU Session P044: The Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy
  16. Present Planetary Research at GSA 2020 Online
  17. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  18. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 30, July 19, 2020
  1. AGU Session P002: Aquaplanetology - Aqueous Environments and Habitability in the Solar System
  2. AGU Session P008: Comparative Planetology - Large Planetesimals and Dwarf Planets Throughout the Solar System
  3. AGU Session P012: Enceladus - A Habitable World Beckons
  4. AGU Session P021: Machine Learning for Planetary Science
  5. AGU Session P022: Mars Climate and Even More Water - Late Hesperian to Amazonian Surface and Ground Water Features on Mars
  6. AGU Session P037: Small Bodies - Physical Properties and Regolith Behaviors Under Microgravity
  7. AGU Session SH011: Interstellar Probe - Pushing the Boundaries of Space Exploration
  8. AGU Session SM017: Magnetospheres in the Outer Solar System
  9. 51 Pegasus b Fellowship in Planetary Astronomy
  10. White Paper on Plasma and Magnetic Instruments in Small Body Missions
  11. Physical Scientist term position at USGS Astrogeology
  12. Next SBAG Meeting
  13. [NASA] Lunar Surface Technology Research Opportunities Solicitation Released
  14. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  15. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 29, July 12, 2020
  1. [NASA] ROSES-20: Planetary Science and Technology Through Analog Research (PSTAR) Not Solicited this Year
  2. [NASA] ROSES-20: Habitable Worlds not Solicited in ROSES-2021
  3. AGU Session DI001: Accretion and Differentiation of Rocky Planets - Perspectives From Geophysics, Geochemistry, and Astronomy
  4. AGU Session EP012: Earth and Planetary Surface Processes General Contributions
  5. AGU Session P006: Carbon Across the Solar System on the Eve of Returning Asteroid Samples
  6. AGU Session P018: Ice and Ocean Worlds
  7. AGU Session P020: Looking Ahead to the Future of Planetary Science
  8. AGU Session P023: Mercury - From MESSENGER to BepiColombo
  9. AGU Session P024: Micro to Macro Infrared Spectroscopy - Laboratory, Field, and Remote Observations
  10. AGU Session P027: Next Generation Planetary Geodesy
  11. AGU Session P032: Preparing for the Next Venus Missions
  12. AGU Session P040: The Future of Planetary Atmospheric, Surface, and Interior Science Using Radio and Laser Links
  13. AGU Session P042: The New Mars Underground (and Beyond) 3.0
  14. AGU Session P048: Unraveling Mysteries About Bodies in Our Solar System and Beyond Through Laboratory Experiments
  15. AGU Session SM022: Moon-Plasma Interactions Throughout the Solar System
  16. DPS 2020: Virtual Meeting
  17. MEPAG VM9 Materials Now Available and Decadal Survey White Paper Update
  18. Decadal Survey White Paper on the Case for Landed Mercury Science
  19. White Paper on Sampling Plume Deposits on Enceladus' Surface
  20. White Paper on Exogeoscience and the Need for Interdisciplinary Engagement in Exoplanetary Science
  21. Postdoctoral Researcher in Planetary Magnetospheric Physics
  22. Ph.D. Position, Exomoons, Leiden Observatory/Delft University of Technology
  23. New Comics About Seismology
  24. World View: A High Altitude Stratospheric Ballooning Company
  25. Arecibo Observatory Quarterly Newsletter Now Available
  26. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  27. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 28, July 5, 2020
  1. AGU Fall Meeting Session: Titan - Past, Present and Future Investigations of Saturn's Giant Moon
  2. AGU Fall Meeting Session: Concepts for Future Planetary Science Missions and Instruments (e-lightning)
  3. AGU Fall Meeting Session: Magnetospheres in the Inner Solar System
  4. Call for Peer Review Panelists: NASA MUREP INCLUDES Planning Grant
  5. [NASA] ROSES-20: XRISM Guest Scientist Program Deferred to 2021
  6. [NASA] PDS: Aperiodic PDS Data Releases in 2020.06
  7. White Paper on Triton as a Compelling Destination for Exploration
  8. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  9. [NASA] Science Virtual Community Town Hall July 9
  10. [NASA] ROSES-20: Release of Draft Text of Citizen Science Seed Funding Program for Community Comment
  11. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for July 2020
  12. [NASA] Assistant Deputy Associate Administrator for Research Job Announcement
  13. [NASA] Program Scientist Job Announcements in Astrophysics, Heliophysics Divisions and the Exploration Science Strategy and Integration Office
  14. [NASA] PDS: Mars InSight Data Release 5
  15. [NASA] PDS: Odyssey Data Release 72
  16. [NASA] ROSES-20: Final Text Released for D.16 "Astrophysics Pioneers" Soliciting Astrophysics Space and Suborbital Science Investigations
  17. Postdoctoral Researcher in Planetary Magnetospheric Physics
  18. Postdoctoral Researcher in Asteroid Ceres Evolution at NISER, India
  19. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  20. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 27, June 28, 2020
  1. Titan Decadal Survey Whitepapers Open for Endorsers
  2. White Paper on Uranian Moons/Mag/Rings New Frontiers Mission Concept
  3. DPS Education and Outreach Grants
  4. Fall AGU Virtual Meeting, Abstract Submissions Open
  5. Postdoctoral Researcher in Planetary Magnetospheric Physics
  6. [NASA] Planetary Science Reminder Regarding Letter of Resource Support for Facilities
  7. [NASA] 2020 Guidebook for Proposers Applies to ROSES After September 25, 2020
  8. [NASA] ROSES: DART Participating Scientist Program Final Text Released
  9. [NASA] ROSES: Clarification of E.4 Habitable Worlds
  10. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  11. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 26, June 21, 2020
  1. Editorial: Building a New Generation of Reviewers - A Response
  2. [NASA] ROSES-20: New Frontiers Data Analysis Delay of Due Dates
  3. [NASA] PDS: Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 42
  4. Introducing the Titan Community Mailing List (Titan-L)
  5. OPAG White Paper Information
  6. OPAG Virtual Meeting
  7. Virtual Didymos Observers Workshop
  8. EPSC Session MITM17: Polarimetry as a Tool for Characterizing Dust Particles - Observations, Modeling, and Laboratory Data
  9. The GSA Planetary Geology Division is Receiving Nominations for the Ronald Greeley Award
  10. PDS Data Services and User Study
  11. Postdoctoral Researcher in Planetary Magnetospheric Physics
  12. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  13. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 25, June 14, 2020
  1. EPSC2020 Session ODAA1: Diversity and Inclusiveness in Planetary Sciences
  2. EPSC2020 Session SB5: Observing and Modelling Meteors in Planetary Atmospheres
  3. EPSC2020 Session SB11: Physical Properties of Small Bodies: Observations and Techniques
  4. EPSC2020 Session OPS3: "Planet" Titan
  5. EPSC2020 Session SB7: Space Missions to Small Bodies - Planetary Defense
  6. EPSC2020 Session SB3: Comets, Centaurs, Trans-Neptunian and Interstellar Objects
  7. GRAM Suite Version 1.0 Released
  8. ESA Project Scientist Position for Mars Sample Return Mission
  9. Faculty Positions at National Institute of Science Education and Research (NISER), Bhubaneswar, India
  10. White Papers Deadline Extended
  11. Planetary and Astrobiology Blank Papers: White Papers Cancelled or Downscaled Due to Direct Impact of COVID-19 and National-Scale Civil Action
  12. White Paper regarding RPIFs and the Planetary Data Ecosystem
  13. Postdoctoral Researcher in Planetary Magnetospheric Physics
  14. Building a New Generation of Reviewers
  15. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  16. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 24, June 7, 2020
  1. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  2. EPSC2020 Session EXO3: From Protoplanetary Disks to Small Bodies, Planets and their Atmospheres
  3. EPSC2020 Session EXO4: Exoplanet Observations, Modelling and Experiments, Characterization of their Atmospheres
  4. EPSC2020 Session OPS5: Environments of Outer-Planet Moons - Particles, Plasma, Fields and Dust
  5. [NASA] ROSES-20: Delay of Step-2 Proposal Due Dates for Several Programs in Planetary Science
  6. NASA Network for Ocean Worlds Quarterly Lecture Series
  7. Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 53
  8. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for June 2020
  9. Postdoc Position in Planetary Seismology
  10. Map of Every Mars Landing Attempt, Ever
  11. Positions Open on the LEAG Executive Committee
  12. Ice Giant White Paper
  13. Postdoctoral Researcher in Planetary Magnetospheric Physics
  14. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  15. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 23, May 31, 2020
  1. [NASA] Releases the New Science Plan: Science 2020-2024: A Vision for Scientific Excellence
  2. MEPAG Community Resources for Sharing Decadal Survey White Papers
  3. Spatial Data White Paper
  4. Aperiodic PDS Data Releases in 2020.05
  5. OSIRIS-REx Bennu Release 5
  6. EPSC Session TP7: Ionospheres of Unmagnetized or Weakly Magnetized Bodies
  7. Lunar and Small Bodies Graduate Conference Announcement
  8. JPL Open Position: Research Scientist, Astrobiology and Ocean Worlds
  9. JPL Open Position: Research Scientist, Planetary Interiors and Geophysics
  10. Postdoctoral Researcher in Planetary Magnetospheric Physics
  11. Postdoc Position in Planetary Seismology
  12. Ph.D. Student in Planetary Science At CRPG Nancy, France
  13. GSA Planetary Geology Division Student Advisor Open Position
  14. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 22, May 24, 2020
  1. NExSS NPMP Opportunity
  2. [NASA] ROSES: Changes to C.18 Early Career Fellowship Start-Up Program
  3. 2020 Annual Meeting of Planetary Geologic Mappers
  4. [NASA] ROSES-2020 Clarification Regarding Acronyms
  5. JPL Open Position: Research Scientist, Planetary Interiors and Geophysics
  6. JPL Open Position: Research Scientist, Astrobiology and Ocean Worlds
  7. Postdoctoral Researcher in Planetary Magnetospheric Physics
  8. Preventing Harassment in Science Workshop - Rescheduled and Going Virtual
  9. Laboratory Astrophysics Division Virtual Meeting
  10. OpenPlanetary Virtual Conference (OPvCon)
  11. NASA Science Virtual Community Town Hall Meeting
  12. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  13. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 21, May 17, 2020
  1. Small Bodies Assessment Group (SBAG) Community Survey for Decadal Report
  2. ROSES-20: C.22 Radioisotope Power Systems Not Solicited
  3. JPL Open Position: Research Scientist, Planetary Interiors and Geophysics
  4. Postdoctoral Researcher in Planetary Magnetospheric Physics
  5. USGS Astrogeology Cartographic Technician (Term GS-07/08, FPL GS-09)
  6. JPL Open Position: Research Scientist, Astrobiology and Ocean Worlds
  7. Joint LEAG/SSERVI Meeting
  8. Women in Planetary Science Blog Post
  9. Ph.D. Student in Space Physics for Studies of Space Plasmas
  10. Outer Planet Moon-Magnetosphere Interaction Workshop
  11. Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Data Release 21
  12. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  13. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 20, May 10, 2020
  1. [NASA] PDS: Odyssey Data Release 71
  2. Update: 2020 In Situ Science and Instrumentation Workshop for the Exploration of Europa and Ocean Worlds
  3. Planetary Missions Concept Studies Announcement
  4. New Mercury Exploration Assessment Group (MExAG) - Call for Steering Committee Nominations
  5. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for May 2020
  6. Small Bodies Assessment Group (SBAG) Community Survey for Decadal Report
  7. Postdoctoral or Guest Scientist Positions in Space Physics
  8. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 19, May 3, 2020
  1. The 6th International Planetary Dunes Workshop Goes Virtual
  2. Instrument Scientist at NASA GSFC
  3. Update for Astrobiology2020
  4. Writing White Papers for the Decadal Survey on Planetary Science and Astrobiology: Webinar for Early Career Professionals
  5. NASA Planetary Data System (PDS) Annual Customer Satisfaction Survey 2020 Extended Due To Pandemic
  6. Seeking Subject-Matter Experts for Space Apps COVID-19 Challenge
  7. 4th COSPAR Meeting on Refining Planetary Protection Requirements for Human Missions to Mars
  8. [NASA] Research Announcement (NRA): Early Stage Innovations Appendix
  9. Virtual Meeting on Current Results of the InSight Mission
  10. [NASA] Aperiodic PDS Data Releases in 2020.04
  11. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  12. Python in Planetary Science Survey Results
  13. Research Scientist II at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (1/2)
  14. Research Scientist II at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (2/2)
  15. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers
  16. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 18, April 26, 2020
  1. World View NASA Earth Venture Mission 3 Announcement
  2. Lecturer of Astronomy at Northern Arizona University
  3. Small Bodies Assessment Group (SBAG) Steering Committee Positions Open
  4. Research Scientist II at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (1/2)
  5. Research Scientist II at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (2/2)
  6. [ESA] PSA: ExoMars 2016 SPICE Kernels Archive Release
  7. Large Interferometer For Exoplanets (LIFE) Virtual Mini Workshop
  8. Exoplanets: The Nexus of Astronomy and Geoscience
  9. The 2020 Planetary Science Workforce Survey
  10. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  11. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 17, April 19, 2020
  1. [NASA] PDS: MRO SHARAD Backlogged RDR Dataset Release, 47-49
  2. Planetary Exploration Budget Dataset Release
  3. Extended Deadline for Session Proposals, Workshops, Town Halls, AGU Fall Meeting
  4. OpenPlanetary Virtual Conference
  5. Save the Date - TESS Science Conference II
  6. SSfA Summer School
  7. Research Scientist II at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory
  8. Planetary Slides and Reports Available
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
  10. Planetary Science Journal - New Papers

Issue 16, April 12, 2020
  1. TOE3 Conference: From Solar System to Exoplanets, Postponed
  2. Committee Opportunity Available: Mars Sample Return Science Planning Group Phase 2
  3. [NASA] SMD Seeks Earth and Space Science Volunteer Reviewers
  4. [NASA] ROSES-20: Interdisciplinary Science for Eclipse Not Solicited
  5. [NASA] ROSES-20: C.16 Due Dates Delayed for Laboratory Analysis of Returned Samples
  6. [NASA] ROSES-20: B.5 Living With a Star Science Final Text
  7. [NASA] PDS: JUNO Data Release 11
  8. [NASA] RFI: Payloads and Research Investigations on the Surface of the Moon Released
  9. Postdoctoral Fellow Position at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory
  10. Research Scientist II at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory
  11. Join the International Space Weather Action Team
  12. Call for Papers: Landed Lunar Mission Concepts and High-Priority Landing Sites
  13. Open Position at NASA Ames: Director of Science
  14. VEXAG Meeting #18
  15. Decadal Survey Now Accepting Whitepapers and Nominations
  16. Important Announcements for the MEPAG 38 Meeting
  17. 2020 NASA Planetary Science Summer School Applications Closing
  18. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 15, April 5, 2020
  1. Mercury 2020 Meeting Changed to Mercury 2021 Meeting
  2. [NASA] ROSES-2019: Delay of Step-2 Proposal Due Date for C.23 Interdisciplinary Consortia for Astrobiology Research (ICAR)
  3. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for April 2020
  4. ESA Announcement of Opportunity for Mars 2020 Returned Sample Science Participating Scientists
  5. [NASA] Frequently Asked Questions about Grants and Research During the COVID-19 Epidemic
  6. Official 2020 MEPAG Goals Document Now Finalized and Available
  7. Aperiodic PDS Data Releases in 2020.03
  8. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  9. USGS Astrogeology Community Survey Still Open - We Want to Hear from You
  10. [NASA] PDS: Mars InSight Data Release 4
  11. [NASA] PDS: Odyssey Data Release 71
  12. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowship - Application Deadline July 1, 2020
  13. Arecibo Observatory Quarterly Newsletter Available
  14. Research Scientist II at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory
  15. 2020 NASA Planetary Science Summer School (PSSS) Applications Due April 13, 2020
  16. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 14, March 29, 2020
  1. In Memoriam: William Cassidy
  2. [NASA] COVID-19 Community Update from Dr. Thomas Zurbuchen
  3. [NASA] NASA Science Division Updates to the Community
  4. [NASA] Upcoming NASA SMD Job Announcement: Senior Program Executive for Scientific Data & Computing (AST, Technical Management)
  5. Canceling the Planetary Science Informatics and Data Analytics Conference (PSIDA)
  6. Cancellation of NASA Astrobiology Summer School 2020
  7. Canceling the 2020 SPICE Training Class At ESAC/ESA
  8. 2020B NASA Infrared Telescope Facility Observing CallL For Proposals
  9. JWST Cycle 1 Proposal Deadline Delayed
  10. EPSC Session: Exoplanet Observations, Modeling, and Experiments
  11. EPSC Session: Interstellar Probe - Pushing the Boundaries of Space Science
  12. EPSC Session MITM17: Polarimetry as a Tool for Characterizing Dust Particles - Observations, Modeling, and Laboratory Data
  13. Astrobiology 2020: A Research Meeting of IAU Commission F3
  14. MUAN Workshop2020: Upper Atmospheres and Ionospheres in the Inner Solar System
  15. NEOWISE 2020 Data Release Available
  16. American Physical Society Recruits CEO
  17. Solar System Exploration Postdoc at Johns Hopkins University
  18. Postdoctoral Fellow Position at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory
  19. Post-doctoral Position at the National Research Council in Italy
  20. Emirates Mars Mission Postdoctoral Research Fellowships
  21. NASA Planetary Data System (PDS) Annual Customer Satisfaction Survey 2020
  22. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 13, March 23, 2020
  1. SPECIAL EDITION: Planetary Science Journal

Issue 12, March 22, 2020
  1. In Memoriam: Adam Showman (1968-2020)
  2. [NASA] ROSES: Various Due Dates Postponed
  3. [NASA] ROSES: XRP Step 1 is Now NOI
  4. Canceling the 2020 Annual Meeting of Planetary Geologic Mappers
  5. EPSC Session: Ice Giant System Science and Exploration
  6. EPSC Session: Radio and Optical Science Instrumentation and Techniques for Solar System Studies
  7. [NASA] PDS: Mars Science Laboratory Release 23
  8. OpenPlanetary Virtual Lunch Talks
  9. March 19 Deadline for White Paper Topic Ideas for Advertisement and Discussion at MEPAG Meeting 38
  10. USGS Astrogeology Community Survey
  11. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for Mid Month - March, 2020
  12. Postdoctoral Scholar Position at Northern Arizona University
  13. NASA Planetary Data System (PDS) Annual Customer Satisfaction Survey 2020
  14. Postdoc Opportunity in Ocean World Seismology at Jet Propulsion Laboratory
  15. 2020 NASA Planetary Science Summer School Applications Due Date Extended to April 13, 2020
  16. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 11, March 15, 2020
  1. Asteroids, Comets, Meteors Conference - Cancelled
  2. Bill Feldman Science Symposium - Postponed
  3. MEPAG Meeting 38 (April 15-17) to be Fully Virtual
  4. From Solar System to Exoplanets (TOEIII) - Early Registration + COVID-19
  5. [NASA] SMD Virtual Town Hall Meeting Re: FY 2021 Budget
  6. 2020 NASA Planetary Science Summer School Applications Due March 30
  7. Postdoc Opportunity in Planetary Geosciecne at Jet Propulsion Laboratory
  8. The Planetary CubeSats/SmallSats Symposium
  9. FDL 2020 Summer Research Opportunity at NASA in Silicon Valley: Call for Applicants
  10. Request for Information on the Astrobiology Research Coordination Network - Early Cells to Multicellularity (ECM)
  11. EPSC 2020 Session: Environments of Outer-Planet Moons - Particles, Plasma, Fields and Dust
  12. Postdoctoral Scholar Position at Northern Arizona University
  13. Research Associate in Data Science and Scientific Programming
  14. Postdoctoral or Guest Researcher Position in Space Weather
  15. Postdoctoral Researcher in Planetary Magnetospheric Physics
  16. Postbaccalaureate Positions in Instrument Modeling, Atmospheric Modeling, and Laboratory Studies with the NASA Sellers Exoplanet Environments Collaboration (SEEC)
  17. SSERVI Virtual Workshop on Lunar Volatiles and Solar System Science, April 21-22, 2020
  18. [NASA] ROSES-20: Mars Organic Molecule Analyser Participating Scientists Program Not Solicited
  19. OpenPlanetary Virtual Lunch Talks
  20. Virtual LPSC/LPSC Presentations/Early Career Job Searchers
  21. [NASA] PDS: Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 41
  22. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 10, March 8, 2020
  1. LPSC 51 Cancelled
  2. LPSC 51: E-Posters and Abstracts
  3. MEPAG Virtual Meeting #8 Presentations Are Now Online
  4. Decision About April MEPAG Meeting Plans to Be Made by March 13
  5. SBAG Early Career Opportunities
  6. Laboratory Astrophysics Division Meeting Abstract Deadline
  7. 2020B NASA Infrared Telescope Facility Observing Call for Proposals
  8. Nominate Your Colleagues for DPS Prizes
  9. Submitting a Call for Papers for a Focus Issue in PSJ
  10. Ph.D. Students in Space Physics for Studies of Mars and Comets
  11. Postdoctoral Scholar Position at Northern Arizona University in Planetary Science
  12. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  13. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 9, March 1, 2020
  1. [NASA] ROSES-20 Amendment 2: Science Activation Program Integration Final Text and Due Dates
  2. Updated Eligibility Criteria for MEPAG Early Career Travel Grant
  3. [NASA] R&A; Proposal Writing Workshop at LPSC March 15
  4. Preventing Harassment in Science: Building a Community of Practice Toward Meaningful Change Workshop
  5. [NASA] Program Scientists in the Planetary Science Division
  6. 2020 International Summer School in Astrobiology: Searching for Life on Mars - Techniques and Challenges
  7. [NASA] PDS: OSIRIS-REx Bennu Release 4
  8. Job Opening at The Planetary Society
  9. Outer Planet Moon-Magnetosphere Interaction Workshop
  10. [NASA] ROSES-20 Amendment 3: C.2 Emerging Worlds and C.3 Solar System Workings Change in Scope Regarding Lunar Materials
  11. [NASA] Extended Call for Abstracts for the 71st International Astronautical Congress
  12. Subsurface Needs for Ocean Worlds
  13. [NASA] PDS: Apollo 15/17 Heat Flow Experiment Concatenated Datasets
  14. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for March, 2020
  15. PDS Booth at LPSC 2020
  16. Postdoctoral Position in Space Physics
  17. [NASA] Dual-Anonymous Peer Review Virtual Town Hall
  18. Microsymposium 61 Planets Underground: New Date/Schedule
  19. 2020 NASA Planetary Science Summer School Applications Open
  20. Postdoctoral Scholar Position at Northern Arizona University
  21. [NASA] PDS: Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 52
  22. [NASA] PDS: Restored Apollo 17 SEP Bundle Release
  23. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 8, February 23, 2020
  1. COSPAR 2020: Call for abstracts in the Planetary Protection Sessions
  2. COSPAR Session PPP.1: Planetary Protection Policy
  3. COSPAR Session PPP.2: Planetary Protection Mission Implementation and Status
  4. COSPAR Session PPP.3: Planetary Protection Research and Development
  5. Postdoctoral Research Position at the Lunar and Planetary Institute in Planetary Radar
  6. [NASA] Dual-Anonymous Peer Review Virtual Town Hall - March 3, 2020
  7. [NASA] PDS: MRO SHARAD RDRs for Releases 36-47
  8. [NASA] PDS: Mercury MESSENGER Derived Gravity Model
  9. 2020 Astrobiology Graduate Conference
  10. Technical Assistant in Photogrammetry for Martian Geomorphology
  11. Stars and Planets in the Ultraviolet: A Cross-Community Symposium
  12. MER Data Catalog Survey
  13. ISIS Request For Comment 5 Posted
  14. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 7, February 16, 2020
  1. [NASA] Release of Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Science (ROSES) 2020 NRA by the Science Mission Directorate
  2. [NASA] Dual-Anonymous Peer Review Virtual Town Hall
  3. [NASA] PDS: GBRA Data Release
  4. [NASA] PDS: Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Data Release 20
  5. MER Data Catalog Survey
  6. Post-Doctoral Position at the CNR in Italy
  7. Summer School for Software Systems for Astronomy - Package for International Students
  8. Introduction to Planetary Image Analysis with ArcGIS
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 6, February 9, 2020
  1. Multi-Scale (Time and Mass) Dynamics of Space Objects
  2. Community Feedback on Draft MEPAG Goals Document Welcomed Via Telecon
  3. Ph.D. Position on Modeling and Observation of Rock-Rich Planetary Surfaces
  4. Second Pre-proposal Teleconference: NASA Fellowship Activity 2020
  5. [NASA] Announcement for Planetary Science Advisory Committee Nominations
  6. Titan Through Time V Workshop Registration is Now Open
  7. MEPAG 8VM - 2nd Information Circular
  8. [NASA] Release of NASA Space Technology Mission Directorate - Early Career Faculty
  9. Third Announcement - Towards Other Earth III: From Solar System to Exoplanets
  10. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for February, 2020
  11. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 5, February 2, 2020
  1. AAS Call for Information: Publication Policy and General Codes of Conduct for Consortia and Mission Teams
  2. Job Opportunity: Planetary Science Public Engagement at NASA GSFC
  3. COSPAR Session B0.4: Technologies for Planetary Research
  4. COSPAR Session B5.3: Ocean Worlds - Europa, Enceladus, Titan, and Beyond
  5. COSPAR Session B5.4: Ice Giant Systems
  6. Goldschmidt Session 14g: Weathering - Long-Term Terrestrial Climate Change, Modern Quantification, and Implications for Extraterrestrial Environments
  7. Goldschmidt Session 1B: From Abiotic to Biotic - Exploring the Possible (Bio)Geochemistry of a Habitable Mars
  8. Cycle 1 Call for Proposals for the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST)
  9. Postdoc Position in Planetary Science at Caltech
  10. [NASA] Draft of SpaceTech-REDDI-2020 Appendix F1: Tech Flights Released
  11. National Academies' Planetary Science and Astrobiology Decadal Survey: Statement of Task
  12. Early Career Professionals and the Planetary Science and Astrobiology Decadal Survey
  13. Planetary Science and Astrobiology Decadal Survey Town Hall
  14. Planetary Defense Inputs for the Decadal Survey: An Opportunity for the Planetary Defense Community to Help Protect the Future
  15. 8th Virtual MEPAG Meeting (VM8)
  16. Public Lectures on New Developments in Astronomy on YouTube
  17. Nominations Open for ASP Education Awards
  18. Free Resource Guides for Astronomy Education
  19. Big Picture Science Radio Show
  20. Ph.D. or M.S. Opportunity in Climate Resilience
  21. Postdoctoral Scholar Position at Northern Arizona University in Planetary Science
  22. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  23. Hera Workshop
  24. [NASA] Open Position at NASA Headquarters: Mars Sample Return Program Director, Science Mission Directorate
  25. MER Data Catalog Survey
  26. OPAG: Agenda for the February 2020 Meeting Now Available
  27. NASA Planetary Data System (PDS) Data Release Calendar 2020 Now Posted
  28. Workshop: Observatory for the Outer Heliosphere, Heliosheath, and Interstellar Space
  29. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Commercial Announcements:
  1. Book: Astronomy

Issue 4, January 26, 2020
  1. [NASA] Seeking Earth and Space Science Volunteer Reviewers
  2. Icarus News: Reduced Open Access Fees
  3. Planetary Protection Sessions at the COSPAR 2020 General Assembly: Call for Abstracts
  4. COSPAR 2020 Session 20-F3.6: Climate and Astrobiological Potential of Icy Deposits on Mars
  5. AOGS2020 Session PS-09: Planetary Data in the Big Data Era - Archives, Tools, and International Collaborations
  6. JPGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020 Session P-AE22: Exoplanets
  7. Microsymposium 61 Planets Underground: The Next Frontier in Planetary Exploration
  8. Informational Webinar on Mars 2020 / SuperCam
  9. LEAG Virtual Meeting
  10. Kaguya GRS Data Release
  11. MEPAG Service Announcement: Director of the Mars Sample Return Campaign Senior Executive Service Opportunity
  12. Post-Doc on Asteroid/Comet Observations at the University of Edinburgh
  13. Research Scientist (Assistant, Associate or Full) Senior Fellow - Space Sciences Laboratory
  14. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 3, January 19, 2020
  1. COSPAR 2020 Session 20-B1.3: Results from the Exploration of the Kuiper Belt by NASA's New Horizons Mission
  2. COSPAR 2020 Session B4.4: Venus Science and Exploration
  3. [NASA] ROSES-19: New Mandatory NOI Date and Documents for Mars 2020 Participating Scientist Program
  4. [NASA] Call for Abstracts for the 71st International Astronautical Congress
  5. AOGS 2020 Session PS11: Geology, Geophysics, and Habitability in Our Solar System
  6. [NASA] Mars Sample Return Program Director Job Announcement
  7. [NASA] Funded NPP Opportunity at MSFC
  8. Geological Society of America Session Proposals Due February 1, 2020
  9. 2020 MEPAG Goals Document Draft is now Available for Community Comments - Feedback Due by February 14
  10. Register Today for the 2020 Humans to Mars Summit
  11. [NASA] ROSES-19: Step-1 Due Date Delay for E.5 Applied Information Systems Research
  12. Seeking NASA-Funded Mentors for Summer Undergraduate Program in Planetary Research (SUPPR)
  13. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Commercial Announcements:
  1. Book: Remote Compositional Analysis
  2. Book: Meteoroids

Issue 2, January 12, 2020
  1. AOGS 2020 Session PS03: To the Moon to Stay - The Artemis Era
  2. AOGS 2020 Session PS09: Planetary Data in the Big Data Era - Archives, Tools, and International Collaborations
  3. AOGS 2020 Session PS12: From the Solar System Origin to the Planetary System Bodies
  4. AOGS 2020 Session PS13: Polarization in the Solar System and Beyond 5. EGU 2020 Session PS4.2: Mars Science and Exploration
  5. EGU 2020 Session PS4.2: Mars Science and Exploration
  6. COSPAR 2020 Session 20-B4.1: Mars Science Results
  7. Lloyd V. Berkner Space Policy Internships 2020
  8. [NASA] Pre-Proposal Webinar for the Space Grant Artemis Student Challenges Opportunity
  9. 2020 CIDER Summer Program
  10. National Academies' Planetary Science and Astrobiology Decadal Survey: Statement of Task
  11. [NASA] Pre-Proposal Teleconference: NASA Fellowship Activity 2020
  12. MEPAG Meeting 38: April 15-17, 2020
  13. [NASA] PDS: Mars InSight Data Release 3 Correction
  14. AbGradEPEC 2020 Announcement and Abstract Deadline
  15. Pellas-Ryder Award Nominations for Best Student Paper in Planetary Sciences Due January 31
  16. [NASA] Announcement for Planetary Science Advisory Committee Nominations
  17. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for January 2020
  18. Summer Exploration Internship Program
  19. The Small Bodies Node Users Group (the SmUG)
  20. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 1, January 5, 2020
  1. [NASA] PDS: Odyssey Data Release 70
  2. [NASA] PDS: Mars InSight Data Release 3
  3. NSRC-2020 Suborbital Researchers Meeting Announcement and Abstract Deadline
  4. Postdoc Fellowship Position in Beijing, China
  5. Postdoc in Modeling Plasma Environment of Exoplanets
  6. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  7. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Table of Contents: Volume 13, 2019

Issue 56, December 29, 2019
  1. In Memoriam: Tom Slanger (1935-2019)
  2. [NASA] Call for Proposals - NASA Fellowship Activity 2020
  3. XVIth Rencontres du Vietnam: Planetary Science, The Young Solar System
  4. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 55, December 22, 2019
  1. Congratulations Pierazzo International Student Travel Award Winners
  2. Registration Now Open for 2020 In Situ Science and Instrumentation Workshop for the Exploration of Europa and Ocean Worlds
  3. EGU 2020 Session GM11.1/PS4: Planetary Geomorphology
  4. EGU 2020 Session GM2.2: Landform Mapping - Recent Advances in Data Collection and Mapping Approaches
  5. EGU 2020 Session: Fluids and Melts at Extreme Conditions
  6. Ph.D. Opportunity
  7. BAHFest Science-Themed Comedy Event Looking for Submissions
  8. [NASA] PDS: New Horizons Data Release 2
  9. [NASA] PDS: JUNO Data Release 10
  10. Processing of Amino Acids from Ice Radiation Experiments at GSFC/NASA
  11. OPAG Poster Session
  12. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 54, December 15, 2019
  1. [NASA] ROSES: Due Date Delay for Gravity/Radio Science Team Co-Investigators for the Europa Clipper Mission
  2. [NASA] ROSES: New Opportunity - Mars 2020 Participating Scientist Program
  3. [NASA] PDS: GBRA Data Release
  4. [NASA] PDS: OSIRIS-REx Release: OLA Bennu 3, OTES Bennu 2 and 3
  5. [NASA] PDS: Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 40
  6. [NASA] Open Position at NASA HQ: Research and Analysis Lead, Planetary Science Division
  7. 2020 Annual Meeting of Planetary Geologic Mappers
  8. Abstract Submission Open for European Lunar Symposium
  9. EGU 2020 Session PS3.6/AS4.21/ST3.5: Atmospheres and Exospheres of Terrestrial Planets, Satellites, and Exoplanets
  10. EGU 2020 Session PS1.4-ST4: Planetary Space Weather
  11. EGU 2020 Session PS4.2: Mars Science and Exploration
  12. Lunar Surface Science Workshop: Save the Date
  13. Humans to Mars Summit
  14. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 53, December 8, 2019
  1. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  2. [NASA] RFI: Research That Falls in a Gap Between Current SMD Solicitations
  3. Dwornik Award Fundraiser Matching Opportunity Through the End of 2019
  4. Announcement of Bill Feldman Science Symposium, April 23-24, 2020
  5. [NASA] ROSES-19: Autonomous Robotics Research for Ocean Worlds and Due Date for Comments Delayed
  6. Community Survey Announcement About NASA Proposal Submission Demographics
  7. Planetary Science Postdoctoral Position in National Institute of Science Education and Research (NISER), Bhubaneswar, India
  8. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for December 2019
  9. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowship Application Deadline March 1, 2020
  10. AGU Events Involving NASA HQ People
  11. AGU Fall Meeting Planetary Science Sessions
  12. PDS/IPDA Booth at AGU: Planetary Data Archival Training and Tool Demos
  13. AGU Planetary Sciences Awards Nominations
  14. [NASA] PDS: Mars Science Laboratory Release 22
  15. Early Career Support for OPAG Meeting
  16. Chaired Professor in Onboard Space Systems
  17. Director/Department Head - Lunar & Planetary Laboratory/Planetary Sciences
  18. 2I/Borisov Observing Campaign Website
  19. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 52, December 1, 2019
  1. 2020 Pierazzo International Student Travel Award
  2. MEPAG VM7 Presentations Now Available
  3. EGU 2020 Session: Extra-Terrestrial Sedimentology, Stratigraphy and Terrestrial Analogues
  4. Women in Space Conference - Student Travel Grants
  5. [NASA] ROSES-19: C.23 Interdisciplinary Consortia for Astrobiology Research
  6. [NASA] PDS: OSIRIS-REx Data Release 6
  7. Director/Department Head - Lunar and Planetary Laboratory/Planetary Sciences
  8. Exoplanet Postdoctoral Researcher, The Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory
  9. Space Scientist, AST, Planetary Studies at the NASA Johnson Space Center
  10. [NASA] PDS: Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 51
  11. Postdoc Position: Evolution and Present-Day State of Mars' Subsurface Environment
  12. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 51, November 24, 2019
  1. 2020 Pierazzo International Student Travel Award
  2. Titan Through Time Workshop V
  3. EGU 2020 Session BG5.1 Biology and Geology of Extreme Environments on Earth and Planetary Analogs
  4. M.S. and Ph.D. Positions Open at the University of Tennessee Knoxville
  5. Apply for the 2019 Nininger Meteorite Award
  6. Third Announcement: Ice Giant Systems 2020, London
  7. NSRC-2020 Meeting: Call for Abstracts
  8. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 50, November 17, 2019
  1. 2020 Pierazzo International Student Travel Award
  2. EGU 2020 Session PS3.7 - Mineralogical and Geochemical Studies of Planetary Analogue Samples
  3. EGU 2020 Session PS4.2: Mars Science and Exploration
  4. GSA Planetary Geology Division G. K. Gilbert Nominations Due Dec 1
  5. Dwornik Award Fundraiser Matching Opportunity Through the End of 2019
  6. Postdoc with MAVEN's Imaging UltraViolet Spectrograph Team
  7. PSIDA 2020 (Planetary Science Informatics and Data Analytics)
  8. LPI Decadal White Paper Website Is Live
  9. Towards Other Earth III: From Solar System to Exoplanets (Registration Now Open)
  10. Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Data Release 19
  11. Tenure-Track Faculty Position in Planetary Geology/Geophysics at Western Washington University
  12. 2020 NASA Fundamental Physics and Quantum Technology Workshop
  13. Tenure Track Position in Cosmochemistry at the University of Colorado, Boulder
  14. Ph.D. Opportunity, Mars Surface Studies, University of Hawai'i at Manoa
  15. Associate Professor/Professor of Space Instrumentation
  16. Nov 22 Deadline to Send Mars Mission Concepts to Mars Architecture Strategy Working Group
  17. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 49, November 13, 2019
  1. Exoplanets in Our Backyard: Solar System and Exoplanet Synergies on Planetary Formation, Evolution, and Habitability

Issue 48, November 10, 2019
  1. Women in Space Conference
  2. EGU 2020 Session GM11.1/PS4: Planetary Geomorphology
  3. EGU 2020 Session PS5.3: Outer Planet Moon-Magnetosphere Interaction
  4. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for November 2019
  5. OPAG Findings Fall 2019
  6. Software Systems for Astronomy - Registration Open
  7. [NASA] ROSES-19: C.3 SSW Lunar Change in Scope and Delay of Due Dates
  8. Agenda Now Available for the Next MEPAG Virtual Meeting, November 13
  9. [NASA] PDS: OSIRIS-REx Release 5
  10. Graduate Student Research Opportunities in Planetary Science at Tulane University
  11. GBO, NRAO, and LBO Seek Planetary Scientists for Proposal Review Panels
  12. Exoplanets in Our Backyard: Solar System and Exoplanet Synergies on Planetary Formation, Evolution, and Habitability
  13. Tenure-Track Assistant Professor (Geochemistry), Department of Geosciences, Stony Brook University
  14. Planetary Data System (PDS) Customer Satisfaction Survey
  15. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 47, November 3, 2019
  1. [NASA] Stand-Alone Planetary Major Equipment and Facilities Proposals Not Solicited This Year
  2. [NASA] New ROSES Graduate Student Research Program Element: E.6 Future Investigators in NASA Earth and Space Science and Technology (FINESST)
  3. Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter CRISM MTRDR and TER Release 13
  4. EGU 2020 Session PS3.4 - Volcanism and Tectonism Across the Solar System
  5. Remote Participation for the 17th VEXAG Meeting
  6. Job Posting: Lockheed Martin Space Seeks a Research Scientist
  7. Postdoctoral Position in Early Mars Geochemistry
  8. Post-doc Job Announcement
  9. Ph.D. Student Opportunity
  10. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  11. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 46, October 27, 2019
  1. COSPAR2020 B0.1: Unifying Planetary System Formation Out of Elementary Building Blocks
  2. Upcoming Proposal Writing Workshops for R&A; Proposals
  3. Job Opportunity: GIS Teaching Position
  4. Postdoctoral Research Scholar in Planetary Geophysics
  5. [NASA] Amendment to the SALMON-3 AO
  6. EGU 2020 Session GM2.2: Landform Mapping
  7. [NASA] Request for Information: Application of Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Tools to NASA Science
  8. Mars Architecture Strategy Working Group Is Asking for Your Input
  9. Postdoctoral Position in Early Mars Geochemistry
  10. Research Associate in Data Science, Machine Learning, and Scientific Programming
  11. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 45, October 20, 2019
  1. Exoplanet Postdoctoral Researcher, The Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory
  2. 2020 Exploration Fellowship in Earth and Space Science at Arizona State University
  3. [NASA} ROSES-19: Akatsuki Participating Scientist Program
  4. [NASA] ROSES-19: TESS Cycle 3 Final Text and Due Date
  5. [NASA] ROSES-19: Release of Draft Text for E.5 Applied Information Systems Research - Autonomous Robotics Research for Ocean Worlds
  6. Postdoctoral Position in Early Mars Geochemistry
  7. 1st Information Circular for MEPAG Virtual Meeting VM7
  8. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory HEDS Center Postdoctoral Fellowship
  9. EGU 2020 Session: Extra-Terrestrial Sedimentology, Stratigraphy and Terrestrial Analogues
  10. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 44, October 13, 2019
  1. Assistant Professor in Planetary Science, University of Washington, Seattle
  2. Call for IAG Grants - 7th International Conference on Mars Polar Science and Exploration
  3. New Web Address for Map-a-Planet 2 (MAP2) Online Tool for PDS at USGS
  4. Space Physics Faculty Position at ASU
  5. Tenure-Stream Position at Michigan State (MSU)
  6. Rutgers University - Tenure-Track Faculty Member
  7. Call for VEXAG Steering Committee Members
  8. Research Space Scientist Position at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
  9. Postdoctoral Position in Early Mars Geochemistry
  10. Competitive Opportunity to Join Europa Clipper Science Team
  11. 2020 In Situ Science and Instrumentation for Exploration of Europa and Ocean Worlds Workshop - Indication of Interest
  12. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Commercial/Donative Announcements:
  1. Lockheed Martin Releases User's Guide for McCandless Lunar Lander

Issue 43, October 10, 2019
  1. SPECIAL EDITION: Restructuring NASA's Planetary Research Programs for ROSES 2020

Issue 42, October 6, 2019
  1. Mars Atmosphere Conference
  2. [NASA] PI Launchpad Applications Now Due 10/15
  3. Graduate-student opportunities in Planetary Surface Processes at Stanford
  4. Post-Doctoral Position in Giant Planet Modelling at LMD / Sorbonne Universite, Paris
  5. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  6. Mars Workshop - Second Announcement
  7. [NASA] PDS: Odyssey Data Release 69
  8. [NASA] New Program Element to ROSES-2019: Gravity/Radio Science Team for the Europa Clipper Mission
  9. New Mexico State University Tenure-Track Faculty Member
  10. York University Tenure-Track Position
  11. Register Now for The Planetary Society's 2020 Day of Action in Washington, D.C.
  12. SBAG Early Career Opportunities
  13. [NASA] Postdoctoral Program Seeks Volunteer Reviewers
  14. Tackling the Complexities of Substellar Objects: From Brown Dwarfs to (Exo)Planets
  15. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Commercial/Donative Announcements:
  1. The Atlas of Mars: Mapping Its Geography and Geology
  2. Fundamental Planetary Science: Physics, Chemistry and Habitability

Issue 41, October 1, 2019
  1. SPECIAL EDITION: Survey on Restructuring NASA's Planetary Research and Analysis Programs

Issue 40, September 29, 2019
  1. Early Career Review for the Upcoming EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting
  2. A Free Workshop for Early-Career Astronomers Who Want to Do Better Outreach with Students and the Public
  3. Graduate Student Positions in Planetary Science, Geochemistry, and Geophysics at Michigan State University
  4. [NASA] PDS: Mars InSight Data Release 2
  5. [NASA] The PI Launchpad: From Science Idea to NASA Mission
  6. Spice Training Announcement
  7. Pan Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Position at Rice University
  8. [NASA] Physical Sciences Informatics NRA Released
  9. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for October, 2019
  10. [NASA] Seeking Volunteer Reviewers in STEM Engagement
  11. Access2Space
  12. Grad Student Positions in Planetary Surface Processes at UT Austin
  13. International Observe the Moon Night - October 5, 2019
  14. VEXAG Approaching Hotel Deadline
  15. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 39, September 22, 2019
  1. The PI Launchpad: From Science Idea to NASA Mission
  2. Student and Early Career Travel Grants for Vexag Meeting #17
  3. International Observe the Moon Night - October 5, 2019
  4. Postdoc Advertisement
  5. Open Rank Professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences
  6. Job Announcement: Photogrammetrist
  7. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 38, September 15, 2019
  1. [ESA] PSA: ExoMars 2016 Spice Kernels Archive Release
  2. Ice Giant Notifications
  3. EPSC/DPS Workshop: Solar System Geometry with SPICE
  4. Registration is Open for the Voyage 2050 Workshop
  5. Joint Center for Planetary Astronomy Postdoc Position at Caltech
  6. Job Announcement: Photogrammetrist
  7. [NASA] Opportunity to Host Citizen Science Workshop
  8. Symposium Announcement: Astrochemical Complexity in Planetary Systems
  9. [NASA] PDS: JUNO Data Release 9
  10. Getting Ready for LSST: 5+ Million Small Bodies, 1+ Billion Observations - Workshop at EPSC-DPS 2019
  11. PDS Booth at DPS - Individual Tutorials (and Group Classes) Available
  12. International Observe the Moon Night - October 5, 2019
  13. Academic Position in Exoplanet Characterisation at Cardiff University
  14. Shared Folder and Spreadsheet for Pre-Decadal Mercury White Papers
  15. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 37, September 8, 2019
  1. Early Career Review for the Upcoming EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting
  2. University of Chicago T.C. Chamberlin Postdoctoral Fellowship
  3. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  4. Open Rank Professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences
  5. 2020A NASA IRTF Call for Proposals
  6. 14th Geant4 Space Users Workshop (G4SUW), 21-23 October 2019
  7. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for August 2019
  8. 36th International Geological Congress (IGC)
  9. Friends of Lunar and Inner Solar System Volatiles Focus Group
  10. University of Iowa Faculty Position in Space Research
  11. Assistant Staff Scientist Position, Malin Space Science Systems
  12. [NASA] Space Technology Graduate Research Opportunities
  13. International Observe the Moon Night - October 5, 2019
  14. EPSC/DPS Workshop: Carbon in the Solar System
  15. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 36, September 1, 2019
  1. Outer Planets Assessment Group (OPAG) Town Hall
  2. OPAG Priority Science Questions: Letter to Dr. Lori Glaze, NASA PSD Director
  3. OSIRIS-REx Release 4: OVIRS, TAGCAMS, and Mission-Wide Info
  4. Job Announcement: Photogrammetrist
  5. 36th International Geological Congress (IGC)
  6. [NASA] SMD Seeks Volunteer Reviewers
  7. Presentations From MEPAG (VM6) Now Available and Comments Requested By PPIRB About Mars Planetary Protection
  8. Job Opening: NAIF Node of the Planetary Data System
  9. Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 50
  10. PDS Booth at DPS: Individual Tutorials (and Group Classes) Available
  11. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 35, August 25, 2019
  1. [NASA] PDS: OSIRIS-REx Release 3 - OCAMS and OVIRS Data at Bennu
  2. Comets III: A Proposed New Volume in the Space Science Series
  3. Post-Doctoral Research Assistant at the Florida Space Institute/ University of Central Florida in Small-Body Planetary Sciences
  4. [NASA] ROSES-19: MDAP Due Dates Delayed
  5. GBO, NRAO, and LBO Seek Planetary Scientists for Proposal Review Panels
  6. Postdoctoral Opportunities in Chile
  7. Assistant Professor Position in Boise State Physics
  8. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 34, August 18, 2019
  1. AAS Special Sessions: Kuiper Belt and New Horizons Results at 2014 MU69
  2. Faculty and Postdoctoral Positions in India
  3. Final Announcement for Icarus Special Issue on Kuiper Belt Science
  4. DPS Professional Culture and Climate Subcommittee (PCCS) Seeking New Members
  5. EPSC/DPS Women in Planetary Science Discussion Hour 2019
  6. Carbon in the Solar System: EPSC/DPS Workshop
  7. Editor of The Planetary Science Journal (PSJ)
  8. [NASA] PDS: Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Data Release 18
  9. 1st Informational Circular for Virtual MEPAG Meeting #6
  10. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 33, August 11, 2019
  1. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for August 2019
  2. MPostdoctoral Position in Experimental Planetary Science
  3. MJay Pasachoff Wins the 2019 Klumpke-Roberts Award of the ASP
  4. MNASA Postdoctoral Fellowship - Application Deadline November 1, 2019
  5. MJob Announcement: Tenure-Track Position at York University
  6. MPostdoctoral Research Associate Position: Aeolian Landforms and Processes at the ESA ExoMars Rover Landing Site
  7. M2019 GSA Annual Meeting Travel Grant Application Deadline Approaching
  8. MDawn Final Data Release, Part 3
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 32, August 4, 2019
  1. Tenure Track Astrobiology Position at IPM
  2. Survey on Major Mercury and Planetary Science Questions for the Upcoming Decadal Survey
  3. OPAG Meeting Update
  4. 3rd International Planetary Caves Conference
  5. Towards Other Earth III: From Solar System to Exoplanets
  6. Assistant Staff Scientist Position, Malin Space Science Systems
  7. Getting Ready for LSST Workshop at EPSC-DPS 2019
  8. [NASA] PDS: Mars Science Laboratory Release 21
  9. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  10. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 31, July 28, 2019
  1. AGU Session P041: Ultraviolet Observing of Solar System Targets
  2. AGU Session V045: Some Like It Wet! Active and Ancient Hydrothermal Processes on Earth and Beyond
  3. AGU Session P024: Mercury - The Continuing and Future Exploration of the Innermost Planet
  4. AGU Session P032: Returning to the Moon - The Science of Exploration
  5. Postdoctoral Fellowship Opportunities at Cornell University
  6. Early Career Participant Support Available for OPAG Meeting, August 19-21
  7. OPAG Subsurface Needs for Ocean Worlds (SNOW) Meeting #1
  8. [NASA]-Themed STEM Student Challenge
  9. Celebrating the Women of Apollo
  10. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 30, July 21, 2019
  1. AGU Session P028: Planetary Atmospheres and Evolution
  2. AGU Session P022: Machine Learning for Planetary Science
  3. AGU Session P017: Ice from Grains to Landscapes - Surface Processes on Active Icy Worlds
  4. AGU Special A117: Sounds of the Solar System - Geophysical and Planetary Acoustics
  5. AGU Session P019: Infrared Spectroscopy for Surface Compositions Across the Solar System
  6. AGU Session EP036: Shaping Landscapes of the Solar System - Environmental Flows on Other Planets
  7. AGU Session P004: Beyond the Catastrophe - The Biological and Astrobiological Significance of Impact Cratering in the Solar System
  8. AGU Session P029: Planetary Atmospheric, Surface, and Interior Science Using Radio and Laser Links
  9. AGU Session A031: Atmospheric Radiative Transfer through Clouds and Precipitation - Applications to Remote Sensing and Data Assimilation
  10. AGU Session P007: Comparative Planetology - Large Planetesimals and Dwarf Planets Throughout the Solar System
  11. Planetary Sciences Exploration Postdoctoral Position at the University of Central Florida
  12. Job Opening: University of Nevada, Reno - Full Professor and Department Chair
  13. Professor Position in Radiation and Remote Sensing of Atmospheres in Berlin
  14. [NASA] SIMPLEx (PEA-J of SALMON-3) Closed, 2020 Solicitation Anticipated
  15. MRO SHARAD RDR Data from Releases 27-35
  16. Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter CRISM MTRDR and TER Release 12
  17. [ESA] PSA: Rosetta Spice Kernels Increment Release
  18. Ganymede Book Call for Chapters
  19. A'Hearn Symposium
  20. Deadline Approaching for 2019 Annual Meeting Student Travel Grant: August 21
  21. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 29, July 14, 2019
  1. Horizon 2061 Synthesis Workshop
  2. AGU Session EP002: Advances in Uncrewed Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Use for Earth and Planetary Observation
  3. AGU Session SM024: Magnetospheres in the Outer Solar System
  4. AGU Session P005: Carbon Across the Solar System
  5. AGU Session P008: Concepts for Future Planetary Science Missions
  6. AGU Session P016: Ice and Ocean Worlds
  7. AGU Session P023: Mars Sample Return
  8. AGU Session P024: Mercury - The Continuing and Future Exploration of the Innermost Planet
  9. AGU Session P027: Passing Through Purgatory - Architectures, Technologies, and Considerations for Accessing Ocean World Interiors
  10. AGU Session P033: Sedimentary Volcanism, Diapirism, and Liquefaction in the Solar System
  11. AGU Session P037: The Kuiper Belt Captain's Tale - NASA's New Horizons Explores the Pluto System, 2014 MU69 ("Ultima Thule"), and Beyond
  12. AGU Session P035: The Evolution of Venus and Venus-like Exoplanets
  13. AGU Session P036: The Interiors of Jupiter and Saturn in the Era of Juno and Cassini
  14. AGU Session P038: The New Mars Underground 2.0
  15. AGU Session P039: The Uranus and Neptune Systems, and Their Relation to Other Planets
  16. Planetary Geology/Volcanology Field Trip at GSA
  17. OPAG Findings Spring 2019 Now Posted and Upcoming OPAG Meeting
  18. Faculty Position at Institute for Planetary Materials
  19. [NASA] Three Updates to the ROSES-2019 Summary of Solicitation
  20. [NASA] ROSES-19: TWSC Updates
  21. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 28, July 7, 2019
  1. AGU Session DI007: Exploring Mars with InSight, First-Year Results
  2. AGU Session EP004: Aeolian Research at the Interface of Sedimentary, Atmospheric, and Biological Processes
  3. AGU Session EP018: Earth 4D - A Deep Dive into the Habitability of the Blue Planet
  4. AGU Session P003: Atmopsheric Processes, Particles, and Chemistry
  5. AGU Session P018: Impact of Cosmic Dust in Planetary Atmospheres
  6. AGU Session P029: Planetary Atmospheric, Surface, and Interior Science Using Radio and Laser Links
  7. AGU Session P032: Returning to the Moon, the Science of Exploration
  8. AGU Session P034: Space environments of Unmagnetized or Weakly Magnetized Solar System Bodies and the Effects of Space Weather on These Systems
  9. AGU Session SM023: Magnetospheres in the Inner Solar System
  10. AGU Session V053: Volatiles in Magmatic Processes and Planetary Evolution
  11. Planet Formation: From Dust Coagulation to Final Orbit Assembly
  12. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  13. [NASA] ROSES-19: C.21 LunaTech Not Solicited
  14. MEPAG 37 - 2nd Information Circular
  15. [NASA] PDS: OSIRIS-REx Release 2
  16. [NASA] PDS: Odyssey Data Release 68
  17. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for July 2019
  18. [NASA] PDS: Updated OPUS Search Tool Released by the Ring-Moon Systems Node
  19. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 27, June 30, 2019
  1. AGU Session P013: Finding, Exploring and Characterizing Terrestrial Exoplanets: The Next Frontier
  2. AGU Session SM027: Moon-Plasma Interactions Throughout the SolarSystem
  3. AGU Session P005: Carbon Across the Solar System
  4. ESA Research Fellowships in Space Science
  5. Postdoctoral Position in Modeling Fate of Volatiles During Accretion of Rocky Planets
  6. Inclusive Astronomy 2 Conference: Abstract Submission/Pre-Registration
  7. Rocky Exoplanets in the Era of JWST: Theory and Observation
  8. Call for Abstracts to the ASCE Earth and Space 2020
  9. ASCE Session: Ocean Worlds
  10. Update: New Cometary Insights from the Close Approach of 46P/Wirtanen: A Symposium in Celebration of Mike A'Hearn
  11. NASA's Exploration Science Forum Program Now Online
  12. Python in Planetary Science Survey
  13. Mars InSight Data Release 1B
  14. NASA Job Opening: Orbital Debris Program Office Modeling Lead, Johnson Space Center
  15. NASA Job Opening: Astromaterials Acquisition and Curation Office Carbonaceous Asteroid Scientist, Johnson Space Center
  16. Postdoctoral Position in Planetary Sciences
  17. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 26, June 23, 2019
  1. Postdoctoral Research Opportunity in Organic and Inorganic Geochemistry at the NASA Johnson Space Center
  2. Postdoctoral Position in Planetary Sciences
  3. Lunar and Small Bodies Graduate Conference 2019
  4. AGU Session: Engagement Opportunities for Everyone Through Science Festivals
  5. AGU Session P011: Evidence of Water-Rock Interaction Throughout the Solar System
  6. AGU Session P040: Titan - The Exotic and Enigmatic Moon
  7. GeoPlaNet Analogue Field School - Fluid-Rock Interactions in the Solar System
  8. Special Issue "Observations and Measurements of the Martian Atmosphere"
  9. [NASA] PDS: Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 38
  10. AIDA International Workshop
  11. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 25, June 16, 2019
  1. [NASA] PDS: New Horizons KEM Cruise-1 Data Release by the Small Bodies Node
  2. Lloyd V. Berkner Space Policy Internships Autumn 2019
  3. CLEVER Planets Post-Doc Opportunity
  4. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for June 2019
  5. 5th Beijing Earth and Planetary Interiors Symposium
  6. The First Billion Years: Habitability
  7. [NASA] New NSPIRES Release
  8. [NASA] ROSES-19: C.11 DDAP Change in Scope
  9. Fall AGU Session P010: Deep Dive Enceladus
  10. Planet Mars V
  11. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 24, June 9, 2019
  1. [NASA] ROSES-19: C.3 SSW Antarctic Fieldwork
  2. [NASA] Update to Job Announcements: Planetary Science Associate Director for Flight Programs
  3. GSA Session T22: Basaltic Volcanism on Earth and Beyond
  4. Postdoctoral Position in Planetary Science (Hyperspectral Imagery)
  5. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 23, June 2, 2019
  1. Announcing 2019 Dwornik Winners
  2. Second Announcement: Icarus Special Issue on the Pluto System, Kuiper Belt & Kuiper Belt Objects
  3. A Workshop on Small Solar System Bodies
  4. Product Assurance Engineer (Swedish Institute of Space Physics, IRF)
  5. Pre-print Version of the Report from the Ice and Climate Evolution Science Analysis Group (ICE-SAG) Now Available
  6. Canada Research Chair Positions Available at the University of Western Ontario, Canada
  7. Postdoc Opportunity in Lunar Regolith Processes at Purdue University
  8. ABSCICON Workshop on Instrumentation for In Situ Exploration of Ocean Worlds
  9. NASA/SSERVI Analogs Focus Group
  10. 10th Planetary Crater Consortium Meeting
  11. Ronald Greeley Distinguished Service Award Nominations Due June 30
  12. Invitation to Attend National Colloquium by Dr. Thomas H. Zurbuchen
  13. 5th Virtual MEPAG Meeting (VM5)
  14. 37th MEPAG Face-to-Face Meeting
  15. Venus Workshop Deadline Extension
  16. Impact Cratering Short Course and Field School
  17. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowship - Application Deadline July 1, 2019
  18. [NASA] PDS: Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 49
  19. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  20. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 22, May 26, 2019
  1. Simon Lock Wins the 2019 Pellas-Ryder Award for Best Student Paper
  2. Postdoctoral Position in Planetary Sciences
  3. Vote in the 2019 AAS Laboratory Astrophysics Division Election
  4. Second Announcement of Mercury 2020 Conference
  5. [NASA] PDS: Dawn Final Data Release, Part 2
  6. [NASA] PDS: Mars InSight Data Release 1A
  7. [NASA] PDS: JUNO Data Release 8
  8. SBAG Steering Committee Positions
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 21, May 19, 2019
  1. 2019 AAS Laboratory Astrophysics Division Vote
  2. [NASA] ROSES-19: C.22 BepiColombo PSP Replaced by ESA/JAXA Solicitation
  3. [NASA] Dawn Final Data Release, Part 1
  4. [NASA] MAVEN Data Release 17
  5. Open Position at NASA Marshall Space Flight Center: MSFC Chief Scientist
  6. Symposium in Celebration of Mike A'Hearn
  7. Upcoming Science Program Management (Program Scientist) Positions at NASA HQ
  8. Software Systems for Astronomy Registration Open
  9. [NASA] Update on Mission Principal Investigator Development Initiative
  10. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 20, May 12, 2019
  1. [NASA] Interdisciplinary Consortia for Astrobiology Research (ICAR)
  2. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for May 2019
  3. [NASA] Resources for Those Who Are New to Proposing to ROSES
  4. [NASA] PDS: Cassini Rings Data Release 101
  5. Icarus News: Twitter Feed, Letters, Invited Reviews, Special Issues
  6. JWST Master Class Call for Applications Now Open
  7. Space Generation Congress 2019 Applications Open
  8. Guest Scientist or Postdoctoral Position in Space Physics
  9. Arecibo Has a Staff Scientist Position Open
  10. An Update on NASA Participation on Envision Venus Mission Study
  11. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 19, May 5, 2019
  1. Citizen Science Partnership Offered by CosmoQuest at PSI
  2. EPSC-DPS Special Session: Interstellar Probe
  3. EPSC-DPS Session SB6: Imaging, Photometry, Polarimetry, and Spectroscopy of Small Bodies and Dust
  4. Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Studies of Solar System Minor Planets
  5. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  6. JPL Job Ad
  7. Yingst to be Next MEPAC Chair1
  8. 5th MEPAG Virtual Meeting
  9. Second Announcement for the Europlanet Workshop: Solar System Atmospheres' Investigation and ExopLanets (S-SAIL)
  10. Pluto System After New Horizons, Abstract Deadline Extended
  11. Mars Science and Exploration: The 4th International Conference on Lunar and Deep Space Exploration
  12. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 18, April 28, 2019
  1. LSST Solar System Readiness Sprint
  2. Cosmic Dust XII
  3. Ph.D. Students in Space Physics to Studies of Space Plasmas
  4. EPSC-DPS Session TP15: Volcanism and Tectonism Across the Solar System
  5. EPSC-DPS Session OPS15: Planetary, Solar, Heliospheric and Exoplanetary Radio Emissions
  6. EPSC-DPS Session TP17/OPS8: Atmospheres and Exospheres of Terrestrial Bodies
  7. EPSC-DPS Session MIT3: Planetary SmallSats - Missions, Instruments and Technologies
  8. EPSC-DPS Session SB4: Planetesimals: Primitive and Differentiated Small Bodies, Including Vesta and Ceres as Seen After the Dawn Mission
  9. [NASA] Community Announcement: ROSES Funding for Citizen Science
  10. Citizen Science Partnership Offered by CosmoQuest at PSI
  11. Small Bodies Session, the 4th International Conference on Lunar and Deep Space Exploration
  12. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 17, April 21, 2019
  1. EPSC-DPS Session TP21: Magnetospheric Dynamics at the Terrestrial Planets
  2. EPSC-DPS Session SB2: Laboratory Measurements and Models for Cometary, Asteroidal, Dwarf Planet and Meteoric Material Studies Including Organic Matter Studies
  3. EPSC-DPS Session OPS3: Ocean Worlds and Icy Moons
  4. EPSC-DPS Session ODA3: Diversity and Inclusiveness in Planetary Sciences
  5. EPSC-DPS Session EXO3: Identification and Characterization of Magma Ocean and Volcanic Worlds
  6. EPSC-DPS Session EXO10/TP11: Advances in Developing Quantitative and Realistic Models of Terrestrial Planet Formation and Their Chemical Compositions
  7. Geomuenster 2019: Communicating (Geo-)Science!
  8. Postdoctoral Position, Yale University
  9. Second Pre-proposal Teleconference - NASA Fellowship Activity 2019
  10. Save the Date: LEAG Annual Meeting
  11. Volcano-Lithosphere Interactions on the Terrestrial Planets Postdoctoral Fellowship, Lunar and Planetary Institute
  12. Building the NASA Citizen Science Community
  13. NASA's Discovery 2019 AO: Preproposal Workshop
  14. Lunar and Small Bodies Graduate Conference 2019 Announcement
  15. 2019 Future Space Leaders Foundation Grant Announcement
  16. Postdoctoral Fellow in Ocean World Geology: Combined Teaching and Research Opportunity
  17. Register Today for the 2019 Humans to Mars Summit
  18. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 16, April 14, 2019
  1. EPSC-DPS Session MIT4: Planetary Exploration - Horizon 2061
  2. EPSC-DPS Session OPS2: Saturn System and the Cassini-Huygens Mission
  3. EPSC-DPS Session SB3: Small Body Missions Including Hayabusa2 and OSIRIS-REx
  4. EPSC-DPS Session SB10: Computational and Experimental Astrophysics of Small Bodies, Planets, and Granular Systems: Open Questions, Challenges, New Techniques and Models
  5. EPSC-DPS Session TP6: Moon and Other Airless Rocks
  6. [NASA] PDS: Odyssey Data Release 67
  7. [NASA] PDS: Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter CRISM TER and MTRDR Release 11
  8. SPICE Training Class
  9. NEOWISE 2019 Data Release
  10. OPAG Meeting Agenda Announced
  11. Software Systems for Astronomy - Registration Open
  12. Rocky Worlds: From the Solar System to Exoplanets
  13. Postdoctoral Fellowship at Johns Hopkins University: Hypervelocity Impact
  14. Jobs at SYSU
  15. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 15, April 7, 2019
  1. EPSC-DPS Session OPS2: Saturn System and the Cassini-Huyens Mission
  2. EPSC-DPS Session EXO10/TP11: Advances in Developing Quantitative and Realistic Models of Terrestrial Planet Formation and Their Chemical Compositions
  3. EPSC-DPS Session SB5: Trans-Neptunian Objects and Their Dust Environment, Pluto, 2014 MU69, and Centaurs
  4. EPSC-DPS Session MIT10: Machine Learning and Deep Learning for Planetary Sciences
  5. EPSC-DPS Session OPS/TP18: Planetary Aeronomy - Near and Afar
  6. Dawn Data Release: Ceres Raw Gravity
  7. Potential Landing Sites and Cloud Layer Habitability on Venus Workshop
  8. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  9. SBAG Early Career Opportunities
  10. NASA FDL 2019 Summer Research Sprint: Call for Applicants
  11. GeoPlaNet Analogue Field School - Fluid-Rock Interactions in the Solar System
  12. [NASA] Release of the NASA Discovery Program 2019 Announcement of Opportunity
  13. Mars National is Launched
  14. Europlanet Workshop: S-SAIL - Solar System Atmospheres Investigation and exopLanets
  15. Postdoctoral and Guest Researcher Positions in Space Physics in Uppsala, Sweden
  16. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowship - Application Deadline July 1, 2019
  17. [NASA] Seeking Volunteer Reviewers in Earth and Space Science
  18. Postdoc Opportunity in Planetary Science at University of Central Florida
  19. Meeting Abstract Deadline Approaching: The Pluto System After New Horizons
  20. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 14, March 31, 2019
  1. Abstracts for 2019 Planetary Geologic Mappers Meeting Due Apr 4
  2. EPSC-DPS Session TP20: Ionospheres of Unmagnetized Bodies in the Solar System and Their Responses to Space Weather Activity - Terrestrial Planets and Comets
  3. EPSC-DPS Session SB1: Dynamical and Physical Characterisation of Small Bodies with Gaia and the New Generation of Surveys
  4. EPSC-DPS Session OS1: Ice Giant Systems
  5. 2019 NASA Planetary Science Summer Seminar Applications Open
  6. GSA Topical Session: Aeolian Activity Across Our Solar System
  7. OPAG Registration Page is Now Opened
  8. A Software Roadmap for Solar System Science with the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope
  9. Opening for a Faculty Position in Analytical Planetary Sciences at the Open University, UK
  10. Life Special Issue: Planetary Exploration of Habitable Environments
  11. NASA FDL 2019 Summer Research Sprint: Call for Applicants
  12. Deadline Extended - IAS 2019 Session on Planetary Sedimentary Geology: Mars and Titan
  13. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 13, March 24, 2019
  1. Goldschmidt 2019 Session: Icy Waterworlds - Geochemistry of Subsurface Oceans in the Solar System
  2. Abstract Submission Open for the 2nd RPI Space Imaging Workshop
  3. EPSC-DPS Session SB4: Planetesimals - Primitive and Differentiated Small Bodies, Including Vesta and Ceres as Seen After the Dawn Mission
  4. EPSC-DPS Session SB8: Latest Science Results in Planetary Defense
  5. Announcing the 2019 NASA Planetary Volcanology Workshop in Hawaii: Analogs to Volcanic Features and Processes in Satellite and Rover Images
  6. Subaru Telescope 20th Anniversary - Optical and Infrared Astronomy for the Next Decade
  7. First Announcement: Ice Giant Systems 2020
  8. Terrestrial Analog Survey Closing Soon
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Commercial/Donative Announcements:
  1. Dwornik Award GoFundMe Campaign

Issue 12, March 17, 2019
  1. [NASA] Release of ROSES-2019
  2. [NASA] ROSES: Changes to C.31 KPLO PSP Text and Due Dates
  3. [NASA] ROSES: C.30 PMCS Correction and Due Date Delay
  4. [NASA] Call for Abstracts Deadline Extended for the 70th International Astronautical Congress
  5. Expression of Interest for the Ahearn Symposium
  6. Summer School on Natural Space Risks
  7. SPICE Training Class
  8. New Web Pages for Accessing Cassini Mission Data
  9. Announcement from OPAG Steering Committee Regarding Termination of Cassini Final-Year Funding and Europa Clipper ICEMAG
  10. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for March 2019
  11. Dean, Jackson School of Geosciences, University of Texas at Austin
  12. Mars Science Laboratory Release 20
  13. NASA Headquarters Positions Available in SMD
  14. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 11, March 10, 2019
  1. In Memoriam: Jay T. Bergstralh (1943-2019)
  2. Deadline Extended for Amazonian Mars: Climate and Processes
  3. Call for Abstracts: GeoMuenster 2019 Conference
  4. Planetary Science Engagement Institute
  5. MEPAG Facilitation of Community Communication About Proposals for the New Pre-Decadal Mission Concept Studies NRA
  6. Building the NASA Citizen Science Community
  7. Update to USGS Astrogeology Science Center (ASC) Software Portfolio
  8. ESA Voyage 2050: Call for White Papers and Membership of Topical Teams
  9. JMars Showcase at LPSC
  10. [LPSC] Women in Planetary Science Networking Event 2019
  11. Titan Workshop Announcement
  12. Asteroid Science in the Age of Hayabusa2 and OSIRIS-REx Workshop
  13. 3 Postdoctoral Positions in Mars Science
  14. OPAG Meeting
  15. 2019 NASA Planetary Science Summer Seminar Applications Open
  16. Workshop on Polarization in Protoplanetary Disks and Jets
  17. Final Announcement for Early Registration: New Horizons in Planetary Systems
  18. Two New Positions of Assistant Professor at Universidad De Atacama
  19. [NASA] GSFC Civil Servant Job Announcement
  20. Europlanet Travel Grants Available for the 8th Interplanetary CubeSat Workshop (iCubeSat 2019)
  21. Call for Papers: Planetary and Space Science Special Issue on Cosmic Dust
  22. Terrestrial Analog Survey Reminder
  23. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 10, March 5, 2019
  1. SPECIAL EDITION: ICEMAG Update on Europa Clipper

Issue 9, March 3, 2019
  1. In Memoriam: Swedish Space Pioneer Bengt Hultqvist has Passed Away
  2. Impacts and Their Role in the Evolution of Life
  3. New European Astrobiology Institute to be Launched
  4. Comet Interceptor Mission Proposal: Call for Support
  5. 3 Postdoctoral Positions in Mars Science
  6. Congressional Gold Medal Nomination for the FLATs
  7. Postdoc Position in Planetary Science
  8. NEOCam Community Discussion at LPSC
  9. Two Senior Scientist Positions at the University of Bayreuth
  10. Goldschmidt Conference Session 1a: Planetary Chemistry in the Age of Solar System Exploration
  11. Postdoctoral Position in Space Physics - Work with Data from the Rosetta Ion Composition Analyzer
  12. [NASA] PDS: Opportunity to Review Nuclear Spectroscopy Data Dictionary
  13. EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2019
  14. Ocean Worlds Four - Reopening Abstract Submission
  15. [NASA] PDS: Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 48
  16. NASA Infrared Telescope Facility Observing Proposals
  17. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  18. [NASA] Job Vacancy Announcement
  19. IGS Symposium on Radioglaciology with Planetary Radar Sounding Focus Area
  20. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Commercial/Donative Announcements:
  1. Exploring Planetary Climate: A History of Scientific Discovery on Earth, Mars, Venus, and Titan
  2. Saturn in the 21st Century
  3. Spectroscopy and Photochemistry of Planetary Atmospheres and Ionospheres: Mars, Venus, Titan, Triton, and Pluto

Issue 8, February 24, 2019
  1. Postdoctoral Research Scholar in Noble Gas Geochronology and Isotope Geochemistry of Planetary Materials
  2. Early Registration Deadline for 2019 Planetary Defense Conference
  3. Introduction to Planetary Image Analysis with ArcGIS at LPSC
  4. Upcoming Proposal Writing Workshops
  5. [NASA] ROSES: New Opportunity in C.30 Planetary Mission Concept Studies
  6. [NASA] ROSES: New Opportunity in C.31 KPLO PSP
  7. 3rd COSPAR Working Meeting on Refining Planetary Protection Requirements for Human Missions to Mars
  8. Software Systems for Astronomy - Change of Dates
  9. Terrestrial Analog Survey
  10. International Venus Conference Abstract Deadline Extended
  11. SSERVI Carbon in the Solar System LPSC Workshop
  12. IUGG/IAMAS Session M24: Clouds and Circulations in Planetary Atmospheres
  13. ndergraduate Summer Interns Available for SSW-Funded Researchers: PGGURP is Now SUPPR
  14. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 7, February 17, 2019
  1. EPEC Annual Week 2019 is Open for Applications
  2. 16th International Planetary Probe Workshop (IPPW-2019)
  3. GSA Session Proposals Due February 20
  4. AOGS Session PS13: Understanding Icy Worlds, Ocean Worlds, and Habitability
  5. AOGS Session PS14: Small Body Explorations by Current and Future Missions
  6. Three Postdoctoral Positions in Mars Science
  7. 70th International Astronautical Congress
  8. 10th Planetary Crater Consortium Meeting
  9. Last Chance to Pre-Register for Extreme Solar Systems IV (ExSS IV)
  10. IUGG/IAMAS Session M24: Clouds and Circulations in Planetary Atmospheres
  11. 4th Virtual MEPAG Meeting (VM4)
  12. Seminar: Scientific Analogs and the Development of Human and Robotic Mission Architectures for Solar System Exploration
  13. Cosmic Dust XII
  14. Terrestrial Analog Survey
  15. [NASA] PDS: OSIRIS-REx Data Release
  16. [NASA] PDS: MAVEN Data Release
  17. [NASA] PDS: Juno Data Release
  18. Survey Assessing Planetary Data Access and Use
  19. Goldschmidt Session 01g: Beyond Earth and Earth-Like - The Compositional Diversity and Evolution of Exoplanets
  20. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Commercial Announcements:
  1. Support #SciComm & Hear Your Name in Soundwaves with a 365 Days of Astronomy Sponsorship

Issue 6, February 10, 2019
  1. Editor Karen Stockstill-Cahill Departing PEN
  2. Director Sought for the Institution of Astronomy and Planetary Science of the Universidad de Atacama
  3. Origins of Life Conference
  4. Moon Minute Monday
  5. AOGS Session PS03: Exploration of Mars - New Results, Current Missions and Future Plans
  6. AOGS Session PS04-SE: Volcanism and Tectonism Across the Solar System
  7. AOGS Session PS14: Small Body Explorations by Current and Future Missions
  8. [NASA] PDS: Dawn Data Resease - VIR Ceres Global Mosaics
  9. Postdoctoral Scholar, Planetary Science/Impact Processes, UC Davis
  10. Vote for PGD Button Art
  11. 70th International Astronautical Congress
  12. [NASA] Outer Planets Assessment Group Meeting
  13. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for February 2019
  14. Ph.D. Thesis and Postdoc Positions in Planetary Atmospheres at LATMOS, Paris
  15. [NASA] ROSES-18: Planetary Protection Research
  16. Cosmic Lab Workshop
  17. VEXAG - New Chair, Deputy Chair and 2019 Activities
  18. Summer School in Software Systems for Astronomy
  19. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Commercial Announcements:
  1. Mercury: The View after MESSENGER

Issue 5, February 3, 2019
  1. PEN Available on Twitter
  2. [NASA] New Due Dates for ROSES Planetary Science Programs
  3. [NASA] Comment Period for the Draft 2019 AO for the Discovery Program
  4. SMD Town Hall Save the Date, February 7
  5. Tenured Geology & Geophysics Departmental Chair at LSU
  6. Register Today for the 2019 Humans to Mars Summit (H2M)
  7. Research Professor in Planetary Processes and Global Changes
  8. 2019 Annual Meeting for Planetary Geologic Mappers
  9. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  10. AOGS Session ST07: Solar Super Storms: In The Past, Present and Future
  11. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 4, January 27, 2019
  1. Support Furloughed NASA Post-docs
  2. [NASA] Delay of Due Date for Solar System Workings
  3. [NASA] FINESST: Delay of Proposal Due Date
  4. Lunar ISRU Workshop Delayed
  5. International Meeting on Paleoclimate: Change and Adaptation
  6. Swedish Institute of Space Physics is Looking for Three PhD Students
  7. Cassini Science Symposium, May 20-24
  8. AOGS Session PS02: Plasma - Surface Interactions with Airless Bodies in the Solar System
  9. AOGS Session ST08: Magnetic Flux Rope Throughout the Solar System
  10. Fully-Funded PhD on Surface Wind Modelling on Mars
  11. Pellas-Ryder Award Nominations for Best Student Paper in Planetary Sciences
  12. Button Art Competition Submissions Due by February 1
  13. Call for Abstracts: Pluto System After New Horizons Conference
  14. Europlanet Cometary Plasma Science Workshop
  15. European Lunar Symposium
  16. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 3, January 20, 2019
  1. AbSciCon 2019 Abstract Deadline Extended
  2. Update on OPAG Meeting Planning
  3. [NASA] PDS - Groundbased and R&A; Data Release 1
  4. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for January 2019
  5. Soliciting Abstracts for the Japan Geoscience Union (JPGU) Meeting
  6. Assistant Professor in Space Plasma Physics at the University of Colorado Boulder
  7. Microsymposium 60: Forward to the Moon to Stay - Undertaking Transformative Lunar Science with Comm

Issue 2, January 13, 2019
  1. [NASA] ROSES-18 Amendment 50: Delay of Due Dates
  2. Discovery Draft AO Comment Period Extended: Message from the AA
  3. Pellas-Ryder Award Nominations for Best Student Paper in Planetary Sciences due January 31
  4. AbSciCon 2019 Session: Astrobiogeochemistry - Modelling Biology and Its Co-Evolution with the Environment on Earth and Implications for Exoplanets
  5. AbSciCon 2019 Session: To Boldly Go - Next-Generation Instrumentation for In Situ Life Detection
  6. AbSciCon 2019 Session: Origins and Evolution Pathways of Organics in Ocean Worlds
  7. AbSciCon 2019 Session: From Organic Molecules to Biosignatures
  8. Centaur Exploration Workshop: The Roots of Activity
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 1, January 6, 2019
  1. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  2. Postdoctoral Research Associate in Planetary Atmospheric Science, University of Leicester
  3. ABSCICON 2019 Session: Alive or Not?
  4. ABSCICON 2019 Session: Salty Goodness: Understanding Life, Biosignature Preservation, and Brines in the Solar System
  5. IAS 2019 Session on Planetary Sedimentary Geology: Mars and Titan
  6. [NASA] PDS Odyssey Data Release 66
  7. [NASA] PDS DAWN FC2 Ceres Shape Model
  8. Last Call EGU 2019: Atmospheres and Exospheres of Terrestrial Planets, Satellites, and Exoplanets
  9. Request for Community Comments on VEXAG's Venus Exploration Documents: Part II
  10. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Table of Contents: Volume 12, 2018

Issue 55, December 30, 2018
  1. New Horizons Ultima Thule Flyby on 31 December/1 January - Getting the Word Out to Engage the Public in the First Exploration of a KBO
  2. ABSCICON 2019 Session: Planetary Protection for Astrobiology - Progress and Challenges in Science and Policy
  3. ABSCICON 2019 Session: The Impact of Astrospheric Space Weather on Exoplanetary Habitability
  4. ABSCICON 2019 Session: Origins and Evolution Pathways of Organics in Ocean Worlds
  5. New Topic Added to LPSC Abstract Drop-Down List: Planetary Spatial Data Infrastructure
  6. Planetary Geomorphology at EGU2019 Deadline
  7. Mars Exploration Rovers Data Release 58
  8. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 54, December 23, 2018
  1. Postdoctoral Researcher Position at JPL
  2. AbSciCon 2019 Session: Exploring the Planetary System of Alpha Centauri
  3. AbSciCon 2019 Session: Biosignatures, Sandstones, Mars2020
  4. AbSciCon 2019 Session: Alive or Not?
  5. AbSciCon 2019 Session: Have Comet, Will Travel!
  6. EGU 2019 Session: Planetary Space Weather
  7. EGU 2019 Session: Earth Analogs for Planetary Exploration
  8. EGU 2019 Session: Exploring the Primordial Solar System
  9. Graduate Assistantships in Planetary Science at the University of Maryland
  10. Gemini 2019 Large and Long Programs Call for Proposals Released
  11. First Announcement IPPW 2019
  12. [NASA] PDS Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 36
  13. [NASA] Next OPAG Meeting
  14. [NASA] ROSES-18 Amendment 49: Planetary Early Career Program Draft Text
  15. Minor Planet Center User Group Feedback Form
  16. Request for Community Comments on VEXAG Venus Exploration Documents
  17. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 53, December 16, 2018
  1. Position Opening University of Hawaii at Hilo
  2. Volcanism in the Solar System - Notice of Special Issue in the Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research
  3. Postdoc: Southwest Research Institute
  4. OPAG Findings
  5. JHU/APL Job Opening
  6. New Horizons Ultima Thule Public Engagement Project: Beam Your Greeting to Ultima Thule on Flyby Day
  7. Call for Abstracts: Quaternary Mars Session at the International Union for Quaternary Research International Congress
  8. Training Opportunities for Students at ESAC
  9. Pre-registration for Exoclimes V Now Open
  10. Ph.D. and M.S. Opportunities in Planetary Science at the University of Central Florida
  11. [NASA] Draft AO for Discovery Released
  12. Research Position in Data Science and Visualization for Earth and Planetary Sciences at Rice University
  13. OPAG Meeting
  14. Postdoctoral Researcher or Ph.D. Student Opportunity - Lunar Geochronology and Noble Gas Isotope Geochemistry
  15. International Venus Conference Announcement
  16. [NASA] ROSES-18 Amendment 43: New Opportunity in C.29 Astrodynamics in Support of Icy Worlds Missions
  17. Whole Heliosphere & Planetary Interactions
  18. JGR Special Collection
  19. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 52, December 9, 2018
  1. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  2. PDS/IPDA Booth at AGU - Planetary Data Discovery Challenge/Tutorials
  3. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowship - Application Deadline March 1, 2019
  4. ExoClimes V
  5. JGR Planets: Science Enabled by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Cornerstone Mission
  6. Mars Science Laboratory Release 19
  7. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for December 2018
  8. Register Today for the 2019 Humans to Mars Summit
  9. Venus Exploration Decadal Survey White Papers
  10. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 51, December 2, 2018
  1. Postdoctoral Position in Planetary Science at MIT
  2. EGU 2019 Session on Mars Sample Return
  3. PDS/IPDA Booth at AGU - Planetary Data Discovery Challenge/Tutorials
  4. SSERVI-Sponsored 'Carbon in the Solar System' DPS Panel Discussion Now Online
  5. AOGS 2019 Session Announcement
  6. LPSC Poster Session: Techniques in Collaboration and Communication in Research
  7. MAPS Special Issue in Honor of Dr. Christine Floss
  8. Forum for New Leaders in Space Science 2019
  9. Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 47
  10. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 50, November 25, 2018
  1. 2019 Pierazzo International Student Travel Award
  2. GSA Planetary Geology Division G.K. Gilbert Award Nominations
  3. Announcement for Planetary Scientist Engagement Institute
  4. [NASA] Seeking Volunteer Reviewers in Earth and Space Science
  5. Deadline for Support Approaching EGU2019 Planetary Geomorphology
  6. Astronomy and Physics Lecturer Sought at UCF
  7. Women in Space Conference
  8. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 49, November 18, 2018
  1. 2019 Pierazzo International Student Travel Award
  2. Ph.D. opportunities in Earth and Planetary Sciences at the University of Rochester
  3. M.S./Ph.D. positions for Fall 2019
  4. Mars Target Encyclopedia Integrated into MSL Analyst's Notebook
  5. Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Data Release 15
  6. Centaur Exploration Workshop: The Roots of Activity
  7. Cassini Science Symposium
  8. Postdoctoral Researcher in Planetary Science
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 48, November 11, 2018
  1. 2019 Pierazzo International Student Travel Award
  2. Assistant Professor Position, Department of Astronomy, New Mexico State University
  3. Planetary Sciences Tenure-Track Faculty Position at Caltech
  4. Amazonian Mars: Climate and Processes - Notice of Special Issue in Planetary and Space Science
  5. [NASA] PDS Dawn Ceres SPC Shape Model Release
  6. [NASA] SMD Research Opportunities for Graduate Students Update
  7. [NASA] RFI for Rideshare Mission Integration Services
  8. [NASA] Letter Approving AGU Lodging Per Diem Rate Maximum Posted
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 47, November 4, 2018
  1. [NASA] Program Scientist - Office of the Deputy Associate Administrator for Exploration
  2. JUNO Data Release 6
  3. Graduate Student Research Opportunities in Planetary Science at York University, Toronto
  4. EGU 2019 PS1.8/AS4.58: Atmospheres and Exospheres of Terrestrial Planets, Satellites, and Exoplanets
  5. The NASA Roadmap to Ocean Worlds
  6. European Lunar Symposium, Expression of Interest
  7. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  8. Amazonian Mars: Climate and Processes
  9. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for November 2018
  10. [NASA] ROSES-18 Amendment 36: D.7 K2 GO Retired from ROSES
  11. Endorsement of Exoplanet and Astrobiology Strategies
  12. UTSA Department Chair Job Posting
  13. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 46, October 28, 2018
  1. Graduate Student Research Opportunities in Planetary Science at Tulane University
  2. Ph.D. Position in Experimental Planetary Science
  3. Faculty Position in Isotope Geochemistry at UTK
  4. EGU Session: Space Environments of Unmagnetized or Weakly Magnetized Solar System Bodies and the Effects of Space Weather on These Systems
  5. VICAR Open Source v3.0 Available
  6. Civil Service Job at Goddard (1/2)
  7. Civil Service Job at Goddard (2/2)
  8. Open Position in Planetary Geology
  9. Register Today for the 2019 Humans to Mars Summit
  10. Request for Information for Inputs to the Science Mission Directorate Strategic Plan for Scientific Data and Computing
  11. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 45, October 21, 2018
  1. Call for Sessions: 2019 NAM
  2. Education and Outreach Shareathon at DPS
  3. Workshop on In Situ Exploration of the Ice Giants
  4. Centaur Exploration Workshop: The Roots of Activity
  5. SBAG 20 Early Career Opportunities
  6. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  7. Updated Community White Paper on the Case for Landed Mercury Science
  8. Ph.D. Graduate Positions at Universidad de Atacama
  9. Graduate and Postdoctoral Opportunities in Planetary Surface Processes at Stanford University
  10. Ph.D. Position in Cometary Science
  11. Open Postdoc Position: UC Berkeley
  12. Director, University of Texas Institute for Geophysics
  13. Assistant Teaching Professor in Physics (Multiple Positions)
  14. [NASA] ROSES-18 Amendment 34: Lunar Surface Instrument and Technology Payloads Final Text Released
  15. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 44, October 14, 2018
  1. Hera Mission Workshop
  2. Tenure-Track Faculty Positions at Purdue
  3. DPS Workshop on Kuiper-Belt/Pluto Future Missions
  4. GSFC Research Associate in Noble Gas Analysis
  5. LSST Solar System Hackathon at DPS
  6. International Observe The Moon Night - October 20, 2018
  7. Workshop Reminder: Juno and Juno-supporting Jupiter Atmospheric Results
  8. 4th Mars 2020 Rover Landing Site Workshop
  9. Open Positions - Space Plasma Group (U. Colorado/LASP)
  10. 2019 ASU Exploration Postdoctoral Fellowship in Earth and Space Science
  11. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 43, October 7, 2018
  1. [NASA] PDS Mars Exploration Rovers Data Release 57
  2. [NASA] PDS Odyssey Data Release 65
  3. [NASA] PDS Odyssey Data Release 65 for GRS
  4. [NASA] PDS Small Bodies Data Releases
  5. [NASA] PDS Dawn Derived Gravity Science Data Release
  6. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for October 2018
  7. Final Program Available for the 4th Mars 2020 Rover Landing Site Workshop
  8. [NASA] Response Date Extended for Science Engagement Opportunities for the NASA Mars 2020 Project
  9. [NASA] ROSES-18 Amendment 30: TESS GI Text and Due Date Changes
  10. [NASA] ROSES-18 Amendment 31: C.15 Planetary Protection Research Program Not Solicited This Year
  11. LSST and the Solar System Workshop
  12. Applications Solicited for Tenure-Track Assistant Professor
  13. DPS Workshop: Primitive or Processed? Carbon in Today's Solar System vs. the early Solar System and the Interstellar Medium
  14. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 42, September 30, 2018
  1. In Memoriam: William R. Ward (1944 - 2018)
  2. Assistant Professor of Physics or Astronomy at Ithaca College
  3. Bateman Postdoctoral Fellowship, Yale University
  4. Postdoctoral Position Cometary Atmospheres
  5. Research Associate in Planetary Science at CU Boulder
  6. Research Opportunities at the University of Hawaii: Fluid Migration in Titan's Ice Shell
  7. Grad Student/Postdoc Opportunities in Planetary Surface Processes at UT Austin
  8. NEOCam Science Community Discussion at DPS
  9. PubSpace and You: How to Deposit Your Manuscripts as Required by ROSES
  10. An Astrobiology Science Strategy for the Search for Life in the Universe: Public Briefing and Webcast on 10/10/18
  11. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 41, September 23, 2018
  1. Tenure-Track Faculty Position in Geochemistry - Earth/Planetary Processes
  2. Women in Space Conference
  3. PDS Booth at DPS - Individual Tutorials (and Group Classes) Available
  4. Input Requested for Solar System Science with Astrophysics Assets, Deadline Extended
  5. Postdoctoral Position in Cometary Science/Astrochemistry
  6. [NASA] Request for Information for Inputs to the Science Mission Directorate Strategic Plan for Scientific Data and Computing
  7. [NASA] Funding Opportunity Cooperative Agreement Notice (CAN) Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute (SSERVI)
  8. Tenure-Track Faculty Position in Planetary Science at Western Washington University
  9. PDS Dawn VIR Ceres Data Release
  10. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 40, September 16, 2018
  1. Preliminary Announcement: Workshop on In-Situ Exploration of the Ice Giants
  2. The SSHADE Solid Spectroscopy Database for Astrophysics and Planetary Sciences
  3. New Dates for the Pluto-2019 Conference
  4. Change in NSF Planetary Astronomy Grants Program
  5. ROSES-18 Amendment 26: Draft Lunar Surface Instrument and Technology Payloads Call for Community Comment
  6. Thematic School - Fluid-Rock Interactions in the Solar System
  7. T.C. Chamberlin Postdoctoral Fellowship
  8. Postdoc Positions in Planetary Science at Brown University
  9. Mars Research Assistant
  10. DPS Panel Discussion: Carbon in the Solar System
  11. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 39, September 12, 2018
  1. SPECIAL EDITION - Anti-Harassment Message from NASA Associate Administrator for the Science Mission Directorate Thomas H. Zurbuchen

Issue 38, September 9, 2018
  1. In Memoriam: John Longhi (1946 - 2018)
  2. In Memoriam: Erik Hauri (1966 - 2018)
  3. Brad Smith's Memorial Service
  4. DPS Gathering to Honor Mike Belton
  5. PDS Booth at DPS - Individual Tutorials and Group Classes Available
  6. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  7. 4th Symposium of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR): Small Satellites for Sustainable Science and Development
  8. 43rd Scientific Assembly of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) and Associated Events
  9. Workshop on Preparing for Interviews and Job Talks
  10. 1st Circular for Third 2018 MEPAG Virtual Meeting (VM3)
  11. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for September 2018
  12. A Free Workshop for Early-Career Astronomers Who Want to Do Better Outreach to Students and the Public (Register Soon)
  13. Two Tenure-Track Faculty Positions, Earth and Planetary Exploration Using Small Satellites, University of Hawai'i
  14. Wiess and Pan Postdoctoral Fellowships at Rice University
  15. 2019A NASA IRTF Call for Proposals
  16. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 37, September 2, 2018
  1. In Memoriam: Paul Spudis (1952-2018)
  2. Staff Scientist Position: Jet Propulsion Laboratory
  3. Tenure-Track Faculty Position in Geochemistry
  4. Exoplanet Science Strategy Public Briefing and Webcast
  5. Announcement of DPS Workshop on Proposal Writing
  6. Community White Paper on the Case for Pluto Follow On Missions
  7. Student Travel Funding Opportunity to Attend GSA Annual Fall Meeting
  8. Participate in this Year's Early Career Presenters Review at DPS
  9. Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 46
  10. Ph.D. Position in Astrochemistry, Star and Planet Formation
  11. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 36, August 29, 2018
  1. SPECIAL EDITION - Open Positions At NASA Headquarters: Planetary Science Division Director and NASA's Deputy Chief Scientist

Issue 35, August 26, 2018
  1. Planetary Science Slides and Illustrations
  2. Community White Paper on the Case for Landed Mercury Science
  3. Post-Doctoral Positions - Experimental Study of Cometary Activity
  4. Research Physical Scientist Position at NASA ARC
  5. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 34, August 19, 2018
  1. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for August 2018
  2. Post-Doctoral Position in Isotope Cosmochemistry and Planetary Science
  3. Postdoctoral Position Studying Martian Dust Devils
  4. OPAG Update
  5. LSST and the Solar System Workshop
  6. AGU Late-Breaking Session on the Global Dust Storm of 2018
  7. Science with HabEx: UV to Near-Infrared Space Astronomy in the 2030's
  8. [NASA] NASA Seeks Public Policy Expert(s)
  9. [NASA] ROSES-18 Amendment 22: C.14 PSTAR Not Solicited This Year
  10. [NASA] PDS Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Data Release 14
  11. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 33, August 12, 2018
  1. Postdoctoral Position in Experimental Planetary Science
  2. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowship
  3. A Catalog of Music Inspired by Astronomy
  4. DPS Women in Planetary Science Discussion Hour 2018 - Knoxville, TN
  5. Early Career Participant Support Available for NASA OPAG Meeting
  6. [NASA] Announcement For Proposals For a Partnership Agreement Related to Science Engagement Opportunities for the NASA Mars 2020 Project
  7. GSA Annual Meeting 2018 Session T149. Volcanism and Tectonism on Planetary Bodies
  8. 2nd Announcement and Additional Information Posted for 4th Landing Site Workshop for the Mars 2020 Rover Mission
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 32, August 5, 2018
  1. Editorial: On the Insensitive Use of the Term "Planet 9" for Objects Beyond Pluto
  2. Symposium in Celebration of Mike A'Hearn
  3. GSA Session T147: Memorial Session in Memory of Lawrence A. Taylor on Planetary Mantles - Using Samples to Explore Earth, the Moon, and Mars
  4. Mars Science Laboratory Release 18
  5. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  6. [NASA] Lodging Waiver for the 50th DPS
  7. The Art of Planetary Science at DPS
  8. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 31, July 29, 2018
  1. Geosciences Special Issue: Recent Advances in Lunar Studies
  2. AGU Session DI019: The Archean Earth and its Venusian Analog
  3. AGU Session P006: Carbon Across the Solar System
  4. AGU Session P009: Chasing Life with a Sample Size of One - From Understanding the Signs of Life in Earth's Atmosphere Through Time to Detecting Biosignatures on Exoplanets
  5. AGU Session P016: Enceladus - A World Awaiting
  6. AGU Session P020: From the Earth to the Moons
  7. AGU Session P033: Planet Mercury - Present Understanding and Promise for Future Discovery
  8. AGU Session P040: Saturn's Seasonally Evolving Atmosphere During the Cassini Era and Beyond
  9. Call for Expressions of Interest to Organise Symposia, Special Sessions, and Lunch Sessions at EWASS 2019
  10. ROSES-18 Amendment 21: New Opportunity in Mars 2020 Returned Sample Science Participating Scientist Program
  11. ESA Call for Mission Proposals
  12. WFIRST Solar System Working Group Findings in Press
  13. Ice Giants and KBOs White Paper
  14. MAPSIT Special Action Team Solicits Feedback on ISIS
  15. On the Insensitive Use of the Term "Planet 9" for Objects Beyond Pluto
  16. Thematic School - Fluid-Rock Interactions in the Solar System
  17. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 30, July 22, 2018
  1. Two Positions of Assistant Professor at Universidad de Atacama, Chile
  2. Europa Deep Dive 2 Workshop
  3. First Annoucement IAU Symposium 350 on Laboratory Astrophysics
  4. Historical Abstracts for the 50th DPS Meeting
  5. Laboratory Research Abstracts for the 50th DPS Meeting
  6. AGU Session B039: Integrated Habitability Science: Forecasting the Trajectory of Life and Planetary Habitability on Earth and Beyond
  7. AGU Session P006: Carbon Across the Solar System
  8. AGU Session P009: Chasing Life with a Sample Size of One - From Signs of Life in Earth's Atmosphere to Exoplanet Biosignatures
  9. AGU Session P024: Integrating Geophysical Methods for Improved Imaging of Planetary Surfaces and Interiors
  10. AGU Session P025: Machine Learning in Planetary Science: Introductions and Applications
  11. GSA Session T51. Planetary Aeolian Geology from Outcrop to Orbit: Nathan Bridges Memorial Session
  12. GSA Session T143. The Age of Small World Exploration: Major Results from Minor Planets and Other Small Solar System Bodies
  13. GSA Session T144. Friends of Hoth: Episode III - Bodies of the Outer Solar System
  14. GSA Session T145. Apollo 17 Forty-Five Years on: Reanalysis of the Geochemistry, Geophysics, and Field Geology in Light of Data from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter and Other Recent Missions
  15. GSA Session T146. Geomorphology and Landscape Evolution of Mars
  16. GSA Session T147. Planetary Mantles - Using Samples to Explore Earth, the Moon, and Mars: Memorial Session in Memory of Lawrence A. Taylor
  17. GSA Session T148. Radar & Microwave Remote Sensing of Desertic and Planetary Environments
  18. GSA Session T149. Volcanism and Tectonism on Planetary Bodies
  19. GSA Session T150. Impact Cratering: Geologic, Geochemical, and Geophysical Signatures on the Terrestrial Planets
  20. GSA Session T151. The G.K. Gilbert Award Session: Planetary Surface Processes from Mars to the Outer Solar System
  21. GSA Session T152. Grain to Global Perspectives of Mars: Evolving Views of the Martian Sedimentary Rock Record
  22. GSA Session T153. Voyages to Ocean Worlds throughout the Solar System
  23. GSA Session T154. Coordinated Microanalysis As a Tool for Increasing the Scientific Yield of Returned Planetary Materials
  24. GSA Session T155. Big Data in Planetary Geology
  25. GSA Session T156. Geology and Geophysics of the Eratosthenian and Copernican Moon
  26. GSA Session T185. Features, Processes, and Emplacement of Melted Rock on the Earth and Planets
  27. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 29, July 15, 2018
  1. Bradford A. Smith (1931-2018)
  2. AGU Session P020: From the Earth to the Moons - Unraveling the Geologic, Oceanographic and Chemical Mysteries of Ice and Ocean Worlds
  3. AGU Session P050: The Origin, Evolution and Fate of Comets - New Results from Rosetta, Other Missions, and Ground-Based Observations
  4. GSA Session T152: Grain to Global Perspectives of Mars - Evolving Views of the Martian Sedimentary Rock Record
  5. Cornell University - Research Support Specialist II
  6. Input Requested for Solar System Science with Astrophysics Assets
  7. [NASA] SMD Seeks Volunteer Reviewers
  8. [NASA] ROSES-18: D.7 K2 Phase-1 Due Date Delay
  9. [NASA] ROSES-18: Delay of Due Date, Late Data Release, and New Opportunity for Cassini Data Analysis.
  10. Faculty Position in Geophysics and Geochemistry at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
  11. [NASA] PDS - JUNO Data Release 5
  12. [NASA] PDS - New Horizons Pluto High-Level Data Release
  13. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 28, July 8, 2018
  1. AGU Session P023: Impacts of Space Wather from the Sun and Active Stars on Atmospheric Evolution of Terrestrial (Exo)Planets
  2. AGU Session P026: Mars Global Climate Modeling: From the Surface to the Exobase
  3. AGU Session P033: Planet Mercury - Present Understanding and Promise for Future Discovery
  4. AGU Session P038: Results from the Investigation of Jupiter's Atmosphere by Juno and a Supporting Campaign of Earth-Based Observations
  5. AGU Session P049: The Interiors of Jupiter and Saturn in the Era of Juno and Cassini
  6. AGU Session P051: The Role of Extreme Atmospheric Escape from Hot Exoplanets
  7. AGU Session P056: Titan - Looking Backward, Looking Forward
  8. AGU Session P058: Unanswered Questions in Mars Atmospheric Science - What Future Observations are Best Suited to Addressing Them?
  9. AGU Session SM011: Moon-Plasma Interactions Throughout the Solar System
  10. AGU Session SM013: Our Evolving Understanding of Auroral Processes and Magnetosphere Dynamics at Jupiter Through Juno and Earth-Based Observations
  11. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  12. Odyssey Data Release 64
  13. Cassini Data Release 54
  14. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for July, 2018
  15. LSST Call for White Papers on Survey Strategy
  16. Job Announcement: Faculty Position in Space-Based Instrumentation at the University of Iowa
  17. Job Announcement: Research Support Specialist II at Cornell University
  18. GSA Annual Meeting 2018 Session T149: Volcanism and Tectonism on Planetary Bodies
  19. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 27, July 1, 2018
  1. AGU Session GP009: Planetary Magnetism and Core Processes
  2. AGU Session P005: Being Neighborly - Observing the Moon from Cis-Lunar Space
  3. AGU Session P008: Ceres and Vesta - Understanding the Protoplanets of the Asteroid Belt
  4. AGU Session P014: Defense Against Asteroid Impacts
  5. AGU Session P038: Results from the Investigation of Jupiter's Atmosphere by Juno and a Supporting Campaign of Earth-Based Observations
  6. AGU Session P044: Super-Earth Detection, Characterization and Modeling - How Habitable are They?
  7. AGU Session P046: The New Mars Underground - Science and Exploration of a New Deep Frontier
  8. AGU Session P049: The Interiors of Jupiter and Saturn in the Era of Juno and Cassini
  9. AGU Session P055: Tidally Locked Systems in the Solar System and Beyond
  10. AGU Session SH029: The Interstellar Probe Mission - NASA Study Findings and Next Steps
  11. AGU Session SM03: Our Evolving Understanding of Auroral Processes and Magnetosphere Dynamics at Jupiter Through Juno and Earth-Based Observations
  12. The 9th Planetary Crater Consortium Meeting
  13. Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) Awards 2018
  14. [NASA] PDS - Rosetta OSIRIS Final Data Release by the Small Bodies Node
  15. ROSES-18 Amendment 17: New Opportunity in C.25 SESAME Technology Development
  16. Mars Exploration Rovers Data Release 56
  17. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 26, June 24, 2018
  1. AGU Session EP031: Planets as Experiments - Surface Processes in Extraterrestrial Environments
  2. AGU Session P004: Balloons in Earth and Planetary Sciences - Research, Applications, and Emerging Concepts
  3. AGU Session P020: From the Earth to the Moons - Unraveling the Geologic, Oceanographic and Chemical Mysteries of Ice and Ocean Worlds
  4. AGU Session P028: Observations of Planets Near and Far with Next-Generation Telescopes
  5. AGU Session P036: Regolith Development on Icy and Rocky Surfaces
  6. AGU Session P047: The Effects of Impact Cratering in Mafic Rocks and Minerals
  7. AGU Session P048: The Future of Planetary Atmospheric, Surface, and Interior Science Using Radio and Laser Links
  8. AGU Session P053: The Uranus and Neptune Systems and Their Relation to Other Planets
  9. AGU Session SM007: Magnetospheres in the Inner Solar System Thermal Models for Planetary Science III (TherMoPS III)
  10. GSA Planetary Geology Division Ronald Greeley Award Deadline
  11. Post-Doctoral Position in Planetary Atmospheric Science
  12. Job Announcement: Observatory Scientists at Arecibo Observatory
  13. New OPAG Chair and Steering Committee Members
  14. Reminder: Comments on 2018 OPAG Goals Document are due July 2, 2018
  15. [NASA] PDS: LRO Release 34
  16. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 25, June 17, 2018
  1. [NASA] Request for Information on the Availability of Potential Lunar Payloads
  2. [NASA] Draft Cooperative Agreement Notice for New SSERVI Teams Released
  3. International Workshop on Instrumentation for Planetary Missions
  4. ESA Research Fellowships in Space Sciences
  5. Fall AGU Special Session P011 - Comparative Planetology and the Solar System as a Gateway to the Exoplanets
  6. Fall AGU Special Session P060 - Venus: The Origin and Fate of Earthlike Planets? Big Questions of the World Next Door
  7. Fall AGU Special Session P012 - Concepts for Future Planetary Science Missions
  8. Fall AGU Special Session P054 - The Use of Analog Environments in Preparing for the Exploration and Characterization of Planetary Surfaces
  9. Postdoctoral Researcher, Source Location of Martian Meteorites
  10. 1st Information Circular for Virtual MEPAG Meeting
  11. Reminder: Register for Cassini Science Symposium and Hotels
  12. Seats Still Available for Software Systems for Astronomy 5
  13. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 24, June 13, 2018
  1. Michael J.S. Belton - Images and Remembrances Request

Issue 23, June 10, 2018
  1. In Memoriam: Michael J. S. Belton (1934-2018)
  2. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowship Application Deadline July 1, 2018
  3. Postdoctoral Position in Exoplanet Atmospheres
  4. TESS Science Conference I, July 29 - August 2, 2019
  5. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 22, June 3, 2018
  1. [NASA] K2 GO Cycle 7 Final Text Released
  2. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  3. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for June 2018
  4. Venus Landed Platform Working Group
  5. Meeting of the Laboratory Astrophysics Commission at the XXXth General Assembly of the IAU, Vienna
  6. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 21, May 27, 2018
  1. Geosciences Special Issue Recent Advances in Lunar Studies
  2. Reminder Call for VEXAG Steering Committee Members Due June 1, 2018
  3. Spice Training Second Announcement
  4. Thematic School - Fluid-Rock Interactions in the Solar System
  5. Applications for GSA Planetary Geology Division Junior Student Advisory Member Due June 1
  6. Postdoctoral Research Scholarship in Asteroid Engineering
  7. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 20, May 20, 2018
  1. 34th American Society for Gravitational and Space Research Conference
  2. [NASA] ROSES-18 Amendment 12: New Opportunity in C.24 Apollo Next Generation Sample Analysis
  3. Field Training and Research Program at Meteor Crater
  4. Applications for GSA Planetary Geology Division Junior Student Advisory Member Due June 1
  5. [NASA] ROSES-18 Amendment 13: C.23 ICEE 2 Final Text
  6. Job Announcement - NASA MSFC
  7. Molecular Geobiology EMBO Practical Course with a Field Trip
  8. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 19, May 13, 2018
  1. EPSC Session: Ocean Worlds and Icy Moons
  2. EPSC Session: Planetary Aeronomy
  3. EPSC Session: Differentiated Small Bodies - A New Perspective
  4. SSERVI 2018 ESF Awards
  5. Addition of Lucy Flight Opportunity to SIMPLEx PEA-J of SALMON-3
  6. Project Research Fellow in RISE/NAOJ
  7. ASP Conference on Astro Education/Outreach
  8. Eight New Resource Guides on Astronomical Topics
  9. Free Open Source Astro 101 Textbook
  10. Director of Education Position Open at SETI Institute
  11. Silicon Valley Astronomy Lectures
  12. Venus Exploration Analysis Group (VEXAG) Call for Steering Committee Members
  13. 13. Hubble Space Telescope Cycle 26 Call for Proposals
  14. Post-doc in Machine Learning/Data Mining for Earth and Planetary Science
  15. Student and Early Career Travel Grants for CCTP3 Meeting
  16. Lunar and Small Bodies Graduate Conference 2018
  17. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 18, May 6, 2018
  1. EPSC Session: The Gaia Mission - First Data Exploitation for Asteroid Science
  2. EPSC Session: Atmospheres of Terrestrial Planets
  3. EPSC Session: Mars Interior and Surface
  4. EPSC Session: Observations and Modelling of Exoplanet Atmospheres, Interiors and Orbits
  5. NASA-ESA Statement of Intent for Mars Sample Return
  6. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  7. Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Early Mars Research
  8. Postdoctoral Research Scientist in Experimental Planetary Science
  9. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for May 2018
  10. Planetary Simulant Database
  11. The Humans to Mars Summit is This Week - Register Today!
  12. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 17, April 29, 2018
  1. EPSC Session: Post-differentiation Magmatism on the Moon - Current Insights on Lunar Volcanism
  2. EPSC Session: Lunar Volatiles
  3. EPSC Session: Machine Learning for Planetary Science in Times of Increasing Data Volume and Complexity
  4. SBAG 19 Early Career Opportunities
  5. Final Landing Site Workshop for Mars 2020
  6. Postdoctoral Research Associate in Venus or Mars Science, Wesleyan University
  7. Postdoctoral Position in Cometary Plasma Physics at IRF in Uppsala, Sweden
  8. Small Innovative Missions for Planetary Exploration Released as Amendment 2 To SALMON-3
  9. Three-year Postdoc position at the University of Idaho
  10. PhD Position at University of Idaho
  11. Lecturer Position at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville
  12. Draft of Instrument Concepts for Europa Exploration 2 (ICEE 2) Posted for Comment
  13. MEPAG Meeting 36 Presentations, Summary, and Findings are Posted
  14. SMD Seeks Volunteer Reviewers
  15. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 16, April 22, 2018
  1. EPSC Session: Volcanism and Tectonism Across the Solar System
  2. EPSC Session: Mars Express - 15 Years of Hard Work and Discoveries
  3. EPSC Session: Ionospheres of Unmagnetized Bodies in the Solar System - Terrestrial Planets and Comets
  4. Experimental Postdoctoral Position
  5. Nominations for OPAG Steering Committee and OPAG Chair
  6. Comments on 2018 OPAG Goals Document Due July 2, 2018
  7. Cosmic Dust XI
  8. Call for Farinella Prize 2018
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 15, April 15, 2018
  1. EPSC Session: Astrobiology
  2. EPSC Session: Planetary Aeronomy
  3. EPSC Session Multi-Disciplinary Approaches to Investigate the Interior Structure and Evolution of Terrestrial Bodies and Icy Satellites
  4. EPSC Session: Matter Under Planetary Interior Conditions
  5. LSST Solar System Science Collaboration
  6. Summer School/Workshop: Microsatellites in Planetary and Atmospheric Research
  7. [NASA] ROSES-18 Amendment 6: C.18 LARS Due Dates Delayed and Text Changes
  8. Reminder: Abstract and VEXAG Travel Grant Deadlines
  9. [NASA] Odyssey Data Release 63 for GRS
  10. Geosciences Special Issue Recent Advances in Lunar Studies
  11. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 14, April 8, 2018
  1. Community Pluto Follow On Missions White Paper Available
  2. [NASA] PDS: Odyssey Data Release 63
  3. Abstract Deadline Extension and VEXAG U.S. Student/Early Career Travel Grants For The International Venus Conference
  4. Abstract Deadline 16 April For Final Cassini Science Symposium
  5. Final Agenda and Remote Participation for DART Investigation Team Meeting
  6. [NASA] PDS: Cassini Data Release 53
  7. 2nd International Mars Sample Return Conference
  8. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowship Application Deadline July 1, 2018
  9. [NASA] SpaceTech-REDDI-2018 Appendix F1: Tech Flights - NASA Flight Opportunities Now Open
  10. Program for the Carbon in the Solar System Workshop
  11. SSfA at UH Hawaii Registration Opens Monday
  12. Icarus Special Issue on the Trans-Neptunian Solar System
  13. Fourth Announcement of the Technologies and Infrastructures
  14. Workshop for Planetary Exploration, Horizon 2061
  15. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 13, April 1, 2018
  1. iCubeSat 2018 - the 7th Interplanetary CubeSat Workshop
  2. New Caroline Herschel Prize Lectureship for Early-Career Astro-Scientists
  3. Early Career Research Associate at Cornell
  4. SSERVI Director Position is Now Open
  5. JWST Launch Delay Causes Postponement of Cycle 1 Call for Proposal Deadline
  6. JUNO Data Release 4
  7. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  8. EPSC 2018 Session: Organic Matter in Space
  9. Cryovolcansim in the Solar System Workshop
  10. Final preparation information for MEPAG Meeting 36
  11. PSS Special Issue "Asteroid (3200) Phaethon and Meteoroids"
  12. Lunar and Small Bodies Graduate Conference 2018
  13. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 12, March 25, 2018
  1. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for March 2018
  2. [NASA] Science Mission Directorate Seeks Volunteer Reviewers
  3. [NASA] Mars Exploration Rovers Data Release 55
  4. 2018 NASA Planetary Science Summer Seminar Applications Open
  5. NASA FDL 2018 Summer Program: Applications Closing Soon
  6. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 11, March 18, 2018
  1. Research Associate Job Posting for the Cornell Center for Astrophysics and Planetary Science
  2. [NASA] ROSES Astrophysics Programs Due Dates Delayed
  3. 9th Planetary Crater Consortium Meeting Announcement
  4. EarthArXiv Preprint Service Expanding to Include Planetary Science
  5. MEPAG Meeting 36: Forum Presentation Abstracts Now Posted
  6. Goldschmidt Conference Session Announcement
  7. Walk on Mars With Themis at LPSC
  8. [NASA] ROSES-18 Amendment 5: Final text for C.17 Planetary Major Equipment and Facilities
  9. [NASA] PDS: Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 33
  10. Ocean Worlds 3: Abstract Deadline Extended to March 28
  11. AIDA/DART Spring 2018 Investigation Team Meeting
  12. Outer Planets Assesment Group Findings and Next Meeting
  13. Mars Science Laboratory Release 17
  14. [NASA] Use of RTGs in the Next Discovery AO
  15. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 10, March 11, 2018
  1. Postdoc in Planetary Geophysics at Brown University
  2. Planetary Taxonomy: The Geophysical Planet Definition
  3. LSST: Request for Science Website Content Feedback
  4. LPSC: Early Career Faculty Lunch on Monday
  5. Walk on Mars with THEMIS at LPSC
  6. JWST Cycle 1 Archival Research Proposals Will Consider Some GTO Targets
  7. SPIE Asia Pacific: Spectroscopic Measurements of Planetary Surfaces
  8. ROSES-18: Final Text for D.14 SOFIA 4th Gen Instrumentation
  9. 2018B NASA IRTF Call for Proposals
  10. Tenth Annual Susan Niebur Women in Planetary Science Event at LPSC 2018
  11. ELS Registration Open
  12. SPICE Training Announcement
  13. Third Announcement of the Technologies and Infrastructures Workshop for Planetary Exploration, Horizon 2061
  14. H2M 2018
  15. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 9, March 4, 2018
  1. OPAG Goals Document: Town Hall at LPSC
  2. NASA Seeks Experienced Public Policy Experts
  3. JMARS Showcase at LPSC
  4. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  5. Job Announcement: Research Space Scientist, AST, Planetary Studies
  6. Differentiation Conference: Abstract Deadline Extended to March 6
  7. PDS - Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 44
  8. Presentations and Summary from Feb 20 MEPAG Virtual Meeting Posted
  9. International Venus Conference Abstracts and Registration
  10. NASA FDL 2018 Summer Program: Call for Applicants
  11. PDS - New Horizons Data Release by the Small Bodies Node
  12. PDS - Rosetta Data Release by the Small Bodies Node
  13. 2018 Goldschmidt Session: From Source to Sink - Geochemical Sulfur Cycles on Earth and Mars
  14. Magnetospheres of the Outer Planets 2018
  15. Lunar Science for Landed Missions Draft Report
  16. Workshop: Carbon in the Solar System
  17. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 8, February 25, 2018
  1. Rossbypalooza-2018
  2. Visit the PDS Booth at LPSC
  3. Annual Meeting of the DDA: April 15-19 in San Jose, CA
  4. Europlanet Workshop Announcement
  5. Venus Exploration Events at LPSC
  6. Second Announcement of the Technologies and Infrastructures Workshop for Planetary Exploration, Horizon 2061
  7. Differentiation Conference: Abstract Deadline March 1
  8. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 7, February 18, 2018
  1. Postdoctoral Position in Planetary Atmospheres at MPS, Germany
  2. [NASA] Release of ROSES-2018 Annual Omnibus NRA
  3. Ocean Worlds 3
  4. Large Synoptic Survey Telescope Solar System Science Roadmap
  5. Postdoctoral Position in Mars and Moon Research
  6. Planetary ArcGIS Workshop
  7. Field Trip to Flynn Creek Impact Structure
  8. SERVI Award Nominations Solicited
  9. NASA Exploration Science Forum
  10. Registration Open: Final Cassini Science Symposium
  11. [NASA] Exobiology Proposals Due May 2018
  12. Reminder: MEPAG Virtual Meeting on Tuesday, February 20
  13. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for February 2018
  14. Planetary Sessions at the May GSA Cordilleran-Rocky Mountain Joint Meeting
  15. [NASA] MRO SHARAD Raw Data from 2015.02.09 to 2017.02.08
  16. [NASA] Mars Express MARSIS Data Release
  17. Differentiation Conference: Abstract Deadline March 1
  18. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 6, February 11, 2018
  1. New Postdoctoral Position at MIT
  2. [NASA] Seeking Volunteer Reviewers in Earth and Space Science
  3. Workshop in Geology and Geophysics of the Solar System - 2nd Announcement
  4. AGU Planetary Sciences Section Leadership Opportunities
  5. Postdoctoral Position in Asteroid Science at MPS, Germany
  6. Planning Solar System Observations with JWST in Cycle-1
  7. Planetary Sessions at the May GSA Cordilleran-Rocky Mountain Joint Meeting
  8. Volunteers Needed for Updating VEXAG's Venus Exploration Documents in 2018
  9. Summer School in Software Systems for Astronomy
  10. MEPAG Meeting 36 Venue and Hotel Block Announced
  11. MEPAG Meeting Reminder
  12. New OPAG Goals Document Posted for Community Comments
  13. Carbon in the Solar System Workshop
  14. Environments of Terrestrial Planets Under the Young Sun: Seeds of Biomolecules
  15. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 5, February 4, 2018
  1. Job Opening: Planetary Scientist with Expertise in Exospheres at Goddard Space Flight Center
  2. Job Opening: Planetary Scientist with Expertise in Magnetometry at Goddard Space Flight Center
  3. Planetary Data System Project Office Support
  4. Tenure-Track Planetary Sciences Faculty Position at Caltech
  5. Curtin University Postdoctoral Researcher
  6. COSPAR 2018: Near-Term Exploration of the Interstellar Medium
  7. Job Announcement: Research Associate at LASP Working with the Langmuir Probe and Waves Instrument on MAVEN mission
  8. Mercury 2018 Meeting: Abstract Deadline - Feb 15
  9. 2018 NASA Planetary Science Summer Seminar Applications Open
  10. [NASA] Draft SIMPLEx Released for Community Comment
  11. Deadline for Division for Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society Prizes: April 1, 2018
  12. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  13. Pellas-Ryder Student Paper Award Nomination Deadline Extended to 9 Feb 2018
  14. Third Pre-Proposal Teleconference - NASA Fellowship Activity 2018
  15. LPI Celebration Clarification
  16. First Announcement of Didymos Observer Workshop 2018
  17. Differentiation: Building the Internal Architecture of Planets
  18. Seeking NESSF reviewers
  19. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 4, January 28, 2018
  1. Abstracts 52nd ESLAB: Comparative Aeronomy and Plasma Environment of Terrestrial Planets
  2. Amended Closing Date: NASA Job Opening in Laboratory Astrochemistry
  3. [NASA] Postdoctoral Fellowship: Application Deadline March 1, 2018
  4. [NASA] Pre-proposal Teleconference: NASA Fellowship Activity 2018
  5. Abstract Deadline Extended: 2nd International Mars Sample Return Conference
  6. PhD Opportunities: FAPESP
  7. Closing Planetary Protection Knowledge Gaps for Future Human Exploration Workshop Delayed
  8. Mercury 2018 Meeting: Abstract Deadline February 15, 2018
  9. Job Opening: Exosphere/Planetary Scientist at Goddard Space Flight Center
  10. Announcement of Rosaly Lopes as the New Editor-in-Chief of Icarus
  11. Invitation to Submit Abstract to the Japan Geoscience Union (JpGU) Meeting
  12. Planetary Sessions at the May GSA Cordilleran-Rocky Mountain Joint Meeting
  13. Upcoming MEPAG Meetings
  14. Postdoctoral Scholar in Mars Atmospheric Structure, Dynamics, and Aerosols (Caltech)
  15. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 3, January 21, 2018
  1. ROSES-17 Amendment 61: C.19 NFDAP Moved to 2018
  2. Geosciences Special Issue Recent Advances in Lunar Studies
  3. AOGS 2018 Abstract Deadline Extended to January 26
  4. AOGS Session PS18: Understanding Icy Worlds, Ocean Worlds, and Habitability
  5. AOGS Session PS20: Missions and Surveys - Drivers of Future Solar System Science
  6. AOGS Session PS21: Physical and Dynamical Evolution of the Post-Formation Solar System
  7. AIDA/DART Spring 2018 Investigation Team Meeting
  8. 1st Annual RPI Workshop on Image-Based Modeling and Navigation for Space Applications
  9. 2nd International Mars Sample Return Conference
  10. ELS Abstract Deadline Extended to 31 January 2018
  11. Call for Proposals - NASA Fellowship Activity 2018
  12. 2018 Humans to Mars Summit
  13. Upcoming Short Courses and Field Schools
  14. SSERVI Special Paper Collection Submission Deadline Postponed to February 28
  15. Workshop: Carbon in the Solar System
  16. Celebration of the Explorer-1 Mission and the Discovery of the Earth's Radiation Belts
  17. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 2, January 14, 2018
  1. Summer Internships at Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab (APL)
  2. Pluto After New Horizons: Date Change
  3. Updates for NASA Outer Planets Assessment Group (OPAG)
  4. Topical Issue of Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate
  5. AOGS Session PS02: Volcanism and Tectonism Across the Solar System
  6. AOGS Session PS22: Field and Laboratory Studies in Support of Planetary Infrared Remote Sensing
  7. ASIME 2018
  8. Final Cassini Science Symposium Save The Date: Aug. 12-17, 2018
  9. FAPESP Post-Doc Announcement
  10. COSPAR 2018: Ocean Worlds: Europa, Enceladus, Titan, and Beyond
  11. COSPAR 2018: Small Body Hazard
  12. COSPAR 2018: Observations of Planetary Objects with Non-planetary Spacecraft
  13. MEPAG Meeting Forecasting Reminder and Tentative Meeting Structure
  14. [NASA] ROSES-17 Amendment 60: C.2 SSW Proposal Due Date Delay
  15. TESS-2018 Session: Comparative Physics and Consequences of Celestial Body Atmospheric Loss
  16. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for January 2018
  17. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 1, January 7, 2018
  1. Date Change: Ninth International Conference on Mars
  2. Summer Internships at Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab (APL)
  3. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  4. AOGS Session PS-08: Polarization as a Tool for Exploration of Earth, Solar System and Beyond
  5. AOGS Session PS-14: Planetary Data in the Big Data Era
  6. AOGS Session PS-18: Understanding Icy Worlds, Ocean Worlds, and Habitability
  7. AOGS Session PS-19: Rosetta, Comets, and Other Icy Bodies
  8. EGU Session: Small Bodies (Dwarf Planets, Asteroids, Comets) to Dust
  9. EGU Session: Accretion, Differentiation and Volatiles - Constraints on Terrestrial Planets
  10. [NASA] HQ Planetary Program Scientist - Science Mission Directorate
  11. [NASA] Job Opening in Laboratory Astrochemistry
  12. [NASA] PDS: Odyssey Data Release 62
  13. [NASA] PDS: Cassini Data Release 52
  14. NASA FDL Workshop Announces Call for Research Ideas
  15. USRA/LPI Postdoctoral Fellow in Planetary Surface Processes
  16. Dusty Visions 2018: First Announcement
  17. COSPAR 2018 Session: Pluto and Charon: The New Horizons Mission Results
  18. COSPAR 2018: Ice Giant Systems
  19. COSPAR 2018: Mars Science Results
  20. Department Head, Purdue EAPS
  21. Magnetometry Scientist Position
  22. 9th Workshop on Catastrophic Disruption in the Solar System (CD9)
  23. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Table of Contents: Volume 11, 2017

Issue 54, December 31, 2017
  1. Tenured Full Professor Position in Astrobiology
  2. Outreach Coordinator Positions Open
  3. IAU General Assembly Mini-Conference - Recent Advances in Planetary Astronomy
  4. 2018 AOGS Session PS10 - On the Dwarf Planet Ceres After Dawn
  5. PDS Data Release 45 From Mars Exploration Rover
  6. Magnetospheres of the Outer Planets 2018
  7. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 53, December 24, 2017
  1. Life on Earth and Beyond Conference March 2018
  2. 2018 APL NASA Intern Program
  3. NASA IRTF Future Directions Workshop
  4. 2018 AOGS Meeting Session on Field and Laboratory Studies
  5. Lunar Science for Landed Missions Workshop Program and Registration
  6. [NASA] ROSES-17 Amendment 57: Juno PSP Final Text
  7. Call for White Papers on a Future NASA Open-Source Policy
  8. [NASA] Mars Now a Cycle 1 Target for Webb
  9. [NASA] NASA Job Opening in Laboratory Astrochemistry
  10. Information about the MEPAG Face-to-face Meeting
  11. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 52, December 17, 2017
  1. Update - Assessing NASA Compliance with the Planetary Decadal Recommendation for Research and Analysis Program Funding
  2. [NASA] Discovery Program Long-range Planning Information
  3. LPSC Session: The Taurus-Littrow Valley 45 years After Apollo 17
  4. Position of Director of Research at University of Reims
  5. Program Scientist at NASA Headquarters
  6. Mars 2020 Postdoctoral Opportunity at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory
  7. EGU General Assembly Session: Planetary Analogs
  8. AAS Splinter Meeting: Professional Development with WorldWide Telescope
  9. [NASA] 69th International Astronautical Congress in Bremen, Germany
  10. [NASA] ROSES-17 Amendment: InSight PSP Changes to Text and Due Dates
  11. [NASA] PDS: JUNO Data Release 3
  12. [NASA] PDS: Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 32
  13. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 51, December 10, 2017
  1. NASA Planetary Science Division Town Hall at the AGU
  2. Meteorites - Understanding the Origin of Planetodiversity
  3. PhD Opportunities in Planetary Science at Curtin University
  4. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  5. ELS Call for Abstracts
  6. UTIG Postdoctoral Fellows Program
  7. [NASA] PDS - Mars Science Laboratiry Release 16
  8. NASA GSFC Job Announcement
  9. LPSC Special Session: Celebrating Cassini
  10. [NASA] PDS - Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Data Release 11
  11. Geologic Mapping Postdoctoral Opportunity
  12. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for December 2017
  13. Outreach Coordinator Positions Open
  14. [NASA] New Policy for SMD Class-D Missions
  15. Register today for the 2018 Humans to Mars Summit
  16. [NASA] HQ Vacancy Announcement - Science Mission Directorate
  17. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 50, December 3, 2017
  1. NASA Job Opening in Laboratory Astrochemistry
  2. PERC International Symposium on Dust & Parent Bodies (IDP2018)
  3. [NASA] Call for Applications for NASA's Ceres Science Definition Team
  4. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  5. EGU 2018 Session on Extraterrestrial Seismology
  6. PDS - Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 43
  7. Geosciences Special Issue "Recent Advances in Lunar Studies"
  8. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 49, November 26, 2017
  1. Mini-Workshop to Apply Recent Models for Asteroid Airbursts to the Tunguska Event
  2. EGU 2018 Session on Planetary Space Weather
  3. [NASA] The InSight Participating Scientist Program
  4. Tenure-Track Position, Analytical Cosmochemistry
  5. Scientific Workshop on the Transneptunian Solar System
  6. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for November
  7. NAU Astronomy and Planetary Science PhD Student Opportunities
  8. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 48, November 19, 2017
  1. 2018 Pierazzo International Student Travel Award
  2. AGU Panel Discussion: Planetary Bodies in the Ultraviolet
  3. CTX DTMs for Mars2020 Landing Site Characterization Available from the USGS
  4. NAU Planetary Science and Astronomy Ph.D. Student Opportunities
  5. Astrobiology Science Strategy for the Search for Life in the Universe: Call for White Papers
  6. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 47, November 12, 2017
  1. WEB-EX and Program for VEXAG Annual Meeting #15, November 14-16
  2. Science Enabled by a Deep Space Gateway
  3. 2018 Call for Nominations to the Executive Committee of the ExoPAG
  4. SBAG Early-Career Travel Support
  5. Planetary-Themed Sessions and Fieldtrip at 2018 GSA Southeastern Sectional Meeting
  6. ELS Letter of Intent to Participate
  7. New Mini-TES Data in Analyst's Notebook
  8. Postdoctoral Position in Exoplanet Atmospheres
  9. G. K. Gilbert Award Nominations Due Soon
  10. AGU Panel Discussion: Planetary Bodies in the Ultraviolet
  11. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 46, November 5, 2017
  1. 2nd Cospar Workshop on Refining the Planetary Protection Requirements for Human Missions
  2. ELS Letter of Intent to Participate
  3. Geophysical Planet Definition (GPD) Users Page
  4. [NASA] NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship (NESSF) Program
  5. Workshop in Geology and Geophysics of the Solar System
  6. Research Associate in Planetary Atmospheric Science, University of Leicester
  7. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  8. Reminder: Lunar Science For Landed Missions Workshop
  9. Astrobiology Graduate Conference (AbGradCon) 2018
  10. Final Announcement: Water During Planet Formation and Evolution
  11. [NASA] ROSES-17 Amendment 44: ECF Not Solicited This Year
  12. [NASA] ROSES-17 Amendment 45: SOFIA Next Generation Instrument Draft Text for Community Comment
  13. Research Planetary Scientist at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
  14. One PhD and Two Postdoc Positions with the ExoMars TGO mission
  15. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 45, October 29, 2017
  1. 2018 Pierazzo International Student Travel Award
  2. iCubeSat 2018 - The 7th Interplanetary CubeSat Workshop
  3. Planetary Laser Altimetry Position
  4. Global Exploration Roadmap V3.0 Workshop
  5. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 44, October 22, 2017
  1. International Observe the Moon Night - October 28, 2017
  2. 5th International Planetary Dune Workshop JGR Special Issue: Submission Open
  3. [NASA] Science Mission Directorate Seeking Volunteer Reviewers
  4. 42nd Scientific Assembly of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR)
  5. Requesting Indications of Interest for MEPAG Committee Membership
  6. Job Announcement: Solicitation Specialist at Global Science & Technology, Inc.
  7. Job Announcement: Planetary Laser Altimetry Position at NASA-GSFC
  8. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for October 2017
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 43, October 15, 2017
  1. In Memoriam: Von R. Eshleman (1924-2017)
  2. 42nd Scientific Assembly of the Committee On Space Research (COSPAR)
  3. THEMIS Geodetically Controlled Mosaics Available from the USGS
  4. CTX DTMs for InSight Landing Site Characterization Available from the USGS
  5. MOLA-HRSC Merged DTM Mosaic Available from the USGS
  6. Planetary Defense Coordination Office Near Earth Objects
  7. Observations Partnerships Request for Information
  8. Astrobiology 2017 Final Announcement
  9. NEOWISE 2017 Data Release
  10. IRSA: New Time Series Tool and Coming IRTF Archive
  11. Environments of Terrestrial Planets Under the Young Sun: Seeds of Biomolecules
  12. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 42, October 8, 2017
  1. Environments of Terrestrial Planets Under the Young Sun: Seeds of Biomolecules
  2. [NASA] PDS - Odyssey Data Release 61
  3. [NASA] PDS - Cassini Data Release 51
  4. EUCOP 2018 Session: The Furthest Frontier - Planetary Permafrost
  5. PhD Position in Geology/Planetary Science at UCLA
  6. DPS Event: LSST and the Solar System Workshop
  7. DPS Event: Future Pluto and Kuiper Belt Missions Workshop
  8. DPS Event: The Next Steps in Ice Giant Exploration
  9. DPS Event: Carbonaceous Asteroids - Connections Between Surfaces and Interiors
  10. Postdoc Positions in Cometary Science at MPS, Germany
  11. SSERVI AGU Special Paper Collection
  12. Potential Concepts for the Next Discovery AO
  13. MEPAG Meeting 35 Summary and Presentations now available
  14. Assistant Professor, Exoplanetary Atmospheric Theorist, UCF
  15. Assistant or Associate Professor, Planetary Science Instrumentalist, UCF
  16. PhD Position in Space Physics, Uppsala, Sweden
  17. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 41, October 1, 2017
  1. [NASA] Mars Exploration Rovers Data Release 53
  2. Science of Primitive Asteroid Sample Return Missions
  3. [NASA] MER Spirit Mini-Tes Corrected Spectra Data
  4. ROSES-17 Amendment 35: Delay of C.5 Exobiology Step-2 Due Date
  5. Women in Planetary Science and Exploration Conference
  6. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  7. Student and Early Career Travel Grants for Vexag Meeting #15
  8. Postdoctoral Position
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 40, September 24, 2017
  1. Assessing NASA Compliance with the Planetary Decadal Recommendation for Research and Analysis Program Funding
  2. DPS Banquet at Sundance
  3. 2018 ASU Exploration Postdoctoral Fellowship in Earth and Space Science
  4. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for September 2017
  5. PhD Position at DLR in Berlin
  6. 2nd Informational Circular for MEPAG Meeting 35
  7. [NASA] Tech Flights - Flight Opportunities Now Open
  8. Lunar Science for Landed Missions Workshop
  9. Women in Planetary Science Discussion Hour at DPS Provo
  10. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 39, September 17, 2017
  1. Geosciences Laboratory Manager, University of Nevada, Reno
  2. Assistant Professor, Geology, University of Nevada, Reno
  3. Postdoctoral Opportunity in Planetary Science at Stony Brook University
  4. Postdoctoral Position at SWRI (OSIRIS-REx)
  5. Job Advert for PhD Student
  6. [NASA] Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter CRISM TER and MTRDR Release 7
  7. [NASA] ROSES-17 Amendment 28: Juno PSP Draft Text for Community Comment
  8. DPS Professional Culture and Climate Subcommittee (PCCS)
  9. Science of Primitive Asteroid Sample Return Missions
  10. [NASA] ROSES-17 Amendment 29: Hurricane Irma Delay of Due Dates for PPR, PSTAR, and PICASSO
  11. [NASA] PDS: Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) data
  12. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 38, September 10, 2017
  1. Postdoctoral Fellowship in Earth and Planetary Science at The University Of Chicago
  2. Postdoc Position in Planetary Science (Toulouse, France)
  3. Accepting Applications for Icarus Editor-In-Chief Position
  4. Planetary Science Slides and Illustrations
  5. 2018A NASA IRTF Call for Proposals
  6. MRO SHARAD Raw Data from Releases 23,24,33,34
  7. International Venus Conference 2018
  8. 35th MEPAG Meeting: 1st Information Circular
  9. Request for Mission Supporting Observations of Patroclus-Menoetius Mutual Events
  10. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 37, September 3, 2017
  1. Assistant Professor of Astronomy, Cornell University
  2. PDS: JUNO Data Release 2
  3. PDS: Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Data Release 10
  4. PDS: Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 42
  5. [NASA] ROSES-17: Hurricane Harvey Causes Delay of ROSES Due Dates
  6. Two Postdoctoral Positions in Mars Science
  7. Science of Primitive Asteroid Sample Return Missions
  8. Six Postdoc Positions in Origins of Life Research
  9. [NASA] Outer Planets Assessment Group Meeting
  10. Planetary Geomorphology 'Image of the Month'
  11. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Commercial Announcements:
  1. HE Space Rockets to 200 Employees

Issue 36, August 27, 2017
  1. LSST and the Solar System Workshop
  2. Assistant Professor of Astronomy, Cornell University
  3. Water During Planet Formation and Evolution
  4. Two Postdoctoral Positions in Mars Science
  5. Junior Science Writer
  6. Arizona-JAXA Workshop
  7. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 35, August 20, 2017
  1. [NASA] Lunar Data Analysis Program Delayed
  2. [NASA] ROSES-17 Amendment 24: K2GO6 Final Text
  3. Global Reference Atmospheric Model (GRAM) Virtual Workshop
  4. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for August 2017
  5. JWST Proposal Workshops: Registration Now Open
  6. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 34, August 13, 2017
  1. Postdoc in Planetary Geophysics at the University of Arizona LPL
  2. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  3. NASA OPAG Registration Now Open
  4. Early Career Participant Support for NASA OPAG Meeting
  5. Application Open for the EON/ELSI Winter School 2018
  6. 51st ESLAB Symposium: Extreme Habitable Worlds
  7. Pluto After New Horizons Conference
  8. IMPRS PhD Positions in Solar System Science
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 33, August 6, 2017
  1. Planetary Geomorphology 'Image of the Month'
  2. [NASA] Mars Science Laboratory Release 15
  3. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 32, July 30, 2017
  1. Future Kuiper Belt Missions Community Group Sign-up
  2. AGU Session 22722: Linking Sediment Transport and Geophysical Flows to Planetary Surface Evolution (EP027)
  3. [NASA] PDS Rosetta Data Release by the Small Bodies Node
  4. Astrobiology 2017
  5. VEXAG Meeting #15 Call for Presentations and Registration
  6. Venus Exploration Analysis Group (VEXAG) Call for Steering Committee Members
  7. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for July 2017
  8. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 31, July 23, 2017
  1. [NASA] HQ Vacancy Announcement - Planetary Protection Officer
  2. 49th Meeting of the AAS Division for Planetary Sciences
  3. Remember Bonus Education DPS Abstracts
  4. AGU Session 22335: Polarimetry as an invaluable tool to study the Solar System and beyond (P033)
  5. AGU Session 23844: Present-Day Landscape Evolution on Mars (P034)
  6. AGU Session 25433: Connecting Cryospheres on Earth and Beyond - Geological & Chemical Processes on Icy Surfaces (P008)
  7. AGU Session 26453: Future Lunar Exploration Enabled by Recent Mission Data and Science (P015)
  8. AGU Session 26566: Probing Planetary Interiors Beyond Earth - Evolution Through Time and Space (DI014)
  9. Solar System Exploration Postdoctoral Fellow at Johns Hopkins University
  10. Astrobiology 2017: Deadline Extended for Applications
  11. Post-Doctoral Teaching Associate in Geophysics, University of Tennessee
  12. [NASA] Planetary Geophysist/Geodesist Position
  13. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 30, July 16, 2017
  1. AGU Session 22335: Polarimetry as an Invaluable Tool to Study the Solar System and Beyond (P033)
  2. AGU Session 23083: Radar Investigations of Planetary Surfaces and Subsurfaces (P36)
  3. AGU Session 23453: The Future of Planetary Atmospheric, Surface, and Interior Science Using Radio and Laser Links (P042)
  4. AGU Session 24220: Cryospheres of Terrestrial Planets (P009)
  5. AGU Session 24396: The Origin, Evolution and Fate of Comets - New Information from Rosetta (P044)
  6. AGU Session 24909: Titan at the End of Cassini-Huygens (P046)
  7. AGU Session 25446: Enabling Breakthrough Science with High-Bandwidth Satellite Communications (SH017)
  8. AGU Session 26201: Using Topography to Investigate the Evolution of Solar System Bodies (P049)
  9. AGU Special Session (26632): Planetary Spatial Data Infrastructure (P047)
  10. AGU Session 26885: Sympathy for the Data - Novel Approaches and Advances in the Art of Data Visualization (P042)
  11. AGU Session 26997: Ionospheric Outflow From Earth and Other Terrestrial Planets (P021)
  12. AGU Session 27083: Planetary Data System - New Developments in Data Archiving Section/Focus Group - Earth and Space Science Informatics (IN048)
  13. The Art of Planetary Science at DPS
  14. GSA Session 43095: Impact Cratering - From Fire to Ice-Cratering across the Solar System (T205)
  15. GSA Session T206: Geomorphology and Landscape Evolution of Mars (The G.K.tion of Habitable Exoplanets - Progress and Future (P010)
  16. AGU Session 23711: Geology and Geophysics of Small Solar System Bodies (P017)
  17. AGU Session 24025: Ionospheres of Unmagnetized Bodies in the Solar System (P020)
  18. AGU Session 24786: Pluto and Charon in the Rear View, MU69 Dead Ahead off the Starboard Bow (P032)
  19. AGU Session 25643: Giant Radial Dike Swarms (V015)
  20. AGU Session 26319: Nature and Evolution of Climate and Water on Early Mars (P026)
  21. AGU Session 26786: Judging an Ocean World by Its Cover - The Evolution of Ocean World Surfaces by Exogenous Processes (P022)
  22. AGU Session 26952: Mars Underground (P024)
  23. Meteoritical Society Meeting 2017 Registration Deadline Approaching
  24. Job Announcement: Space Plasma Postdoctoral Position
  25. Job Announcement: Senior Support Scientist in NASA's SMD Astrophysics Division
  26. Job Announcement: Scientific Programmer, University of Maryland
  27. [NASA] PDS: Odyssey Release 60
  28. [NASA] PDS: Cassini Data Release 50
  29. [NASA] ROSES-17 Amendment 14: C.24 IGHAPs Will Not Be Solicited
  30. [NASA] Release of Planetary Data System Roadmap
  31. Sample Handling Training Opportunity: Application Submission Open
  32. MEPAG Meeting 34: Community Review and Comment Invited
  33. Venera-D Venus Modelling Workshop
  34. 8th Moscow Solar System Symposium
  35. SoCIA 2018: Social and Conceptual Issues in Astrobiology
  36. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Commercial Announcements:
  1. Planetary Climate Before the Space Age

Issue 28, July 2, 2017
  1. AGU Session 21994: Mercury - New Discoveries, Future Opportunities
  2. AGU Session 22664: Magnetospheres in the Inner Solar System
  3. AGU Session 22722: Linking Sediment Transport and Geophysical Flows to Planetary Surface Evolution
  4. AGU Session 23187: Climatic Evolution of Venus and Venus-Like Exoplanets
  5. AGU Session 23303: Ceres and Vesta - Understanding the "Planets" of the Asteroid Belt
  6. AGU Session 23867: The Uranus and Neptune Systems, and Their Relation to Other Planets
  7. AGU Session 24418: Exploring the Surface Properties of the Moon, Asteroids, and Other Airless Bodies
  8. AGU Session 24739: If You See Something, Say Something - Exploring the Weird and Wonderful Features of the Solar System
  9. AGU Session 25891: Planetary Thermophysics
  10. GSA Session T201: Comparative Analyses of Small Body Geology - Dwarf Planets, Protoplanets, Asteroids and Comets
  11. GSA Session T203: Exploring Ceres and Vesta - Continuing Discoveries of the Dawn Mission
  12. GSA Session T204: Friends of Hoth, Episode II - Bodies of the Outer Solar System
  13. GSA Session T207: Volcanism and Tectonism across the Solar System
  14. 34th MEPAG Meeting
  15. 2017 NASA Exploration Science Forum
  16. [NASA] TESS GI Final Text
  17. [NASA] PDS: JUNO Data Release 1
  18. [NASA] PDS: SHARAD Interim Releases of Raw and Derived Data
  19. [NASA] Planetary Geophysicist/Geodesist Position
  20. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  21. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Commercial Announcements:
  1. Exploring the Planets - A Memoir

Issue 27, June 25, 2017
  1. ESA Research Fellowships in Space Science
  2. SPICE Training Class
  3. AGU Session: Present-Day Landscape Evolution on Mars
  4. AGU Session: Nature, Distribution and Evolution of Organic Matter in the Solar System
  5. AGU Session: From the Earth to the Moons: Ice-ocean Systems on Earth and Ocean Worlds
  6. AGU Special Session: Planetary Spatial Data Infrastructure
  7. Scientific Programmer, University of Maryland
  8. PDS Release 52 of MER data
  9. Swedish Institute of Space Physics Postdoc in Space Physics
  10. Tenure-Track Faculty Position in Astronomy/Astrophysics
  11. Non-Tenure-Track Faculty Observatory Support Scientist/Engineer
  12. LSST Solar System Science Collaboration
  13. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Commercial Announcements:
  1. Mars: The Pristine Beauty of the Red Planet

Issue 26, June 18, 2017
  1. Scientific Programmer, University of Maryland
  2. Planetary and Space Sciences (PSS) Special Issue Invitation: Dust, Atmosphere, and Plasma Environment of the Moon and Small Bodies
  3. GSA 2017 Session T.199: Basalt Weathering on Earth and Mars
  4. [NASA] PDS: Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 30
  5. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for June 2017
  6. Ice Giant Mission Study Released
  7. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 25, June 11, 2017
  1. Public Libraries Distributing Two Million Eclipse-Viewing Glasses
  2. Building Bridges from Earth to Life: From Chemical Mechanism to Ancient Biology
  3. SSERVI Announces 2017 Award Winners
  4. NOI Deadline Reminder: Mapping of Water Deposits to Support Mars Exploration Program Studies
  5. GSA 2017 session T.207 Volcanism and Tectonism across the Solar System
  6. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 24, June 4, 2017
  1. Michael F. A'Hearn (1940-2017)
  2. Notice of Future Call for NASA Keck Key Strategic Mission Support Programs
  3. JWST Exposure Time Calculator (ETC) Webinar for Solar System Science
  4. Space Settlement Symposium Call for Abstracts
  5. Request for Proposals: Mapping of Water Deposits to Support Mars Exploration Program Studies
  6. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  7. [NASA] PDS - Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 41
  8. [NASA] Second Community Announcement Regarding Europa Lander Instrument Investigation Program Element Appendix
  9. GSA Topical Session T202: Experimental Planetary Geology
  10. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Commercial Announcments
  1. Asteroids: Astronomical and Geological Bodies
  2. Planetesimals: Early Differentiation and Consequences for Planets

Issue 23, May 30, 2017
  1. SPECIAL EDITION: Michael F. A'Hearn Visitation and Funeral Notice

Issue 22, May 28, 2017
  1. JWST Exposure Time Calculator (ETC) Webinar for Solar System Science
  2. ROSES C.22 OREx PSP Text Modified
  3. 51st ESLAB Symposium: 'Extreme Habitable Worlds' - 2nd Announcement
  4. Notice of Future Call for NASA Keck Key Strategic Mission Support Programs
  5. PhD Position at DLR in Berlin
  6. Abstract Deadline Approaching for Accretion Conference
  7. Lunar and Planetary Institute Now Accepting Applications for Staff Scientist
  8. Europa Lander Instrument PEA
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

    Commercial Announcements:

  10. Book: Atmospheric Evolution on Inhabited and Lifeless Worlds

Issue 21, May 21, 2017
  1. Planetary Exploration Newsletter Celebrates Its 10th Anniversary
  2. Call for Small Microgravity Experiments
  3. ROSES-17 Amendment: K2 GO6 TBD Pending Revision
  4. Community Announcement Regarding Europa Lander Instrument Investigation Program Element Appendix
  5. Call for External Reviewers, NASA Postdoctoral Program
  6. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  7. NASA Research Announcement: Early Stage Innovations Appendix
  8. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for May 2017
  9. Mapping and Planetary Spatial Infrastructure Team (MAPSIT) Community Meeting
  10. Third Announcement: Astrobiology 2017
  11. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

    Commercial Announcements:

  12. Cassini-Huygens Owner's Workshop Manual
  13. The Ringed Planet - Cassini's Voyage of Discovery at Saturn

Issue 20, May 14, 2017
  1. In Memoriam: Planetary Scientist Nathan Bridges
  2. JWST Exposure Time Calculator (ETC) Webinar for Solar System Science
  3. Shock Metamorphism Workshop Deadline Extended
  4. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  5. Call for External Reviewers NASA Postdoctoral Program
  6. Software Systems for Astronomy Meeting
  7. MESSENGER Data Release 16
  8. 7th Paolo Farinella Prize Deadline Extended
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

    Commercial Announcements:

  10. New Book: "Worlds Fantastic Worlds Familiar: A Guided Tour of the Solar System"
  11. New Book: "The Pristine Beauty of the Red Planet"
Issue 19, May 7, 2017
  1. [NASA] Science Mission Directorate Seeks Proposal Reviewers
  2. White Paper on the Value of NASA Participating Scientist Programs
  3. SOFIA Cycle 6 Call for Proposals
  4. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

    Commercial Announcements:

  5. Autobiography of Prof. Asoka Mendis
  6. "They Promised Her the Moon" Performance in NYC
Issue 18, April 30, 2017
  1. Lloyd V. Berkner Space Policy Internships Autumn 2017
  2. Small Bodies Planetary Astronomy Python Package
  3. National Academies: Space Policy Permanent Job
  4. Planetary Geomorphology 'Image of the Month'
  5. Building New Worlds - Now Accepting Registration Applications
  6. Lunar and Planetary Institute Now Accepting Applications for Staff Scientist
  7. Amendment to SALMON-3 (PEA I MMX)
  8. Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter CRISM MTRDR and TER Release 6
  9. Proposal of New Book on Martian Volcanism
  10. EPSC 2017 Session OPS4/TP8.2: Planetary Aerosols and Clouds Session
  11. EPSC 2017 Session TP5/OPS5/SB14: Planetary Geomorphology Session
  12. EPSC 2017 Session TP4: Mars Interior and Surface Session
  13. One Week until H2M 2017
  14. NASA FDL 2017 Call for Applicants
  15. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 17, April 23, 2017
  1. Europa Lander Town Hall at AbSciCon
  2. Roadmaps to Ocean Worlds (ROW) Townhall at AbSciCon
  3. Lunar and Small Bodies Graduate Conference 2017
  4. Ph.D. Opportunity in Martian Geochemistry
  5. Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Diviner GCPs
  6. NASA Frontier Development Lab Call for Applicants
  7. Postdoctoral Position in Planet Formation at SwRI Boulder
  8. [NASA] New Internet Addresses for PDS Discipline Nodes
  9. Summer School in Software Systems for Astronomy
  10. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 16, April 16, 2017
  1. Fundamentals of Life in the Universe Symposium
  2. 3rd Planetary Data Workshop
  3. PDS4 Data Archiving Training Session at the 3rd Planetary Data Workshop
  4. Three PhD Student Positions in Space Plasma Physics
  5. Exploration Science Forum Abstract Deadline Extended
  6. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for April 2017
  7. Europa Lander Town Hall at LPSC and AbSciCon
  8. European Lunar Symposium Program Available
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 15, April 9, 2017
  1. NASA Frontier Development Lab (FDL) Applications Open
  2. Odyssey Data Release 59
  3. Two Postdoctoral Positions at Northern Arizona University
  4. ROSES-17 Amendment 5: C.22 OREx-PSP Final Text
  5. AIDA Third International Workshop
  6. Cassini Data Release 49
  7. SALMON-3 MMX NGRS Pre-Proposal Conference
  8. Formation of Complex Molecules in Space and on Planets, from Interstellar Clouds to Life
  9. The Early History of Planetary Systems and Habitable Planets
  10. Impacts and their Role in the Evolution of Life
  11. Geosciences for Understanding Habitability in the Universe
  12. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 14, April 2, 2017
  1. Postdoctoral Researcher at Arizona State University
  2. XVIIIth International Conference on the Origin of Life
  3. Take the Planetary Map Survey (MAPSIT)
  4. Volunteer as a Total Solar Eclipse Subject Matter Expert
  5. VEXAG Meeting #15
  6. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  7. 51st ESLAB Symposium: Extreme Habitable Worlds
  8. Two Postdoctoral Positions at Northern Arizona University
  9. [NASA] PDS - New Horizons Data Release
  10. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 13, March 26, 2017
  1. [NASA] Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 29
  2. [NASA] Mars Exploration Rovers Data Release 51
  3. [NASA] Release of SALMON-3 and MMX Program Element Appendix
  4. HST Observations to Detect Plumes/Outgassing from Europa
  5. iCubeSat 2017 - 6th Interplanetary CubeSat Workshop
  6. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 12, March 19, 2017
  1. Editor Susan Benecchi Departing PEN
  2. LPSC: NextGen Panel on Career Paths in Planetary Science
  3. LPSC: Ice Giant Town Hall
  4. LPSC: MAPSIT Town Hall Meeting
  5. LPSC: Planetary Aeolian Laboratory User's Workshop
  6. NOI Request for Venus Small Mission Studies
  7. 1st Announcement of SELENE Symposium 2017
  8. NASA's Exploration Science Forum
  9. SSERVI Award Nominations
  10. 8th Planetary Crater Consortium Meeting Announcement
  11. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for March 2017
  12. Call for Papers on Occator Crater on Ceres
  13. Findings from OPAG Posted
  14. NSPIRES Users Encouraged to Complete Demographic Information
  15. Mars Science Laboratory Release 14
  16. Final Reminder: IAVCEI session I.1 Planetary Volcanology
  17. 017 Annual Meeting of the American Astronomical Society's Division of Dynamical Astronomy
  18. Venera-D Venus Modelling Workshop
  19. Barringer Grant Applications for 2017 Now Being Accepted
  20. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 11, March 12, 2017
  1. In Memoriam: Tobias C. Owen (1936-2017)
  2. Europlanet Grants for Field Work in Danakil (Ethiopia) and at Ibn
  3. Battuta Centre (Morocco)
  4. Call for Dwornik Judges at LPSC
  5. 2017 NASA Fundamental Physics Workshop
  6. Postdoc in Giant Planet Atmospheres, University of Leicester
  7. Europa Lander Town Hall at LPSC and ABSCICON
  8. Young Scientists for Planetary Exploration at LPSC
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 10, March 5, 2017
  1. Third COSPAR Symposium Abstract Deadline
  2. NASA Astrobiology Institute CAN 8 Released
  3. PSS Special Issue Invitation
  4. Planetary Science Advisory Committee Nominations
  5. Planetary Geomorphology 'Image of the Month'
  6. First IUGG Symposium on Planetary Science
  7. ICPAE Symposium on Comparative Planetary Atmospheres Within and Beyond the Solar System
  8. 12th Low-Cost Planetary Missions Conference
  9. 2017B NASA IRTF Call for Proposals
  10. Venus Town Hall Meeting and Early Career Scholars Mixer at LPSC
  11. JMARS Showcase at LPSC
  12. Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 40
  13. Release of OSIRIS-REx Participating Scientist Program Element Draft Text for Community Comment
  14. Mars Student Travel Grants Available for 5th Planetary Dunes Workshop
  15. Humans to Mars Summit
  16. Summer School "Impacts and their Role in the Evolution of Life"
  17. EPSC 2017 Session TP8.1: Mars’ Upper Atmosphere Interaction with Comet C/2013 A1 (Siding-Spring)
  18. Reminder: IAVCEI Session I.1 Planetary Volcanology
  19. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 9, February 26, 2017
  1. Information Session at LPSC on Post-Doc Opportunities at NASA Goddard
  2. New MEPAG Goals Committee Chair
  3. Far Infrared Next Generation Instrumentation Community Workshop
  4. Planetary GIS Data Specialist Sought
  5. Venus Modeling Workshop - Abstract Deadline Extension
  6. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  7. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships External Reviewers Needed
  8. Nominations for NASA Federal Advisory Committees
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 8, February 19, 2017
  1. [NASA] Release of ROSES-2017
  2. [NASA] Space Technology Mission Directorate - Early Career Faculty
  3. [NASA] Science/Technology Platform Satellite Request For Information
  4. Summer Internships at Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab (APL)
  5. Outer Planets Assessment Group Updates
  6. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships (NPP)
  7. Call for External Reviewers NASA Postdoctoral Program (NPP)
  8. 2017B NASA Keck Call for proposals
  9. Brown University: Tenure-Track Faculty Position in Planetary Geological Processes
  10. Roadmaps to Ocean Worlds (ROW) Townhall at LPSC
  11. Election for Secretary for the IAVCEI/IACS Joint Commission on Volcano-Ice Interactions
  12. Planetary Meeting Additions

Issue 7, February 12, 2017
  1. Summer Internships at Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab (APL)
  2. Magnetospheres of the Outer Planets
  3. Titan Through Time 4
  4. 2017 NASA Planetary Science Summer Seminar Applications Open
  5. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter
  6. Call for Abstracts for the IAPSO-IAMAS-IAGA Conference, Session A02
  7. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  8. Call for External Reviewers NASA Postdoctoral Program
  9. Student and Early Career Travel Grants for International Dune Workshop
  10. Europa Lander SDT Report Released
  11. AOGS 2017 Abstract Deadline
  12. Student and Early Career Travel Grants Available for 5th Planetary Dunes Workshop
  13. Reminder: European Lunar Symposium Abstracts Deadline
  14. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 6, February 5, 2017
  1. 2017 AGU Fellows Nominations Open
  2. Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter CRISM MTRDR and TER Release 5
  3. Planetary Geomorphology 'Image of the Month'
  4. AMA for the New ESA Planetary Science Archive Interface
  5. Final Announcement for the Shock Metamorphism Workshop
  6. Extension for Submission Deadline for Icarus Special Issue for Mars Polar Science Conference
  7. JpGU-AGU 2017 Session P-PS02: Small Bodies - Exploration of the Asteroid Belt and the Solar System at Large
  8. Summer Internships at Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab (APL)
  9. IAVCEI Session I.1: Planetary Volcanology
  10. MPC User Committee
  11. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 5, January 29, 2017
  1. [NASA] SMD Seeking Volunteer Reviewers
  2. Post-Doctoral Research Associate, Lowell Observatory
  3. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  4. Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Washington
  5. Lunar Goldschmidt Session
  6. JWST Early Release Science Program: Pre-proposal Webinar
  7. 3rd Landing Site Workshop For The Mars 2020 Rover
  8. Annual Europlanet/VESPA Call for Planetary Science VO Data Services
  9. ESA M5 CASTAway Mission and Cubesats at Asteroids Workshop
  10. Update on International Conference on Mars Aeronomy
  11. AOGS2017 SESSION PS-11: Exploring the Solar System Primitive Bodies
  12. GSA Annual Meeting Session Proposals Due Feb 1
  13. HST Europa Advisory Committee
  14. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 4, January 22, 2017
  1. Post-Doctoral Research Associate, Lowell Observatory
  2. Early Career Participant Support Available for NASA Outer Planets Assessment Group Meeting in Atlanta
  3. EPRVIII Dates Updated
  4. Venus Modeling Workshop Announcement
  5. Call for Abstracts for Symposium M13 - at the IAPSO-IAMAS-IAGA Conference
  6. Early Registration Ends on January 31st for the 2017 Humans to Mars Summit
  7. Pellas-Ryder Award for Best Student Paper in Planetary Sciences
  8. Metsoc 2017 and Workshop/Field Trip to Santa Fe Impact Structure
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 3, January 15, 2017
  1. Senior Research Scientist in Magnetospheric Physics, Tenure Track
  2. Postdoctoral Scholar, German Geophysical Center (GFZ)
  3. Astrobiology Science Conference Session: Modern and Ancient Biosignatures and the Search for Life on Mars
  4. Astrobiology Science Conference Session: Biosignature Detection on Mars - Where, What, When, Why and How?
  5. Titan Through Time 4
  6. Research Support Specialist III, SPIF Data Manager/GIS Specialist
  7. Business Development Manager, Planetary Sciences, at Ball
  8. Call for Papers (Third and Final Announcmenet) - Sixth Mars Polar Conference
  9. EuroPlanet VESPA workshop 2nd announcement: Planetary Mapping and Virtual Observatory
  10. Fully-Funded 3 Year PhD Studentship on Surface Wind Modelling on Mars
  11. Town Halls to Discuss Europa Lander SDT Report
  12. [NASA] ROSES-16 IGHAPS Moving to ROSES-2017
  13. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 2, January 8, 2017
  1. TEPS Graduate Fellowships in Planetary/Exo-Planetary Science
  2. [NASA] PDS - New Horizons, BOPPS, And Rosetta Data Releases by the Small Bodies Node
  3. [NASA] PDS - Odyssey Data Release 58
  4. 2017 Exoplanet Summer Program
  5. Astrobiology Science Conference Session: Assessing Ceres' Past and Present Habitability and Relevance to Ocean Worlds
  6. Astrobiology Science Conference Session: Biosignature Detection on Mars - Where, What, When, Why and How?
  7. AOGS 2017, Session PS15: Volcanism and Tectonism Across the Solar System
  8. Early Career Participant Support Available for NASA Outer Planets Assessment Group Meeting in Atlanta
  9. EGU 2017, Session PS8.2: Hyperspectral Data Measurements and Analysis to Support Planetary Exploration
  10. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for January 2017
  11. NextProf Science - Future Faculty Workshop
  12. NASA Pre-Proposal Conference for the New Frontiers 4 AO
  13. Next-Generation Suborbital Researchers Conference
  14. Rock-Hosted Life Webinar Information
  15. [NASA] PDS - Cassini Data Release 48
  16. European Geosciences Union (EGU) Conference
  17. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 1, January 1, 2017
  1. Astrobiology Science Conference Session on the Modern Mars Habitability
  2. EGU2017 Session Announcement: Magma Ocean Processes and Development
  3. Planetary Geomorphology 'Image of the Month'
  4. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Table of Contents: Volume 10, 2016

Issue 53, December 25, 2016
  1. LPSC Special Session on LIPs
  2. LPSC Special Session on Mars Volatile Surface-Atmospheric Interactions: Past and Present
  3. [NASA] PDS - Mars Exploration Rovers Data Release 50
  4. Planetary Geomorphology at EGU 2017
  5. Research Support Specialist III - SPIF/GIS Manager Cornell University
  6. [NASA] RFI for Life Detection Challenge
  7. Mars 2020 Rover Landing Site Engineering Telecon
  8. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 52, December 18, 2016
  1. Assistant Professor of Geology, University of Georgia
  2. Register Today for the 2017 Humans to Mars Summit (H2M)
  3. EGU 2017 Session on Planetary Plasma Physics and Interactions in the Solar System
  4. [NASA] Pre-proposal Teleconference
  5. [NASA] ROSES-16: The Astrophysics Research and Analysis Program
  6. Working Group on Finding Signs of Past Rock-Hosted Life
  7. Research Scientist at University of Maryland to Work with Minor Planet Center
  8. [NASA] PDS: Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 28
  9. Small Bodies Assessment Group (SBAG) meeting, Jan. 11-13
  10. Faculty Position in Planetary Science Florida Institute of Technology
  11. JSPS Planet2 Symposium 2017: Registration is Open
  12. 2016 Lunar Exploration Analysis Group Meeting: Findings Now Posted
  13. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 51, December 11, 2016
  1. Postdoctoral Positions in Planetary Physics, Johns Hopkins University
  2. Seeking Graduate Students, Northern Arizona University
  3. Call for Presentations for the 3rd 2020 Mars Rover Mission Landing Site Workshop
  4. Mars Science Laboratory Release 13
  5. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for December 2016
  6. Second Announcement of Mars Polar Icarus Special Issue
  7. Post-doctoral Scientist in Planetary Space Physics at the Swedish Institute of Space Physics in Uppsala
  8. European Lunar Symposium Call for Abstracts
  9. Dust, Atmosphere and Plasma Environment of the Moon and Small Bodies Workshop
  10. TH23K: NASA Planetary Sciences Division Town Hall
  11. NASA New Frontiers Program AO Released
  12. Working Group on Finding Signs of Past Rock-Hosted Life
  13. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 50, December 4, 2016
  1. OPAG Findings Posted
  2. Seeking Members for the WFIRST Solar System Working Group
  3. NAIF Job Opening
  4. Planetary Geomorphology 'Image of the Month'
  5. [NASA] Ames Seeks Space Science Division Director
  6. Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 39
  7. Venus Exploration Analysis Group (VEXAG) Call for Executive Committee Members
  8. Research Space Scientist, GS-1330-13/14
  9. MEPAG Face-to-Face Forecasting Deadline December 4th
  10. Working Group on Finding Signs of Past Rock-Hosted Life
  11. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 49, November 27, 2016
  1. Winter School: Diversity of Planetary Circulation Regimes, in our Solar System and Beyond
  2. Planetary Sessions at GSA Cordilleran Section May 2017: T16 & T17
  3. Planetary sessions at GSA Cordilleran Section May 2017: T18 & T19
  4. The SETI Institute Calls for White Papers for the Advancement of SETI Research
  5. Postdoctoral Position at Swedish Institute of Space Physics
  6. Tenured Scientist Position at Swedish Institute of Space Physics
  7. Web-Ex Access For VEXAG Meeting #14
  8. EGU2017, PS8.2: Hyperspectral Data Measurements and Analysis to Support Planetary Exploration
  9. [NASA] 2017 NASA Education Research Announcement (NRA): Aeronautics Scholarship and Advanced STEM Training and Research (2017 AS&ASTAR;) Fellowship Activity
  10. 1st Information Circular 33rd MEPAG Meeting Letter of Invitation
  11. LEAG Meeting Notes
  12. Director for Astrophysics Position at the International Space Science Institute, Bern, Switzerland
  13. 4*P Coma Morphology Campaign
  14. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 48, November 20, 2016
  1. 2016 Pierazzo International Student Travel Award
  2. Petition for Science Programming on Major Networks
  3. Post-Doctoral Position in MIDAS Calibration and Archiving at the Space Research Institute in Graz, Austria
  4. Call for Abstracts for Polarimetry Session PS1.4 at EGU 2017
  5. Ice in the Solar System Workshop Abstract Deadline Extended
  6. Planetary Geomorphology at EGU 2017 - Financial Support Deadline 1st December 2016
  7. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 47, November 13, 2016
  1. 2016 Pierazzo International Student Travel Award
  2. Post-Doctoral Research Associate Position in Comet Observations at the Open University, UK
  3. New Cosmic Dust Data Set: Wind Spacecraft Dust Impact Database
  4. Planning your Solar System Observations with JWST
  5. Small Bodies Assessment Group Early-Career Travel Support
  6. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for November 2016
  7. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 46, November 6, 2016
  1. 2016 Pierazzo International Student Travel Award
  2. Student Travel Grant Available for 3rd 2020 Mars Rover Landing Site Workshop
  3. AGU Science Policy Alert: Application Open for Congressional Science Fellowship
  4. [NASA] NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship (NESSF) Program
  5. University of Tennessee, Knoxville - Faculty Position in Planetary
  6. Mineralogy/Petrology/Geochemistry
  7. Assistant Professor of Planetary Science - CU Boulder
  8. Electromagnetic and Light Scattering Conference, ELS-XVI
  9. Planetary Sciences Exploration Postdoctoral Position at the University of Central Florida
  10. Postdoctoral Research Scholar in Impact Crater Studies on Small Solar System Bodies
  11. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 45, October 30, 2016
  1. 2017 American Astronomical Society Division of Dynamical Astronomy Meeting (AAS-DDA)
  2. [NASA] Planetary Science Vision 2050 Workshop
  3. Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) in Planetary Science
  4. [NASA] PDS - Rosetta and New Horizons Data Releases by the Small Bodies Node
  5. Juno-Supporting Postdoctoral Position, JPL/CalTech Postdoctoral Program
  6. Assistant Professor of Astronomy, University of Maryland
  7. Meeting Information, Registration, and Hotel Reservations for VEXAG Meeting #14
  8. Planetary Geomorphology 'Image of the Month'
  9. [NASA] Science Mission Directorate is Seeking Volunteer Reviewers for PICASSO and LDAP
  10. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 44, October 23, 2016
  1. Ewen Whitaker (1922-2016)
  2. Lecturer in Theoretical Plasma Physics and/or Space Science at Imperial College London
  3. ICubeSat 2017 - The 6th Interplanetary CubeSat Workshop
  4. Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) in Planetary Science
  5. Call for External Reviewers for NASA Postdoctoral Program
  6. Assistant Professor of Astronomy, University of Maryland
  7. Small Satellites for Space Research (COSPAR 2017)
  8. 42nd Scientific Assembly of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR 2018)
  9. Call for Papers - Sixth Mars Polar Conference
  10. Announcing OpenPlanetary
  11. [NASA] Science Mission Directorate is Seeking Volunteer Reviewers for Planetary Science Deep Space SmallSat Studies
  12. Faculty Position at Rowan University
  13. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 43, October 16, 2016
  1. Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) in Planetary Science
  2. University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Faculty Position in Planetary Mineralogy/Geochemistry
  3. MEPAG Meeting 32 Presentations Posted
  4. Plenary at DPS: Addressing Unconscious Bias
  5. Assistant Professor of Astronomy, University of Maryland
  6. Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Core-To-Core
  7. Program Planet2 Symposium 2017
  8. Call for Papers: ICARUS Special Issue on Asteroids
  9. [NASA] ROSES-16 Final Text Released for the New Frontiers Data Analysis Program
  10. [NASA] Martian Moons eXploration (MMX) Mission SALMON-2 Second Community Announcement
  11. [NASA] PDS: Dawn Vesta and Ceres Data Release
  12. Planetary Space Science Special Issue on Space Weather at the Terrestrial Planets
  13. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 42, October 9, 2016
  1. Assistant Professor of Geology, University of Georgia
  2. University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Faculty Position in Planetary Mineralogy/Geochemistry
  3. Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) in Planetary Science
  4. [NASA] PDS: Odyssey Data Release 57
  5. [NASA] ROSES-16: SIMPLEx deferred to ROSES-2017
  6. MEPAG Meeting #32 Agenda Update
  7. Post-doctoral Position at the University of St. Andrews (UK)
  8. International Workshop: Impact of Exoplanetary Space Weather on Climate and Habitability
  9. Assistant Professor of Astronomy, University of Maryland
  10. Planetary and Space Science, Special Issue on Cosmic Dust IX
  11. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for October 2016
  12. Juno-Supporting Post-doctoral Position, JPL/Caltech
  13. Comet Wirtanen - Observers' Workshop at DPS
  14. [NASA] PDS: Cassini Data Release 47
  15. [NASA] Advance Notice of IGHAPS Program
  16. AAS Oral History Project at the Upcoming DPS Meeting in Pasadena
  17. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 41, October 2, 2016
  1. Comets Symposium and Rosetta SWT 2016: Registration
  2. Tenure-Track Assistant Professor, Cornell University
  3. HiRISE Spacecraft Operations Engineer Positions
  4. Mars Mission Scientist at JSC
  5. [NASA] Final Text Released for Interdisciplinary Science for Eclipse 2017
  6. Post-doc Position at INAF-IAPS
  7. Assistant Professor of Astronomy, University of Maryland
  8. JMARS Webinar
  9. Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in Astronomy or Planetary Science at Northern Arizona University
  10. NASA Postdoctoral Fellows
  11. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  12. [NASA] SMD Seeks Volunteer Reviewers, Especially for COLD Tech
  13. A National Science Teachers Association Virtual Conference: The August 2017 "All-American" Eclipse of the Sun
  14. Call for Support: CASTAWAY, Comet and Asteroid Space Telescope
  15. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 40, September 25, 2016
  1. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  2. Research Position at the Swedish Institute of Space Physics
  3. Assistant or Associate Professor - Experimental Space Physics at
  4. the University of Iowa
  5. Assistant Professor of Astronomy, University of Maryland
  6. [NASA] PDS: Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 27
  7. [NASA] PDS: Mars Exploration Rovers Data Release 49
  8. Ices in the Solar System Workshop
  9. Astrometry and Astrophysics in the Gaia Sky
  10. VEXAG Meeting #14 - Call for Presentations and Registration
  11. Important Updates to NSF Grant Programs
  12. 2017 Exploration Postdoctoral Fellowship in Earth and Space Science
  13. DPS 48/EPSC 11 Early Career Presenter's Review
  14. CosmoQuest Research Grants and Surveys
  15. CosmoQuest User Surveys
  16. Arizona-JAXA workshop
  17. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 39, September 18, 2016
  1. Tenure Track Assistant Professor at MIT
  2. [NASA] JSC Curator Position (Reposting)
  3. [NASA] Intent to Release a CAN for the NASA Astrobiology Institute
  4. [NASA] Planetary Protection Research Deferred to 2017
  5. Tenure Track W2/W3 Professorship in Experimental Planetology, University of Bayreuth
  6. [NASA] Science Mission Directorate Is Seeking Volunteer Reviewers
  7. [NASA] Science Instruments to Sponsor on Korean Space Agency Lunar Orbiter
  8. [NASA] Physical Sciences Informatics System Research
  9. [NASA] Rosetta Data Analysis Program
  10. George Mason University Assistant/Associate Professor, Extrasolar Planets
  11. Mission Concept Briefing on the Far-IR Surveyor at DPS/EPSC Meeting
  12. Upcoming JWST events
  13. Dust, Atmosphere, and Plasma Environment of the Moon and Small Bodies (DAP-2017) Workshop Call for Abstracts
  14. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 38, September 11, 2016
  1. DAP-2017 Call for Abstracts
  2. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for September 2016
  3. Co-Investigator Needed for NEO Follow-up Project
  4. Space Settlement Symposium
  5. DPS/EPSC Women in Planetary Science Discussion Hour 2016
  6. [NASA] Seeks Partner Payloads, Investigation Team Members for Asteroid Redirect Mission
  7. STScI Job Announcement
  8. A Workshop for Early-Career Astronomers Who Want to do Better Outreach
  9. 2017A NASA IRTF Call for Proposals
  10. Post-doctoral Researcher at APL
  11. IMPRS PhD Positions in Solar System Science
  12. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 37, September 4, 2016
  1. Planetary and Space Science Special Issue Reminder
  2. Announcement of a Special Issue of Advances in Space Research on Small Body Science and Exploration
  3. Tenure Track Assistant Professor at MIT
  4. Big Data Challenges, Research, and Technologies in the Earth and Planetary Sciences
  6. ELSI 5th International Symposium & Young Researchers Day
  7. 32nd MEPAG Meeting 2nd Information Circular
  8. Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 38
  9. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  10. IEEE Aerospace Conference Balloon Session
  11. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 36, August 28, 2016
  1. Call for Abstracts to PRE 8
  2. [NASA] Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute Cycle 2 CAN Released
  3. Venus Exploration Goals, Objectives, and Investigations Document Update
  4. [NASA] ROSES-16 Amendment 25: C.24 HOTTech Released
  5. Planetary Science Slides and Illustrations
  6. Post-doctoral Position for the Analysis of VIRTIS/Rosetta Data
  7. Registration Open for SSB Search for Life Workshop
  8. Abstract Deadline Extended for Mini-Symposium on Asteroids
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 35, August 21, 2016
  1. New Horizons Kuiper Belt Extended Mission Science Planning Opportunity
  2. [NASA] Announcement of Upcoming Asteroid Redirect Mission Opportunities
  3. LEAG Annual Meeting 2016 Abstract Deadline is 25 August 2016
  4. Mars Plasma Physicist Sought
  5. Geologic Mapping Subcommittee Seeking Student Member
  6. [NASA] New Program: Planetary Science Deep Space SmallSat Studies
  7. PDS - Dawn VIR Vesta and Ceres Data Release
  8. MESSENGER MACSC Correction
  9. First Announcement of Astrobiology 2017
  10. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 34, August 13, 2016
  1. Postdoctoral Scientist: Planetary Atmospheric Chemistry Modeling
  2. [NASA] Draft New Frontiers Program AO Released
  3. [NASA] New FOP Solicitation Due 9 September
  4. National Academy of Sciences Space Studies Board Review of NASA's
  5. Planetary Science Division's Restructured Research and Analysis Program
  6. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 33, August 7, 2016
  1. Planetary Geomorphology 'Image of the Month'
  2. Mars Science Laboratory Release 12
  3. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for August 2016
  4. [NASA] ROSES-16 Amendment 20: LDAP Proposal Due Dates Delayed
  5. Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter CRISM MTRDR and TER Release 3
  6. [NASA] New Education 'Science WOW!' Weekly Email Newsletter
  7. OPAG Meeting WebEx and telephone information
  8. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 32, July 31, 2016
  1. AGU 2016 Session P004: Cometary Processes in the Light of Rosetta
  2. AGU 2016 Session P005: Cracking Up - Ice-Ocean Dynamics on Earth and Ocean Worlds
  3. AGU 2016 Session P030: The Early Mars Envoronment - Warm and Wet, Cold and Wet, or Cold and Icy?
  4. AGU 2016 Session P032: The Science of Exploration as Enabled by the Moon, Near Earth Asteroids and the Moons of Mars
  5. AGU 2016 Session 12855: Radar Investigations of Planetary Surfaces and Subsurfaces
  6. AGU 2016 SESSION EP024: Linking Sediment Transport and Geophysical Flows to Planetary Surface Evolution
  7. [NASA] Change to ROSES C.1 Planetary Science Overview
  8. Postdoctoral Positions: Reaction Dynamics & Planetary Sciences
  9. PhD Position: European Training Network EuroPAH
  10. First Information Circular for MEPAG Meeting 32
  11. Latest Discovery/New Frontiers Newsletter Now Online
  12. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 31, July 24, 2016
  1. Postdoctoral Fellowship
  2. STScI Job Announcement
  3. Version 2 of VICAR Image Processing System Released
  4. AGU 2016 Session ED007. Citizen Science with Big Data: Intersection of Outreach, Crowd-Sourced Data and Scientific Research
  5. AGU 2016 Session P007. Enceladus: Getting Very Near the End
  6. AGU 2016 Session P009. Experimental Planetary Geochemistry: Simulating Planetary Processes on the Moon, Mars and other Rocky Bodies in the Solar System
  7. AGU 2016 Session P015. Juno's Exploration of Jupiter and the Earth-Based Collaborative Campaign
  8. AGU 2016 Session P022. Polarimetry as an Invaluable Tool to Study the Solar System and Beyond
  9. AGU 2016 Session P030. The Early Mars Environment: Warm and Wet, Cold and Wet, or Cold and Icy?
  10. AGU 2016 Session SA014. Ionizing Radiation Environments Throughout the Solar System
  11. AGU 2016 Session SM016. Magnetospheres in the Inner Solar System
  12. Computational Advances in Solar System Studies
  13. [NASA] Draft AO for Astrophysics Explorers Missions of Opportunity Released for Community Comment
  14. COSPAR Meeting Cancelled
  15. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 30, July 17, 2016
  1. 2nd Advanced School on Exoplanetary Science: Astrophysics of Exoplanetary Atmospheres>
  2. AGU 2016 Session P004: Cometary Processes in the Light of Rosetta
  3. AGU 2016 Session P006: Detection and Direct Imaging of Habitable Exoplanets - Progress and Future
  4. AGU 2016 Session P014: In the Name of Jove - Giant Planet Interiors, Atmospheres, Aurorae, and Ionospheres
  5. AGU 2016 Session P017: Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter - Seven Years at the Moon
  6. AGU 2016 Session P026: Solar System Small Bodies - Relics of Formation and New Worlds to Explore
  7. AGU 2016 Session P030: The Early Mars Environment - Warm and Wet, Cold and Wet, or Cold and Icy?
  8. AGU 2016 Session EP024: Linking Sediment Transport and Geophysical Flows to Planetary Surface Evolution
  9. AGU 2016 Session PP038: Regulation of CO2 and Climate on Earth and Other Planets
  10. Nexus for Exoplanet System Science (NExSS) Exoplanet Biosignatures Workshop Without Walls
  11. [NASA] PDS - Rosetta and New Horizons Data Releases by the Small Bodies Node
  12. [NASA] Draft AO for Astrophysics Explorers Program 2016 Medium Explorer (MIDEX) Missions Released for Community Comment
  13. Summer School in Software Systems for Astronomy
  14. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 29, July 10, 2016
  1. [NASA] PDS - Cassini Data Release 46
  2. [NASA] PDS - Dawn Ceres Framing Camera Data Release
  3. Biosignatures of Extant Life on Ocean Worlds Workshop
  4. AGU 2016 Session: Planetary Analogs
  5. AGU 2016 Session: Data Visualization in Earth and Planetary Sciences
  6. AGU 2016 Session P005: Cracking Up - Ice-Ocean Dynamics on Earth and Ocean Worlds
  7. AGU 2016 Session P008: Evolutions, Interactions and Origins of Outer Planet Satellites
  8. AGU 2016 Session P030: The Early Mars Environment: Warm and Wet, Cold and Wet, or Cold and Icy?
  9. Comets: A New Vision After Rosetta/Philae and Rosetta SWT 2016
  10. ESA Research Fellowships in Space Science
  11. Planetary Science Short Course
  12. Silicon Valley Astronomy Lecture Series Passes One Million Views on YouTube
  13. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for July 2016
  14. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 28, July 3, 2016
  1. In Memoriam: Edgard G. Yanovitskij (1937 - 2016)
  2. In Memoriam: Gerald J. Wasserburg (1927-2016)
  3. JWST Solar System Workshop
  4. Open positions in the Uni Bern's Planetary Imaging Group
  5. Dust, Atmospheres, and Plasmas (DAP) 2017
  6. AGU 2016 Session P030: The Early Mars Environment - Warm and Wet, Cold and Wet, or Cold and Icy?
  7. AGU 2016 Session P033: Titan - Constraining an Ocean World
  8. AGU 2016 Session SH009: ICME and Energetic Particle Interactions in the Heliosphere and at Solar System Bodies
  9. Faculty Position at West Virginia Wesleyan
  10. Lunar Workshops 2016 Call for Abstracts
  11. Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) Awards 2016
  12. MAPS Special Issue: "Issues in Crater Studies"
  13. Job Announcement: Research Geologist
  14. Odyssey Data Release 56
  15. Planetary Geomorphology 'Image of the Month'
  16. OPAG 2016 Summer Meeting - Information Circular
  17. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 27, June 26, 2016
  1. DDAP Data Products Archiving Clarified
  2. International Conference on Mars Aeronomy - First Announcement
  3. GSA 2016 Session T160: Satellites of the Outer Solar System
  4. GSA 2016 Session T161: Planetary Aeolian Processes
  5. GSA 2016 Session T164: Geology of the Pluto System
  6. GSA 2016 Session T165: Impact Cratering on Earth and Throughout the Solar System
  7. GSA 2016 SESSION T167: Mineral Spectroscopy-Harnessing Energy to Probe Solid Bodies in the Solar System (G.K. Gilbert Award Session)
  8. Small Bodies Assessment Group 15th Meeting: Remote Participation Information
  9. Workshop on Shock Metamorphism in Terrestrial and Extra-terrestrial Rocks - First Announcement
  10. Comets: A New Vision after Rosetta/Philae and Rosetta SWT 2016
  11. [NASA] COSPAR Travel
  12. AGU 2016 Session P002: Advances in Planetary Thermophysics
  13. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 26, June 19, 2016
  1. In Memoriam: Andre Brahic (1942-2016)
  2. Second Announcement for SPICE Training in Madrid
  3. [NASA] PDS: NEOWISE Diameters and Alebos Data Release
  4. White Paper on the Value of Participating Science Programs on NASA Planetary Missions
  5. [NASA] PDS: Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 26
  6. Postdoctoral Position in Mars Science
  7. ASGSR 2016 Call for Abstracts Due Date Extension and ASGSR Art Competition
  8. [NASA] PDS: Mars Exploration Rovers Data Release 48
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 25, June 12, 2016
  1. SBAG: Meeting Registration and Open Steering Committee Positions
  2. New Horizons Kuiper Belt Extended Mission Science Planning Opportunity
  3. 6th Paolo Farinella Prize, 2016
  4. Asteroid Science Intersections with In-Space Mine Engineering (ASIME) 2016
  5. Second Announcement of the 2016 Edition of the IAC Winter School
  6. Call for Participation - SOCET SET Training Opportunity
  7. GSA Annual Meeting 2016 Session T172. Tectonic, Volcanic, and
  8. Volcanotectonic Processes on Rocky Planetary Bodies
  9. Make An Impact: Serve As A GSA Officer/Councilor or on a GSA Committee
  10. Postdoctoral Position in Mars Science
  11. Planetary Science Short Course in Remote Sensing
  12. Postdoctoral Fellowship Opportunity with NASA's Nexus for Exoplanet System Science (NExSS)
  13. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 24, June 5, 2016
  1. Visiting Assistant Professor Position, Department of Geology and Planetary Science at the University of Pittsburgh
  2. NExSS Exoplanet Biosignatures Workshop Without Walls and Pre-Workshop Online Activities
  3. Frontiers in Theoretical and Applied Physics - UAE 2017 (FTAPS 2017)
  4. Planetary Geomorphology 'Image of the Month'
  5. Martian Gullies Workshop Poster Abstract Deadline Monday June 6
  6. Small Bodies Assessment Group 15th Meeting: Registration and Logistics
  7. Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 37
  8. Postdoctoral Position in Mars Science
  9. Postdoc in Ionospheric Radio Occultations
  10. Comets: A new vision after Rosetta/Philae and Rosetta SWT 2016
  11. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter for June 2016
  12. White Paper on the Value of Participating Science programs to NASA Planetary Missions
  13. Evolution of Chemical Complexity: From Simple Interstellar Molecules to Terrestrial Biopolymers
  14. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 23, May 29, 2016
  1. [NASA] Approval to Exceed Per Diem Lodging for DPS 48/EPSC 11
  2. Early Career Participant Support Available for NASA Outer Planets Assessment Group Meeting
  3. 8th International Workshop on Planetary, Solar and Heliospheric Radio Emissions (PRE VIII)
  4. Research Scientist in Planetary Radar (427-1100)
  5. Lunar and Small Bodies Graduate Conference 2016
  6. Research Scientist Positions at Earth Life Science Institute (ELSI)
  7. GSA Session T168: Past and Present Biosignature Recognition on Earth, Mars, and Beyond
  8. Call for Participation - SOCET SET Training Opportunity
  9. [NASA] Planetary Protection Research Program Element Temporarily TBD
  10. Notice of Intent to Initiate Environmental Review for Arecibo Observatory
  11. Student and Early Career Travel Grants for VEXAG Meeting #14 in Washington, DC
  12. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 22, May 22, 2016
  1. Special Announcement: NASA Shared Services Center Grant Report Notice System Out Of Order
  2. [NASA] Education Aeronautics Scholarship and Advanced STEM Training and Research (AS&ASTAR;) Fellowship
  3. Postdoctoral Position in Mars Science
  4. Postdoctoral Research Scientists
  5. USRA: SOFIA Head of Communications and Public Outreach
  6. Job Posting: Geomicrobiologist at NASA Johnson Space Center
  7. ICES in the Solar System - First Announcement
  8. Save the Date - VEXAG Meeting #14
  9. [NASA] PDS - Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter CRISM MTRDR and TER Release 2
  10. [NASA] PDS - GRAIL Release 7
  11. Summer School in Software Systems for Astronomy
  12. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 21, May 15, 2016
  1. [NASA] ASTRO-H Guest Observer - Cycle 1 Cancellation
  2. [NASA] Concepts for Ocean worlds Life Detection Technology (COLDTech)
  3. 28th Edition of the IAC Winter School: Solar System Exploration
  4. MAVEN Science Team Meeting
  5. 88th GSI Congress Abstract Deadline Postponed
  6. Call for Participation - SOCET SET Training Opportunity
  7. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 20, May 8, 2016
  1. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter
  2. 3rd International Workshop on Instrumentation for Planetary Missions
  3. Planetary Interior Structure and Dynamics Scientist
  4. New Horizons Kuiper Belt Extended Mission Science Planning Opportunity
  5. Postdoctoral Position in Mars Science
  6. Summer School in Software Systems for Astronomy
  7. [NASA] PDS - MESSENGER Data Release 15
  8. Postdoctoral Research Assistant, Planetary Aeolian Science
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 19, May 1, 2016
  1. Planetary Scientist Civil Service Position
  2. Mars Exploration Zone Map Design Competition
  3. Lunar and Small Bodies Graduate Conference 2016
  4. [NASA] Second Community Announcement - New Frontiers AO
  5. [NASA] New Frontiers Program June Technology Workshop
  6. [NASA] Advance Notice of New Program Element: Concepts for Ocean Worlds Life Detection Technology
  7. USRA Postdoctoral Scientist Position at Aricebo Observatory
  8. Restructured PSD R&A; Programs, Mars: Feedback Requested by May 9
  9. Asteroids, Comets, Meteors 2017 - 1st Circular
  10. [NASA] PDS - New Rosetta Data Releases by the Small Bodies Node
  11. Call for Participation - Training Opportunity
  12. The DPS and EPSC are Headed to Pasadena in October
  13. Planetary Geomorphology 'Image of the Month'
  14. 7th Planetary Crater Consortium Meeting
  15. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 18, April 24, 2016
  1. Postdoctoral Position at the Swedish Institute of Space Physics [1]
  2. Postdoctoral Position at the Swedish Institute of Space Physics [2]
  3. Abstract Deadlines for Comet Meetings
  4. Postdoctoral Position at the University of Chicago
  5. 2016 Planetary Mapper's Meeting
  6. [NASA] Citizen Science for Earth Systems Program
  7. Abstract Deadline Extended for 3rd International Conference on the Exploration of Phobos/Deimos
  8. THEMIS Geodetically Controlled Mosaics Available from the USGS
  9. 9th Cosmic Dust Meeting - Second Circular
  10. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 17, April 17, 2016
  1. Project Scientist Position at NASA MSFC
  2. [NASA] ROSES-16 Amendment 6: Step-2 Due Date Delayed for C.9 the Mars Data Analysis Program
  3. GSI Session P8: Tectonics and Igneous Activity
  4. [NASA] Call for Letters of Application for Membership on NASA's Science Instrument Definition Team for GHAPS
  5. Summer School in Software Systems for Astronomy
  6. Registration Extension for the 4th European Lunar Symposium
  7. OPAG Meeting - New Steering Committee Members Sought
  8. [NASA] Martian Moons eXploration (MMX) Mission SALMON-2 Community Announcement
  9. [NASA] Water World Additions to PICASSO, MatISSE, and PSTAR and Delay of MatISSE Due Dates
  10. SPICE Training Announcement
  11. Dusty Visions Workshop 2016
  12. PDS LOLA Data Release
  13. Key Deadlines Approaching for Next Generation Suborbital Researchers Conference (NSRC) 2016
  14. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 16, April 10, 2016
  1. Mavericks Lab: Grad Student and Post Doc opportunity
  2. Small Bodies Assessment Group 15th Meeting: Early Career Travel Support
  3. [NASA] PDS - Cassini Data Release 45
  4. [NASA] Science Mission Directorate Seeks Public Policy Expert
  5. [NASA] ROSES-16: Step-1 Due Date Delayed for Laboratory Analysi of Returned Samples
  6. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter: April 2016
  7. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 15, April 3, 2016
  1. 4th European Lunar Symposium
  2. Linking Exoplanet and Disk Compositions
  3. [NASA] SMD Seeking Volunteer Reviewers for Proposals to Astrophysics and Planetary Science
  4. 2016 NASA Planetary Science Summer School Applications Open
  5. MAVEN Public Datasets Released in March 2016
  6. Third International Conference on the Exploration of Phobos and Deimos
  7. [NASA] PDS - New Rosetta Data Releases
  8. Postdoctoral Researcher in Experimental Lunar PSR Simulation at York University
  9. [NASA] PDS - Odyssey Data Release 55
  10. Announcement for the Joint DPS/EPSC Meeting
  11. AGU Honors - There's Still Time to Nominate a Deserving Colleague!
  12. Planetary Geomorphology 'Image of the Month'
  13. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 14, March 27, 2016
  1. [NASA] ROSES-16: Separately Uploaded Total Budget Files for Proposals
  2. Publishing Editor for Astronomy, Astrophysics and Space Sciences, at Springer Nature
  3. AGU Planetary Science Section Starts New Congressional Program
  4. Space Mining and Planetary Surface Construction Course
  5. Exoplanet Biosignatures Workshop Without Walls
  6. NEOWISE 2016 Data Release
  7. Europlanet Call for Access to Planetary Analogue Sites: Ibn Battuta Centre and Others
  8. Signatures and Support Sought for Open Letter to Senior Community Members to Battle Harassment
  9. US Planetary Scientists: Is Your Laboratory Adequately Supported?
  10. iCubeSat 2016 Abstracts Due this Friday, 1st April 2016
  11. NASA Advisory Council Meeting this Week
  12. Planetary Meetings Calendar Additions

Issue 13, March 20, 2016
  1. Special LPSC Event Notice: The 2017 NASA Budget-The Planetary Community Response and Your Q&A;
  2. Small Bodies Assessment Group 15th Meeting
  3. [NASA] PDS - Mars Science Laboratory Release 11
  4. [NASA] PDS - Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 25
  5. [NASA] PDS - Mars Exploration Rovers Data Release 47
  6. Mapping and Planetary Spatial Infrastructure Team Town Hall
  7. Call for Abstracts for the Horizon 2020 Euro-Cares WP3 Meeting
  8. LPSC Community Dialogue: Usage of Multi-Mission Radioisotope
  9. Thermoelectric Generators (MMRTGs) for Future Potential Missions
  10. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 12, March 13, 2016
  1. Editor Melissa Lane Departing PEN
  2. Community Meeting Announcement for an Asteroid Main Belt Explorer Mission as an ESA M5 Mission Proposal
  3. Brave New Worlds: Understanding the Planets of Other Stars
  4. Venus Town Hall Meeting and Early Career Scholars Mixer at LPSC
  5. 2016B NASA IRTF Call for Proposals
  6. Outer Planets Assessment Group (OPAG) Town Hall at LPSC
  7. [NASA] PDS - Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter CRISM, MTRDR, and TER Data Release
  8. Early Career Presenters' Review LPSC 2016
  9. Eighth Annual Susan Niebur Women in Planetary Science Event at LPSC
  10. Nomination Deadline for AGU Planetary Science Section Awards: April 15, 2016
  11. Reminder: Last Call for DPS 2016 Prize Nominations
  12. Observation Campaign of KBO Targets for Proposed New Horizons Extended Mission
  13. [NASA] ROSES-16: Kepler/K2 Solar System Observations Added to DDAP
  14. Data Management Plan Writing Workshop at LPSC 2016
  15. JMARS at LPSC
  16. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 11, March 6, 2016
  1. Workshop: Dust, Atmosphere and Plasma Environment of the Moon and
  2. Small Bodies (DAP-2017)
  3. Open Planetary Astronomy Position
  4. Linking Exoplanet and Disk Compositions
  5. [NASA] PDS - GRAIL Release 6
  6. Planetary Geomorphology 'Image of the Month'
  7. LPSC - RPS Peripheral Session
  8. Travel Grant Announcement
  9. [NASA] PDS - Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 36
  10. Observation Campaign of KBO Target for Proposed New Horizons Flyby
  11. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter: March 2016
  12. [NASA] ROSES-2016 Planetary Science Program Overview Clarified
  13. Comets 2016 - First Announcement
  14. LPSC: MarsSI User Workshop
  15. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 10, February 28, 2016
  1. AOGS 2016 Session PS-03: Polarization of the Solar System and Beyond
  2. AOGS 2016 Session PS-08: Solar System Primitive Body Exploration Missions
  3. AOGS 2016 Session PS-09: Planetary Science Data Archiving
  4. AOGS 2016 Session PS-13: Communicating the Excitement of Space Exploration to Audiences in Young Space-faring Nations
  5. AOGS 2016 Session PS-15: Role of Small Bodies in the Formation of the Solar System: From Interplanetary Dust to Planetary Moons
  6. AOGS 2016 Session PS-16: Moon And Mercury - A Comparative View
  7. Laboratory Measurement Needs for Exoplanetary Atmospheres
  8. Exoplanet and Habitability Workshop, March 2, at Lowell Observatory
  9. Register Today for the 2016 Humans to Mars Summit (H2M)
  10. 2016 NASA Planetary Science Summer School Applications Open
  11. Second Announcement: Cometary Science After Rosetta Meetings
  12. [NASA] Call for Letters of Application for Membership on NASA’s Science Definition Team for Europa Lander Pre-Phase A Study
  13. 2016 NASA Planetary Science Summer School Applications Open
  14. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 9, February 21, 2016
  1. PEN Reaches a Milestone!
  2. Venus Targets Workshop Report Posted on VEXAG Website
  3. [NASA] NSPIRES New Requirement: Collection of Demographics and Service Data
  4. Barringer Grant Applications for 2016 Now Being Accepted
  5. [NASA] ROSES-2016 Released
  6. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 8, February 14, 2016
  1. COSPAR 2016 Event B0.5 "Planetary Formation: From Dust to Giant Exoplanets" - Deadline Approaching
  2. Research Scientist Position at FSI
  3. Goldschmidt Conference 2016 Session: Chemistry of the Outer Solar System
  4. NASA Ames Applied Research Accelerator: Mavericks Lab
  5. Debris Civil Servant Opening
  6. Dusty Visions Workshop
  7. AOGS2016 Session PS-08: Solar System Primitive Body Exploration Missions
  8. AOGS2016 Session PS-09: Planetary Science Data Archiving
  9. Astronomy Education Project Information Request
  10. OPAG Assessments Update
  11. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 7, February 7, 2016
  1. Visiting Faculty Position in Astronomy
  2. Planetary Geomorphology 'Image of the Month'
  3. Ballooning Company Offering Proposal Assistance
  4. Free Booklet About the 2017 Eclipse of the Sun
  5. 2016 Mars Exploration Program Analysis Group (MEPAG) Meeting
  6. [NASA] Request for Information - Use of the Planetary Science Division Facilities
  7. February 2016 MEPAG Newsletter Available
  8. SBAG Announcements and Future Meetings
  9. International Conference - Search for Life: From Early Earth to Exoplanets
  10. Microsymposium 57 - Polar Volatiles on the Moon and Mercury: Nature, Evolution and Future Exploration
  11. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 6, January 31, 2016
  1. Post-Doctoral Position in Planetary Mass Spectrometry
  2. Mars Science Special Session at Goldschmidt 2016 Conference
  3. [NASA] Earth and Space Science Fellowship (NESSF) Program 2016-2017 Academic Year Proposal Submission Deadline is Extended
  4. OPAG Meeting - Connecting by WebEx
  5. 4th International Highly Siderophile Element Geochemistry Workshop
  6. [NASA] Planetary Science Division Facilities RFI
  7. [NASA] Hisaki Science Team Proposals
  8. Europa Initiative Workshops in Toulouse and Madrid
  9. GSA Rocky Mountain Section Meeting
  10. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 5, January 24, 2016
  1. Cometary Science After Rosetta: Future Directions
  2. AOGS Session PS04: Comparative Aeronomy of Solar System Bodies
  3. 31st IUGG Conference on Mathematical Geophysics, Paris
  4. OPAG Meeting: Presenting R&A; Nuggets
  5. [NASA] PDS - Odyssey Data Release 54, Part 2
  6. 2016 Microscopy and Microanalysis Conference
  7. Small Bodies Assessment Group 14th Meeting: Remote Participation Information
  8. ISSI/ISSI-BJ Joint Call for Proposals 2016 for International Teams in Space and Earth Sciences
  9. COSPAR 2016 Event B0.5: Planetary Formation - From Dust to Giant Exoplanets
  10. Icarus Special Issue on the Pluto System in the New Horizons Era
  11. PhD Position on Venus Clouds & Climate
  12. Deadline Extended - Aeolian Research Special Issue for the Fourth International Planetary Dunes Workshop
  13. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 4, January 17, 2016
  1. Research Scientist Position at FSI
  2. Director - Lunar and Planetary Institute
  3. Opportunities with the Desert Fireball Network
  4. UA/NASA 2016-17 Space Grant Graduate Fellowships
  5. International Venus Conference Reminder
  6. [NASA] Hubble Space Telescope Cycle 24 Call for Proposals
  7. Call for Abstracts - Second International Workshop on Martian Gullies
  8. [NASA] Draft SSERVI CAN 2 Released
  9. [NASA] New Volunteer Reviewer Forms Posted
  10. Updated Application Information: Tenure Track Faculty Positions, University of Arizona
  11. JPGU Meeting 2016 Session: Outer Solar System Exploration Today and Tomorrow
  12. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 3, January 13, 2016
  1. SPECIAL EDITION: NASA's Astrophysics Investments Website for the Planetary Science Community

Issue 2, January 10, 2016
  1. PhD Opportunities with the Desert Fireball Network
  2. EGU 2016 Session: Subglacial Landforms and ESPL Special Issue
  3. 41st Scientific Assembly of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) and Associated Events
  4. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter: January 2016
  5. OPAG 2016 Winter Meeting - Information Circular
  6. 26th Goldschmidt Conference Moon Session
  7. [NASA] PDS - Odyssey Data Release 54
  8. [NASA] PDS - Cassini Data Release 44
  9. ExoClimes 2016 Workshop - Now Accepting Applications
  10. NAIF SPICE Training Class
  11. Titan Aeronomy and Climate Workshop
  12. [NASA] Draft Announcement of Opportunity (AO) for New Frontiers Program to be Released
  13. Deadline Approaching for Planetary Geomorphology at EGU 2016
  14. COSPAR/ISECG Workshop on Science Enabled by Human Exploration
  15. AOGS 2016 Session PS22 - Call for Abstracts
  16. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 1, January 3, 2016
  1. EGU 2016 Session PS5.1/ST2.2: Call for Abstracts
  2. Biosignature Preservation and Detection in Mars Analog Environments
  3. 31st MEPAG Meeting - 1st Information Circular
  4. Ph.D Scholarship: Mars
  5. From Star and Planet Formation to Early Life
  6. Volcanism, Plate Tectonics, Hydrothermal Vents and Life
  7. Biosignatures and the Search for Life on Mars
  8. Planetary Geomorphology 'Image of the Month'
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Table of Contents: Volume 9, 2015

Issue 52, December 27, 2015
  1. AOGS2016 Session PS-09: Planetary Science Data Archiving
  2. International Symposium on Lunar and Planetary Science 2016
  3. [NASA] PDS - Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 24
  4. [NASA] PDS - Mars Exploration Rovers Data Release 46
  5. [NASA] Cancellation of the Participating Scientist Program for the InSight Mission
  6. [NASA] HEOMD Has Released a Request For Information
  7. Call for a Special Issue in Planetary and Space Science
  8. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 51, December 20, 2015
  1. New PhD Program in Astronomy and Planetary Science at Northern Arizona University
  2. Register Today for the 2016 Humans to Mars (H2M) Summit
  3. EGU 2016 Session PS1.5: Science and Technology for the Asteroid Impact & Deflection Assessment (AIDA) Mission
  4. Venus 2016 Conference: Reminder of Abstract Call
  5. [NASA] Due Date for Comments on the SMD Standard AO Extended to January 15, 2016
  6. [NASA] JWST Early Release Science Program Request
  7. New Rosetta Data Releases
  8. MAVEN Science-Team Meeting, 2-5 Feb 2016
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 50, December 13, 2015
  1. PS9.2/GM11.3 - From Granular Physics to Planetary Dunes
  2. Tenure Track Position in Tectonics
  3. Position Title: Experimental Planetary Sciences (EPS)
  4. Save-the-date and Call for Abstracts for the Second International Workshop on Martian Gullies
  5. RADARSAT-2 Graduate Student Opportunity, The University of Western Ontario
  6. AOGS2016 Session PS-08: Solar System Primitive Body Exploration Missions
  7. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 49, December 6, 2015
  1. [NASA] NASA Seeks Reviewers for 2015 Undergraduate Student Instrument Proposals
  2. [NASA] Interior Exploration Using Seismic Investigations Geodesy and Heat Transport (InSight) Participating Scientist Program
  3. Scientific Ballooning Technologies Workshop Announcement
  4. December 2015 MEPAG Newsletter Available
  5. Planetary Geomorphology 'Image of the Month'
  6. [NASA] Suggestions for the Standard Announcement of Opportunity
  7. [NASA] ROSES-15 Release of K2 Guest Observer Cycle 4
  8. [NASA] PDS RFI Response Date Extended to January 25, 2016
  9. Reminder: Approaching Deadline for VEXAG Student Travel Grants for International Venus Science Conference 2016
  10. [NASA] PDS - Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) Data Release 35
  11. [NASA] PDS - Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) Data Release 10
  12. Summer School “Volcanism, Plate Tectonics, Hydrothermal Vents and Life”
  13. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 48, November 29, 2015
  1. Lloyd V. Berkner Space Policy Internships - Summer 2016
  2. Outer Planets Assessment Group Meeting Coming Up
  3. Assistant Professor Position in Tectonics/Structural Geology at the University of Maryland
  4. Tenure-Track Faculty Position in Planetary Science, University of Arizona
  5. Tenure-Track Faculty Position in Solar and Heliospheric Physics, University of Arizona
  6. Asteroid Postdoctoral Opportunity, Caltech
  7. [NASA] HEOMD Draft Report from the NASA Asteroid Redirect Mission Formulation Assessment and Support Team (ARM FAST) Released for Comment
  8. [NASA] Vacancy Announcement, Supervisory AST, Chemical and Biological Evolution, GS-1301-15
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 47, November 22, 2015
  1. [NASA] ROSES-15 Revised Text for the Planetary Early Career Fellowship Program
  2. COSPAR 2016 Session C2.2: Wave Coupling Processes and Consequences in the Whole Atmosphere
  3. Planetary Geomorphology EGU 2016 - December 1st Student Travel Support Deadline
  4. Resources for Those Who Teach or Explain Astronomy
  5. Assistant Professor of Physics and Astronomy
  6. [NASA] Invitation to Register Yourself (or Nominate Another) to Review NASA Education Proposals
  7. Save the Date: VEXAG Meeting #14
  8. Upstairs Downstairs: Consequences of Internal Planet Evolution for the Habitability and Detectability of Life on Extrasolar Planets
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 46, November 15, 2015
  1. Planetary Maps Designed for Children
  2. The 4th Workshop on Binaries in the Solar System
  3. PhD Opportunity in Australia
  4. W. O. Crosby Postdoctoral Fellowship, MIT
  5. EGU Session Announcement
  6. Humans to Mars (H2M) Summit
  7. EGU 2016 Deadline for Support Application - Mars Session
  8. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 45, November 8, 2015
  1. 2016 Pierazzo International Student Travel Award - Deadline Friday
  2. The 4th BEPIS Meeting in Beijing, China
  3. [NASA] Earth and Space Science Fellowship (NESSF) Program, 2016-2017 Academic Year
  4. [NASA] Annual Invitation for Public Nominations by U.S. Citizens for Service on the NASA Advisory Council's Science Committee Subcommittees
  5. Assistant Professor (Tenure-Track), Loiusiana State University
  6. A Few Recent Resources for Those Who Teach or Explain Astronomy
  7. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  8. [NASA] Request for Information: Preparation for the Development of a Community-Based Roadmap for Planetary Data Services
  9. International Conference on Permafrost 2016 Session: Planetary Permafrost and Earth Analogues
  10. Jovian Magnetic Field and Magnetosphere Postdoctoral Researcher
  11. Venus 2016 Conference - Call for Papers
  12. VEXAG Student Travel Grants for International Venus Science Conference
  13. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 44, November 1, 2015
  1. 2016 Pierazzo International Student Travel Award
  2. DPS Meeting Workshop: Characterizing New Horizons KBO Targets from Earth
  3. Lowell Observatory: Tenure-Track or Tenured Astronomer
  4. Planetary Sciences Exploration Faculty Position at the University of Central Florida
  5. Lunar & Planetary Science Laboratory/Macau University of Science and Technology (LPSL/MUST): Postdoctoral Positions
  6. AIDA Workshop at the DPS 2015 Meeting
  7. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter: November 2015
  8. NSF Dear Colleague Letter Regarding Arecibo Observatory
  9. Faculty Position in Earth and Planetary Materials, UC Davis
  10. Faculty Position in Astrophysics, UC Davis
  11. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  12. Planetary Geomorphology 'Image of the Month'
  13. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 43, October 25, 2015
  1. 2016 Pierazzo International Student Travel Award
  2. The 4th ELSI Symposium in Tokyo, Japan
  3. Postdoctoral Fellowship in Exoplanetary Science at UC Santa Cruz
  4. Next OPAG Meeting
  5. Call for Special Issue in Planetary and Space Science (2016)
  6. Ice Giants Workshop at the DPS meeting in National Harbor, Maryland
  7. WebEx Access for VEXAG Meeting #13, October 27-29, 2015
  8. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  9. Director, Center for Space Nuclear Research
  10. [NASA] PDS - Stardust and Stardust NExT Final Data Release
  11. Lowell Observatory: Tenure-Track or Tenured Astronomer
  12. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 42, October 18, 2015
  1. Lowell Observatory: Tenure-Track or Tenured Astronomer
  2. [NASA] PDS - Odyssey Data Release 53, Part 2
  3. [NASA] SBAG 14 Meeting Announcements
  4. [NASA] Three-Day Training Course on Planetary Protection
  5. Open Source Release of the VICAR Image Processing System
  6. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  7. Planetary Science Nuggets Website
  8. NAIF Job Opening
  9. Two Assistant Professors in Astronomy, University of Connecticut
  10. [NASA] PDS - Dawn Ceres Initial Data Release
  11. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 41, October 11, 2015
  1. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  2. [NASA] PDS - Cassini Data Release 43
  3. LEAG Annual Meeting 20-22 October 2015
  4. 2016 Pierazzo International Student Travel Award
  5. One-year Postdoc at IAPS-INAF Rome
  6. Lowell Observatory: Tenure-Track or Tenured Astronomer
  7. Post-doctoral Positions in Brazil
  8. IMPRS PhD Positions in Solar System Science
  9. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  10. DPS E/PO Workshop on Sunday Morning
  11. DPS E/PO Workshop on Sunday Afternoon
  12. [NASA] Approval to Exceed Per Diem Lodging for DPS 2015
  13. [NASA] PDS - MESSENGER Data Release 14
  14. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 40, October 4, 2015
  1. Lowell Observatory: Tenure-Track or Tenured Astronomer
  2. SBAG 14 Early Career Travel Support
  3. Job Opening: Post-doc Opportunity on Planetary Plasmas Physics at IRAP
  4. Enabling Transiting Exoplanet Science with JWST Workshop
  5. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  6. Announcement: NASA GSFC tours for DPS Meeting Participants
  7. New Block Of Hotel Rooms For VEXAG Meeting #13
  8. 5th International Workshop on LunarCubes
  9. Two Tenure-Track Assistant Professor Positions at the Department of Astrophysical & Planetary Sciences University of Colorado
  10. Tenure-Track Position at the University of California, Santa Cruz
  11. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter
  12. [NASA] PDS - Odyssey Data Release 53
  13. New Venus Science and Technology Research Interviews
  14. Registration Deadline Extended for the First Landing Site/Exploration Zone Workshop for Human Missions to the Surface of Mars
  15. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 39, September 27, 2015
  1. Lowell Observatory: Tenure-Track or Tenured Astronomer
  2. ASTRO-1 Requirements Team (ART)
  3. [NASA] Undergraduate Student Instrument Project NOI Due Date Delayed
  4. University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Faculty Position in Planetary Petrology/Mineralogy/Geochemistry
  5. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowhips
  6. George Mason University, Assistant Professor, Extrasolar Planets
  7. LASP Postdoctoral Research Associate
  8. Remote Sensing Comparative Planetology Position at University of Arizona
  9. Moving Object Detection and Characterization at University of Arizona
  10. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 38, September 20, 2015
  1. In Memoriam: Giovanni Picardi, 1936-2015
  2. Job Openings at Space Telescope Science Institute
  3. Lowell Observatory: Tenure-Track or Tenured Astronomer
  4. A Workshop for Early-Career Astronomers Who Want to do Better Outreach
  5. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  6. Phobos and Deimos Lecture Series - Revised
  7. [NASA] PDS - Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 23
  8. [NASA] PDS - Mars Exploration Rovers Data Release 45
  9. DPS Women in Planetary Science Discussion Hour 2015
  10. EPSC Public Workshop - AIDA: Asteroid Deflection and Assessment Study Mission Under Study at ESA and NASA
  11. 2nd Asteroid Impact Deflection Assessment (AIDA) International Workshop 2016
  12. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 37, September 13, 2015
  1. EPSC: MarsSI User Workshop
  2. Lowell Observatory: Tenure-Track or Tenured Astronomer
  3. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  4. [NASA] Competitive Program for Science Museums, Planetariums and NASA Visitor Centers Plus Other Opportunities
  5. [NASA] Community Announcement for the Heliophysics Explorer Program
  6. [NASA] Revised Text and New Due Date for NuSTAR Cycle 2
  7. Call for Proposals for the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility
  8. Job Openings at Space Telescope Science Institute
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Commercial Announcement:
  1. 5th International Workshop on LunarCubes

Issue 36, September 6, 2015
  1. Lowell Observatory: Tenure-Track or Tenured Astronomer
  2. THEMIS Geodetically Controlled Mosaics Available from the USGS
  3. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter: September 2015
  4. Fall 2015 Soffen Fund Travel Grant Opportunity
  5. [NASA] PDS - Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 34
  6. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  7. Mars Critical Data Products Program, Round X - RFP for Mars 2020 Landing Site Characterization
  8. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  9. Reminder - Abstract Deadline for Human Landing Sites/Exploration Zones Workshop
  10. 2016 Exploration Postdoctoral Fellowships
  11. Registration and Hotel Reservations for VEXAG Meeting #13
  12. Comparative Climates Conference to be Streamed Live
  13. Job Openings at Space Telescope Science Institute
  14. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 35, August 30, 2015
  1. Job Openings at Space Telescope Science Institute
  2. Lowell Observatory: Tenure-Track or Tenured Astronomer
  3. Mars Landing Site/Exploration Zone - Abstract Deadline Extended
  4. The Lunar Initiatives
  5. Planetary Evolution: Phobos and Deimos Lecture Series
  6. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  7. 32nd IAS Meeting of Sedimentology
  8. Comparative Climates Conference to be Streamed Live
  9. MAVEN Public Datasets Released
  10. Two Tenure-Track Assistant Professors in Astronomy & Planetary Science
  11. Request for Proposal Posted for Mars 2020 Landing Site Characterization
  12. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 34, August 23, 2015
  1. PhD Position in Planetary Science – VU University Amsterdam
  2. Lowell Observatory: Tenure-Track or Tenured Astronomer
  3. PhD Position on UV Effects on Carbon in Meteorites
  4. Mars Critical Data Products Request for Proposal
  5. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  6. 41st Scientific Assembly of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) and Associated Events
  7. [NASA] PDS – Release of Cassini/Radio and Plasma Wave Science Data
  8. NASA OPAG Meeting
  9. [NASA] New volunteer Reviewer Forms Posted
  10. [NASA] Undergraduate Student Instrument Solicitation Released
  11. Aeolian Research Special Issue for The Fourth International Planetary Dunes Workshop
  12. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 33, August 16, 2015
  1. Memoriam: Ernst K. Zinner, 1937-2015
  2. Re-Calibrated Elemental Composition Data from Curiosity/ChemCam
  3. OPAG Meeting Coming Up
  4. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  5. International Observe the Moon Night 2015
  6. Lowell Observatory: Tenure-Track or Tenured Astronomer
  7. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 32, August 9, 2015
  1. Planetary Geomorphology 'Image of the Month'
  2. iCubeSat 2016 - The 5th Interplanetary CubeSat Workshop
  3. August 2015 MEPAG Newsletter Available
  4. [NASA] PDS - More Rosetta Prelanding Data Released
  5. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  6. Lunar Initiatives August Reminder
  7. VEXAG Meeting #13
  8. Postdoctoral Position in Mars Orbital Data Analysis
  9. July 2015 Issue of the Discovery and New Frontiers News Available
  10. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 31, August 2, 2015
  1. AGU 2015 Session 7445: Volcanism and Tectonism Across the Solar System (P038)
  2. AGU 2015 Session 7539: The Science of Exploration as Enabled by the Moon, Near Earth Asteroids and the Moons of Mars (P033)
  3. AGU 2015 Session 8234: Mercury After MESSENGER
  4. AGU 2015 Session 8728: Vesta and Ceres as Seen by Dawn and Earth-based Instruments (P037)
  5. AGU 2015 Session 9160: Using Current Chemistry and Mineralogy Data to Guide Future Discoveries from Mars 2020 (P035)
  6. Planetary Science Short Course
  7. Research Associate at LASP to Analyze Data from the Langmuir Probe and Waves Instrument on MAVEN
  8. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  9. [NASA] PDS - Release of Rosetta Data
  10. [NASA] PDS - Mars Science Laboratory Data Release 9
  11. GSA 2015 Session T173: Impact Cratering on Earth and in the Solar System
  12. GSA 2015 Session T176: Past and Present Biosignature Recognition on Earth and Mars
  13. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 30, July 26, 2015
  1. AGU 2015 Session 7784: Magnetospheres in the Inner Solar System
  2. AGU 2015 Session 7905: A Decade's Obervance of a Habitable World
  3. AGU 2015 Session 7990: Radar Investigations of Planetary Surfaces and Subsurfaces
  4. AGU 2015 Session 8936: Magma Channelization Across the Solar System
  5. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  6. [NASA] Release of the NASA Asteroid Redirect Mission Formulation Assessment and Support Team (FAST) Charter
  7. NRC CubeSats Symposium
  8. VEXAG Meeting #13
  9. OPAG Announcement
  10. PhD Student at the University of Helsinki
  11. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Commercial Announcement
  1. Spaceflight Mechanics I

Issue 29, July 15, 2015
  1. 2nd Announcement for the First Landing Site/Exploration Zone Workshop for Human Missions to the Surface of Mars
  2. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  3. Postdoctoral Fellow, Hopkins Extreme Materials Institute
  4. [NASA] ROSES-15 WFIRST Science Investigation Teams and Adjutant Scientists
  5. GSA 2015 Session T132. Mineralogy of Diagenesis on Earth and Mars: In Honor of Nicolas J. Tosca, 2015 MSA Awardee
  6. AGU 2015 Session 8104. Evolutions, Interactions and Origins of Out Planet Satellites
  7. AGU 2015 Session 8234. Mercury After MESSENGER
  8. AGU 2015 Session 8371. Era of Citizen Science and Big Data: Intersection of Outreach, Crowd-Sourced Data and Scientific Research
  9. AGU 2015 Session 8664. Polarimetry as a Tool to Study the Earth, Solar System and Beyond
  10. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 28, July 12, 2015
  1. [NASA] Gravity and Radiation Working Groups for the Europa Science Team
  2. [NASA] Step-2 for the Hayabusa2 Participating Scientist Program
  3. [NASA] SOFIA Third Generation Science Instrument Program Element
  4. [NASA] Membership Call for the Asteroid Redirect Mission (ARM) Formulation Assessment and Support Team (FAST)
  5. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  6. July 2015 MEPAG Newsletter Available
  7. Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute (SSERVI) Lecture Series
  8. Aeolian Research Special Issue for The Fourth International Planetary Dunes Workshop
  9. Student Travel Grants for VEXAG Meeting in Washington, DC
  10. Interactive Website Featuring Pluto and Ceres
  11. AGU Session 7177 - Judging a Book by its Cover: From Surface Observations to Planetary Interiors
  12. AGU Session 7445 - Volcanism and Tectonism Across the Solar System
  13. AGU Session 8599 - Science from Current and Future Planetary Missions
  14. AGU Session 8728 - Vesta and Ceres as seen by Dawn and Earth-based Instruments
  15. AGU Session P003 - Direct Imaging of Habitable Exoplanets: Progress and Future
  16. AGU Session P029 - Solar System Small Bodies: Relics of Formation and New Worlds to Explore
  17. GSA 2015 Session T171 - Exploring the Sedimentary Rock Record of Mars
  18. GSA 2015 Session T175 - Oceans, Fire, and Ice in the Outer Solar System
  19. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 27, July 5, 2015
  1. Fall AGU Special Session: Carbon on Mars
  2. Fall AGU Special Session P035: Using Current Chemistry and Mineralogy Data to Guide Future Discoveries from Mars 2020
  3. NAI Director Application Deadline Extended to July 10, 2015
  4. [NASA] PDS - Odyssey Data Release 52
  5. [NASA] PDS - Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Data Release 1B
  6. [NASA] PDS - Cassini Data Release 42
  7. Planetary Geomorphology 'Image of the Month'
  8. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Commercial Announcement
  1. Summer School in Software Systems for Astronomy

Issue 26, June 28, 2015
  1. Post-doc Position on Modelling and Observations of CO2 Ice Clouds on Mars at LATMOS (France)
  2. Director, NASA Astrobiology Institute (NAI)
  3. [NASA] Notification of an Invitation to Membership on the Formulation Assessment and Support Team (FAST) for the Asteroid Redirect Mission
  4. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  5. AGU Session P013 - Jove You Inside Out: Giant Planet Interiors, Atmospheres, Aurorae, and Ionospheres
  6. NASA Mars Landing Site/Exploration Zone Workshop
  7. G. K. Gilbert Award Session at GSA 2015
  8. Small Bodies Assessment Group 13th Meeting: Remote Participation Information
  9. Student Travel Grants for VEXAG Meeting #13 - Washington, DC
  10. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Commercial Announcement
  1. Summer School in Software Systems for Astronomy

Issue 25, June 21, 2015
  1. [NASA] New Volunteer Opportunity: CDAP Reviewer Form Posted
  2. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  3. Second Landing Site Workshop for the 2020 Mars Rover Mission
  4. Associate Research Scientist (Lab Manager) - Arizona State University
  5. Final Version of MEPAG Document
  6. Post-doc on Modelling and Observations of CO2 Ice Clouds on Mars at LATMOS (Guyancourt, France)
  7. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 24, June 14, 2015
  1. From Interstellar Ices to Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons: A Symposium to Honor Lou Allamandola's Contributions to the Molecular Universe
  2. Application Deadline for NAI Director Extended to July 10, 2015
  3. K2 Science Conference (K2SCICON)
  4. ESA Research Fellowship in Space Science
  5. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  6. [NASA] PDS - Mars Exploration Rovers Data Release 44
  7. Fall AGU Session: Magma Channelization Across the Solar System
  8. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Commercial Announcement
  1. Summer School in Software Systems for Astronomy

Issue 23, June 7, 2015
  1. SBAG Steering Committee Open Positions
  2. [NASA] PDS - Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 33
  3. [NASA] PDS - Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Data Release 1
  4. MAVEN Data Available
  5. Science Communication Workshop
  6. K2 Science Conference (K2SCICON)
  7. New Leaders in Space Science: Deadline Extended
  8. Nuclear Power Assessment Study Final Report Available
  9. Planetary Geomorphology 'Image of the Month'
  10. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter: June 2015
  11. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  12. Lunar and Small Bodies Graduate Conference 2015 - Announcement and Abstract Submission Deadline
  13. Suggesting Reviewers for NASA Roses Proposals
  14. [NASA] ROSES-15 WFIRST Science Investigation Teams for Community Comment
  15. DPS Member William J. Borucki Wins 2015 Shaw Prize in Astronomy
  16. GSA Session T177 - When Water Meets Rock: Aqueous Alteration in the Solar System
  17. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 22, May 31, 2015
  1. In Memoriam: Stanton J. Peale (1937-2015)
  2. Small Bodies Assessment Group 13th Meeting: Registration and Logistics
  3. Training Opportunity Introduction to GIS for Planetary Mappers
  4. [NASA] PDS - Dawn FC2 Vesta Global Mosaics Data Release
  5. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  6. Post-doctoral Position for Mars Color/Photometry
  7. Director, NASA Astrobiology Institute (NAI) Application Deadline Extended
  8. International Meeting: Missions to Habitable Worlds
  9. Multiple Postdoc Fellowships at the Centre for Earth Evolution and Dynamics (CEED)
  10. [NASA] Call for Applications for Returned Sample Science Board for Mars 2020
  11. Planetary Radar Research Scientists
  12. Assistant Professor Position: Solar System Exploration Science
  13. Postdoctoral Research Position: Planetary Geochronology/Instrument Development
  14. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Commercial Announcements
  1. Microgravity Journal Now Available
  2. Summer School in Software Systems for Astronomy

Issue 21, May 17, 2015
  1. Student Travel Grants for IAU in Honolulu, HI
  2. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  3. Small Bodies Assessment Group 13th Meeting: Registration and Logistics
  4. Postdoc Position Available: Asteroid Observations in the Gaia Era
  5. [NASA] ROSES-2015 Reviewers Needed
  6. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 20, May 17, 2015
  1. Assistant Professor Position: Solar-System Exploration Science
  2. Position Available: Imaging Processing at Caltech
  3. FameLab
  4. [NASA] 2015 MUREP Virtual MSI Symposium & Collaboration Videoconference
  5. [NASA] Changes to the ROSES-15 Summary of Solicitation
  6. [NASA] Pre-proposal WebEx/Teleconference: Minority University Research and Education Project (MUREP) American Indian and Alaskan Native STEM Partnership (MAIANSP)
  7. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  8. Postdoctoral Research Position: Planetary Geochronology/Instrument Development
  9. Postdoctoral Research in Core/Ocean Geomagnetism
  10. Position Available: Planetary Radar Research Scientist at the Arecibo Observatory
  11. Lunar and Small Bodies Graduate Conference 2015 - Announcement and Abstract Submission Deadline
  12. Director, NASA Astrobiology Institute (NAI) Application Deadline Extended
  13. Training Opportunity Photogrammetric Processing of Planetary Stereo Imagery using ISIS and SOCET SET
  14. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Commercial Announcements
  1. Geological Society of London Special Publication 401

Issue 19, May 10, 2015
  1. Summer School: Formation and Evolution of Planetary Systems and Habitable Planets
  2. Workshop Prior to MetSoc Meeting
  3. Venus Exploration Analysis Group (VEXAG) Call for Executive Committee Members
  4. [NASA] ROSES-15 Amendment 13: Release of a New Program Element – Citizen Science Asteroid Data, Education, and Tools (CADET)
  5. [NASA] ROSES-15 Amendment 14: New Homesteader Program
  6. May 2015 MEPAG Newsletter Available
  7. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  8. Postdoctoral Research in Core/Ocean Geomagnetism
  9. Application Extension - Director, NASA Astrobiology Institute
  10. [NASA] MUREP Aerospace Academy Pre-proposal Teleconference/WebEx
  11. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 18, May 3, 2015
  1. Postdoctoral Research in Core/Ocean Geomagnetism
  2. OPAG Website
  3. Small Bodies Assessment Group 13th Meeting: Announcements
  4. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  5. EPSC 2015: Volcanism and Tectonism Across the Solar System
  6. Comparative Climates of Terrestrial Planets II Conference Abstract Deadline Extension to May 15th
  7. WebEx for Comparative Tectonics and Geodynamics of Venus, Earth and Rocky Exoplanets Workshop
  8. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 17, April 26, 2015
  1. 2nd Landing Site Workshop for Mars 2020 Rover - Venue and Hotel Reservation Information
  2. JAXA International Top Young Fellowship
  3. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  4. [NASA] ROSES-15 Major Changes to the Final Year of the Cassini Participating Scientist Program
  5. Summer Internship: Mercury Geological Mapping
  6. PostDoc in Stereophotoclinometry at PSI
  7. Call for Abstracts: Commercial Missions Beyond Earth Orbit
  8. EPSC 2015: Volcanism and Tectonmism Across the Solar System
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 16, April 19, 2015
  1. Small Bodies Assessment Group 13th Meeting: Early Career Travel Support and Agenda
  2. Nominations Requested for the 5th Farinella Prize
  3. Director, NASA Astrobiology Institute (NAI)
  4. Impending Deadlines - Comparative Climates of Terrestrial Planets II Conference
  5. [NASA] Delay of Step-2 Due Date for Hayabusa2 Participating Scientist Program
  6. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  7. [NASA] MUREP Community College Curriculum Improvement (MC3I) Updated Pre-Proposal Teleconference Date and Time
  8. [NASA] New Date for EONS Pre-Proposal Teleconference
  9. Postdoctoral Research in Core/Ocean Geomagnetism
  10. The European Planetary Science Congress (EPSC) Dates
  11. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 15, April 12, 2015
  1. Editorial: Reform ROSES15 Solar System Workings
  2. Only One Month to the Humans to Mars Summit
  3. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  4. EPSC 2015: Mars Geomorphology
  5. The Forum for New Leaders in Space Science
  6. Small Bodies Assessment Group 13th Meeting: Early Career Travel Support and Agenda
  7. Job Requisition - Associate Director I: Arecibo Observatory Planetary Radar Program
  8. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 14, April 5, 2015
  1. USGS Lunar & Planetary Maps Available to Planetary Science Community at no Cost
  2. Charles A. Barth Memorial Symposium
  3. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  4. [NASA] Seeking Reviewers for ROSES Research Proposals
  5. [NASA] PDS - Odyssey Data Release 51
  6. 2015 NASA Planetary Science Summer School Applications Open
  7. [NASA] Change of Due Date - K2 Guest Observer Cycle 3
  8. HST 25th Anniversary Slide Set
  9. Director, NASA Astrobiology Institute (NAI)
  10. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter: April 2015
  11. [NASA] PDS - Cassini Data Release 41
  12. Archive Your Small Bodies Data in PDS Small Bodies Node
  13. NASA Vesta Portal Release
  14. Remote Connection into the Venus Instrument & Lab Measurement Workshop
  15. NASA Advisory Council Science Committee Meeting
  16. NASA Advisory Council Meeting
  17. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 13, March 29, 2015
  1. [NASA] New EONS Program Element: MUREP MEI
  2. [NASA] Pre-proposal Teleconference: STEM ASTAR Fellowships
  3. [NASA] Reopening the Hayabusa2 Participating Scientist Call
  4. [NASA] Various Updates to the Text of PDART Program
  5. [NASA] PDS - Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 21
  6. Planetary Scientist Position - NASA Johnson Space Center
  7. New Refereed Journal of Astronomy and Earth Sciences Education Invites Manuscripts
  8. Pluto Naming Opportunity
  9. New Astronomy Lecture Videos
  10. EPSC Call for Abstracts
  11. 49th ESLAB Symposium: Exploring the Universe with JWST
  12. Fact Sheet - Connecting Physics Students to Career Opportunities
  13. Job Opening - Director, Cernan Earth and Space Center
  14. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  15. Reminder: VEXAG Meeting #12
  16. Director, NASA Astrobiology Institute (NAI)
  17. DPS has Partnered with MentorNet
  18. Graduate Student Opportunity: Hampton University
  19. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 12, March 15, 2015
  1. MAVEN Data Users' Workshop and Project Science Group Meeting
  2. Travel Grant Announcement
  3. [NASA] PDS - Mars Science Laboratory Release 8
  4. Early E-ELT Science: Spectroscopy with HARMONI
  5. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  6. Registration for Venus Instrument and Lab Measurement Workshop
  7. Undergraduate and Graduate Student Travel Awards for Comparative Climatli of Terrestrial Planets Conference #2 (CCTP2)
  8. [NASA] Delay of Due Date and 2018 Launch Readiness Date SIMPLEx
  9. Director, NASA Astrobiology Institute (NAI)
  10. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 11, March 15, 2015
  1. Postdoctoral Researcher: Mineralogy & Petrology of Planetary Materials
  2. Informal Position Announcement
  3. Comparative Climates of Terrestrial Planets II: Understanding How Climate Systems Work Conference (CCTP2)
  4. 6th Planetary Crater Consortium Meeting
  5. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  6. 2015 NASA Planetary Science Summer School Applications Open
  7. Announcing the Annual Susan Niebur Women in Planetary Science Networking Event at LPSC
  8. The Future of Planetary Radio Astronomy with Single-Dish Telescopes
  9. Reminder - 2nd Planetary Data Users Workshop
  10. Astrobiology Early Career Opportunities: Upcoming Deadlines
  11. [NASA] PDS: Mars Exploration Rovers Data Release 43
  12. The 2016 NASA Budget: The Planetary Community's Response & Next Steps
  13. [NASA] Additional Requirement & Information for Geological Mapping in ROSES-15
  14. [NASA] PDS: Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter DATA
  15. Director, NASA Astrobiology Institute (NAI)
  16. 5th International Workshop on Lunar Surface Applications: Dates
  17. [NASA] ROSES-15 ISRO Synthetic Aperture Radar (NISAR) Mission Science Definition Team
  18. [NASA] ROSES-14 Small Innovative Missions for Planetary Exploration (SIMPLEx)
  19. [NASA] ROSES-15 Additional Requirement and Information for Planetary Science Research Program Overview
  20. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 10, March 8, 2015
  1. Education and Outreach “Help Desk” for Scientists Interested in Increasing Their Impact
  2. Director, NASA Astrobiology Institute (NAI)
  3. 2015B NASA IRTF Call for Proposals
  4. March 2015 MEPAG Newsletter Available
  5. Tenure-track Assistant Professor in Igneous Petrology/Geochemistry
  6. Planetary Geomorphology 'Image of the Month'
  7. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  8. 11th Low Cost Planetary Mission (LCPM-11) - Deadline for Abstract Submission Extended
  9. Postdoctoral Researcher: Mineralogy and Petrology of Planetary Materials
  10. 2nd Symposium of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR): Water and Life in the Universe
  11. Reminder – LRO Data Users Workshop at LPSC
  12. [NASA] PDS - Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 32
  13. [NASA] PDS - MESSENGER Data Release 13
  14. Reminder - Venus Town Hall Meeting and Early Career Scholars Mixer at LPSC
  15. LPSC Peripheral Meeting
  16. [NASA] Delay of Due Date for Science Education Cooperative Agreement Notice
  17. [NASA] Release of Text for Mars Science Laboratory Participating Scientist Program
  18. [NASA] Planetary Data System Discipline Nodes Cooperative Agreement Notice
  19. [NASA] Solicitation of Proposals from Minority Serving Community Colleges
  20. [NASA] Minority University Research and Education Project (MUREP) Aerospace Academy
  21. [NASA] Emerging Worlds Program Element Clarification
  22. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 9, March 1, 2015
  1. Postdoctoral Researcher: Mineralogy and Petrology of Planetary Materials
  2. LPSC: MESSENGER MDIS Data Users Workshop
  3. LPSC: Higher Education Faculty Workshop
  4. LPSC: Scientist and Science Educator Professional Workshop Development Workshop - Communicating with Your Audience
  5. LPSC: User Workshop for Mars CHEMCAM/LIBS Data
  6. First Annual Emerging Researchers in Exoplanet Science (ERES) Symposium
  7. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  8. Invitation for PDS Reviewers for the Dawn Vesta Framing Camera Mosaics
  9. Abstract Deadline Approaching for the AbSciCon 2015
  10. AbSciCon 2015 Session: Titan's Organic Chemistry and Insights Into Habitability
  11. AbSciCon 2015 Session: Martian Habitability as Informed by Past and Ongoing Orbital, Lander, and Rover Missions
  12. Electromagnetic and Light Scattering XV: Celebrating 150 Years of Maxwell's Electromagnetics
  13. International Meeting: Radiation Mechanisms of Astrophysical Objects - Classics Today
  14. The Lunar Workshops Newsletter
  15. Announcing a Newsletter Dedicated to Comet Science
  16. OPAG Announcement
  17. Student Travel Grants for Upcoming Mars-Relevant Workshops
  18. Post-Doctoral Teaching Associate in Mineralogy - University of Tennessee
  19. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 8, February 22, 2015
  1. [NASA] PDS CAN Announcement and Schedule
  2. Cratering Statistics Workshop Abstract Deadline Reminder
  3. Invitation to RAS Meeting on the Moon, Mercury and Asteroids
  4. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  5. Postdoctoral Researcher: Mineralogy and Petrology of Planetary Materials
  6. Geomagnetics Postdoctoral Researcher
  7. VEXAG Meeting #12
  8. [NASA] EONS-14: Advanced Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Training and Research (ASTAR) Fellowships
  9. PhD Position in Planetary Science - Muenster University
  10. Post-doctoral Teaching Associate in Mineralogy - University of Tennessee
  11. LRO Data Users Workshop at LPSC
  12. Job Announcement - NASA Astrobiology Institute Director
  13. Barringer Grant Applications for 2015 Now Being Accepted
  14. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 7, February 15, 2015
  1. IAU-GA Focus Meeting FM9: “Highlights in the Exploration on Small Worlds”
  2. IAU-GA Focus Meeting FM15: "Search for Water and Life's Building Blocks in the Universe"
  3. IAU Symposium 318 - “Asteroids: New Observations, New Models”
  4. SpaceKazan-IAPS-2015
  5. MESSENGER MDIS Data Users’ Workshop at LPSC
  6. Postdoctoral Researcher: Mineralogy and Petrology of Planetary Materials
  7. [NASA] NASA Astrobiology Institute Director
  8. AOGS2015 Session AS-24: Hydroxyl Layer on Earth and Other Planets
  9. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  10. AbSciCon 2015 Session - Habitability from Afar: Challenges and Triumphs of Exploring Icy Worlds from Orbital and Flyby Missions
  11. AbSciCon 2015 Session on Dwarf Planets
  12. Register Today for the 2015 Humans to Mars Summit (H2M)
  13. Icarus Special Issue: MicroMars to MegaMars
  14. Geomagnetics Postdoctoral Researcher
  15. Student Summer Internships at APL
  16. Postdoctoral Researcher in Planetary Science at York University
  17. Tenure-track Position at York University
  18. 2nd Annual Workshop on Potential Mars Returned Sample Science
  19. [NASA] Science Mission Directorate Announces Release of ROSES 2015
  20. [NASA] Answers to Questions about Travel
  21. AOGS2015 Session PS-03: Polarimetry of Planetary Systems - Observations, Theory and Models
  22. AOGS2015 Session PS-04: Comets, Asteroids and Other Small Bodies of the Solar System: From 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko to Chariklo
  23. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 6, February 8, 2015
  1. In Memoriam: B. Ray Hawke (1946-2015)
  2. Postdoctoral Scientist: Planetary Climate Modeling
  3. [NASA] SMD Seeking Volunteer Reviewers
  4. [NASA] Physical Science Informatics Now Open
  5. Post-Doctoral Researcher Position at the NHM Vienna
  6. Call for Abstracts for the 11th IAA Low-Cost Planetary Missions Conference
  7. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter: February 2015
  8. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  9. [NASA] Release of Final Text of the NASA Science Mission Directorate Science Education Cooperative Agreement Notice NNH15ZDA004C
  10. Postdoc Opportunity at the University of Oslo
  11. MEPAG Goals Document Update - Feedback Requested
  12. Venus Town Hall Meeting and Early Career Scholars Mixer at LPSC
  13. New Postdoctoral Research Opportunity: Lunar and Asteroid Volcanic Studies Based on Terrestrial Fieldwork, Laboratory Analysis, and Numerical Modeling
  14. ABSCICON 2015: Habitable Worlds in Our Solar System
  15. MESSENGER MDIS Data Users' Workshop at LPSC
  16. LPSC Lodging Rates Approved by NASA
  17. New Horizons Community Slides
  18. Advanced Deadline for Student Travel to Comparative Tectonics and Geodynamics of Venus, Earth, and Exoplanets Conference at Caltech
  19. Postdoctoral Researcher: Mineralogy and Petrology of Planetary Materials
  20. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 5, February 1, 2015
  1. [NASA] New Volunteer Reviewer Forms Posted
  2. [NASA] Approval for LPSC Conference Hotels Exceeding GSA
  3. Postdoctoral Researcher: Mineralogy and Petrology of Planetary Materials
  4. Connection Information for 'Potential for Finding Life in A Europa Plume' Workshop Live Broadcast
  5. Professional Development Opportunity for Undergraduate Faculty
  6. The Future & Science of Gemini Observatory
  7. AbSciCon 2015: Finding Habitable Worlds and Life Beyond the Solar System
  8. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  9. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  10. Astrogeology - ISIS Support
  11. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 4, January 25, 2015
  1. 2nd Symposium of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR): Water and Life in the Universe
  2. 41st Scientific Assembly of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) and Associated Events
  3. Student Summer Internships at APL
  4. AbSciCon Session I
  5. AbSciCon Session II
  6. IUGG Session: VS26 Volcanic Landscape Across the Solar System
  7. Workshop on the Potential for Finding Life in a Europa Plume
  8. Geomagnetics Postdoctoral Researcher
  9. Mars Exploration Program Analysis Group (MEPAG) Meeting
  10. Workshop on “Venus Science Priorities for Laboratory Measurements and Instrument Definition”
  11. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  12. Postdoctoral Researcher: Mineralogy and Petrology of Planetary Materials
  13. Lloyd V. Berkner Space Policy Internships 2015
  14. [NASA] Pre-proposal WEBEX/Teleconference: NASA STEM (EONS) and MUREP STEM Engagement
  15. Job Opportunity: STScI Research and Instrument Analysts
  16. Call for Abstracts
  17. 5th International Workshop on Lunar Surface Applications
  18. 2014 Nininger Meteorite Award
  19. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Commercial Announcements
  1. Geological Society of London Special Publication 401

Issue 3, January 18, 2015
  1. Student Summer Internships at APL
  2. Call for White Papers: Hubble Space Telescope Scientific Legacy Initiatives
  3. [NASA] OPAG Meeting
  4. Jovian Magnetic Field and Magnetosphere Postdoctoral Researcher
  5. Invitation to Present at Japanese Geoscience Union (JpGU)
  6. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  7. [NASA] Minority University Research Education Project (MUREP) Scholarship Program
  8. Geomagnetics Postdoctoral Researcher
  9. [NASA] PDS - Cassini Data Release 40
  10. [NASA] Discovery 2014 AO Amendment 1
  11. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 2, January 11, 2015
  1. Postdoctoral Associate at Stony Brook University
  2. Planetary Science Slides and Illustrations
  3. Planetary Surface Processes Field School
  4. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter: January 2015
  5. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  6. Jovian Magnetic Field and Magnetosphere Postdoctoral Researcher (NASA-GSFC/CRESST/University of Maryland)
  7. [NASA] PDS - Odyssey Data Release 50
  8. CSWA Survey on Workplace Climate
  9. Postdoctoral Fellowship in Lunar & Asteroid Exploration Science - Petrology and Geochemistry
  10. NASA's Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute's Exploration Science Forum: First Announcement
  11. Solicitation for SSERVI Award Nominees
  12. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 1, January 4, 2015
  1. Postdoctoral Fellowship in Lunar & Asteroid Exploration Science - Petrology and Geochemistry
  2. Postdoctoral Associate Position at Stony Brook University I
  3. Postdoctoral Associate Position at Stony Brook University II
  4. User Workshop for Mars ChemCam/LIBS Data at the LPSC
  5. Jovian Magnetic Field and Magnetosphere Postdoctoral Researcher (NASA-GSFC/CRESST/University of Maryland)
  6. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  7. SBAG 12 Meeting - January 6-7 - Remote Participation Information
  8. Call for Support for Castalia: A Mission to a Main Belt Comet
  9. Midwest Astrochemistry Meeting
  10. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Table of Contents: Volume 8, 2014

Issue 59, December 28, 2014
  1. Bloomberg Distinguished Professorship, Johns Hopkins University
  2. Jovian Magnetic Field and Magnetosphere Postdoctoral Researcher
  3. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  4. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 58, December 21, 2014
  1. Planetary Geomorphology at EGU Abstract Deadline Approaching Fast
  2. EGU 2015 Session PS2.3: Mars Science and Exploration
  3. EGU 2015 Session PS3.2: Huygens Probe 10th Anniversary Session
  4. 26TH International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) General Assembly
  5. IUGG 2015 Session VS26: Volcanic Landscape Across the Solar System - From Field to Remote Sensing Analyses
  6. [NASA] K2 Guest Observer - Cycle 2 Update
  7. [NASA] PDS - Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 20
  8. Jovian Magnetic Field and Magnetosphere Postdoctoral Researcher (NASA-GSFC/CRESST/University of Maryland)
  9. Job Opportunity: STScI Research and Instrument Analysts
  10. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  11. Save the Date - Venus Conference 4-8 April 2016, Oxford UK
  12. Workshop on the Potential for Finding Life in a Europa Plume
  13. December 2014 Discovery and New Frontiers News
  14. Faculty Opportunity at Brown University
  15. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Commercial Announcements
  1. Atlas of Meteorites

Issue 57, December 14, 2014
  1. EGU 2015 Call for Abstracts: Session PS2.5
  2. [NASA] Release of ROSES-14 Hayabusa2 Participating Scientist Program Delayed
  3. Midwest Astrochemistry Meeting
  4. Postdoctoral Fellowship in Lunar & Asteroid Exploration Science - Petrology and Geochemistry
  5. Pre-proposal Teleconference to Discuss NASA Education Opportunities in NASA STEM (EONS) 2014 MUREP Institutional Research Opportunity (MIRO)
  6. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  7. Jovian Magnetic Field and Magnetosphere Postdoctoral Researcher (NASA-GSFC/CRESST/University of Maryland)
  8. ROSES-14 Call: Small, Innovative Missions for Planetary Exploration (SIMPLEX)
  9. Humans to Mars Summit
  10. [NASA] PDS - Mars Exploration Rovers Data Release 42
  11. Job Opportunity: STScI Research and Instrument Analysts
  12. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 56, December 7, 2014
  1. EGU 2015 Call for Abstracts: Session PS5.1
  2. Postdoctoral Fellowship in Lunar & Asteroid Exploration Science - Petrology and Geochemistry
  3. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  4. [NASA] PDS - Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 31
  5. iCubeSat 2015 Call for Papers and Registration
  6. ISSI Call for Proposals 2015 for Johannes Geiss Fellowship
  7. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter: December 2014
  8. Planetary GIS Workshop
  9. Job Opening: Research Associate in Space Physics, Imperial College London, UK
  10. Jovian Magnetic Field and Magnetosphere Postdoctoral Researcher
  11. [NASA] New Lunar Volunteer Reviewer Form Posted
  12. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  13. Community Input on Spitzer Observations Prior to JWST
  14. [NASA] SBAG 12 Meeting - Upcoming Hotel Deadline
  15. [NASA] PDS - Mars Science Laboratory Release 7
  16. Job Opportunity: STScI Research and Instrument Analysts
  17. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 55, November 30, 2014
  1. 2015 Pierazzo International Student Travel Award
  2. Postdoctoral Associate Position at Stony Brook University
  3. Past Life? Present Life? The Future of Solar System Exploration
  4. Jovian Magnetic Field and Magnetosphere Postdoctoral Researcher
  5. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  6. Faculty Position at the University of Minnesota
  7. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 54, November 23, 2014
  1. Summer Course “Life on Earth and Beyond - The History and Philosophy of the Origin of Life”
  2. 20-20-20 Airships NASA Centennial Challenge RFI
  3. Postdoctoral Fellowship in Lunar & Asteroid Exploration Science - Petrology and Geochemistry
  4. Second Landing Site Workshop for the Mars 2020 Rover
  5. Planetary Geomorphology EGU 2015 – Student Travel Support Deadline
  6. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  7. ESO/ESA/ALMA/NRAO-NAASC Workshop Abstract Deadline Approaching
  8. Postdoctoral Researcher (Elemental/Isotopic Analysis) ID#14629
  9. Postdoctoral Researcher (Chemical/Isotopic Analysis) ID#14630
  10. [NASA] 2014 NASA EONS Solicitation for Proposals
  11. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Commercial Announcements
  1. Paper Submission Opportunity I
  2. Paper Submission Opportunity II

Issue 53, November 16, 2014
  1. 2015 Pierazzo International Student Travel Award Deadline Extended
  2. 4th International Planetary Dunes Workshop
  3. Job Announcement - Editor Positions on the Journal "Planetary Science"
  4. Postdoctoral Fellowship in Lunar & Asteroid Exploration Science - Petrology and Geochemistry
  5. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  6. 2015 MEPAG Face-to-face Meeting Announcement
  7. Discovery 2014 AO Pre-Proposal Conference
  8. Job Posting - Education and Public Outreach Manager
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 52, November 9, 2014
  1. In Memoriam - Charles A. Barth (1930-2014)
  2. Call for Abstracts: "Nano-Satellites Deployed from Carrier Spacecraft - A Paradigm Shift in Planetary Sciences?"
  3. NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship (NESSF) Program
  4. CAPS Meeting Dates 2015-2020
  5. Abstract Deadline Approaching: November 18 for "Workshop on Early Solar System Bombardment III"
  6. Postdoctoral Fellowship in Lunar & Asteroid Exploration Science - Petrology and Geochemistry
  7. Solar System Observations with the K2 Mission
  8. Women Count
  9. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  10. [NASA] Release of Discovery 2014 Announcement of Opportunity
  11. [NASA] Release of Draft Science Education CAN
  12. 12th Meeting of the NASA Small Bodies Assessment Group (SBAG)
  13. PDS Volunteer Reviewers
  14. DPS Workshop
  15. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 51, November 2, 2014
  1. 2nd Symposium of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR): Water and Life in the Universe
  2. 41st Scientific Assembly of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) and Associated Events
  3. DPS Workshop: Solar System Observations with the K2 Mission
  4. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  5. November 2014 MEPAG Newsletter Available
  6. [NASA] ROSES-14 Cancelation of E.4: Opportunities in Education and Public Outreach for Earth and Space Sciences
  7. Resources and an Award for Astronomy and Space Science Educators
  8. Planetary Geomorphology 'Image of the Month'
  9. Job Posting – Education and Public Outreach Manager
  10. Postdoc Position at Lowell Observatory
  11. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 50, October 26, 2014
  1. Gerhard Neukum (1944-2014)
  2. Gerry Neugebaur (1932-2014)
  3. Earth-Life Science Institute (ELSI) 3rd International Symposium
  4. Postdoc Position at Lowell Observatory
  5. [NASA] PDS - Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter SHARAD Radargram Release 3
  6. 2nd Announcement: JWST Workshop at DPS Meeting
  7. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  8. Proposal Writing Workshop at DPS
  9. The HRSC Orbit Location Extractor (HOLE)
  10. [NASA] SBAG 12 Meeting: Draft Agenda and Early Career Travel Support
  11. Reminder of "Solar System Challenges: Citizen Science" Workshop at DPS
  12. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 49, October 19, 2014
  1. [NASA] Three-Day Training Course on Planetary Protection
  2. First Announcement: 11th IAA Low-Cost Planetary Mission Conference (LCPM-11)
  3. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  4. Tenure Track Faculty Position in Chemistry of Planetary Atmospheres, University of Leeds
  5. [NASA] PDS - Odyssey Data Release 49 - GRS
  6. 2nd Announcement: Workshop on Ground & Space Observatories: A Joint Venture to Planetary Science
  7. [NASA] ROSES-14 Release of a new call: K2 Guest Observer - Cycle 2
  8. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 48, October 12, 2014
  1. [NASA] Anticipated Major Changes Between the Draft and Final Discovery 2014 Announcements of Opportunity
  2. [NASA] Draft Cooperative Agreement Notice (CAN) for SMD Science Education to be Released
  3. [NASA] Two New Planetary Science Volunteer Reviewer Forms Posted
  4. Postdoctoral Associate – Stony Brook University
  5. CPS Postdoctoral Fellowships in Planetary/Exoplanet Science
  6. Fully Funded PhD Position in Lunar Science – VU University Amsterdam
  7. Invitation for PDS Reviewers for the OSIRIS-REx Mission
  8. "WISE at 5" Conference
  9. October 2014 MEPAG Newsletter Available
  10. Planetary Geomorphology 'Image of the Month'
  11. [NASA] PDS - Cassini Data Release 39
  12. Large Martian Landforms Website
  13. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  14. [NASA] EPOESS Cancelled
  15. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 47, October 5, 2014
  1. Gerry Neugebauer, 1932-2014
  2. Faculty Position in Planetary Science, Department of Physics and Space Sciences - Florida Institute of Technology
  3. Postdoctoral Position in Lunar Research
  4. [NASA] PDS - LRO Mini-RF Data Release
  5. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  6. [NASA] Education Opportunities in NASA STEM (EONS) Updates to Section H.3.1.4 Principal Investigator
  7. [NASA] PDS - Odyssey Data Release 49
  8. NRAO Community Event at the 46th DPS Meeting
  9. DPS Federal Relationship Subcommittee Meeting at DPS
  10. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 46, September 28, 2014
  1. [NASA] Planetary Science Division Peer Review Opportunities
  2. Lunar Workshops Summer Newsletter
  3. Women in Planetary Science Lunch at DPS
  4. [NASA] PDS - LRO Release 19
  5. [NASA] PDS - NMS, UVS and LADEE Data Release
  6. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  7. Workshop: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Herschel Science Archive
  8. Faculty Opening - Washington University in St. Louis
  9. Special Regions SAG Final Report Available on MEPAG Website
  10. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 45, September 21, 2014
  1. [NASA] 2014 Self Nomination to Serve on NASA Science Advisory Sub-Committees
  2. [NASA] PDART Point-of-Contact has Changed
  3. [NASA] Delay of Step-2 Due Date for Dawn at Ceres Guest Investigator Program
  4. [NASA] Explorer Solicitations are Released
  5. [NASA] PDS - LADEE LDEX Extended Mission Data Release
  6. 12th International Planetary Probe Workshop (IPPW-12)
  7. Jovian Magnetic Field and Magnetosphere Post-doc Researcher
  8. Early Bird Registration Extended for the 4th International Workshop on LunarCubes
  9. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  10. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 44, September 14, 2014
  1. Noel Hinners, 1935-2014
  2. The 4th International Workshop on LunarCubes
  3. Early Mars Postdoc at University of Chicago
  4. NASA Postdoctoral Program
  5. Key 8th Mars Conference Presentations Now Available
  6. PDF of Classic NASA Report Now available as PDF
  7. [NASA] PDS: Mars Exploration Rovers Data Release 41
  8. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 43, September 7, 2014
  1. Planetary Exploration Newsletter Invitation
  2. "Ambassadors" Outreach Workshop: Deadline Extended; Some Travel Support Available
  3. Planetary Geomorphology 'Image of the Month'
  4. [NASA] PDS - Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 30
  5. Planetary Science Slides and Illustrations
  6. Asteroid Impact Deflection Assessment (AIDA) Workshop, Registration is Now Open, New Abstract Deadline
  7. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  8. Impact Geology Research Opportunity of a Master of Science Degree
  9. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter: September 2014
  10. 2015 Exploration Postdoctoral Fellowship
  11. Jovian Magnetic Field and Magnetosphere Post-Doc Researcher (NASA-GSFC/CRESST/University of Maryland)
  12. [NASA] PDS - MESSENGER Data Release 12
  13. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 42, August 31, 2014
  1. [NASA] 2014 NASA EONS Solicitation New Appendix
  2. [NASA] 2014 NASA EONS Pre-proposal Teleconference for MUREP Institutional Research Opportunity (MIRO)
  3. [NASA] Release of a New Call Under D.11 NuSTAR Guest Observer - Cycle 1
  4. JWST Workshop on Potential Science Investigations
  5. Jovian Magnetic Field and Magnetosphere Post-doc Researcher (NASA- GSFC/CRESST/University of Maryland)
  6. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  7. NASA Advisory Council Planetary Science Subcommittee (PSS) Meeting
  8. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 41, August 24, 2014
  1. Asteroid Impact Deflection Assessment (AIDA) Workshop Abstract Deadline
  2. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  3. MAVEN Postdoctoral Researcher in Mars Magnetic Fields
  4. Farinella Prize 2014: Announcement of the Winner
  5. 4th International Workshop on LunarCubes
  6. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 40, August 17, 2014
  1. Ph.D. Program Application at International Research School of Planetary Sciences (IRSPS), Pescara, Italy - Correction
  2. [NASA] ROSES-14: Delay of Step-1 Proposal Due Date for Dawn at Ceres Guest Investigator Program
  3. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  4. MAVEN Postdoctoral Researcher in Mars Magnetic Fields
  5. Postdoc Opportunity: LRO Diviner
  6. [NASA] PDS - Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter SHARAD Radargram Release 2
  7. ESA Postdoctoral Fellowships in Space Science
  8. Student Travel Grants for Upcoming Volatiles in the Martian Interior Workshop
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 39, August 10, 2014
  1. [NASA] Correction for Due Date - Solar Irradiance Science
  2. [NASA] Clarification of C.20 Dawn at Ceres Guest Investigator Program
  3. [NASA] PDS - Lunar Reconnaissance Orbither Mini-RF Bistatic Radar Data Release 2
  4. "Astronomy Ambassadors" Outreach Workshop at the Tucson DPS Meeting
  5. The Astrobiology Science Conference 2015
  6. Student Travel Grants for Upcoming "Volatiles in the Martian Interior" Workshop
  7. Ph.D. Program Opportunity at the International Research School of Planetary Sciences (IRSPS), Pescara, Italy
  8. Baruch S. Blumberg NASA/Library of Congress Chair in Astrobiology
  9. MAVEN Postdoctoral Researcher in Mars Magnetic Fields
  10. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  11. Laboratory Manager Position – MSFC Noble Gas Research Laboratory
  12. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 38, August 3, 2014
  1. Editorial: The Future of ARM (R. Binzel, MIT)
  2. AGU Session - The Rite of Spring: The Changing Seasons on Titan
  3. AGU Session U018 - Upstairs Downstairs: Consequences of Internal Evolution for the Habitability of Planetary Surfaces
  4. AGU Session V007 - Accretionary and Planetary Differentiation Processes as Recorded in Early Earth and Planetary Materials
  5. AGU Education and Public Outreach Session
  6. Planetary Analogues Town Hall Meeting at EPSC 2014, Cascais, Portugal
  7. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  8. Spitzer Space Telescope Cycle-11 Call for Proposals
  9. MAVEN Postdoctoral Researcher in Mars Magnetic Fields
  10. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  11. Doctoral Program Applications Invited by University of Heidelberg
  12. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter: August 2014
  13. [NASA] PDS - Mars Science Laboratory Release 6
  14. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 37, July 29, 2014
  1. [NASA] Europa Pre-Proposal Conference

Issue 36, July 26, 2014
  1. SBAG 11 Meeting - July 29-31
  2. GSA Session T229 - The Holey Solar System
  3. GSA Session T231 - Ice Throughout the Solar System
  4. AGU Session B3387 - Looking for Life: Formation, Preservation and Detection of Biosignatures in Terrestrial Analogue Environments
  5. AGU Session P1671 - The Science of Exploration as Enabled by the Moon, Near Earth Asteroids and the Moons of Mars
  6. AGU Session P2116 - Mercury: Results from MESSENGER's Low-Altitude Campaign
  7. AGU Session P2314 - Planetary Magnetic Fields, Interior Dynamics, and Measurement Techniques
  8. AGU Session P3235 - Titan's Enigmatic Atmosphere and Ionosphere
  9. AGU Session P3480 - Surface Boundary Exospheres: Comparing the Moon, Mercury, and Much More
  10. AGU Session P3609 - Alteration and Secondary Phases on Mars: Indicators of Habitable Environments
  11. Asteroid Impact Deflection Assessment (AIDA) Workshop
  12. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  13. [NASA] Heliophysics Technology and Instrument Development for Science
  14. Request for Proposals: Europa CubeSat Concept Study
  15. MAVEN Postdoctoral Researcher in Mars Magnetic Fields
  16. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Commercial Announcements
  1. Solar System Astrophysics Book

Issue 35, July 22, 2014
  1. OPAG Meeting to be Held on July 23-24, 2014

Issue 34, July 20, 2014
  1. [NASA] Draft AOs for Small Astrophysics Explorer Missions and Astrophysics Explorer Missions of Opportunity
  2. [NASA] PDS - Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter SHARAD Radargram Release 1
  3. [NASA] Final Text for Europa Instrument Investigation Released
  4. AGU SESSION PS1850 - Dynamics of the Io-Jupiter System (P & SPA Co-Sponsored)
  5. AGU Session PS2526 - Evolutions, Interactions and Origins of Outer Planet Satellites
  6. AGU Session PS2819 - In and Out of Jove: Giant Planet Interiors, Atmospheres, Aurorae, and Ionospheres
  7. AGU Session PS3107 - The Martian Crust: Synergism of Meteorites and Missions
  8. GSA Session - Tectonics and Volcanism in the Solar System
  9. GSA Session T225 - MicroMars to MegaMars: Integration of Surface and Orbital Investigations
  10. Nominations Sought for the Lawrence Smith Medal of the NAS
  11. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  12. Call for Papers: Special Issue of Planetary and Space Science (Cosmic Dust VII)
  13. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 33, July 13, 2014
  1. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  2. [NASA] ROSES-14: Dawn at Ceres GIP
  3. GSA Session Announcement - When Water Meets Rock: Aqueous `Alteration in the Solar System
  4. Geological Society of America G.K. Gilbert Award: Geophysics Across the Outer Solar System
  5. AGU Session PS2603: From Observations to the Global Igneous Evolution of Mars
  6. AGU Session PS2692: Rapid Environmental Change and the Fate of Planetary Habitability
  7. AGU Session PS2919: In and Out of Jove - Giant Planet Interiors, Atmospheres, Aurorae, and Ionospheres
  8. AGU Session PS3439: Reconstructing Habitable Environments on Ancient Mars
  9. AGU Session PS3594: The Solar System Collapsing Disc - Evidence from Comets, Meteorites and Giant Planet Atmospheres
  10. AGU Session PS3960: Solar System Small Bodies - Relics of Formation & New Worlds to Explore
  11. Request for Proposals - Mars One Lander 2019
  12. Moscow International Solar System Symposium (5M-S3)
  13. Near-Earth Object Observer
  14. Near-Earth Object Postdoctoral Research Fellow
  15. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  16. Job Opportunity
  17. LPI Cooperative Agreement Notice Released
  18. The Planetary Society Presents: The Lure of Europa
  19. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 32, July 6, 2014
  1. AGU Session PS1871 - Recent Solar System Discoveries Using the Deep Space Network
  2. AGU Session PS2464 - Icy World Eruptions and Their Analogues
  3. 2014 COSPAR Awards to be Bestowed at Forthcoming Scientific Assembly in Moscow
  4. Impact Geology Research Opportunity of a Master of Science Degree
  5. [NASA] Schedule for Hayabusa 2 Participating Scientist Program
  6. [NASA] PDS - Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL) Data Release 5
  7. [NASA] PDS - Odyssey Data Release 48
  8. [NASA] PDS - LADEE LDEX Data Release 1
  9. [NASA] PDS - Cassini Data Release 38
  10. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  11. Latest Venus Exploration Documents Now Posted on VEXAG Website
  12. [NASA] Draft Discovery 2014 Announcement of Opportunity
  13. ESO Workshop - Ground and Space Observatories: A Joint Venture to Planetary Science
  14. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 31, June 29, 2014
  1. Deadline Extension for PSS "Solar Wind Interaction with the Terrestrial Planets"
  2. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  3. [NASA] Final Text and a New Name: K2 Guest Observer - Cycle 1
  4. Next Generation Lunar Scientists and Engineers Event at NASA Exploration Science Forum
  5. Early Career Participant Support Available for NASA Outer Planets Assessment Group Meeting
  6. AGU Session Announcement: Mercury - Results from MESSENGER's Low-Altitude Mapping Campaign
  7. GSA Session Announcement: Dynamic Planetary Geology Revealed by Long-Term Observations
  8. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter - July 2014
  9. [NASA] SBAG 11 Meeting - Hotel Deadline of June 30
  10. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 30, June 22, 2014
  1. OPAG: Hotel Deadline Tomorrow
  2. Meeting Reminder and Abstract Submission for IPM-2014
  3. [NASA] ROSES-14: PDART Includes New Reference Information
  4. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  5. PDS/SBN is Now Active on Twitter and Facebook
  6. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 29, June 15, 2014
  1. [NASA] PDS - Mars Exploration Rovers Data Release 40
  2. Eighth International Conference on Mars - Program Now Available
  3. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  4. Observing Campaign to Study Comet 2013 A1 (Siding Spring)
  5. Input Requested for AGU Scientific Trends Survey
  6. Enceladus: A Habitable World - Special Session at Fall 2014 AGU Meeting
  7. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 28, June 12, 2014
  1. NASA HQ Vacancy Announcement - Planetary Protection Officer

Issue 27, June 8, 2014
  1. July 1 Deadline for PSS "Solar Wind Interaction with the Terrestrial Planets"
  2. [NASA] PDS Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 29
  3. Dennis Schatz of Pacific Science Center Wins Astronomy Outreach Award
  4. Uwingu Awards Graduate Student Travel Grants to Research Conferences
  5. THEMIS Geodetically Controlled Mosaics Available from the USGS
  6. Postdoc Position at University of Colorado LASP
  7. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter - June 2014
  8. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  9. NASA Invites Universities to Submit Innovative Early-Stage Technology Proposals
  10. [NASA] Planetary Science Division Seeking Volunteer Reviewers
  11. New Approaches to Lunar Ice Detection and Mapping
  12. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 26, June 1, 2014
  1. EPOXI Data Release (Correction)
  2. Release of SOFIA Cycle 3 Call for Proposals
  3. AIDA Workshop: Hold the Date!
  4. Lunar and Small Bodies Graduate Conference 2014 - Second Announcement and Abstract Submission Deadline
  5. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  6. Student Opportunity: Lloyd V. Berkner Space Policy Internships
  7. Jovian Magnetic Field and Magnetosphere Post-doc Researcher
  8. SBAG 11 Meeting
  9. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  10. SPICE Training Class
  11. Venus Tech Workshop Steering Committee
  12. Staff Scientist – Lunar and Planetary Institute (LPI)
  13. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 25, May 28, 2014
  1. [NASA] Emerging Worlds Due Date Delayed to June 4, 2014
  2. Reviewers for Planetary Proposals Can Now be Recommended

Issue 24, May 25, 2014
  1. [NASA] PDS - Rosetta Mission Data Release: Asteroid Lutetia Fly-By and More
  2. Boston AAS Evening Splinter Meeting: Science with the ASTRO-1 Space Telescope
  3. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  4. Jovian Magnetic Field and Magnetosphere Post-doc Researcher
  5. Space Policy Internships at the NRC's Space Studies Board
  6. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 23, May 20, 2014
  1. SPECIAL EDITON: Dawn Related ROSES Solicitation Announcement

Issue 22, May 18, 2014
  1. Postdoctoral Researcher in Martian Atmospheric/Planetary Science at York University
  2. Planetary Rings Workshop
  3. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  4. Mars Magnetic Fields and Upper Atmosphere Postdoctoral Researchers
  5. Jovian Magnetic Field and Magnetosphere Post-doc Researcher
  6. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 21, May 11, 2014
  1. "Geospace Revisited" Third Announcement and Call for Papers
  2. Binghamton Geomorphology Symposium (BGS)
  3. Two New Resource Guides for Those Who Teach or Explain Astronomy
  4. Rosetta/MIDAS Postdoc Position
  5. Mars Magnetic Fields and Upper Atmosphere Postdoctoral Researchers (NASA-GSFC/CRESST/University of Maryland)
  6. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  7. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  8. Special Regions SAG Report: Presentation at MEPAG Meeting Next Week
  9. First Announcement for Hayabusa 2014: Second Symposium of Solar System Materials
  10. [NASA] ROSES-14: Removing Planetary Major Equipment from PDART
  11. MEPAG Meeting via Adobe Connect
  12. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 20, May 5, 2014
  1. In Memoriam: Barney Conrath
  2. Budget Advocacy Letter to Professional Planetary Science Colleagues
  3. Upcoming Planetary Science Short Courses
  5. Request for Information: Europa Mission Concepts Costing Less Than $1 Billion
  6. Post-doctoral Position in Geophysics, University of Tennessee
  7. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  8. European Planetary Sciences Conference 2014
  9. NASA SBAG-OPAG Joint Statement on the Scientific Priority of Identifying a KBO for the New Horizons Mission
  10. [NASA] Clarifications of NASA Discovery Program Draft Announcement of Opportunity
  11. Mars 2020 Landing Site Workshop
  12. May 2014 MEPAG Newsletter Available
  13. 48th ESLAB Symposium: New Insights into Volcanism Across the Solar System
  14. Icarus Special Issue on Lunar Volatiles: Deadline Extended to June 1, 2014
  15. Mars Magnetic Fields and Upper Atmosphere Postdoctoral Researchers (NASA-GSFC/CRESST/University of Maryland)
  16. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 19, April 27, 2014
  1. [NASA] Planetary Science Division Seeking Volunteer Reviewers
  2. Linda Shore Chosen as New Executive Director of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific
  3. [NASA] ROSES-14: Final Text for PDART
  4. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  5. Workshop on the Study of Ice Giant Planets
  6. JPL Request for Proposal to Model Europa Plumes
  7. EPSC 2014 Call for Abstracts - Session on Citizen Science
  8. Small Bodies Dynamics 2014 (SBD14)
  9. Mars Magnetic Fields and Upper Atmosphere Postdoctoral Researchers
  10. Solar Wind Interaction with Pluto Workshop
  11. Final Abstract Call for the NASA Exploration Science Forum
  12. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 18, April 20, 2014
  1. Mars Magnetic Fields and Upper Atmosphere Postdoctoral Researchers (NASA-GSFC/CRESST/University of Maryland)
  2. NEO Postdoc Position at Lowell Observatory
  3. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  4. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 17, April 13, 2014
  1. 8th International Conference on Aeolian Research (ICAR VIII)
  2. Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Planetary Geomorphology
  3. Uwingu PhD Student Travel Grants
  4. Student Travel Funding Available for 8th International Conference on Mars: April 11 Deadline
  5. 8th International Conference on Mars: Abstract Deadline Approaching
  6. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  7. First Announcement - LunGradCon 2014
  8. Planetary GIS Data Specialist
  9. April 2014 MEPAG Newsletter Available
  10. AGU Planetary Section Deadlines Looming
  11. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 16, April 6, 2014
  1. 6th Alfven Conference: Plasma Interactions with Solar System Objects Anticipating the Rosetta, Maven and Mars Orbiter Missions
  2. First Landing Site Workshop for the 2020 Rover Mission to Mars
  3. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  4. [NASA] PDS - GRAIL Release 4
  5. [NASA] Europa Mission Community Announcement
  6. [NASA] Lunar Data Analysis Program
  7. [NASA] Discovery AO Technology Workshop
  8. [NASA] Job Opportunity: Chief Exploration Scientist at NASA HQ
  9. [NASA] PDS - Odyssey Data Release 47
  10. EPSC Session MT13: Planetary Science with the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST)
  11. JWST SSWG White Paper: Solar System Observations with JWST
  12. [NASA] PDS - Cassini Data Release 37
  13. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  14. Larry Soderblom's 70th Birthday
  15. [NASA] ROSES Volunteer Reviewer Page Established
  16. Graduate Student Research Assistant Positions at Hampton University
  17. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 15, March 30, 2014
  1. Updated Resource Guide to Science Fiction with Good Astronomy on the ASP Website
  2. Student Opportunity: Deadline for Applications for Barringer Family Fund for Meteorite Impact Research
  3. Post-doctoral and Post-graduate Opportunities in Switzerland
  4. Planetary Habitability at the University of Chicago
  5. [NASA] Due Date Clarification for Exobiology and MatISSE
  6. 2014 NASA Planetary Science Summer School Applications Open
  7. Postdoctoral Fellow at Naval Research Laboratory
  8. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  9. Hotel Info for MEPAG Meeting and Mars 2020 Landing Site Workshop
  10. [NASA] Pre-Proposal Workshop for EONS Educator Professional Development
  11. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 14, March 23, 2014
  1. [NASA] PDS - Mars Science Laboratory Data Release 4
  2. [NASA] ROSES-14 Change in Due Dates for Planetary Protection Research (PPR)
  3. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  4. Postgraduate Opportunities in Planetary Geomorphology
  5. First Announcement: NASA Technology Workshop for the Discovery 2014 AO
  6. Education Opportunities in NASA STEM (EONS)
  7. Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) – Asteroid Redirect Mission
  8. Call for Abstracts: "Commercial Exploration of Asteroids & Comets: a Paradigm Shift in Small Body Science"
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 13, March 16, 2014
  1. Editorial - Mark V. Sykes, Planetary Science Institute
  2. LPSC: Update on Venus Town-Hall Meeting and Early Career Scholars Mixer
  3. LPSC: Budget 2015 - Planetary Community Town Hall
  4. [NASA] PDS - Mars Exploration Rovers Data Release 39
  5. [NASA] PDS - Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 17
  6. [NASA] PDS - Venus Express Radio Science Data Release
  7. [NASA] ROSES-14 Final Text for Habitable Worlds
  8. [NASA] Update on Asteroid Initiative Opportunity Forum
  9. Planetary GIS/Data Specialist
  10. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter
  11. Call for Abstracts: ASCE Earth and Space 2014 Conference
  12. Death Valley MarsFest-14: Linking Extremes of Earth and Space
  13. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  14. Call for Proposals for the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF)
  15. Student Travel Grants for Upcoming Mars Conferences
  16. Change in HST SNAP Policy for Objects Interior to Jupiter
  17. JAXA International Top Young Fellowship 2014
  18. [NASA] Technology Workshop for the Discovery 2014 AO First Announcement
  19. Solar Wind Interaction with Pluto Workshop
  20. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 12, March 9, 2014
  1. Call for Special Issue in Planetary and Space Science on "Solar Wind Interaction with the Terrestrial Planets"
  2. [NASA] PDS - Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 28
  3. [NASA] ROSES-14 Eligible TRLs Changed for PICASSO
  4. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  5. NASA's Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute's Exploration Science Forum (Formerly the Lunar Science Forum): Second Announcement
  6. New Dates for Venus Express VIRTIS and VMC Data Workshop
  7. MSL Research Assistantships at York University
  8. LPSC: MESSENGER Visible and Infrared Spectrograph (VIRS) Data Users' Workshop 2014
  9. GSA Special Papers on Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution V
  10. [NASA] ROSES-14 NOIs Not a Two-Step Process for PPR
  11. MAVEN Mars Upper-Atmosphere and Solar-Wind Interactions Post-doc
  12. PSS Spring Teleconference
  13. [NASA] PDS - MESSENGER Data Release 11
  14. Panel Discussion for Young Scientists at LPSC
  15. Tenure-Track Position in Planetary Geoscience
  16. 48th ESLAB Symposium: New Insights into Volcanism Across the Solar System
  17. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 11, March 2, 2014
  1. Thomas Pierson, 1950-2014
  2. [NASA] ROSES-14: Planetary Science and Technology Through Analog Research
  3. [NASA] ROSES-14: Discovery Data Analysis Program
  4. [NASA] ROSES-14: Origins of Solar Systems Now Exoplanets Research
  5. [NASA] ROSES-14: Non-Discovery Data Analysis Proposals
  6. [NASA] ROSES-14: Numerous Changes
  7. ISC Session 38: Extraterrestrial Sedimentology
  8. Workshop on the Study of the Ice Giant Planets
  9. Mars Exploration Program Analysis Group (MEPAG) Face-to-Face Meeting
  10. 2014 YSS Undergraduate Research Conference Meeting Mentors
  11. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  12. Student Travel Grants Available for Upcoming Mars Meetings
  13. Archived Presentations Available: Workshop on the Habitability of Icy Worlds
  14. Extended Submission Deadline: Venus Science and Exploration Special Issue of Planetary and Space Sciences
  15. Mars Critical Data Products Program (Round IX)
  16. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  17. LPSC: Planetary Science Undergraduate Faculty Workshop
  18. LPSC: Education and Public Outreach Help Desk
  19. LPSC Town Hall: Observations in the Solar System with HST and JWST
  20. LPSC: User Workshop for Mars ChemCam/LIBS Data
  21. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 10, February 23, 2014
  1. 6th Alfven Conference: Plasma Interaction with Solar System Objects
  2. Icarus Special Issue: 2013 Saturn Auroral Campaign
  3. Postdoctoral Research Assistant
  4. Tenured/Tenure-Track Professor
  5. Visiting Faculty Position
  6. [NASA] Release of ROSES 2014 Call for Proposals from NASA's Science Mission Directorate
  7. [NASA] Final Text for Solar System Workings AO
  8. [NASA] Planned Schedule for Discovery Draft AO
  9. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  10. Venus Town-Hall Meeting and Early Career Scholars Mixer at LPSC
  11. Reminder and Student Travel Support for Venus Exploration Targets Workshop
  12. First Landing Site Workshop for the 2020 Mars Rover Mission
  13. Clay Minerals Society Meeting Special Session: Martian Clays
  14. Interplanetary Small Satellite Conference
  15. Mars Critical Data Products Program (Round IX)
  16. The 2014 Humans to Mars Summit (H2M) is Only Two Months Away
  17. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 9, February 16, 2014
  1. USGS Astrogeology Science Center Job Opportunities
  2. Saturn in the 21st Century
  3. Proposal Writing Workshop at LPSC
  4. [NASA] SMD Seeks Volunteer Reviewers for Graduate Student Fellowship Proposals
  5. Mars Exploration Program Opportunity 1
  6. Mars Exploration Program Opportunity 2
  7. 2014 DDA Annual Meeting in Philadelphia
  8. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  9. First ExoMars 2018 Landing Site Selection Workshop
  10. Mars Critical Data Products Program (Round IX) - Initial Landing Site Characterization for the Mars 2020 Rover Mission
  11. Planetary Sciences Exploration Faculty Position at the University of Central Florida
  12. 4th "Paolo Farinella" Prize, 2014
  13. Job Opportunity: Planetary Science Postdoctoral Researcher at Birkbeck, University of London
  14. 1st Announcement, Mars 2020 1st Landing Site Workshop
  15. Planetary Rings Workshop 2014
  16. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 8, February 9, 2014
  1. COSPAR Session B0.1: Lunar Science and Exploration
  2. COSPAR Session C5.2: Dusty Plasmas in Space
  3. USGS Astrogeology Science Center Job Opportunities
  4. PDS Release of Near Earth Asteroid Tracking (NEAT) Data
  5. Call for papers - Icarus Special Issue: Lunar Volatiles
  6. PhD and PostDoc Positions in Planetary Sciences at University of Oslo, Norway
  7. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  8. Postdoc Position at the University of Cologne, Germany
  9. Second Annual Meeting of the AAS Laboratory Astrophysics Division: LAD 2014
  10. NASA Seminar Series on Near-Earth Asteroids
  11. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  12. Session to Improve the Quality of Your NASA Proposals
  13. Mars Critical Data Products Program (Round IX) - Mars 2020
  14. Interview with, Frank Drake, the Founder of SETI, Now on YouTube
  15. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 7, February 5, 2014
  1. [NASA] New Draft Versions of ROSES-2014 Sections

Issue 6, February 2, 2014
  1. [NASA] Request for Information (RFI) for MaterialsLAB Workshop: New Workshop Dates
  2. [NASA] Mars Critical Data Products Program (Round IX) - Initial Landing Site Characterization for the Mars 2020 Rover Mission
  3. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  4. [NASA] Cancellation of the Lunar Advanced Science and Exploration Call
  5. AOGS Special Session PS04: C/ISON and Other Comets of 2013
  6. AOGS Special Session PS05: Polarimetry of Solar System, Exoplanets, Brown Dwarfs and Disks
  7. NASA Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute's Exploration Science Forum
  8. Call for Abstracts for the International Workshop on Instrumentation for Planetary Missions
  9. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter: February 2014
  10. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 5, January 26, 2014
  1. Cosmochemistry Theme at Goldschmidt 2014 Meeting
  2. Planetary Chemistry Theme at Goldschmidt 2014 Meeting
  3. Call for Chapter Contributions to "Venus and Mercury: Prospective Energy and Material Resources"
  4. [NASA] Job Opportunity: Director, Mars Exploration Program
  5. Workshop on the Habitability of Icy Worlds
  6. GSA Special Paper on Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution V
  7. Call for Abstracts for the SELENE Symposium 2014 Held in Japan March 4 and 5
  8. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  9. Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS2014) Meeting
  10. Call for Papers: AOGS PS02 - Icy Satellites and Rings
  11. Call for Papers: AOGS PS03 - Outer Solar System Satellites with an Atmosphere
  12. Call for Papers: AOGS PS08 - Outer Planets and Their Analogs in Exoplanets
  13. JWST Solar System Focus Groups
  14. Call for Papers WHISPERS 2014 Special Session "Planetary Exploration"
  15. Job Opportunity: STScI Research and Instrument Analysts
  16. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 4, January 21, 2014
  1. Planetary Science Subcommittee Meeting, Wednesday January 22, 2014

Issue 3, January 19, 2014
  1. [NASA] Draft ROSES 2014 Calls Available for Public Comment
  2. Student Summer Internships at Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
  3. The 65th International Astronautical Congress in Toronto, Canada
  4. [NASA] Hubble Space Telescope Cycle 22 Call for Proposals
  5. Session on "Planetary Surface Processes" at Next RST Meeting
  6. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  7. Asteroids, Comets, Meteors 2014 (ACM'2014)
  8. SHARAD/MARSIS Data Users' Workshop - 45th LPSC
  9. Mars Critical Data Products Program (Round IX) - Mars 2020
  10. Call for Papers: Venus Science and Exploration
  11. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Commercial Announcements
  1. Build a New Horizons Spacecraft of Your Own (Vote for the LEGO Model)!

Issue 2, January 12, 2014
  1. Editorial: First, Do No Harm
  2. Student Summer Internships at Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
  3. Complex Planetary Systems
  4. AOGS Session PS06: Advances in Radio and Plasma Wave Studies of Magnetized Planets
  5. Ph.D. Funding Available for Mars Aeolian Project
  6. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter: January 2014
  7. Call for Abstracts, 48th ESLAB Symposium: New Insights Into Volcanism Across the Solar System
  8. EGU2014 Planetary Geomorphology Abstract Deadline January 16
  9. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  10. Job Opportunity: STScI Research and Instrument Analysts
  11. [NASA] OPAG Meeting January 13-14
  12. [NASA] SMD Seeks Public Policy Expert
  13. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 1, January 5, 2014
  1. Titan Through Time Workshop 3
  2. iCubeSat 2014
  3. MSL/CHEMCAM/LIBS Recalibrated Data in PDS MSL Release 4; User Workshop
  4. Announcement of Availability of Dawn Data Over the Web
  5. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  6. 2014 NASA Planetary Science Summer School Applications Open
  7. Session on Planetary Chemistry at Goldschmidt 2014
  8. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  9. Student Summer Internships at Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
  10. SBAG Meeting: January 8-9
  11. [NASA] PDS - Cassini Data Release 36
  12. [NASA] PDS - Odyssey Data Release 46
  13. Latest Discovery and New Frontiers Newsletter Now Online
  14. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Table of Contents: Volume 7, 2013

Issue 63, December 29, 2013
  1. Apollo 8 Earthrise Video
  2. EGU 2014 Session: PS2.4 Mars Science and Exploration
  3. [NASA] ROSES-13 Amendment 41: The Living with a Star (LWS) Program Draft
  4. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  5. ESA Mars Express: Closest-Ever Flyby of Phobos
  6. Steve Fossett Postdoctoral Fellowship
  7. Volunteer Still Needed for LPSC Program Committee: Aeolian Processes
  8. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 62, December 22, 2013
  1. [NASA] PDS - Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 16
  2. EGU Session PS5.1/ST4.4: Planetary Plasma Physics and Interactions in the Solar System
  3. Call for ExoMars 2018 Landing Site Proposals by ESA and IKI/Roscosmos
  4. [NASA] Call for Joint NASA Roscosmos/IKI Venera-D Science Definition Team
  5. [NASA] EPOESS Will not be Solicited in ROSES-13
  6. CAS-NAS Forum for New Leaders in Space Science
  7. Reminder: Applications Now Being Accepted for 2014 LPI Summer Intern Program in Planetary Science
  8. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  9. Enduring Quests, Daring Visions - NASA Astrophysics in the Next Three Decades
  10. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 61, December 18, 2013
  1. Planetary Science Positions, Florida Space Institute, University of Central Florida
  2. AAS Special Session: Spitzer Space Telescope, The Next Ten Years
  3. A New Warm Spitzer IRAC Image Features and Caveats Web Page
  4. Register Today for the 2014 Humans to Mars Summit

Issue 60, December 15, 2013
  1. Space Weather Journal iPad App Now Available, Along with Radio Science and JGR Space Physics and Planets
  2. Debuting the Updated MEPAG Webpage
  3. Announcing the Cometary Coma Image Enhancement Facility
  4. Life Journal Special Issue - Planetary Exploration: Habitats and Terrestrial Analogs
  5. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  6. [NASA] The Astrophysics Research and Analysis Program
  7. [NASA] Three-Day Training Course on Planetary Protection
  8. Input Requested: Planetary Science and the Hubble Space Telescope
  9. [NASA] Mars Science Laboratory Release 4
  10. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 59, December 8, 2013
  1. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  2. MEPAG Community Responses Regarding R&A; Reorganization
  3. Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 27
  4. December 2013 MEPAG Newsletter Available
  5. Habitable Worlds Across Space and Time
  6. [NASA] NASA Astrobiology Institute (NAI) Step-2 Proposal Date Changed
  7. Two Faculty Positions at the Florida Institute of Technology
  8. Staff Scientist Position, Carnegie Institution, Washington, DC
  9. Visiting Assistant Professor Position at the University of Pittsburgh
  10. Special Issue of Advances in Space Research on ISRU Field Campaigns
  11. [NASA] Mars 2020 AO Amendment 3
  12. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  13. Research Scientist Position – Mars Science
  14. Lloyd V. Berkner Space Policy Internships, Summer 2014
  15. 6th Alfven Conference on Plasma Interaction
  16. Updated Venus Town Hall Agenda, Fall AGU
  17. [NASA] PDS - Mars Exploration Rovers Data Release 38
  18. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 58, December 1, 2013
  1. Reminder: NASA Planetary Science Division R&A; Program Restructuring Virtual Town Hall
  2. AGU Special Session P018 - Mercury after Two Years of MESSENGER Orbital Observations
  3. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 57, November 26, 2013
  1. SPECIAL EDITON: NASA Planetary Science Division Research & Analysis Program Restructuring Virtual Town Hall

Issue 56, November 24, 2013
  1. Job Announcement USRA
  2. EGU2014 Session GM2.1 - Digital Landscapes: Insights into Geomorphological Processes
  3. Planetary Geomorphology EGU 2014 - Student Travel Support Deadline: 29 November
  4. Post-Doctoral Positions at the University of Arizona
  5. VEXAG Executive Committee Members Solicited
  6. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  7. Photogrammetric Processing of Planetary Stereo Imagery Using ISIS and SOCET SET
  8. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 55, November 17, 2013
  1. [NASA] Important Changes in the NASA Planetary Science Division's (PSD) Radioisotope Program
  2. [NASA] Astrophysics Explorer AO Announcement
  3. Postdoc Advertisement
  4. Graduate and Postdoctoral Fellowships in Exploration
  5. International Space Station (ISS) Research and Development Conference
  6. Message Regarding ESA's ExoMars Landing Site Selection Working Group
  7. Position at the University of Pittsburgh
  8. Request for Instrument Posters, VEXAG Technology Forum
  9. New Abstract Deadline - Workshop on the Habitability of Icy Worlds
  10. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 54, November 10, 2013
  1. Editorial: NASA Planetary R&A; Reorganization
  2. Request for Questions Regarding Planetary Science R&A; Restructuring
  3. 2014 Pierazzo International Student Travel Award Proposal Deadline Approaching
  4. Icarus Special Issue - The Pluto System
  5. Biosignatures Across Space and Time
  6. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  7. Call for Letters of Application for Membership in the ExoMars 2018 Landing Site Selection Working Group
  8. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships - Next Application Deadline Extended to Friday, November 15, 2013
  9. Planetary Mission Research Scientist at NASA JSC: Applicants Must Reapply
  10. FameLab: Exploring Earth and Beyond
  11. Free Smartphone App for Tracking Fireballs
  12. Assistant Professor Position, UA Theoretical Astrophysics Program
  13. Register Today for the 2014 Humans to Mars Summit (H2M)
  14. ALMA Cycle 2 Call for Proposals
  15. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 53, November 3, 2013
  1. [NASA] Kepler GO 6 Cancelation
  2. International Cometary Workshop Rescheduled for April 1-3, 2014
  3. Annual Call for Nominations for NASA Science Advisory Subcommittees
  4. Job Opportunity: Postdoctoral Scholar at Caltech/JPL
  5. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  6. Book - Asteroids IV: Final List of Chapters
  7. 2014 LPI Summer Intern Program in Planetary Science
  8. Update for "Dynamic Mars from Long-term Observations" Icarus Special Issue
  9. Mars Express HRSC Camera Video
  10. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter - November 2013
  11. [NASA] Earth and Space Science Fellowship (NESSF) Program
  12. International Conference "Cosmic Dust VII"
  13. Calling All Early Career Scientists!
  14. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 52, October 27, 2013
  1. [NASA] Mars 2020 Due Dates Amended
  2. [NASA] Mars 2020 AO Preproposal Conference 10/28 11:30 a.m. EDT
  3. [NASA] New Due Dates for NASA Science Mission Directorate Calls for Proposals
  4. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  5. Tenure-track Assistant Professor Faculty Position (Geochemistry)
  6. There's No Shutting Down the Astrobiology Strategy Process!
  7. VEXAG Meeting #11 Update - Preliminary Agenda is Available at the VEXAG Web-Site
  8. Workshop on the Habitability of Icy Worlds
  9. Comet ISON Observing Campaign
  10. New Dates for the Asteroid Initiative Idea Synthesis Workshop
  11. 10th Meeting of the NASA Small Bodies Assessment Group (SBAG)
  12. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 51, October 20, 2013
  1. In Memoriam: Feodor Velichko
  2. 2014 Pierazzo International Student Travel Award Deadline Approaching
  3. ESA Space Image of the Week: Flying over Valles Marineris, Mars, Based on Mars Express HRSC images
  4. Science with the Hubble Space Telescope IV - Abstract Submission Deadline Extended to November 1
  5. Postdoctoral Position with the MAVEN IUVS Team at U. Colorado
  6. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  7. Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package (ALSEP) Documents Available Online
  8. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 50, October 18, 2013
  1. SPECIAL EDITON: New Proposal Due Dates for MDAP, PMDAP, OPR, NAI, Mars 2020

Issue 49, October 13, 2013
  1. [NASA] Expected Amendments to SMD CAN and AO Due Date
  2. [NASA] Documents Available on NSPIRES
  3. Venus Technology Forum at VEXAG Meeting #11 - Tuesday, November 19th
  4. Call for Imaging of Candidate Landing Sites for the 2020 Mars Rover Mission
  5. [NASA] PDS - GRAIL Release 3
  6. New Version of the AIDA Deconvolution Algorithm
  7. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  8. Arizona State University - SESE Exploration Post-Doctoral Fellowships Available
  9. Research Scientist Position(s) at LPL
  10. ESA Mars Express HRSC Image Release of this Month: Hebes Chasma
  11. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 48, October 9, 2013
  1. SPECIAL EDITON: NASA Correction - PMDAP Due Date Not Defined

Issue 47, October 8, 2013
  1. SPECIAL EDITON: Proposal Due Date Delayed for Planetary Mission Data Analysis Program

Issue 46, October 6, 2013
  1. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  2. [NASA] PDS Odyssey Data Release 45
  3. Uranus/Neptune Workshop at DPS
  4. Lunar and Planetary Science Positions
  5. [NASA] PDS Cassini Data Release 35
  6. Mars 2020 Pre-proposal Conference Delayed
  7. Job Announcement - SSI Executive Director
  8. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 45, October 3, 2013
  1. SPECIAL EDITON: MDAP Due Date Delayed, Now TBD

Issue 44, October 1, 2013
  1. SPECIAL EDITION: Impact of US Government Shutdown on DPS Conference

Issue 43, September 30, 2013
  1. SPECIAL EDITION: [NASA] SARA's Special Message About Shutdown and the SMD Research Program

Issue 42, September 29, 2013
  1. In Memoriam: Gary Bruce Hansen (1953-2013)
  2. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  3. [NASA] Proposal Writing Practicum at DPS
  4. [NASA] Astrobiology Institute - Cycle 7 Cooperative Agreement Notice Released
  5. [NASA] Mars 2020 Announcement of Opportunity
  6. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  7. [NASA] VEXAG Meeting #11 Impending Deadlines
  8. [NASA] VEXAG Meeting #11 Preview - Request for Community Comments on Updated Venus Exploration Goals, Objectives, Investigations
  9. 45th Meeting of the Division for Planetary Sciences
  10. Agency Night at DPS
  11. Panel Discussions on EPO at DPS
  12. Pro-Am Workshop at DPS
  13. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 41, September 22, 2013
  1. [NASA] MDAP Proposal Due Date Delayed
  2. AGU SESSION P030 - Thermal Modeling of Terrestrial and Planetary Bodies
  3. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  4. Ames Research Center Job Opening
  5. Planetary Mission Research Scientist Job Opening
  6. PDS4 Workshop at Denver DPS
  7. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 40, September 15, 2013
  1. [NASA] Astrobiology Strategic Plan - Important Milestone
  2. [NASA] Planetary Science Subcommittee Meeting
  3. [NASA] PDS - Dawn GRaND Data Release
  4. [NASA] PDS - MESSENGER Data Release 10
  5. [NASA] PDS - Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release
  6. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  7. Department of Geology at the University at Buffalo - Two Tenure-track Faculty Positions
  8. DPS 2013: Student/Post-doc Reception
  9. DPS 2013: Pro-Am Workshop
  10. Caltech Job Announcement
  11. CPS Postdoctoral Fellowships in Planetary/Exoplanet Science
  12. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 39, September 8, 2013
  1. In Memoriam: Bushun N. Khare (1933-2013)
  2. In Memoriam: Bruce Murray (1931-2013)
  3. [NASA] PDS Announces Dawn's Framing Camera Data for Vesta Now Accessible on the Small Bodies Image Browser
  4. [NASA] PDS - Dawn VIR Data Release
  5. [NASA] PDS - Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 26
  6. Future In-Space Operations (FISO) Working Group Seminars
  7. Io Workshop 2013: Coordination for the EXCEED Mission
  8. Special Issue of Icarus: MSL 1st Year Results
  9. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  10. [NASA] Reviewers Sought for MMAMA and PICASSO
  11. [NASA] Planetary Protection Removed from ROSES 2013
  12. Mars Express OMEGA Global Map Data Set
  13. Research Associate in Planetary Ring Studies
  14. NRAO Community Day at the 45th DPS Meeting: Enhancing Your Solar System Science with the Best Radio/Mm/Submm Facilities
  15. Announcing the 2013 DPS Women in Planetary Science Lunch
  16. Exoclimes III: The Diversity of Planetary Atmospheres
  17. [NASA] Ames Research Center Job Announcement AR13B0014, Research Space Scientist, AST, Planetary Studies, GS-1330-12/13
  18. Planetary Science: Progress with Suborbital Reusable Launch Vehicles
  19. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Commercial Announcements
  1. "Fundamental Planetary Science" by Jack J. Lissauer and Imke de Pater
  2. New Book on Planetary Geology

Issue 38, September 1, 2013
  1. Memorial for Dr. Michael J. Wargo, October 17, 11:00-12:00
  2. Ames Research Center Job Announcement AR13B0014, Research Space Scientist, AST, Planetary Studies, GS-1330-12/13
  3. Auroral Planetary Imaging and Spectroscopy (APIS) Service
  4. The Lunar Workshops
  5. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter - September 2013
  6. EPSC Workshop: Earth-Based Observations in Support of the New Horizons Pluto Encounter
  7. VEXAG Meeting #11 Updates - Registration, Logistics, and Student Travel Grants
  8. Postdoctoral Fellow, Geophysical Institute, University Of Alaska Fairbanks
  9. NASA Infrared Telescope Facility Observing Proposals
  10. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  11. JWST Townhall at the DPS 2013 Meeting: Observations in the Solar System
  12. James Webb Space Telescope Postdoctoral Fellowships at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center
  13. 48th ESLAB Symposium: New insights into Volcanism Across the Solar System
  14. University of California, Santa Cruz Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
  15. Mars Critical Data Products Program (Round VIII) - Comet Siding Spring Modeling
  16. [NASA] PDS - Mars Science Laboratory Release 3
  17. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Commercial Announcements
  1. New Book on Planetary Geology

Issue 37, August 25, 2013
  1. Postdoctoral Fellow, Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska Fairbanks
  2. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  3. [NASA] Tutorial for Proposal Submission to the NSPIRES System
  4. Call for Observations: Earth-based Observing Campaign in Support of the New Horizons Mission to Pluto
  5. Ames Research Center Job Announcement AR13B0014, Research Space Scientist, AST, Planetary Studies, GS-1330-12/13
  6. Register for International Scientific Workshop at LPI on Golden Spike Human Lunar Expeditions
  7. [NASA] Request for Information Regarding Extreme Environments
  8. Mars Critical Data Products Program (Round VIII) - Comet Siding Spring Modeling
  9. Application for the GSA Planetary Science Division's Eugene M. Shoemaker Impact Cratering Award
  10. [NASA] PDS - Mars Exploration Rovers Data Release 37
  11. Comet ISON Global Coma Morphology Campaign
  12. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Commercial Announcements
  1. Pocket Spacecraft: Mission to the Moon Kickstarter

Issue 36, August 18, 2013
  1. Michael J. Wargo (1951-2013)
  2. Mars Critical Data Products Program (Round VIII) - Comet Siding Spring Modeling [NASA] HEOMD Announcement of Flight Opportunities (AFO) #7 Now Open
  3. [NASA] Astrobiology Strategic Plan Update
  4. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  5. [NASA] Lessons Learned from Recent Planetary Science Division Announcements of Opportunity
  6. [NASA] Registration Opens for NASA Sample Return Robot Challenge
  7. Call for Observations: Earth-Based Observing Campaign in Support of the New Horizons Mission to Pluto
  8. [NASA] PDS - Dawn Framing Camera Data Release
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Commercial Announcements
  1. New Product: Globes of the Galilean Satellites

Issue 35, August 11, 2013
  1. AGU Session P010 - First Results of C/2012 S1 (ISON): Comet of the Century?
  2. New Interplanetary Dust Mission
  3. Mars Critical Data Products Program (Round VIII) - Comet Siding Spring Modeling
  4. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  5. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  6. [NASA] Notice of Mars 2020 Solicitation to Appear in September
  7. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 34, August 4, 2013
  1. GSA Session T192: Volcanic/Tectonic Processes and Their Interactions on Rocky Planets and Moons
  2. AGU Session P005 - Destination: Europa
  3. AGU Session P011 - Gale Crater, Mars: Comparing Geochemistry and Geomorphology from Remote Sensing, in situ Measurements, Laboratory Data, and Terrestrial Analogs
  4. AGU Session P016 - Impact Cratering: Terrestrial Observations and Planetary Applications
  5. AGU Session P030 - Thermal Modeling of Terrestrial and Planetary Bodies
  6. Io Workshop 2013: Coordination for the EXCEED Mission
  7. Planetary Science Slides and Illustrations
  8. Venus Express VIRTIS and VMC Data Workshop
  9. Postdoctoral Researcher in Planetary Mapping and Impact Studies: Lunar and Planetary Institute
  10. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  11. Target NEO 2 Workshop Presentations and Executive Summary Available
  12. NASA Small Bodies Assessment Group Findings Available
  13. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 33, July 28, 2013
  1. Jeffrey K. Wagner (Mar 11, 1952 - July 8, 2013)
  2. Presentations from the NASA Planetary Science Subcommittee Telecon, July 19, 2013
  3. AGU Session P018 - Mercury after Two Years of MESSENGER Orbital Observations
  4. AGU Session P025 - Saturn's Northern Spring, From Storms to Polar Vortices
  5. AGU Session P029 - The Science of Exploration as Enabled by the Moon, NEAs and the Moons of Mars
  6. AGU Session P030 - Thermal Modeling of Terrestrial and Planetary Bodies
  7. AGU Session V032 - Pattern to Process
  8. AGU Sessions P010 Comet ISON Early Results and Session P023 Rosetta, Comets and Origins of the Solar System
  9. GSA 2013 Outer Solar System Satellites Companion Sessions
  10. International Cometary Workshop Rescheduled for April 1-3, 2014
  11. Save the Date: Asteroid Redirect Mission and Grand Challenge Workshop
  12. Date Correction: Lunar Exploration Analysis Group Abstract Deadline Approaching
  13. Job Announcement - University of Muenster
  14. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 32, July 21, 2013
  1. ESA Space Image of the Week: Flying Over Valles Marineris, Mars, Based on Mars Express HRSC images
  2. Announcement of Yosemite Chapman Conference on Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling in the Solar System
  3. DPS Dependent Care Grants
  4. GSA Session on Impact Craters
  5. AGU Session P031 - Titan's Enigmatic Atmosphere and Ionosphere
  6. AGU Session P033 - Tracking Down Life: Star Biosignatures, Biomarker Systems or the Ensemble Cast?
  7. Other Astrobiology-Related Sessions at the 2013 AGU Fall Meeting
  8. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  9. Postdoctoral Researcher in Planetary Mapping and Impact Studies: Lunar and Planetary Institute
  10. William K. Hartmann Receives 2013 Shoemaker Distinguished Lunar Scientist Award
  11. Hayabusa 2013: Symposium of Solar System Materials
  12. Guide to Resources for Teaching about Exoplanets
  13. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issure 31, July 14, 2013
  1. OPAG Meeting July 15-16
  2. AGU Session GP015 - Planetary Magnetism and Paleomagnetism
  3. AGU Session MR019 - Volatiles at High Pressure: Exploring the Interior of Giant Planets and Exoplanets
  4. AGU Session NH023 - The Chelyabinsk Meteor Event
  5. AGU Session P006 - Dynamic Mars from Long-Term Observations, Correction
  6. AGU Session P009 - Evolutions, Interactions, and Origins of Outer Planet Satellites
  7. AGU Session P022 - Rapid Environmental Change and the Fate of Planetary Habitability
  8. AGU Session P030 - Thermal Modeling of Terrestrial and Planetary Bodies
  9. AGU Session P034 - Using Topography to Investigate the Evolution of Solar System Bodies
  10. GSA Session T4 - Geologic Mapping of Planetary Bodies Across the Solar System
  11. GSA Session T10 - The Surprising Innermost Planet
  12. GSA Session T192 - Volcanic/Tectonic Processes and Their Interactions on Rocky Planets and Moons
  13. Two Postdoctoral Fellowships in Planetary Sciences
  14. 4-year PhD Position in Earth Sciences
  15. Io Workshop 2013: Coordination for the EXCEED Mission
  16. Information for MEPAG #28 Web Meeting
  17. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter - July 2013
  18. Resource - Map Projection on the Web
  19. Abstract Deadline for International Scientific Workshop on Golden Spike Human Lunar Expeditions: 25 July 2013
  20. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  21. New Website and Listserv: Planetary Atmospheres
  22. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 30, July 7, 2013
  1. Bob Lin Memorial Symposium
  2. Final Announcement - Target NEO 2 Workshop
  3. Final Announcement - 9th Meeting of the NASA Small Bodies Assessment Group (SBAG9)
  4. AGU Session P004 - Characterizing Small Solar System Bodies
  5. AGU Session P005 - Destination: Europa
  6. AGU Session P006 - Dynamic Mars from Long-Term Observations
  7. AGU Session P010 - First Results of C/2012 S1 (ISON): Comet of the Century?
  8. AGU Session P019 - Planetary Atmospheres and Evolution
  9. AGU Session P021 - Polarimetry as an Invaluable Tool to Study the Solar System and Beyond
  10. AGU Session ED018 - Era of Citizen Science: Intersection of Outreach, Scientific Research and Big Data
  11. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  12. ESA Postdoctoral Fellowships in Space Science
  13. Research Associate in Planetary Science
  14. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  15. Half-Day Workshop: Defining Heat Shield Capability Needs for Extreme Entry Environment Missions
  16. [NASA] Astrobiology Institute - Draft Cycle 7 Cooperative Agreement Notice
  17. [NASA] PDS Odyssey Data Release 44
  18. [NASA] PDS Cassini Data Release 34
  19. [NASA] Planetary Mission Data Analysis Program
  20. The Virtual NASA Lunar Science Forum 2013 (LSF2013): Third Announcement
  21. Call for Papers: 45th Annual Meeting of the AAS/DPS, Jointly With the AAS Historical Astronomy Division
  22. Latest ESA Mars Express HRSC Image Release: At the Foot of Olympus Mons
  23. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 29, June 30, 2013
  1. High Priority Investigations for Venus Exploration Special Session at Fall AGU Meeting
  2. Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution V
  3. Training Opportunity - Photogrammetric Processing of Planetary Imagery Using ISIS and SOCET SET
  4. [NASA] Astrobiology Science and Technology for Exploring Planets Will Not be Solicited in ROSES-13
  5. Solid Earth: The EGU-Open Access Journal Welcomes Planetary Submissions
  6. Impact Geology - M.S. Thesis Research Opportunity
  7. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  8. Discovery and New Frontiers News
  9. New Horizons Encounter Hazard Update
  10. Final Announcement - Target NEO 2 Workshop
  11. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 28, June 23, 2013
  1. Sudbury Impact Structure Short Course and Field School
  2. Postdoctoral Researcher in Planetary Mapping and Impact Studies: Lunar and Planetary Institute
  3. 48th ESLAB Symposium: New insights into Volcanism across the Solar System
  4. [NASA] PDS Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 14
  5. High Priority Investigations for Venus Exploration Special Session at Fall AGU Meeting
  6. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  7. Virtual Workshop on Proposal Writing
  8. Draft NASA Reauthorization Bill Cancels ARM, Restores Education, Calls for Increased Planetary Funding
  9. AGU Fall Meeting 2013 Special Session P018: Mercury after Two Years of MESSENGER Orbital Observations
  10. Inaugural COSPAR Symposium, Bangkok, Thailand
  11. ESA Science Mission Extension Notification
  12. Call for Papers: NETSPACE Workshop
  13. Postdoctoral Researcher, Planetary Science
  14. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 27, June 16, 2013
  1. Postdoctoral Researcher in Planetary Mapping and Impact Studies: Lunar and Planetary Institute
  2. Uranus Beyond Voyager 2: From Recent Advances to Future Missions
  3. Registration Open for SBAG 9
  4. Registration Opens For NASA Night Rover Energy Challenge
  5. New Horizons Encounter Hazard Update
  6. [NASA] PDS Mars Science Laboratory Release 2
  7. Optical Characterization of Atmospheric Aerosols Workshop
  8. Icarus Special Issue: Dynamic Mars From Long-Term Observations
  9. [NASA] Clarification On Research Supported by MFRP
  10. Announcement of Opportunity to Submit Input to Study on Human Spaceflight
  11. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  12. CPSX Planetary Scinece Short Course
  13. International Scientific Workshop on Golden Spike Human Lunar Expeditions - Call for Abstracts
  14. [NASA] PDS GRAIL Release 2
  15. Comet ISON Observer's Workshop, Aug 1-2, 2013
  16. Student Opportunity - Sudbury Field Camp
  17. [NASA] Outer Planet Working Group (OPAG) Meeting Site Now Open
  18. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 26, June 9, 2013
  1. Update - Target NEO 2 Workshop
  2. Job Announcement: NASA Goddard
  3. Job Announcement: JAXA
  4. Postdoctoral Researcher in Planetary Mapping and Impact Studies: Lunar and Planetary Institute
  5. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter - June 2013
  6. Announcement of Opportunity to Submit Input to Study on Human Spaceflight
  7. [NASA] Draft Earth Venture Instrument
  8. Comparative Climatology Symposium (May 7) and Venus Game-Changing Technology Forum (May 8) Presentations Posted
  9. ICAR
  10. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  11. Lungradcon 2013 Virtual Workshop - Registration Deadline Approaching
  12. Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 25
  13. Mars Express Mission Special Products Release
  14. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 25, June 2, 2013
  1. International Meteor Conference 2012 August 22-25, Poznań, Poland
  2. Postdoctoral Researcher in Planetary Mapping and Impact Studies: Lunar and Planetary Institute
  3. Postdoc Available for Researching Pluto's Extended Atmosphere
  4. Analog Sites for Mars Missions II: Past, Present and Future Missions to Mars
  5. Outer Planets Assessment Group (OPAG) Meeting in July
  6. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  7. GSA 2013 Outer Solar System Satellites Companion Sessions
  8. One-year Physics Instructor Position, Northern Arizona University
  9. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  10. Housse Science Committee Hearing on STEM Education: The Administration's Proposed Reorganization
  11. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 24, May 26, 2013
  1. Happy Birthday PEN!
  2. Target NEO 2 Workshop
  3. Changed Location & Dates - 9th Meeting of the NASA Small Bodies Assessment Group (SBAG 9)
  4. Sample Letters on NASA Operating Plan Posted
  5. AAS Issues Statement on Proposed Elimination of NASA Science Education & Public Outreach Programs
  6. NASA Advisory Council and NASA Planetary Science Subcommittee
  7. Postdoctoral Researcher in Planetary Mapping and Impact Studies: Lunar and Planetary Institute
  8. 11th Meeting of the NASA Venus Exploration Analysis Group (VEXAG 11)
  9. [NASA] GSFC Permanent Position, Research Scientist
  10. Update - LunGradCon 2013 - Virtual Workshop
  11. Availability of Cosmic Dust Particles Collected "Dry"
  12. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  13. Inaugural COSPAR Symposium - Planetary Systems of our Sun and other Stars, and the Future of Space Astronomy
  14. Assistant Research Physicist Position in Planetary Space Physics at UC Berkeley Space Sciences Laboratory
  15. Postdoctoral Position in Planetary Space Physics at UC Berkeley Space Sciences Laboratory
  16. 10th Low Cost Planetary Missions Program Finalized, Early Registration Deadline June 3
  17. Postdoctoral Researcher, Planetary Science
  18. [NASA] Three New Volunteer Review Opportunities
  19. [NASA] PDS - Mars Exploration Rovers Data Release 36
  20. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Commercial Announcements
  1. "Earth: Evolution of a Habitable World" by Jonathan I. Lunine

Issue 23, May 19, 2013
  1. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  2. Postdoctoral Researcher, Planetary Science
  3. Lloyd V. Berkner Space Policy Internships Autumn 2013
  4. Abstract Deadline May 23rd - Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution V
  5. [NASA] NASA Accepting Proposals for Tribal College and University Experiential Learning Opportunities (TCU ELO)
  6. Crossing the Boundaries in Planetary Atmospheres: From Earth to Exoplanets
  7. Postdoctoral Researcher in Planetary Mapping and Impact Studies: Lunar and Planetary Institute
  8. Planetary Meeting Calendar

Issue 22, May 15, 2013
  1. NASA Operating Plan for FY2013 to Target Planetary Overall, Cuts Research and Competed Missions

Issue 21, May 12, 2013
  1. JPL Issues RFP for InSight Surface and Atmosphere Characterization
  2. Second Announcement: Planet Mars 4
  3. Origins of Life Postdoctoral Fellowship
  4. IPEWG 2013: Registration Deadline Postponed
  5. Pierazzo International Student Travel Award
  6. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 20, May 5, 2013
  1. [NASA] 2013 EONS Solicitation
  2. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  3. Release of SOFIA Cycle 2 Call for Proposals
  4. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  5. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter - May 2013
  6. EPSC 2013 Session TP9: Volcanism and Tectonism Across the Solar System
  7. Mars Express Marsis Active Ionospheric Sounding Cookbook
  8. Mars Express view of Sulci Gordii
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 19, April 28, 2013
  1. Cancelled: 2013 Sagan Exoplanet Summer Workshop
  2. [NASA] Volunteer for Review Panels
  3. [NASA] Fewer New Awards Expected for ROSES Origins of Solar Systems
  4. European Planetary Science Congress 2013 - Submit Your Abstracts!
  5. EPSC 2013: MTI7
  6. EPSC 2013: Small Bodies Session 10 "Comets on the Eve of Rosetta: Observations, Laboratory Simulations and Modelling"
  7. Two Research Associate Positions in Space Physics at Imperial College London
  8. American Mineralogist Special Issue on Martian Sulfates, Phosphates, and Perchlorates
  9. Geospatial Data & Web Applications Engineer
  10. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  11. Lunar Science Forum 2013 Important Changes
  12. [NASA] Education and Public Outreach for Earth and Space Science (EPOESS) on Hold
  13. Astrobiology Roadmap
  14. NSBRI Space Research Postdoctoral Fellowship Program Applications
  15. InSight Surface and Atmosphere Characterization RFP
  16. Faculty Position in Planetary Geoscience
  17. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 18, April 21, 2013
  1. Jupiter Environment Tool (JET) Available for Magnetic Field Visualization
  2. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  3. [NASA] Planetary Protection Subcommittee Meeting
  4. Planetary Atmospheres Researcher (GSFC/CRESST/University of Maryland)
  5. [NASA] Release of ROSES-13 Amendment 10: Instrument Technology Development in Support of the Europa Clipper Mission Concept
  6. EWASS 2013 Special Session Sp11. Rocks in our Solar System - Bridging the Gap Between Meteor, Meteorite and Asteroid Studies
  7. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 17, April 14, 2013
  1. EDITORIAL - Who is Minding Planetary Research?
  2. NASA Lunar Science Forum 2013 (LSF2013): Second Announcement
  3. [NASA] PDS Releases 3 New Data Sets: Deep Impact at Comet Hartley 2
  4. [NASA] Biosignatures Investigator
  5. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  6. Abstract Deadline Approaching for NLSI Workshop Without Walls: Lunar Volatiles
  7. [NASA] Intent to Release Solicitation on Instrument Technology Development in Support of the Europa Clipper Mission Concept
  8. [NASA] Planetary Instrument Concepts for the Advancement of Solar System Observations
  9. Planetary Atmospheres Researcher (GSFC/CRESST/University of Maryland)
  10. Dynamic Mars from Long-Term Observations
  11. The Pluto System on the Eve of Exploration by New Horizons: Perspectives and Predictions - Abstracts Due Monday
  12. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 16, April 09, 2013
  1. Instrument Technology Development in Support of the Europa Clipper Mission Concept

Issue 15, April 7, 2013
  1. [NASA] PDS Odyssey Data Release 43
  2. MRP Graduate Research Award
  3. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter - April 2013
  4. First Laboratory Astrophysics Division
  5. Third Announcement of the First Laboratory Astrophysics Division (LAD) Meeting
  6. Cosmochemistry and Planet Formation Theme at Goldschmidt 2013 Meeting
  7. [NASA] PDS Cassini Data Release 33
  8. Icarus Special Issue - Dark and Bright Materials on Vesta
  9. Planetary Atmospheres Researcher (GSFC/CRESST/University of Maryland)
  10. Student Opportunity: Soffen Travel Grants
  11. Research & Instrument Analyst
  12. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  13. Postdoc Available Researching Pluto's Extended Atmosphere
  14. First Scientific Session on the Chelyabinsk Bolide
  15. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 14, March 31, 2013
  1. Postponement of the 8th International Mars Conference to 2014
  2. Cosmochemistry and Planet Formation Theme at Goldschmidt 2013 Meeting
  3. Research Positions at University of Oslo, Norway
  4. Postdoc Available Researching Pluto's Extended Atmosphere
  5. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  6. 10th International Planetary Probe Workshop
  7. Director, NASA Astrobiology Institute
  8. Planetary Atmospheres Researcher (GSFC/CRESST/University of Maryland)
  9. Goldschmidt Session: Martian Evolution - Ancient Messengers and Modern Measurements
  10. Staff Scientist Position Petrology/Meteorites
  11. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 13, March 24, 2013
  1. EDITORIAL - A Budget
  2. NASA Planetary Science Subcommittee Meeting, April 4-5, 2013
  3. Origin of the Moon
  4. John Bahcall Public Policy Fellowship
  5. [NASA] PDS Releases Additional LRO Data
  6. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  7. International Conference "Cosmic Dust VI"
  8. Max Planck Research Group Leader in Cometary Science
  9. [NASA] Planetary Science Division Technology Infusion Request for Information (RFI)
  10. [NASA] EPO Point of Contact Change
  11. [NASA] PDS MSL Data Release
  12. Characterizing Luna Incognita
  13. Cosmochemistry and Planet Formation Theme at Goldschmidt 2013 Meeting
  14. [NASA] Travel Restrictions Update
  15. Planetary Atmospheres Researcher (GSFC/CRESST/University of Maryland)
  16. International Scientific Workshop on Golden Spike Human Lunar Expeditions, 3-4 October 2013
  17. IPEWG 2013: Second Announcement
  18. Reminder: Call for Chapters for Asteroids IV, Deadline March 31st, 2013
  19. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 12, March 17, 2013
  1. SPECIAL EDITION - LPSC Travel confusion under the Sequester

Issue 11, March 17, 2013
  1. Invitation to Golden Spike Lunch Seminar at LPSC: Monday, March 18
  2. Planetary Atmospheres Researcher (GSFC/CRESST/University of Maryland)
  3. Destination: Europa
  4. 10th IAA Low-Cost Planetary Missions Conference (LCPM-10)
  5. Job Opportunity: Image Processing Engineer
  6. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  7. Faculty Position in Planetary Geoscience
  8. Training Opportunity: Stereo Processing of Planetary Imagery using SOCET SET
  9. Postdoc at Boston University - Venus and Mars Ionospheres
  10. Exomars Mission: Formal Agreement Signed by ESA and ROSCOSMOS
  11. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 10, March 10, 2013
  1. [NASA] Impact of Sequestration Letter
  2. Workshop on the Evolution and Constitution of Mercury's Interior
  3. First Announcement - LUNGRADCON 2013
  4. [PDS] MSL Analyst's Notebook Release 1
  5. Postdoc at Boston University - Venus and Mars Ionospheres
  6. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  7. NASA Planetary Science Summer School Applications
  8. Updating Venus Exploration Goals, Objectives, and Investigations
  9. LPSC 2013 Town Hall: Planetary Mapping and Cartography, What, When, How?
  10. Reminder: Call for Chapters for Asteroids IV
  11. Humans to Mars Summit (H2M)
  12. [PDS] MESSENGER Data Release 9
  13. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 9, March 3, 2013
  1. [NASA] FameLab: Exploring Earth and Beyond
  2. [NASA] Statement of Intent to Release a Draft Cooperative Agreement Notice for the NASA Astrobiology Institute
  3. [NASA] ROSES Amendments
  4. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  5. Upcoming Deadline for Hayabusa Sample Request Proposals
  6. [NASA] PDS MSL Data Release
  7. 10th IAA Low-Cost Planetary Missions Conference (LCPM-10)
  8. March Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter Available
  9. SFO - Solar System Formation and Observation - Conference
  10. [NASA] Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 24
  11. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Commercial Announcements
  1. Uwingu Invites the Public to Nominate Names for Planets Around Far Away Stars

Issue 8, February 24, 2013
  1. Workshop on the Evolution and Constitution of Mercury's Interior
  2. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  3. Faculty Position in Space Physics: University of California, Los Angeles
  4. Venus Lunch-Time Town-Hall Meeting and Early Career Scholars Mixer at LPSC, Wednesday - March 20, 2013
  5. MESSENGER MDIS Data Users' Workshop
  6. Call for Proposals for the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF)
  7. 10th IAA Low-Cost Planetary Missions Conference (LCPM-10)
  8. Third Circular for MEPAG #27 Web Meeting
  9. [NASA] ROSES-13 The Origins of Solar Systems Program
  10. LRO Diviner Data Users Forum at LPSC on Sunday, March 17
  11. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 7, February 17, 2013
  1. MESSENGER MDIS Data Users' Workshop
  2. Next-Generation Suborbital Researchers Conference (NSRC) 2013: Abstract Deadline Approaching
  3. Ph.D. Projects in Earth and Planetary Geomorphology, Trinity College, Ireland
  4. Irish Research Council Postdoctoral Fellowship
  5. JGR-Planets Editor Search
  6. NASA Proposal Writing Workshop at LPSC
  7. NASA AO Town Hall Meeting at LPSC
  8. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  9. [NASA] Call for Volunteer Reviewers for NESSF Program
  10. [NASA] ROSES NRA is Now Available
  11. [NASA] Delayed Due Date for ICESat and CryoSat-2 (ROSES 2012)
  12. Venus-Related Postdoctoral Fellowship at NASA Glenn Research Center
  13. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 6, February 10, 2013
  1. Workshop for Early Career Faculty at LPSC
  2. AIDA Call for Experiment Ideas
  3. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter - February 2013
  4. First COSPAR Symposium - Bangkok, Thailand, 11-15 Nov 2013
  5. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  6. LPSC Workshop for Planning Your Solar System Observations with JWST
  7. Venus Game Changing Technology Forum at LPSC - Monday, March 18th
  8. Call for Chapters for the Book Asteroids IV: A New Volume in the Space Science Series
  9. MESSENGER MDIS Data Users' Workshop
  10. Mars Express Global Coverage With the HRSC Camera
  11. Mars Express Data Release: ASPERA Data
  12. Four Important Announcements Regarding SSERVI CAN
  13. AbGradCon 2013, Abstract Submission Now Open
  14. NASA Lunar Science Forum (LSF2013): First Announcement
  15. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Commercial Announcements
  1. "Introduction to Planetary Geomorphology" by Ronald Greeley

Issue 5, February 3, 2013
  1. Postdoc Opening: University of Bern, Switzerland
  2. AGU Chapman Conference on Crossing the Boundaries in Planetary Atmospheres: From Earth to Exoplanets
  3. Planetary Geology & Geophysics Undergraduate Research Program (PGGURP)
  4. Second Information Circular for MEPAG #27 Web Meeting
  5. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  6. Planet Mars 4, Les Houches, 20-25 October 2013: First Announcement
  7. AOGS 2013
  8. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 4, January 27, 2013
  1. Stephen Eugene Dwornik (1926-2012)
  2. Solar Wind Interaction with Planetary Environments Session (PS-01) at AOGS, Brisbane, Australia
  3. Postdoctoral Researcher in Planetary Science
  4. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  5. New Planetary Sciences Editor at Geophysical Research Letters
  6. [NASA] Education Project Proposals Solicited
  7. Science Verification of SAM: Call for Proposals
  8. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 3, January 20, 2013
  1. Habitable Worlds Across Space and Time
  2. AOGS 2013, Session PS07: Spectropolarimetric Exploration of Planetary Systems and Their Habitability
  3. First COSPAR Symposium
  4. Second Announcement - The Pluto System on the Eve of Exploration by New Horizons: Perspectives and Predictions
  5. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  6. Reull Vallis, Mars, Imaged in 3D and Color by Mars Express HRSC
  7. 5th Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing (WHISPERS)
  8. Planetary Astronomers - Note New Categories in Hubble Proposal Call
  9. NASA Planetary Science Summer School Applications
  10. Stardust Interstellar Dust Now Available
  11. Announcement of 2nd International Opportunity for JAXA HAYABUSA Samples
  12. The 2012 Draconid Storm Potentially Sampled by NASA ER-2 Aircraft
  13. Heliophysics of Solar Systems: Summer School
  14. Faculty Job in Planetary Physics and Astrophysics in Toronto
  15. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 2, January 13, 2013
  1. SPICE Training Class
  2. International Primitive Body Exploration Working Group (IPEWG) Meeting
  3. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  4. Internship Opportunities at Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
  5. Postdoc - Boston University - Curiosity and Mars Atmosphere
  6. [NASA] Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute Cooperative Agreement Notice
  7. MEPAG #27 Cancellation Notice
  8. Magnetospheres of the Outer Planets - MOP 2013
  9. PhD Researcher in the Field of Geomicrobiology
  10. 8th Meeting of the NASA Small Bodies Assessment Group
  11. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 1, January 6, 2013
  1. Bertram Donn (1919-2012)
  2. [NASA] Retirement Letter from Doug McCuiston
  3. [NASA] Three-day Training Course on Planetary Protection
  4. [PDS] Odyssey Data Release 42
  5. [PDS] Cassini Data Release 32
  6. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  7. January MEPAG Newsletter Available Plus Correction
  8. Community Urged to Hear NASA's Jim Green Presentation Next Week
  9. Call for Abstracts - 64th International Astronautical Congress
  10. Call for Students and Young Professionals - 64th International Astronautical Congress
  11. Planetary Science Slides and Illustrations
  12. Space Place Prime - Free NASA App Now Available for iPhone
  13. Neil Armstrong Didn't Lie About his "One Small Step" Quote
  14. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Table of Contents: Volume 6, 2012

Issue 58, December 30, 2012
  2. [NASA] Changes in the Management of the Mars Exploration Program
  3. [NASA] Lori Glaze New VEXAG Chair
  4. Would You Like to See a Volcanology Session at LPSC 2013?
  5. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 57, December 24, 2012
  1. SPECIAL EDITION: Planetary Division Management Responds to Community Concerns

Issue 56, December 23, 2012
  1. [NASA] OPAG Update
  2. [NASA/PDS] Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 12
  3. [NASA/PDS] Grail Release 1
  4. Postdoctoral Positions: Smithsonian Institution, National Air and Space Museum
  5. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  6. [NASA] 2020 Mars Science Rover Science Definition Team
  7. Job Announcement: Research Associate at LASP
  8. Microsymposium 54, Lunar Farside and Poles: New Destinations for Exploration
  9. Would you Like to See a Volcanology Session at LPSC 2013?
  10. ATLAS software and postdoc positions
  11. [NASA] Undergraduate Student Instrument Project
  12. [NASA] LADEE Guest Investigator Program
  13. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 55, December 21, 2012
  1. EDITORIAL: US Planetary Program Poised to Lose a Generation of Scientists

Issue 54, December 16, 2012
  1. EDITORIAL: NASA Planetary R&A; Program Selection Rates Plummet
  2. MEPAG Meeting Scheduled for February 26-27, 2013 in Arlington, VA
  3. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  4. Comets as Tracers of Solar System Formation and Evolution
  5. Venus Upper Atmosphere Science and Technology Interchange Meeting
  6. Bird's-eye View of Valles Marineris by ESA Mars Express
  7. Planetary Responses to SALSO RFU Needed!
  8. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 53, December 9, 2012
  1. EDITORIAL: NASA Planetary Science Division Research and Analysis Programs - An Assessment
  2. [PDS] Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 23
  3. EGU 2013, Mars Science and Exploration Session
  4. EGU 2013, Planetary Plasma Physics Session
  5. EGU 2013, Digital Landscapes Session
  6. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter - December 2012
  7. 14th International Conference on Electromagnetic and Light Scattering, ELS-XIV
  8. Planetary Sessions, Short Course, and Field Trip in Canada, May 2013
  9. [NASA] Proposal Due Date Extension for Payloads Maturing Crosscutting Technologies that Advance Multiple Future Space Missions to Flight Readiness Status
  10. HST Cycle 21 Call for Proposals
  11. [NASA] Amendment to Request for Information - Concepts for Applications of Large Space Optics
  12. Planetary Graduate Program Clearinghouse
  13. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Commercial Announcements
  1. New Book - Impact Cratering: Processes and Products

Issue 52, December 2, 2012
  1. Call for Papers EGU
  2. An Article on Astronomically Inspired Music
  3. Podcast, "Finding the Next Earth: Results from the Kepler Mission"
  4. PhD Opportunity in Physical Volcanology (Lava Erosion Modeling) at Arizona State University
  5. Habitable Worlds Across Space and Time
  6. [NASA] Requesting Concepts for Applications of Large Space Optics (SALSO)
  7. [NASA] Kepler Participating Scientist Program
  8. [NASA] Three-Day Training Course on Planetary Protection
  9. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  10. Postdoctoral Opportunity in Planetary Science at University of Minnesota Duluth
  11. The 3rd IAA Planetary Defense Conference
  12. Humans to Mars Summit (H2M) Announcement
  13. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Commercial Announcements
  1. Resources for Astronomy Education and Outreach

Issue 51, November 25, 2012
  1. New "Discoveries in Planetary Science" Classroom Powerpoints Available in English, Spanish, and Farsi
  2. EGU 2013 Planetary Geodynamics Session
  3. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  4. Extraterrestrial Volcanism and Tectonics Session at EGU 2013
  5. Postdoctoral Opportunity in Planetary Science - University of Minnesota Duluth
  6. [PDS] Mars Exploration Rovers Data Release 34
  7. International Symposium on Planetary Sciences (IAPS2013)
  8. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 50, November 18, 2012
  1. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  2. Planetary Geomorphology at EGU 2013
  3. Faculty Positions: Boston University
  4. [PDS] Dawn Framing Camera Data Release
  5. Atmospheres and Ices in Planetary Systems Symposium during the Davos Atmosphere and Cryosphere Assembly (DACA-13)
  6. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 49, November 11, 2012
  1. Tenure-track Position, Case Western Reserve University
  2. [NASA] Earth and Space Science Fellowship (NESSF) Program
  3. [NASA] New Opportunity in ROSES-12: MAVEN Participating Scientist Program NASA Europa Website
  4. Tenure-Track Position, Boston University
  5. Final Announcement for MAVEN Mars-community workshop at AGU, 2 December
  6. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 48, November 4, 2012
  1. [NASA] Planetary Science Division Seeks Volunteer Reviewers
  2. Postdoctoral Fellowship at ASU-SESE
  3. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  4. Lunar Volatiles Focus Group
  5. November MEPAG Newsletter Available
  6. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 47, October 30, 2012
  1. NASA Due Dates Delayed Due to Storm

Issue 46, October 28, 2012
  1. [NASA] Request for Input: Naming of the NEW NASA Science and Exploration Institute
  2. 40th Scientific Assembly of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) and Associated Events
  3. Tenure-track Position, Case Western Reserve University
  4. AGU Chapman Conference - Crossing the Boundaries in Planetary Atmospheres: From Earth to Exoplanets
  5. 2013 LPI Summer Intern Program in Planetary Science
  6. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  7. Tenure Track Faculty Position in Theoretical Astrophysics at U. Maryland
  8. Faculty Position in Planetary Science at Johns Hopkins University
  9. Faculty Position at the University of Arizona
  10. Survey: Planetary UV-Optical Observations
  11. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 45, October 21, 2012
  1. [NASA] Seeking Nominations for Service on NASA Science Advisory Subcommittees
  2. [NASA] Announcement of Flight Opportunities for Payloads
  3. Faculty Position at the University of Arizona
  4. Lloyd V. Berkner Space Policy Internships - Summer and Autumn 2013
  5. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  6. Call for Papers for Special Section of JGR - Planets
  7. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 44, October 14, 2012
  1. Professorship in Planetary Remote Sensing and Resource Geoscience
  2. Faculty Position in Planetary and Space Science
  3. [NASA] Solar System Exploration at 50 (SSE@50) Special Event Notice and Symposium
  4. Special Issue of Icarus for the Third International Planetary Dunes Workshop
  5. Space Policy Internships Available in 2013
  6. Job Opening: Permanent Faculty Positions in Planetary Sciences
  7. Venus Exploration Analysis Group (VEXAG) Solicits Your Input
  8. Faculty Opening: Physics Department of Washington University in St. Louis
  9. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  10. Investing in America's Technology Future: NASA Seeks Space Technology Research Fellowship Applicants
  11. [NASA] Euclid and JUICE Missions Not Eligible for APEX USPI
  12. Postdoctoral Opportunity in Planetary Science at Stony Brook University
  13. Famelab Astrobiology
  14. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 43, October 7, 2012
  1. Tenure Track Faculty Position in Theoretical Astrophysics at U. Maryland
  2. Permanent Faculty Positions in Planetary Sciences at Florida Institute of Technology
  3. Tenure-Track Faculty Position at Case Western Reserve University
  4. Assistant Professor Position at Boston University
  5. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  6. [NASA] PDS - Odyssey Data Release 41
  7. [NASA] PDS - Cassini Data Release 31
  8. [NASA] Latest Discovery and New Frontiers News Now Online
  9. [NASA] Civil Service Research Scientist Position - Johnson Space Center
  10. [NASA] The Kepler Guest Observer Program
  11. The Present-Day Habitability of Mars
  12. October 2012 Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter Available
  13. New PDS Search Capability for Cassini Planet and Satellite Data
  14. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 42, September 30, 2012
  1. Tenure Track Faculty Position in Theoretical Astrophysics at U. Maryland
  2. Gerald A. Soffen Memorial Fund Travel Grants for 2012
  3. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  4. Updates to the MEPAG Goals Document for Community Review
  5. VEXAG Meeting #10 Hotel Accommodations - Deadline: 5 October 2012
  6. [NASA] Planetary Science Subcommittee Meeting, Oct 2-3, 2012
  7. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 41, September 23, 2012
  1. [NASA] Cooperative Agreement Notice Draft and Request for Comments
  2. MAVEN Mars Science Community Workshop
  3. Outer Planets Colloquium Series
  4. Assistant Professor Position – University of California, Santa Cruz
  5. [NASA] PDS: Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 11
  6. Multiple Postdoctoral Fellowships at Carnegie Institution
  7. Faculty Position at the University of Michigan
  8. Papers Invited for Special Issue of Advances in Space Research on Lunar Science
  9. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  10. MEPAG Meeting Scheduled for October 4, 2012 in Monrovia, CA
  11. Geomorphology at Auburn University
  12. Registration is Open for the 10th VEXAG
  13. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 40, September 16, 2012
  1. Women in Astronomy Discussion Hour at DPS
  2. NASA Proposal Writing Workshop at DPS
  3. PhD & Post-doctoral Positions Available
  4. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  5. New Free NASA iPad Magazine Now Available in the Apple App Store
  6. Faculty Opening - Physics Department of Washington University in St. Louis
  7. Volcano-Lithosphere Interactions on the Terrestrial Planets Postdoctoral Fellowship: Lunar and Planetary Institute
  8. Request for Coordinator for Planetary Astronomy Concepts with a Future 2.4-m Space Telescope
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 39, September 9, 2012
  1. Editorial: September 12, 1962
  2. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  3. DPS Workshop on Planetary Science on Commercial Suborbital Platforms
  4. Volcano-Lithosphere Interactions on the Terrestrial Planets Postdoctoral Fellowship: Lunar and Planetary Institute
  5. [NASA] PDS: Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 22
  6. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  7. 8th IAG International Conference on Geomorphology - August 2013
  8. Call for Proposals for the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF)
  9. [NASA] Final Text for Salmon-2 AO: Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer Instrument
  10. [NASA] PDS MESSENGER Release 8
  11. Announcing LunarCubes Science Briefing at DPS Reno, NV
  12. Magnetospheres of the Outer Planets 2013
  13. VEXAG Newsletter
  14. DAWN Grand L1A Data Release
  15. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Commercial Announcements
  1. Galactic Analytics Helps to Find Recent Meteorites

Issue 38, September 2, 2012
  1. Planetary-Related Commercial Announcements to be Allowed on a Trial Basis in PEN
  2. Workshop on the Evolution and Constitution of Mercury's Interior
  3. Postdoctoral Position in Exoplanet Atmospheres at the University of Arizona
  4. New "Cassini Archive Page" Available to Access Cassini Data
  5. Astronomer Position at Lowell Observatory
  6. [NASA] PDS: Mars Exploration Rovers Data Release 33
  7. Faculty Position in Planetary and Space Science
  8. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  9. Workshop on "Waves and Instabilities in Geophysical and Astrophysical Flows"
  10. MEPAG Meeting Scheduled for October 4, 2012 in Monrovia, CA
  11. September MEPAG Newsletter Available
  12. GSA Invites Applications for Two Student Awards
  13. PhD Student Position in The Netherlands
  14. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Commercial Announcements
  1. Uwingu
  2. Cosmos in the Classroom
  3. Globes of Galilean Satellites?

Issue 37, August 26, 2012
  1. Workshop on the Evolution and Constitution of Mercury's Interior
  2. Job Announcement: Director, Florida Space Institute, University of Central Florida
  3. Resources for Addressing Student and Public Fears About Astronomical Causes for the End of the World in 2012
  4. Faculty Opening: Physics Department of Washington University in St. Louis
  5. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  6. Volcano-Lithosphere Interactions on the Terrestrial Planets Postdoctoral Fellowship: Lunar and Planetary Institute
  7. 2012 Canadian Space Summit - September 14 Abstract Deadline
  8. Job Description: Postdoctoral Researcher in Infrared Spectroscopy (Reference WC-R-7412-12-08-S)
  9. Postdoctoral Position in Planetary Atmosphere Modeling at SwRI in Boulder, CO
  10. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 36, August 19, 2012
  1. Volcano-Lithosphere Interactions on the Terrestrial Planets Postdoctoral Fellowship: Lunar and Planetary Institute
  2. [NASA] PDS: Dawn GRaND Data Release
  3. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  4. Workshop on the Evolution and Constitution of Mercury's Interior
  5. DAP-2012
  6. 10th Meeting of the Venus Exploration and Analysis Group (VEXAG)
  7. [NASA] Announcement of Flight Opportunities #5 Now Open
  8. [NASA] American Society for Gravitational and Space Research (ASGSR) Extended Call for Abstracts
  9. Lessons Learned in Decadal Planning in Space Science: An NRC Workshop
  10. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 35, August 12, 2012
  1. [NASA] Proposals Solicited for Use of Keck Telescopes
  2. NASA Contractor Seeks Scientist for ROSES Program Management/ Technical Support
  3. Planetary Geophysics Postdoctoral Fellowship
  4. Volcano-Lithosphere Interactions on the Terrestrial Planets Postdoctoral Fellowship: Lunar and Planetary Institute
  5. GSA Topical Sessions
  6. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  7. [NASA] Due Date Delayed for Outer Planets Research (OPR) Program
  8. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 34, August 5, 2012
  2. [NASA] Maturation of Instruments for Solar System Exploration (MatISSE) Program
  3. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  4. Permanent Faculty Position in Astronomy/Astrophysics
  5. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  6. AGU Fall 2012 Special Session P003. Airless Body Petrology Through Samples and Remote Sensing: Diverse Approaches to Common Problems
  7. AGU Fall 2012 Special Session P011. Labotarory Investigations Supporting Analysis of Datasets from Mars, the Moon, and Other Planetary Bodies
  8. AGU Fall 2012 Special Session P034. What Lurks in the Martian Rocks and Soil? Investigations of Sulfates, Phosphates, and Perchlorates
  9. GSA Topical Session T158. Impact Cratering in the Solar System: Processes and Products
  10. GSA Topical Sessions
  11. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter - August 2012
  12. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 33, July 29, 2012
  1. [NASA] Mars Curiosity Rover Landing

Issue 32, July 29, 2012
  1. AGU Fall 2012 Special Session P006. Cratering Processes Throughout the Solar System
  2. AGU Fall 2012 Special Session P011. Laboratory Investigations Supporting Analysis of Datasets from Mars, the Moon, and Other Planetary Bodies
  3. AGU Fall 2012 Special Session P012. Lunar Science in the Wake of Human Exploration: Four Decades of Samples and Surface Data
  4. AGU Fall 2012 Special Session P025. Recent Advances in Lunar Science: Of, On and From the Moon
  5. AGU Fall 2012 Session P032. Using Numerical Models to Understand the Venus Atmosphere and Surface
  6. AGU Fall 2012 Session P034. What Lurks in the Martian Rocks and Soil? Investigations of Sulfates, Phosphates, and Perchlorates
  7. Volcano-Lithosphere Interactions on the Terrestrial Planets Postdoctoral Fellowship: Lunar and Planetary Institute
  8. Planetary Geophysics Postdoctoral Fellowship
  9. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  10. Explore Mars Announces the Humans to Mars Summit (H2M)
  11. Faculty Opening - Physics Department of Washington University in St. Louis
  12. OSIRIS-REx Mission Team Image Processing Scientist
  13. Update: NASA Juice Pre-Proposal Conference Details
  14. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 31, July 22, 2012
  1. AGU Fall 2012 Special Session P03. Airless Body Petrology Through Samples and Remote Sensing: Diverse Approaches to Common Problems
  2. AGU Fall 2012 Special Session P04. Atmosphere of Mars: New Findings from Modeling and Observations
  3. AGU Fall 2012 Special Session P11. Laboratory Investigations Supporting Analysis of Datasets from Mars, the Moon, and Other Planetary Bodies
  4. AGU Fall 2012 Special Session P21. Planetary Surfaces in Motion
  5. AGU Fall 2012 Special Session P33. Using Topography to Investigate the Evolution of Solar System Bodies
  6. AGU Fall 2012 Special Session P34. What Lurks in the Martian Rocks and Soil? Investigations of Sulfates, Phosphates, and Perchlorates
  7. Updates for the 3rd Conference on Terrestrial Mars Analogues
  8. Planetary Geophysics Postdoctoral Fellowship
  9. Volcano-Lithosphere Interactions on the Terrestrial Planets Postdoctoral Fellowship: Lunar and Planetary Institute
  10. Civil Service Research Scientist Position - NASA Johnson Space Center
  11. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  12. Mauna Loa Hawaii Analog Site Available for Instrument Testing
  13. [NASA] Note from SARA: New Volunteer Reviewer Form
  14. NASA Advisory Council Science Committee Meeting
  15. [NASA] AO for ESA JUICE Mission - Pre-Proposal Conference
  16. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 30, July 15, 2012
  1. AGU Fall 2012 Special Session P21. Planetary Surfaces in Motion
  2. AGU Fall 2012 Special Session P22. Polarimetry as an Invaluable Tool to Study the Solar System and Beyond
  3. AGU Fall 2012 Special Session P26. Recent Advances in Planetary Aeolian Studies
  4. AGU Fall 2012 Special Session P28. Small Bodies and Moons and Their Interaction with the Space Environment
  5. AGU Fall 2012 Special Session P31. Titan's Enigmatic Upper Atmosphere and Ionosphere
  6. AGU Fall 2012 Special Session P34. What Lurks in the Martian Rocks and Soil? Investigations of Sulfates, Phosphates, and Perchlorates
  7. AGU Fall 2012 Special Session SA12. Solar System Aeronomy: Ionospheres, Thermospheres, Auroras, and Airglow
  8. Volcano-Lithosphere Interactions on the Terrestrial Planets Postdoctoral Fellowship: Lunar and Planetary Institute
  9. Planetary Geophysics Postdoctoral Fellowship
  10. [NASA] Updates on the NASA AO for ESA JUICE Mission
  11. DPS Workshop for Planning Your Solar System Observations with JWST
  12. [NASA] Letter from SARA: China FAQ and New Volunteer Reviewer Form
  13. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 29, July 8, 2012
  1. AGU Fall 2012 Special Session P007. Eyes On Enceladus
  2. AGU Fall 2012 Special Session P011. Laboratory Investigations Supporting Analysis of Datasets from Mars, the Moon, and Other Planetary Bodies
  3. AGU Fall 2012 Special Session P016. Planetary Atmospheres and Evolution
  4. AGU Fall 2012 Special Session P24. Rapid Environmental Change and the Fate of Planetary Habitability
  5. AGU Fall 2012 Special Session P34. What Lurks in the Martian Rocks and Soil? Investigations of Sulfates, Phosphates, and Perchlorates
  6. AGU Fall 2012 Special Session SH017. Sun-Grazing Comets as Solar Probes: What Goes on Behind the Occulter Disk?
  7. AGU Fall 2012 Special Session. Internal Structure & Composition of Small Solar System Bodies
  8. Volcano-Lithosphere Interactions on the Terrestrial Planets Postdoctoral Fellowship: Lunar and Planetary Institute
  9. Planetary Geophysics Postdoctoral Fellowship
  10. [NASA] PDS: Odyssey Data Release 40
  11. [NASA] PDS: Cassini Data Release 30
  12. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  13. First Announcement. The Pluto System on the Eve of Exploration by New Horizons: Perspectives and Predictions
  14. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter - July 2012
  15. Special Issue of Earth, Planets and Space (EPS): Cosmic Dust V
  16. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  17. NASA Lunar Science Forum 2012: Final Announcement
  18. [NASA] Release of JUpiter ICy moons Explorer (JUICE) Instrument
  19. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 28, July 1, 2012
  1. Volcano-Lithosphere Interactions on the Terrestrial Planets Postdoctoral Fellowship: Lunar and Planetary Institute
  2. Planetary Geophysics Postdoctoral Fellowship
  3. ESA Postdoctoral Fellowships in Space Science
  4. COSPAR Awards and Medals to be Presented
  5. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  6. [NASA] Science Mission Directorate (SMD) Announcements
  7. 2012 GSA Annual Meeting Sessions
  8. AGU Fall 2012 Session: P34. What Lurks in the Martian Rocks and Soil? Investigations of Sulfates, Phosphates, and Perchlorates
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 27, June 17, 2012
  1. DPS Meeting 2012: Abstract Submission Open, Deadline July 19th
  2. Volcano-Lithosphere Interactions on the Terrestrial Planets Postdoctoral Fellowship: Lunar and Planetary Institute
  3. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  4. [NASA] JUpiter ICy moons Explorer (JUICE) SALMON-2 Community Announcement
  5. [NASA] Small Bodies Assessment Group Meeting, July 10-11
  6. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 26, June 10, 2012
  1. [NASA] PDS Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 21
  2. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  3. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 25, June 3, 2012
  1. John "Jack" McCauley, 1932-2012
  2. [NASA] Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer Participation Opportunities
  3. [NASA] PDS - Mars Exploration Rovers Data Release 32
  4. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  5. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter - June 2012
  6. IAG Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  7. [NASA] Research Position at GSFC
  8. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 24, May 28, 2012
  1. Special Edition: From James L. Green, Director, Planetary Science Division, NASA HQ - Last Chance to View Venus Transit Our Sun!

Issue 23, May 27, 2012
  1. Passing of John Guest (1938-2012)
  2. GSA Session - New Moon Rising: The Latest Geologic Results from the Lunar Surface
  3. GSA Session - Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Petrology of Mars
  4. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  5. Final Announcement, Planetary Data: A Workshop for Users & Software Developers
  6. Final Reminder - LunGradCon 2012
  7. [NASA] In-Space Propulsion Technology Program: Astrodynamics Research Grants
  8. [NASA] Science Objectives and Requirements for the Next NASA UV/Visible Mission Concepts Request For Information NNH12ZDA008L
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 22, May 20, 2012
  1. Postdoctoral Researcher: Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) Microprobe Analysis
  2. GSA Session on Gullies in the Landscape: Abstracts Invited
  3. Nominate Your Colleagues for AGU Awards: July 15
  4. 1st International Workshop on LunarCubes
  5. ESA's ESLAB Symposium on "Formation and Evolution of Moons" - 3rd Announcement
  6. MARS2013 Northern Sahara Mars Analog Field Simulation
  7. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  8. Update: National Planetary Exploration Car Wash & Bake Sale
  9. EPSC2012 Session on the 2011 Draconoids Meteor Shower
  10. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 21, May 13, 2012
  1. NASA] PGG Proposal Due Date Changed to July 2, 2012
  2. GSA Session on Gullies in the Landscape: Abstracts Invited
  3. EPSC Session GP4: Moon-Magnetosphere Interactions at Jupiter and Saturn
  4. DAP-2012 Meeting
  5. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 20, May 6, 2012
  1. Postdoctoral Researcher: Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) Microprobe Analysis
  2. [NASA] Coordination with ESA's 2012 Call for a Small Mission of Opportunity in ESA's Science Program for a Launch in 2017
  3. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  4. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter - May 2012
  5. Call for Imaging Requests for Candidate Landing Sites for Future Mars Missions
  6. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  7. [NASA] PDS Releases Rosetta Mission Data: Asteroid Lutetia Flyby and More
  8. Correction: 2012 Next Generation Lunar Scientists and Engineers Workshop
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 19, April 29, 2012
  1. Exoplanets in Multi-Body Systems in the Kepler Era
  2. Postdoctoral Researcher: Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) Microprobe Analysis
  3. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  4. NASA Lunar Science Forum: Third Announcement
  5. Third Annual LunGradCon 2012
  6. 2012 Next Generation Lunar Scientists & Engineers Workshop
  7. Community Input Requested on the Concepts for Planetary Science from a Balloon-Based Observatory
  8. Planetary Landscapes Facebook Page
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 18, April 22, 2012
  1. Short Course and Field School at the Sudbury Impact Structure
  2. Last Call for Abstracts - Conference on Comparative Climatology of Terrestrial Planets
  3. Postdoctoral Researcher: Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) Microprobe Analysis
  4. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  5. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 17, April 15, 2012
  1. Call to Action! Contact Congress to Restore the NASA Planetary Budget!
  2. [NASA] Planning Group Takes Key Steps for Future Mars Exploration
  3. National Planetary Exploration Car Wash & Bake Sale
  4. Last Call for Abstracts - Planetary Data: A Workshop for Users and Software Developers
  5. Postdoctoral Researcher: Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) Microprobe Analysis
  6. Postdoctoral Position in Planetary Science
  7. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  8. Mars Exploration Program Proposals
  9. Astronomer Job at STScI
  10. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 16, April 13, 2012
  1. SPECIAL ALERT - NASA Hosts Teleconference on Status of New Mars Program Plans

Issue 15, April 8, 2012
  1. [NASA] Planetary Science Subcommittee Vacancy
  2. Second Announcement and Call for Papers: "1970 - 2010: The Golden Age of Solar System Exploration"
  3. Postdoctoral Position with MRO's HiRISE
  4. Postdoctoral Position in Planetary Science
  5. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  6. GSA Annual Meeting Topical Session - The Heart of an Explorer: A Tribute to Ronald Greeley
  7. Third International Planetary Dunes Workshop
  8. [NASA] PDS Odyssey Data Release 39
  9. [NASA] PDS Cassini Data Release 29
  10. April MEPAG Newsletter Available
  11. MAVEN Science Community Workshop, 2 December 2012, San Francisco
  12. [NASA] March 2012 Discovery and New Frontiers Newsletter Released
  13. Release of Four Stardust Interstellar Foil Crater Samples for General Allocation
  14. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  15. Postdoctoral Researcher: Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) Microprobe Analysis
  16. Galileo Goes to Mars Workshop
  17. Gerald A. Soffen Memorial Fund 2012 Travel Grant Opportunities
  18. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 14, April 1, 2012
  1. Special: Impact of Delays in Selection and Funding of Research and Data Analysis Program Awards
  2. NASA Planetary Science Summer School - Application Deadline Extended to April 3, 2012
  3. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  4. NASA NEO Human Space Flight Accessible Targets Study (NHATS) Website Tool
  5. ISS and Mars Conference in Strasbourg, France
  6. Concepts Sought for Planetary Science from a Balloon-Based Observatory
  7. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 13, March 25, 2012
  1. Special: Input Requested on Impact of Delays in Selection and Funding of Research and Data Analysis Program Awards
  2. NASA Presentations at LPSC Posted
  3. Survey of Planetary Workforce
  4. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  5. NLSI Dust, Atmosphere, and Plasma: Moon and Small Bodies Workshop
  6. Elsevier Award on Radiative Transfer
  7. New Topography for Venus Now Available
  8. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 12, March 18, 2012
  1. EDITORIAL: Concerns about Planetary R&A;
  2. NASA Headquarters Research and Analysis (R&A;) Town Hall Meeting
  3. NASA Budget: Discussion and Letter-writing Session at LPSC
  4. Time Change - Lunar Swirls Lunchtime Meeting at LPSC
  5. [NASA] OPAG Meeting 29-30 March, St. Louis
  6. Third Conference on Terrestrial Mars Analogues
  7. Ultraviolet Astronomy: HST and Beyond
  8. New Abstract Deadline - AOGS-AGU (WPGM), Session PS20: Polarimetry of Planetary Systems
  9. National Meeting on Science Education and Communication
  10. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  11. Moving FORWARD in Space Workshop
  12. [NASA] PDS: Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 9
  13. ESA's ESLAB Symposium on "Formation and Evolution of Moons"
  14. Venus Exploration Analysis Group (VEXAG) Newsletter Available
  15. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 11, March 11, 2012
  1. NRC's Committee on Astrobiology and Planetary Science
  2. [NASA] Change to CDAPS Proposal Submission Process
  3. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  4. [NASA] PDS Releases Stardust-NExT Mission Data
  5. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter Available
  6. [NASA] Planetary Science Summer School Applications
  7. Women in Planetary Science Symposium at Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2012
  8. [NASA] PDS MESSENGER Release 7
  9. Venus Lunch-Time Town-Hall Meeting at LPSC
  10. Job Opportunity: Postdoctoral Research Associate at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
  11. [NASA] Due Dates Changed for the Planetary Protection Research Program
  12. [NASA] Interested in Serving on a Review Panel?
  13. First Announcement - LunGradCon 2012
  14. Call for Proposals for the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF)
  15. Ultraviolet Astronomy: HST and Beyond
  16. [NASA] OPAG Meeting 29-30 March, St. Louis
  17. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 10, March 4, 2012
  1. Congressional Hearing on NASA Budget This Week
  2. Large Binocular Telescope Interferometer Exozodi Key Science Team Proposal Call
  3. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  4. Job Opportunity: Postdoctoral Position at UCLA
  5. Job Opportunity: Postdoc Position at SwRI
  6. Planetary Geophysics Postdoctoral Fellowship
  7. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  8. Exploration Telerobotics Symposium
  9. [NASA] Call for Abstract Deadline: March 4, 2012
  10. [NASA] PDS: Mars Exploration Rovers Data Release 31
  11. [NASA] PDS: Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 20
  12. OPAG Meeting, March 29-30, 2012 in St. Louis
  13. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 9, February 26, 2012
  1. [NASA] ROSES-2012 and Supplemental Information Available
  2. WebEx Directions for the MEPAG Conference and the Future Landing Site Workshop, Washington, DC
  3. Fifth Cosmic Dust Meeting
  4. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  5. 2012 MRO/CRISM Data Users' Workshop
  6. A Vision of Discovery! Workshop for K-12 Educators
  7. Research Scientists: Mars Petrology and Organic Geochemistry
  8. OPAG Meeting, March 29-30, 2012, St. Louis
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 8, February 19, 2012
  1. Susan Niebur, 1978-2012
  2. Lunar Swirls Lunchtime Meeting at LPSC
  3. CRISM Data User Workshop
  4. 1st Interplanetary CubeSat Workshop
  5. [NASA] Supplemental Education and Public Outreach Programs Cancelled
  6. Radar in Planetary Exploration - Final Reminder
  7. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  8. 9th International Planetary Probe Workshop
  9. ISS and Mars Conference
  10. Planetary Geophysics Postdoctoral Fellowship
  11. MEPAG Agenda for Upcoming Meeting Posted
  12. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 7, February 12, 2012
  1. New Horizons Stamp Petition
  2. Planetary Data: A Workshop for Users and Software Developers
  3. Workshop Announcement: Moving FORWARD in Space
  4. NASA Lunar Science Forum: First Announcement
  5. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  6. European Lunar Symposium
  7. First Landing Site Workshop for Future Mars Missions
  8. Planetary Geophysics Postdoctoral Fellowship
  9. Dawn Data Release: Level 1a Data from Approach and Survey
  10. AAS Opposes the Grant Act of 2011 (H.R. 3433)
  11. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 6, February 5, 2012
  1. [NASA] Postdoctoral Fellowships
  2. Planning your JWST Solar System Observations (A DPS Workshop)
  3. Titan Through Time II Workshop - Abstract Deadline Extended
  4. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  5. Information Available for the Second International MEPAG Meeting
  6. February MEPAG Newsletter Available
  7. Planetary Origins and Frontiers of Exploration
  8. STScI Workshop Second Announcement
  9. Call for Papers: On Comparative Climatology of Terrestrial Planets
  10. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 5, January 29, 2012
  1. MEX Lunar List Solicitation for Payloads
  2. DAP-2012
  3. IAG/AIG International Conference on Geomorphology
  4. Pellas-Ryder Best Student Paper Award Nominations Due
  5. Availability of Hayabusa Mission Samples / New Cosmic Dust Catalog
  6. Volcano-Ice Interactions on Earth and Other Planets Conference III
  7. NASA Lunar Science Forum Director's Seminar
  8. [NASA] ROSES-2012 to be Released February 14
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 4, January 22, 2012
  1. Call for Abstracts: Planetary and Exo-Planetary Atmospheres, Surface Interactions and Astrobiology
  2. [NASA] SMD Graduate Student Fellowships
  3. 2012 NASA Planetary Science Summer School
  4. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  5. Upcoming MEPAG Meeting / Mars Future Landing Site Workshop
  6. [NASA] 1st Annual International Space Station Research and Development Conference
  7. Microsymposium 53 - Early History of the Terrestrial Planets: New Insights from the Moon and Mercury
  8. AOGS-AGU (WPGM), Session PS20: Polarimetry of Planetary Systems
  9. ESLAB Symposium on Formation and Evolution of Moons, ESTEC
  10. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 3, January 15, 2012
  1. [NASA] Solar System Exploration at 50!
  2. International Workshop on Instrumentation for Planetary Missions (IPM-2012)
  3. Post-Doctoral Position in Planetary Science at The University of Michigan
  4. Call for Abstracts, EGU Session: Planetary Geodynamics
  5. Information Available for the Second International MEPAG Meeting
  6. [NASA] Postdoctoral Fellowships
  7. Exploration Session at the 39th COSPAR Scientific Assembly
  8. Canada Research Chair Faculty Position in Exoplanets
  9. AbSciCon Cave Session Under Session for Extreme Environments Topic
  10. Post-Doctoral Research Associate - Earth and Planetary Sciences
  11. Barringer Grant Applications for 2012 Now Being Accepted
  12. SPICE Users: New Leap Second for SPICE
  13. MPIA Summer Conference First Announcement
  14. Postdoctoral Position with MRO's HiRISE
  15. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 2, January 8, 2012
  1. [NASA] Small Bodies Assessment Group Meeting #6
  2. Tenure-track Position in Planetary Physics
  3. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  4. Call for Abstracts, EGU Session: Aurora and Airglow in Planetary Atmospheres
  5. Call for Abstracts, EGU Session: Polarimetry as an Invaluable Tool to Study the Solar System and Beyond
  6. GSA 2012 Annual Meeting Session Proposals Due January 10
  7. January MEPAG Newsletter Available
  8. [NASA] Postdoctoral Fellowships
  9. Last Call for Abstracts: Planetary Geomorphology at EGU 2012, Vienna
  10. [NASA] PDS Cassini Data Release 28
  11. [NASA] PDS Odyssey Data Release 38
  12. Undergraduate, Graduate, and Postdoctoral Fellowships in Exploration
  13. Postdoctoral Position Available - Washington University
  14. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 1, January 1, 2012
  1. Research Experience for Undergraduates in Astrobiology & Planetary Science
  2. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  3. IAU 293: Formation, Detection, and Characterization of Habitable Extrasolar Planets
  4. Venus Exploration Analysis Group (VEXAG)
  5. Postdoctoral Position in Planetary Science
  6. USGS Astrogeology Announcement to Hire a New Science Center Director
  7. Special LPSC Session -- A Season in the Saturn System: New Discoveries and Seasonal Changes
  8. International Workshop Planning -- Mars and the Moon: Changing Perspectives and New Questions
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Table of Contents: Volume 5, 2011

Issue 58, December 25, 2011
  1. [NASA] Physicist and Former Astronaut John Grunsfeld to Head NASA Science Directorate
  2. CPS 9th International School of Planetary Sciences
  3. The 9th European Geosciences Union General Assembly
  4. RADAR Session at 34th International Geological Congress
  5. [NASA] Postdoctoral Fellowships
  6. Annotated Listing of Astronomy Apps for Phones and Tablets Published in Astronomy Education Review
  7. Postdoctoral Position Available - Washington University
  8. [NASA] Strategic Astrophysics Technology Revised Text
  9. [NASA] Due Date Delayed for Lunar Advanced Science and Exploration Research (LASER) Program
  10. [NASA] Small Bodies Assessment Group Meeting Reminder, Jan 17-18
  11. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 57, December 18, 2011
  1. Pre-A/O Notice: 1st International Announcement of Opportunity for Hayabusa Sample Investigation
  2. Space Policy Internships at the NRC's Space Studies Board
  3. [NASA] Postdoctoral Fellowships
  4. Registration Open for "Exploring the Planetary Science Achievable from a Balloon-Based Observatory" Workshop
  5. USGS Astrogeology Announcement to Hire a New Science Center Director
  6. [NASA] PDS - Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 8
  7. Deadline Approaching for the Lunar Exploration Summer Intern Program
  8. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 56, December 11, 2011
  1. [NASA] PDS: Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 19
  2. Canadian Astrobiology Training Program
  3. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter - December 2011
  4. Graduate and Postdoctoral Fellowships in Exploration
  5. Hubble Space Telescope Cycle 20 Call for Proposals
  6. Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in Geophysics, NAU
  7. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  8. [NASA] Astrobiology Institute Cycle 6 CAN Amendment
  9. [NASA] 1st Annual International Space Station (ISS) R&D; Conference
  10. The Pluto System on the Eve of Exploration by New Horizons: Perspectives and Predictions
  11. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 55, December 4, 2011
  1. Lynn Margulis, 1938-2011
  2. Charles Kowal, 1940-2011
  3. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  4. Nordic-NASA Summer School
  5. 3rd Planetary Crater Consortium to Meet in Flagstaff, AZ
  6. Communicating Science: A National Conference on Education and Public Outreach
  7. [NASA] PDS: Mars Exploration Rovers Data Release 30
  8. Graduate Student Opportunities at Stony Brook University
  9. AbSciCon 2012 Call for Abstracts
  10. EGU 2012, Vienna, Call for Abstracts
  11. Famelab Astrobiology
  12. NSF Review and Arecibo
  13. [NASA] Postdoctoral Fellowships
  14. Postdoctoral Position - University of Michigan
  15. Postdoctoral Fellowship - University of Hong Kong
  16. Postdoctoral Positions - IPAG in Grenoble, France
  17. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 54, November 27, 2011
  1. Postdoctoral Position Available - Washington University
  2. Titan Through Time II Workshop 2nd Announcement
  3. GSA Planetary Geology Division's 2012 Dwornik Awards for Students
  4. [NASA] Postdoctoral Fellowships
  5. SOFIA Cycle 1 Call for Proposals
  6. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 53, November 20, 2011
  1. Postdoctoral Position Available - Washington University
  2. "Cosmos in the Classroom 2010" Proceedings Being Published in CD Format
  3. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  4. Mars Recent Climate Change Workshop Rescheduled
  5. 3rd Conference on Terrestrial Mars Analogues
  6. [NASA] Letter from SARA: RFIs on Access to Results of Federally Funded Research
  7. Planetary Geomorphology at EGU 2012, Vienna
  8. [NASA] Living With a Star Targeted Research and Technology NASA/NSF Partnership For Collaborative Space Weather Modeling
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 52, November 13, 2011
  1. House Subcommittee Hearing on Planetary Science, Tuesday November 15
  2. [NASA] Postdoctoral Fellowships
  3. Exploring the Planetary Science Achievable from a Balloon-Based Observatory
  4. Post-doc Opportunity - Auburn University
  5. Research Scientist Position I - CalTech
  6. Research Scientist Position II - CalTech
  7. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 51, November 6, 2011
  1. Exploring the Planetary Science Achievable from a Balloon-Based Observatory
  2. Postdoctoral Fellowships at ASU-SESE
  3. [NASA] Earth and Space Science Fellowship (NESSF) Program
  4. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  5. November 2011 Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter Available
  6. [NASA] Postdoctoral Fellowships
  7. Gilbert Award Nominations Sought
  8. RFI Released on Public Access to Federally Funded Research
  9. News from VEXAG
  10. Student Opportunity: Nininger Meteorite Award
  11. Proposal Writing Workshop
  12. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 50, October 30, 2011
  1. Ronald Greeley, 1939-2011
  2. 1970-2010: The Golden Age of Solar System Exploration
  3. 2012 LPI Summer Intern Program in Planetary Science
  4. Postdoctoral Position in Planetary Petrology
  5. [NASA] PDS: Chandrayaan-1 Moon Mineralogy Mapper Release 3
  6. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 49, October 29, 2011
  1. [NASA] Planetary Science Subcommittee Meeting for November 2-3, 2011 is Cancelled

Issue 48, October 23, 2011
  1. Andrew Dantzler, 1962-2011
  2. "Descubrimientos en Ciencias Planetarias": Classroom Powerpoints Available in Spanish
  3. [NASA] Kepler Guest Observer Program: Revised Text and New Due Dates
  4. Presentations to NASA PSS Posted on LPI Site
  5. Deadline Approaching for NASA Postdoctoral Fellowship
  6. Lunar Exploration Summer Intern Program
  7. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 47, October 16, 2011
  1. William H. Smyth, 1941-2011
  2. [NASA] Astrobiology Institute Proposal Opportunity
  3. [NASA] PSS Assessment of the Planetary Science Division's Mission-Enabling Activities Now Available
  4. Registration and Abstract Submittal for the 2012 Next-Generation Suborbital Researchers Conference (NSRC-2012) is now Open
  5. Postdoctoral Researchers in Lunar Science
  6. Caltech-JPL Postdoctoral Scholar Positions in Mars Atmospheric Structure, Composition and Dynamics
  7. [NASA] Outer Planets Assessment Group Meeting, 19-20 Oct 2011
  8. Astronomy Education Review Celebrates 10th Anniversary
  9. Deadline Approaching for NASA Postdoctoral Fellowship
  10. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 46, October 12, 2011
  1. EDITOR NOTE: New URL for NASA Planetary Science Subcommittee Telecon

Issue 45, October 9, 2011
  1. Charles P. "Chuck" Sonett, 1924-2011
  2. [NASA] Planetary Science Subcommitee to Discuss Impacts to FY12 Planetary Budget
  3. [NASA] Concepts for the Next NASA X-ray Astronomy Mission: Corrections
  4. [NASA] Request for Applications for X-Ray Community Science Team
  5. [NASA PDS] Cassini Data Release 27: ISS and VIMS
  6. [NASA PDS] Odyssey Data Release 37
  7. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter
  8. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  9. COSPAR and Women in Aerospace Europe Sign a Cooperation Agreement
  10. AbSciCon 2012 Proposal Requests
  11. Postdoctoral Researchers in Lunar Science
  12. Announcement: Europa Lander Open Forum
  13. The NASA Postdoctoral Program
  14. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 44, October 2, 2011
  1. New Resources for Those who Teach Astronomy
  2. The NASA Postdoctoral Program
  3. Postdoctoral Researcher in Petrology of Planetary Materials
  4. Postdoctoral Researchers in Lunar Science
  5. Gerald A. Soffen Memorial Fund Travel Grant Opportunity
  6. Outer Planets Assessment Group Meeting, 19-20 October 2011
  7. Women and Mars Conference - VIP Invitation to MSL Launch
  8. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 43, September 25, 2011
  1. Michael J. Drake, 1946-2011
  2. Postdoctoral Researchers in Lunar Science
  3. Postdoctoral Researcher: Petrology of Planetary Materials
  4. Nominations Invited for 2012 ASP Awards
  5. The NASA Postdoctoral Program
  6. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 42, September 18, 2011
  1. ExoClimes 2012: The Diversity of Planetary Atmospheres
  2. Outer Planets Assessment Group (OPAG) Uranus Working Group
  3. [NASA] PDS Releases EPOXI(DIXI) Mission Data
  4. [NASA] PDS Releases Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 7
  5. [NASA] PDS Releases More Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data
  6. [NASA] Concepts for the Next NASA X-ray Astronomy Mission
  7. Postdoctoral Researcher in Petrology of Planetary Materials
  8. Postdoctoral Researchers in Lunar Science
  9. The NASA Postdoctoral Program
  10. Student Travel Grants for GSA Meeting
  11. Call for Proposals for the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF)
  12. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 41, September 11, 2011
  1. Nicholas M. Short (July 18, 1927-June 12, 2011)
  2. Angioletta Coradini (1946-2011)
  3. Postdoctoral Researcher: Petrology of Planetary Materials
  4. Postdoctoral Researchers in Lunar Science
  5. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  6. Science Cafe Speakers Needed for PBS Program "Finding Life Beyond Earth"
  7. Petrology Postdoctoral Researcher
  8. Postdoctoral Position in Planetary Morphology (France)
  9. Outer Planets Assessment Group Meeting (19-20 Oct. 2011)
  10. Announcement: Europa Lander Open Forum
  11. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 40, September 8, 2011
  1. Editorial: JWST Threatens Planetary Science

Issue 39, September 4, 2011
  1. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  2. The NASA Postdoctoral Program Welcomes Applications for the November Cycle
  3. [NASA] Two Week Delay of Proposal Due Dates
  4. Postdoctoral Researchers in Lunar Science
  5. Postdoctoral Researcher: Petrology of Planetary Materials
  6. Application Deadline for Eugene M. Shoemaker Impact Cratering Award
  7. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter - September 2011
  8. [NASA] PDS: Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 18
  9. Post-Doctoral Position in Cometary Science
  10. Titan Through Time II Workshop, April 3-5, 2012
  11. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 38, August 28, 2011
  1. Cassini Radar Science
  2. Mars Recent Climate Change Workshop Rescheduled
  3. [NASA] August 2011 Discovery and New Frontiers Newsletter Released
  4. Plan to Attend the IAU Party at the EPSC-DPS Meeting In Nantes
  5. The NASA Postdoctoral Program Welcomes Applications for the November Cycle
  6. Hands-On ISIS Workshop
  7. [NASA] PDS: Mars Exploration Rovers Data Release 29
  8. Postdoctoral Researcher: Petrology of Planetary Materials
  9. Postdoctoral Researchers in Lunar Science
  10. Job: Tenure-Track Assistant Prof. in Space Physics or Planetary
  11. Sciences at University of Washington, Seattle
  12. [NASA] Public Invitation for Potential Members to Serve on NASA Federal Advisory Committees
  13. [NASA] SALMON-2 AO Released for Community Comment
  14. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 37, August 21, 2011
  1. First Kepler Science Conference: Call for Abstracts Registration
  2. 30 Lectures by Distinguished Astronomers Describe the Latest Research in Everyday Language
  3. Career Panel at EPSC/PDS 2011
  4. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  5. Postdoctoral Researcher: Petrology of Planetary Materials
  6. Postdoctoral Researchers in Lunar Science
  7. Women and Mars Conference in Washington, D.C.
  8. NASA Lunar Science Institute: Lunar Swirls Virtual Workshop
  9. Icarus Special Issue Announcement: Terrestrial Analog Studies in Preparation for the Mars Science Laboratory Mission and Beyond
  10. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 36, August 14, 2011
  1. Postdoctoral Researchers in Lunar Science
  2. Postdoctoral Researcher: Petrology of Planetary Materials
  3. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  4. [NASA] Upcoming Proposal Writing Workshop
  5. [NASA] Job Announcement
  6. Shoemaker Distinguished Lunar Scientist Award
  7. AICAC II Second Announcement
  8. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 35, August 7, 2011
  1. [NASA] SBAG 5 Agenda and Hotel Block Extension
  2. ASCE Earth and Space 2012 Conference
  3. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter
  4. Planetary Science Slides and Illustrations
  5. VEXAG Meeting #9 and Venus Science Conference
  6. Postdoctoral Researcher: Petrology of Planetary Materials
  7. Postdoctoral Researchers in Lunar Science
  8. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
  9. Childcare Grants for EPSC-DPS 2011
  10. [NASA] Official Response to Planetary Science Decadal Survey
  11. Candidate Nominations for Review Board
  12. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 34, July 31, 2011
  1. AGU Fall 2011 Session: NG18. Turbulence in Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics
  2. AGU Fall 2011 Session: P22. Phyllosilicate Formation on Mars - Connecting Experimental and Theoretical Studies with Planetary Observations
  3. AGU Fall 2011 Session: P30. Preparing for the Science of Mars Sample Return
  4. AGU Fall 2011 Session: P31. Saturn - New Discoveries from the Cassini Orbiter and Earth-Based Observatories
  5. AGU Fall 2011 Session: P32. Science Enabled by the NASA Lunar Science Institute (NLSI) - Progress and Future Directions
  6. AGU Fall AGU Session: P34. Using the Earth as a Guide to Extraterrestrial Planetary Surfaces
  7. NASA] Astrobiology Institute Proposal Notice
  8. Postdoctoral Researchers in Lunar Science (LPI)
  9. Postdoctoral Researcher: Petrology of Planetary Materials (LPI)
  10. NASA Postdoctoral Program Fellowships
  11. Exploring Mars Habitability Conference: Abstract Book and Presentations Now Available
  12. [NASA] Due Date Delayed For Astrobiology: Exobiology and Evolutionary Biology (EXOB) Program
  13. [NASA] Small Bodies Assessment Group Fifth Meeting Registration Now Open
  14. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 33, July 24, 2011
  1. Conway Leovy (July 16, 1934 - July 9, 2011)
  2. AGU Fall 2011 Session: P07. Experimental Research Supporting the Exploration of Small Bodies
  3. AGU Fall 2011 Session: P14. Integrated and Valid In Situ Exploration of Planets (Including Earth)
  4. AGU Fall 2011 Session: P18. Mars System Science: Integrating Martian Planetary Processes from the Subsurface to the Surface
  5. AGU Fall 2011 Session: P38. Geophysical & Atmospheric Science of Exoplanets
  6. [NASA] GRAIL Guest Scientist Program (GSP)
  7. [NASA] Postdoctoral Program Fellowships
  8. VEXAG Meeting
  9. High Resolution Topographic Data for your Research
  10. Postdoctoral Researcher: Petrology of Planetary Materials
  11. Postdoctoral Researchers in Lunar Science
  12. Soliciting Abstracts for Planetary Geology Division-Sponsored Sessions
  13. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 32, July 17, 2011
  1. Passing of Tom Gehrels (1925-2011)
  2. AGU Fall 2011 Session: NG05. Extreme Space Weather
  3. AGU Fall 2011 Session: P02. Accretion and Differentiation of Terrestrial Planets - Experiments and Modeling
  4. AGU Fall 2011 Session: P03. Active Mars Surface Processes and the Role of Volatiles
  5. AGU Fall 2011 Session: P12. Hydrothermal Mars - Analogs and Observations
  6. AGU Fall 2011 Session: P19. Mercury - The View from Orbit
  7. AGU Fall 2011 Session: P35. Using Topography to Investigate the Evolution of Solar System Bodies
  8. AGU Fall 2011 Session: SA06. Ionospheres of Unmagnetized Planets - Venus, Mars, and Titan
  9. AGU Fall 2011 Session: V11. Inferring Processes from Volcanic Deposits in the Solar System
  10. GSA Session: T212. Impact Cratering on the Earth, Moon, and Planets - Remote, Field, and Lab Studies
  11. Postdoctoral Researcher: Petrology of Planetary Materials
  12. ESA Postdoctoral Fellowships in Space Science
  13. The NASA Postdoctoral Program Fellowships
  14. Postdoctoral Position in Planetary Geophysics
  15. PhD Position on Martian Alluvial Fans at Utrecht University, the Netherlands
  16. Planetary Protection Research Program Submission
  17. SPICE Training Announcement
  18. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 31, July 10, 2011
  1. The White House is Soliciting Comments for Revisions to the OMB Circular A-21
  2. GSA Annual Meeting 2011 Session T214: Exploring Mercury by Spacecraft - First MESSENGER Results from Orbit
  3. AGU Fall 2011 Session: P28. Plasma Interactions with Airless Bodies
  4. AGU Fall 2011 Session: P29. Polarimetry as an Invaluable Tool to Study the Solar System and Beyond
  5. AGU Fall 2011 Session: P30. Preparing for the Science of Mars Sample Return
  6. AGU Fall 2011 Session: P32. Science Enabled by the NASA Lunar Science Institute (NLSI) - Progress and Future Directions
  7. AGU Fall 2011 Session: P33. Titan - An Earth-Like World
  8. AGU Fall 2011 Session: P36. Volcanism Associated with Impact Basins in the Solar System
  9. AGU Fall 2011 Session: C11. Earth and Planetary Catastrophic Ice-Fluid Interactions
  10. Job Announcement: Canada Research Chair (CRC) Tier II in Planetary Materials at the University of Western Ontario
  11. [NASA] Planetary Data System (PDS) Odyssey Data Release #36
  12. Second Meeting of the International Primitive Body Exploration Working Group (IPEWG 2011)
  13. The NASA Postdoctoral Program Welcomes Applications for the November Cycle
  14. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter Available
  15. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 30, July 3, 2011
  1. Soliciting Abstracts for GSA Planetary Geology Division-Sponsored Sessions
  2. GSA-PGD G.K. Gilbert Session Honoring Dr. Steve Squyres
  3. AGU Fall 2011 Session: P15. Laboratory Analysis of Extraterrestrial Dust Returned to Earth
  4. AGU Fall 2011 Session: P23. Planetary Atmospheres and Their Evolution
  5. AGU Fall 2011 Session: U02. Dawn Explores Vesta
  6. Online Workshop on Lunar Swirls
  7. Job Announcement: Planetary Scientist at Smithsonian Institution
  8. Seeking Nominees for COSPAR Awards and Medals
  9. The NASA Postdoctoral Program is now Accepting Applications for the November Cycle
  10. [NASA] PDS Releases Cassini Data
  11. [NASA] PDS and [ESA] PSA Release Rosetta Mission Data
  12. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  13. [NASA] Small Bodies Assessment Group Meeting, August 25-26
  14. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 29, June 26, 2011
  1. AGU Fall 2011 Session: P06. Evolution and Exploration of Asteroids
  2. AGU Fall 2011 Session: P22. Phyllosilicate Formation on Mars - Connecting Experimental and Theoretical Studies with Planetary Observations
  3. AGU Fall 2011 Session: P20. Nanocrystalline Materials on Earth and Mars
  4. Geological Society of America: T215. Terrestrial Analogs in Solar System Studies
  5. [NASA] Solar Electric Propulsion Demonstration Mission Concept Studies
  6. [NASA] PDS Releases More Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data
  7. [NASA] Release of a Solicitation for SOFIA Second Generation Instrument Investigations
  8. Application Deadline for the NASA Postdoctoral Program
  9. In the Footsteps of Galileo: A Hands-on Workshop on Astronomy for Teachers in Grades 3-12 (and Those Who Work with Them)
  10. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 28, June 19, 2011
  1. Application Deadline for the NASA Postdoctoral Program
  2. [NASA] Comment Period for Draft of Solicitation (Astrophysics Technology Fellowships for Early Career Researchers)
  3. [NASA] PDS Release 6 of Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data
  4. Planetary Science Workforce Survey
  5. 9th Meeting of the Venus Exploration and Analysis Group (VEXAG) and Venus Science Conference
  6. Mars Express Movie: Phobos Slips Past Jupiter
  7. Job Announcement in ESA's Directorate of Science and Robotic Exploration
  8. Fall AGU Session P34: Using the Earth as a Guide to Extraterrestrial Planetary Surfaces
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 27, June 12, 2011
  1. PEN Unsubscribe Attack
  2. [NASA] Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 17
  3. [NASA] Lunar Science Forum - Final Announcement
  4. Second Annual LunaGradCon 2011
  5. 2011 Next Generation Lunar Scientists & Engineers Workshop
  6. Application Deadline for the NASA Postdoctoral Program
  7. [NASA] NOIs for PIDD and ASTID are due 7/1/2011
  8. Fall AGU Session P05: Coordinated Mineralogy and Morphology Studies of Martian Aqueous Deposits
  9. Comet Elenin Will Not Mean the End of the World in September (Students Will Have to Go Back to School in the Fall!)
  10. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 26, June 5, 2011
  1. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  2. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter - June 2011
  3. SPICE Observation Geometry Training Class
  4. [NASA] PDS Releases More Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter HiRISE Data
  5. [NASA] PDS Releases More Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data
  6. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 25, May 30, 2011
  1. Update from the Planetary Science Division - James Green, Director
  2. Editor Note: OSIRIS-REx Selected for New Frontiers 3

Issue 24, May 29, 2011
  1. Abstracts Soon Due: EPSC-DPS Meeting
  2. DPS Childcare Survey
  3. [NASA] PDS Release 28 of Mars Exploration Rover Data
  4. Final Announcement for Abstract Submission: MOP2011 SOC and LOC
  5. [NASA] NSPIRES Release of Process Enhancement for Preparation, Submittal and Review of Proposals
  6. GSA Planetary Geology Division Logo Design Contest
  7. The "Universe at Your Fingertips 2.0" DVD is Available
  8. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 23, May 22, 2011
  1. Elisabetta (Betty) Pierazzo, 1963-2011
  2. Soliciting Abstracts for GSA Planetary Geology Division-Sponsored Sessions
  3. GSA-PGD G.K. Gilbert Session Honoring Dr. Steve Squyres
  4. EPSC-DPS Session: SB11. Solar System Science from WISE
  5. EPSC-DPS Session: GP8-MG9. Moon-Magnetosphere Interactions at Jupiter and Saturn
  6. [NASA] New Proposal Opportunities for Earth and Space Science Experiments Using Short Duration Orbital Platforms Including CubeSats
  7. Journalist Requests Input from Latest Discovery Proposers
  8. Upcoming Deadline - LunGradCon 2011
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 22, May 15, 2011
  1. EPSC-DPS EPO Sessions
  2. EPSC-DPS Session: GP1. Giant Planet Atmospheres and Interiors
  3. EPSC-DPS Session: GP3. Titan's Interior, Surface, and Atmosphereand (Ex)Changes Therein
  4. EPSC-DPS Session: GP4/AB6. Titan as a Prebiotic Chemical System
  5. Magnetospheres of the Outer Planets - Abstracts Now Open
  6. USGS Shoemaker Fellowship Announcement
  7. "Connecting People to Science" Conference
  8. [NASA] AIST Potential Bidders Conference
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 21, May 8, 2011
  1. [NASA] Delayed Proposal Due Dates for GNSS Remote Sensing Science Team, Science Definition Team for the DESDynI Mission, and ESS EPO
  2. [NASA] Proposal Due Dates Delayed for Astrophysics Data Analysis and Cosmochemistry Programs
  3. [NASA] Lunar Science Forum: Final Announcement
  4. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  5. First Announcement: Next Generation Lunar Scientists and Engineers Workshop - Monday, July 18 - Ames Research Center
  6. Final Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) Landing Site Workshop
  7. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter - May 2011
  8. Full-time Permanent Interdisciplinary Research Position (USGS)
  9. Workshop on the Early Evolution of the Atmospheres of Terrestrial Planets
  10. Astrobiology-Planetary Science Image Collection Now Available
  11. Second Annual LunGradCon 2011
  12. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 20, May 1, 2011
  1. IPEWG-2011 Call for Abstracts
  2. EPSC-DPS Special Session - Active Surface Processes on Mars
  3. EPSC-DPS Special Session - Plasma at Venus and Mars
  4. New Venus Colloquium Series
  5. [NASA] Planetary Instrument Definition and Development (PIDDP) and Astrobiology Science and Technology for Instrument Development (ASTID)
  6. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 19, April 24, 2011
  1. Attendance Survey: First Kepler Science Conference
  2. NEO Workshop Report for Comment
  3. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 18, April 17, 2011
  1. [NASA] Planetary Data System (PDS) Cassini Data Release #25
  2. [NASA] Planetary Data System (PDS) Odyssey Data Release #35
  3. [NASA] Planetary Science Subcommittee to Discuss Decadal Survey and Recent Budget Developments
  4. [NASA] Two Positions Available in Planetary Science at NASA Head- quarters
  5. [NASA] NSPIRES Due Date Modified for Summer 2011 Minority Student Education Forum
  6. Postdoctoral Researcher in Planetary Mapping: Lunar and Planetary Institute
  7. JSPS-DST Asia Academic Seminar and CPS 8th International School of Planetary Sciences Joint Assembly
  8. New "Discoveries in Planetary Science" Classroom Powerpoints Available
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 17, April 10, 2011
  1. Current Satus of ACM 2011
  2. Job Posting for Postdoctoral Researcher in Planetary Mapping: Lunar and Planetary Institute
  3. Post-Doctoral Position in Space Physics/Mars Aeronomy
  4. Tenure-Track Positions at Brown in Early Planetary Processes and Climate Modeling
  5. Tenure-Track Faculty Appointment at Brown: Planetary Remote Compositional Analysis
  6. EPSC-DPS Conference Session - Asteroids and NEOs
  7. EPSC-DPS Small Bodies Session 2: Small Bodies as Granular Systems
  8. Professional Development Social Networking
  9. A New Online Job and Conference Register Geared Towards Space Physics Graduate Students - SPOReS
  10. [NASA] Final Text for the Mars Fundamental Research Program AO
  11. [NASA] Astrobiology Science and Technology for Instrument Development (ASTID)
  12. [NASA] Change of Scope, Name and Due Dates for Cassini Data Analysis and Participating Scientists (CDAPS) Program
  13. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 16, April 3, 2011
  1. EPSC-DPS 2011: A Joint Meeting of the European Planetary Science Congress and the American Astronomical Society Division for Planetary Sciences
  2. EPSC-DPS Conference Session -- Comets: Latest Research, Observations and Models
  3. [NASA] Seeking Peer Reviewers for NASA Office of Education
  4. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  5. Mars Exploration Science Month Newsletter - April 2011
  6. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 15, March 27, 2011
  1. [NASA] Planetary Science Summer School Applications
  2. Postdoctoral Researcher in Planetary Mapping: Lunar and Planetary Institute
  3. DPS-EPSC Conference Session: The Exploration of the Martian Moons
  4. Planetary Decadal Town Hall Meeting in Arizona
  5. Editorial: Protect the Future of US Solar System Exploration
  6. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 14, March 20, 2011
  1. AOGS 2011 New Announcement - 25 March, 2011 is the Extended Deadline for Abstract Submission & Registration Fee Waiver Application
  2. [NASA] PDS - Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 5
  3. SETI Institute Seminar Series is Turning 130
  4. [NASA] Due Dates Delayed for Astrobiology Science and Technology for Exploring Planets (ASTEP)
  5. Deadline for Barringer Grant Applications Approaching
  6. 2011 Gerald A. Soffen Memorial Fund Travel Grant Application Opportunity
  7. Second Meeting of the International Primitive Body Exploration Working Group (IPEWG 2011)
  8. Workshop on Formation of the First Solids in the Solar System
  9. [NASA] Planetary Decadal Roll Out Town Hall Meetings
  10. Planetary Science Decadal Survey Newsletter Available
  11. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 13, March 13, 2011
  1. Status At Sendai (Tohoku University) Japan
  2. NASA Center for Lunar Dust and Atmospheric Studies (NLSI/CCLDAS)
  3. Magnetosphere for Outer Planets Conference 2011 (2nd announcement)
  4. [NASA] Unique and Innovative Space Technology Broad Agency Announcement
  5. [NASA] Innovative Advanced Concepts Research Announcement
  6. [NASA] Technology Demonstration Missions Program Broad Agency Announcement
  7. Job Announcement: Senior Director, Google Lunar X PRIZE (Playa Vista, CA)
  8. Request for Input on USGS/Isis Software Support for Additional Planetary Imaging Instruments
  9. A National Conference on Science Education and Public Outreach
  10. Deadline Alert for AOGS Session: Outer Planets & Icy Worlds (PS.06)
  11. Deadline Alert for AOGS Session: Astrobiology - Life in the Universe (PS 14)
  12. First Announcement for the Enceladus Focus Group Meeting
  13. ESA training workshops: Venus Express and Mars Express
  14. OPAG Meeting 17-18 March, 2011, Alexandria, VA
  15. Planetary Calendar Meeting Additions

Issue 12, March 6, 2011
  1. Passing of James L. Elliot (1943-2011)
  2. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter - March 2011
  3. [NASA] PDS Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 16
  4. [NASA] Exploration of Near-Earth Objects: Open Community NEO Outbrief and NASA NEO Users Team (NUT) Summary
  5. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  6. First Announcement - LunGradCon 2011
  7. [NASA] Infrared Telescope Facility Observing Proposals
  8. [NASA] February 2011 Discovery and New Frontiers Newsletter Released
  9. [NASA] Planetary Decadal Survey Release
  10. Venus Town-Hall Meeting at LPSC
  11. Nitrogen in Planetary Systems: The Early Evolution of the Atmospheres of Terrestrial Planets (COST CM-0805)
  12. Invitation to Luncheon Meeting between Industry and Science Communities on NEOs at LPSC
  13. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 11, February 27, 2011
  1. Postdoctoral Position in JPL's Planetary Ices Group
  2. Cosmic Dust at AOGS 2011: Call for Abstract Submission
  3. [NASA] PDS Mars Exploration Rovers Data Release 27
  4. Joint Assembly: CPS 8th International School of Planetary Sciences
  5. Planetary Science Decadal Survey Update
  6. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 10, February 20, 2011
  1. [NASA] 2nd Education Opportunities in NASA STEM (EONS) Workshop
  2. The European Space Agency (ESTEC, The Netherlands) recruits a scientist
  3. Application Deadline Extended for International Conference: Exploring Mars Habitability
  4. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 9, February 13, 2011
  1. [NASA] Notice of ROSES-2011 Release
  2. PGGURP Seeks Researchers to Host Undergraduate Summer Interns
  3. Lunar Swirls Lunch-time Meeting at LPSC, Monday, March 7, 2011
  4. International Conference on Exploring Mars Habitability Deadline Extension
  5. Information Available for the First International MEPAG Meeting
  6. NASA Planetary Science Summer School Applications
  7. Cold Temperature Technology Applications for Exploring the Lunar Surface and Searching for Volatiles
  8. OPAG Meeting 17-18 March, 2011, Alexandria, VA
  9. International Astronomical Congress "Astrokazan-2011"
  10. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 8, February 6, 2011
  1. The Moon: The First Billion Years of Crustal Evolution
  2. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter - February 2011
  3. Call for Symposium Papers: Chemistry as a Tool for Space Exploration and Discovery at Mars
  4. [NASA] Earth and Space Science Fellowship (NESSF) Program 2011/2012 Academic Year Proposal Submission Deadline is Extended to February 8
  5. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  6. Venus Lunch-Time Town-Hall Meeting at LPSC, Thursday, March 10, 2011
  7. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 7, January 30, 2011
  1. AOGS Session: Outer Planets and Icy Worlds (PS.06)
  2. AOGS Session: Astrobiology - Life in the Universe (PS.14)
  3. [NASA] Availability for Summer of Innovation (SOI) Competitive Grants Peer Review
  4. Dawn Science Team - Education and Public Outreach Liaison Call for Applications
  5. Mars Express OMEGA data release
  6. Resources for Skeptical Examination of Astrology from the Astronomical Society of the Pacific
  7. 41st Saas-Fee Advanced Course "From Planets to Life">
  8. Japan Geoscience Union International Symposium 2011: Session on future exploration of the Jupiter and Saturn systems
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 6, January 23, 2011
  1. Workshop: Cold Temperature Technology Applications for Exploring the Lunar Surface and Searching for Volatiles
  2. AbGradCon 2011 - Abstract Submissions Are Now Open!
  3. Second Announcement: Conference on Mars Habitability
  4. Training workshops on Venus Express and Mars Express science data
  5. Announcement for a Planetary Special Session at IUGG
  6. Mars Express Images of Phobos
  7. Fourth Meeting of the NASA Small Bodies Assessment Group - Webex Instructions
  8. Outer Planets Colloquium Series
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 5, January 17, 2011
  1. [NASA SPECIAL] Status of Planetary's Research and Analysis (R&A;) Program

Issue 4, January 16, 2011
  1. [NASA] Education Opportunities in NASA STEM (EONS) Workshop
  2. Cold Temperature Technology Applications for Exploring the Lunar Surface and Searching for Volatiles
  3. PDS Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3) Data Release #2
  4. TARGET NEO: Providing a Resilient NEO Accessibility Program for Human Exploration Beyond LEO
  5. 9th IAA Low Cost Planetary Missions conference
  6. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions>

Issue 3, January 10, 2011
  1. [NASA SPECIAL] Mars Program Update: From 'Follow the Water' to 'Seeking Signs of Life'

Issue 2, January 9, 2011
  1. [NASA] PDS Releases New Cassini Data
  2. [NASA] Due Date delayed for Lunar Advanced Science and Exploration Research (LASER) Program
  3. [NASA] announces the Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR)
  4. Job Opening - Lunar Sample Curator
  5. A Decade of Exploration with the Magellan Telescopes
  6. [NASA] PDS Releases Mars Odyssey Data
  7. [NASA] Final Report from the Joint Jupiter Science Definition Team
  8. [NASA] Job Announcements at NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
  9. Small Bodies Roadmap Draft and Discussion
  10. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 1, January 2, 2011
  1. Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 4
  2. [NASA] Strategic Astrophysics Technology
  3. Workshop on Identifying NEO Targets for Human Exploration
  4. Upcoming Meeting to Focus on Roadmap for Small Bodies Exploration and Technology Needs
  5. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Table of Contents: Volume 4, 2010

Issue 56, December 26, 2010
  1. Stony Brook Geosciences Faculty Search 2010-11
  2. USGS Astrogeology Science Center Director
  3. Postdoctoral Fellowship in Lunar Science and Exploration: Petrology and Geochemistry
  4. DAWN mission support: Request for ground-based vestoid photometry
  5. [NASA] Proposals Sought for Technology Flight Demonstrations and Information About Suborbital Flight Services
  6. Low Cost Planetary Missions Conference
  7. [NASA] Mars Science Laboratory Participating Scientist Program
  8. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 55, December 19, 2010
  1. Passing of Donald M. Hunten (1925-2010)
  2. NRC's Committee on Planetary Protection Standards for Icy Bodies in the Outer Solar System
  3. Committee on the Origins and Evolution of Life (COEL)
  4. [NASA] Southern hemisphere launch opportunity for sounding rocket flights
  5. [NASA] Draft AO for SOFIA Second Generation Instruments Released for Community Comment
  6. PhD Student position(s) in Germany (Earth System Sciences Research School - Jacobs University Bremen)
  7. Asteroids, Comets, Meteors 2011
  8. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 54, December 12, 2010
  1. Call for Abstracts, EGU 2011, Session: Volcanism, Tectonics and Faulting in the Solar System
  2. Mars Exploration Science Request for Feedback
  3. Astrogeology Science Center Director
  4. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 53, December 5, 2010
  1. Passing of Tom Ahrens
  2. Job Opening - Lunar Sample Curator
  3. Mars Exploration Science Request for Feedback
  4. Astronomers Explain Recent Discoveries in Podcasts from the Astronomical Society of the Pacific (ASP)
  5. [NASA] Open Recruitment for members of SMD's Advisory Subcommittees
  6. 9th IAA Low Cost Planetary Missions conference
  7. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  8. [NASA ] PDS Releases More Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data
  9. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter - December 2010
  10. Post-Doctoral Research position at Lunar and Planetary Lab
  11. Fourth Meeting of the NASA Small Bodies Assessment Group
  12. [NASA] Explorer 2011 Amendments Posted
  13. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 52, November 28, 2010
  1. Magnetosphere for Outer Planets Conference 2011
  2. Call for Abstracts, EGU 2011, Session: Aurora, Airglow and Transient Luminous Events in Planetary Atmospheres
  3. Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3) Data Tutorial at 2010 AGU
  4. [NASA] PDS Releases More MER Data
  5. Planetary Geomorphology Session, EGU
  6. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 51, November 21, 2010
  1. Passing of Brian Marsden (1937-2010)
  2. [NASA] Request for Proposals for Mars Exploration Program Critical Data Products Program
  3. [NASA] New Proposal Opportunity in the Kepler Participating Scientists Program
  4. Planetary Scientist Staff Position
  5. Professional Development Event Survey
  6. 8th International Planetary Probe Workshop
  7. 39th Scientific Assembly of the Committee on Space Research and Associated Events (COSPAR 2012)
  8. Fourth Meeting of the NASA Small Bodies Assessment Group
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 50, November 18, 2010
  1. [SPECIAL EDITION] Brian Marsden (1937-2010)

Issue 49, November 14, 2010
  1. Planetary Science Technology Review (PSTR)
  2. Graduate Students Eligible for the LPI Career Development Award!
  3. New-Horizons Workshop on Icy Surface Processes
  4. Microsymposium 52: The Moon: The First Billion Years of Crustal Evolution
  5. 2011 Next-Generation Suborbital Researchers Conference (NSRC-2011)
  6. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 48, November 7, 2010
  1. [NASA] New Mars Civil Service Position at Headquarters
  2. [NASA] Earth and Space Science Fellowship (NESSF) Program
  3. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  4. New-Horizons Workshop on Icy Surface Processes
  5. Nominations Invited for 2011 ASP Educational Awards
  6. [NASA] Planetary Protection Policies and Practices
  7. Planetary Decadal Report Draft Completed
  8. Planetary Decadal Survey's Panels Dissolved
  9. Planetary Decadal Survey Mission and Technology Study Reports Now Available
  10. Deadline Extended to November 30, 2010 for Submitting Papers to the Icarus Special Issue "Advances in Venus Science"
  11. [NASA] Planetary Data System: Participation Opportunity
  12. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 47, October 31, 2010
  1. [NASA] Participation Opportunity for ESA ExoMars
  2. Lunar Exploration Summer Intern Program
  3. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter Available
  4. Planetary Data System - Cassini ISS Data Volume coiss_3007
  5. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 46, October 24, 2010
  1. [NASA] WFIRST Science Definition Team
  2. Planetary Protection Policies and Practices
  3. Announcing Icarus Special Issue, "Advances in Venus Science"
  4. Mount Holyoke College Postdoctoral Fellowship
  5. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 45, October 17, 2010
  1. Registration for the 2011 Next-Generation Suborbital Researchers Conference (NSRC-2011) is Now Open!
  2. The NASA Postdoctoral Program at the Goddard Space Flight Center
  3. Faculty Position in Extrasolar Planet Studies
  4. Announcement: 39th Scientific Assembly of the Committee on Space Research and Associated Events (COSPAR 2012)
  5. Postdoc Fellowships at ASU - SESE
  6. GNIRS System Verification
  7. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 44, October 10, 2010
  1. Passing of Frank J. Stadermann
  2. Passing of Audouin Charles Dollfus
  3. [NASA] Reminder: NASA Poll on Planetary Research and Analysis Programs Closes October 11
  4. [NASA] Request For Information (RFI)
  5. [NASA PDS] Cassini ISS and VIMS Data Release 23
  6. International Space Station: The Next Decade Conference
  7. [NASA] Announcement for Membership on the WFIRST Mission Science Definition Team
  8. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter Available
  9. Call for Proposals from the European Space Agency
  10. [NASA] Solicitation for NASA Science Team members for ESA's Euclid Mission
  11. Mars As Art 2: Images Needed
  12. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 43, October 3, 2010
  1. Editorial: Courage and Conviction
  2. 51 Women in Planetary Science
  3. SOFIA Workshop during the 2010 DPS meeting
  4. Student Opportunity: Nininger Meteorite Award
  5. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  6. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 42, September 30, 2010
  1. [NASA Special] Heads Up on a Fabulous Upcoming Event Celebrating 50 Years of Exo/Astrobiology: Seeking Signs of Life!

Issue 41, September 26, 2010
  1. 51 Women in Planetary Science
  2. SOFIA Workshop During the 2010 DPS Meeting
  3. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 40, September 19, 2010
  1. Reminder: NASA Poll on Planetary Research and Analysis Programs
  2. Announcement from Astronomy Education Review
  3. [NASA] Mars at Art 2
  4. [NASA] MEPAG Meeting Announcement
  5. [NASA] Decadal Survey Request: Solar and Space Physics (Heliophysics)
  6. Assistant Professor of Astronomy - Cornell University
  7. NASA [PDS]: Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 3
  8. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 39, September 14, 2010
  1. [NASA Special] Community Input on Plantary Research and Analysis Programs Requested

Issue 38, September 12, 2010
  1. MESSENGER Postdoctoral Researcher
  2. 4th International Workshop on the Mars Atmosphere: Modelling and Observations
  3. [NASA] Cancellation of the GALEX Guest Investigator Program
  4. Upcoming OPAG Meeting Video Feed
  5. Cassini/RPWS/HFR Radio Data Browse Tool
  6. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 37, September 5, 2010
  1. [NASA] Infrared Telescope Facility Observing Proposals
  2. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  3. [NASA PDS] Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 14
  4. [NASA] Postdoctoral Fellow at NASA Johnson Space Center
  5. [NASA] August 2010 Discovery and New Frontiers Newsletter Released
  6. Cosmochemistry Illustrated: Slides for the Classroom
  7. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter Available
  8. Postdoctoral Research Position - UI Urbana Champaign
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 36, August 29, 2010
  1. Fall AGU Session P22: On the Nature, Origin, and Evolution of Water on Airless Bodies
  2. DPS Early Career Scientist Workshop
  3. MSL Landing Site Workshop Program Available Online
  4. [NASA] PDS Makes Available Cassini Mimas Map
  5. [NASA] Due Date Delayed For Astrobiology: Exobiology and Evolutionary Biology Program
  6. Student Travel Grants for GSA Meeting
  7. [NASA] PDS Releases Mars Exploration Rovers Data
  8. [NASA] Keck Telescopes Call for 2011A Proposals
  9. [NASA] MEPAG Meeting Announcement
  10. Postdoc Position in Impact Research/Cosmochemistry
  11. Faculty Position in Astronomy - Cornell University
  12. SOFIA Tour During DPS
  13. SOFIA Workshop During DPS
  14. [NASA] Notices of Intent for Kepler Guest Observer Program
  15. [NASA] Outer Planets Assessment Group Meeting
  16. Planetary Calendar Additions

Issue 35, August 22, 2010
  1. [NASA SPECIAL] From: James L. Green, Director, Planetary Science Division, NASA Headquarters
  2. Fall AGU Session DI12: Interior Structure and Evolution of the Terrestrial Planets
  3. Fall AGU Session GP09: Planetary and Meteorite Paleomagnetism and Rock Magnetism
  4. Planetary Geomorphology at the International Association of Geomorphologists
  5. Job Opening: Research Associate in Planetary Physics, Imperial College London, UK
  6. Workshop Geobiology in Space Exploration and Field Trip Geomicrobiology and Geology From Precambrian to Quaternary
  7. Planetary Science Powerpoints and PDFs
  8. Postdoctoral Position in Meteoritics
  9. Job Announcement: Marshall Space Flight Center Civil Service Position in Planetary Science
  10. Planetary Calendar Additions

Issue 34, August 15, 2010
  1. AGU Session: Mineralogical Studies of Impact Craters
  2. AGU Session: Fluvial Morphology and Past Climate on Planet Mars
  3. AGU Session: South Pole-Aitken Basin, New Insights
  4. AGU Session: Eyes on Enceladus
  5. [NASA] PDS Releases Phoenix Robotic Arm Delivered Data
  6. Vacancy for PhD Candidate
  7. Stardust Sample Catalog
  8. Expedited Stardust Sample TEM Sample Allocation Policy
  9. [NASA] Discovery 2010 AO New Data Requirement and Delay of Due Date
  10. Amelua Earhart Fellowship
  11. Job Opportunity
  12. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 33, August 8, 2010
  1. [NASA] Change in NSPIRES Treatment of NASA CS Salaries
  2. Fall AGU Session: P03. Evolution of Planetary Atmospheres
  3. Fall AGU Session: P17. Icy Ocean Worlds
  4. Fall AGU Session on Planetary Science From Multiple-Spacecraft Observations
  5. Outer Planets Colloquium Series
  6. MEPAG Meeting Announcement
  7. [NASA] Announcement of Opportunity (AO) Discovery 2010 Amendment 2
  8. USGS Research Position Announcement
  9. [NASA] PDS Releases LCROSS Data
  10. [NASA] PDS Small Bodies Node and ESA Planetary Science Archive Announce Release of Rosetta Orbiter Data
  11. OPAG September Meeting -- Europa Jupiter System Mission
  12. Planetary Calendar Meeting Additions
Issue 32, August 1, 2010
  1. Brown University: Assistant Professor, Geological Sciences Planetary Geological Processes
  2. ESA Postdoctoral Fellowships in Space Science
  3. [NASA] Due Date delayed for C.16 Planetary Instrument Definition and Development (PIDD) Program
  4. Editor Journal Geophysical Research - Planets
  5. [NASA] NASA Opens Online Voting For Next Desert RATS Exploration Site
  6. 42nd LPSC Updates
  7. SOFIA workshop
  8. SOFIA tour
  9. [NASA PDS] LRO LOLA Interim Release Announcement
  10. Soliciting Abstracts for Impact Cratering Session, GSA Annual Meeting
  11. Fall AGU Session on Outer Satellite Topography
  12. Planetary Geology Sessions at the 2010 GSA Annual Meeting
  13. Exploration of Near Earth Objects (NEO) Objectives Workshop [Explore NOW]
  14. Student Travel Grants for GSA Meeting
  15. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  16. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 31, July 25, 2010
  1. 3rd Small Bodies Assessment Group Meeting - Remote Participation
  2. Director, Department of Terrestrial Magnetism, Carnegie Instition for Science
  3. [NASA] Planetary Protection Research Deadline Reminder
  4. Access for Remote Participation in the EJSM Instrument Workshop
  5. Student Travel Awards for the 4th MSL Landing Site Workshop
  6. 1st Information Circular - Logistics for MEPAG #23
  7. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 30, July 18, 2010
  1. CPS 7th International School of Planetary Sciences
  2. [NASA] Discovery 2010: Clarification of Two AO Requirements
  3. PhD Position on Martian Channel Formation: Ulrecht University, The Netherlands
  4. MESSENGER Postdoctoral Researcher
  5. [NASA] CAN Released for NASA Astrobiology Institute Minority Institution Research Support Program
  6. Update: 3rd Small Bodies Assessment Group Meeting
  7. EJSM Workshop Reminder
  8. VEXAG Venus Workshop Abstract Submission Deadline Extended
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 29, July 11, 2010
  1. [NASA] Due date change for Kepler Guest Observer Program
  2. [NASA] Planetary Data System Odyssey Data, release 32
  3. Special Issue of Planetary and Space Science - "Titan Through Time" Reminder of Deadlines
  4. Planetary Data System - Cassini ISS and VIMS Release 22 Archive Data Volumes Available
  5. July Decadal Survey Steering Group Meeting
  6. [NASA] ROSES-10 Amendment 11: Earth and Space Science Experiments using Commercial Reusable Suborbital Research Vehicles and the International Space Station
  7. 2010 GSA Annual Meeting Session
  8. Abstract deadline for 'Venus Our Closest Earth-Like Planet
  9. Roadmap for Small Bodies Exploration in the Solar System
  10. 3rd Small Bodies Assessment Group Meeting - Registration Now Open
  11. Two Program Scientist Positions in Planetary Science Division, NASA HQ will Close July 12th
  12. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 28, July 4, 2010
  1. U.S. National Space Policy Released
  2. 3rd NASA Small Bodies Assessment Group Meeting - Update
  3. LEAG Abstract Deadline Extended to July 7
  4. MEPAG Newsletter Available
  5. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  6. Mars Express Publication Available Online
  7. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 27, June 27, 2010
  1. Fourth MSL Landing Site Workshop- Call for Presentations
  2. [NASA] Draft AOs for Explorer Missions and Explorer Missions of Opportunity Released for Community Comment
  3. [NASA] NSPIRES Contract Change and Interruptions in Service
  4. [NASA] Final Announcement for EJSM Instrument Workshop
  5. Remiders for the 3rd Annual Lunar Science Forum
  6. LEAG Abstracts Due June 30
  7. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 26, June 20, 2010
  1. Mars Global Reference Atmospheric Model (MARS-GRAM)
  2. [NASA] Discovery and New Frontiers Program "Space School Musical"
  3. [NASA PDS] Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) Release 2
  4. Postdoctoral Position in Cosmochemistry at Washington University
  5. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 25, June 15, 2010
  1. [NASA SPECIAL] Two Program Scientist Positions in Planetary Science Division, NASA HQ

Issue 24, June 13, 2010
  1. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 23, June 6, 2010
  1. Planetary Data System Enceladus Cartographic Volume Update
  2. Planetary Scientist Position - Max Plank Institute
  3. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  4. Postdoctoral or Scientist Position in Small Bodies Research at University of Maryland
  5. [NASA PDS] Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 13
  6. Special Issue of Planetary and Space Science - "Titan Through Time"
  7. Second announcement: Next Generation Lunar Scientists and Engineers (NGLSE) Workshop
  8. Basic Science Observations with SOFIA
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 22, May 30, 2010
  1. [NASA] Discovery 2010 Announcement of Opportunity (NNH10ZDA007O)
  2. AGU Upcoming Meeting Deadlines
  3. Mars Science Monthly Newsletter
  4. Planetary Science Technology Review (PSTR) Panel
  5. Job Announcement: Faulty Position, University of Maryland,
  6. Job Announcement: Postdoctoral Position, University of Arizona
  7. Job Announcement: Postdoctoral Position, University of Virginia
  8. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 21, May 23, 2010
  1. Thanks to Old and Welcome to New PEN Editors
  2. Job Announcement: Research Position at Mount Holyoke College
  3. Field Training and Research Program at Meteor Crater
  4. Lloyd V. Berkner Space Policy Internships
  5. EPSC, Rome 2010: Outer Planet Satellites session
  6. Planetary Meeting Calendar Addition

Issue 20, May 16, 2010
  1. [NASA SPECIAL] New R&A; Lead Position in PSD Closes Tomorrow
  2. EPSC 2010 Lunar Sessions: Call for abstracts
  3. Call for Papers: Special Issue of EPS (Cosmic Dust)
  4. [NASA] 4th Europa Jupiter System Mission Instrument Workshop
  5. [NASA] Approved Parts & Materials List (APML) available for EJSM AO
  6. Next Generation Lunar Scientists and Engineers (NGLSE) Workshop
  7. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 19, May 9, 2010
  1. Editorial: Uninformed Congressional Action Agains NASA Uncosted Carryover and NASA's Response are not Good for Research Programs
  2. Suborbital Applications Researchers Group
  3. Job Announcement: Astrogeology Interdisciplinary Position at USGS
  4. [NASA] The Venus Climate Orbiter Participating Scientist Program (VCO PSP)
  5. Dusty Visions 2010
  6. EPSC 2010 - abstract deadline postponed
  7. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 18, May 2, 2010
  1. [NASA] April 2010 Discovery and New Frontiers Newsletter Released
  2. 2010 Annual Meeting of the Lunar Exploration Analysis Group
  3. NATO Advanced Study Institute on Remote Sensing
  4. Workshop Planet Mars III Presentations Available
  5. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter
  6. May 'Image of the Month'
  7. Venus Atmosphere and Surface Interaction Workshop
  8. Small Bodies Session at EPSC 2010
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 17, April 25, 2010
  1. Second Announcement - LunGradCon 2010
  2. New "Discoveries in Planetary Science" Classroom Powerpoints Available
  3. 238Pu: Write to Your Representatives and Senators
  4. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 16, April 18, 2010
  1. [NASA SPECIAL] New R&A; Lead Position at PSD Now Open
  2. [NASA] Planetary Science Summer School
  3. Presentations from 8-9 April 2010 Planetary Science Subcommittee Meeting
  4. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 15, April 11, 2010
  1. [NASA] PDS Cassini Release 21 Data Available
  2. Lunar Science Forum: Abstract Deadline Approaching
  3. [NASA] Discovery Program Community Announcement (NNH10ZDA006J)
  4. Lunar and Planetary Laboratory Homecoming: 50th Anniversary Banquet and Symposium
  5. [NASA] Meeting Update for the Small Bodies Assessment Group (SBAG)
  6. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter Available
  7. [NASA] Due Date Delayed for ASTEP Program
  8. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 14, April 4, 2010
  1. Dusty Visions 2010: Second Announcement
  2. Fourth MSL Landing Site Community Workshop: First Announcement
  3. Io Workshop 2010: Second Announcement
  4. Invitation to Contribute to a Special Issue of Planetary and Space Science Devoted to "Mercury after Three MESSENGER Flybys"
  5. Planetary Data System (PDS) Odyssey Data Release 31
  6. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  7. [NASA] Small Bodies Assessment Group Meetings Scheduled
  8. [NASA] Outer Planets Assessment Group (OPAG) Meeting Scheduled
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 13, March 28, 2010
  1. [NASA] SALMON AO Amendment 5: Procedure for Submission of Proposals by Non-U.S. Organizations in Response to Appendix H6: ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter Instruments
  2. Session on "Exploring the Martian Moons" at the EPSC Conference
  3. EJSM Open Science Workshop
  4. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 12, March 21, 2010
  1. Venus-GRAM Now Available as Public Domain Software
  2. [NASA] Civil Service Position at NASA Johnson Space Center: Small bodies and near-Earth objects
  3. [NASA] Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Release 1
  4. MEPAG WebEx and Teleconference information
  5. Information Session on ESA's Lunar Lander: A Precursor to Human Exploration
  6. International Venus Conference, Aussois, France, 20-26 June 2010
  7. Abstracts & Registration Being Accepted for August 2010 ASP Meeting
  8. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 11, March 14, 2010
  1. EDITORIAL: Congressional Language Threatens to Undermine NASA Research Programs
  2. 42nd Annual DPS Conference
  3. [NASA] Planetary Science Summer School
  4. LPSC NASA Night Briefings Posted
  5. Message From MEPAG
  6. Cosmic Magnetism
  7. Attention Grad Students and Early Postdocs: LunGradCon 2010
  8. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 10, March 7, 2010
  1. Meeting Deadline: IAC 2010
  2. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter - March 2010
  3. Announcing SETIcon
  4. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  5. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 9, February 28, 2010
  1. AbGradCon 2010 - Europe Awaits
  2. [NASA] Letter from SARA (ROSES 2010)
  3. [NASA] Mars Exploration Rovers Data Release 23
  4. First Announcement: Dusty Visions 2010
  5. Outer Planets Colloquium Series
  6. [NASA] PDS Releases EPOXI (EPOCh) Mission Data
  7. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 8, February 21, 2010
  1. Water on Mars Summerschool at Utrecht University, the Netherlands
  2. Planetary Decadal Survey Meeting, 22-24 February
  3. AOGS Session: Science and Exploration of Mars and Venus (PS.05)
  4. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 7, February 14, 2010
  1. Mars Geochemistry Session at 2010 Goldschmidt Conference Final Call for Abstracts
  2. NASA Lunar Science Forum: First Announcement
  3. MEPAG #22 Reminder
  4. EJSM Open Science Workshop
  5. Methane on Mars Workshop 2009, ESRIN (Italy)
  6. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 6, February 7, 2010
  1. URGENT! Outer Planets Assessment Group (OPAG) Meeting DELAYED Due to Snow
  2. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  3. Planetary Radio Announcement
  4. Mars Exploration Program Analysis Group - Newsletter Available
  5. Mars Express Ionospheric Data Are Available
  6. NSLI Director's Seminar Series
  7. Tenure-Track Research Position - Lowell Observatory
  8. Commissioning Scientist for the Discovery Channel Telescope - Lowell Observatory
  9. [NASA] Planetary Science Subcommittee Telecon PowerPoint Slides Available (From Feb. 3 Meeting)
  10. Venus Lunch-Time Town-Hall Meeting at LPSC, Monday, March 1st
  11. Cassini Scientists Pick the Top Highlights of 2009
  12. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 5, January 31, 2010
  1. IMA2010 Session: Planetary Mineralogy - Meteorites, Shock Metamorphism, and More (PL121)
  2. Make Your Own Suggestions for HiRISE
  3. Workshop: Titan Through Time - Extension of Abstract Deadline
  4. Two Podcast Series from the Astronomical Society of the Pacific
  5. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 4, January 24, 2010
  1. [NASA] Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES) 2010
  2. 2016 ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter AO has been Released
  3. Call for Abstracts
  4. Call for AOGS 2010 Abstracts - Planetary Science (PS) Sessions
  5. NASA'S Planetary Geology and Geophysics Undergraduate Research Program
  6. Decadal Survey Updates: Membership and Meeting Date Change
  7. [NASA] PSS Telecon Meeting
  8. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 3, January 17, 2010
  1. Call for AOGS 2010 Abstracts: Cosmic Dust: Its Formation and Evolution
  2. Call for AOGS 2010 Abstracts: Science and Exploration of Mars and Venus
  3. [NASA] Mars Exploration Program Requests for Proposal for the Critical Data Products Program
  4. [NASA] Solar Probe Plus AO Amendment 1: Revisions
  5. Outer Planets Assessment Group (OPAG) Meeting: Room Deadline TODAY
  6. [NASA] ROSES-09 Amendment 32: Due Date Change for Kepler Guest Observer Program Element
  7. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 2, January 10, 2010
  1. SETI Institute Seminar Series
  2. NSRC Pre-Registration Deadline: 15 January
  3. Call for AOGS 2010 Abstracts: Icy Satellites, Rings, and Icy Dwarf Planets
  4. Call for AOGS 2010 Abstracts: Ices and Astrobiology
  5. Call for AOGS 2010 Abstracts: Origin and Evolution of Plansts and Small Bodies
  6. [NASA] PDS Releases More Cassini ISS and VIMS Data
  7. Planetary Science Slides and Illustrations
  8. Second Announcement of a Workshop - Nix and Hydra: Five Years After Discovery
  9. Job Announcement: Astrogeology Project Management Analysts at USGS
  10. Call for Abstracts: Planetary Geomorphology (GM1.3) at European Geophysical Union General Assembly
  11. [NASA] Proposal Writing Workshop at LPSC
  12. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 1, January 3, 2010
  1. [NASA] SALMON AO ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter Instruments Investigations
  2. Exploration Fellowship Program
  3. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  4. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Table of Contents: Volume 3, 2009

Issue 62, December 27, 2009
  1. Workshop Announcement: Mars III, Les Houches, France
  2. Second International Planetary Dunes Workshop: Planetary Analogs
  3. Digitized Lunar Orbiter Data Available Online in the Planetary Data System
  4. Call for Abstracts: Laboratory Planetary Sciences at AOGS 2010
  5. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 61, December 20, 2009
  1. Antarctic Search for Meteorites (ANSMET) Commencing Blog
  2. Cosmic Dust Lab Announcement
  3. Titan Through Time: Formation, Evolution and Fate
  4. Exploration Fellowship Program
  5. [NASA] MGS Mars Thermal Inertia Maps data release
  6. [NASA] Kepler Guest Observer - Cycle 2
  7. [NASA] Information Notice: Change in Comment Period for Discovery 2010 Draft Announcement of Opportunity (NNH10ZDA003J)
  8. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 60, December 13, 2009
  1. [NASA] Draft Discovery 2010 Announcement of Opportunity
  2. [NASA] Community Announcement on a NASA Solicitation for ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter Instruments
  3. Job Announcement: Faculty Position in Planetary Sciences
  4. Cassini-Huygens Project: Huygens Legacy and Future Titan Exploration
  5. LRO Diviner Symposium at LPSC
  6. 3rd Europa Jupiter System Mission Instrument Workshop
  7. [NASA PDS] Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data Release 11
  8. [NASA] Latest Letter from SARA
  9. Job Announcement: Faculty Position in Planetary Atmospheres
  10. Job Announcement: Faculty Position in Extrasolar Planet Studies
  11. Job Announcement: Faculty Position in Planetary Surface Processes
  12. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 59, December 6, 2009
  1. Planetary Geomorphology "Image of the Month"
  2. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter Available
  3. New "Discoveries in Planetary Science" Classroom Powerpoints Available
  4. The View from 5 AU: Measuring the Diffuse Sky Brightness from the Outer Solar System
  5. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 58, November 29, 2009
  1. [NASA] Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research
  2. [NASA] Mars Exploration Rovers Data Release 22
  3. Job Announcement: Faculty Position in Geosciences
  4. Job Announcement: Faculty Position in Extrasolar Planet Studies
  5. Job Announcement: Faculty Position in Planetary Atmospheres
  6. Job Announcement: Faculty Position in Planetary Surface Processes
  7. [NASA] November 2009 Discovery and New Frontiers Programs Newsletter Released
  8. Announcing the Canadian Astrobiology Training Program
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 57, November 22, 2009
  1. AbSciCon Call for Abstracts: Where to Search for Life on Mars
  2. Job Announcement: Faculty Position in Planetary Atmospheres
  3. Job Announcement: Faculty Position in Extrasolar Planet Studies
  4. Job Announcement: Faculty Position in Planetary Surface Processes
  5. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 56, November 15, 2009
  1. Job Announcement: Faculty Position in Planetary Atmospheres
  2. Job Announcement: Faculty Position in Planetary Surface Processes
  3. Job Announcement: Faculty Position in Extrasolar Planet Studies
  4. Job Announcement: Post-doctoral Researcher, Lunar Samples, Univ. of Notre Dame
  5. Job Announcement: Post-doctoral Researcher, Planetary Sciences
  6. [NASA] Meeting of the Planetary Science Subcommittee of the NASA Advisory Council
  7. TNO 2010 Meeting: Dynamical and Physical Properties of Trans- Neptunian Objects
  8. [NASA] Second NASA Small Bodies Assessment Group Meeting - Call in Instructions
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 55, November 8, 2009
  1. 2nd NASA Small Bodies Assessment Group Meeting - Update
  2. [NASA] Earth and Space Science Fellowship (NESSF) Program
  3. Call for Candidate Future Mars Landing Sites
  4. Job Announcement: Aerospace Scholars Program Manager
  5. Job Announcement: Postdoctoral Researcher in Planetary Mapping
  6. Job Announcement: Planetary Geophysics Postdoctoral Fellowship
  7. Job Announcement: Postdoctoral Researcher in Planetary Petrology
  8. Job Announcement: Postdoctoral Fellow in Lunar Surface Geology
  9. [NASA] One Stop Shopping Initiative for Internship/Fellowship Opportunities
  10. [NASA] Planetary Science Subcommittee Meeting
  11. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 54, November 1, 2009
  1. SBAG Community Poll Results: Primitive Bodies Decadal Priorities
  2. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  3. Postdoctoral Researcher in Planetary Mapping
  4. Postdoctoral Researcher in Planetary Petrology
  5. Planetary Geophysics Postdoctoral Fellowship
  6. Postdoctoral Fellow in Lunar Surface Geology
  7. Faculty Position in Planetary Atmospheres
  8. Faculty Position in Extrasolar Planet Studies
  9. Faculty Position in Planetary Surface Processes
  10. 2nd NASA Small Bodies Assessment Group Meeting - Update
  11. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 53, October 26, 2009
  1. Decadal Priorities Poll for Primitive Bodies to Close in Less than 24 Hours
Issue 52, October 25, 2009
  1. [NASA] Lunar Advanced Science and Exploration Research (LASER) Program - Proposal Due Date Change
  2. SPICE Class Announcement
  3. Postdoctoral Position at the University of Vienna
  4. PhD Positions - NEO asteroids and Impact Crater Studies (Doctoral School at the University of Vienna, Austria)
  5. LDAPWorkshop Abstract Due Date Reminder
  6. [NASA] Small Bodies Assessment Group Meeting
  7. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 51, October 22, 2009
  1. Decadal Priorities Poll Now Open - Primitive Bodies
Issue 50, October 18, 2009
  1. [NASA] Cassini Release 19 Data Available from the Planetary Data System
  2. Lunar Exploration Analysis Group Annual Meeting Announcement
  3. Registration Open for Next-Gen Suborbital Researchers Conference
  4. Postdoctoral Position in Experimental Astrophysics
  5. Post-Doctoral Planetary Scientist
  6. Planetary Geophysics Postdoctoral Fellowship
  7. Reminder - VEXAG Meeting #7 - October 27,28, 2009 - Irvine, CA
  8. Third Announcement: UCF Winter Workshop
  9. Soliciting Session Proposals for the Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting
  10. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 49, October 11, 2009
  1. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  2. LunarGeo 2010 Second Announcement
  3. October 2009 Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter
  4. Postdoctoral Researcher in Planetary Mapping
  5. Planetary Geophysics Postdoctoral Fellowship
  6. Postdoctoral Researcher in Planetary Petrology
  7. Nominations Invited for 2010 ASP Educational Awards
  8. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 48, October 6, 2009
  1. SBAG Decadal Workshop at DPS - Wednesday, 10/7, 12:30 PM Eastern
Issue 47, October 4, 2009
  1. Small Bodies Online Decadal Forum Now Open for Discussions
  2. SBAG Decadal Workshop at DPS - Telecon/Webcon Instructions
  3. NRC Planetary Decadal Survey Meeting Dates in 2010
  4. Student Rapporteurs Needed at NRC Planetary Decadal Survey Meetings
Issue 46, October 4, 2009
  1. [NASA] Planetary Division Budgets FY2003-FY2009 Posted
  2. [NASA] ROSES Selection Times Posted
  3. [NASA] ROSES Solicitation and Guidebook Revisions
  4. [NASA] SALMON AO Amendment 3: New Proposal Due Date
  5. [NASA] PDS Announces the Availability of Updated ISS Cartographic Volumes
  6. Venus Pressure Test Chamber - A Potential Resource
  7. Assistant or Associate Astronomer, NASA Infrared Telescope Facility, Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii
  8. Education and Public Outreach Manager, Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, University of Colorado at Boulder
  9. Postdoctoral Researcher in Planetary Petrology Position
  10. RAS National Astronomy Meeting 2010 -- Call for Parallel Session Nominations
  11. First Announcement: Mars Workshop, Les Houches, France
  12. Planetary Protection Policies and Practices Course - 2 Openings Remain
  13. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 45, September 27, 2009
  1. [NASA] Planetary Science and Data Management Position
  2. Challenging the Paradigm: The Legacy of Galileo
  3. Decadal Survey - Inner Planets Panel: Community Workshop at DPS
  4. LPL Tenure-Track Faculty Positions Available
  5. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 44, September 20, 2009
  1. Small Missions to the Moon - First Joint USA/UK/Canada Workshop on Lunar Science and Engineering
  2. [NASA] Stand Alone Missions of Opportunity Notice (SALMON) - Proposal Due Date Change
  3. Northern Arizona University Department of Physics and Astronomy Postdoctoral Opportunity
  4. Workshop on Observations of Vesta and Ceres Enhancing Scientific Return from NASA's Dawn Mission
  5. Workshop at DPS - Women in Astronomy: Professional Development
  6. Venus Exploration and Analysis Group (VEXAG) Meeting - Update at DPS
  7. Venus Exploration and Analysis Group (VEXAG) Meeting #7
  8. UCF Winter School 2010: Exoplanets for Planetary Scientists
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 43, September 15, 2009
  1. Planetary Decadal White Papers Are Due Today (Tuesday, Sept. 15)
  2. Small Bodies Decadal Workshop at DPS - Time Change Again!
  3. Decadal Survey - Giant Planets Panel: Community Workshop at DPS
Issue 42, September 13, 2009
  1. Mars Exploration Program Analysis Group - Newsletter Available
  2. Student Travel Award Opportunity - Methane on Mars Workshop
  3. [NASA] High-end Computing for SMD-sponsored Research
  4. [NASA] SBAG Decadal Workshop at DPS - Time Change
  5. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 41, September 6, 2009
  1. Lunar Dust, Plasma and Atmosphere: The Next Steps
  2. Outer Planets Colloquium Series
  3. Next-Generation Suborbital Researchers Conference
  4. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  5. [NASA] Outer Planets Research Program - New Proposal/Start Dates
  6. Venus White Papers for NRC's Planetary Sciences Decadal Survey
  7. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 40, August 30, 2009
  1. Faraday Discussion 147: Chemistry of the Planets
  2. Research Opportunities at the Institute for Rock Magnetism (U. of Minnesota)
  3. AGU Session: Planetary Cores and Subsurface Oceans Dynamics
  4. AGU Session: Volcano-tectonics on Earth and other Planets
  5. AGU Session: Mineralogy of the Lunar Crust
  6. [NASA] Small Bodies Assessment Group DPS Workshop on Decadal Priorities
  7. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 39, August 23, 2009
  1. Planetary Science Decadal Survey Satellites Panel Meeting
  2. Planetary Science Decadal Survey Giant Planets Panel Meeting
  3. Planetary Science Decadal Survey Inner Planets Panel Meeting
  4. Planetary Science Decadal Survey Mars Panel Meeting
  5. Planetary Science Decadal Survey Primitive Bodies Panel Meeting
  6. Primitive Bodies Communty White Papers Deadline Approaching
  7. Fall AGU Special Session: Volcano-Tectonics: New Insights from Earth and Other Planets
  8. FALL AGU Special Session: Deep Planetary Transition Layer Processes
  9. New Horizons KBO Search - DPS Meeting Workshop
  10. Job Announcement - School Postdoctoral Fellowship
  11. Planetary Science Slides and Illustrations
  12. [NASA PDS] Mars Exploration Rovers Data Release 21
  13. The CPS 6th International School of Planetary Sciences - First Circular
  14. 14. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 38, August 16, 2009
  1. Mars Decadal Survey White Papers
  2. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 37, August 9, 2009
  1. Eugene Shoemaker Impact Cratering Award
  2. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  3. GSA Special Session: Fault and Fracture Studies in the Solar System
  4. Fall AGU Special Session: Return to the Moon - Latest Science Results
  5. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Issue 36, August 2, 2009
  1. [NASA] Proposal Submission Requires Team Member Organizational Relationship
  2. [NASA] Office of Education Accepting Proposals for K-12 Cooperative Agreements Notice
  3. [NASA PDS] Cassini ISS And VIMS Data Release 22
  4. [NASA] Letter from SARA: Team Members on NSPIRES
  5. Fall AGU Special Session: Potential Biomarkers on Mars
  6. Fall AGU Session: NH26 Planetary Defense Against Hazardous Asteroids: Science, Technology and Policy to Mitigate the Threats
  7. Fall AGU Session: P13 Organics in Meteorites and Dust Particles: Composition, Distribution, Formation and Isotopic Anomalies
  8. Fall AGU Special Session: Young Valley Features on Mars and the Martian Fluvial Record
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 35, July 26, 2009
  1. Solo Impact on Jupiter
  2. NRC Decadal Survey Discipline Panel Membership Named
  3. Community White Papers on Small Bodies for the Planetary Decadal Survey
  4. White-Paper Proposal Site for Planetary Science Decadal Survey
  5. Second Planetary Decadal Survey Newsletter Available
  6. Fall AGU Special Session: Decadal Survey - Call for Abstracts
  7. Fall AGU Special Session: The Galilean Satellites' 400th Anniversary
  8. Fall AGU Special Session: Enceladus - The Plot Thickens
  9. Fall AGU Special Session: Physics of Anelasticity and Dissipation in Earth and Planetary Bodies
  10. [NASA PDS] Mars Odyssey Data Release 28
  11. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 34, July 19, 2009
  1. [NASA] Opening of Competitive Program for Science Museums and Planetariums Solicitation
  2. [NASA] Administrative Change to New Frontiers 2009 AO
  3. Exoplanet Exploration Program Analysis Group (EXOPAG)
  4. UCF Winter School 6-8 January 2010: Exoplanets for Planetary Scientists
  5. Venus Science and Technology Definition Team Final Report
  6. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter - July 2009
  7. AGU Special Session
  8. 21st MEPAG Meeting, July 29-30, 2009
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 33, July 14, 2009
  1. Invitation to Participate in *Community* White Papers on Small Bodies
Issue 32, July 12, 2009
  1. [NASA] New Civil Service Position at Headquarters
  2. RSVP for MEPAG #21
  3. Second announcement and call for papers for the joint ESA-ASI workshop on Methane on Mars: Current Observations, Interpretation and Future Plans
  4. Initial Announcement of a Workshop - Nix and Hydra: Five Years After Discovery
  5. Organizational Meeting of the Lunar Crater Consortium
  6. ESA Postdoctoral Fellowships in Space Science
  7. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 31, July 11, 2009
  1. Primitive Bodies White Papers Sought for Decadal Survey
  2. Venus Exploration Analysis Group (VEXAG) Solicitation of Venus White Papers and Mission Concepts for next Decadal Study
  3. Availability of Decadal Survey Presentations and Archived Webcasts
  4. How to Submit a White Paper to the Planetary Science Decadal Survey
Issue 30, July 5, 2009
  1. [NASA] Three-Day Training Course on Planetary Protection
  2. [NASA] Due Date for Planetary Protection Research Proposals
  3. Next Planetary Science Subcommittee Meeting
  4. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  5. 12th Mars Crater Consortium Meeting
  6. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 29, June 28, 2009
  1. Editorial: NASA Planetary Mission Data Analysis Program
  2. 50th Vernadsky/Brown Microsymposium on Comparative Planetology
  3. Seeking Nominations for COSPAR Awards and Medals
  4. July Decadal Survey Meeting Webcasting
  5. Simple Effective Education and Dissemination (SEED) Grants For Astronomy Researchers Available for 2009 from the Astronomical Society of the Pacific
  6. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 28, June 21, 2009
  1. [NASA] Learning Technologies Project Office Releases FY 2009 Cooperative Agreement Notice
  2. Soliciting Abstracts for Impact Cratering Session, GSA Annual Meeting
  3. Radio Isotope Power Systems: An Imperative for Maintaining U.S. Leadership in Space Exploration
  4. Job Announcement
  5. Graduate Student Opportunity to Participate in Planetary Science Decadal Survey
  6. Preliminary Agenda for 6-8 July Planetary Science Decadal Survey Meeting
  7. June 2009 Discovery and New Frontiers Newsletter is Now Online
  8. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 27, June 14, 2009
  1. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  2. [NASA] PDS MRO Data Release 9
  3. Postdoctoral Research Assistant within Atmospheric, Oceanic and Planetary Physics, Oxford University, UK
  4. [NASA] RFI - Feasibility of using Constellation Architecture for Servicing Existing and Future Observatory-Class Scientific Spacecraft
  5. ESTEC Position Available: Head of Solar Systems Mission Division
  6. Soliciting Abstracts for Planetary Volcanism Session, GSA Annual Meeting, Portland, Oregon, 18-21 October 2009 (Abstracts Due: August 11)
  7. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 26, June 7, 2009
  1. [NASA] Technology Development for Exoplanet Missions
  2. Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter - June 2009
  3. Submit Session for MRP at AGU Fall Meeting
  4. Planetary Decadal Survey Meeting Dates
  5. Astronomy Education Review
  6. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 25, May 31, 2009
  1. [NASA] Europa Jupter System Mission (EJSM) Instrument Workshop
  2. [NASA] Latest Letter from the SMD Senior Advisor for Research and Analysis (SARA)
  3. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 24, May 24, 2009
  1. [NASA PDS] Mars Exploration Rovers Data Release 20
  2. [NASA PDS] Odyssey Radio Science Data Release 83
  3. OPAG Titan Working Group
  4. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 23, May 17, 2009
  1. LPL Faculty Positions Available
  2. [NASA] Draft Discovery Program Draft AO to be Released
  3. [NASA] Planetary Science Advisory Committee to Meet
  4. Fault and Fracture Studies in the Solar System
  5. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 22, May 10, 2009
  1. Planetary Photogrammetry Guest Facility at the USGS in Flagstaff
  2. PDS Imaging Node - CASSINI ISS Calibration Update
  3. Planetary Science Decadal Survey Steering Group Appointed
  4. Accessing Level-4 Archival HRSC Images-DTMs Via HRSCView Website
  5. New Website for Mars Express SRC Mosaics
  6. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 21, May 3, 2009
  1. EPSC Session on Exploring the Martian Moons
  2. "Discoveries in Planetary Science" Classroom Powerpoints
  3. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  4. OSEWG 2009 Workshop on Robots Supporting Human Science and Exploration
  5. [NASA] PDS Final Release of Phoenix Data
  6. [NASA] Group 5 University Research Centers (URC) Announcement
  7. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 20, April 26, 2009
  1. [SPECIAL NASA MESSAGE] James Green, Planetary Science Division, ROSE 2009 Season is Upon Us
  2. [NASA] Request for Information - Radiation Capabilities for the Europa Jupiter System Mission
  3. [NASA] Expanding eligibility to propose for Supplemental Outreach Awards and Supplemental Education Awards
  4. Summer Internship at NASA Ames Research Center
  5. Meeting on Science Education and Outreach
  6. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 19, April 19, 2009
  1. Planetary Decadal Survey Update
  2. Steve Ostro Memorial Symposium
  3. Venus Exploration Analysis Group (VEXAG) Seeks Input
  4. [NASA] Call For Proposals: Field Science Analog Testing
  5. [NASA] Letter from the Senior Advisor for Research and Analysis (SARA)
  6. [NASA] Invitation to be a Proposal Reviewer for the Planetary Division
  7. Job Openings at the CSIRO Australia Telescope National Facility
  8. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 18, April 17, 2009
  1. SPECIAL EDITION: NASA Planetary Protection Officer is Sought
Issue 17, April 12, 2009
  1. [NASA] Correction to Release of New Frontiers AO
  2. Planetary Decadal Survey: First Meeting
  3. European Planetary Science Congress
  4. Instrument Workshop
  5. Job Opportunity at ESA/ESTEC (Noordwijk, The Netherlands): Two Scientists in the Directorate of Science and Robotic Exploration
  6. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 16, April 5, 2009
  1. Post-doctoral Research Associate on the Cassini-Huygens Mission
  2. Community Letter for Outer Planet Flagship Mission
  3. [NASA] Announcement of Opportunity for New Frontiers 2009
  4. [NASA] PDS Releases Tables of Mean Motion Resonances of Saturn's Main Rings
  5. Geomorphology Image of the Month
  6. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 15, March 29, 2009
  1. Planetary Sciences Decadal Survey Chair Appointed
  2. Mars Dust Cycle Workshop
  3. Solicitation of Manuscripts for GSA Special Paper
  4. Planetary Science Journal Club
  5. Postdoctoral Scholar Northern Arizona University
  6. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 14, March 22, 2009
  1. Announcing the 2nd Annual NLSI Lunar Science Forum
  2. Architecture Issues Associated with Sampling Final Report Available
  3. [NASA] 21st Annual Planetary Science Summer School
  4. 12th Workshop on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas (WPDP)
  5. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 13, March 15, 2009
  1. [NASA] Planetary Science Summer School Applications
  2. [NASA PDS] Release 8 of Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) Data
  3. Invitation to Contribute to a Special Issue of Icarus Devoted to the Planet Mercury
  4. Call for Abstracts
  5. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 12, March 8, 2009
  1. Mario Acuna, Friend and Colleague
  2. Help Design a Lunar Lander
  3. Geomorphology Image of the Month
  4. Planetary Geophysics Postdoctoral Fellowship
  5. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 11, March 1, 2009
  1. Decadal Survey for the Planetary Sciences
  2. Joint ESA-ASI workshop on Methane on Mars: Current Observations, Interpretation and Future Plans.
  3. 3rd Lunar Regolith Simulant Workshop
  4. Polar Processes on Earth and Mars: Comparative Studies
  5. Reminder - The Lunar Exploration Roadmap
  6. [NASA] PDS Releases Data from the Phoenix Lander Mission
  7. [NASA] Proposal Writing Workshop at LPSC
  8. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 10, February 22, 2009
  1. Cassini Oriented Sessions at Spring AGU
  2. Job Opening: Manager, Astromaterials Research Office
  3. COSPAR Capacity Building Workshop on Lunar and Planetary Surface Science
  4. February 2009 Discovery and New Frontiers Newsletter Released
  5. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 9, February 18, 2009
  1. SPECIAL EDITION: The Next Outer Planets Flagship is the Europa-Jupiter System Mission, from James L. Green, Director, Planetary Science Division NASA Headquarters
Issue 8, February 15, 2009
  1. Invitation to the Mars Exploration Analysis Group (MEPAG) Meeting
  2. 17th IAA Humans in Spce Symposium, Abstract Deadline Reminder
  3. Magnetospheres of the Outer Planets Conference, MOP 2009
  4. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 7, February 8, 2009
  1. Latest SARA Letter Out Now
  2. Geomorphology Image of the Month
  3. Google Map - Now with Mars
  4. International Symposium on Marco Polo and Other Small Body Sample Return Missions
  5. NRC study on The Role and Scope of Mission-Enabling Activities in NASA's Space and Earth Science Missions
  6. Report on a Flagship Class Mission to Venus
  7. Planetary Atmospheres: Dynamics, Chemistry, Climate, and Couplings
  8. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 6, February 1, 2009
  1. Polar Processes on Earth and Mars: Comparative Studies
  2. Lunar Secular Evolution
  3. Next Meeting of the Venus Exploration Analysis Group
  4. Venus Geochemistry: Progress, Prospects, and New Missions
  5. International Conference on Comparative Planetology: Venus - Earth - Mars
  6. February Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter Now Available
  7. [NASA] PDS Publishes New Guidelines for Cartographic Data Products
  8. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 5, January 27, 2009
  1. SPECIAL EDITION: NASA Planetary Research at the Keck Observatory
Issue 4, January 25, 2009
  1. Outer Planets Flagship Mission Joint Summary Reports
  2. 6th Annual General Meeting of the Asia Oceania Geosciences Society
  3. Call for Abstracts: Comparative Studies of Planetary Magnetospheres
  4. 7th International Conference on Geomorphology
  5. IEEE GRSS Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing
  6. Call for Abstracts: Astrobiology at AOGS 2009
  7. Planetary Magnetism Session at AGU in Toronto
  8. Toronto Spring Meeting Session on "The Tagish Lake Meteorite and Early Solar System Evolution"
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 1, January 4, 2009
  1. [NASA] Planetary Science Subcommittee Meeting January 9 to Discuss Cost Impacts of MSL Launch Slip
  2. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  3. [NASA PDS] Mars Phoenix Lander Data Release
  4. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions

Table of Contents: Volume 2, 2008

Issue 62, December 28, 2008
  1. Programs to Detect, Characterize, or Mitigate the Hazards of NEOs
  2. New Planetary PhD Program and Web Site Launch at UCF in Orlando
  3. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 61, December 21, 2008
  1. [NASA] Planetary and Space Exploration Student Opportunities Links
  2. [NASA] Additional Proposal Opportunity for ROSES Education and Public Outreach Supplemental Awards
  3. [NASA] Proposal Opportunity: Science Education and Public Outreach Forums
  4. The Lunar Exploration Roadmap Needs You!
  5. Solar-Extrasolar NASA Ames Meeting Website Now Live
  6. Job Opportunity: Tenure-Track Faculty in Remote Sensing at the University of Alaska Fairbanks
  7. ANSMET 2008/2009 Dispatches from the Field
  8. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 60, December 14, 2008
  1. [NASA] Final Text for Moon and Mars Analog Mission Activities (MMAMA)
  2. 7th International Planetary Probe Workshop
  3. Next Meeting of the Venus Exploration Analysis Group
  4. Decadal Survey for the Planetary Sciences
  5. December 2008 Mars Exploration Science Monthly Newsletter
  6. Geological Society of America Planetary Division
  7. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 59, December 7, 2008
  1. Venus Science and Technology Definition Team Open House Meeting at Fall AGU
  2. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month Now Available
  3. Job Opportunity: Earth & Space Science Instructor, Florida Gulf Coast University
  4. Next MEPAG Meeting March 3-4, 2009
  5. Job Opportunities: Two Assistant or Associate Professors in Solid Earth Geophysics and Planetary Sciences, Harvard University
  6. Lunar Geochemistry and Chronology: a Sample and Remote Sensing Data Perspective at Goldschmidt Conference 2009, Davos, Switzerland
  7. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 58, December 3, 2008
  1. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: New Frontiers 3 Community Workshop, December 5, 2008
Issue 57, November 30, 2008
  1. [NASA] Delay of Due Date for Small Complete Missions in Astrobiology and Fundamental Space Biology
  2. [NASA PDS] New Main Web Site Now Available
  3. Human-Tended Suborbital Science Workshop
  4. Workshop on Venus Geochemistry: Progress, Prospects, and New Missions
  5. The International Conference on Comparative Planetology: Venus-Earth-Mars
  6. Job Opportunity: School Postdoctoral Fellowship, Australian National University
  7. Small Bodies Assessment Group Meeting in January
  8. 8th Scientific Assembly of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) and Associated Events
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 56, November 23, 2008
  1. [NASA] Request for Information (RFI): Instruments for the International Lunar Network (ILN)
  2. [NASA] New ROSES Due Date for Astrobiology Science and Technology Instrument Development (ASTID)
  3. Job Opportunity: Kuiper Belt Studies at Northern Arizona University
  4. Supplemental Call for Proposals for HST Cycle 16 Observations
  5. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 55, November 16, 2008
  1. [NASA] Draft New Frontiers Announcement of Opportunity (NNH09ZDA003J) Released for Community Comment
  2. [NASA PDS] Planetary Image Atlas Release
  3. Hold That Date!
  4. Special Issue: Exploring Other Worlds by Exploring our Own: The Role of Terrestrial Analogue Studies in Planetary Exploration
  5. Origins Research Associate Positions and PhD Studentships at University College London
  6. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 54, November 9, 2008
  1. [NASA] Earth and Space Science Fellowship (NESSF) Program
  2. Job Opportunity: Assistant or Associate Professor in Solid Earth Geophysics and Planetary Sciences, Harvard University, Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences
  3. Optimizing Science and Exploration Working Group (OSEWG) Website
  4. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  5. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 53, November 2, 2008
  1. Naming Planetary Features
  2. Announcement: Saturn, its Magnetosphere, and Titan After Cassini-Huygens Special Issue of Planetary and Space Science
  3. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 52, October 26, 2008
  1. [NASA] October 2008 Discovery and New Frontiers Newsletter Released
  2. Solicting Papers: Proposed GSA Book on Lunar Stratigraphy
  3. Stardust and Cosmic Dust Announcements
  4. 7th International Planetary Probe Workshop, 15-19 June 2009 and Short Course on Planetary Protection, 13-14 June 2009
  5. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 51, October 19, 2008
  1. [NASA] Evaluation and Selection of Small Complete Missions in Astrobiology and Fundamental Space Biology
  2. [NASA] Asteroid Data Sets Now Available Through the PDS
  3. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 50, October 12, 2008
  1. [NASA] Update to NRA for Competitive Program for Science Museums and Planetariums (CP4SMP): Solicitation NNH08ZNE006N
  2. Workshop on Observing with Sofia
  3. Presentations to NASA PSS Posted on LPI Unofficial Site
  4. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 49, October 6, 2008
  1. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: Bolide Impact Predicted Tonight!
Issue 48, October 5, 2008
  1. [NASA] Postdoctoral Program (NPP)
  2. [NASA] New proposal opportunities for Education and Public Outreach
  3. [NASA PDS] Nasaview 3.2.0 Release
  4. Request for Proposals: Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS) Observation Campaign
  5. Geomorphology Image of the Month
  6. Workshop on Observing with SOFIA
  7. Post-Doctoral Research Associate in Planetary Science
  8. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 47, September 28, 2008
  1. Postdoctoral Opportunities in Planetary Science at GSFC
  2. Student Opportunities in Planetary Science at GSFC and/or JPL
  3. Fellowship programs reminder
  4. Planetary Geomorphology Sessions at 7th IAG Conference
  5. Workshop on Observing with SOFIA
  6. [NASA] Revised objectives and new due date for LASER
  7. [NASA] Request for Information for the Scientist Participant Suborbital Research Program
  8. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 46, September 21, 2008
  1. [NASA] Deadline Extended for Space Biology
  2. Workshop on Observing with SOFIA
  3. 13th Issue of Journal Focusing on Astronomy Education Now Available
  4. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 45, September 15, 2008
  1. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: Inaugural SBAG Meeting In Houston Postponed Due to Hurricane Ike
Issue 44, September 14, 2008
  1. [NASA] Several ROSES Due Dates Extended
  2. [NASA] Change in Proposal Due Date for NNH08ZTT003N NRA: Research Opportunities for Fundamental Space Biology Investigations in Microbial, Plant and Cell Biology
  3. Venus Geochemistry: Progress, Prospects and New Missions
  4. Job Opportunity: Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in Planetary Sciences at University of California, Santa Cruz
  5. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 43, September 07, 2008
  1. Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  2. Fall AGU Session on Prospects for Habitability on Noachian Mars
  3. Fall AGU Cassini Oriented Sessions
  4. NASA Proposal Writing Workshop at DPS
  5. [NASA] Mars Odyssey Radio Science Data Release 74
  6. [NASA] Stand Alone Mission of Opportunity Notice (SALMON)
  7. Announcement of Opportunity (AO)
  8. [NASA] New Proposal Opportunities for U.S. Participating
  9. Investigators in Earth Science and in Lunar and Planetary Science
  10. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 42, August 31, 2008
  1. Icarus: New Manuscript Submission Procedure
  2. New Resource Guide on Women in Astronomy at the Astronomical Society of the Pacific Website
  3. Fall AGU Union Session on Comparative Climate Studies of Earth, Venus and Mars
  4. Fall AGU Session P16: Comparison of Basaltic Volcanism on Mars and the Earth
  5. "Europa Lander: Science Goals and Experiments" First Announcement: International Workshop
  6. Reminder: HiRISE Special Issue of Icarus
  7. Job Opportunity: Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in Planetary Sciences at University of California, Santa Cruz
  8. Drilling Systems for Extraterrestrial Subsurface Exploration
  9. Inaugural Small Bodies Assessment Group (SBAG) Meeting
  10. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 41, August 24, 2008
  1. [NASA] Due Date for Planetary Protection Research Proposals
  2. [NASA] Three-Day Training Course on Planetary Protection
  3. [NASA] Beta Test of New Planetary Data System Main Web Site
  4. Fall AGU Session: Evolution of Planetary Atmospheres
  5. Hubble Outreach Coordinator, European Southern Observatory
  6. Position at Marshall Space Flight Center in Lunar and Planetary Science
  7. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 40, August 17, 2008
  1. [NASA] PDS Releases Rosetta IES (RPC) Data
  2. ESA Postdoctoral Fellowships in Space Science - Deadline 1st October 2008
  3. MEPAG Invitation
  4. Fall AGU Session: New Developments in the Study of Fluvial Systems on Mars
  5. Assistant Research Physicist: Mars Space Physics and Geophysics
  6. Outer Planets Colloquium Series
  7. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 39, August 11, 2008
  1. EDITOR NOTE: PEN Status
  2. ALTAIR Survey
  3. First circular for the 1st CPS International School of Planetary Sciences
  4. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 38, August 10, 2008
  1. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 37, August 03, 2008
  1. [NASA] New ROSES Due Dates for Program Elements Impacted by the Unplanned Unavailability of NSPIRES
  2. [NASA] New Proposal Opportunity: MOST U.S. Guest Observer Program - Cycle 1
  3. The Great Planet Debate: Science as Process
  4. Great Planet Debate Webcast Test Invitation
  5. IAG Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  6. Podcasts of Nontechnical Astronomy Talks Available Without Charge
  7. 2008 AGU Fall Meeting Session: The Dynamic Lunar Environment
  8. Job Opportunity: Assistant Research Physicist: Mars Space Physics and Geophysics
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 36, July 27, 2008
  1. [NASA] NSPIRES Unavailable
  2. Fall AGU Session: Recent Advances in Planetary Volcanology
  3. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 35, July 20, 2008
  1. PEN Submission Requirements Reminder
  2. [NASA] FY 2008 NRA Competitive Program for Science Museums and Planetariums Released
  3. [NASA] New Proposal Opportunity for Kepler Guest Observer Cycle 1
  4. [NASA] FY 2008 NRA K-12 Competitive Grants Opportunity
  5. [NASA] PDS Releases Messenger Data
  6. [NASA] SARA (Senior Advisor for Research and Analysis) Update
  7. New Deadline for Submission to HiRISE Special Issue of Icarus
  8. Job Opportunities: 2 Postdoc Positions in Planetary Astronomy and Astrophysics at the Laboratory of Atomic and Surface Physics at the University of Virginia
  9. Announcement: Mars Climate Modeling Center Workshop
  10. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 34, July 13, 2008
  1. [NASA] DRAFT Standard PI-led Mission Announcement of Opportunity
  2. [NASA] PDS Odyssey Data, Release 24
  3. Cospar 2008 Awards
  4. Cosmic Cataclysms and Life
  5. IAG Planetary Geomorphology Image of the Month
  6. Astronomical Journal Seeks An Associate Scientific Editor
  7. Post-Doctoral Research Position in the Netherlands
  8. Assistant Research Physicist Position at University of California, Berkeley
  9. Postdoctoral or Research Scientist Position at University of Nevada, Reno
  10. Postdoctoral Position at JPL
  11. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 33, July 06, 2008
  1. [NASA] Lunar Dust Detector Instrument Opportunity Added to Salmon AO
  2. Job Opportunity: Interdisciplinary (Physical Scientist, Geophysicist, Cartographer or Geodesist) Position, U.S. Geological Survey Astrogeology Team, Flagstaff, AZ
  3. Job Opportunity: Research Associate, Planetary Surface Processes, Origin, Evolution and Palaeohydrology of the Outflow Channels on Mars Using HRSC 3-D Imaging
  4. Job Opportunities: Multiple Postdoctoral Positions in Planetary Science at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville
  5. 40th DPS Meeting, Ithaca, NY, October 10-15, 2008
  6. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 32, June 29, 2008
  1. [NASA] PDS Odyssey Radio Science Data Release 72
  2. Early Solar System Impact Bombardment Workshop
  3. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 31, June 22, 2008
  1. Reminder: Great planet Debate Abstract Deadline Approaching
  2. ESA Mars Express Data Available through the PDS
  3. Postdoctoral Research Fellow Position Available at the Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Kiruna, Sweden
  4. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 30, June 15, 2008
  1. [NASA] June 2008 Discovery and New Frontiers Newsletter Released
  2. Solar-Extrasolar Planet Formation Meeting at Ames
  3. Call for Papers "Cosmic Dust: Its Formation and Evolution"
  4. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 29, June 8, 2008
  1. Final Budgets for NASA Planetary-Related Research and Data Analysis Programs Obtained
  2. [NASA] Advisory Council Planetary Science Subcommittee Meeting Coming Up
  3. [NASA] New Due Date for Planetary Mission Data Analysis
  4. [NASA] Small Bodies Assessment Group Created
  5. EPSC 2008: Deadline for Abstract Submission Extended to June 13, 2008
  6. 2nd Announcement: Cosmic Cataclysms and Life, ESRIN (Frascati, Italy), 10-14 November 2008
  7. Summer Internship - Living on the Moon
  8. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 28, June 1, 2008
  1. [NASA] Lunar Science Institute: Proposal Opportunity
  2. HiRISE Special Issue of Icarus
  3. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 27, May 25, 2008
  1. Phoenix to Land on Mars Today, May 25
  2. PEN Celebrates First Anniverary
  3. [NASA] Final Text for Applied Information Systems Research
  4. [NASA] Odyssey Radio Science Data Release 71
  5. EPSC 2008 SB6: "Comets, Asteroids, and TNOs" Call-for-Abstracts
  6. GSA Technical Session T105: Preparations for the New Era of Lunar Science - Call for Abstracts
  7. Papers Solicited for Impact Cratering Session at GSA
  8. Conference on Electromagnetic and Light Scattering, Extended Abstracts Deadline: June 1
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 26, May 18, 2008
  1. [NASA] New Frontiers Program Community Announcement
  2. [NASA] SPICE Training Class
  3. The Great Planet Debate: A Scientific Conference and Educator's Workshop
  4. First Announcement - Spitzer 2008 Conference "New Light on Young Stars"
  5. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 25, May 11, 2008
  1. [NASA] Cancellation of Space Policy Research Program
  2. Lunar Exploration Roadmap - Input Needed
  3. Outer Planets Flagship Mission Instrument Workshop
  4. Second Announcement: Cosmic Cataclysms and Life
  5. Planetary Pummelling: Cataclysmic Bombardment of the Solar System as Catastrophe, Catalyst, Cauldron and Crucible (GSA Technical Session T96)
  6. Titan Geology: A New Frontier (GSA Technical Session T109)
  7. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 24, May 4, 2008
  1. Autumn 2008 Lloyd V. Berkner Space Policy Internship at the National Research Council's Space Studies Board
  2. 15th International Conference on the Origin of Life
  3. GSA Abstract Deadline: Tuesday, June 3, 2008
  4. GSA Session on Analog Sites and Field Exercises for Training Planetary Field Geologists
  5. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 23, April 27, 2008
  1. [NASA] New Proposal Opportunity: ICESat-II Science Definition Team
  2. [NASA] SARA (Senior Advisor for Research and Analysis) Update and New SMD Website
  3. Mars Express Radio and Radar Data Workshop - Preliminary Agenda
  4. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 22, April 20, 2008
  1. [NASA] Allowing 3-year Proposals for JDAP and CDAP
  2. [NASA] New Cooperative Agreement Opportunity, NASA Office of Education
  3. ELS-XI (Electromagnetic and Light Scattering Conference - 11)
  4. Venus Exploration and Analysis Group
  5. Join the NASA Team at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory
  6. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 21, April 13, 2008
  1. [NASA] Final text and due dates for Opportunities in SMD Education and Public Outreach
  2. Outer Planets Flagship Mission (OPAG) Instrument Workshop
  3. Venus Exploration Analysis Group (VEXAG) Update
  4. Request for Information (RFI): Payload Flight Opportunity for Odyssey Moon Limited M-1 Lunar Lander Mission - Deadline Extended
  5. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 20, April 6, 2008
  1. [NASA] PDS Releases ROSETTA Alice Data
  2. Mars High-Resolution Digital Terrain Model Data Set Release
  3. NASA Planetary Science Subcommittee Presentations, Report and Recommendations
  4. Special Issue on the Tharsis Province, Mars
  5. VEXAG Meeting #5, May 7-8, 2008, University of Maryland
  6. Reminder - Mars Express OMEGA-HRSC Data Workshop
  7. 11th Mars Crater Consortium Meeting
  8. GIS for Planetary Mappers Workshop, October 1-2, 2008
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 19, April 3, 2008
  1. SPECIAL: A farewell message from Alan Stern, Associate Administrator for NASA's Science Mission Directorate, NASA Headquarters
Issue 18, March 30, 2008
  1. Letter to the Community from Yvonne Pendleton (NASA Senior Advisor for Research and Analysis) Regarding the Sudden Departure of Associate Administrator Alan Stern
  2. Women in Planetary Science
  3. Request for Information (RFI): Payload Flight Opportunity for Odyssey Moon Limited M-1 Lunar Lander Mission
  4. NASA's 20th Annual Planetary Science Summer School
  5. Cosmic Cataclysms and Life, ESRIN (Frascati, Italy), 10-14 November 2008
  6. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 17, March 26, 2008
  1. SPECIAL: From James Green, Director Planetary Science Division - Changes at NASA Headquarters
Issue 16, March 23, 2008
  1. [NASA] Request for Information - Instruments for LADEE Lunar Mission
  2. [NASA] Request for Proposals to Administer Teaching from Space (TFS)
  3. [NASA] Moving Sample Analysis Proposals from PMDAP to SRLIDAP
  4. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 15, March 16, 2008
  1. Europa - Jupiter International Workshop, Frascati, Italy, April 21-22, 2008
  2. National Research Council Request for Information (RFI): Opportunities Enabled by NASA's Constellation System
  3. [NASA] Request for Information (RFI): New Science Investigations Using Existing NASA Spacecraft
  4. [NASA] Draft Stand Alone Missions of Opportunity Notice (SALMON) Announcement of Opportunity
  5. [NASA] Town Hall Meeting: Heliophysics Missions 2009-2034
  6. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 14, March 9, 2008
  1. [CORRECTION] NASA Request for Information on Scientist Paricipant Suborbital Science Pilot Program - Flight Research
  2. [NASA] List of Planned Solicitations
  3. [NASA] Planetary Science Summer School
  4. [NASA] Due Date for High End Computing Proposals
  5. Lunar Science Institute (NLSI) Officially Open
  6. Asteroids, Comets, and Meteors (ACM) Meeting
  7. American Astronomical Society Dynamical Astronomy Meeting
  8. Saturn After Cassini-Huygens
  9. Titan After Cassini-Huygens
  10. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 13, March 2, 2008
  1. [SPECIAL NASA MESSAGE] James Green, Planetary Science Division - Revised Pre-Screening of New Frontiers PIs
  2. [NASA] Addition of New Scope to Origins of Solar Systems
  3. [NASA] Request for Information on Scientist Participant Suborbital Science Pilot Program - Flight Research
  4. Outer Planets Session at AGU Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, Cairns, Australia, 29 July-1 August.
  5. Post-Doctoral Associate in Mars Science, University of Colorado
  6. "The Great Planet Debate", Science Conference and Educator Workshop, 14-16 August 2008, John Hopkins University, Laurel, MD
  7. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 12, February 24, 2008
  1. [NASA] Advisory Council, Planetary Science Subcommittee Meeting, March 3-4
  2. 3rd meeting of the Enceladus Focus Group
  3. Post-Doc Opportunity at CU-Boulder
  4. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 11, February 17, 2008
  1. [NASA] February 2008 Discovery and New Frontiers Newsletter Released
  2. [NASA] Senior Advisor for Research and Analysis (SARA) Updates
  3. 2008 Asteroids, Comets, Meteors Conference: Second Announcement
  4. Input Requested for SOFIA
  5. Mars Express OMEGA-HRSC Data Workshop
  6. Annual Meeting of Planetary Geologic Mappers, June 19-20 2008
  7. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 10, February 10, 2008
  1. Dr. Gordon McKay (1945-2008)
  2. [EDITORIAL] The Future of our Mars Exploration Program - Robert D. Braun, Georgia Institute of Technology
  3. [NASA] Program Scientist Change at HQ
  4. Additional NASA Headquarters Events at LPSC
  5. First Report from Polar Gateways Arctic Circle Sunrise 2008 Conference
  6. Preparing for the International Year of Astronomy (2009)
  7. PhD Opportunities Related to Glaciers on Earth and Mars
  8. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 9, February 5, 2008
  1. SPECIAL: A Budget Message from Alan Stern, Associate Administrator for NASA's Science Mission Directorate (SMD), NASA Headquarters
Issue 8, February 3, 2008
  1. [NASA] Senior Advisor for Research and Analysis (SARA) Updates
  2. [NASA] PDS Releases New Horizons Data
  3. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 7, January 27, 2008
  1. [NASA] Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES) 2008
  2. [NASA] Offers Pre-Screening of Principal Investigator Requirements for New Frontiers Opportunity
  3. [NSF/NASA] Proposal Opportunity for Management of the Virtual Astronomical Observatory
  4. New Spectroscopy Archive at the University of Winnipeg
  5. International Planetary Probe Workshop Second Announcement
  6. Research Associate Position at Imperial College London, UK
  7. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 6, January 20, 2008
  1. [NASA] HQ Events at LPSC 2008
  2. Lunar Geochemistry and Chronology Session at Goldschmidt Conference 2008, Vancouver, Canada
  3. VEXAG Announcement
  4. European Planetary Science Congress 2008 EPSC First Announcement and Call for Feedback
  5. Job Opportunities for Two Research Associates: Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera (LROC) and High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE)
  6. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 5, January 19, 2008
  1. [SPECIAL NASA MESSAGE] From James Green, Director, Planetary Science Division, NASA HQ - PI Qualifications for New Frontier's Missions
  2. [NASA] Message from the Senior Advisor for Research & Analysis (SARA), Yvonne Pendleton
Issue 4, January 13, 2008
  1. [NASA] Offers Mission PI Training Course
  2. [NASA] Astrobiology Institute Proposal Notice
  3. [NASA] PDS Announces First Messenger Data Release
  4. 2nd Annual Small Spacecraft Summer Study Program (S4P)
  5. Application Deadline Extented for 2008 Lloyd V. Berkner Space Policy Internship Program
  6. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 3, January 6, 2008
  1. [NASA] Message from the Senior Advisor for Research & Analysis (Sara), Yvonne Pendleton
  2. [NASA] PDS Announces New Deliver of Mars Odyssey Radio Science Data
  3. Early Planetary Science Opportunities on SOFIA - Monday, January 7, AAS
  4. National Academy Assessment Reports on NASA's Solar System Exploration Program and the NASA Astrobiology Institute Now Available
  5. 2008 LPI Summer Intern Program Announcement
  6. Environments and Consequences of Impacts of Asteroids and Comets
  7. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 2, January 5, 2008
    Special: The Real Scoop on the Planetary R&A; Science Budget - James Green, NASA SMD Planetary Science Division Director
Issue 1, January 4, 2008
    Special: A New Year's Message from Alan Stern, Associate Administrator for NASA's Science Mission Directorate (SMD)
Table of Contents: Volume 1, 2007
Issue 37, December 30, 2007
  1. Special Report: NASA Planetary Science Budget Passed
Issue 36, December 23, 2007
  1. [Special NASA Message] From James Green: Phase-2 of the Outer Planets Studies
  2. [NASA] LCROSS Astronomer Workshop: Travel Grants Available
  3. [NASA] Announces New Proposal Opportunity Entitled "Moon and Mars Analog Mission Activities" (MMAMA)
  4. 39th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference - Second Announcement
  5. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 35, December 16, 2007
  1. [Special NASA Message] From James Green: Discovery and Scout Mission Capabilities Expansion Program
  2. [NASA] to Release Cooperative Agreement Notice for Membership in the NASA Astrobiology Institute
  3. [NASA] Final Text and Due Dates for Astrobiology Science and Technology for Exploring Planets
  4. [NASA] Propose to Become a Member of the Venus Science and Technology Definition Team
  5. The Science of Solar System Ices (ScSSI): A Cross-Disciplinary Workshop
  6. Podcasts of Talks by Noted Astronomers Available on ASP Site
  7. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 34, December 9, 2007
  1. [NASA] Informational Briefing in Support of ISS Payloads for the SMEX AO
  2. [NASA] Hubble Space Telescope Cycle 17 Call for Proposals
  3. AAAS Policy Alert
  4. Possible One-Day Extension of the IPEWG Meeting Schedule
  5. Second Workshop on Mars Valley Networks
  6. 11th Conference on Electromagnetic and Light Scattering
  7. International Geomorphology Conference and Planetary Geomorphology Working Group Field Trip, Melbourne, Australia, July 2009
  8. Planetary Dunes Workshop, New Mexico, April 29th-May 2nd 2008
  9. AGU Webcast: The Importance of a Program of Mars Exploration
  10. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 33, December 2, 2007
  1. [NASA] Science and Technology Definition Teams for Venus Mission Architecture
  2. [NASA] Investigations on the International Space Station
  3. SOFIA Workshop at Upcoming AAS - Date Change to January 7
  4. Travel Funds Available for 2008 Astrobiology Science Conference (AbSciCon)
  5. Preparing for the International Year of Astronomy: A Hands-on Symposium
  6. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 32, November 25, 2007
  1. [NASA] New Proposal Opportunity for Astrobiology Science and Technology Instrument Development, Including Concept Studies for Small Payloads and Satellites (ASTID)
  2. [NASA] Deferral of Proposals for New Horizons at Jupiter Data Analysis
  3. [NASA] Suspension of Supplemental E/PO Proposal Opportunities
  4. [NASA] Education and Public Outreach Division Support Groups Cooperative Agreement Notice Postponed
  5. [NASA] PDS Releases New Mars Soil Analog Laboratory Data Set
  6. [NASA] PDS Mars Odyssey Radio Science Data Release 66
  7. AbSciCon 2008 Abstract Deadline Extended
  8. Touchdown on Titan Webcast Lecture
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 31, November 18, 2007
  1. [NASA] HQ Seeks Visiting Astrophysicists (including exo-planet exploration)
  2. 39th LPSC First Announcement Online Now
  3. Special Session on Comparative Planetology
  4. Professorship in Experimental and Analytical Planetology
  5. Job Announcement, University of Texas
  6. Faculty Position in Remote Sensing (including planetary/Earth remote missions)
  7. Become an Intern at the Lunar and Planetary Institute!
  8. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 30, November 11, 2007
  1. [SPECIAL NASA MESSAGE] From Alan Stern and James Green: Mars Science Laboratory Mission Update
  2. [NASA] October 2007 Discovery and New Frontiers Newsletter Released
  3. Administrator Griffin to Speak at Upcoming 39th LPSC
  4. Planetary Community Input on SOFIA Science Goals Requested
  5. Workshop on Martian Gullies - Call for Abstracts
  6. 155th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Paris 2008: First Announcement
  7. Planetary Geomorphology Session at EGU 2008: Call for Papers
  8. Community Meetings on Student Collaborations: AGU and AAS
  9. USGS Job Announcements
  10. Faculty Position Available at the University of Washington
  11. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 29, November 4, 2007
  1. [SPECIAL NASA MESSAGE] From James Green and Denis Bogan: Broadened Jupiter Data Analysis Program
  2. EGU 2008 Pre-Registration Open
  3. AGU 2008 Joint Assembly Deadline for Session Proposals
  4. New Faculty Openings at UCLA
  5. Planetary Science Faculty Position at The University of Tennessee Knoxville
  6. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 28, October 28, 2007
  1. [EDITORIAL] Support the Arecibo Planetary Radar Program - Steven J. Ostro, JPL
  2. [NASA] New Due Dates for Earth Surface and Interior and for EarthScope Proposals
  3. [NASA] New Due Date for Outer Planets Research Proposals
  4. [NASA] Briefing in Support of Discovery and Scout Mission Capabilities Expansion Program
  5. [NASA] PDS Releases Updated Deep Impact Data
  6. [NASA] PDS Releases Meteoroid Orbit and Asteroid Occultation Data
  7. EGU 2008: Call for Papers
  8. Physics and Astrophysics of Planetary Systems Winter School and Workshop
  9. State Department Fellowship Program Application Deadline Approaching
  10. Tenure/Tenure-Track Lunar Science Position at Hampton University
Issue 27, October 22, 2007
  1. [EDITOR NOTE] PEN Down then Bounces Back
  2. [NASA] Applied Information Systems Research Proposal Due Date Delayed a Few Months
  3. Planetary Science Subcommittee Notes From October 7, 2007
  4. NOAO Seeks Input on the Future Development of Small and Mid-Size Telescope Capabilities
  5. Final Announcement - Astrophysics 2020: Large Space Missions Beyond the Next Decade
  6. AGU Upcoming Deadlines
  7. Lloyd V. Berkner Space Policy Internships 2008
  8. Postdoc in Lunar Geology and Geochemistry at Marshall Space Flight Center
  9. MRO HiRISE Post-Doctoral Position
  10. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 26, October 14, 2007
  1. [NASA] New Odyssey THEMIS Data Released by PDS
  2. Lunar Observations with HST
  3. Proposals Encouraged for AAS Summer Meeting Topical Sessions
  4. Reminder of Spitzer Cycle-5 Proposal Deadline
  5. PhD Position to Study Martian Deltas
  6. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 25, October 7, 2007
  1. New Lunar and Planetary Institute Website for the Lunar Science and Exploration Community
  2. VEXAG News - VEXAG Meeting #4 and The Venus Exploration Goals, Objectives, Investigations, and Priorities Document
  3. Final Announcement: Second Landing Site Workshop for the 2009 Mars Science Laboratory
  4. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 24, September 30, 2007
  1. [NASA] NSPIRES Proposal Submission Process Being Enhanced
  2. NASA Dawn Mission Successfully Launched
  3. SOFIA Early Science Opportunities Workshop
  4. Comet Surface Sample Return Outreach Session at DPS Conference
  5. US Science Agency Budgets Under Continuing Resolution
  6. Embracing Exoplanets within DPS
  7. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 23, September 23, 2007
  1. [SPECIAL] From James Green, NASA Planetary Science Division Director - Discovery and Scout Mission Capabilities Expansion program
  2. [NASA] SMD Requests Information on Space Station Utilization (Deadline: October 12)
  3. [NASA] PDS Releases Additional Odyssey Radio Science Data
  4. NASA 'Shoemaker Fellow' Research Position Available
  5. Deadline Extended - AbSciCon 2008 Call for Abstracts
  6. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 22, September 16, 2007
  1. [NASA] SARA Service Problem
  2. [NASA] Small Explorers (SMEX) and Missions of Opportunity
  3. [NASA] Cancellation of Living With a Star Space Environment Testbeds Program
  4. [NASA] PDS Announces Second MRO Data Release (September 10, 2007)
  5. Dawn Mission Requests Observations of Spacecraft
  6. Japan Launches its First Lunar Orbiter
  7. MARS Journal Open for Submissions
  8. New Mars Community Conference Reports
  9. Planet Definition 2 Conference and Book Being Organized, May 8-10, 2008
  10. IAU Symposium 251: Organic Matter in Space, Hong Kong, China, February 18-22, 2008
  11. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 21 (Correction), September 9, 2007
    CORRECTION: Planetary Atmospheres workshop abstract deadline TUESDAY *SEPTEMBER 11th* 8 AM CDT
Issue 21, September 9, 2007
  1. [NASA] NSPIRES: FUSE Legacy Science Program cancelled
  2. [NASA] NSPIRES: Proposal due date reminder for Research and Technology Development to Support Crew Health and Performance in Space Exploration
  3. [NASA] PDS releases Lunar Radar data set
  4. Planetary Atmospheres workshop abstract deadline *SEPTEMBER 11th*
  5. Status of FY 2008 Appropriations bills
  6. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 20, September 4, 2007
    SPECIAL: From James Green, Planetary Science Division Direcor, NASA HQ
Issue 19, September 2, 2007
  1. We want to increase PEN readership!
  2. [NASA] NSPIRES: Proposal opportunity: Education and Public Outreach (E/PO) Division Support Groups
  3. AbSciCon (Astrobiology Science Conference) 2008 Call for Abstracts
  4. Earth & Space 2008: International Conference on Engineering, Science, Construction, and Operations in Challenging Environments
  5. AGU: Celebrating 40 Years In San Francisco!
  6. AGU abstract call: Follow the oxidants? Chemical energy for planetary environments and life (P-13)
  7. AGU abstract call: Laboratory Investigations Into the Compositions of Solid Surfaces From the Asteroid Belt to the Oort Cloud
  8. AGU abstract call: ENAs From Solar Wind Interaction with the Atmospheres, Exospheres, and Regoliths of Earth, Mars, Venus, the Moon and Other Solar System Bodies.
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 18, August 31, 2007
    SPECIAL: NASA Science Mission Directorate Announces the Opening of a New Website Dedicated to Science Research and Analysis Programs
Issue 17, August 26, 2007
  1. [NASA] Astrophysics Strategic Mission Concept Studies
  2. White House sets FY09 Research and Development Budget Priorities
  3. Terrestrial Impact Cratering: New Insights into the Cratering Process from Geophysics and Geochemistry
  4. The Plasma Environment of Saturn, its Satellites and Rings
  5. European Mars Science and Exporation Conference: Mars Express & ExoMars
  6. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 16, August 21, 2007
    SPECIAL: NASA Science Mission Directorate Update - Alan Stern, Associate Administrator/SMD
Issue 15, August 19, 2007
  1. [NASA] New Planetary R&A; Opportunity
  2. [NASA] Call for NASA Keck Time Proposals
  3. [NASA] 2008 Spitzer Fellowship Guidelines
  4. [NASA PDS] Odyssey Radio Science Data Release 63
  5. [NASA PDS] Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Release 1 of SHARAD Data
  6. Submillimeter Array Call for Proposals
  7. Gas Hydrates: Global and Planetary Reservoirs for Water and Carbon
  8. Saucer-Shaped Sills, Injected Sands and Related Structures: Formation Mechanisms, Examples, and Extra-Terrestrial Analogues
  9. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 14, August 12, 2007
  1. [NASA] Administrator Announces Senior Leadership Appointments
  2. [NASA] Office of Education Undergraduate Student Research Program
  3. 11th Biennial International Conference on Engineering, Science, Construction, and Operations in Challenging Environments
  4. Second Magellan Science Symposium (2nd Announcement)
  5. Laboratory Investigations Related to Analysis of Mars Data
  6. A New Spin on Saturn? Recent Results of the Atmosphere and Interior from Cassini and Eearth-Based Observations
  7. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 13, August 05, 2007
  1. [NASA] ROSES-07: New Due Dates for Terrestrial Ecology Program
  2. AAPG 2008 Call for Papers: Astrogeology - A Far-Sighted Look at Unconventional Resources
  3. AAPG 2008 Call for Papers: Return to the Moon: Research, Rewards, and Research
  4. Planetary Science Sesstions at the Fall AGU Meeting
  5. Planetary Meeting Calendar Additions
Issue 12, July 29, 2007
  1. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: The Planetary Meeting Calendar
  2. [NASA] NSPIRES: New due date for Planetary Protection Research
  3. FY2008 House and Senate NASA Appropriation Bills
Issue 11, July 22, 2007
  1. [NASA] ROSES-07: New Due Dates for Planetary Instrument Definition and Development (PIDD)
  2. [NASA] Mars Odyssey Radio Science Subsystem Data Released
  3. NAI Icy Worlds Focus Group - Meeting Questionaire
  4. Planetary Science Subcommittee Report and Recommendations to the NASA Advisory Council (Unofficial LPI Posting)
  5. DPS Astract Deadline Extended to August 2nd
  6. Titan: Atmosphere and Space Environment Meeting Announcment
  7. IAA Low-Cost Planetary Missions Conference: Final Call for Abstracts
Issue 10, July 15, 2007
  1. [NASA] Mission to Asteroid Belt Rescheduled for September Launch (July 7, 2007)
  2. [NASA] Two Successful Spacecraft Given New Assignments (July 3, 2007)
  3. DPS Florida Meeting Call for Papers
  4. NICOP Planetary Permafrost and Astrobiology Call for Papaers
  5. NASA AMES Planet-Satellite Formation Meeting
  6. First International Conference on the Exploration of Phobos and Deimos
Issue 9, July 9, 2007
  1. [NASA] Discovery and New Frontiers Newsletter
  2. [NASA] New Mars Odyssey Data Available from PDS
  3. [NASA] NSPIRES: NASA Offers Pre-Screening of Principal Investigator Requirements for Small Explorer (SMEX) Opportunity
  4. REMINDER: ABSCICON 2008 Call for Session Topic Proposals
Issue 8, July 1, 2007
  1. [NASA] NSPIRES: New Due Dates for Two Living With a Star Targeted Research
  2. [NASA] ROSES: New Dates for Lunar Advanced Science and Exploration Research (LASER)
  3. AbSciCon 2008 Call for Session Topic Proposals
Issue 7, June 26, 2007
  1. AAS Action Alert (25 Jun 2007): Senate Amendment to Increase NASA Funding
Issue 6, June 24, 2007
  1. AGU Fellows Nominations Deadline Extended to August 15
  2. Planetary Meeting Proposal: Please Consider Voting
Issue 5, June 17, 2007
  1. [NASA] NSPIRES: NSBRI Postdoctoral Fellowship Program Soliciting Applications
  2. NASA PSS Overheads Posted on Unofficial LPI Site
  3. AGU Fellow and Whipple Nominations - Due July 15!
Issue 4, June 12, 2007
  1. [NASA] NSPIRES: New Proposal Opportunity for LRO Participating Scientists
  2. First Workshop on Binaries in the Solar System (August 20-23, 2007), Steamboat Springs, Colorado
  3. First Release of Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Data by PDS
  4. Dawn Science Symposium, June 28-30, Cocoa Beach, Florida
  5. Seeking Nominations for COSPAR Awards and Medals
Issue 3, June 6, 2007
  1. [NASA] ROSES-07 Amendment 8: Final Text for Lunar Advanced Science and Exploration Research
  2. [NASA] NSPIRES: Draft Small Explorer (SMEX) AO Issued for Comment
  3. Request for Jovian System Observations
  4. 10th Mars Crater Consortium, October 18-19, 2007
  5. Director, Hawaii Institute of Geophysics and Planetology (HIGP)
Issue 2, May 30, 2007
  1. [NASA] Planetary Science Subcommittee Agenda (June 7-8, 2007)
  2. [NASA] Discovery Mission Program: Its Past and its Future
  3. [NASA] Job Opening: Discovery Program Scientist at NASA HQ
  4. [NASA] Satellites of the Outer Solar System Workshop: 1ST PEN Announcement
  5. Europa: A Proposed New Volume in the University of Arizona Press Space Science Series
  6. Call for Papers: 7th IAA Conference on Low-Cost Planetary Missions (LCPM7)
  7. Meteoroids 2007 (Barcelona, Spain, June 11-15, 2007): An International Meeting on Solar System Minor Bodies
Issue 1, May 24, 2007
  1. Announcing the Planetary Exploration Newsletter
  2. [NASA] (April 27, 2007) - New policy for NASA Science Mission Directorate
  3. [NASA] (May 3, 2007) - Meet SARA (sara@nasa.gov)
  4. Clementine NIR Full-Resolution Lunar Mosaic (Version 0.1) Available
  5. Dawn Launch Symposium, June 28-30, 2007